The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 01, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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t 1
ifll mil illiiiirniiniliiii mriHIHt iU
CVlf ffc M JASP fj II JhtoKt
It In pp thnt truthfulness moans
nothing to 11 hlnnninn tliut ho lias no
moral law wlilch enjoins veracity
Willi this In iiiintl I once asked my
filend Johnny Heed If any of his
knowq ancestors were Chinese Ho re
plied In the negative but I did not be
Hove him in fact It is foolish to be
lieve anything that lie says
I have spoken of him as my friend
That means merely that we were to
gether a great deal being associated
In many vast enterprises which exlHted
wholly In his Imagination and my
credulity Tor despite my rational con
viction thnt Johnny could not tell the
truth except by accident I was contin
ually acting as If there were something
In -what he snld
He was In everything a delusion and
a snare Even his looks lied for he
produced the effect of being handsome
and really he was not even good look
ing You may know he was a danger
ous man to the opposite sex which
loves whnt seems rather than what Is
Heed could not readily nttract and he
was such a conscienceless and habitual
liar that the mere fact of his not lov
ing a woman would naturally make
liim tell her that he did
lie displaced my friend Horace Tay
lor In the affections of a most estima
ble young woman Miss Gertrude
Ware and I am convinced he did it by
the simple process of telling her that
lie was the greatcbt and best man alive
and making her believe It
I dont know that Miss Ware was
vcr really in love with Taylor but I
am sure she would have been and
nothing better could have happened to
her for Horace Is one man In ten
thousand That he loved her was writr
ten on bis brow To do so was natu
ral for she was In all respects lovable
I believe thnt even Ueed felt an emo
tion as nearly sincere as his nature
would permit I judge so from the fact
that he used to keep engagements with
her a thing he never did with any one
else Indeed he could not always do so
even with her for 1 saw him playing
liilliardB with Jack BJIss in the Aldine
parlors one evening when I knew
that he had positively promised to es
cort Miss Ware to the home of some
poor people in whom she was charita
bly interested
It was 11 oclock when I saw Reed
and Bliss In the billiard room They
were having a desperate struggle with
money In the corners of the table and I
learned that they had been at It blnce 4
In the afternoon dining upon sand
wiches furnished by the Aldine man
I had looked In to And Horace Taylor
who had said he might meet me there
after the theater ne was not In sight
no I walked around the corner to the
entrance of the Aldine apartments
wherein Taylor Heed and Bliss had
bachelor apartments
Horace was Just coming out to keep
his appointment with me but on hear
ing that Ileed was In the billiard room
he lost his inclination for the sport and
suggested Instead tbut we should go up
to his rooms and hnve a quiet smoke
I had not realized how hard Horace
was bit until that evening We talked
for about two hours he extolling Miss
Wnro and I roasting Heed and I
think Horace wns cheered up consider
ably He was not the man who would
roast a rival so I had to do It for him
When I left Horaces room I passed
the door of Heeds It was open and I
tsaw him within He had his overcoat
and hat on nnd was standing with a
poker In his hand bending over a hot
fire In the grate
Gone crazy Johnny I asked cheer
Yes snld he and this is how I
know It 1 wrote a note to Miss Ware
aud went out to post It When I got to
the mall box I found that I had this
thing In my hnnd
He passed me an unopened envelope
addressed to himself There was n tai
lors name In the upper left hand cor
Dun of course said he I thought
I burned It Jusj before leovjng the
room but It must have been thOj note
to MlW Ware tut I threw Into lb
Binte This loyks like a piece of the
en elope
And lie inked a bit of dinned pnper
out of the the
No snld I Its here
1 picked mit of an overturned wnstc
basket lying between us an envelope
addressed to Miss Ware
Thats the first one I wrote her
sit Id Heed Its no good Told her I
was sick from eating some candy sent
to me through the mall Thats n
chestnut The seeoud oue was much
Whnt pUdMint Action did that con
tnln I asked
Do you know thnt coal hole In the
sidewalk Just to the left of the en
trance of this building
I admitted having noticed It
Well about a year ago one of the
elevator men went out In a hurry one
evening and stepped right Into that
hole They were putting In coal and
the cover wns off He went down a
shoot 30 feet to the subcellar and came
out perfectly black nnd with two ribs
And you wrote her thnt thnt had
happened to you snld I Why shell
know that the Aldine management
wouldnt be getting in coal at this time
of year Understand I dont condemn
the lie on mora grounds which you
wouldnt comprehend but
Xelther do you comprehend the pres
ent situation ho replied And then
he went on to tell me n wild extrava
gant falsehood that his breaking the
engagement with Miss AVnre wns en
tirely for hor snke nnd wns founded
upon considerations which were of tre
mendous Importance nnd which lie was
not privileged to divulge If she had
gone upon the charitable errand which
she planned the gravest results would
have followed and lie had prevented
her In the only possible way
No one who doesnt know Heed could
believe that such rampant nonsense
could be plausibly presented yet at one
point of his sory even I was led to sus
pect that there might be n germ of
truth In it That was Heeds specialty
to tell n falsehood In such a way that
the hearer might well suspect It to be
false and would yet believe that the
truth was in it veiled for some vastly
important and romantically secret mo
Im rather glad I burned that let
ter said Heed as lie took the other
oue out of my hand and made n bad
shot nt the grate with It Ill write a
better one and describe a real occur
He sat down nt his desk nnd wrote
vith incredible speed
As I was passing that deathtrap
crossing at Thirty fouith street this
evening said lie folding the letter a
little girl tried to get away from a
Sixth avenue trolley and ran right in
front of a hansom I jumped for her
und pulled her out of danger but the
shaft of the cab hit me In the back and
hurt me quite badly The little girl was
not injured but she scared almost
to death and yelled like an Indian To
pacify her 1 hired the cab that had
done the damnge nnd sent the child to
her home on the east side
Of course he snld I hnve had to
represent the injury to myself ns rath
er more serious than it was but other
wise the story Is true In every detail
I merely groaned It was useless to
say anything
Heed senied up his letter nddressed
nnd Btamped it and rose to go
Wnlt here for me old man said he
Ive got something important to say
to you Ill be back iu half a mlarte
Heres a cigar a good one too oue of
a lot that General Ludlow sent me
from Havana
I recognized the cigar ns a brand sold
In the Aldine billiard room but I did
not say so Heed rusheJ uway and I
eat smoking for at least a quarter of an
hour Then Bliss came along
Waiting for Heed he asked
Yes said I Hes gone out for
half a minute
I heard him raising the deuce awhile
ngp about a letter to Miss Ware thnt he
thought he might hnve dropped In the
vestibule said Bliss Did he find It
No 1 replied shortly The whole
subject disgusted me nnd I did not
care to speak of It Im going home
Its nearly 2 oclock Shall you wait
Why yes I guess so he replied
I want to see Johnny for half a min
Tell him I got sleepy and went
home to bed Good night
Good night snld Bliss stretching
himself in im ensj chnlr
The next evening when 1 dropped In
to Holnnds for dinner I snw Horace
Taylor sitting alone by one of the tn
blcH lo my gtent surprise there was
a qurrt bottle of champagne In n cooler
beside lihn Such Indulgence was en
tirely bej ond anything that I knew
nbout Horace
When he snw me he jumped up and
grubbed my hnnd ns Dnuioti might
hnve done to IythluH in the most thrill
lug moment of their friendship
Im mighty glnd to see you he
cried Kit down
Any one else coming 1 asked
glancing at the cooler
Hoi nee blushed
No he said Im only celebrating
nnd ns 1 was alone 1 could think of
1 if Q
nothing better than that bottle of fool
ishness By hcnuU 1 am glud you
Why whats the matter my boy I
Ill tell you the whole story snld
he 1 went to cnll on Miss Ware this
afternoon and she spoke of her disap
pointment Iu not going on her errand
of ehai lt lnt e cuing I dont know
what got Into no but I said Impulsive
ly that Heed wns careless nbout bis en
gagements Its the only time Ive ever
said anything against him In her pres
ence aud 1 did it very mildly I assure
An honorable fellow snld I will
always forbear to speak evil of another
fellow when the plain truth might pie
vent a good woman from marrying a
Honors a queer thing Ill admit
he said and It really doesnt seem to
have been made In the interest of wo
men However I did go so far ns to
say that Johnny wns careless about his
Upon tint she proceeded to defend
him In n ninnner that put me verj
much In the wrong Mr Heed wns a
most scrupulous mini If he had failed
to keep his engagement there must be
some good reason for it
At thnt moment In came the butler
with letters for Miss Ware on a most
beautiful salver
This is from Mr Heed she cried
taking the topmost letter from the pile
Now we shall know nil nbout It Iar
don me And she proceeded to read
I saw her face grow pale nnd then
He lias been hurt she cried Hurt
saving a poor little girl from injury at
a crossing Didnt you know of this
living In the same building with him
No I replied we face little of each
Meanwhile the butler was standing
like a statue holding the tray He ven
tured to cough discreetly and Miss
Ware saw that there were inoie letters
Another from Mr Heed she cried
and opened it with feverish haste
Why what is this she murmured
ne hns fallen into a coal hole How
terribly unfortunate after being hurt
by the cab
Theres another letter miss said
the butler
And by Jingo that was from Heed
too and It said thnt somebody had sent
him poisoned candy through the mails
In utter coi fusion of mind Miss Ware
showed me the three letters Each of
them named n separate excuse for ntl
keeping the engagement with her nut
each alleged that after the particular
calamity detailed in It the unfortunate
victim had taken to his bed and had
been unable to get out of It
Mr Taylor said Miss Ware at
last I want you to go down to the
Aldine nnd ascertain the exact facts
And you must give me your roost
sacred word of honor to report exactly
what you find
1 tried to beg off but it wns no use
It was a case of do it or lose her
friendship forever So I went down
there And this Is what I found out
Heed wrote three letters Oue of
them he thought thnt he burned but
really he dropped It In the elevator
nnd one of the boys mniled It Anoth
er was found on the floor of his room
by Jack Bliss who had heard of the
loss of the letter nnd thought it waB
his duty to mail the one he found The
thjrd was mailed by Johnny himself
When be went out to mull It he met
some fellows nnd staid with them so
long that Illss who was waiting In
Johnnys room gave him up nnd went
to his own place
Thats nbout the whole of It Of
course we who know Johnny can un
derstand his three separate lies
I had to report to Miss Ware nnd I
did It without fenr or favor whereup
on she wrote a note to Heed saying
that three such fearful visitations of
Providence In one evening were evi
dently meant as n warning to him that
ho must make no more engagement
with her Indeed t would be safer if
he did not even see her again since
stern fate was so much opposed
She sent that by a messenger boy
Am I mean to rejoice Ierhaps so
Anyhow It a luxury after havlnr
shielded the4 liar to my own Injury so
tt - w W
Copyright 1000 by J B Trigg Hoolrfbril In
Gorrcapomlcnrn Solicited
Texas will show up with n crop of
cotton worth f KXWKWtKK this year
When a turkey stenls her nest somo
neighbor Is very likely to steal her
Thais the way It always goes Just
ns soon as the berries get ripe the sug
ii r trust puts up the price of sugar
We would like to know why the Ixird
made the ciueullo want to Iny Hh
incnsly egg In the best urletles of
Always thoins among the roses for
here Just ns the strawberry season
ends along come the hay fccr and
the sulllles
There may be something prettier
than a Jack tone In the gulden these
btlght June mornings but If there Is
ltu cant see It
A bushel of lowu corn would buy a
bushel of York Mute pears this year If
It were not for the iiillwajs share In
the transaction
It Is the cultlMitlon of the crop after
the weeds are nil killed which Is n real
pleasure to the eultluitor and a boon
to the growing crop
If you hnve an old stag ram which
you know Is of no use to ship to Chi
cago dont try to work It off on your
home community as spring lamb
You see that your boys hnve n good
Tom th of July With corn at 35 cents
you can affoid to give the boy moie
than a quarter to celebrate bis coun
trys independence
The painful blotches caused by Ivy
poisoning may be speedily relieved by
wetting a piece of bread with water
and dusting with washing soda placing
It o er the tcald
It Is all right for the man to Insist
upon having mcnls at the farm home
ready on time nnd it Is uiso all right
for the wife nnd mother to Insist upon
the men being on hand when the meal
is ready
Deatli In the summer kitchen is nl
ways linking when the gasoline stove
Is cuielessv bundled Foolish und
ciueless women ennnot change the law
which governs the explosive hydro
When pianos and organs find n ready
sale among the farmers it may lie
safely assumed that times are easy
out on the grass More pianos were
sold last year than for the six years
Kansas leads off for the ciop senson
of 1100 with an 80000000 bushel ero
of wheat and wants thousands of men
to help bnv It Following the wheat
will be a ariOOOOOOO bushel crop of
com and we recall the time when v
pnssed the hat for Kansas
The proposed Germnn legislation
against met products Is only as to
canned goods and sausage which
but a small part of our exports
to that country It may be that this
adverse legislation Is entirely In the
Interest of the horse meat sausage of
The municipal ordinances of the city
of St Pete slmrg In Husslu prohlbl
the carrying of n whip by the cabme
of the city and still some of the Quest
nnd most Igh spirited horses In all
the world aro to be found In that cltj
The horse la there treated better than
the man
The mnn who put r worth of eggs
Into a U5 Incubator and for three
weeks has len broken of his sleep to
watch the machine which nt last turns
him out a couple of meably motherless
chicks hns troubles of his own and
needs two lnnguages In which to ex
press his feelings
The trouble may come from a hall
storm or from a cyclone or from a
stroke of lightning or from a lanten
kicked over by a cow In tho barn and
It does com In all of these ways and
an Insurance policy which will cover
the loss Is it good thing to have when
the trouble comes
Naturally men will always put the
poor apples In the middle of the barre
and the best berries on the top of the
box but all tho same the men who
make the most money from their fruit
dont do this sort of dirty work rt is
more honorable und pays better to sell
tho poor fruit to the glucose Jam mak
ers nnd let the fraud be sold In k
Give your boy nn acre of land to work
on some part of the farm nnd let him
do It nil his own way and lime for his
own the proceeds of such crop as he
may raise Ho will niako some blun
ders of course but his experience will
be woith a good deal For such nn
acre some spechil crop such ns mel
ons popcorn strawberries or potntoes
should be giown Yon try It nnd see
how quickly the boy will become Inter
ested In llmllng out all about the crop
which he wU try to raise and how to
care forand market It to tbebevt ad
We nolcc wllh regiet that weeds of
nil suits are almost entirely exempt
froi the ravages if ItiHet ts It Is prob
nlil tills thing which does siiiyithlng
to make them weeds Here Is for
Instance u wild rose proof against
mildew slug gieen worm und red
spider nil of which beset a Jacquemi
not lose growing within two feet of
It In the wi Iters garden
The publication of the formula by
w 1 1 let i oleo Is made hns been a surprise
to the country and to congress which
compelled such publicity It Is proved
thnt It can be puuluced ho very cheap
ly that nioi emphatically than ever Is
the demand being made that it shall
not be allowed to pass Itself off us but
ter It In also shown that the people
who are knowing users of It are en
titled to very much lower prices on It
A farmer In central Iowa recently
drove n four horse team of draft horses
Into a country town and was offered
nn even 1000 for them by u local
horse buyer These were high grade
lcrchcrons and the sort of horses
wanted by tho breweries and whole
sale bouses of the lnrge cities For
this grade of horses there will always
be a good demand nt good prices
A yenr or two more and the rafting
business ot the Mississippi river will
be a thing of the past The pine tim
ber has in ally all been cut on tlw
noithern tributaries of this river
which Is within hauling distance of the
streams and now the only way left Is
to build railways Into the uncut sec
tions of timber and erect mills adja
cent thereto shipping out the lumber
Instead of the logs
If cdeo Is he poor muns butter and
was sold to htm for what It cost to pro
duce with a iTiiMinahlc piollt added
and sold for Just what It Is no one
could have any Just cause for com
plaint But It Is sold as htiMcr with
the outrageous prollt of not less tliai
10 cents a pound to the producer of the
fraud Nlne teiitlis of the oleo eaten Is
euten by thor c who think und believe
It lb genuine butter
The end of the stinwlieiry seii on nl
wnys conies all too soon and the
grower of this fruit who makes n
specialty of late varieties wlilch rlpi i
after the bulk of the crop Is marketed
can alwayb depend upon making a
good tiling out of his late berries for
people always want strawberries most
Just as the season ends The Gaudy
berry Is the latest fruiting variety we
have tried i id while not a large yield
er the fruit Is cceptlonnlIj large and
While we most cheerfully concede to
woman a place If she can make one
on the rostrum In the courtroom In
the pulpit as fa nn manager aud
grower of line stock as commercial
traveler physician and auhltect we
still draw the line on her playing
butcher and running a meat maikci
An Indiana man proudly biags that
his daughter can knock down a stcr
und take Its hide off moie quickly and
In better shape than any man he etr
employed for this purpose
Lawns kept closely cut nnd well wa
tered during the summer season nee 1
fertilizing every two years at least
About the best fertilizer Is inude by
taking stablv manuie and by turning
It two or three times during the sum
mer months secure the destiuction of
all weed seeds In it Then apply i
liberal coat of such fertilizer in tie
fall along In October nnd let It re
main on the law n during the
raking the coarscbt of it olT In
spring Hut mind It must be well
hen ted nnd turned during the summer
to kill the weed seeds otherwise Jt will
ninke bnd work
The opportunities for the acquire
ment of a practical agricultural educa
tion nre better today than they have
ever been before and this too without
the expense of attending some Institu
tion There Is un unlimited literature
bearing on all phases of farm work
books papers and magazines There
nre study courses carried on by corre
spondence to be had In some of the
states through which nearly nil the
benefits of a course at an agricultural
college may be obtained ltenlly all
that Is wanting now Is the well deflued
purpose on the part of the man who
should know more to acquire such
knowledge as he needs
Of course It Is not so bad as to have
the reputation for being dishonest but
all the same It never helps n man any
to be known as tight In a communi
ty While n mnn should look after hh
own Interests In a businesslike man
ner It does not pay hlra to split hnlr3
to get his own or Ignore the fact that
every man owes something to the com
munity nt lnrge It Is a nice thing to
enjoy the reputation of being a gener
ous man ns one having thought and
care for his fellows lets fortunate thuu
he as ono who living In the world
makes It the better for his having so
lived Such a reputation Is far better
than n gilt edged Hradstreets rating
aud Ik a security which ulwuys pays a
biff dlvldeud as lung ab the man lives
Tt i f
tefftiuag ABLE
I or cute nt
Dr Humphreys
SpeclllcH euro by acting directly upon
the lisoitso without exciting disorder ia
any other part of tho systuin
M cunr H intern
I lrrr nKnllmin Inllnmmftlloim US
2 Wnriim Worm lavr Worm Colic 21
4 IMiirrlicn if Chllilrrn or Ailulln
7 Cough Colcln llriiiichltU UH
H rVmimlctn Tixrtlitioho Kncnnchn 25
tt llfnilnrhr Hick llumlnclio Vartlo 21
1 0 lvriili tiKllKiflUoiWcnlcDUiiiinchUS
I I Hupiirrimi il ir Ililnful 1crlnJn 21
12 Wliltm Tx rrofiiHu IVrltxIn ii
ii rni Iaryiiilll UnarHminnii illi
1 4 Hall ttlii um Krynlpoliui Kruptloin iH
1 n llhriiniKlliiiii Itliuuiiiatla rntnn 23
16 Malaria Clillln lcmrnnil Akuo 21
in Cnlnrrli Innurnrn Cold In tlio Hwul Jft
27 llMnry llUrnura 21
2H Nrvoii OiiMlltv 100
aO Urlmrv Wrnli lie Wotting llwl 21
77 lrlp Hy 1nvrr an
Dr IIinniiliriyH Mnn mil of nil DIicaim i at your
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4waW yMfflhoEtftyyiw u Tf VS PyEftlfaw
TnAOE Marks
Copyrights Ac
Anyone oenrllni nxliettli nnd ilpnerliillnn nmy
nnlikly iiHierlnln our opinion freo u liitlicr mi
Invention Im prolinlily piiliiitnblii Cnminmilni
t lonn hi rlel ly t nnllilmit ml I lunilliook on Im entx
hem me iiiiichi nuoney mr per mint piileniH
IuhmlM taken tlirouuli Miinu c Co rcculvo
rjirrlnl notice wltliout clmrnu In tlm
Scientific Jlmmi
A ImuilHoniely lllnnlnileil weekly TiiWHt clr
i uliitloii of iiuy hi leiitlllo Joiinml 1 ennn 3 n
iir four moiitliH l Sold liy nil ncwnilenlerf
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route you bid ween Umiihii r nd Chicago
via tho
the shortest line between the two cities
Trains via this popular road depart from
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necting with trains fioin tho west
Magnificently i quipped irains pulnce
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Dlhing cars and buffet library and
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Trav Frt Pass Agt OniahaSJ
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Iron Mountain Route
To certain
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i no
PLUS 200
Feby 5th and 19th
ON TUESDAYS J March 6th and 19th
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Final Limit of Tickets 31 Days
Stop overs will bo allowed within
transit limit Of flfrertn ilnva miw on
reaching lirst homcieekers poiut en
Twlr flirftifip iifrc a nlAwif i
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t r luldrotn any ukcui ot tho couumujor
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