The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 08, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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1 P French of Wayne visited friends
an tho city yesterday
Dr O A McKlm went to HoskinH
yostcrdny nnd again today
Geo W Myers of Nellgh wns n city
-visitor yesterday afternoon
Wm Mooro of Stanton transacted
business In town yoRtorday
Mrs J K Simpson entertained a fov
friends nt whist lust evening
Sheriff Losoy 1h ovor from Madison
ngnin today on olllciivl busiucRfl
Miss Mary HoriHky has pone to Ver
dlgro to vinit her brother for some
Mr and Mrs Chns S Brldgo will
xmtortnln tho West Siilo whtot club
Friday evening
K 11 Konyon linn bought tho farm of
C A Darling four miles Bouth of town
comprising 100 acres
Miss Wood did not leave for KniiR iH
thiH morning ah intended bnt will try
to got away tomorrow
County Attorney Mapcs wont to Mad
kou this morning to attend the meeting
of tho county commissioners
Goo A Brooks banker mill ownor
juid morehant of Brns llo Mills wuh in
town yoBtorday between traiiiH
Regular coinmnnicntiou of MoRiac
lodco No 55 A F fc A M will bo
hold nt Masouic hall thiH evening
Miss Pilger who hm been vlhlting
TelatlvoB in tho city rotnrnod to hor
homo iu Plainviow thiH afternoon
Gustavo Schult 7 of Fremont and Guh
Ivraogor of Boomer wore viBitlng with
their frioud II W Winter yoBtorday
Frank Hirsoh and Henry Johnson
with their wivoH drovo up from Stan
ton Sunday afternoon to visit friouda in
tho city
Tho baby loy of
CharleB BrlggR living at South Norfolk
diod yeBterday after u bovero illucBB
of a month
Commissioner Hughes came down
from Battle Creek hiBt night and wont
to Madison thiH morniug to attend a
meeting of the board
WiBner was represented in the oity
yeBterday by B S Emley B Dugnn H
T Andorson J P Smith K Kiuzel 11
Jrbucklo and C Sohrntz
Lottie Pheasant loft over the U P
this morning for Lincoln where Bho
will make her homo for sonio timo with
Jior Bister Mrs H 12 Gregory
I H Seabnry of Plainviow passed
through the oity this morning onrouto
to Everett Washington At Lincoln
he will bo joined by U 12 Foster
XT 32 Foster who recently Bold tho
Plainviow Nows is now on his way to
Seattlo Washington whero ho goes to
nee the country and locate if it suits
It is reported that John Froythalor
has purchased what are known as the
Fucslor lots on North Ninth street and
that ho will erect a residence on them
4his spring
Geo W Meok6 and C M Smith of
Kansas City Mo are hero to handle the
iron work on tho now bridge of tho F
32 M V over tho Elkhorn river four
miles west of town
Burt Mapes has purchased a farm of
150 acres four miles north of this city
Deponent sayeth not when Burt will
move out and commence working his
newly acquired possession
F H Webster W H Wobhter Joo
KronBe and Geo Larson composed a
party in town over night from Crestou
on their way to Plainviow near which
plaoo they go to take farms
Henry Hoobner a morehant of Hadar
died at his homo iu that place yesterday
morning of pnonmonia He hod been
sick but four daj Mrs Hoobuer is
still very low with the same dsjaso
Tho board of county commissioners is
holding a special meeting at Madibou
today for the purpose of going over the
records of back real ostato taxes and
to devise ways and means of having
them collected
Ward Parmelee and family relatives
of Bon Bar6hiugor who lived at
32mersou but who have been visiting
hero several days left thiB morning for
Gilroy California where they will make
their homo in future
Tho four-mouths-old baby boy of Al
Holbrook living five miles west of the
city died yesterday Tho funeral was
held from tho house at 2 oclock this
afternoon and tho little body was laid
to rest iu the Best cemetery
It is anuounced that the Uniou Pacific
will soon commence tho erection of a
now double track steel bridge over the
Loup one mile west of Columbus
Thia will make the sixth steel bridge tho
company has built tiuce the lino wus
On account of an accident on the
North western yeBterday afternoon both
the Union Pacific and F E ic M V
trains were four hours late last night
bringing the Elkhorn in about midnight
and tho Union Pacific about 1 oclock
this morning
TheMuslo Students club met with
Mr and Mrs Lndwig Koeuigstein last
evening and it was onoof the best yet
Symphony and concerts was tho sub
ject and the feature of the evening was
the first appearance of the clubs orches
tra and a cello solo by Mr Bohuert
M Lodor has witnessed the
Hon of a numtwr of tho presidents of
tho United Statofl but ho could not
attend the cerrmonloR in WaHhingtou
yesterday But to hIiow that ho wanted
to do something In commemoration of
tho day ho placed a 12 foot Mexican
palm in the Trooadoro which 1h proving
a curiosity to all who seo it Tho tree
makes an attractlvo ornamont to hiH
place of bunlncFR
G B Spooco of ColnmbuH was in
town Saturday
Banker Brodball of Lindsay was in
town Friday lost
Several more cases of seal let f over are
reported this week
Mllo Martlndalo 1h building n barn on
tho lot recently pnrohohod of Ed Craig
Goo 12 lUohardRon was looking after
business at CreBton Friday of last week
Tho county commisslonorH were horo
Tuosdny and Wednesday looking over
the delinquent tax list
Harry T Craig and Miss Maggie
lackhon wero quietly married Sunday
afternoon by Rov Fowler
James NicholB was iu Wayne and
othur placos in Wayno and Cedar
counties this week on business
Burt Mayes was down from Norfolk
TucBday looking after a inihdemeanor
caso before Justice Richardson
Tho son of Mr and Mrs
J II DoGroot diod Friday evening and
was buried Sunday Rov Morning of
tho Presbyterian J church conducted
services at tho family residence throo
miles north of town
Shorill LosoyH grey team became un
manageable while Mr Losoy was driv
ing down Main street Wednesday and
had things thoir own way for a whilo
After turuiugithe corner at First street
and running east nearly half a mile
Mr Losoy got control of them and re
turned to town
Tom Webstor passed through hero
Monday with four loadH of house
hold goods eurouto to his new homo
near Plainviow Mrs Webster and
daughter Jennio camo up from Croston
Tuefiday and visited nt tho homo of E
T McGoheo until Wednesday morning
when they took tho train for Plainviow
Mortgago record of Madison county
for tho month of February Farm
mortgages filod 111 amount - M5
farm mortgages released 40 amount
7815 oity mortgages filed 15 amount
15405 city mortgages released 17
nmount 7000 chattel mortgages filed
100 amount 2901858 chattel mort
gages released 84 amount 28505 il
Bud Lewis was in Tilden Monday and
luzio Lewis is on tho sick list suffer
ing from tho grip
Tho infant sou of Bob Crooko is very
sick at this writing
Mrs John Recroft of Plainviow is
visiting relatives in this city
Harry Sundorlaud and Frank McCul
lam drove to Battle Creek Sunday
Cora Edwards spent Sunday visiting
with Bettio llalsey at Battlo Creek
Cashier W A Witzigman spent the
Sabbath visiting relatives at Norfolk
Principal Walter Pilger passed Satur
day and Sunday at liiB homo in Nor
Frank Roberts of Battlo Creek was in
this burg last Sunday the guest of
MiBS Eva Christiansou
Messrs Mori Hike Clyde Yeoman
and Hoy Stanley of Tilden spent Sun
day iu Meadow Grovo
Fred Boeoh who has been quite sick
with puoumouia is very much improved
at tho present writing
Jim Sams ex cook of tho Giove hotel
left Monday evening for Casper Wyo
ming whero ho will resido iu the fu
Miss Nora Dunn returned to this city
Thursday evening after an extended
visit with datives in the state of Mis
Mamio Mabel and Roy Crooko came
homo from Fremont last Sunday even
ing to attend tho funeral of Mrs Bob
Tho Grovo hotel has agaiu changed
hands Mrs Story tho owner and
former laudlady of the hotel being in
full possession
Miss Vera Stewart who has been n
resident of ihis burg for the past six
months loft for her home six miles
south of town last Saturday
After but a short siege of illness lifes
last enemy has removed from ns Mrs
Robert Crooko Mrs Crooko died at 1 1
oclock hist Saturday evening Tho fu
ueral took place Monday afternoon at 1
Thero was a good attendance at tho
dance last Friday evening a number of
young folks from Battle Creek being
present The music furnished by the
Bohuert orchestra of Norfolk was first
class aud the usual good time was en
joyed by all
Mr Elmer Stilwell met with a very
painful accident last Saturday afternoon
Whilo making lard the double dipper
ho was using in some way exploded
throwiug boiling lard to tho four winds
Some of the hot lard stmck Mr Stil
wells hand scalding it quite severely
Curd of TliuukM
Qur siuccre thanks are due and nre
hereby expressed to tho neighbors aud
frieud i who so kiudly assisted during
the illness aud death of our baby
Mk asd Mas C L Bkiggs
Frank Johnson was a passenger today
for Fremont
W M Anderson of Elgin was a Nor
folk vioitor today
1 12 Brown of Ponca was a Norfolk
visitor over night
W J Gow is confined to his homo
with an attack of tho grip
Tho Methodist church at Stanton is
being enlarged aud Improved
J W Manor and John South of Hum
phrey were in Norfolk yestorday
Sol G Mayor is oxpected homo tonight
from hlH trip to Now York aud tho oast
Postmasters Arnett of Madison
was a visitor to tho metropolis yestorday
It is reported that thero aro Bovoral
cases of small pox in Emerick neighbor
Judgo Barnos loft lint night for Lend
City South Dakota called thero on legal
Mr and Mrs W L Mote of Plain
viow were shopping in Norfolk this
Frod Duukel of Fremont has beonVl
judged iuHano and will bo brought to tho
hospital horo
William Biggcrt has purchased soveu
acres of land near his homo iu Edge-
water Park addition
Tho people of Hooper have organized
a telephone company and proposo to
own their talking facilities
N J Davis is reported very low at his
homo o t cast Norfolk avonuo and it is
boliovod that ho cannot live
Henry Schweder John Dawson and
J O Boiler wore a trio of Humphrey
citizous iu Norfolk yoBtorday
Tho 7-years-old daughter of Johu Rix
living cast of tho city is reported dan
gerously sick with puoumouia
Kuox Tipple proprietor of the Stan
ton hotel was in tho city today greet
ing old friends and acquaintances
F Lambert aud family of Osmond are
moving into one of the Rome Miller
houses in tho west part of the city
O E Doughty goes to Tilden today to
assist in conferring tho Encampment
degrees I O O F on 14 candidates
Joseph Schaffer who has been work
ing iu the creamery leaves in a short
time for Oklahoma whero he will en
gago in farming
Dr Fletcher M Sisson of this city is
conducting tho funeral of one of his old
parishioners Mrs Charlos De La Martyr
at Fremont today
Tho receut storm was particularly
severe in the vicinity of Chadron and
Btockmeu were considerably worried
over its consequences
Richard Tews who has lived here for
the past two years has purchased a
farm in Holt county and will remove to
that part of the state 60on
Dakota City is agitating tho enact
ment of a curfew ordinance requir
ing all children under the age of 15 to
be at homo by 8 oclock at night
West Point is assured of a 10000
douatiou toward building a hospital and
old folks homo at that place Tho town
is expected to contribute a site
Leo Miuien Miss Auna Weston and
Helen Sohlberg wore the successful con
testants in tho High school oratorical
contest held at Oakland Monday night
Tho members of the Weills family
are now all on tho high road to recovery
so ninch so that Miss Marjorie will leave
tomorrowto return to hor studies at
Mrs II B Miller died at her home
two miles east of Wiusido Monday even
ing aged 02 years She leaves a hus
band and a large family of grown
W E Powers editor of tho Piorco
Leader has gone on a visit to his brother
and sister ut Crawfordsvillo Ind Dur
ing his absence the Leader is in charge
of W L Kirk
Tho state legislature will undoubtedly
provide for a state voteriuariau at a
Balary of 1 500 per annum and an al
lowauce of not more thau 500 for actual
traveling oxponses
The Kiesan Drug company is haviug
a new floor put In their store room and
other improvements made preparatory
to placing tho now fixtures which are
expected to arrive soon
A 12-year-old girl at Omaha touched
a lady for 80 last Friday night It
may be expected that the next newB
from the metropolis will bo that a creep
ing infant has robbed a bank
Tho west bound Elkhorn train on
Monday night killed a team of horses
and demolished a wagon belonging to
Joseph Stoliespart a Bohemian farmer
living five miles west of Newport
While working on the new poultry
packing house at York a piece of a spike
ho was driving flew off and struck
Edward Gilbert in the eye He will
probably lose the sight of the member
A Niobrara citizen proposes to run an
automobile line betweenThat town and
Yerdigro for the accomodation of trav
elers He is bnlldlug the auto himself
aud expects to make his first trip soon
The Tilden Citizen bays that M T
Brown although a resident of Autelopo
county has been drawn on the jury for
the Madison couuty term of district
court That county line must be hard
to find
Traveling men state that country
merchants are buying more goodB of a
sri vi
better quality than over before at this
season of tho year Tho merchants nro
anticipating a big trade and nro prepar
ing for it
Gonoral Superintendent O C Hughes
of tho F 12 M V came up from
Omaha in his special car last evening
nnd started on a tour of inspection over
tho Albion lino accompanied by Super
intendent Reynolds
Tho story comes from Niobrara that a
plucky commericnl man who was de
termined to mako certain territory hut
could not find moans to cross the Mis
souri hired a row boat and made his
way through tho ico in this dangerous
A party of South Dakota people wore
in tho city yesterday on their way to
Plainviow where thoy will occupy some
of tho fortilo farm lauds of Piorco
county They wore Adolph Hauson
Adolph Larson Edward Rasausou aud
Philde Rasausou
It is stated that within 10 days tho
Central Pacific railroad willhavo passed
into tho hands of tho Uuiou Pacific
under tho uow reorganizatiou plan and
that tho r ad from Omaha to San Fran
cisco will bo operated from tho gouernl
offices in Omaha
Tho Odd Follows of Fremont havo
taken n room iu tho now hospital which
is to bo furnished by tho lodge and bet
aside for tho sole uso of members of tho
ordor This move is taken in tho belief
that sick brothers can be better cared
for in that manner thau in any other
Tho cillootors of delinquent personal
taxes in Omaha arm themselves with
distress warrants and aro accompanied
by a furniture van on their trips Wheu
a person fails to pay his bed or table is
loaded into tho van and carted oil and
sold This should bring delinquents to
Tho farmers around Farnham ore con
gratulating themselves over haviug es
caped some trouble with grasshoppers
It is asserted that tho eggs of tho little
critters hatched out during tho recent
worm spell of weather and that the cold
snap following froze the youngsters so
stiff that they will do no harm this soa
Thoro is little probability that tho
state convicts will be sent to adjoining
states for safe keeping as was talked
shortly after tho penitentiary at Lin
coln was partly destroyed by fire The
portion of tho building not injured will
accommodate tho prisoners and it is
proposed to utilize their services iu the
work of reconstructing the cells
It seems that the raw March wind of
yestorday was but the remainder of the
blizzard which raged in western Ne
braska the day before Disagreeable as
tho wind may have been it was not
nearly so bad as though it had been ac
companied by snow This section of
the state has not been visited by a bliz
zard during tho winter which is not a
matter of regret
Edward Gardener the second man to
be tried for the murder of Herman Zahn
of Snyder last January has been sent
enced to life imprisonment by Judge
Grimisou at Fremont The prisoner
was much affected by the arraigmeut of
the judge and his emotion was very
great when sentence was pronounced
The trial of William Darrell the third
of the gang was begun yesterday morn
While yesterday lacked several degrees
of being the coldest of the winter yet it
was certainly one of the most disagree
able The raw cold wind subsided last
evening and today the temperature is
mild and spring like again When those
people who left for Idaho yesterday hear
of the return of genial weather they
will be sorry thoy went Just why auy
one would leave farms iu the neighbor
hood of Hoskins where is somo of the
best soil in tho state to try an experi
ment iu an uukuowu locality is a ques
tion that would puzzle a wise man un
less it bo the natural disposition of man
kind to roam around over the country
Certainly Nebraska is good enough for
any ono and no better opportunities can
be offered in any section of tho couutry
than aro to be found in this state today
Ttirrn Gorinaui Killed
Berlin March 0 The war office
has received the following dispatch
from Count von Waldersec dated Pe
king March 5 A patrol of 25 under
Lieutenant Wnltmanich located a
strong force of Chinese troops west of
Lung Sunn Khan tho Germans los
ing three killed nnd one wounded
Colonel Ledebur was dispatched with
four companies from lao Ting Fu to
clear Ansnllng pass as far as the
great wall and to permanently guard
the pass
Mnmlurlui to II Iunlibcd
Paris March u At a cabinet coun
cil held nt the Elysee palace yesterday
the foreign minister M Delcnsse an
nounced that nil mandarins guilty of
crimes nt Peking would be punished
Two decrees provided by the ninth
article of tho collective note hnd been
promulgated enumerating the punish
ments announced and ordering the
suppression of depredations in the
provinces where the anti foreign out
rages had occurred
nhcriuen Adrift on Floating Ice
Silver Creek N Y March 4
fishermen were carried out on
Lake Erie off Silver Creek yesterday
afternoon on fioatlng Ice but 17 of
them wero rescued The Other four
have probably peribhed Their names
are Henry Turner John George
James McUratle uud JulluBLudwJtr
Adnin Pilger was noticed on Norfolks
streets today
C W Taits was In tho city yester
day from Piorce
J B Hume of Madicon was a city
visitor over night
W E Kent of Platte Center was in
Norfolk ovor night
W S Borbner was in Norfolk yester
day from Plaiuviow
Peter Boggoson of Tildcu had busi
ness in Norfolk yesterday
C II Folsom or Plainview had bnsl
noBB In Norfolk yesterday
S L Buchanan of Albion bad busi
ness in tho city yesterday
Mr and Mrs 12 D Annet of Albion
wero in tho city yesterday
Mrs M 12 Lobuow is arranging to
niovo to Omaha next week
Norfolk lodge Royal Arcanum will
meet in regular session touight
Ed Wnguor nnd Harry Schab of
Hooper were iu Norfolk yesterday
Mrs C L Gossart of Oakdolo was n
visitor to this metropolis yesterday
Robert Howe wos down from Plain
view yesterday visiting his parents
Mrs T F Memmingcr of Madison is
in town the guest of Mrs C B Bur
Miss Eva Dolen is here from Randolph
visitiug her sister Miss Jennette aud
other friends
Editor A P Childs was down today
for tho first timo after a two weekB
siege of sickness
The Y M O L is planning for an
entertainment and social to be given on
Friday night tho 29th
Jan House has sold his residence on
North Eleventh street and will move on
to n farm near Hoskins
Editor Evans of the Meadow Grove
Press and Jas Dunn of tho same village
were in the city yesterday
Geo A Brooks came in from the
west last night and went on to his home
in Bazile Mills this morning
Mrs Ed Olmstead and children left
today for Iowa to join Mr Olmstead
and make their future home there
F F Thompson of Omaha traveling
freight agent of tho Union Pacific was
looking after business here yesterday
Isaac Weills who has been visiting
his brother Rev J C S Weills left at
noon today for his home xn Pittsburg
W F Nehon dairy agent of the Bal
timore Ohio railroad was in the city
yesterday looking up business for his
Mr and Mrs L A Ottmer arrived
last evening from Omaha and are visit
iug her parents Mr aud Mrs C C
Geo D Folmer commissioner of
public lands nnd buildings made a
flying trip to the Norfolk hospital for
insane yesterday
Mr and Mrs E A Bullock went to
Harlan Iowa yesterday to visit with
Mr Bullocks father and mother They
will be gone about two weeks
The framework for another ice house
is up near the Creighton branch of the
F E M V The Schiltz vault is
completed and is being paiuted a bril
liant rod
Mrs W Anding of Pierce passed
through the citytoday on her way to
Madison in search of a horse that es
caped February 20 while being led by
Mr Anding
M Carberry one of the prosperous
young business men of Warnerville
was iu town yesterday He leaves for
the east in a few days to visit friends
in Iowa and Illinois for a mouth
H D Smith and wife of St Paul
Minnesota are in the city for a few
days Mr Smith is an instructor with
the railway department Iuternntioaal
Correspondence schools of Scrantou
F M McCormick formerly freight
aud passenger agent for the Union
Pacific at Los Angeles Cal was in the
city yesterday enrouto to Atlanta Ga
where he goes as general agent for the
same com any
Rev A S Eechlund of Newman
Grove has been elected as one of the
directors of the Omaha Orphanage by
the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran
conference which has just completed its
annual session in Omaha
O D Hamstreet contemplates remov
ing from Norfolk iu a 6hort time and re
engaging in busiuess Mrs Hnmstreet
and two sous left last night for Johns
town where they will visit until Mr
Hamstreet shall have decided on a loca
Mr and Mrs Goo D Butterfield of
Creighton passed through the city this
morning euroute to Jacksonville
Florida Mrs Doe mother of Mrs
Butterfield was with them and during
their absence she will keep their little
daughter at her home in Davenport
Theron Nye the first mayor of JFre
mont elected in 1871 died at his homo
in that city at 11 oclock last night
aged 73 years He has been a resident
of Fremont since 1857 and was county
treasurer two terms and had been county
commisslouer One sou Fred Nye was
one of the editors of the Omaha Repub
lican and another Ray was a member
of tho firm of the Nye Schnclder com
Sioux City Tribune The Nobrnhka
Woman Suffrage association will give
May Day entertainments nil over the
stnte this year Tho officers will iRsne
a small booklet containing recitations
written by Nebraska authors for the
occasion nnd Will Reed Dunroy of this
city will contribute Bovoral selections to
the booklet
Columbus Journal An advertise
ment in an eastern paper Btated that on
receipt of 100 a large book of GOO pages
would bo sent to any address It is
just tho kind of book for sporty young
men was added This last doubtless
has brought tho firm a great many dol
lars Several Bloomiugtou youths sent
their dollar each and received a bible
It was not Buch a book as they expected
but if thoy will mako good use of it
read thoughtfully just n little in it
every day it will do them great good
Sheriff Herman Stamer of Boyd
couuty was in the city this morning
enronte homo from Marshall Minn
with a prisoner named Frod Brailoy
who broke jail in Boyd county August
o0 lost He was subsequently ar
rested at Armour S D but again
broke jail before tho sheriff had an op
portunity to lay hands on him He is
wanted in Boyd county to auswer to a
charge of assult Brailoy had a pre
liminary hearing and information was
filod against him before ho made his
escape and he Is now being taken to
Boyd county to appear before district
court which meets April 15 The
sheriff placed his prisoner in tho jail
hero while ho went and secured a
needed rest not having Blept for 48 hours
Thoy will proceed on their trip west
this evening The sheriff got his priB
oucr at Marshall yesterday morning
The Norfolk Nurxery
Sells feeed potatoes pure Etry Ohio
Six WeekB Early Triumph and Early
Peach Blows Also ash box elders
elm und maple 8 to 12 feet high
Cherry apple plum trees and small
fruit plants forest trees seedlings rose
bushes flowering shrubs aud evergreens
Call on or address E D Hammond
Norfolk Nebraska
Ordinance No 250
An ordinance imposing a license
on bowling alleys
Be it ordained by the mayor and city
council of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska
Section one That it shall be unlaw
ful for any person or persons to operate
or manage a bowling alley in the city of
Norfolk Nebraska without first paying
a license tax of 1500 to the city treas
urer of said city for each year In case
application is made after the beginning
of tho municipal year council may ac
cept a pro rata of payment
Section two If any person or persons
shall violate the provisions of this ordi
nance they shall be lined upon convic
tion not less than two dollars and costs
and stand committed until both are
This ordinance to be in force after
passage and publication according
Passed and approved December
1900 W M Rodertson
Attest Mayor
S R McFarland
City Clerk
I Babies and children need
proper food rarely ever medi 1
I cine If they do not thrive
on their food something is
wrong They need a little
I help to get their digestive j
I i
i I I
machinery working properly
will generally correct this
If you will put from one
fourth to half a teaspoonful
iii babvs bottle three or four
times a day you will soon see I
a marked improvement For
larger children from half to j
a teaspoonful according to
ngc dissolved in their milk
you so desire will very j
irg power If the mothers
milk does not nourish the
baby she needs the
on It will show an effect
at once both upon mother
and child 1
j oc and i go all druggist
S OTT U UOWNi Chemists
h M il II
New York t
v -- yyrrrifi3rarfrwv