The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 01, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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The Norfolk Neuus
W N HUHH Publlrtior
Eton day erctit Sunday Ill en
cntrlet per
week l cent lly nmllpor jenr ow
The New ulnWUIcd ISM
Tim Journal wtabllMipd INI
Ktery Friday Ilj mail per jrnr flW
Kntorcd at Urn ToMotllce nt Norfolk Neb no
eondrluM matter
UuMiiom Olllca nud
iloh Him
No S22
2 1
Now Yorh City linn inorothan aROO
lullen of iiuproviil HtrootH It is prob
nhln tlint tbn utropt conuiilfwinnnr thoro
dooH not cover his territory of to hit tlmii
onco n dnj
Tho death of CoiihuI Wildiimn ro
moves n character of mnoh promlnonco
ia both tho Chiuoso nntl Philippine difll
cultios Mid JblH place at Hoiik Kong
mny not bo no readily flllod
Somo of tho Philippine Uwiih nro en
joying tho novelty of oounty Rent con
tests They settlo tho business In n day
bowovor which gouH to Bhow thnt tho
peoplo nro not yot thoroughly Auiorlcim
Thoro wo 17 citizens of WiiHhington
1 O who boar tho nuiiio of Goorgo
Washington It 1b a lino testimonial to
tho father of our country but n fow of
tho troubloB of tho postal olllclals of thnt
city may bo imagined
In H00 tho exports of tho United
States for tho first time exceeded thoso
of any other country in tho world
Jfow 1b tho tiino to Rubsoribo to tho
constitution nnd beconio an American
citizen Wo nro in tho load and are go
ing to stay thoro
Up in tho Kloudiko country it is said
to be so oold thnt whisky and alcohol
freeze solid Thoro is however nothing
so stupendously astonishing about that
Whisky of tho summer quality has
boon known to freeze in Nebraska and
tho temperature not at a very low point
Tho burning of tho pouitoutinry nt
Idnooln this morning will afford the
financiers of tho legislature something
else to think about than the election of
United States senators The prisoners
of tho Btato must bo cared for nnd tho
legislature will be obliged to make pro
vision for now quarters at once
Another promise is due from tho
sultan Cramp rof nsos so begin on his
vessel until somo money is forthcoming
and tho United States is no noarer so
curing whnt is duo it as a government
than it was somo months ngo There
are follows in this country who would
like his nibs nerve nt standing off nn
What a sohemo It is recently to ad
Tortiso something so cheap that no ono
wants it at any price just to attract at
tention to the goodB on which more
jaioney is made A person was never
known to be BatUJiud with tho cheap
tuff offered by department stoics and
ibe otbor kind can be bought of the
bomo merchant
The national house and senate are
working overtime now to finish up busi
m6B boforo adjournment A fow would
sympathize with them in their busy
days if they had worked overtime fre
quently during the session Tho
chances are that nine out of ten of their
constituents work harder for much loss
fy than do the congressmen and sena
British free trade papers prof er the
advice that America might be muoh
more prosperous and happy by doing
away with its protective tariff system
Thank yon Mr Boll the people seem
quite satisfied to leave well enough
lone Is it not your true meaning
that Britain would prosper much better
with the United States devoted to free
With the Letter J Gose
8ome gabbering individual has intro
4uoed a bill in congress providing for
egeotment of tho letter JM from
ear alphabet The reason he says is
that we have no need for it No reason
for it I The gust gudges of the country
the people will we anticipate de
cide differently If we dispense with
t3 why not hi a like manner do away
with0 This ia an unguBt gab at an
inoffensive letter and we prediot that
the author of the bill will realize what
gaokass he has made of himBelf ere
long He should be galled for treason
CtongreeB has no time to gangle over the
alphabet graver matters are coming up
for consideration The gaanty bill of
thbj member gars on the sensitive
nerves of the people The member is
evidently gealous of the attention
which eomsother congressmen are at
tracting So either as a get or a golly
lie gumps into the arena with a bill
that causes the statue of Gustice to
hirer and enterprising gournalists to
write columns about him The mem
ber ia in a goyful mood but he has no
gtutiflable motive for his action He is
a guggler that is all
What this man should do is to go on
a gunketing tour and rest his nervous
system Let him got down his impres
sions of the Hawoaiian situationdriuk a
htniMlf If bo will relied ho will hoc
how Injudicious 1b bin fiction NothlnR
can KiiHllfy It iRingiirlounamiiui ln
Ktistlcn to llio alphabot to coiiftrpHn nnd
to tho pooplo
No lino for tho lottor 1 Grout
heavens OfiHt yoilr oyos over tho
nlnivo And thou think of gurloR biiiiI
torn gudKoa of tho conrtRgUHticoBof tho
poaro Gatiuary Guuo Uuly nnd
Uphur Christ I
This man mny think ho 1b a govhil
poul but ho 1b not he 1r a Goimh thnt
1h nil
It BtrlkoR ub thnt wo hnvo a very good
plnco for tho letter J And thin 1b no
goho either Kxchnngo
Hciiulillcian Unnvfintlon
Tho republicans of Norfolk will moot
in convention at tho city hall on Thurs
day evening March 14 1101 at 8 oclock
for tho pnrposo of placing in nomination
oandldatos for mayor clerk treasurer
city ongluoor police Judgo Mid two
mombors of tho board of education to bo
voted for at tho election in April nnd to
transact bucIi other business as may
properly como boforo tho convention
Representation in tho convention will
bo basod on tho vote cant for Samuel 11
MoFarlaud for oity olork ono delegate
being allowed for ovory ton votes or
major fraction thereof cast for said
clork Tho dmoront wards will bo en
titled to representation as follows
First ward I
Second ward II
Third ward 1H
Fourth ward 0
Tho school district outRido tho city of
NorfolK will bo entitled to six dologatoR
in nominating members of tho board of
Tho cotnmlttoo recommends that the
ward cauousoB bo hold Wednesday oven
ing March 111
W II Bucholz
J W Ransom Chairman
Flrnt Wftrtl Caucun
Tho ropublicmiB of the First ward will
moot in caucus at tho Oxnard hotel
Wednesday evening March 18 at 8
oclock for tho purpose of placing in
nomination a candidato for councilman
and electing nino dologatos to tho city
oouvontion to bo held March 1 1 1101
Goo II Speak
Second Wrl Cnunm
The republicans of tho Second ward
will moot in cancuB at Tmc Daily Nrws
olllco on Wednesday ovouing March lii
at 8 oclock for tho purposo of plaoiug
in nomination a candidate for council
man and oleoting thirteen delogates to
tho city convention to be held March 14
1001 J W Ransom
Third Wiirtl Uriicuh
The republican electors of the Third
ward will meet in cnucus at tho city hall
ou Wednesday evening March 111 at 8
oclock for tho purposo of placing in
nomination two candidates for council
mou aud selecting 18 delegates to the
oity convention to be held March 14
1101 W H Bucholz
Fourth Ward Canrim
The republicans of the Fourth ward
will meet in caucus at Horshisers drug
Btoro on Wednesday evening March II
at 8 oclock for the purposo of placing
in nomination a candidate for council
man and electing six delegates to the
city convention to be held March 14
1101 W H Kisii
Venerable New York Statesman
AwayHa Look Ueen la
Feeble Hralth
jew mint gulepeand thus reguviuate Tweed and Mrs Ecuddw
New York March 1 William M
EvartH died at his home In this city
Mr Uvarts was 85 years old H1b
deuth wus caused by pneumonia For
several years be had been without the
use of his eyes and was otherwise so
feeble that he was nnable to leave his
room Up to the time of his death
be was tho nominal head of the law
firm of Evarts Choate Ben man al
though for many years he had not ben
In active practice From the time he
became unconscious the dying mans
wife nnd children were with him in
the room
There are four daughters and a like
number of sons The latter are Allen
Sherman Itev Dr Irescott nnd Max
well Evarts and the daughters are
Miss Mary Evarts Mrs Beaman Mrs
Slayer of Express Messenger
Lane Expiates His Crime
loomed MnriUror llrtalui 111 Wonderfnl
Narvc to llm Pronounced lead
Three Minute Alter 1 ulnl Vturrnt Wm
Turned On
Columbus O March 1 With no
diminution of the wonderful nervo
Unit bus been uliaratterlHtk1 of the
iiiKii since the time of apprehension
for the murder of Express Messenger
Charles luuc lust August ltoslyn
Kerrell at li00 this morning walked
calmly to the electric chair of tho
Ohio penitentiary and expiated hlu
Up until 7110 oclock last evening
Ferrell was In company with hfs
three brothers In his room at the pen
itentiary At that time the brothers
were nuked to retire and Itev Fathers
Oltvllly and Kelly entered the mom
and remained with the condemned
man until he was pronounced dead
They administered the sacraments lo i
the early part of the evening and the
rltcH had scarcely been concluded until
Ferrell proposed a game of checker
with one of the clergymen Tiring of
this after a time lie played his guitar
and sang lie walked Into the room
as calmly as If ho merely were a spec
tator Ills fnco did not change color
and IiIh steps were strong nnd resolute
lie sat down In the electrocution chair
nt 1200 He wan asked If he had any
Inst message nnd replied in n voice
full of strenRth and without tremor
I have nothing to say The olllclals
mnde the last preparations the fatal
current was turned on nnd at 1209
ho wns declared dead
Consolidation of the Frlaco and Meiuphli
tfystem auuotiured
KaiiHas City March 1 Announce
ment was made Thursday of tbe pur
chase of control of tbe Kansas City
Fort Scott and Memphis railwuy sys
tem by Investors wbo are Interested
in the St Louis and San Francisco
rullroud a transaction which will re
sult In tho consolidation of the Frisco
and Memphis systems
The consolidation will give the
Frisco road use of the vnlunble Mem
phis terminals at Kansas City en
trance to the Union station nnd a con
trolling Interest In the Kansas City
Belt railroad The Memphis road yes
terday purchased the Deckervlllo Os
ceola and Northern rond which runs
from Deckervlllo Ark to Luxora
Ark 4f miles northeast of Decker
Think Denrt Surrounded
De Aar March 1 Latest advices In
dicate that though a few of General
Dewets men have succeeded in cross
lug the Orange river General Dewet
President Steyn and the bulk of their
force Including llertzogs conminando
are camped on the south bank waiting
an opportunity to cross According to
Inhabitants who reside alongside the
river this will be impossible for at
least four days The Indications are
that Dewet Intends moving westward
with the object of crossing the line
between Norvnlpont and Nnnuwpoort
Thornyeroft Is pushing from the west
while several columns are ready to
meet the Boers In every direction
Last night there was a terrible storm
of rain and thunder extending over a
wide nren and It Is expected that the
river will again rise
UeBnei notations With Vnrle Ram
Havana March 1 Senor Capote
president of the Cuban constitutional
convention yesterday afternoon hand
ed to Governor CJenernl Wood the dec
larations of the convention on the pro
posed relations between Cuba nnd tbe
United States as adopted Wednesday
The presentation was Informal and no
remarks were made General Wood
has notified the authorities at Wash
ington that the declaration will be
translated Into English and mailed to
Denle Turkey In Default
Philadelphia March 1 Charles n
Cramp head of the Cramp shipbuild
ing llrm denies the report from Con
stantinople to tbe effect that n con
tract for a cruiser for tbe Turkish gov
ernment has been annulled because of
the fnllure of the porto to pay the first
Installment Mr Cramp sold that tbe
first payment wns not due until March
1 and that consequently the report is
without foundation
Killed Iu a Snowilide
Boulder Colo March 1 John Kit
ridge a mining engineer and his as
sistant John Fields of Holton Kan
were carried down Crittenden mount
ain two and a half miles above Eldc
rado by a snow slide yesterday Kit
ridge caught hold of a stump and
saved himself but Fields was carried
1000 feet to tbe bottom of a gulch
burled by the slide and killed
Forty ona Bodlee Still In Mine
Vancouver B 0 March 1 A ine
clal from Cumberland the scene of
the mine disaster two weeks ago says
After nearly a week during which a
heavy column of water has poured con
tinuously Into the shaft of No 2 mine
and No 0 mine the task of pumping
out the water has commenced There
are still 41 bottles in the mine
Troops to Guard 1rlsoner
Springfield Ills March 1 After be
ing confined In tho county jail Here
since Dec 10 Albert Sheukle wanted
in Green county for rape wili be
taken there today on a sitccial train
under guard of four compaules of
All Competition DUIanred
Tho fast trains of tho Union Pacific
renoh San Franolsco fifteen hours ahead
of all competitors If von nro in uo
hurry tnko a slow train by ono of tho do
tour routes but if you want to got there
without suffering any of the iuoonvon
ioncoB of winter travel take tho only
direct route tho Union Pacific Do
tailed information furnished on applica
tion F W JUNEMANi Agout
Presidential Inauguration
For tho inauguration at Washington
March 1 tho Union Pacific railway
tho only direct lino will sell tickets at
one faro for the round trip plus 2
Tickets on salo February 28 and March
1 nnd 2 For full information call on
F W Junicman
r K A M V It It the North wrHtTrt Linn
-to Wmii hlrif Um I V
Excursion tickets will bo sold on Feb
ruary 28 March 1 and 2 at ono faro plus
f200 for tho round trip good returning
nutil March JO account presidential in
auguration ceromonies
H C Matiiau
H jr To the American Hummrrlanil
The Union Pacific has authorized a
Bottlers excursion rate of 2G from Nor
folk to California Febrnary 1 to 2Ith
March f 12 10 20 Pullman ordinary
sleeping cars nro run daily via the
Union Pooifio to California Thoso
cars are tho most commodious means of
travel for large parties intending set
tlors homusoekors hunting parties
Full information cheerfully furnished
on application F W Junkman
Whon you want n physic that is mild
and gentle easy to tako and pleasant in
oilect use Ohnmborlains Stomach and
Liver Tablets Price 2f cents Samples
froe Every box guaranteed For sale
by the Kiesuu Drug Co
Notice to Bridge Contractors
Notice is hereby given that Bealed bids
will bo reooived ut the county clerks
office at Madison Madison county Ne
braska until 12 oclock at noon standard
time March 18 1001 for tho erection
and completion und furnishing of ma
terial and labor for all pile and iron
bridges to be built during the year 1901
according to the following specifica
tions to wit
1 All wooden bridges to rest on
three piles nt each bent to be driven to a
solid foundation and bent to be of
length required by county board piles
to bo white oak or red cedar not less
than ten inch top all piling to be sound
proportionate and free from windshake
and objectionable knots
L All caps to be of two 3x12 incheB
in white oak to each set of three piles to
be bolted on two Bides of piling with 7 8
inch bolts and washers to washer each
pile and nuts on end piling to be on in
side All piles to have a tenon of
inch to rest upon
i All piling for caps to be sway
braced with 3xG white oak or 3x8
white pine and to bo securely bolted to
end of cap and at each intersection with
piling with inch bolts inch wash
ers Ends ot joists and caps to be cov
ered with the same material as flooring
and to be even with top of floor
4 All joists to be northern white
pine 1x12 sized at each end outhido
joists to be bolted to cap at each end
with J2 inch bolts and men wash
ers All bridges to have nine lines of
joists well lapped on caps all joists to
bo bridged with 10 peuny wire nails
5 Ail flooring to be 3x12 northern
white pine or oak and to be spiked to
joists with C0 penny steel nails at each
intersection of joists
C Railing to be S1 feet high above
floor posts 4x0 northern pine all bolted
to outside stringers with two inch
bolts nnd washers except end posts
which shall be bolted to piling lapping
two feet on each corner pile cap of
railing to be 2x6 with 2x6 on inside
under cap hub rail 2x6 and guard rail
Sxil all white pine and to be well spiked
with 30 penny wire nails
7 All railing to be painted with two
heavy coats of Venetian red and boiled
linBeed oil All iron work on steel
bridges to be painted with two heavy
coates of graphite paint
8 All bridges must be of fourteen
feet roadway and bids must Btato price
per lineal foot
Proposals will also be reooived for
steel and combination bridges fourteen
feet roadway supported by concrete
pier with inoh steel case thirty to
forty two inch diameter Bids must
state 6ize of pier and price per lineal
foot aud if built on piling to state
length and kind of piling and price per
lineal foot for piling
Proposals will also be received for a
steel bridge to be built across the North
fork river at the foot of Norfolk avenue
in the city of Norfolk with concrete
and steel piers 24 feet roadway
All bidders are required to accompany
their bids with plans nnd specifications
of their work and a certified oheck of
100 to be forfeited if contractor fails to
make contract or me an acceptame bona
within fifteen days from date of letting
The board of county commissioners
reserve the right to award separate con
tracts for pile bridges combination
bridges and steel bridges also the right
to reject any or all bids
The party awarded the contract will
be required to give a good and sufficient
bond conditioned for the faithful per
formance of the contract with at least
one surety resident of Madison county
Nebraska baid bond to be approved by
the county board
Dated this 29th day of January 1901
Pirn Baucij County Clerk
Cures Chronic Diseases Rheumatism
Eyes Ears the Lame etc Absolutely
no medicine used
No 203 East
First Street
Q A liMKAKT Phmidknt
CHAB H IHUDOE Vice Irmidknt
South side Main St between 2d and 3d
MX IASKWALK Arst Cabbies
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
hay Ami noil exchnnKO on till country r ml all part ot Bnropo Farm Loan
Director Armcs W II Johnson Ciiah S IIbidag O W lJnAAscn
Hwank A Luihaht T P Mkmninukb L Bkhmonh
11 1 1 llr
Get What You Ask for at
ALL 0RDER8 are filled promptly and with care
Our goods are FIRST CLASS in every particular
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom
We aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money
Tclophono 41
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
Railroad and Business Directory
Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley
Omiihn PassoDffer 805am
CbicHKO Expreee 1240 pm
Chicago Express 730 d m
Omaha Passenger 120pm
Black Utile nlpress 7i0pm
Veniigro PneeeDRer 1240p m
Verdigro Accommodation 900am
Black 11111b Express 1220 p m
Verdigre Passenger am
Verdigre Accommodation 720pm
Thf Chicago and Black Hills Express arrives
and departs from Junction depot The Omaha
and Verdigre trains arrive and depart from citj
depot II C Mateau Agent
Union Pacific
Columbns Accommodation 830 p m
Omaha Denver and Pacific Coast 11 00 a m
Columbus Ace ramodation 10S0pm
Omaha kenver and Pacific coast 90 pm
Connects at Norfolk with F E A M V going
west and north and with the C Bt P M O
for points north and east
F w Junkman Agent
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
Blonx City and Omaha Passenger 630 am
Bioux CltyPasecnger 100pm
Sionx City Passenger 1035 am
Bionx City and Omahd Passenger 780 p m
Connects at Norfolk with F E M V going
west and north and with the D P for points
eonth F W Junehan Agent
Dnily except Sunday
Branch Aveaue
and Third St
NO 33
Sale and
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold
For PlamtiBF Steai Pitting Poops Tuki
Wind Mills
And all work in this line call on
First door Bontli of The Daily Nbwb Office
North Western
f fi p V 9 R is tbe test to tod
from the
Vorth Nebraska
Flne Watch
lOver Baum Bros Store
Spaneari Ouslman
Boots and oes
Repairing Neatly Done
Contractor and Builder
1 1 7 Fourth Street
Flour and Feed
411 Norfolk Avenne
IflSKEEPS fflllililNERY
Cheapest and BeBt
Norfolk Avenue
All Work Guaranteed
Cor Braaech ave and 4th St
The Norfolk Horseshoer
Attorneje at Law
TjRc s Parker
Mast Block
J B Barneo
Norfolk Neb
Homeopathic Physician andrSnrge
Office Citizens National Bank Building
Telephone 101
Sanitarium and Residence Main and ISth St
Telephone 9
Norfolk - Nebraska
Office over Citizens National Bank Roeidenoe
one block north of Congregational church
Norfolk Nebraska
Office over Leonards Drag Store
Norfolk - Nebraska
Fashionable Dressmaker
Up ctaire in Cotton block oror Baumt etora
Firs t cla6B work guaranteed
Attorneys at Law
Rooms 10 11 and 12 Maiitbock
Norfolk Nebraska
Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Block
Norfolk Nebr
Undertakers aid Embalmers
Beielone Blk Norfolk AveJ
Norfolk Nebraska
Tklstuone No 447
Rooms on North Ninth Street
m rm Mft SaKfHJ
sMws v 7