The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 01, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Thcflopfolk fleuas
Madison with Its streets Hlitcd by
lilno nro lights nnd 15 112 cnndli power
incandesccnts in sotting ft pace tlmt
should shame Norfolk into hnving u
bettor Unlit service on tho public thor
A bright Matlstlcian Iihr figured out
thot a college bred wopian enn throw n
baso ball only per runt ns fur nH u
college iniiiii but enn jump UVi per cent
nH fnr The bitter wah determined
when n mouse was Ioohu iu tho room
Tho Vordigro Citlon lmH opoiud tho
campaign in Knox county by presenting
tho nnmo of George W Miuimlura of
thnt vlllogo for tho position of sheriff
Tho Citizen evidently holloves lirnily in
tho ndago that tho early bird guts the
Tho hot editorials iu thiH weeks inane
of Bryans Commoner caused tho niiill
cur in whioh they won being sent to
ontoh flro yostorduy near Wuvcrly Bo
twoen I ft nud 20 sacks of tho Commonur
wore destroyed There wuh no OBpocinl
damn go done
Tho orrntio Carrio Nation ban decided
to quit joint smashing and become the
editor of a paper to bo published iu tho
interest of tho colored rnco and temper
unco It would take a Philadelphia
lawyer to keop track of what Mrs
Nation ingoing to do next
The ambition to go south iu winter
has been decidedly chilled Hiuoethe City
of Mexico wnR visited by a snow Htorm
a fow days ngo It wuh the first storm
of tho kind in thnt locality for GO years
but if ono is to be snowed upon oven
every holfjcontnry ho hnd bettor re
main in Nebraska whoro ho becomes
uccustomod to that sort of thing
It is to bo hoped that tho Omaha police
are on the right track and that iu theur
rest of Oullnhau they have captured one
of tho Oudnhy kidunppors nud thnt the
others will soon bo npprohoudud There
nbould lie no mincing matters in tho
conrtB when tho guilty partios nro found
but tho puuishmout should be adequate
to tho crime
A bill is before tho legislature intro
duced by ex Governor Crouuso provid
ing that tho property owned by tho
state and known as tho governors
mansion bo sold at publio auction
Now that Nebraska is through provid
ing for pop governors it is proposod to
lot the exooutivo rent his own house
ThiB would seem hardly a fnlr deal and
tho bill will probably be killed
If tho city council finds itsolf uuablo
to induce tho building of a better class
of sidownllcs why would it not bo well
to Mrs Natiou them A Topokn judge
decides that she has violated no law in
her career of joint smashing nud that
in her crusade sho is siuipiy abating a
publio uuiBauce There would bo no
diflloulty what over iu proving to the
satisfaction of any judge that many of
the Norfolk sidewalks are a publio nuis
The Omaha commercial club is still
discussing tho building of a trolly sys
tem betwoou Omaha and Fremont
Such a Bervice between those two towns
would be a oonveinenco to the people
aloug tho lino but it would prove dis
astrous to the business interests of Fro
inont as much trade whioh rightly be
longs to Fremout would evidoutly go to
tho metropolis if quiof cheap trans
portation facilities wore afforded
Now the announcement comes that
Pat Crowe the alleged kiduupor is iu
hiding ou a desert island in the Missouri
-river within sight of the dome of tho
court houBe in Omaha where he is
guarded by a faithful baud of followers
and a whole arsoual of death dealing
equipment which tho police of Omaha
doro not go against for fear of boing
blown into nuother world Evidently
some ono has been indulging in a pipe
dream preceded by an overindulgence
in mince pie and the reading of a yellow
covered dime novel
Sinoo the success whioh attended the
Cudahy affair the kidnaping habit like
the grip has become quito prevalent
Its latest point to appear was at Hunt
ington Ind where two young men
notified a banker to leave 500 at a
lonely spot by the dark of the moon uu
der penalty of losing his life Unlike
Mr Oudahy the baukor failed to re
pond to the demand but notified the
police who were at the appointed place
and promptly slapped the youug men
into jail All which was quite tho cor
rect solution of the cose The banker is
to be commended for refusing to be
held up
A few of the natural accompaniments
of the newly discovered saline injection
treatment for lengthening and strength
ening life are being disclosed A
Vienna phyeioian now claims that a
mixture of parafine and vaseline injected
under the skin will fatten thin people
This is a couditiou that can well be do
Bired by a considerable number of poo
pie and especially by the dashing young
and handsome ballet girls of 50 or GO
summers who will be under no
slty of using thoco frightful pads in the
tho future to innku their stage uppoor
nneo endurable The anxious public
now awaits an injection Hint will make
lvy people anxious to work mid ninny
others tn fuel the Hold of injection ox
perimentists in pruoticnlly illimitable
Tne Illinois house of representatives
has memorialized congress to amend
tho constitution so as Jto make United
Sfntes senators elective by direct vote of
tho peoplo If n fow other states were
to puss through tho throes of a contest
such as is now on in Lincoln they
would nil soon bo glud to hnvo United
StutPB srnntors elected by tho people
direct Such n method would not only
save expenso but it would provent much
of tho hnrd feeling within tho ranks of
tins dominant party that is engendered
through the present stylo of choosing
sonatorH Tho idea that tho people nro
not enpnble of limiting their own selec
tions is n rello of nristoerncy that should
bo dispensed with in theeo days of on
lightened citizenship
Not foryeiirs has thtro been such a
demand fnr Northeastern Nebraska real
estate us at tho present time Lund
seekers nro coming into thiH section every
day from eastern states nud the southern
part of Nebraska hunting for homes
They hnvo at Inst become convinced
that Northeastern Nebraska is tho best
portion of tho state nud now many
want a piece of it Asa matter of faot
tho soil of this section is very similar to
thnt of Iowa which is conceded to bo
the best agricultural state in tho union
While tho soil is probably fully ns pro
ductive tho prices of land are not nearly
so high ns yet but thoy will be before
monymorojyoarsj Onorenl estate ngont
in Norfolk Btatcs that he lins sold 2000
acres of laud since the first of January
and is in constant rcoeipt of inqnirioB
for more It will not be long before
prices will bo decidedly advanced and
those who contemplate owning a piece
of North Nebraska real estate should
purchase at ouco
Tho Iowa City Republican rolnteB nu
oxperienco with which every newspnpor
man is familiaras follows The editor
of a papor printed in a thriving little
town only a few milos from Iowa City
wns usked tho other day to publish an
article roasting a citizen Certainly
ho said to tho caller what shall I Bay
llo was furnished with an outline of
what was wanted nnd wrote ou aiticle
that was a scorcher Thats splendid
exclaimed tho friend delighted when
tho article was rend to him that is
right thatll make his old hair crinkle
All right said tho oditorlotsseo what
are your initials Good heavens
said the citizen you nro not going
to sign my name to that Why not
uskod tho editor I wouldnt havoany
ono know I had anything to do with that
for the world I caut afford to got into
a scrap with my neighbors The editor
smiled benevolently nud said Why
should I mix up in a scrap that does not
concern m Why should you expect
mo to assume the blame for tho publica
tion of an article to which you are afraid
to sign your namo Tho man stopped
the papor aud went away mad
The intimation which comes from H
C Payne n member of tho national ex
ecutive committee that republicans out
Bide tho state ore watching the senator
ial contest at Liuooln as anxiously as
those of tho state iu the hope to seo ir
amicablyf bottled is one that should
cause members of tho legislature to do
n little reflecting While outside repub
licans no doubt are anxious to see the
election of two United States seimtnrH
from Nebraska the result of the con
teat means much more to this state than
it possibly can to anyone else The
time of the session is rapidly slipping
away aud yet the controversy seems no
noarer a settlement now than it did the
first of January If the present dead
lock should continue and the legislature
adjourn without reaching an election
it would be a serious matter for the re
publican party of Nebraska it would
probably mean the loss of the state at
the next election with the consequent
Bonding of two populist senators to tho
United States senate two years hence
The campaign last fall was fought
largely on the issue of the senatorships
and the majority was placed iu the leg
islature primarily for the purpose of
haviug Nebraska represented in the
United States Benate by renuDlipanR
This duty tho party of the state has a
right to expect tho members nf the leg
islature o perform aud should they
return to their constituents at the end
of tho session with tho deadlock un
broken every one of them should be
buried 6o deep that they will nover be
neuru oi pojuicauy ogam They must
get together andlthrow their support to
two men even though those men are
not the personal choice of each and
every mem oer of the legislature The
republican party is a far greater insti
tution than the individual members
and they must subserve their personal
dislikes to the good of that party if
need be Failure to elect would bring
disaster upon the party in this state
from which it would not recover for
years aud this is more of o sacrifice than
will be tolerated to please M or 40 leg
islators who do not happen to look at
things from the same standpoint tnkeu
by 80 or 40 other members of that
august body It is time to do business
Inti oimo Home Institutions
The practice of sending away from
homu to buy goods is becoming nlto
got her too prevalent and the worst
of it is it is growing This not only
applies to Norfolk but to other western
towns and unless tho people see tho
pernicious effects of suoh a course tho
result cannot bo othorwlso than disas
trous to many western communities
Tho tendency of tho times is to contra
lto trade and nil lines of business but
whllo this will build up tho cities it will
prove tho low nf nil of the smaller towns
Not long agon traveling man for a
branch of a certain press manufactory
visited thin office and in speaking of
this feature of human nature said thnt
recently n printer in his town wanted
to purohaso two presses of a given clzo
mado by tho company for which his
house is agent Now tho company
fixes tho sale prico of its presses loss
than which no ngont is allowed to sell
under penalty of losing his agency but
the company allows the agent to pay
freight on the goods to his own distrib
uting house thus giving tho agent tho
ndvuutago of freight rates iu his terr
tory Tho printer figured with this
house some time nud filially paid his
faro to a town 1100 miles distant pur
chased tho presses at identically tho
same prico that had becu quoted him by
his neighbor but paid iu addition tho
freight on the mnchines the transaction
costing him iu the neighborhood of 25
more than if he had walked over 10 an
other Ktreet nt home nud bought tho
presses The presses were exnetly what
he would have got at home because the
manufacturer turns out only one grade
of machines But he bought them away
from home nud prevented his neighbor
from mnkiug a commission on tho sale
To illustrate this point closer home
The Niwj knows of a case where a man
wout to Omaha to purchase furniture
aud ourpets and when ho had the goods
in his house he found that he had paid
practically the freight and his expenses
to Omaha more than he could have
bought for at home On some articles
the Omaha houso hud given him a lower
price than tho homo dealer had offered
but ou others ho hnd paid more so that
ou tho whole bill he would have done
jnst ns well if he hnd left his money nt
home besides saving freight time aud
expenso of his trip Of course the home
merchaut would hnvo mnde a profit on
the bill else ho could not maintain his
establishment If the customer had
bought from his home merchant he
would have hnd some one to stand be
hind the articles sold and make them
good if anything wore wrong
The above is cited only as ou instance
of this practice Tin News knows of
other similar transactions and the
Btrange feature about itis that business
men of town indulge in it quite as much
as those not dopoudent upon tho support
of their neighbors It is not the intent
of this article to call names or to throw
out insinuations whereby nnyoue enn be
located although we could do
simply to cnll nttention of
people to the fnct that they are doing the
community a great injustice which will
surely react upon themselves when they
send away from home to buy goods
When Norfolk people want meat we
have good markets to supply them when
wo want dry goods groceries shoes
clothing wall paper drugs merchant
tailoring coal flour furniture pianos
organs jewelry liquors yes some
people buy whisky away from home
and have it shipped in by express in
gallon jugs let us buy them of homo
dealers The home dealers pay for rent
taxes electric lights coal aud the
aroci ana oue tniugs which enter into
the maintenance of n business besides
they contribute to the support of public
enterprises churches and good society
The foreign houses ure not interested in
this community and do none of these
things and the money paid them is
taken out of locul circulation never to
return in auy form whereas in nine
cases out of ton all the profits made by
home dealers are kept in circulation
either in paying the expenses of their
business or in improvements wLicb
benefit the town
Another instance of the sending away
habit which is
somewhat personal oc
curred last December when the agent
of a printing office in a certain town of
the Btato oanvassed the merchants of
Norfolk for job printing It woujd
naturally be supposed merohants being
auxious to keep trade at home that he
so but 1 election
would have been given the marble heart
by evory business man he canvassed
Did he We venture the assertion that
tho profits on the work he took out of
Norfolk would have paid the wages of a
printer in this or either of the other
Norfolk oflloeB for two months It is
true he made cut prices on his work but
as is usually the cose his oustomers
only reoeived what they paid for and a
similar character of cheap work could
have been done in Norfolk at the same
prices To follow this cose farther if
the printer whose wages went to an
other town had been given the work in
Norfolk he would have Bpeutthe money
amoug home merchants aud it would
have been kept in circulation here As
it is it has gone to be expended amoug
the merchaut6 i f another town
The whole practice is pernicious aud
can result in nothing but retarding the
business growth of the town To be
very frank about this matter we believe
the business men of Norfolk ure much
to blame for the condition here for the
reason that thoy hnvo set the oxnmplo
of sending away for their purchases
and if thoy cannot show enough confi
dence in their neighbors to purchnso of
them what thoy require in lines outside
their own thon thoy must not expect
the general publio to buy of thorn
It is not so much a mattor of cost ns
it is habit and a very poor habit it is
Lot evory ono patronize homo institu
tions whether tho purchase Ikj largo or
small and see how quickly tho effect
will be noticed in tho trade of Norfolk
More IlTslilcntH tlinn Kings
Tho St Tamos Gazette of Loudon
has been counting up the diflerent sorts
of governments which ore in tho world
and seems to be startled at tho groat
number of republics which it finds
There are ovor sixty rulers in the
world it says aud it is surprising to
find that tho presidents outnumber the
kings There are twenty four presi
dents aud only twenty kings But tho
balauco is more than made stiaight
by tho emperors czirs sultans
mikados rajahs khedives ameers and
othjr potentates king ThiB is indeed
a surprising revelation to a monarchist
to whom the designation president is
rather unfamiliar says the St Louis
Globe Democrat
But tho threat iucrcaso in tho number
of presidents has taken place since the
foundation of the United Statos govern
ment nud has been cnused by it The
executives of sovoral of the old thirteen
states were called presidents but out
side of this couutry the title was not
often hoard previous to the inaugura
tion of George Washington France
has had three republics since that date
inoludiug tho present government
Central and South America broke away
from Spain within a little over
of a century from the time that Wash
ington took office and nearly all of it
adopted republican governments From
the Rio Grande down to Cape Horn
there was a continuous string of repub
lics except in tho case of Portugal6 old
dependency of Brazil
Moreover tho republics are likely to
gam at the expense of the monarchies
The only independent monarchy iu the
western hemisphere was abolished in
1 881 by the overthrow of Dom Pedros
ompiro of Brazil A reduction in the
number of the republics however took
place in 1900 by the subversion of the
Orange Free State and the Transvaal
Australia Btands a chance to add to the
number of the republics at an early date
for even the slight tie which biuds that
regiou to the British empire is likely to
be sundered before many more years
pass There was a president in Spain
a little over a quarter of a century ago
and there may be one again at an early1
day In any case the future is on the
side of the republics The presidents
ore bound to gain on the kings
The legislators should at least know
by this time thnt the people want an
Now is tho time to elect
jjow that Oregon has broken the ice
ou the seuatorical deadlock question
Nebraska and Delaware should not hesi
tate to follow suit
Now that they are to go into the sen
after oil how long will it be until some
enterprising yankee will wnnt to squeeze
the air for the oil it coutains
The evidence is that improvements on
the railroads are to be continued with
out interruption this season and will be
more exteusivo than heretofore
The capital city is threatened with a
small pox epidemic Why would it not
be a good scheme to quarantine the
legislature until it elects those United
Statos senators
New Yorks new chief of police takes
his nourishment through a tube and
there are those who might raise the
point as to whether or not he is violat
ing the slot machine law
It is sometimes disastrous to im
personate even Pat Crowe Down at
Superior a justice of the peace fined a
fuuuy traveling man namod Griswold
ff for registering under the name of the
famous kidnaper
An Illinois lover has a very original
idea of disposing of a rival Instead of
shooting him he impersonates a ghost
aud scares him into a frenzy Perhaps
the shooting would be less cruel but his
origiuality caunot be ignored
Buttwo western states Nebraska and
Wyoming are to be officially repre
sented at the inauguration ceremonies
of President MoKinley Their delega
tions will see to it however thnt the
great west is not totally ignored
A revision of the mother-in-law joke
is due A Paris young woman has
sued for a divorce because her husband
seems to love her mother better than
her The husband says he will marry
his mother-in-law if the proceedings re
sult successfully
A West Virginia gas well named
after W J Bryan is spouting gas at tho of
rate of 50000000 feet a day uuder au
estimuted pressure of 4000 pouudB to
the square inch It is burning in a
toroh 200 feet high aud shakes the earth
for miles around With all of Mr
Bryans command of the natural article
ho enn nover hopo to rival his illustri
ous namesake especia ly regarding the
abundance of light produced
A faithful Omaha husband insisted on
accompanylug his wife to tho small pox
post Iioubo and stayed witli her for three
woeltH without contracting the disease
although he hnd nover hnd it Ho wns
the right kind of menl and it waB per
fectly proper for the disease to pass him
It is about time for the democratic
party to reassemble that splendid nerve
of which it has always been so proud
and propnro to assort tho election of a
democratic president in 1K4 There is
nothing liko beginning early and keep
ing it up until every hope is goue
Arbor day is Btill some time in
but it would bo well to perfect your
plans for tho observance of tho day by
arranging to plant more trees this spring
than ever before Make your town and
country homes pleasant by increasing
the number of shade and fruit trees as
rapidly as possible
A writer iu tho Sioux City Tribune
says A man in Sioux Falls wont to
see the Jossey company play Sapho
night before last aud then went into the
country and shot himself Wonder
why Thats easy He hod a bad
taste in his mouth or gizzard or some
where that he tried to puncture
With tho price of hogs hovering
around the 5 mark it will take some
thing more than the philosophy of a
Bryan to convince the farmers that they
made a grave mistake in letting well
enough alone Iu fact it seems as
though the well enough was being
a third improved upon with each passing dny
The city campaign is not opening
with the interest that should character
ize an event of Buch moment to the
country But then perhaps the ward
politicians have not yet arisen to the
needs of the time and will make things
sufficiently hot to satisfy the most ex
aotiug before the campaign closes
Nebraska has splendid prospects for
big growth aud development this spring
and Bummer In Norfolk the building
prospects aud other improvements have
not been so marked for years It is a
season of growth and expansion aud all
the pessimists and coutractionists can
not keep Nebraska from benefiting
Fusion has been effectually killed iu
Kansas so far at least as the opportun
ity goes for one candidate to get his
name on the ballot in a dozen or two
places by being named by that many
political parties The Kansas house in
sists that hereafter the name of a candi
date shall appear but once on the ballot
A Superior man believes that he has
solved the problem of perpetual motion
He is not the first aud there will be
others after he is goue The perpetual
motion of the brains and tongues of the
fellows who think they enn make power
from nothing is probably as near the
realization of their dream as they cun
And now the lynch spirit has invaded
Indiana The mob was unique in that
it killed the victim by shootinp then
hung and finally burned him If they
had allowed the first punishment to
answer they might have been considered
more human and the negro would pos
sibly have beeu just us thoroughly
Another rich gold discovery is said to
have been made and this time it is on
the Samoan islands The world will
probably witness the spectacle of the ad
venturous gold seeker moving from the
ice bound regions of Alaska to the torrid
temperature of tho Samoan islands oud
probably live through the change from
one extreme to the other
King Edwards reign is not to be char
acterized by the simplicity thnt pre
vailed during the late qunens regime
Already extensive improvements and
alterations to the royal residences are
planned and Edward proposes to reign
in the pomp and luxury that character
ized him as prince This does not nieau
that his reign will be more satisfactory
to the poor people ot England who get
small share of the luxury than was that
of his mother
Divorces nre becoming more frequent
easier to obtain and the reasons more
numerous and trivial One court re
cently decided that a man need not sup
port a wife who smokes cigarettes and
another decided that a wife need not be
tied to a man who smokes the little oof
fin nails The future marriage c Utract
will probably be drawn so that these
little side luxuries to wedded bliss are
thoroughly understood before the mar
riage is performed
Senator Haiiua has again urged upon
the Nebarska legislators the necessity
of making a choice of candidates and
electing them A recent telegram from
him was in substance as follows In
the interest of harmony aud the election
two senators iu Nebraska every
sacrifice should be made by the candi
dates Two new men Bhould be taken
up nud urged for the positiou No
candidate has any right to promise
patronage in return for Bupportv The
senator in common with a large num
ber of republicans both state and no
tional is probably fearful that the
splendid victory scored by Nebraska
republicanism last fall will bo sadly im
paired by the stubborn nud unseemly
contest now on boforetne legislature
oud tho choice of no senators The
calamity enn mill must bo nvoided
A Maryland woman almost killed an
insolent tramp whom eho had fed but
refused to glvo hot coffeo She tried to
escapo and ho followed her into the
house whereupon sho beat him ovortho
hend with a broom Btick until ho was
iusousiblo and thon rolled him out the
back door where he lny for two hours
and was gobbled up by the police
With n few of that kind of worn n in
every town Borne features of tho tramp
nuisance would be speedily eradicated
May her tribe increase
California husbandmen are to bo re
lieved of tho grasshopper pest by the
turning loose of a species of fly whose
partioular object of hatred or ippotite
is tho grasshopper and it is presumed
that they will make short work of the
destructive insects If there is such a
ly the farmers of Nebraska and other
states would be doiug a wise thing by
also introducing them While this
state is not seriously nfflinted with the
hoppers there are enough to do consider
able damage during the growing season
Patronize home institutions or eke
look to your foreign markets to build up
your home town and community It is
not possible for the home merchant to
live prosper improve and expand to the
benefit of the town and country while
his money is being sent to the support
of the foreign institutions The foreign
merchant takes your money cheerfully
and as cheerfully applies a per cent of it
to the betterment of the community in
which he lives Your benefit from the
transaction as a member of the com
munity is nil
There nre few cranks who have at
tained a certain degree of notoriety who
have not at some point in their meteoric
career tuken a turn at journalism or
editing a paper and Mrs Nation iB
simply following the natural bent of the
craft in her Peoria experiment When
the point in reached that there is a burn
ing desire to sieze a pen and dash off
several seething columns of hot and
heavy editorials they should be able to
tell by the several examples passed be
fore that the end of their career is in
sight The ambition should be fought
to the last ditch if they desire to main
tain a position as respectable cranks
None of them have yet succeeded in dis
locating the earths axis by their editor
ial endeavors
John H Mitchell Chosen
Succeed McBride
Wins the Senatorial Ituttle ou Last Day of
SJFHRlon With Aid of DeiuocraUDratn
atio Climax to Long Contest JJa
Served Three Timet Ik fore
Sulem Or Feb 25 John H Mitchell
was elected United States senator at
lli30 a in Sunday to biicceed George
W McBride vboe term expires on
March 4 next His election wus ac
complished by a combination of 35 Re
publicans with 11 Democrats making
4 votes a majority of the legislature
The result was reached on the 25th bal
lot of the day and the 53d of the ses
The first deserter from the Corbett
ranks was Ilemlnwny of Lane On
the previous roll call Mitchell hnd had
34 votes und Corbett 30 When his
name was reached Ilemlnwny in the
last roll call without explanation re
sponded J II Mitchell The call
proceeded to the end and Mitchell nnd
Corbett were then exactly tied having
35 votes each Then McQueeno of
Lane arose and with n brief speech
ehnngpd to Mitchell putting him In
tho lend Nine others changed to
Mitchell giving him 45 votes within
one of the gonl There was a brief
wait and then the name of Mattoon
of Douglnss repented with great ve
hemence came from many parts of the
hall nnd n crowd of the Douglnss coun
ty mnns friends got nround him and
tnlked to him excitedly He seemed
to bo successfully withstanding them
nnd soon there arose cries of dead
lock adjourn adjourn Mattoon
flnnlly yielded nnd changed his vote to
Mitchell This wns all thnt was
needed nnd tho crowd knew it Pnn
demonlum reigned for many seconds
nnd the chair mnde little effort to
check It
Mr Mitchell hns served three full
terms in tho United States sennte
from Oregon having bppn elected the
first time In 1873 whpn H W Corbett
was his chief opponent
Mm Nation Tire or Jail Life
Topekn Feb 25 Mrs Cnrrlc Nation
tiring of jail life has written Judgo
Hazen a letter demanding her release
I wnnt you to quit your fooling she
writes and let me out of here If you
cause me to miss my engagements I
wont feel like a ministering ungel unto
you It Ik time for you to recover your
self before tho devil your master
makes a clean sweep with you into
hell You know you nre persecuting
one of OodH children who loves you
for Jesus bale Let me out that I muy
go about my buslueis of suviug such
devils ns you