The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 08, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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Eyeache and
mfSMi vCmufcStl
ily Pro
perly adjusted glasses remove
the cause and effect a
permanent cure
Satisfaction guaranteed
Consultation free
G F ttl PHQtiflflDT
Dp of Ophthalmology
Oilier Cor 4th and Main Sts
Yards East U P Depot Phone 35
The Best Paint Made
Will cover 800 square feet two conts
Contains pure lead and oil Shown by
chemical test there is no paint ou the
market equal to its durability and cover
ing capacity We can vouch for this as
we have handled the Monarch Paint for
twelve years If yon think of painting
your house leLus figure with you We
can save you money
Remember our large stock of Wall
Paper cheaper than ever
tail Dnfg Bo
Parties who came to Norfolk Friday
to purchase a wedding outfit found
after looking over the different stocks
that there was only one place in town
where they could buy it At Johnsons
furniture Btore they found the best
goods found that he did not ask them
a low price on one article for effect
and then attempt to make it up on
something else They failed to find any
second hand goods mixed up with
the new hence no danger of getting
any live stock or liability of dis
ease which is peculiar to the second
hand and exchange business They
found that Mr Johnson did not blow
any about how much business he was
doing found that he knew his busi
ness discovered the evidence on every
hand that they had found the right
place and proceeded to buy their entire
outfit chamber suits dining room furn
iture rockers tables carpets dishes
lamps etc found that the prices were
less than they expected and went
home satisfied with their trip to Nor
folk and congratulating themselves
that their efforts of the cappers
who tried to induce them to buy else
where bad not prevented them from
finding Mr Johnson and his elegant
fitock to select from
The Weather
Conditions of the weather as recorded
for the 24 hoars ending at 8 a m to
Maximum temperature 60
Minimum temperature J12
Average 41
Precipitation 00
Total precipitation for month 00
Snowfall 00
Total snowfall for month 00
Barometer 2904
Forecast for Nebraska Threatening
and colder tonight with rain or snow
east portion Saturday fair with
colder east portion
A baby daughter was born to Mr ami
Mrs Jack ODonuel Wednesday night
Protection lodge No 101 Degree of
Honor will meet in Odd Fellows hall
this evening
Mr and Mrs George W Reckard en
tertained a number of frieuds last even
ing in honor of Mr Allen of Wyoming
who is viBitiug here
O O Whipps is today removing from
theTeeidenoe be ha occupied on North
Ninth Mrcct to tho houso of Mrs
Pheasant on Philip avenue
Norfolk lodge No OWl B P O Elks
will hold a regular meeting in Odd
Fellows hall tomorrow evening when
thero will bo candidates to bo ballotted
for and initiation
Owing to tho fact that tho teachers
association have an entertainment ou
tho evening of tho 2Mb tho Y M C 1
has postponed its social and entertain
ment until tho evening of Thursday
April I
W O Fry who for tho past three
years has been day clerk at tho Oxnard
hotel has resigned tho position touceept
a situation as traveling salesman for a
Minneapolis linn dealing in locks safes
etc His resignation is to take effect
about tho 20th
Tho 18-years-old sou of Albert Nitz
who resides in Kdgowator Park met
with an accident last night that resulted
in the fracturo of his collar bono He
was riding a horso and in a colHsl n
with another horso was thrown oil
with tho above result
Amoroso J Bilger who was formerly
a member of company L second regi
ment enlisted somo two weeks ago in
tho tenth infantry U S A at Fort
Crook Word was received yesterday
that he has already been promoted to
tho position of sergeant and sent to Ft
McKinuey in command of a squad of
soldiers for the post Such a quick pro
motion is unusual and shows that young
Bilger is a good soldier
Wayne Republican Georgo Savidgo
was ou tho streets Saturday afternoon
exhibiting a now well making outfit
that looks as though it is a good otio
It is a powerful machine and is a prod
uct of Mr Savidgos own brain and if it
will do what ho clainiB it will work
quite a revolution in the making of
deep wells Tho motive power of the
machine is furnished by a 1 horse
power gasoline engino and tho owner
claims tho machine will bore down into
tho earth 8000 feet
Mrs W H Butterfield entertained
about 40 lady guests at an afternoon
yesterday and is entertaining another
company of ladies this afternoon An
unique feature was provided for yester
day afternoons entertainment The
ladies were furnished with a quantity
of tissue paper and some pins and were
expected to fashion therefrom a model
for their spring hats Mrs Alfred
Gerecke was voted tho most clever at
this work In the matching of quota
tions Mrs C H Reynolds received first
There was a report in general circula
tion some time ago that the famous
geysers at the Yellowstone National
park were subsiding and that some of
them had quit altogether but a recent
dispatch containg the information that
new spouters are getting in their work
The news comes from Livingston and
says that a new geyser began operations
in the park February 10 Tho new
gusher is said to be a big one and is lo
cated near tho Fountain hotel forty
miles south of Mammoth Hot springs
James King winter keeper of the hotel
says that when the geyser broke out the
shock was similar to one caused by an
earthquake and that it was accompanied
by a tremendous roaring King says
that the ExcelBior geyser the biggest
one in the park played on the anniver
sary of Washingtons birthday for five
hours flooding the Firehole River and
destroying fish for a distance of two
miles below
A number of Norfolk people were
witnesses in the Darrell murder trial at
Fremont Wednesday Mr and Mrs
Darrell both testified that they had
lived in Norfolk coming hero from
Yankton S D last July Darrell left
this city with a person by the name of
Bullis enroute to Grand Island and
stopped at Orowell Of tho Norfolk
witnesses the Bee report says Several
witnesses were introduced to prove that
defendants reputation as a peaceable
law abiding citizen at Norfolk was
good Policeman Eano didnt know
what his reputation was Freight
Brakeman W J Beck said it was good
but on cross examination it appeared
that bo knew scarcely anything obout
him A G Eberheart testified about
the same He admitted that he know
little of his associates and that ho was
away considerable of tho time Frank
Johnson a dry goods clerk know DarroU
intimately having met him in Yankton
and his reputation as a peaceful law
abiding citizen was good
The Lenten tea by tho Y P S C E
will be served from 0 to 9 oclock this
evening or until all are served
WNted A good girl for general
housework Mrs O II Reynolds
lrltes ut Thompson
10 oz can of Calumet baking powder
18 cents
pound can pumpkin 7 cents
Velvet starch per package 0 cents
Cow brand soda per pound 7 cents
Arm Hammer soda per pound 7 cts
KingBford Silver Gloss starch per
pound 7 conts
4 pound package of Gold Dust 11 cents
Euglo condeuFed milk IS cents
Choice celery at Glissmaus
Houses for sale T E Odiobkk
Furm land and city property for sale
by G R Seiler
Baltimore oysters at Glissmans
CiiiirlrnCotttrninii Ik Miuln Dtrrt tur
cnilof INioIk In riilllilncK Wiik
AfmUtiint Itxlrr W11I111111111
Charley M Cot termini who served
hero as deputy postmaster when V II
Widaman was in chargo of Undo Hams
Norfolk business has been promptly
recognized as an efficient employo and
is now in tho top ranks of employes of
the department
He was a very iopularolotk here well
liked by patrons of the otllco and there
were few who doubted his ability to ad
vance in the worh should his effort h be
directed toward promotion
He advanced to railway mail clerk bo
tweon Omaha and Ogden Utah was
chief clorh of tho Ogdon division and
was finally advanced to superintendent
of mail clerks nt Portland Oregon
Soon after the United States assumed
authority over tho Philippine islands he
went there to accept a position under
tho director of tho posts
That ollleer recently resigned and Mr
Cottorman lias been appointed to the
position being now director general of
posts in tho Philippines It is a fine
position tho best in tho gift of tho de
partment on tho archipclngo and the
salary is about H0 a year
Mr Cottcnnans Norfolk friends are
well pleased that ho has been thus
houorod and will unite in congratulat
ing him on the position he has attained
fully confident that he is but receiving
11 just roward for faithful and conscien
tious performance of duty
Farm and city loans
Sturgeon is tho piano man
Will sell my horse and buggy at a bar
gain C B H010HAN
We make loans on real estate at
lowest rates Elkhom Building and
Savings association T E Odioune Sen
Good farms to trade for town property
G R Seiluk
L AVcll Appointed totlio Ioxitlon Mmlr
Vrtciint lollliij IlnccH DoHlcnuteil
The city council met in regular session
last evening when there were present
Mayor Robertson Councilmeu Brum
mund Degner Grant Heckmaij Spell
man Uhle absent Bullock
Minutes of regular meetings of Febru
ary 7 and 21 were read and approved
Water Commissioner Simpson re
ported that two water consumers had
overpaid water rents and asked what
course to pursue to regulate same He
was instructed to havo such persons
present claims in the regular way
Albert Wilde presented claim fcr ex
pense in repairing water pipes which
were clogged through packing from the
pumps getting into them He was also
instructed to bring in his bill in the reg
ular way
The street and alley committee re
ported that it seemed necessary to re
move the hitching posts from ono side
of Third strtet and asked tho councils
view of the matter and where to place
them Report was referred back to
committee with power to act
The resignation of C O Mauwiller
as engineer at the pumping station to
take effect April 1 was presented and
accepted Applications for tho position
to be made vacant were received from
C F Moerika Elvin Wheeler L J
Speck C S McCaslin J W Bennett
and L Wetzel Motion to elect L
Wetzel was carried by affirmative vote
of all councilman present
The following claims were read and
W II Widaman Ealary 00
Martin Kane salary G0
W II Livingston Balary 40
Frank Suiter two months salary as
janitor at the city hall j
Nebraska Telephone company rent
of two telephones for March f 125
Albert Degner hardware 1057
R E Kampman moving Fourth
ward jail 25
W H Law labor on sidewalks 0
J E Simpson salary 25
O O Mauwiller salary -15
W II Rish repairs and materials for
water system 2805
O W Braasch coal for water works
Norfolk Electric Light and Power Co
street lights 7050
L H Doughty lighting street lamps
Rolaud Wilkinson gasoline and
oil 076
O W Braasch coal for city hall
The city treasurers report for Febru
ary was read showing balances as fol
lows General fund 57 05 interest
fund 257488 water fund 7 1021
road fnnd 2591b sinking fund
City treasurers and polico judges
reports were referred to the auditiug
Councilman Brummnnd reported that
he had been informed that soveral city
lots had delinquent taxes charged
against them from before tho time tho
city acquired title Tho clerk was in
structed to look tho matter up and ex
amine deeds and bonds in refereuco to
same aud report at next meeting
The following places were designated
as polling places for the election to be
held on April 2 1101 First ward city
hall Second ward Anton Bucholz
resldenco Third ward West sidn house
house Fault h ward Inaction hone
house the outMdo school district to
vote at city hull In Firbt ward
The clerk was instructed to procure
necefsary poll bookp etc for said elec
Bring your families and patronize the
Lenten tea to be served In tho Congre
gational church patlors this evening by
the Y P S C E
Foil Sam Ciicap Household furni
ture must be sold by Tuesday March
12 Call at Mrs M E Lobnow 112
North Ninth street
Ten bars Ciidahys Diamond C soap
for 25 cents at Parishs
Dr Frank Salter Diseases of children
Mrs II L Snyder was an Omaha
visitor today
I M Dawson was a city visitor yester
day fiom Madison
H II Mills of Tilden was a Norfolk
visitor over night
II Melleh of Elgin had business in
Norfolk yesterday
Mrs lhiekleniiin of Pitice was a Nor
fork visitor yesterday
I M Owen was a passenger for
Omaha on tho noon train
Hevonuo Collector Sidy of Madison
was in Norfolk yesteiday
A Woodward was a Norfolk visitor
from Madison Wednesday
Miss Hose Flynu has accepted a posi
tion with tho Durland Sisters
C C Cow was in Hat tie Creek yester
day looking after business interests
Miss Halo and Miss Brochoisen were
in the city from Battle Creek yostorday
Dr OKeefe of Waterloo Iowa is
visiting his father-in-law Owen Wade
Mrs T F Memininger of Madison
was visiting Norfolk frionds yesterday
J H Houso moved yesterday to his
newly acquired farm in Pierce county
Mrs Wm Gorecko was up from Stan
ton yesterday to attend the party givou
by Mrs W II Butterfield
Arthur W Gross was a city visitor
yesterday from Madison Ho expects to
leave soon for the Pacific coast where
he will locate
1 F Smith O K Ingham Win
McCord aud M W Hendrick wero a
quartet of Elgin Odd Fellows hero over
night to seo Norfolk lodge do some de
greo work
Mrs A Hitchcock of Pierce was the
guest of Mrs L Sessions over night
She was on her way homo from Chicago
where she had been purchasing n spring
stock of millinr ry
Choico veal at Gliesmans
A full lino of good groceries at
Mr and Mrs E Hans wero Norfolk
visitors Friday
Davo Person and family moved to
Stanton Friday
Fred Schcreger shipped a carload of
cattle Wednesday
John OBanion of Norfolk was in
Battle Creek Friday
Born to Mr and Mrs Geo Niles a
son last Thursday
J McCallum of Emerick was up here
Monday on business
Peter Toergesen of Madison was over
here on a visit Saturday
Chris Mnrtsen of Meadow Grove was
down hero Monday on business
BoruWednesday toMr and Mrs Carl
Wendt of Deer Creek a daughter
Monday Henry Mossmon shipped ono
carload of cattle and one of hogs
Jacob Horst and Henry Klien of Nor
folk wero doing business here Monday
Chas Probst of Stanton is here in tho
interest of tho Deering Harvester Co
Thomas E Smith of Madison was
transacting business hero Wednesday
Friday thero was born to Mr and
Mrs L L Low of Vnlloy a daughter
John Harding of Meadow Grovo was
visiting with Peter Busbo near Norfolk
Chris Gosch moved Tuesday to tho
old Beck dwelling recently bought by
Ed Fuerst
F M Sutloy of Meadow Grovo was
down here Saturday shaking hands with
old friends
Last week Fred Ilofman bought lfiO
acres of Maas and Bruhler iu Deer Creek
precinct for 2700
Henry Stoltenberg of Petersburg was
here Friday to viBit his brothers-in-law
tho Neuwerk boys
Ben Preeco is going to leave us next
week having taken a position on n
ranch nenr Wiuside
Messrs Hogrefo and Thonisen were
Norfolk visitors Wednesday They
camo homo safe all right
Otto II Maas our real estate man
went to Omaha Sunday Ho claimed
to have a big deal on hand
Harry Barnes of Plaiuview visited
hore Sunday with relatives and went
east Monday on somo business
August Gardek of Wisuer was visit
ing hero from SatnrdayJ till Monday
with his brother J R Gardels
Peter Burns our section boss is going
to quit his position next week aud is
Washing clothes censes to bo hard
work when you use ono of our
is the hind hard to woai out an 1 cell it at hard to beat prices
mmemrmmmtBKmmmftmmaijamammixxmmmmBtmimmmmmaMtawmacmiKmimKJcnjaiitavmjrv7TaxLi 1
t STATEMENTS tfiar Wo buy DIRECT from tho tmiiiti
T m I fact liter in carload lots i
O J itiT Wn CIVIC you Mm lienodt of the
VMM lillr Nl lilNrll tnu mi 11 imiu int Km niKm iriiiuiu
M n
We buy and sell MORE fiiiiiiluni J
than any other house in Northeast
Two more largo cars will iirrivn J
Muioh lid and will bo placed oil sale
at 01110
Carpels and
Mat tin j
are well selected and at riving daily
See our line
l Hoffman Smith
going u to Long Pino to live on his
Last Monday some people had a law
suit hero before Judge Vennblo but
as it was a ono sided case the judge
closed up his doors
Douglas Preeco of Oklahoma who is
visiting hero with his sons Col T D
Preece and Bon went to Clearwater
Tuesday to seo relatives
Wo havo learned that Herman Hngrofe
will move his dwelling onto Fourth
street north of the High school and he
is going to put up a new and good one
M L Thomson is going to put up one
of tho finest dwellings in this town It
will be built right south of Joe Dufpheys
barn Mr Thomson believes in getting
a cage first and next the bird
Mrs W J Stavely the wife of our
now storekeeper arrived hero Monday
and tho family will dwell in tho house
on corntr ofjlcrmau and Third streets
south of Zimmermans implement store
Nutlro ofClly
Notice is hereby given to the qualified
electors of the city of Norfolk Nebraska
that tho annual election of said city
will be held in the difiorent wards on
Tuesday tho 2nd day of April 1SMII
for tho purpose of electing one mayor
one cleik one treasurer one city engi
neer one police judge 0110 councilman
from tho First ward one counctlman
from tho Second ward ono councilman
from tho Third ward for tho two years
term ono councilman from the Third
word for o one year term ono council
man from the Fourth ward
Tho polling places in tho different
wards shall be as follows
First ward at city hall
Second ward nt Anton Bncholz resi
Third ward at Third ward hose house
Fourth ward at Junction hose house
Polls shall remuin ojon at each of tho
said polling places from oclock in the
forenoon to 7 oclock in the evening of
said day
Dated Norfolk Neb March 7 litOl
Attest W M Roiikiitson
S R McFajiland Mayor
City Clerk
Nutlet f School Klrrllon
Notico is hereby given that at tho an
nual election to bo hold in Norfolk Ne
braska on Tufsday tho 2nd day of
April 1001 there will bo two persons
chosen as members of the board of edn
cation of tho school district of tho city
of Norfolk Nebraska at which election
the polling places in the various wards
will be tho same as for the city elec
First ward nt city hall
Second ward at Anton Bucholz resi
Third ward at Third ward hose houso
Fourth ward at Junction hose house
All resident voters of tho district out
side the various city wards bhall vote at
the city hall polling placo
Polls shall remain open at each of Faid
polllii places from 0 oclock in tho fore
noon until 7 oclock in tho evening of
said day
Dated Norfolk Nebraska March 7
Attest W M RonritTPoy
S R McFakland Mayor
City Clerk
All the New
Spring Veilings
15 to 75 cents
per yard at
W 0 Halls Barter Shop
One of the best cottages on tho west
side Five rooms and bath Barn and
good outbuildings and fine lawn
Corner lots 00x122 south and oast
front Will lie sold at a bargain ou
easy terms
120 acres of good improved land nino
miles north of Norfolk iu Pierce coun
ty 20 acres cultivated good buildings
A small payment down and balance ut
percent interest on 10 aiinuai pay
ments will receive this bargain at
J20 00 per acre
Four of the best residences in Nor
folk on the west side to ixchaugo for
good farm land
James Richards M D
Expert Refrac
Kxiimlimtinii of tho ejo
I nii In imtiriitH mill riii tniiiiTB Olllco HOI
Ill rni 111 hi Uiiialm upixifcil Iaxlim llotul
Invites you to Compare Prices
Tomatoos por can 80
Pens per can 5c
Corn per can 80
Java Coffeo best por lb 15c
Oat Meal per lb 2Ao
Soap 10 burs 25c
1 pound can Baking Powder 20c
Best Prunes per lb 80
Blueing 4c
Soda por lb 30
Sturoh per lb 3C
Crackers per lb 7cc
Clothes Lines 9o
Lye per can 4c
Mixed Candy per lb 7Ka
Pearline ter packngo 4o
Rice por lb 7c
Lamp Chimney 4o
Wo have a big lino of Tinwuro Gran
itxsworo and Crockery which wo ar
selling very cheop
Ktiitu inailo In oriior nml In tio Intest stylo Ro
liuiriiiK uiiitlyliloiitr Shop ou South Fourth 8t
toQthof Ilaum II rot
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Mrers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work
First door West of Post Office
Rebiudiug Old Books
and Magazines
Net Denii Paint Store 5th St
i L