The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 08, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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i 4
The Hofolk Hcuus
V N HUHB Publlnuur
KtfITT llnf
trk la rent
KMnblldiod ISM
ciroit Sniidny II catt
lijr ninn per jrnr o w
trtiKittY niwsihksai
ThnNewf cMnbllflied 1M
Tim lotirnnt tflnlillHiMl 1S7
Kvorj lrllny By mall jut j oar JIM
Knterrd nt llio ldMolllfo nt Norfolk Nel
com clan mnttrr
Tolriilxmr Kdltorinl
lliiMiie Olllco and
tlll HIIIIK No 22
Tbo lcRinlnturo of KniiFtis ban nsRlstcd
tboCnrrio Nntitm niovoniont materially
It has declared jointR nnipiuifCB and
Hint government liquor Mumps nlinll bu
prlinn fncloovidenco of Mioexistenco of a
Tbo littlo tilTH which have taken plnco
in tbo United States congress pnlo into
insignificance when commrcd with tbo
nt ronnouB notion of tbo British hoimo of
oommouR Tbo pcoho described tbero
would bo consldcud a diFf riico nt an
avcrago doR light
Itoports from tbo Philippines aro en
rournRliiR for pence and it it likely that
before another campniRU in this country
tbo question of tbo government of tbeHO
islands will bo removed frompoliticH in
BOfnrnt loast us renioviiiR all opportu
nity for criticism of tbo administrations
Tho Kuubub legislature has provided
for tbo cBtnbliflhmont of free employ
inoiit nRouoies in cities of tbo llrst class
in that Btato This will operato disas
trously to tbo prlvnto ugonoioB tbo
nctiouB of which wore not at nil times
calculated to greatly bouellt tbeso seek
ing employment
Tho output of tbo steel plants in tbo
TWorgan combination is 7500000 tons a
year while tho output of nil tho stool
plants in tho country is 1 1000000 tons
wbiob should bo evidence to tbo unin
formed that tbo now combinntion is not
in ontiro control of tho industry and will
bo compelled to absorb sovornl iuoro
plants before it is entitled to nil tbo
rights of n soulless grinding grasping
According to recent ndviceB from
Pekiu tbo ChineBO nro not yot ready to
lcaro tho foreigners uuiuolostod Tbeso
advices Btato that tbo foreigners nro to
bo captured takon to tbo Templo of
Heaven and tlioro put tbom through tbo
process of beiuR boiled If tho Chi
nese really want n fall and complete
Bettlemont with tho foreigners a few
moves of this kind will havo n toudoncy
to bring it on nnd tho same foreigners
might forget to return good for evil and
Jtladnesfi for cruelty
Vico President Roosevelt disapproves
of applauso from the gnllerics of tho
eeuato chamber His friends greeted
Mb appearance at tho desk as presiding
offlcor with applauso and be promptl y
threatened to clonr tho gallerios if tho
demonstration was repented Tho vico
president didnt object to applauso whou
he was out campaigning and looking for
that sort of thing but hinco bo has as
sumed tho duties of tho station to wbioh
be has boon elected ho is tlioro for busi
ness and no frivolity goes And Toddy
is right again Ho was not chosen to
play tho gallery spectators for favor but
to seriously and conscientiously transact
the duties of his position
Randall Fuller founder of tho town
of Fullorton was buried last Saturday
Although Nebraska is comparatively a
young Btato her pioneers aro growing
old and passing away nnd tho couutry
they assisted in developing is supporting
now and younger people who find their
iuheritanco to bo all that could bo do
sired Fifty or even 25 years ago Ne
braska wan an undeveloped prairie To
day it is tbo homo of thousands of pros
perous and happy farmers and numer
ous villages towns ami cities havo
sprung up tho population of which is
constantly increasing At tbo ond of
another qrarter or half coutury tho Btato
will have attained a development that
will just begin to disoloso its valuablo
resources Then people will realize what
they have missed by not investing nnd
establishing homes when lnud was cheap
nnd obtainable ns it is now
Tho legislature of Pennsylvania has
unanimously adopted a resolution re
questing congress to call a convention
for tbo purpose of proposing an amend
ment to tho constitution of the United
States providing for the election of
United States senators by direct vote of
the people Copies of tho resolution
havo been sent to all tho legislatures of
the various states requesting that
similar action bo taken A circular ac
companying the resolution BayB Tho
unanimous aotiou of the legislature of
Pennsylvania and the mnjority of M0 to
15 in tho national houso of reprsonta
tives in favor of this change of electing
Unitod States senators would iudicato
that tbo time has arrived for submitting
the question to the legislatures and
that the United States senate should no
longer stand in the way of a considera
tion of this subject in tho tribunals in
which it properly belongs i e state
legislatures The United States senate
having neglected to act in this matter
it is necessary for the legislatures of
-various states to take the initiative
llio notion of tho Nobrnnkn legislature
nnd othorn Mint havo boon clentllockod
for months in n profound argument for
Mm iiroixiscti amendment aim tho sup
imrfors of tho wonosed olmiiKO
lor jcr notably increased during tho
winter Tbo tiuio 1h undoubtedly
No 22
for Mm amendment nnd itH early
mlRRion wll undoubtedly moot with tbo
npprovnl of u lnro innjorlty of tbo poo
Itrpiilillriui Coin rutin ii
Tho republlcniiB of Norfolk will meet
in convention at tbo elty ball on Thurs
day ovoniiig Marobll 1001 nt K oclock
for tbo purposo of placing in nomination
candidates for mayor cltrk trensuror
elty engineer polleo judgo and two
members of tbo lmnrd of cducntlon to bo
voted for nt tho election in April nnd to
transact Hueb other business as may
properly eomo before tbo convention
Representation in tbo convention will
bo based on the vote caBt forSamuol It
AloFnrlnnd for olty olerk ono delegate
being allowed for every ton votes or
major fraction thereof enst for Bald
cleric Tho different wards will bo on
titled to representation ns follows
First ward It
Second wnrd 1
Third ward 18
Fourth ward l
Tho school district outside tbo city of
Norfobt will bo entitled to six delegates
in nominating members of tho board of
Tho committed recommends that tbo
ward enncuses bo held Wednesday ovon
ing March 111
W 11 Broiioiz
1 W Hansom Chairman
Klrht Wnril Cnumin
Tho ropubllcaiiB of tho First ward will
moot in caucus nt tho Oxnnrd hotel
WoduoBday ovoiiing Maroh 111 nt 8
oclock for tbo purpoBO of plaoing in
nomination a candidate for counoilninn
and elooting nino delegates to tho city
convention to bo held March M 1001
Goo II Spkak
Second Wnril Ciiucuh
Tho republicans of tbo Second ward
will moot in caucus at Tins Daily Niwh
olllco ou Wednesday ovoiiing Maroh lit
at 8 oclock for tbo purposo of plaoing
in nomination a candidate for council
man and electing thirteen delegates to
tbo city convention to bo bold March U
1001 J W Ransom
Tlilril Wiml CamMiH
Tho republican olootors of tho Third
ward will moot in caucus at tho city hall
on Wednesday ovoniug March 11 at 8
oclock for tho purposo of placing in
nomination two caudidatos for council
men and selecting 18 delegates to tho
olty convention to bo hold March 1 1
1001 W II Buciiorz
v Committeeman
Four til Vliinl Uiiucuh
Tho republicans of tbo Fourth ward
will meet in caucus at Horshlsers drug
storo on Wednesday ovoiiing March 1
at 8 oclock for tho purposo of plaoing
ill nomination a candidate for council
man and electing six delegates to tbo
city convention to bo hold March 1 1
1001 W II Rish
Northern WIhioiihIu Itullwity Fiirm Iuutln
For Snip
Tho Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
Omaha railway has for sale In North
ern Wiscouslu at low prices and easy
terms of paymont about 150000 acres
of choice farm lands
Early buyers will secure tbo advan
tage of locations on the many boautif ul
streams nnd lakes which abound with
fish and furnish a never ending and
most excellent water supply both for
family uso nnd for stock
Land is generally well timbered tho
soil fertile and easy of cultivation and
this is rapidly developing into ono of
tho greatest shoop and cattle raising
regions in tho uorthwest
Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Minn
eapolis Duluth Superior Ashland and
other towns on Tbo Northwestern
Lino furnish good markets for stock
and farm produce
For further particular address
Geo W Bull
Land Commissioner HudBon Wis or
Q II MacRai
Asst GonIPassAgtSt Paul Minn
All Competition DlManretl
Tho fast trains of tho Union Pacific
reach San Francisco fifteen hours nhoad
of all competitors If you aro in no
hurry take a slow train by ono of tho do
tour routes but if you want to get tbero
without sulTeriug any of tho inconven
iences of winter travel take the only
direct routo tho Union Pacific Do
tailed information furnished on applica
tion F W Juneman Agent
An 1xtrurt from Her Ivttttri
If you could only be hero this winter
morning and seo for yourself you would
no longer doubt mo Roses aro bloom
ing in our front yard and all naturo is
as for advanced iu this lovely American
summorlnnd ub it will bo iu your cold
eastern homo by June
Wo made tho journey from Missouri
river to tho Golden Gate on tho Union
Pnciilo to avoid tho circuitous routes
an important item iu tho whiter A
trip to California is mado delightful by
tho perfect servico and luxurious ac
commodation of The Overlaud Limited
which is perhaps tho most finely
equipped train in the world
Detailed information furnished on ap
plication F W Juneman Agent
Kill IBS
Piatt River Tangles Up Three
Railroad Lines
ICnln A nil iio1iiinkiiiiitA unit 1 tit mien
tltn Snfi ly of Out
Oil rroin Inilii rlrn foru li
llimHIm Ool of IoulamU
Lincoln March 8 High water In
the llatto river caused by an leo
blockade will temporarily affect rail
road trallle over the bridges of the
Burlington at Ashland the lEoek Isl
and at South Itend and the Missouri
Paellle nt Louisville The water be
gan to rise early Wednesday morning
but did not get high enough to cause
alarm until about fi oclock last even
ing Since S oclock It has been going
down and It ls believed now that all
the bridges are out of danger Trains
were run over the Burlington and
Hock Island bridges but nt slow
speed to avoid any possible accident
At Louisville the water was reported
higher than at any other point on the
river the Missouri Iaclllc tracks at
that plnco being submerged two Inches
under the surface Kvenlng trains
on this road both to and from Omaha
were taken around by the way of
riattsinouth A work train was
strafed for Louisville Hocks will be
placed around the piles of the bridge
there to prevent damage from tho
water Reports received hero Indi
cate that the water Is gradually going
down Ilnttsinouth was cut off from
train service for n day Families
were driven out of the lowlands Tbo
flood Is the highest since 1881
Nineteen Years Tor Oeiitlenmn
Columbus Neb March 8 Judge
Ilollenbeck held a session of district
court hero yesterday and heard tbo
argument In support of the motion
for n now trial In the case of the
state ugulnst Nicholas J Gentleman
convicted of the murder of Soren Olc
son The motion was overruled nnd
Gentleman was sentenced to 19 years
In the penitentiary nt bard labor Gen
tleman was visibly affected when sen
tence was pronounced When nsked
by the court If be bad anything to
say he feebly replied No
Anuduvlllo Strike Kiidert
New York March S Tbo vaudevlllo
White Rats were busy today getting
back to their circuit- which they left
three weeks ago on account of the
strike by their organization to force
the managers to abolish the 5 per cent
commission for engagements secured
The managers said that In abolishing
the obnoxious commission they bad
kept their promise to do so made a
mouth ago anil that although the
actors bad acted In bad faith In go
ing on a strike all would be forgiven
and forgotten
Ou Trhil for UN Life
Sibetha Kan March S Thomas 7
Ramsay u business man of this place
was placed on trial yesterday for bis
life charged with having strangled bis
aged mother to death because she had
not given him what ho considered n
fair share of the property left by
Ramsays father The murder was
not discovered for many days after
ami the sons arrest Is due to finding
linger stall near the corpse which
bad been worn by the prisoner
Cur nuil lalnt Men Go Out
Cedar Rapids la March 8 The
Burlington Cedar Rapids and North
ern otllclals yesterday refused to treat
with tho strikers unless they returned
at once under the piecework system
This was flatly rejected by tbo men
and at 1 oclock the men In the ear and
paint shops joined the strikers It
Is reported that the strike Is to spread
further The men are well organized
and perfectly orderly
Nebraska Team lleaten
Chicago March 8 The Knicker
bocker Athletic Club Water Polo team
scored another easy victory In the
championship series at tho Sports
mans show yesterday at the Coliseum
when they disposed of the Milwaukee
Athletic club team by four goals to
nothing In the basket ball contest
the Stevens Point Wis team defeated
tbo University of Nebraska by a score
of as to ia
Tlioumiiiil tnp of binallpox In Kanini
Topeka March 8- Dr W B Swan
secretary of the state board of health
Issued a bulletin yesterday stating
that there are over 1000 cases of
smallpox in the state The worst in
fected district Is Crawford nnd Cher
okee counties In these two counties
there aro not less than i00 cases of
the disease
Trouble Over Wurb Sculp
Ottumwa Ia March 8 No progress
was made nt yesterdays session of
miners and operators the day wage
scale giving trouble Matters were
arranged In the Second and Third dis
tricts and give the miners n slight
advance At tho night session they
were unable to agree on the First dis
Iowa Lumber Deuleis Klvrt OllUen
Sioux City March S Tbo North
western Iowa Retail Lumbermens as
sociation elected tho following officers
President M J Murphy Kllsworth
Minn vice president M A Moore
LoMnrs secretary treasurer James F
Weart Cherokee
Cloulil Tarty Curt to Kuiitna
Kansas City March S Ceorge J
Gould on his trip of Inspection of his
railway properties left yesterday with
his party for ColTeyvllle Kan It is
understood that President Gould will
go ot Colorado and Omalin before re
No lllitncn Mrinlicru Hino Ilrcrlvctl
MiincY In Cliniirilliiii Willi M nurr
Lincoln March 8 The bouse com
mittee chosen to Investigate the
origin of suspicious bills yosterrtny
submitted Its report It branded a
number of measures as hold tips but
the committee said that It had been
unable to find where any one had re
cehed pecuniary benefit from their
Introduction The report Involves
former Representative Monin nnd sev
eral of the fusion members demanded
more speillle Information In this re
gard The report was llnally made n
special order for consideration today
Revolutions on the death of Repre
sentative Brown drawn up by special
committees appointed for the purpose
were presented In both branches of
the legislature and by unanimous
vole were made a special order for
consideration next Thursday after
Nearly nil members signified their
Intention of attending the funeral at
Nebraska City Saturday morning
They will go by special train over the
Burlington leaving here at 8 a in nnd
returning Immediately nfter the fu
neral ceremonies
Goc Into Tlilril Plaeii on Joint 1 Sullcit if
fort IlelliK Mini liv ItepiitilU iiun to
viMlrn New Ciiucuh
Lincoln March 8 Only ar of the
71 Republican members of the legis
lature attended last nights senatorial
caucus mid without the formality of
u ballot adjournment was taken until
next Tuesday night The prediction
Is made by several members that be
fore Tuesday the caucus under the
presne rules simultaneous nomina
tions for long and short terms TiO to
choose will be abandoned An ef
fort Is being made to secure a new
caucus under rules providing for ma
jority nominations and a secret ballot
Only 11 more days of the legislature
session remain and a determined ef
fort Is being made to end the dead
lock within that time
On the senatorial ballot Thursday
Illnshaw gathered In live more of the
field In Evans Ilatborn Mead Marsh
all nnd Sandall Senator Raldrlge
was present for the first time since
bis Illness casting his vote for Currlc
nnd Rosewiitor The totals
Allen 47Klnkntil 2
Promise Mm tin 2
Currlc 10 Melklejohn 2
II nil mi 1 ltoeviter 1
llnrrltigton 1 Thninpvon T 30
Illnilinw 24 riintnpvon W II T
llltelieook 47 Wethercld
Governor Yntes Mother III
Springfield Ills March S Governor
Yates has been called back from
Washington by the serious illness of
bis mother widow of the famous old
war governor of Illinois who Is now
at Jacksonville Ills
TnckMOii anil Stmull Inilleted
Denlson la March S Jack Jackson
nnd John Stovull charged with tbo
Manilla la express robbery were In
dicted here yesterday by the grand
It Is sonil olllclally announced that
next winter another effort will be made
to pass the shipping subsidy bill
which fulled In the last congress
Judge Tnft president of the Philip
pine commission reports remarkable
progress toward peace and establish
ment of civil rule by natives In the
Senator llauun is given credit for
Inspiring Senator Carters speech kill
ing the river and harbor bill In this
manner getting even with southern
members for their opposition to the
ship subsidy bill
The otllco of commissioner of pen
sIoiib to succeed II Clay Evnns has
been offered to Major William Warner
United States attorney for the West
ern district of Missouri and past
grand commander G A R
The bouse of the Texas legislature
Thursday voted down by an over
whelming majority the resolution re
cently Introduced Inviting Mrs Car
rie Nation to visit Texas
10O lte VKril 100
Tho readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
ablo to cure iu nil its singes aud that is
catarrh Hulls Catarrh Cure is tho
only positive cure now known to tho
medical fraternity Catarrh being n
constitutional disease requires n con
stitutional treatment Halls Catarrh
Cure is taken internally acting directly
upon the blood aud mucous surfaces of
tho system thereby destroying the
foundation of tho disease and giving
tho pntient strength by building up tho
constitution nud nssisting nature iu
doing its work The proprietors have
so much faith in its curative powers
that they off ono hundred dollars for any
caso that it falls to cure Send for list
of testimonials
Address P J Cheney Co To
ledo O
Sold by druggist Too
Halls Family Pills nre the best
How to Cure a Cold
Dont go to bed Dont stop work
Dont take a Turkish bath and render
yourself liable to au nttack of pneu
monia Kraubos Cold Cure in conven
ient enpsulo form will cure you in 21
hours They aro pleasant to take and
cause no ringing in your head or other
dibagreeable sensations Price 25 cents
Sold by Geo I Ohristoph
When you want n physio that is mild
and geutlo easy to take nud pleasant in
effect use Chamberlains Stomach and
Liver Tablets Price 25 cents Samples
free Every box guaranteed For sale
by the Kiesau Drug Co
O A MJIKAHT Pmwhient
0HA3 8 IIIUDUK Vicr PnrmnENT
Sale and i
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold on
53riAu PHONE 44
For numbing Steam Fitting Pomps Tanks
Wind Mills
And all work in this line call on
Satisfaction Guaranteed
First door South of Thk Dailt News Office
F fl V R R Is the best to and
from the
North Nebraska
W 11 JOHNSON Camiikb
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 85000
Hay nntl Ml eiclinngn on thin conntrr r nil all pnttft ot Knropc Farm Loans
Director Unr Aunts W 11 Johnson run S llm doe C W IlBAAfcn O M
Hvtank U A Lcikaht T F Mkmminokr L Suhhionh
Get What You Ask for at
ALL OKDIURS arc filled promptly and with care n
Our goods are FIRST CLASS in every particular
AVc know precisely what is wanted by our custom
We aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money
South side Main St betweon 2d and 3d Telephone -11
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
Railroad and Business Directory
Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley
Omiilm PnPBcugcr 0Kram
Chicago Kxpreee 1210 pm
Chiciu o KzproM 730 p m
Omnliu lneecnger 1240 pm
DIack IIUIb czprofB 740pm
VerdlRro ltiwenfrer 1240 p m
Vordigro Accommodation 9 -00 n in
Wrick Hills Express 1220 pm
VerdiKro IaespDKcr 05 am
Yerdipto Accommodation 720pm
Tho Chicago and HInck Hille Express arrives
and departs from Junction depot Tho Omaha
and Verdi gre trains arrive and depart from city
depot H C Matbac Agent
Union Pacific
CohimbuB Accommodation H 80 pm
Omaha Denver and Pacilic Coast 1100 a m
Columbus Ace mmodation 1030pm
Omaha Ireuver and Pacific coast O vOpm
Connects at Norfolk with F E k M V going
west and north and with tho C Bt F M O
for points north and east
F W Jcnkman Agent
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
Sioux City and Omaha Paetenger 630 am
Sioux CltyPasscnger 100pm
Sioux City Pasnenger 10S5am
Biocx City and Oman Passenger 730 pm
Connects at Norfolk with F E fc M V going
west and north and with the U P for points
fonth F W Jckeuas Agent
Daily except Sunday
-Fine Watch
Over liaum Bros Store
Spenoep Ovelmcn
Rnfttc ortrl Ann
wuui anu UCO
Repairing Neatly Done
Contraetor and Builder
1 1 7 Fourth Street
Flour and Feed
411 Norfolk Avenue
Cheapest and Best
Norfolk Avenue
9 r M
All Wobk Gdabanteed
Cor Braasch avo ond 4th St
The Norfolk Horseshoer
Attorneys at Law
DRc s Parker
Mast Block - - Norfolk Neb
Homeopathic Physician andrSnrgeon
Ofllce Citizens National Bank Building
Tolephono 101
Sanitarium and Residence Main and 13th St
Tolephono 9
Norfolk - Nebraska
Olllco over Citizens National Bank Iiesidenc
one hlock north of Congregational church
Norfolk Nebraska
Office over Leonards Drug Store
Norfolk - Nebraska
Fashionable Dressmaker
rs in
Dp itaire Cotton hlock ovor Banme stor
Fir6tclueB work guaranteed
Norfolk Nebraska
Attorneys at Low
Booms 10 11 and 12 Masthlock
Norfolk Nebraska
Robertson Robertson
Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Block
Norfolk Nebr
gEssToNs Ybll
Undertakers nud Einbalmen
Sections Blk Norfolk Avo
Telephone No Ul
Rooms on North Ninth Street
j sxritfrwCTr