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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1901)
y I SDHflB II Rio tie Janeiro Sinks While I Entering Golden Gate DROWNED NUMBER OVER 100 CoiiMil Wllilnmti Hint family Aiming thtt VldlniH Ciiplnlii Pel Mien Willi 111 V- el Which striken on a lllililin Hock IV n lloillcn Itccoveretl Snn Francisco Feb 2X Tho Pnolnc Mull steamer It to U Janeiro ran on 11 hidden rock while entering t lit Jolilou Gate -curly yesterday morning In a dense fog She t nnk a few minutes niter striking It in thought that nearly 3 Ml persons were drowned but It In Impossible to ascertain tbo exact num ber owing to tbe fact that Purser fohn Roonoy who bad the passenger list nnd roster of the crew is among the missing Ten bodies have been recovered two white women one white man and even Chinese The most prominent passenger on the steamer was Remise vllle Wlldnian consul at Hong Kong who was accompanied by his wife and two children It Is thought all won drowned The ship was In command of Pilot Frederick Ionian when she Htruok He was rescued Capt Will iam Ward went down with his vessel As nearly as can be learned there wore 2ll persons on board the Wo de Janeiro as follows Cabin passengers U second cabin 7 steerage Chinese mid Japanese HS officers and crew 340 Total 2U The following havn been accounted for Heseued 7 bod ies at tbe morgue 10 total 8 The latest figures place the loss nt 322 persons classified as follows Passengers 2 1 ofllcers 10 crew Chi nese Mi steerage Asiatic 43 The following cabin passengers nre missing Rounsoville AVildmnn wife two children and nurse Mrs K West J F Seymour editor Manila Ameri can II C Mattheson Mrs and Miss Wnkofleld Miss Rowenn Jehu Dr Okawhara Dr Dodd C II Ilensbaw Mr and Mrs Woodworth C Dowell The Rio de Tnnolro was three days overdue from Hong Kong via Honolulu when she arrived off the IIads Thurs day night and the dense fog prevail ing at the time induced Pilot Jordan to bring her to anchor until he could Bee his way dear through the gate way She laid to until about 4n0 a m when the atmosphere cleared and fihe was started under a slow bell toward Point Ronitn Ail went well until 540 oclock when she struck Most of the passengers were below nt the time and It is believed that many of them were drowned in their berths TlIgH to UlU IuSCIM The first news of the disaster reached here at 730 oclock and soon afterward a boat load of rescued pass engers and petty olliccrs arrived at the mail dock Tugs were immediately dispatched to render any service that might be needed but no living persons were afloat when they reached the wreck A number of drowning people were rescued by Italian fishermen and the bodies of two white women three Chinese and a Japanese were brought in by the tugs The search for more of the victims continued all day From ail accounts it appears that the ofllcers were cool and gave the neces sary orders with the least possible ex citement There was not much con fusion until fifteen minutes after strik ing the bow of the vessel suddenly plunged under water Then there was n wild rush for the boats Two boats had already been lowered and others were getting away as rapidly as the trained discipline of the crew could prepare them A thick fog enveloped iverything and as yet no sign had come from the life saving stations Darkness was all about and with tills ridded honor the people on the Rio anil to creep While all this was going on Captain Ward was directing the passengers and trying to keep them from panic He succeeded only partly as many of the terrified people rushed to the railings find Jumped overboard Some of those were picked up others were drowned The Chinese crew to the number of ivor a hundred were terrorized Rome of them huddled in little groups chat tering In fear Others crouched close to the deck moaning pitifully Many jumped Into the sea That tbo steumer sank nlmost imme diately after striking is the report of a majority of those rescued The wreck lies about three fourths or a mile south of Fort Point and about a thousand yards off the rocky shore The smoke stack nnd u portion of the tipper works of the ill fated steamer arc visible There are several conflicting stories concerning the fate of Captain Ward The steward of the Rio says that he ntood beside the captain when the ves sel went down Two other survivors say thnt they also saw the captain to the last but Frederick Llndstrom the quartermaster officer of the Rio em phatically declared that Captain Ward emulated Admiral Trion of her British majestys ship Victoria in going down to his cabin where he met his doom behind a locked door TJIot Jonlani Story Pilot Jordan made the following Ptatement When the vessel struck I ordered all the boats out The ilrst boat out was that of the doctor It was half filled with water no sooner than she strick I got a ladder and placed a woman on It nnd we began to descend She had a boy with her n child about 8 years She gave him to me I held him In my arms and the little fellow had his arms around my neck The woman and I were about half way down the ladder when the Rio gnve a tremendous pitch I was flung off the ladder I saw nothing then of the woman or the boy Invent llnvn with the ship about fifty feet 1 worked my way up to lie surface nnd got hold of some wreckage 1 bad sense enough left to turn on my back and drift witli the wreckage Then 1 came across what seemed to me the top of a bouse with a Chinaman on it He helped me to clamber on to the roof and with him I drifted out toward the north heads 1 was then rescued by the fishing boat FIVE CUT TO PIECES Ill r I y or IjihoreM Kill it liy n Tnilii While routing a llrlilKe Sharon Pa Feb An Kile and Pittsburg freight train ran Into a I crowd of nioi on their way to work yesterday Five men were killed out right being cut to pieces The names of the dead are Zlnearro Roccn j Gulssoppo Pit mi go Cosaglralo Sueca Zlncnrro Znppl Pasquall Zappl The mm were crossing the Pennslyvaula I railroad bridge on their way to work nnd had reached the middle of the structure when the Krle and Pittsburg freight train bore down on them at full speed Itefore they colilil make nn effort to save their lives the train struck them grinding all live beneath the wheels 12 DEAD 30 INJURED Ilccoril of the CollMon on tlir PennnjU Tuuln Itullroiul Xi nr llordintuu n All Hollies Iteiunviil Trenton N T Feb lil -Twelve killed and about thirty Injured is the record of the collision of trains Thursday night at Kusllngs siding near Hordentown on the Amboy divi sion or the Pennsylvania railroad It is known that all bodies have been re moved Of the Injured nineteen nre In the Trenton hospital and five at Cam den Of the injured at Trenton eight nre Italians and at Camden all the live nre Italians Of the dead eleven bodies nre now at the Trenton morgue one of them nn unidentified woman and one body is at Camden Six bodies have been positively Identified They are AVnltor Karlo James Ririning hnm Edward Stokes Walter Nule John Gates nnd Mulus Spartn President Kntnii Itculpm Ctiicago Feb 20 After 15 years service as president of Heiolt college Dr Edward D Eaton tendered his resignation and it was accepted at a meeting of the board of trustees held last night The resignation takes ef fect at the end of the present school year Efforts were made by the trus tees to induce President Eaton to take an Indefinite vacation and retain his position President Eaton leaves for Mexico where he will remain in definitely Griinil Larceny of Live Stork Pierre S D Feb 20 The house passed house bills to make the stealing of live stock of the value of 10 grand larceny nnd a non resident executor or administrator to bring actions in the courts of the state The senate passed a bill authorizing the stale board of assessment to levy one mill deficiency tax and Rurkes scaven ger bill to clear up delinquent taxes The senate passed house bill to create a state dairy commissioner Martin Come Out for Thompson Lincoln Feb 20 Xo ballots wore taken at the Republican senatorial caucus last night because only M an swered to the roll nnd adjournment was had until 8 oclock tonight Sen ator Martin however seized the occa sion to make a speech on the harmony key announcing that he was nbout to relinquish Ids support of Ilinshaw for whom lie has been voting from the first nnd to cast his lot with the Thompson following One Fnro Itnte for VilrraiiH Sioux City Feb 20 The Western Passenger association has granted to the Iowa department of the G A R a rate of one fare for the round trip for the state encampment to be held at Dubuque on June 4 and 5 File Articles of Incorporation Trenton X J Feb 20 Articles of Incorporation of the United States Steel corporation were filed yesterday In the state department This is the gigantic Carnegie Morgan combine Walkeil Into a Trap Riley Kan Feb 28 A gang of sup posed bank robbers walked into a care fully laid trap here and the leader Frank Wharton alleged to bo an ex pert safe blower was captured after n desperate light in the dark The vntilt containing 100000 was un touched Some time ago Whnrton came to tills vicinity and It Is al leged planned with some local charac ters to roll the Riley bank One of the men named Johnson became fright ened and notified the ofllcers Caplurtil Alter n HtcheU Itnttle Bedim Kun Feb 27 Sheriff J W Taylor nnd his deputies nrlvetl here with Sid Appleby Sol Appleby Ross Graves Arle Rennlng and a dead man nnmed Reed having captured the pris oners after a pitched battle with them In which Reed was killed The pris oners are rough characters nnd while under the Influence of liquor last night terrorized the citizens of Wauneta nnd Cednrville nearby towns by rid ing through the streets and firing off pistols nt random and by other offen sive conduct Hire luke Ten Ilullillut Crcston Neb Feb 27 Last night fire broke out in the Ely harness shop destroying ten buildings in the heart of the town The buildings destroyed were Petersons general store Farns leys drug store Rank of Creston Florer Co hardware both sninnne nnd two dwellings loss 20000 lu l surance ubout 7000 HOB IB 1 HI Britain Believes South African Conflict Nearly Over SAYS GEN BOTHA HAS QUIT tiiiiilnii Chronicle II in a ltiport Tlmt In linn Siirreinleriil to lortl Klliliene r liui ral Preneli Capture Slot Horn Ih wet Al ml In 111 Itnltlr London Feb UK- General Frenchs capture of SIOO lloeis combined wbh the oilier advantages gained by the ltrltlsli forces in South Africa has created a most hopeful feeling in the war olllcc here Lord Raglan under secretary for war described It as be big the thin end of the wedge and this also Is the opinion of the military critics who reiterate tlmt while the war cannot be expected to end with a sudden stroke this constant capturing of men guns supplies and horses means that the opera t Urns will soon be reduced to a dacolt stage Ieueral French Is ipilte the hero of the hour on Pall Mall though of course General Kitcheners controlling hand is recognized tinder every circum stance It Is felt by Mr ltrodrlck and Lord llohcrts that so long as the ltrlt lsli forces are doing something to di minish the Peers supply of men mounts and ammunition they arc achieving the only possible objective at present in sight it Is not believed to be at all likely that General Kitch ener will grant any armistice as a pre liminary to peace or if lie does he will not let he war olllcc know of it until he learns of the result In fact no reliance Is placed In such an offer for even if General Hoi ha gave In the war olllcc Is inclined to think that his ac tion would only affect the force under his immediate individual command and the same policy which Is now be ing pursued would have to be contin ued against the other forces far re moved from Hie commander-in-chief ftnVH llotlm Hun Siirrriuli rod London Feb 28 The Dally Chron icle which has received a report It believes trustworthy though it lias no means of verification that General Potha has surrendered to Lord Kitch ener says According to earlier Information-General Kotha was to have been received at Lord Kitcheners camp about the end of this week but if the foregoing report is correct evenis have ripened with unexpected rapid ity Special dispatches from Pretoria lo cate General Itotha with a small force north of Mlddleburg They point out that be is probably making for the headquarters of Commandant Viijoen and the seat of the Roer government beyond Roosenkal Lord Kitchener has been nt Middle burg for the last few days but then is no indication from any quarter other than that relied upon by the Dailv Chronicle that General Rolha has sur rendered Renuett Rurleigh wires to the Daily Telegram from De Aar Tuesday The Orange river remains high Our columns are tightening their grip upon Steyn Dewet and Ilertzog near Plets ville and our patrols have been en gaged I anticipate t lint a general action is about to be fought and that the collision Is likely to prove seri ous EIGHT BODIES RECOVERED Work of Taking Out TIiimc Who PitIkIimI In Diatnonilvlllii Mliin Continue DlainondvllJe Wy Feb 2S Outside of the relief shifts which have been working heroically and Incessantly since Monday night the little mining camp of Diamondvllle has been at a standstill miners merchants and housewives having practically sus pended their dally avocations In the face of the terrible calamity which has visited the camp Groups or anx ious men women and children still surround the main entrance to the mine The number of lives lost is at least 20 and possibly 20 but no more Eight bodies have been recovered The bodies show evidence that the Ill fated miners died from suffocation Second Victim Ie Denver Feb 28 Mrs Josephine Un bernahrer one of the three women struck down by a heavy blow on the head last Friday night died yesterday in St Josephs hospital One of the others Mrs Mary Short died on Sat urday The third victim Miss Emmn Johnson may recover Albert L Cow en who is charged with the murder of Mrs Short and is suspected of be ing the highwayman who has nttneked many women in this city during the past year was Identified by Rarthoio mew Jullen as the man whom he saw running awny from the place where Miss Annie McAfee was knocked down and seriously injured an the night of Oct 4 last Illume Captain unit Pilot San Francisco Feb 28 The cor oners jury holding an inquest over the II bodies recovered from the wreck of the steamer Rio de Janeiro returned their verdict last night The Jurv charges Cnptnin Ward who wac drowned and Pilot Jordan with crim inal negligence The Pacific Mall Steamship company is censured for having had a Chinese crew on tin steamer Second Officer Graham Coughlan Is commended for heroic conduct In saving lives Jilrtrlili Mm In ir Wntliliictnn Lincoln Feb 28 Governor Dietrich Mid staff and five ofllcers of the Nn tional Guard will leave by special cat this evening at 0 oclock to atten I tin inaugural exercises at Washington next Monday In Washington the gov ernor will be Joined by his daughter lilss Dietrich wsa Til K NORFOLK NEWS FIUDAY MAHOII 1 1001 J PAl Mfc R UNDER ARREST Hanker mill ui llinli on lliiilil Air rinil Chicago Feb 28 Fdmiiml Pal mer whose banks In lies Plalnes and Ashley Ills and Kllcttsvllle lud I have closed with total liabilities limited at ystiiMHi was ai rested at bis home In lies Plalnes Puiucr is wanted by the aulhorltles of Ashley ami his at rest was at their request I Against Palmers bunk at Ashley there are uusutwilcd claims of 10000 Depositors of the Kllcttsvllle concern claim Jt Ioimhi and have Hied many I stilts of attachment since the bank closed Its doors a week ago The de ficit In the accounts of the Des Plalnes Institution Is put at 12000 The no- lice Itnvo Iiiwiii liwiHin n - IU I Ullllll I miicc Mommy It Is believed he will not be perse cuted by the Des Plalnes authorities because his sureties have promised to make good the sums owed depositors and out of consideration ror K J Meyers his partner who suffered bv the failure of the bank As a lee- ttirer on the properties of liquid air Palmer has traveled all over the j United Slates and by some was balled j as the superior or Trlpler the discov erer or the liquifying process lie Is a lawyer and a teacher having at dif ferent times conducted classes In a local nigii school and In the college at ulney Palmer said that Inability to real le on his securities In liquid air protects was the cause of the closing or his banks but asserted that ir al lowed to carry out his plans he would be able to pay his creditors dollar for dollar NEW BASEBALL RULES tliniie Ailopleil liy I lie Nnllonnl Iiiti In SimsIipii nt Neiv tiriint riiiium OiiniiiiiW New York Feb 2S The National Raseball league magnates met again yesterday at the Fifth Avenue hotel At the close of the session It was an nounced tlmt the report of the com mittee on rules had been under dis cussion A rule was adopted whlcii does away with the intentional foul ing of pitched halls by a batsmnn The first and second foul balls hit by the batsman unless two strikes havo already been called against him shall his base if lilt by a pitched ball but the ball will count as a ball against the pitcher President Young announced that the league had granted all the players de mands CiiriiiKli MoiKiin Steel Deal New York Fob 2S New develop ments yesterday In relation to the af fairs of the United Slates Steel cor porations were enormous dealings on the curb In the new securities in which brokers acting for J P Mogan were conspicuous a statement by Mr Gary of the Federal Steel In respect to t lie corporation and Its benefits and some more or less Idle gossip about the un derwriting plans Of actual news however there was a dearth Inillan llrl VUIIh the Tope New York Feb 2S Kolinzullen n 0-year-old Indian girl of the Flathead tribe an Inmate of the convent of the Ursnline nuns at Helena Men ar rived on the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grossc after a visit to Pope Leo Accom panying her was Mother Amandez The Indian girl was attired in gay fenthers and the bright dress of her tribe when presented to the pope The pontiff eagerly Inquired who the child was and blessed her several times dur ing the audience Cuban IteliitlonH Not lllinllii I Invalid Feb 2S The scheme of re lations with the United States was pub llcly approved last evening by the con vention which however clearly Im plies that its action would not bind the future government for the last part of the preamble reads The con vention considers that relations might exist If the first government under the republic think It advisable Mr Nation ltetiirint to Topnka Peoria Feb 28 Surrounded by n large crowd of men and boys Mrs Carrie Nation yesterday boarded the Ruiilngton train at i p m and started for Topekn when she will bo surren dered to the sheriff to resume her Jan life She says she will remain in Jail until released without promising not to smash any more saloons IitentlfleH Negro AmhhIIhiiI Indianapolis Feb 28 Dorothy Dar ter Identified the negro Doc Reed as her assailant Thousands of people be gnu gathering on the downtown streets early last evening and groups or men appeared on every corner near the jail which Is across the street from the city police station Stern orders to disperse however uepnruted them Doulilo Hnlcltle nt Ia Junta La Junta Colo Feb 28 The bodies of Louis Rurcli and Addle Taylor both 18 years of age residents of La Junta were found in an abandoned house n miles north of town They were locked In each others arms and each had been shot through the head Parental opposition o their marriage caused the double suicide ItireiiH Poll llnnk Itohlirr Yotingstown Feb 28 Four masked men tried to rob the Farmers National bank at Canlleld 10 miles from here early yesterday morning Explosions in attempting to open the safe aroused the citizens and the would be bank robbers sought safety in UlgbL I IB HID Chin Su and Hsu Tungs Son Publicly Executed AMERICANS AMONG GUARDS Piimwr Oiitinl Snirtiiry lfiitrr III IHunltt to I 111 IjikI It II t CliiiiK Vii Ii Miitellcil Willi OpIimi PIrt In I i J Mil Penally Peking Feb 27 Chili Sill former grand secretary and llsii Cheng n son of the nolorlitis llmTung wele publicly beheaded ycstoiduy The sire i In which the execution took place was guarded liy lioiicn iniiiiuu and American troops The con demned olllclals were taken to the ground In carls escorted by a com pany or Japanese Infantry Chili Stil met his fate In a dlgiilllcd manner walking from the cart calmly and fear lessly Ilsti Cheng Yu was iititpelled with opium They were both dressed lu their Chinese olllclal costumes with out the insignia or their ranks rreiiili mill Cliliirke Ilulillnir London Feb 27- It Is reported that heavy lighting has taken place between the French and Chinese near Cheng Ting Fu says the Peking cor respondent of the Morning Posi wir ing yesterday Count von Wnlder see It Is understood Is Issuing orders for a consul Ion of expeditions but these orders do not rcTcr to the prcpn nrllons for the projei ted expedition to Sinn Fn TWO BURNED TO DEATH Thrre Oilier rciKoiiH lnpl ml InnlTieln I In- WiniliiKiiti OiKim 1iiitory Chicago Fob 27 Roy Sampson n workman threw a lighted mutch In a barrel of celluloid scraps In the Wnu kegan Organ factory of It Allien yes terday and as a result two young wom en employes were burned to death and three other persons were Injured The dead are lerlrude Wells aged 22 and Jennie Wells aged 17 The lire originated on the second floor or the main building a two story frame si met tire The girls rushed for the stairs but escape already was cut off It was only ITi feet to the snow henceforth be counted as strikes covered ground and Miss Kendall Rule No It dellulng the position of called to the girls to Jump Jennie the catchers lines was altered so that Wells started but drew back Ger the catcher will have to stand within f rude Wells made no effort to leave ten feet instead of ll feet of the plate the window The loss on building Tills places the catcher up behind nnd stock Is estimated al 15000 with the bat throughout the game I practically im insurance A batsman may not henceforth takel - - IlrltlHli riinlhh Somali Ainiiinrasa i ai i oast or Africa Fell 2i A ItrltiMi expedition of fiOO men after making an 8 day march of 114 miles into the Somalls country to punish them 4or killing Commis sioner lenuur was attacked Feb 10 at Sannasa and lost 17 men killed In cluding Lieutenant Colonel Maltland The Somalls were beaten off with the loss of ll men killed The entile capfured on the march were stampeded and lost The expedition has returned lo Affmadu Mlnnexota Auanliil the llriiinir St Paul Fob 27 The Judges lu the prize competition at the recent conven tion or the National Creamery Rulfer mnkers association have discovered errors In their computation of aver ages and as a result Minnesota has been awarded the silk banner for the highest state average According to the prior announcement Kansas had 0 per cent better average than Min nesota but the errors discovered give Minnesota 012 per cent the bcbt of It O HONOR AGUINALDOS UNCLE Seleili il na loxernor of llilliieim Ilntliire liV Ill 1 1 1 1 t I lit- oiiiihUnIihi Gulgui ito P I Fob 28 lore Scr apie an uncle of Agulnahlo and ronu erly an Insurgent colonel has been appointed governor iff Itulacan prov bice There were several candldales In eluding two army nlllccrs but lho Lulled Slates commission was iimmb inously In favor or Seraplo who stir tendered during General LawtonH progress noil Ii ward and who 1 1 n slme been such a consistent friend of the United Stales thai Agnlnaldo published an order degrading hi uncle There wan j rotostj against Sertplns ap iltilmeiil chlully from a lecr aloti which rcju enteil lho iiM ii she friars The com mission announced thai II had Inves tigated the allegations made against Seraplo and found them lo be iinlrtte Cnpialii Greetiough iff the Forty first regiment was appointed treiife urer and Lieutenant Wells of tint Thlrly second regiment was appointed supervisor The olllelals ap pointed were natives All the ap pointments pracllciilly were made on General Grants recommendations Although by reputation Muhican H not 1 1 islcsl province lo govern all the leaders and most of lho Inhnhl ants are now friendly to I he United Stales The question of MeoMon of a capi tal ror the province was submlled to the vote iff he delegation Maloloi the former seat of the Insurgent con gress Is the best town bill Itulacan which has always been the seal of llui government was easily drsL FOUNDERS AT SEA Slrnmer CIiiiiiiiiIh Colllilm Willi nil L IHI Mil VhH Thirty llviH HllllllVVll In Hive lleen lont Loudon Feb 28 Tho ltrltlsli steamer Chamois collided near De warp lightship cast of Falmouth with a steamer whose name has not yet been ascertained The inildentllled steamer sank and a boat which put oft from her was swamped A few or her crew scrambled on board the Chamois Four of the crew of the Chamois wdle searching In n small boat ror pos sible survivors lost their vessel but reached the lightship from which they were rescued The Chamois has not yp been heard from and It Is feared thnt she may also have foundered which would make a total of something like 10 lives lost I- AGREE UPON WAGE SCALE Inn a Miners anil Op rilon Are Plunl fur A mil her Year Ottiiiuwa la Fob 28 At lho after noon session of the coal miners and operators of district No Ill embracing lowsi and northern Missouri the senlu submitted by the operators was agreed upon The scale In substance Is t ej same as thai which has prevailed dur ing the past year flic miners asked thai the scale pro vide for payment on the mine run basis but after a brief discussion sub milted to the proposal of the opera tors to make the payment on the basis of weight after the coal was screened The best of harmony prevailed among the del gates from the operators asso ciation and the delegates from the min ers In their employ tonne lint it llimy Day Washington Feb 28 The homo hud a busy day of routine agreeing to the conference reports on the forti fications District of Colninbin nnd Ir lulling in Aiiime or Aineria nillitjirv academy bills the last named I ort of Spain Trinidad Feb 27 - containing the anti hazlng legislation Systematic and violent abuse of The naval appropriation bill was sent leans Instigated by high Venezuelan i ij iirnm e after a defeat to olllclals Implicated in the a -malt con- n i - in in- iluvihion ioi splracy has begun in the Caracas three more Kohinm in fT wi iu press Everything hostile to the Unit- The Louisiana vm iin i t i i i - i -ii oiiiu H ii niicii upon nno exagger ated United States Minister Loomls Is shamefully attacked for daring Inform Washington ring in Venezuela of events to occur- DUpiile Over Itiiuniliiry Line Cape Havtlen Hayll Feb 27 The i recent conflict between Haytlens and Dominicans at Phllobert on the north ern frontier or this republic was caused by the occupation by Haytlcn troops or some territory In dispute The Dominican government Is dis posed to re csuihllsli good relations with Haytl ir the government or this republic will recall Its troops lplnriatlori U Ileniunilril Oporto Feb 27 It is understood the Rrazlllan government will demand exjilanatlons from Portugal for the which has been In a precarious parlia mentary state was finally sent to con ference for an adjust incut of differ ences Several bills for statues were disposed of by parliamentary maneu vers The revenue cutter bill also re ceived adverse action the house nd joiirnlng when an effort was made to take it up Early sessions begin In the house today attempt made to abduct the dnughter 0VH r now in jail of the Rrazlllan consul here and place nor in a convent against the wishes of her father A collision between the police and students last evening resulted In numbers on both sides be ing Injured KxtendliiK the Civil Itiile Gulgulnto Rulcanaii Province P I Feb 27 The United States Philippine commission has arrived here from Mnnlla nnd lins organized a provincial government for this province wnlch until recently wns controlled bv the Insurgents The Insurgent colonel Morels is si III operating In a portion of the province t Spanlh Cahlnet Kenlcnu Madrid Feb 27 Lieutenant Gen eral Azcarraga formally presented the resignation of the cabinet yester day to the queen regent It Is be lieved that the ministerial crisis will be solved KHriner Drotrno In Tank Clinton la Feb US John Cramp ton fell into a water tank on bis fnnn In this county lust ulfht aud waa drowned i 1 d i Trleil to Wreck a Train for Pun Marshall Mo Feb 28 Four boys Inmates of the poor farm situated near the Chicago and Alton railway near here last night conspired to wreck a passenger train They put fish plates and small railroad Iron on the track The train struck the ob struction tore holes lu the car floor nnd cut the nir brakes Three of the did it just for fun lK They sny they South Oninha llrlliery Case South Omaha Feb 28 At the pre liminary hearing yesterday of Mayor Alien R Kelly charged with bribery Thorwold Jorgenson admitted running a gambling house and puylng 125 monthly for the privilege the money being collected through the agency of John Maber The witness testified that he called on Mayor Kelly and nsked him to cut down the amount but the latter refused saying tlmt the election had cost him a large sum nnd he needed the money At the conclu sion of the hearing Kelly was boqud over to the district court Clear Pp Kuskaskla Myatery St Louis Feb 2S Captaln Ley he of the steamer Grey Eagle yesterday fur nished Information which clears tho supposed mysterious murder revealed by a decapitated corpse In a box found near Kaskaskla He is confident that it is Ed Hussey a river employe who died on tho Grey Eagle In July 1000 He was buried lu a box near the river bunk fiinfl jgjinkj V