Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1901)
1 HI II Shaft No i at Diamondville is Burning SEVENTY MEN ENTOMBED Many Arn Thought to llavn Lout Tlirlr Lives In tho Flniiir All KfTorts at Um cue IIv Thin Fur FuUnd Property I Iots Will Hench ICtiormmis Figure Kctunicrcr Wy Fob U A disas trous llro In thu LMnmoitdvlllo coal mine No 1 lute lust evening wus nt tended with serloiH loss of life and great destruetlon of property There were 70 miners nud 13 horses en tombed but one miruuulous escape wus made however by lohu Anderson who wus working near the mouth of the level With some dlllleulty he reached the mulu lend and by throw ing a heavy overcoat over his head nnd shoulders he pushed his way through the flames and reached the ntnln lend completely exhausted und terribly burned but will recover Ho was taken out by friends All efforts to rescue those further buck have fulled as the Humes drove the rescuers buck That all have per ished Is without question The scenes around the mine were heart rending Mothers wives and sweethearts weep ing and tearing their hair In terrible agony nnd all effort to calm them proved of no avail The loss of prop erty will reach an enormous Uguro and as the officials are very reticent the amount and names of those Imprisoned are unobtainable at a lute hour Tho cause of the fire Is at present unknown The mine has been plugged at tho sixth level about two miles from the mouth FLOOD CONFRONTS DEWET Bains Italsa Orange Itlver Fire Feet In Night Do Aar Cape Colony Feb 20 Gen eral Dewet accompanied by Mr Steyn recrossed the railroad north of Krauskuil and south of Orange river 6tation yesterday The Orange river rose live feet last evening A heavy rain Is still fulling and It Is believed to bo impossible for the Boers to cross the stream They are being closely followed by Colonel Thornycroft Sev eral other columns ure converging on General Dewet It is reported that Commandant General Ilotha with 2000 Boers has broken awuy from General Frenchs pursuit in the direction of Koomatl poort The Boers are attacking the village of Richmond in the central part of Cape Colony and reinforcements have been dispatched from Hanover road I PUNY REPUBLICS CLASH Farty of Haytlon Attacked by a Number of Dominicans on Frontier Cape Haytien Hayti Feb 2C A skirmish has taken place between Haytlens nnd Dominicans at Phlto bert on the northern frontier A party of Haytlens was suddenly at tacked by a number of Dominicans The Haytien consul ut Dajoban sought refuge at Ouanuminthe Hayti about five miles from the frontier The Dominican consul at Cape Haytien has received orders from his government to repair Immediately to the scene of the disturbance and endeavor to put an end to the fighting and cause the Haytien consulate at Dajoban to bo respected Semis Satisfactory Edict Washington Feb 23 Mr Conger lias cabled the state department from Peking under date of Feb 23 as fol lows Satisfactory edict In answer to punishment demands has been re ceived From this statement the department assumes that the punishments are to be administered substantially as stated In Mr Congers cablegram received on the 21st instant The minister has not yet Informed the state depart ment of the into he has selected for bis departure from Peking for home Mrs Seeley Released on IJond Kansas City Feb 20 MrsCatherlna Beeley who shot und slightly wounded her former hsband W A Seeley at his home In this city two weeks ago wus released from the county Jail yes terday on a 750 bond Accompanying the bond was a promise from Miss Ida Seeley daughter of Mrs Seeley that Bhe would take her mother to Chicago care for her there nnd have her In Kan sas City on the duy set for the trial March 25 More Missionaries Murdered Shanghai Feb 20 Prince Tuan Frlnce Chwang Lu and General Tung Fu Hslang are still taking refuge at King Hal Fu province of Kan Su Two native Christians from Kul Hua Cheng In the northern part of the province of Shan SI report the mas acre of 20 male and female mission arles and nine children who have been missing since October No Decorations at Cronberr London Feb 20 The special dis patches from Cronborg say that neither Cronberg nor Ilomborg showed tiny decorations whatever to mark the presence of King Edward and that not even flags were displayed One corre spondent says It was remarked that a large number of detectives from and Berlin were present Americans Had No Casualties Manila Fob 20 Lieuteuant West with a detachment of the crow of the gunboat Luguna da Bay attacked 200 insurgents under Cabellos near Cavln ta province of Laguna de Bay After it hard fight of 40 minutes tho Insur gents were dispersed losing six killed and 14 captured A detachment of the Forty seventh volunteers uVthihMiiiM eroil n body of Insui Rwt In tho provl tnee of Albay killing 18 and intently another body killing nine The Amciljuu had no casualties SUIT OVER jCHURCH ROW UeriuniK of Wrtittor City Mnkn Arnliblsh op Kenun Dcronitniit In Ce Dubiuiue Feb St Archbishop K iii tie Is a defendant In a suit for 22I5 growing out of a church quar rel nt Webster City When a new church was erected at that place a year ngo and during the lifetime of Archbishop Hennessey tho German members of tho congregation claim to have subscribed the amount men tioned with the express understanding that they were to have u German priest as soon as the church was com pleted There are no records of the promise and as Archbishop Hennes sey Is dead the present archbishop knows nothing about tho claims made The stilt has been begun to recover the amount of the subscription OFFER OF ARBITRATION Vloe Glinlruimi Inyiio of the National Com mittee Tender Ills Service te Ne braska Hvpiilillritiis Lincoln Feb 25 While the hotel corridors and lobbies are deserted and most of the members of the legislature nwuy on visits to their homes there Is still a sulllclent number of senator lul cuudlilutes and strategists on the ground preparatory to tho resumption of the maneuvers on tho senatorial but tlelleld The approach of March 4 when the seat of Senator Thurston becomes vacant naturally Intensities the nnxloty on tho part of Republicans to end the deadlock by the nomination and election of two senators How that Is to be done under existing condi tions Is the puzzle It Is recognized on all hands that no choice can be mndc in the caucus unless some of the can didates give way voluntarily or nro forced off the track Nothing may be expected in tills direction unless the j members themselves get together nnd concentrate upon two men Although riltnM f - a- M lih itfjiuijui uii iiuillrt lis lu ll ruu riiu tonight It Is not expected that a suf ficient number of members will bo In attendance before Tuesday night In the meantime speculation Is rife as to tho probable effect of tho offer of arbitration on the part of Vice Chairman Payne of the nntlonal com mittee who has addressed himself by letter to Speaker Sears and Senator Steele president pro tern of the senate Ii aps From Swift Train Grlnnell la Feb 25 Harry Vaughn an 18-year-old boy from New ton while attempting to jump from a moving train here last night received such Injuries that ho will die Vaughn and a number of companions were beat ing their way up from Newton They wished to leave the train before they arrived at the depot and Vaughn made the attempt at the foot of Broad street His companions sny that he struck the switch stand He wus horribly muti lated and mnngled Senator In Conference on Cuba Washington Feb 25 There have been several conferences of senators looking to an amicable understanding on the Cuban question so that an extra session may be avoided As a result it is probable that an amendment dealing with our relations with Cuba will be presented In the senate today when the army appropriation bill is taken up TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Henry Robinson colored known as the wild man from Borneo died Saturday at Maysville Ky Slavln and Devlne have signed arti cles for a 10 round tight for the cham pionship of the Yukon and a side bet of 500 on March 5 Brigadier General Theodore Schwan has been placed on the retired list on his own application under the 40 pears service clause Dr G II Farnara president of the Anti Saloon league nt Napa Cal was arrested Saturday for emulating Mrs Nation by smashing the fixtures in a saloon Frank Boldon injured in Thursdays railroad wreck at Bushings Siding near Bordentown N J died Snturdny This brings the number of dead up to 13 eight of whom have been Identified The Manitoba full court Saturduy killed Hugh John MucDonulds pro hibition luw finding It unconstitu tional In almost every point Tho law covered the entire province of Mani toba Colonel Robert Pollock U S A re tired died Sunday at Cornelius Or In his 82d year Ho was a veteran of the Mexican and civil wars and had engaged In many Iudlau campaigns in the west Mrs Rose Wurser a widow In a fit of Insanity drowned her six children aged from 4 to 12 years In a well at Unlontown Wash Sunday Mrs Wurser was found alive In the well with her six murdered children The oxecutlve council of tho Ameri can Federutlon of Labor approved a letter submited by President Gompers and addressed to the worklngmen of Porto Rico having In view their organ ization and affiliation with the work ers of the United States lindens Opera house nt Columbia Mo was destroyed by fire Saturday The fire was caused by a defective fur nace aud started while a raatlneo per formance wus In progress The audi ence was largely composed of children hut all escaped Injury Tho loss Is 00000 Insurance 10000 Thloves entered the Slovak Roman Catholic church of St John the Evangelist In Now Haven Pa and stole all tho sacred vessels and figures Many beautiful golden linages of Saints were stolen Tho thief also wrenched the figures of Christ off two bony crucifixes and took them THE NORFOLK NEWS VIUDAY MARCH 1 iflOl II I Douglas County Delegation Re fuses to Participate ROSEWATERS STATEMENT KipUIn Action n Hanoi on Allpgml Ic larntlon Mado by Hume TIiimiiioii Men That They Would Not Nuppoit Hut water If Nominated Lincoln Feb 28 night more mem bers of the legislature making 15 lu all deserted the Republican setiutorlul caucus when It met lust night The eight new absentees comprise the en tire Republican delegation from Doug las county They nro supporters of Kdwiird Roscwiiter for long term sen ator As Justification of their action the following statement wus given out by Rosewatcr The Douglas county delegation did not attend the caucus Inst night They remained away as a protest against the action of two of the 1 10 Thomp son men In the caucus Tuesday tilglit declaring openly that they would not be bound by its net Ion should It re sult lu the nomination of Mr Uujc water Three ballots were taken the cau cus adjourning shortly before mid night The third resulted Thompson IIS Mclklejohn 22 Rosewatcr 1 Cur rle HI Hlnshaw 4 Crounse 5 Har lan 4 Young 1 Smlthberger 2 There were more changes than usual In Joint senatorial ballot Wednesday Cain made good his accession to Thompson In the caucus by voting for him lu the open Mclklejohn got back Mendonhall and Van Rosklrk who had been with him before while Crounse gained Kdgar from Currle and Johnson from Mclklejohn Tweed went back to Hlnshaw from Wether eld his plnce being taken by MIskell who has been voting mostly for Rose water lOvims went from Morlan to Hnlner The totals Alleu 4J Ktnkntd 1 llorge T Mm t In ft Cioiiuso 8 Millilejolin t Currlu 11 MclPiilfe Dietrich liMorlnn U II ii ri in t ton r lliiMcwiilcr 11 Hnlner 3 Tlmuipson D 13 Litirliin J IlioiiipHou W II 11 IIIU hciMk 4 WVtliurcld 4 lllnsliuw Ill SOUTH DAKOTA CLEANS UP Wipe Oil It Ioghllltlw Slatu a Lot ofLll lliilxhed IliiHlnca Pierre S 1 Feb 28 Only two new bills were presented In tho house yesterday they being a valued policy insurance hill aud one declaring ex press companies to be common carriers and placing them under control of the railroad commission Not a bill of any kind was passed Tho whole day was put In at house cleaning and getting old matters off hands Senate took up bills on final pnssage and passed every measure which came to a vote They passed senate bills legalizing the incorporation of Flic ton granting to cities of third class power to bond for waterworks limit ing time for beginning action on bonds or warrants to six years and empow ering cities to maintain lighting plants Kallnmil to lie Kxtrnded Dos Moines Feb 28 Iowa people have learned from reliable sources that during the present year the Bur lington Cedar Rapids and Northern railroad which Is closely allied with the Rock Island will build a new line ncross South Dakota from Sioux Falls It is the present plan of the Rock Isl and to run through trains from Des Moines Into Sioux Falls over the new Gowrle line and tho Codar Rapids line by way of Sibley next spring and as soon as the road Is built westward from Sioux Falls to continue these trains on through South Dakota to the Black Hills and beyond Denial of Alleged Interview Washington Feb 28 An authorita tive deninl is given at the White housu to an alleged Interview with President McKlnloy printed in the Manchester Kuglaiui Guurdiun mid circulated In this country The lnnguage attrib uted to the president Is as follows The thirst of Christendom for blood must now be considered sufficiently slaked after taking at least 100 lives for every Christian slaughtered Owl Curs for Omaha Lincoln Feb 28 Tho house com mittee on cities und towns will today report favorably on tho Johnson hllM to require street car companies of Omaha to run one cur per hour over each Hue form midnight to 0 a in There was vigorous opposition to the measure but the committee nftcr list ening to arguments for both sides decided to submit for consideration of the whole house Veterans Decline to March Wnshlnton Feb 28 Veteran organ izations of the civil and Spanish wars have officially declined to participate in the inaugural parado on March 4 The dissatisfaction of tho veterans with the place assigned them In the parade is responsible for this action ropalltts Hold Full Term Pierre 8 D Feb 28 The supreme court yesterday handed down its de cision in what Is known ns tho board of charities case and holds that the appointees of Lee hold for their full terms Starts Fire In Ills Own Call Clinton In Feb 28 A tramp sup posed to bo Daniel Illley set lire to his bedding In jail at Maquokcta and was burned to death The court house had a narrow escape from destruction To Talk on Appomattox Dajr Dea Moines Feb 27 The Hamilton club of Ohlcugo has Invited Major E II Conger United States minister Jo China to address tho club ou April 0 Appomattox day A dispatch from Washington states that Minister Con ger will probably arrive lu Des MoIium April 20 or thereabouts MAN HUNTJN INDIANA route Scouring the Country for lie Negro Assailant of Ida Iliiklestrln Torre Haute I ml Feb 21 Ida Fliiklestelu aged 20 a school teacher while walking through a lonely strip of woods yesterday on the way from the school house was assaulted by an unknown negro who shot her In lite back of the head nud cut her lliroac souilttg th windpipe After the assault had hern commit ted Miss Fluklcstciu ran for u half mile ot a farm house with the blood streaming from her wounds aud fell iiucouscloiis on the doorsteps She lied at 11 oclock Olllcii s and men who have a fairly good description of tin nejro are scouring the country east of the city with revolvers nnd shot guns STILL NO CHOICE Nnlniiliu Senatorial Deadlock Unbroken Muiiihnrn Kilaln Their Iotlllnii One of the Hotter Returns Lincoln Feb 27 The Republican senatorial caucus was In session until nearly midnight last night but only two ballots were taken Much of the time was occunlcd In sneeclies a mini her of members explaining their po sitions Representative Broderlck one of the eight bolters re entered the caucus lie made an extended speech Justifying his course Tho second bal lot resulted Thompson nil Inllll t Clirrli Il Vonnuo It- ltiuin water 11 Martin 5 Hlnshaw 8 Kin- kiild 2 Harlan 2 Wethercld 2 Diet rich 1 Only a few changes were recorded on joint senatorial ballot Tuesday Martin made good his promise to go to Thomp son who also gained Frledrlch Four of Molklojohns followers gave their votes to his campaign mannger Frank Wethereld reducing the votes of Mar tin Hlnshaw and Klnkald while n few new bouiiupts were thrown to per sonal friends The totals Alle I7 II lli hn w U Ili rg 7 Klnkiild 2 CromixL H Mm tin fi Clinic II MclMeJnlm il DorrltiKtoi l ttunevnter IS Iliirlim 2 Tlinmpmiii 1 II 17 Harrington 5 Thompson V II II Ilnlncr 4 Witlieruld 4 llltchcoclc 2 Young 1 EDUCATORSJN CONFERENCE Superintendent IINciik Training thu lrlnelml Topic Chicago Feb 27 Prominent edu cators from all parts of the Pnlted Slates are here attending the annual convention of college and school su perintendents of the National Filuca tlonul association which opened yes terday at Inlverslty hull lu the Fine Aits building There will he n contest between At lanta and New Orleans for tho next meeting of the department The placo will not bo decided on until Thursday At each annual meeting of the de partment some one subject Is usually emphasized nnd tills year It will be Manual Training The fact that It Is one being generally Introduced lu schools makes It one or Interest There are numerous papers and dis cussions on the subject A heavy blow was dealt the pro posed system of phonetic spelling when the department of superintend ence refused by a vote of 105 to 77 to nllow the question to he taken Into cnslderatlon by a committee of the best known educators In the country A heated discussion preceded the vote Dies From Fright Youngstowu O Feb 17 William Kmmons died of fright at his homo at Kansas He was a section man aud got his foot caught in parallel rails afew days slnco Heing unahlo to brenk loose he fainted when a train was a few yards off The train stopped Ho was carried homo but never regained consciousness Appointed luilge In Ilillipplnrs Washington Feb 27 L J Carlos a prominent attorney of Peoria has been appointed Judge of tho court of first Instance In the Philippines Tho salnry is 4500 to 5500 according to assignment which Is directed by Chairman Tuft of tho Philippine com mission Mr Curios Is 33 years old Saloon Smasher Cnnrlcted Topeku Feb 27 Half Stark was foundguiltylustnlght of helping smash Murphys Joint on Feb 17 Stark nc compunled Mrs Carrie Nation and tho home defenders on their raid The case will bo appealed to the supremo court If sentence is paused by the court IIloiT to Fusion In Kansas Topeka Feb 27 Senntor Pestanas election bill which prevents fusion passed the house yesterday nnd was sent to tho governor for his signature The bill prevents tho name of any candldnte appearing on a ballot more than once It is considered tho most Important measure passed at this sea Blon Imprisonment fur Life Fremont Neb Fob 27 Edward Gardner was convicted nt midnight last night of the murder of Herman Zahn and was seuteuced to Imprison ment for life MM M JKmmMmk1 HI mmdfF3tt9 U Klnrator Men Win Out Chicago Feb 17 Ileln forced by 200 additional signatures the petition of tho board of trade brokers who espoused the cause of the elevator men was submitted to the directorate yesterday and the amendment pro hibiting elevator proprietors from own ing or dealing In grain was tempo rarily withdrawn The men opposing the wurfare against the elevators be lieve that the amendment Is killed LIQUOR MORPHINE TOBACCO using nrr LET NO 5 CHANCE SLIP To make a Portunc The Opportunity may not Come Your Way Again Twentieth Century Farmer Offers n Number of MnnlfIoent Prizes to those who will act u Agonta 1ST PRIZE 1000 CASH 2D PRIZE 500 CASH And 30 Other CiibIi Prizes ranging from 500 to 25 TUB TWHNTUOTU OlflNTU ItY VAUM1QR In published by Th llco PubllHhlng Oompnny of Omaha and Ih an agricultural nnd fam ily mngaztno of unusual merit There are department for every member of tho family Bpcclal articles by men of known reputation Rnd lllustrntloiiH will he a prominent feature Write for sample copy nnd ask for particulars concerning tho prizes 0 ft THIO TW10NTIFTH ClONTUUY FAHMKR and this pupcr will be sent to you one year for TWO DOLLARS M A Dual Role FASTEST TRAINS SHORTEST LINE Business Men and others recognize the im portance of this combination by selecting the DiNlON PACIFIC for flESTERfl POINTS MISSOURI RIVER I Salt Lake City 10 Quicker Uian any To San Francisco 15 Uor lino Portland 15 MISSOURI RIVER I Salt Lake City 238 Mi s L Rmi 310 J San Francisco r To Portland I 54 For tiino tables and lull information call on otlior line F W JUNEMAN Agent Edisons Phonograph Better than a Piano Organ or Music Uor for it sings and talks na well as plays and dont coit as much It reproduces thomusioof any instrument hand or orchestra tclla utorics and sinH tin old familiar hymns as wull us tho popular songs It isol ways ready Hco that Mr Kdisona signature is on every machino Cata logues o ull dealers or NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO 135 Fifth Ave New Yor asjeeley 0HAHA NEB Cor 10th and II Worth Sts ure Product iMicli a dlHOUHuf having diillnltn pathol ogy Tliu dlnoiiHi vIoIiIh I mislly to thu Iouhlt Ohlorldn of dold Tront I miint prepared by DrJ IiHlle E Kroloy O T1IIC IlIILIC Ili Kcoliir Inallliile nt Omuliu Nrbrsiks la - - - - - mi 1 my piHiii id iuui mun wilt re tlm iri iiliiun Kcelrr Remedies aud TrrHimiiul 1 elviii Sljjncd Tim IrIU K Krtlty Co THE KEELEY INSTITUTE 0h N Cor IV tit ami Irarrmrorlh Hit h K Hi UP-TO-DATE PRINTING A For 14 Ceitfs Ws rasll th followluf rsr m4 oorlUw 1 k Bl DlMd TsaU Rm4 It 1 1 1 1 I 1 nrifcra rw4 j VsfOliU Oaloa B4 10 KjuraMUraruaBbirbwSo CHf0aHtallMt8ail 10 It Dar Uaalia Hj 10 taX Hartal feUaealia 11 HrUUaat flawtr BaW It Worth 100 4 ci Abort 10 ptcktfea rtr oorelU will mall job frt logtthtr Ub our cttl lllimiul fti CftUlot uninc til Owui ffaUrnitllon DolUrGrua AIm Cbalce 0Iom Heed 6H lb Tctihr with Iboi4o4ior tirlffitfeif Ubl o4 form r4 opoo ractlpt otlia ni tfcUnotto i Wfcn out roo pluii Bfttitrt SeJ tou will ntrir da wltfaoaL JOHN ASAIUI SEED CO UCtwaWk TRY THE NEWS FOR SALZERS SEEDS M i urrttr I B fM a--- - - vflav Ci ominuxon iinrn ITOTyV wmtan i H3sS3 KHflBVl WArv JJ L P -WILL MAKE YOU RICH ftrilKOr Ixax It out uvvrjtlu iieftiraicornuucanntYJiipoiiiireij roToimioniioporu gruwunj Billion DollarGraes rvttuin inaryei oiin tuna or lir iercre Sa civprlx weA lUlur eowDtf What Is It CsUIorubUUs run iuu iftr K4 runpiMnKiuoiakUira ST tllU SOU MlAII llA tulll Bar Ai H BarinllIMIflMMialWvttliabnt John A alzr IM U MM - 3EMM JtX SKM Mm Isr itwff - i P AfaTaTaVafMSt ZuWl uTHBiBaBLiiLaii imu HT WkkH Koenigsteins Pharmacy Corner 5th and Main Sts NORFOLK 3STEB t Qnn YBAULY to Christian V tpoUU man or woman to look iiftor our growing litiHiriLss in tnio X nnd adjoining countiuH to not as il manager awl correHpondent work can ha dnnout your homo Kucloso aelf iwldroHHed Btitmpud onvolopo for particulars to II ASherman y Qonoral Manager Corcoran Build- j ing opposite United Statos Treas nry Washington D O Illinois Central R R ANNOUNCEMENT FOR WITSriIEJK TOURISTS Tlio Illinois Contral iloBirtw to call attmitiim to thu uiiKucolltxl Borvico that is olTnnxl by its IIiimh to tho Hotith for thu mmmhi of 1HJU 1900 c ALI FORN I VIA NEW ORLEANS A Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars FROM Personally CHICAGO ou huiih tnriiiiKii to Iob AukoIud anil Kau Prnncifcco via Now Orloaiin in connectinii EVERY witlithoSoutliflrnPa MORNING Now Orloans S- cial nuinnction nlw mailii by this train with daily traliiH out of Now Orloma for thu Paniflo Count Tho Liniltfxl roin Chlruuo every oven iiiK ctxinocU on Monilna and Thiirbdavs at Now Orleans after Docomlior IH tfS with tliaj SUNSET LIMITED of the Southern Pacific Kiviut Eieclal through service to San Francisco F LORID VIA NASHVILLE AND ATLANTA THROUGH SERVICE FROM ST LOU IS A Double daily serv ice is maintained out of St Louis via the Illinois Central and counoctlna lines to Niibht illeCliattnnoo ga und Atlanta thro nloeniuc car to Jack sonville Florida twins carried ou the DIXIE FLYER loavinR St I011U every evening This train as well us the Day Kinreos loiving St Louis in thu morning are IkiUi solid trains to Nubhvillo hnvlng through coaches nud sleeping cars run ning through Martin Tenn aud tho N C St lu Hy Connection via this lino for all iirinci nal iHiintb iu the Southeast such as Charleston Wilmington Aikln and Savuuuah aud for all IHjluls iu Florida TWO SOLID FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS Daily from Chicago to Memphis aud Now Or loans HOMUSEEKEHS EXCURSIONS to cortala iioiuts iu thu South on the Hues of the Illinois Contra aud Y A M V railroads will bo run ou tho first and third Tuesday of oach mouth dur ing the wiutor season Full particular concerning all of the above can bo had of agents of the Illinois Central or by addressing iA B Uuusou Q P A CUicaga iV