The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 08, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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By Wcalherby Chosnoy and Alick Munro
corTiutiirr two nr witAiititnnr ciiwwkt Ann iuix muniio
UJ uimiATiofw nr il o oouitah
- V
Waking whiii tin morning sun win
lilgli In lit luiwiiiH wo found him lliey
chIIim tlio uonhvalniT lying Murk nnil
HtlfT Tour 1ml lit- lintl liottrr Btnulc to
IiIr cobbling loiuli mill lft mlviMitnr
lug In tlio wiHltTii hciiM to loilgliof tiort
lin nnil inoro eoiitontiil iiiIiiiIhI Kor In
llfo ho wiiH cvor grumbling 1111
iih 1h often tlio i nso with IIioho
of his craft nnil In loath ho made but
n thin nnil weakly corpm We gnv
hlin the bent burial we could digging
tlio grave with hwoiiI blailoH nnil piling
It lilgli with hcii worn bowIdciH anil
then set ourselves those of us who
cctihl walk to hunting fr brenkfiiHt
lho hoii rob mih imt markeil by any
overpowering hiiccchs Our Island wns
Pimrsoly wooded with low scrub but
Its parched surface bom no fruit trees
Wrds there wore In plenty but wo
could not eateh them And so wo had
to bo contented with n ineiil of shell
llsh of which fortunately tho rooks
yielded nil Inexhaustible store At tlrHt
ivo hoped to have been nblo to cook
these for ninny of us had seen the In
dians light si lire by sharply rubbing u
iiinall pencil of wood nlong a larger
Mock and wo knew that Willie Tre
liallon though he never iiciiiilred tho
true heathen dexterity had often suc
ceeded In Imitating them Now how
ever we had not the proper sort of
timber and tho various inakesltlftH wo
tried refused even to smolder Ho iih
one of tho Cornlshiiien said We had
een to fancy ourselves hakey llsh mi
nwallow the baits raw
The chief thing however which
made It Imperative thnt our stay on
the Island should bo brief was ho com
plete hick of fresh water Search high
Hoareh low we could Ibid neither
Htrenni nor spring and had It not been
that there were a few rain tilled pools
lying here and there among the rocks
wo should hardly under such a sun as
now beat down upon us have lived out
the dny for from sea water no man
lie he alchemist be he wizard or be he
liouest mariner hns eer extracted 11
drinkable lluld nor ever will say I
After brenkfast Willie Thohallou and
I bad a talk
Theres half a gale blowing from
tho castanl Master Topp an like to
come on harder said he An theroM
too heavy a sea running for a deep
Indcn boat to cross without swamping
37icrc half
a gale Mowing from
cuatard Muster Tovi
lot alone that If they tried to beach
her shed be knocked to noggin staves
iu less time Hum Id take to down a
mug o nle So we neednt expect
Captain Ireland over today nor yet for
two more days niebbe
Im afraid youre right sitlil I
Well we can only wait
Master Topp n lot can bo done in
two days or even In one I thought o
that yesterday when 1 heard your plov
crs call from the cliff I know that
your old friend Don Miguel meant ci
ther to hnng me or to d round me by
Inches Id heard blui say as much
Now hangings ipilck an easy work
when both trees an ropes Is handy but
drouulug by Inches needs a rising tide
nn that wouldnt be till nightfall An
60 thinking as them who poowhltted
might be In small force an might like
darkness to help them I Just bully
ragged tlio Spaniard into letting me
It was a smnrt trick Willie said
I admiringly though at the time I ad
mit I thought it uuiduess
Mens wlta do smarten Master
Topp when n clever dodge may mean
the difference between staying in this
world an going to the next before the
proper time Mind you I wasnt to
know thnt peewhlt camo from an
Kngllsb throat but It was worth chanc
ing It nnywny I kuow there wasnt
no plover on the island so It must be a
signal o some sort an as tho dons
didnt seem to notice it I reckoned It
wna meant for me Do you know how
lax wo bo frm the main
IIo plumped out this questlou with
eucb a jerk that I fairly started
I beard homo ouo say 1200 leagues
eaid 1 Hut why
That was said to fool tho Spaniards
as Its every English marluera bound
en duty to do whenever ho Bees a
chance But we balnt 200 leagues
away nor 20
Again bo shut bis mouth like a trap
evidently with tho Intention of impress
ing this piece of information upou me
I nodded nud waited for him to go ou
These here islands Master Topp is
on tho highroad between Europe nn
tho main Every Bhlp as sails from
aa to one or the other puaswMlirougli
l K
this channel Inside o em Now seo
heie this Is the point Im shaping a
course for Theres a tall hill at this
end o till big Island where the Span
lards cave Is an when I was up
above Just now Searching for food I
seed a man within 20 fathom o the top
o It
Ilkely enough said 1 You cant
expect tho SpanlarilH to stick like moles
In their cave all the time
Master Topp that man hud a fagot
on his Hhoiildeis
Well Willie
Weill echoed Willie contemptuous
ly Cant you guess what It menus
Why theyve seed n ship In the dls
lance an hoping to see another theyre
making ready to signal hor whenever
she heaves In sight
Why said I glad that there was
a chance of getting rid so easily of our
troublesome neighbors but for the
present keeping that gladness to my
self If they want to go we cant stop
Wo must slop em Master Topp
They know woro here Ive seed en
watching us An If they gets hold o n
ship we shall have the wholo brood
down about our enrs In tho twinkling
o n handspike Don Miguel balnt
the build to forget men as has got to
wlndard o him In a nquull Dont you
believe It
Tho boatswain was right We could
not afford to leave the Spaniards In
Ill come with you and look at this
hill for myself said I
Hut your wounded leg suggested
Willie doubtfully
Pooh A mere gnnt bite The stiff
ness Is wearing off already
And oft we trudged though truth to
tell I found It no easy matter to limp
along and laid ourselves down In the
scrub grasH above In full view of the
larger Island
Tho northern coast was high green
steep and without foreshore and put
me In mind of the piece between Scar
borough and Whitby The harbor
showed tide left yellow boaclton ou ei
ther hand with clear open water In tho
middle while right before us almost
within stones throw It seemed lay tho
great bill
The like of It I have never seen be
fore or since
It was a forbidding plte of stone
standing out boldly In Its barren black
ness against the rich greenery of tho
palms beyond and tpwcrlug nigh on
2000 feet above the fallen wave worn
rocks that fringed Its base Nowhere
could the eye discover a trace of vege
tation on Its steep and frowning cliffs
and from tlnj seaside at any rate It was
a citadel that would bailie the nimblest
scaler its black heights wore too des
olate for even the ocean fowls perch
Its hateful crest could well have shut
tered a ghoul or vampire
The very clouds seemed to shudder
and draw in their gauzy bodies as they
scurried past its hungry thinks
Hut after a mere glance nt the moun
tains sullen precipices the eye fixed it
self Immovably upou the summit for
there lay a wonder of the world
That the thiug had been built by
hands was plain for even at our dis
tance wo could see the Joints and su
tures between tho stones Hut by what
manner of bauds Surely of giants or
of devils for the size of the blocks was
such that no human hand could have
laid them Each course wns as high
again as n tall man yet there were
eight courses Each stouos length was
twice Its height yet there were 20 of
them Iu the side thnt faced us A fig
ured coping overhung the wall by an
arm spun and at the corners were
huge curvou monoliths representing
rampant serpeuts whoso outstretched
necks and gaping jaws pointed to the
four curdltial points
Gnomes temple giants pleasure
house or mnglclans eyrie It had stood
there Jesting the winds through the
dim nges of the past an everlasting
monument to Its forgotten founders
And now ns Willie Trehallon had
said tho Spaniards were laying wood
for a slguul lire upon the uppermost
pinnacle 1 could see two lusty fellows
doing the work and a third a little
bowlegged man with a bright steel bas
sinet ou his head giving directions I
recognized that our lives hung on the
chance of our being able to drive them
away but I saw no means of dolug It
nud said us much to Willie
Fight tho devil wl brimstone Mas
ter Topp nu youll choke him Tho
dons practices witches craft say you
Then witches craft shall bo the word
Seo that round stono before ee sir
Well hear It speak Its got a message
for you
And to my horror and amazement the
stono begun lu a high cracked voice to
bid me send the boatswain across to
the mountain so soon ns ever it got
dark aud then to trust him to settle
with tho Spaniards IIos my very
good friend is Willlo Trehallon said
tho stone and as such the kuavo dons
will tumble over ouo another iu their
hurry to escape from him
Now Muster Topp asked Willie
with a grin
But I was all iu a sweat with fright
Avauut I said Get thee behind
me Sathauus Domlne lu muuus
tuas Aud there I stuck for my
Latlulty had grown rusty with too long
jlo ho Master Topp smooth your
hair ngaln Willie Trehallon doesnt
dabble lu the black nrts Its naught
but n trick Seo I keep my mouth
closed so an speak from the back o my
gullet so It took me many a days
hnrd practice to learn tho trick but by
keeping It secret 11 hns served my pur
peso n innny times already nn niebbe
will again Anyway 11 will keep the
Spaniards off that hill as well ns would
a regiment of nniucbuslers
Will II said I pretending to doubt
whether It would for now that I knew
lint was only a trick I was not a little
nshnmed of my alarm
Aye that It will Sure ns It fright
ened you Master Topp So by your
good leave 1 shall swim ncross under
cover o the darkness see the wnler Is
quite smooth those reefs to senward
break the waves nn stow myself nway
lu some cranny to wait for the fagot
carriers In the morning
Hut If they catch you
If they catch me replied Willie
carelessly there will be dead men on
Cave Island I shnll take my sword
Kour nrins are hotter than two Wil
lie though one of those two does carry
a hook Ill come too
Host not Master Topp Your great
carcass would take a power o hldln
an that hole In your leg will get tiugry
If Its carried about too much Besides
If the plot fulls It Is better thnt one
should bo gustudos as they dons call
It than two
Nevertheless I shall come Two
may succeed where one would fall and
ns for my leg It can still deal a kick
that most nun would be unwilling to
stand against And If Im too big to be
hidden lu the building Ill 11 nd n covert
In the nearest thicket and be ready to
make a diversion from the rear If
youre attacked So no more objec
tions I Intend to go
Wo waited with some Impatience till
nightfall nud then bidding the other
lads tell Alec when he came nil that
had befallen slipped down Into the wa
ter We liiu few preparations to mnke
for our swim ns the only clothing of
which we could boast was a pair of
trunks apiece and those gashed with
realer slushes than n tailor makes
Tho sea was warm and striking out
leisurely so ns uot to tire my wounded
leg too much we crossed over and
consted round the foot of the cliff seek
ing a landing place We foil ml none
till we wore well beyond sight of Shel
ter island and then coming to a shin
gly beach we landed nud lay quiet on
the sand for awhile
The night was thick as a quickset
hedge aud so ns there was small dan
ger of tho Spaniards spying us we
wandered somewhat from the straight
track on the chance of finding food of
which we wero sorely lu need and In
this we were wonderfully successful
for after a little search we came across
n rare grove of bananas Next to the
discovery of a thicket of roast beef
and October ale no windfall could have
been more providential for the bannn
ns uot only served to All our empty
stomachs but at the same time gave
us food which wo could carry away for
future needs So ench bearing a brace
of the huge yellow clusters we took a
straight path toward the hill
The ascent steepened ns It rose and
finished lu a well defined stair hewn
from the living rock At the top a
doorway lay Immediately before us
We passed Its threshold and fouud our
selves wtthlu walls us perfect as the
day they were built though how the
courses hud been raised to their posi
tion unless by magic puzzled me even
to guess There was no roof nor trace
of any The tloor wns bare save for
wind borne rubbish and a great stoue
tuble In the middle which looked as
though It might once have served as an
altar In whatever devil worship went
on here In bygone dnys But no spot
could we see where a man could bide
Save for a slanting footway that ran
round two walls and gave access to the
summit the whole interior was as aus
terely plain as the coldest imagination
could make it
After a brief examination of the In
terior of this puzzle In stone we went
aloft by the slanting footway to throw
the Spaniards pile of fagots over tho
clIIT and then set about exploring the
At first the dull light showed us noth
ing but a smooth almost polished pave
ment but on close scrutiny we found
nu luequnllty In tho surfaco near tho
tall of the great curveu serpent which
reared Itself at that corner of tho build
ing which most effectually commanded
the approach from below A little bur
rowing discovered a hollow which
turned out to be a nnrrow alley just
wide enough to admit one nt a time
Wo cleured nway the rubbish with
which It was choked and then entered
It led up n dark winding stair in the
body of tho reptile ami brought us aft
er a hard climb to a tiny chamber In
side the head Tho gaping Jaws form
ed a sentry box from which wo could
command the whole of the path from
tho lower ground so confident in tho
btreugth of our eyrie I lay down to
rest for a space while Willie watched
Wc had not loug to wait Scarcely
had I relieved tho boatswain aud begun
my turn of watching when a couploof
men broke out of the bush below and
began to climb tho steps on the hillside
1 motioned to Willie and together wo
watched their advance Now we should
see what Willies witchcraft could do
To bo contlnnod noit Friday
Chicago Grnlu aud ProTlilons
Chicago March 7 Leading speculative
grain options were handled on a declining
market today la conspicuous contrast to
tho clear cut strength of hog product Tho
cereal slump was precipitated by weakness
la oats wheat closing VdQ Tic corn c and
oats Uc lower fork closed soc lard iy
and rlbs7Kifll0c blither Closing prices
Wheat March 73JGc M 75Q75VC
July 71Kc
Corn March 3Sc May JOSiHoSc
July 40e
Oats Mnrch 2tc May 244e
lork Marcb UM Mny fUKVi July
Lard March 750 My 752VV3753
Spt WWi
This most aggravating mid tormenting of nil skin discnsc9 is caused by nn acid condition of
the blood and unless relieved tliroueh certain instrumentalities too much
world ore those suffering from Dys
pepsia and Liver Complaint Moro than
seventy five per cent of tho people in
the United States are afflicted with theso
two diseases and their effects suoh ns
Sour Stomach Siok Headache Habitual
Costiveness Palpitation of the Heart
Heart burn Waterbrasb Gnawing and
Burning Pains at the Pit of tho Stomach
Yellow Skin Coated Tongue and Disa
greeable Taste in the Mouth Coming
up of Food after Eating Low Spirits eto
Go to your Druggist and get a bottle of
August Flower for 75 cents Two
doses will relieve you Try it Get
Grqens Prize Almauao Kiesau Drug
A Good Thing
German Syrup is the special prescrip
tion of Dr A Boschee a celebrated Ger
man Physician aud is acknowledged to
be one of the most fortunate discov
eries in Medicines It quiokly oures
Coughs Colds and all Lung troubles of
the severest nature removiug as it does
tho cause of the affection and leaving
the ports in a strong and healthy con
dition It is not an experimental medi
cine but has stood the test of years
giving satisfaction in every case which
its rapidly increasing sale every season
of this ncid poison reaches the skin and it Incomes red and inflamed
The itching and Inirninjr are
The skin seems on fire
nlmost unbearable esccinlly when overheated from any cause sleep or rest is
impossible the desperate sufferer regardless of consequences scratches until strengtu is exliausted
This burning itching humor npcarfl sometimes iu little pustules discharging a sticky fluid which
forms crusts ami scales Again the skin is dry hnrd nud fissured itches intensely bleeds and scabs over
This is a painful and stubborn form of the disease
While Kczcmn Tetter Krysipclns Salt Rheum and many like troubles are spoken of as dtscasc3 of
the skin they nre really blood diseases because
If the blood is in n pure healthy condition no poisonous elements can reach the skin
External ntmlicatioua of washes lotions nmi Knivn RnHinttnics tnitieatc the itcliinir and soothe tba
inflammation but cannot reach the disease Only S S S the real blood medicine can do tins
S S S the only purely vegetable remedy known is a safe and permanent cure for Eczema and all deep seated blood and
skin troubles It goes direct to the scat of the disease neutralizes the acids and cleanses the blood re inforces and invigorates
nil the organs nnd thus clears tne system of all impurities through the natural channels tlicekiu relieveu an lnnammauon
silDSKies nuu an tigus ui iuc uicusc disappear
Mr lcfn M ItofTmln of CnrilltiKton Ohio snys Mie wns nfTllctctl wllli Scrofuloimores nnd Itczema
from birth Her face nt times became so bnilly swollen Hint she was not rccoBiilrnblc nnd her limbs
nud linuds were very sore She wns trented bv nil the iloctots in town without being benefitted nud In
her teirnrchcs for tellcf wns lold by nn old phyMclnti lo tnke S H S She followed his ndvlce nnd wns
promptly cured nnd hns never bnd a return of thedlsvnse This wns seventeen yearsngn She sincerely i
lielleves she would have been in her grave years ago but for S S S and ndds whnt It has done for me
It will do for others
Send for our book on niood and Skin Diseases and write our phvsicinnsftillv about vour
South Omaha Live Stock
South Omaha March 7 Cattlo Receipts
2300 steady to stronger nntlvostcers400
340 western steers 37051450 Texas
steers 3003300 cows and heifers lower
300ii410 dinners 20051300 stoekers
nnd feedors 323450 calves 350700
bulls stags etc 2753425 Hogs Re
ceipts 0000 shnde higher closed weak
heavy 537JfiJ545 mixed 5323337
light 530535 pigs 450525 bulk of
sales 532V7540 Sheep Receipts 0200
steady yeurlings 4505480 wctners
4204450 owes 350400 common and
stock sheep 3WQ383 lambs 423510
Headache often results from a disor
dered condition of the stomach and con
stipation of tho bowels A dose or two
of Ohamborlaius Stomach and Liver
Tablets will correct theso disorders aud
cure tho headache Sold by the Kiesau
Drug Co
Bridges rivers tunnels mountains
builds cities gathers up the scattered
rays of ones ability Thats what
Rocky Mountain Tea does 85 cents
Geo B Ohristoph
A Gooil Cough Medicine for Children
I have no hesitancy in recommending
Chamberlains Cough Remedy says
P P Moran a well known and popular
baker of Petersburg Va We have
given it to our children when troubled
with bad coughs also whoopingcouRh
and it has always given perfect satisfac
tion It wns recommended to me by a
druggist as tho best cough medicine for
children as it contains no opium or other
harmful drug Sold by Kiesau Drug
Au Honest Medicine for La Grippe
George W Waitt of South Cardiner
Me says I have had the worst
cough cold chills aud grip audhave
taken lots of trash of no account but
profit to tho vendor Chamberlains
Cough Remedy is tho only thing that
has done any good whatover I have
used ouo bottle of it and tho chills cold
and grip have all left me I oongintnlate
the manufacturers of an honest medi
cine For sale by Kiesau Drug Co
Roosters often crow over eggs they
did not lay Same with people who sell
an imitation Rooky mountain Tea
made famous by the Madison Medicine
Cos advertising
Geo B Christcpii
Mrs O E VanDeuson of Kllbourn
Wis was afflicted with stomooh trouble
and constipation for a long time She
says I have triod many preparations
but none have done mo tho good that
Ohamborlaius Stomach and Liver Tab
lets have These tablets are for sale at
tho Kiesau Drug Co Price 25 cents
Samples free
A Widows Love Attulr
Receives a setback if sho has offen
sive breath through constipation bil
iousuess or stomach trouble but Dr
Kings Now Life Pills always cure those
troubles clean tho system sweeten the
breath banish headache best iu the
world for liver kidueys aud bowels
Only 25 cents at the Kiesau Drug Co
Rocky Mountain Tea See it exter
minate poison Feel it revitalize your
blood and nerves and bring back that
happy joyousfeeling of boyhood days
13 conts Geo B Ohristoph
When You Get a Headache
dont waste a minute but go to your
druggist aud get a box of Kraasos Head
ache Capsules They will prevent pain
even though your skull wero craoked
They are harmless too Read the guar
antee Price 2oc Sold by Geo B
A Horrible Outbreak
Of large sores on my little daughters
head developed into a caso of scald head
writes O D Isbill of Morgan town
Tenu but Bueklens Arnica Salve
completely cured her Its a guaranteed
curo for eczema tetter salt rhoum
pimples sores ulcers and piles Only 25
cents at the Kiesau Drug Co
Night Was Hor Terror
I would cough nearly all night long
writes Mrs Chas Applegate of Alex
andria Ind and could hardly get any
sloep I had consumption bo bad that
if I walked a block I would cough
frightfully and spit blood but when all
other medicines failed three 100
bottles of Dr Kings New Discovery
wholly cured me and I gained 58
pounds Its absolutely guaranteed to
cure coughs colds la grippe bronchitis
and all throat and lung troubles Price
50 cents and 100 Trial bottles freo at
the Kiesau Drug Co
Strikes a Itlch Find
I was troubled for seveial years with
chronic indigestion and nervous de
bility writes F J Green of Lancaster
N H no remedy helped me until I
began using Electrio Bitters which did
me more good than all the medicines I
overused They have also kept my
wife in excellent health for years She
says Electrio Bitters are just splendid
for female troubles that they are a
grand tonio and invigorator for weak
run down women No other medicine
can take its place in our family Try
them Only 50 cents Satisfaction
guaranteed by tho Kiesau Drug Co
Good Advice
The most miserable beings in tho
case they will cheerfully give uny information or advice wanted We make no charge lor this Address Swift Soecllle Co Atlanta Ca
Itlbs 715 May 7171720
Sept 7n
1iiHh uuotiitlotis NcV 2 red wheal 7IWfll
7lJjr No n led wheal 7l7V4es No 1
KprliiK when tliVuflc No 2 hard wlirnt
71ii71o No I hnrd wheat HS4j72e No
2 nihil corn lle No I rush corn aS1
aSVii No 2 cash onts 2l4c No 2 white
outs J7ii2SMic No II white oats 27327V4e
Chirac Mvo Stock
Chicago Mnreli f
oiH Including WW Texiins generally steady
eauneiH lower good to ptlme Hirers 305
iit2 poor to medium UVKir0 Htockern
nnil feeders strong 27VMti cows 2V
Ji 123s lulfers 27WM30i caniiers 200
iHO bulls slow 2iJ0f 123 calves steady
Texas fed steer
Texas grass steers I35UI0 Tetas bulls
2BIXfil0O I logs Receipts today 18000
tomorrow 22000 left over 1300 opened
shade higher closing weak top 303
mixed and butchers t3Ql2V good to
choice heavy 33IK305 rough heavy 3S0
W I3 light 3TVi3j bulk of sales
347V337Vj Sheep Receipts 15000
sheep strong lambs xtendy to slow good
to choice wethers 4H0T483 fair to oholeo
mixed l0iri l40 western sheep KAh
183 Texns sheep 230ii73 native lambs
13i323 western lambs 3007323
Kansas City IIto Stock
Knnsns City March 7 Cattle Receipts
4 200 natives 1200 Texans 70 calves na
tive beef strers steady to 10c lower Tex
nns steady to stiong others steady native
beef fctccrs l70fr3 stackers and feed
ers 40tVi7313 including heavy feeders
at 423tf473 fed westerns l508rr0
Texans nnd Indians i75fil70 cows 223
iT t23 Including canners nt 225fft100
heifers 32357173 bulls 300130
calves 400fti i IIogs Recelpts 8300
steady top 347j bulk of sales 53081
545 heavy 535ri5474 mixed packers
533545 light 5205 537 pigs 4C0
515 Shcep Rccelpts 2000 market for
sheep steady to 10c higher lambs steady
western Inmbs 480fi503 western weth
ers 423r4tl5 western yearlings 4403
500 ewes 3753123 culls 230Q3D0
Kriiusos Cold Curo
for colds in tho hoad chest throat or
any portion of tho body breaks up a
cold lu 24 hours without interruption
to work Will prevent colds if taken
when first symptoms appear Prico25c
Sold by Geo B Ohristoph
Nerves IIke u Flatlrou
A woman who suffered for three
years from nervous prostration says two
bottlos of Llohtys Colory Norvo Com
pound effected a complete euro Sho
hardly knows today whother 6lio has
nerves or not as sho novor feels thorn
It is cortainly a wonderful remedy
Sold by Geo B Ohristoph
A Had Combination
A bad cold in bad weather Weoks
Break-Up-A-Cold Tablets will break
np tho combination by breaking up tho
bad cold while you sleep No Ouro No
Pay 25 cents Kiesau Drug Co Solo
confirms Two million bottles sold an
nually Bosohoos Gorman Syrup was
introduced in the United States in 180S
and is now sold in every town nnd vil
lago in the civilized world Threo dosos
will roliovo any ordinary cough Price
75 cts Got Greous Prize Almauao
Kiesau Drug Co
Itemarkabte Cures for Rheumatism
Vindicator Rutherfordton N C
Tho Editor of the Vindicator has had
occasion to test the officacy of Chamber
lains Pain Balm twice with tho most
remarkable results in each caso First
with rheumatism in the shoulder from
which he suffered excruciating pain for
ten days -which was relieved with two
applications of Pain Balm rubbing tho
parts afflicted and realizing instant bene
fit and entire reliof in a very short time
Second in rheumatism in thigh joint
almost prostrating him with severe pain
which was relieved by two applications
rubbing with tho liniment on retiring at
night and getting up free from pain
For sale by Kiesau Drug Oo
Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat
ment by Elys Croam 13alm which is agree
ably aromatic It is received through tho
nostrils cleanses and heals tho whole sur
faco over which it diffuses itself Druggists
sell tho 50c size Trial sizo by mail 10
conts Tcbt it and you are suro to continue
tho treatment
Announcement i
To nccornnrodato those who aro partial
to tho use of atomizers in applying liquids
into tho nasal passages for catarrtnl trou
bles tho proprietors preparo Cream Unlm in
liquid form which will bo known as Elya
LiquKl Cream Balm Price including tho
praying tubo is 75 cents Druggists or by
mail Tho liquid form cmbodios tho med
icinal properties of tho solid preparation j
In all Its stages there
should be cleanliness
Elys Cream Balm
cleanses soothes and heals
the diseased membrane
It cures catarrh and drives
away a cold in tho head
inijc CTitifuupl
oratt V
fTMAirifmreiiiDrTif F I
vi nun
m ivintx uf
Cream Bairn is placed into the no3trlla spreads
over the membrane and is absorbed Relief Is im
mediate and a curo follows It is not drying does
not produce sneezing Largo Size SO cents at Drug
gists or by mall Trial Size 10 cents by mall
ELY BROTHERS 56 Warren Street New Yerlc
Wmi ft jfe
the u vP 4HSJBs
apxunxijcnEE zusns
Made a
Well Man
off Me
produce the above results In 30 days It acta
powerfully and quickly Cures when all others tall
XouDarmen will regain their lost manhood and 014
men wUl rscoTer their youthful Yigor by ualns
BETIVO It QUlokly and aurelr restores Hervouo
nees Lost Vitality Impotency tughtly Emissions
Lost Power Falling Memory Wastlnc Diseases1 and
an effects of self -abuse or excess and Indiscretion
wnlohunflUoaeforctadybuslnes8ormtrrUge II
ot only cures by starting at the seat of disease but
la a great nerve tonlo and blood bnllder bring
ing back the pink glow to palo cheeks aud re
storing the fire of youth It wards off Insanity
and Consumption Insist on hating BEVITOns
ether It can be carried In vest pocket By mail
l0O per package oi six tor S0O0 with avpoal
tire -written gnarante to can or reload
tho money Book and advise free Address
Forealo in Norfolk Nebraska by
Geo B Ohristoph druggist
Dont Be Fooledi
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never sold
In bulk Accept no subtil
tute Ask your druggljt
Akf puitrta
For Sale by Go go B Ohriatoph