S3 H 1 l i Of n ORccord of the Session Now Drawing to a Close EVENTFUL IN ALL RESPECTS jritinnclnl Lair Army KmriAnlnillnii the ynntloit Disposed Of rnllnyTimard Culm mill Philippines Not Vot Framed Washington lVli 25 Tin record f tin With congress Ih now practically completed mill although u few Itn jiortnut measures me t 111 In tlio lml utico It Is possible to take a survey of tlio wide range nr legislation mill enacted Chief among the question growing out of tlio war with Hpalll IlllH llllll till Uttltllllo of tlio gov ernment toward our now Insular pos sessions AVlillo this quonlloii Ih hIIII open to Boinu oxtont vot tlio present congress has pussed upon ono of Its most Important pliusos by eiikulng a law for n ooinploto form of govern jnont for Porto Ulco The status of tlio Philippines Iiiih boon an unfailing nource of iloliato In both branches of congress ItoKoliitlonn of orltlolHin nml Inquiry linvo boon discussed at nuioli length but Willi little tangible result At tlio first session Senutnr Spooner proposed n brief measure confirming tlio proHhlontH autliorlty to Hlntpii the affairs of tlio liliiuil until congress bail passed tlnally upon questions relating to tbolr polltlclnl Rtntus TIiIh prop osition In an amended form Iiuh now been graftoil upon tbo army npproprln tlon bill although It Ih yot to be deter mined whether the provlnlon will bo accopteil by olthur or both houses Cuban legislation Iiiih been In uboyunee pending tlio notion of the coustltu tlonnl oonvontion of Cuba In framing tlio coiiHtltutlon of the Island An other Important achievement In Insulur legislation was that of enacting a law giving Ilawull u complete form of gov ernment In netual work accomplished the With congress has passeil a lluauulal law establishing a permanent goltl reserve of about 150000000 fixing the ratio between gohl anil silver anil recogniz ing the bonding anil banking systems of tbo treasury reorganizing the Unit ed States army on u busls of 101000 men reapportioning the representa tion In congress on tlio basis of the 32th census giving free homes on the Indian lands providing for govern ment participation In the Louisiana Purchase exposition In ll0l as well s many other measures of wide gen eral Importance IUit the congress draws to u close with some of the most Important measures before It still In doubt nml unite likely to expire with out llnal action Including the Nlca rngunu canal bill the shipping subsidy 1111 the Paoltlc cable bill and the oleo margarine bill The fato of some of these measures Is very much In doubt but nt this Into day In the session the cuauccs nre decidedly against them Senate Forecast Wnshlngton Fob 25 The army ap propriation bill will receive the atten tion of the senate during the early part of the present week and when It is disposed of another appropria tion bill will be taken up It Is prol nble that the army bill will bo debated nt lougth especially upon the Philip pine amendment and the amendment rclutlng to Cuba if the latter Is Intro duced as Is proposed These amend ments or cither of them quite certainly will be mndo the basis of u number of speeches as they will serve to open up the entire question of the relit tlons of the United States to the Isl iuuIb which tills country came Into con trol of through the wnr with Spain Jt Is hoped that the sundry civil bill will be reported by the time tbo army bill Is disposed of so that It mny ha taken up next If It Is not In shape to bo considered by that time tlio river nnd harbor bill probnbly will rocelvo nttentlon The general deficiency bill is likely to bo the last of the appro priation bills acted upon Conference reports will be made from time to time during the week somo of these will create considerable discussion The conferees on the war revenue reduc tion bill expect to make their report during the week Of the appropriation bills only two the pension and the ur gent deficiency have boon signed by tlio president Roth houses have passed the legislative Indian District of Columbia nnval agricultural forti fications postofllcc and diplomatic bills nml they ure In varying states of con ference The army bill and the river And harbor bill nml the general de ficiency bill still renin in entirely un acted upon by the senate It Is not believed thnt inueh general legislation will bo accomplished during tlio week but a great many private bills will be passed The probabilities are all ngalnst getting up the Nicaragua canal bill The Bennte will continue to meet nt 11 oclock ench day and probably will clt every night of the week Xjuit Weolc In thn House The lust week In the houso will be of this congress In the house will be mainly occupied with conference re ports on the appropriation hills and the other numerous measures now being fought over by the managers of the two houses The Inst of the general appropriation bills went to the senate on Thursday and the house has Ita decks pretty well cleared for the final contests with the 6onate Somo of these struggles prob ably will be exceedingly fierce but when It comes down io actual work the house although u largo and un wieldy body ordinarily can dispose of business under Its rules with much greater celerity than the senate The last six days of the session are sus pension days and It Is always possi ble Io bring thf house to a vote on any proposition under a motion to suspend the rules which provide for only 20 minutes debnte upon a side The tlmo has piaellenlly gone by for the passage of now bills although nil attempt doubtless will be made to secure notion on the bills to promote the olllolonoy of thn iMVeiiue cutter service and to create n standardizing bureau Be yond those and a few small bills of lo cal Importance no effort will be made to put through any bills The leaders know that It would he a waste of time to send any further general legislation to the somite nt this stage of the ses sion and their enrolls will he directed to clearing up inn t torn In dispute be tween the two houses It probably will be necessary to hold night ses sions dining the latter part of the week ami both houses will -el nest Sunday to eontlnue the legislative day of Sninrdiiy which expires at noon March 1 SUPPli BILLS PASSED Senate Disposes of Iostnnlre ami Diplo matic nml Consular Approprlutlou Measures Washington Keb 2t Two of tliu great supply bills of the government the postolllcc and the diplomatic and consular appropriation bills were pnssod by the senate yesterday Dur lug the greater part of the session postal facilities from New York to Now Orleans via Atlanta and from Kansas City to Newton Kun was under discussion While tlio debato was protracted It was not particularly lively By n declslvo vote the sennta continued the appropriations An cf fort was made to obtain an appropria tion to continue the pneumntlc tuba service in Boston and Philadelphia but It failed An amendment was ngreed to authorizing tlio postmaster general to Investigate the question of establishing n postal telegraph system nml to report his findings to the next congress The diplomatic and consu lar appropriation bill was passed In record time only 10 minutes being consumed In Its consideration After n spirited ileoiito a conference report on the Indian appropriation bill was ro Jeeted nml sent bnelc to conference Hnrly In the day Washingtons fare well address In accordance with a cus tom of the senate on Washingtons birthday was road the reader being Senator Paeon of Georgia leuslnn for Mm Ijiwtnn Wnshlngton Keb 21 The house de voted yesterday to odds nml ends of legislation Nino bills were passed by unanimous consent and 20 claims bills and lll pension bills were passed Among the latter was the senate bill to pension the widow of the late Gen oral Henry W Iawton who was killed In the Philippines As the bill passed the senate It carried 100 a mouth Tlio houso cut the amount down to 50 upon the representation thnt Mrs Tnwtou enjoyed a comfort nblo Income MRS FAIRBANKS HONORED Eluded President lonoral of Society or I 1 It Washington rob 21 Mrs Fair banks was elected president general of the Society of the Daughters of tlio American Revolution The vote was ns follows Mrs Charles W Fair banks Indlnna a11 Mrs Donald Mc Ienn New York 208 Mrs Washing ton ItoebIng New Jersey 42 Bishop Satterleo of the Fplseopal see of Washington opened the meeting with prayer In honor of Washing tons blrtlulny the bishop read tlio Declaration of Intlependenco and Miss Caldwell of New York sang The Sword of Bunker Hill Although the question ns to who will succeed Mrs Manning as president general of the society has boon the nb sorblng topic of discussion nt this con gress n comparatively small number of delegates was present when tho session was called to order The re sult of tho election for president gen eral was announced as above In dicated A total of 581 votes was caa ne ballot being rejected Stanley Slgus llurrel Hill Toikku Kas Feb 21 Governor Stanley yesterday signed the llurrel temperance bill which makes places where liquor is sold common nuisances and allows the county officers to con fiscate the Illegal stock Another tem perance bill by llurrel Is In the lunula of the Judiciary committee It pro vides that tho county uttorney have the power to compel witnesses to tos tlfy In cases Involving vlolutlou of tho prohibitory law American Cheer Cerera Gib altar Fob 23 On the arrival here yesterday of the Fuerst Bismarck now cruising In the Mediterranean with a largo party of Americans Ad mlral Cervera who Is staying In Gibraltar went on board to seo n friend Walter C Humphreys ne was vociferously cheered by the Amer leans all of whom shook him by tho baud Trouble In Balkans Averted Loudon Feb 20 The danger of trouble In the Balkans seems to hava passed says the Vienna correspond ent of the Times but It has required the plainest possible speaking on the part of Uussla supported by Austria and Great Britain to prevent an out break In Macedonia There Is reason to believe also that Prince Ferdinand has been admonished from an exulted quarter Cedar rail Mill Change Hands Cwlar Falls la Fob 23 Tho Cedar Falls Mill company has sold the Forest Oatmeal mill to tho newly formed Grout Western Cereal company which will control twelve outmeul mills lo cated In the oat belt of tut United States THE V t v YC NEWS FRIDAY MARCH 1 UK1 1 ILilK Amendments to the Army Bill Denning Attitude Passed DEMOCRATS IN ANGRY MOOD Speaker Denounce thn Legislation a VI rloim IIikmiii Charges H President With Coerclnir Gongriiss Flood of Pas sionate Oratory Washington Feb 23 Tlio sennte passed the army appropriation bill nt midnight containing the provisions or the Itopubllcau majority for the tem porary government of the Philippines mid the future relations between the United States and Cuba Many amend incuts were offered to both proposl tlons but wore voted down The orlg lual Spooner ameiiiluieut was amended regn riling franchises as proposed by llonr The Spooner amendment was adopt ed by a vote of sT to 2r It was a party vote with the exception of Senator Hour Hop who voted with the Dem ocrats and Mclaurlti Dent who voted with the Itepiibllcaus Tho vote on the Cuban amendment was -13 to 20 Not since tho enactment of the reso lutions declaring n state of war to ex ist between the United States and Spain hns there been such an nvn lutiche of pnsslonate oratory ns the senate listened to yesterday Through out tho session the army apptoprlntlon bill was under discussion the contro verted questions being the Spooner Philippine amendment nml the Plntt Cuban amendment Curiously enough the debate was confined entirely to the Democratic side of the chamber with one exception Both amendments were denounced as vicious and pernici ous legislation subversive of the prin ciples of this goveurment nml unpar alleled In the history of legislative en actments The most notnble speech wns deliv ered by Bncon Gn He hnd been thoroughly aroused by reports that the Democratic members hnd been in duced by questionable moans to with draw their opposition to the proposed legislation and he passlonntoly brand ed as a libel upon honorable men and Ronntors nny nml nil such statements Ills arraignment of the administration for coercing congress Into enacting finch provisions In the closing hours of the session wns especially tierce nml he declared that the only possible object of such action was that the plunderers and vultures might have nn opportunity to prey on the prostrato land of tho Filipinos Ronntors Turner Tlllmnn Pettlgrew Hoar Teller Allen and others ad dressed the sennte nil of them de nouncing the proposed legislation The Philippines amendment as ngreed to Is Text of Spooner Amendment All military civil and Judicial pow ers necessary to govern the Philippine islands acquired from Spain by the treaties concluded at Pnrls on the 10th day of December 1898 and nt Wash ington on the 7th day of November 1000 shall until otherwise provided by congress bo vested in such nor ns the president of the United Btntcs shall direct for the establish ment of civil government and for the purpose of maintaining and protecting the inhabitants of said Islands in tiie free enjoyments of their liberty prop erty and religion Provided that all franchises granted under the nuthorlty hereof shall retain a reservation of the right to alter or repeal the same Until a permanent government shall have been established In said archi pelago such reports shall he made to congress on or before the first day of the regular session of nil legislative acts and proceedings of tho temporary government Instituted under the pro visions hereof and full reports of the acts doings of said government and ns to the condition of the archipelago and Its people shall be made to the president Including all Information which may be useful to the congress In provldlug a more permanent govern ment Provided that no snle or lease or other disposition of the public lands or the timber thereon or the mining rights therein shall be mndo and pro viding further that no franchise Bhall bo granted which Is not approved by the president of the United States and Is not In his Judgment clearly necessary for the government of the Islands and Indispensable for the In terest of the people thereof nml can not without groat public mischief be postponed until the establishment of permanent civil government nnd nil such frnnchlscs shall termlnnte one yenr nfter tho establishment of such permanent civil government The Cuban amendment provides for supervision by the United States of all foreign trentles control to n limited extent of Cubas flnnnees and credit right of Intervention dictation In mat ters pprtnlnlng to sanitation million tlon of nil nets of the United Ktntes during Its military occupation of the tidnnd omission of the Isle of Pines from the delimitation of Culms boun daries nnd the sale or leasing of Innds to the United States for naval and coaling stations MAKES PARTIAL REPORT Naval Appropriation 11111 U Sent Ilack to Conference Washington Feb 20 The house yesterday Jettisoned tlio authorization for two battleships uud two cruisers which were In the naval appropriation bill as It passed that body Tho sen ate had rejected tho propositions and agaiust the appeals of the house con ferees the house voted by a big major It to agree to the senate amendment striking out the authorizations Chair man Cannon of the appropriation com nittee contributed largely to this re mit by a vigorous speech In favor of the senate amendment A partial con ference report on the nnval bill wns agreed to and tho bill went back to conference The house also agreed to the conference report on the bill to create a commission of five to adjudicate tho claims of United States citizens against Hpaln assumed by tho United States under the treaty of Paris lust before adjournment Tnw noy chnlrmnn 6f the St Louis nppro prlatlon committee asked unanimous consent to disagree to the senate nmomliiiMits to tho exposition bill but Shepherd Tex objected Washington Feb 20 The real struggle on Insular legislation at this session began yesterday In the seuute The army appropriation bill wus under consideration and the Philippines amendment was reached In addition the Cuban amendment wus offered und tho general debate on these proposi tions began Sharp opposition to the Philippine amendment developed on the Democratic side beginning with a point of order which the sennte over ruled nnd followed with speeches by Senators Tillman ltuwllus Caffrey Bacon and Morgan The amendment was defended by Its nuthor Spooner who pointed out the necessity for the legislation Senntors Vest Hoard Baeon and Bnwllns of fered ninendinents tending to limit the powers allowed by the Spooner amend ment Senutor Morgnn mndo nu ex tended speech severely criticising tho proposed leglslntlon The report on the nmendment re garding Cuba was unanimous nnd no opposition Is expected from the Demo crats In the seuute Tortured by a Mob New York Feb 20 An excited mob In Mntawau N last night bunged Charles Herbert a resident of the place in an effort to make him confess that he had started u Ure which de stroyed the business portion of the town on Jan 27 Herbert protested his Innocence He was strung up a second time and when lowered again asserted that he was not guilty This time the torture ceased and the man wns taken to jail CrltlruUy 111 From Fright rami Ills Feb 20 Fred Harmon Is critically 111 at his home near Mont rose While going to call on n young lady he was obliged to pass the spot where a peddler was murdered several years ago which spot is reputed to be haunted A rival took advantage of these circumstances and Impersonated a ghost As a result Harmon Is In n critical condition becoming nt times frenzied Negotlntlona Itroken Off London Feb 20 The Sheffield Dally Telegraph nuiounces that the negotia tions between Vlckers Sons Maxim and the Cramp Shipbuilding company have boon broken off because tne former were unable to get all the Inde pendent reports they considered neces ary Mrs Nation I Out of Jail Topeka Knn Feb 20 Mrs Nation was released from the county Jail nnd left for Peorln to net ns editor of the Peorln Journal for one dny for which she Is to be paid 150 7 B McAfee of tills city Is Mrs Nations bondsman VERDICT AGAINST SMASHERS Imitator of Mr Nation Suffer Legal Pen alty at South Sioux City Neb Sioux City Fob 20 Sixteen imita tors of Mrs Nation at South Sioux City Neb a suburb of Slour City have been given to understand that they cannot ruthlessly destroy prop erty In Nebraska without suffering for It John Peyson whose alleged Joint was raided about three weeks ago brought suit for 150 damages and yesterday Justice Gaughran of Jack son Neb gave him judgment for thnt amount and costs Captain William Luther the town marshal and Steve Gnsser a member of the town coun cil were co defendants with the wom en They protected them during the raid Mydtery Id Her Death Omaha Feb 20 111117 Peterson a domestic In the home of J S Collins 1711 Burt street was found dead yes terday morning lu a room of the house under circumstances which lead tho coroner to believe she had possibly met with foul play When found the woman wns lying upon her face In a pool of blood The blood being washed away several ugly contusions wero reveuled upon her face A postmortem examination disclosed the fact that her heart and other vital organs were normal which disposes of the theory that she died of heart disease Wood Han Cuban Constitution Washington Feb 25 Governor General Wood at Havana bus tele graphed the war department that he had been furnished with a copy of the Cuban constitution Just finished by the convention Tho genoral is having the document translated Into English It Is not Improbable that General Wood will await tho report of the spe cial committee of the convention on re lations with the United States before forwarding the constitution to the war department Forto Illcani Iteach Waihlugton Washington Feb 25 Tho two com missioners appointed at a mass meet ing of Torto Rlcans somo time ngo to come to the United Stntes and protest against the Hollander tax bill reached Wnshlngton yesterday They nre W Borda and Vlncento Balbns and nre accompanied by Mr Freeman Halstea In the capacity of secretary The bill referred to passed the Porto RIcan legislature during the closing hours and Its provisions are regarded as ex cessive and unjust II ill HOI Lentz Opens His Batteries on the Speaker PROVOKES A LIVELY ROW Allege That a Speech He Had Turned Oter to tho Iuhllo Printer Under Lome toItlutlUd Ueeu Withheld From the Ileoord by Order of the Speaker Washington Feb 27 The house was the scone of a sensational Inci dent late yesterday afternoon which threw that body Into a violent state of excitement For an hour the storm raged ending abruptly when nn ad journment was taken upon motion of Payne the lloor loader of the ma jority Lentz Dein O who has created many sensations during his service in the house stirred the Democrats to n fever pitch by rising to u question of privilege nnd alleging that a speech he hud turned over to the public printer under general leave to print hud been withheld from the Record and hud been turned over to General tiros venor O by the speaker The nature of the speech wus not devel oped during the events thnt followed but It was learned that It wns nn at tack upon Senntor Hunnn nnd the methods by which he wns elected to the seuute The speaker explained thnt It hud been represented to him that the speech violated the priv ileges of the house nnd he hnd directed that It be withheld until he could look over It Richardson the Democratic lender offered n resolution that the spenker bud no right to withhold speeches Agnlnst this the question of considera tion was raised by Iacey and by n strict party vote the house decided not to consider it Enrller in tlio dny a partial confer ence report on the Indian appropria tion bill was agreed to and the bill was sent back to conference ACCEPT THE AMENDMENT Philippine IrnvlAo In Army Bill Allen Arraign Admiral Siiuipsnn Washington Feb 27 An important amendment to the Philippines amend ment to the army appropriation bill was ngreed to In the senate yester day It was an omplification of the amendment previously offered by Hoar laying restrictions upon the sale of public lands and the granting of franchises nnd concessions In the Phil ippines It wns accepted by the com mittee in charge of the measure and is now n pnrt of the committee amend ment Morgnn occupied the floor dur ing the greater pnrt of the day He concluded his address just before the afternooon recess after having dis cussed comprehensively both the Phil ippines nnd Cuban amendment He appenled to the committee to with draw both maintaining thnt congress was treading upon dangerous ground and trifling with edged tools In act ing upon them without ample Informa tion During the afternoon Allen ob tained the floor nnd severely nrrnlgned Rear Admiral Sninpson for some en dorsements ho Is alleged to have made upon nn application of Chief Gunner Charles Morgan of the navy for pro motion to the grade of commissioned officer In which the ndmlrnl opposed the promotion of wnrrant officers to the rank of commissioned officers on the ground thnt they nre not fitted by birth for the soclnl stnndlng such a position would give them Allens denunciation of Ad miral Sampson was sensntlonnl Dur ing the dny the conference report on the District of Columbln npproprlntion bill wns ngreed to as also wns n par tial report of the conferees on the postofllce appropriation bill HATES ALL WOMANKIND Denrer Police Believe They Have the Man Who Ha Committed Many Aaaaulti Denver Feb 27 Chief of Detectives Armstrong believes that Al Cowan who Is now under arrest Is tho mys terious prowler who struck down three women with an Iron bar In this city last Friday night uud who has murder ously assaulted nearly a score of women on the streets In the last six months When arrested Cowan had In his possession an Iron bar ubout a foot in length besides a revolver and a supply of cartridges He answers the meager descriptions that have been obtained of the man who has been ter orlzlng tho women of this city He does not talk coherently and appears to bo mentally unbalanced Ques tioned by Captain Armstrong In jail Cowan snid he had been persecuted by women Why were you persecuted by women was asked I was I huto them but Ill not tell you any more I dont trust any one Cownn hns boon living In Denvef about a year He said he came from Virginia Of the three women as aulted last Friday night ona la dead and another Is dying Salt Agaluit Homestake Company Sioux Fulls S D Feb 20 Suit waa Instituted In the federal court yester day by W G Porter assistant United States attorney for South Dakota In behalf of the government for damages In the aggregate amount of 10451 agnlnst the Homestake Mining com pany for trees and down timber al leged to have been unlawfully taken by the company from unsurvoyed min eral lands of tho United States em braced within the Black Hills reserve The company is charged with having knowingly and wilfully appropriated the timber to Its own use without per mit or authority from the secretary of the Interior CONVICTS PLOT TO ESCAPE Startling DHoorery Mndo In the lenlton tinry nt Lincoln Lincoln Feb 25 The discovery of a collection of loaded firearms saws files and cell keys by a turnkey nt tho state penitentiary probably prevented the commission of the grentest whole sale delivery of prisoners ever planned at the Institution Tho Implements were found carefully hlddon away In a ventilating tube that lends Into a roll occupied by A A Bnlrd serving n second term for grand Inrceny and C Williams a horse thief One key found In the collection wna mndo to fit the doors of 20 cells In the upper gallery of the coll house and still another key was found to tit the lock on the cell house leading Into tho prison ynrd His discovery wns communicated to tho wnrilen nnd the occupants of the coll were Immediately committed to the dark dungeon BIG DEALCONSUMMATED tTnlted State Comolldated Stcol Company Wilt Have a Total Capitalization or 91100000000 New York Feb 25 Tho Herald Bays J P Morgan hns Just completed the project by which another und the greatest consolidation of capital la added to the notable list of the last ten years The steel combination plan was consummated ut a conference lu his office Suturdny and the news was the topic of half the conversation In the corridors of some of the uptown hotels An official announcement may be expected today from the office of J P Morgan Co to the effect that the Carnegie company the Federal Steel company the National Tube com pany the American Stool nnd Wlro company the American Tin Plate com pany the National Steel company the American Steel Hoop company and the American Sheet Steel company are to be combined In one concern which is to issue its stock in return for theirs the valuation having been determined upon the assets and tho earning power of the respective corpor ations thus merged This new com bination it is understood will be called the United States Consolidated Steel company It will bnve a total capital ization of 1100000000 Tho Lake Superior consolidated Iron mines the Rockefeller Iron oro proper ties including the Mesnba range which passed a few days ngo to tho Morgnn combination will not go Im mediately into the new United States Consolidated Steel company It Is thought quite likely that the Lake Su perior concern may be turned over to the great combination at a later date All of the persons directly Interested In the Carnegie Morgan steel deal seemed greatly pleased over the suc cessful termination of their labors POSTPONES EXPEDITION Dispatch Received In Berlin Announce Change In Walderaeea Plans Berlin Feb 23 It Is announced In a dispatch from Peking dated Feb 21 that Count von Waldersee has post poned the expedition he planned as China has conceded the demands of the powers for the punishment of guilty officials Peking Feb 23 The foreign min isters yesterday received a message from the Chinese pence commissioners saying the edicts regarding the punish ments the cessation of examinations and the responsibility of the viceroys nnd governors have been signed but that text has not yet arrived Owing to the Chinese new yenr celebrations mnny of the telegraphic offices are closed until next week ENDS IN MA UPROAR Stormy Session of the French Chamber of Deputies Paris Feb 27 Yesterdays session of the chamber of deputies ended with an uproarious scene such as had not been witnessed for many months Heretofore the chamber has discussed the law of associations bill with much moderation and with an avoidance of inflammatory language but a word uttered last evening by Baron Xavler Rellle deputy for Castres provoked a storm which rnged lu the chamber for fully half an hour In the course of his speech he quoted from Savnry who stigmatized the condemnation of Louis XVI as ns sasslnntlon Immediately tho Rad icals nnd Socialists burst Into loud protest The Rightists cheered him nnd the Leftists hooted Members shouted one to another across the floor of the chnniber Bernard Cadenant fell Into a furious rage at a retort from Jean Planchon and rushed to strike him The ushers threw them selves between them nnd held back Cndennnt who gesticulated wildly and shook his fist A veritable pande monium drowned the sound of tho presidents bell Finally M Deschanel succeeded In putting the amendment to a vote tho senate rejecting It by a vote of 305 against 170 Inquest Over Killing- of Mrs Hudson Leavenworth Feb 20 The inquest over the killing of Mrs Rosa Hudson In the Joint raid at Millwood last Mon day wns held yesterdny and tho cor oners Jury returned n verdict to tho effect that she came to her death from a gun shot wouud at the bauds of persons unknown to the jury No attempt was made to Investigate thoso who comprised tho raiding mob or who did any of tho shooting lu tho Joint John Johnson the husband Michael Lockner the brother of tho murdered woman Matthew Goeno and Dr W F Adams were the only witnesses put on the stand and they were asked only questions that show that Mrs nudson Is dead and that she was killed by a gun shot Tho preliminary trial will come up Friday when a full examination will bo made 11 Si - M lftfv jTVfctT w yyf vptFVSSG