The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 01, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Paul Hudnt 1h quite sick with
15 M Laoko was down from Hoskins
Joseph llulmcck is seriously HI with
Mr nnd Mrs 15 V Stevens are visit
ing in Omahu
1 O Lynch wns in town yesterday
from Mndison
Frank Phillips of llosklns wiib a city
visitor Monday
11 L Sharp of Pilger hud business in
Norfolk yesterday
Frank Bloom wns in tho rity ycBtor
day from Wakefield
W L Smith of Osmond transacted
business horo Monday
15 A Glitton of Orchton traiihiicted
lUHlniHii hero yesterday
F M Robinson was in tlio motiopollH
yesterday from Howolls
Mm Honry Huobnor of Hadcr iH vnry
sick witli rheumatism
lr W M Condon was in tho city
yesterday from Humphroy
Miss W A Otts was a Norfolk visitor
from Humphrey yesterday
G B Gatlln of Scrihnor paid Norfolk
n customary visit yesterday
Frank Fox is reported soriously ill
with tho prevailing complaint
G S Smiththo Madison real estate
jnnu was in the oity yoHtorday
Goo J Dalmau of Wayne was a visi
tor in tho metropolis yesterday
Wellington Fox and Elinor Fox spent
Sunday with friends in Madison
0 B Holahan returned last ovoning
from a business trip to Ft Dodgo Iowa
Tho Wednesday olub will moot with
JVIrs W N Huso tomorrow nftoruoon
W It Whito of Plaiuview was ono of
tho numerous Monday visitors to this
G It Soilor liveryman and real ostato
agent made a business trip toColuuibus
this morning
Norfolk lodge No 97 A O U W
will moot in regular session in Odd Fel
lows hail this ovoniug
Norton Howo returned this morning
from Plaiuview wheie he has been vis
ili lg his brother Robert
County Attornoy Burt Mapes wont to
Croightuu yesterday and this morning
was a passenger for Neligh
It O Asboru of Wayne spout Sunday
with his old timo friend A P Ohilds
xoturuing homo yesterday morning
Rev Mr Osborn came down from
Croightou last evening to attend tho
funeral of Miss Woills this morning
J W Kinzel of Winsido has Btarted
nbankat Grestono Col in which G
A Luikait or this city has an intorest
Robert Kerr of KansuB City Mo
Toproseuting W G Baker Co dealers
iu touts and awnings was tho guest of
his sihter Mrs O L Hyde
J V lthines of Boone has been vihit
ing his wifo who is a patient at tho
Norfolk hospital Ho is pleased to flml
that her health is very materially im
W E Arnold of Hastings deputy
organizer for tho Loyal Mystic Legion
of America is hero in the interests of
his order which already has an organ
isation hero
Herman Kreger ono of tho two boys
who havo been such familiar figures on
the streots has taken tho position of
bell boy at the Oxuaid and is attend
ing to calls with promptness ami dis
There will bo a business meeting of
the Christian Endeavor society at the
homo of Miss Etta Durlaud tins even
O G Somors has accepted a respon
sible position with the Beobo Runyou
wholesale furnituro company of Omaha
where he will be superintendent of trav
eling men and assistant purchaser Ho
will probably move his family to that
city in tho near future
Grandpa Melehor of West Point
claims to havo seen a mink plnugo into
open water below tho dam und in few
moments emerge with a six pound fish
in his mouth It is a bit early for fish
stories but the people might be prepar
ing their minds the season is approach
This is an uucertain season of the
year for teamsters who have been cross
ing the Missouri river on tho ico during
the winter On tho 18th Will Merritt
of Niobrara lost a horse and two hogs
his team and wagon going through tho
ice all tho animals beiug rescued but
tho two A peddlars horse went
through the sanio day but was pulled
oat uuharmed
One of Wakefields wheelmen is in
dignant because of Representative Mur
rays bill which requires a bicycle rider
to dismount every timoho posses a team
arid wonders whut rights between
legislators aad couucilmeu a wheelman
will soon havo that tho people are
bound to respect If that muu with the
flying machine would hurry up it might
prove au easy solution of the problem
as there are fewer animals fighting for
xight of way in the air
No doubt most people iu tho city have
many old magazines und books which
they have read and thrown aside that
would provo a source of pleasure to
jmtieiits at the hospital for insane
I Many of these patients thoroughly on
llio joy reading but liiMifllolont funds are
allowed to puiohiiHO what is needed o
meet the demand hence Superintendent
Teal asko those who are disposed to con
tribute to tho relief of the unfortunates
in this manner to sond their old peri
odicals and bocks All niioh reading
matter left at Tint Nkwh ollleo will bo
forwarded to tho hospital and the con
tributors will have the heartfelt thanks
of the patients
Geo Wood worth son of V II
Woodworth of Bohnerts grocery nnd
Miss Llda Heed daughter of Mr and
Mrs Burrell Heed were united in
marriage this morning at 10 oclock at
the home of tho brides parents south of
the city Itov 8 l Sharpless ofllolut
ing A tccoutinn for Mr and Mrs
Wood wort li is to be given at tho homo
of the grooms parents on North Eighth
street tomorrow afternoon and evening
Tho young couple will make their homo
on tho farm of tho brides father near
Mrs Annie D Tailont authoress of
tho The Black Hills or the Last Hunt
Ing Grounds of tho Dakotas died
about two weeks ago at her homo in
Sturgis and her roinaiiiB wero taken to
Elgin 111 by her mhi Robert E Tal
lout for interment Mr Till lout was
here a short time ago iu tho interest of
tho work and succeeded in interesting
quite a number of people Mrs Talleut
was 7t years pf ago at tho time of her
death She was one of tho earliest
sottlors of tho hills mid her work em
braced 28 years of that countrys his
During tho past two weeks or more
tho doctors of town havo beou iu con
stant demand and several of them re
port that thoy average 25 visits to pa
tients each day Tho prevailing malady
is grip and roRultaut complaints most
of which nro uot serious although a few
have proved fatal Small pox has uot
mado its appearance hero yet although
it is reported in towns in either direc
tion ono scare of this character being
no farther away than 40 miles As n
precaution against tho disease which
may invado tho community at any time
it would bo wiso for all to be vaccinated
who havo not boon in recent years
Undor modern methods vaccination is
not a serious matter and it is always
better to bo on the Mifo side when small
pox is prevalent
MtuliiIthKvtt WelllN
Frtim Tnonlny8 Dnily
Tho funoral over tho remains of Maria
Leggott Woills lovingly called May by
her friends was held at Trinity church
at 10 oclock this morning Bishop
Williams ronained ovor and couductod
tho servico which was largely attondod
by friends of the family Tho churoh
was beautifully decorated with floral
gifts tho most promiuout beiug a harp
with a broken string from the Girl
guild of which Miss Weills wns presi
dent n wreath from tho Masons a cross
from the Order of Elks violets forns
and roses from tho Ludies guild bou
quets from the Sunshine guild a oluss
of littlo girls whoso tenclor tho deceased
was bosideB many individual offerings
Mr Woills Mrs Deuel ami John wi r
ahlo to bo carried to the choir room
where thoy occupied seats during the
servico with tho only two well members
of the family Marjorie and Louise and
Mr Deul At tho conclusion of tho
servico tho remains wore tenderly
taken to Prospect Hill where they were
laid to rest beside those of her mother
tho samo pall bearers ofliciatiug so fur
as possible as did a week ago for tho
Miss Weills was born at Niagara
Falls New York on August 27 1871
ami although her life was short it was
ono full of usefulness Since early
childhood she lias boon atllicted with
asthma yet notwithstanding her own
troublos she was like a ray of sunshine
iu tho family circle always bo cheerful
happy and thoughtful of tho comforts
and wishes of others that hor life was a
lesson and au iuspiratiou She had an
uuusually bright mind which was bub
bling over with humor and eveu up to
almost her hiBt moments Bho could not
withstand tho temptation to joko with
those about her She wiib tho last of
tho family to be strickon with tho
uuy wjiicu hub numu sucn inroads upon
tho home and becauhe of her eufebled
conditiou from long suffering sho was
not able to withstand its effocts and
her bouI haB gono to join thoso of her
mother and grandmother whose funeral
was hold just ouo week previous
Thank anil Sympathy
At a meeting of tho gentlemen of
Trinity parish held at the Oxuard hotel
last eveuiug Bishop Williums presidiug
tha following motion was mado
That a vote of thanks be given to our
reotor Rev J O S Weills for tho
comforting and elllcient servico ho has
given us duriug the past year as rector
of the parish and that in the present
year we pledge him our spiritual moral
aud financial support Unanimously
It was also moved that wo tender our
beloved rtctor our deepest sympathy iu
this his sad ufllictiou and pray that the
Almighty God in His wibe providence
may loug spare him to us
Wasted March 10 fivo room cottage
Will pay reasonable rent Address Win
Beswiok No 1209 Seventh
Cjuucil Bluffs Iowa
Frit Eliel has moved to this oity from
William Parkinson of Madison is a
oity visitor today
A 1j Howsen was a Wayno visitor in
Norfolk yesterday
MIrb Mary Johnson of Stanton visited
in town yesterday
1rof C Hurlhnt of Alnsworth wns a
oity visitor yesterday
J 15 Slmpkins of Meadow Grovo is
horo today enrouto to Lincoln
Dr Frank Salter made a professional
visit to HoMdiiB this nftoruoon
Ernest Becker of Stanton transacted
business in tho inetroiKills yesterday
Elmer Lundborg county superintend
out of Wayne county was a city visitor
Mr nnd Mrs Wm Gorecke wero up
from Stanton to attend the funoral of
his father
I G Westorvolt waH ahlo to bo out
again yesterday after a Berious siego
with tho giip
Dr MoKim mado a long drive west of
Battle Crook and return yesterday aud
wont to Hadar today
J S Shurlz returned last night from
a two months visit to rolatives and
friends in Missouri and Kansas
A special mooting of tho Order of
Eastern Star will bo hold Thursday
evening February 28 at 8 oclock
Miss Otolia Pilgor arrived lost night
from her school in Green Garden to at
tend tho funeral of her grandfather
Ed Sessler driver of tho Norfolk mail
wagon has gono on a business trip to
Chickasha Indian territory and ex
pects to bo absont about 20 days
Tho families of J V Day and S
Jewell ten mombers in all wero in tho
city ovor night on thoir way to Creigh
ton near which place they nro taking
ThoLadios Aid society of tho M E
church will meet in tho ladies parlor of
tho churoh tomorrow afternoon at 2 10
Members are requested to come propared
to sow
I Kost living throe miles east of tho
city is having a big sale of horseB cattle
farm implements etc today E W
Zutz of the Norfolk Natioual is clerking
the salo
Ferdinand Czerny who has been liv
ing east of town for tho past soven
years hns sold out aud accompanied by
his wifo and daughter left fur his old
homo in Germany Mjuday
J M Kenny of Omaha died there last
Sunday at the extreme ago of 100 years
months nnd 15 days His son worked
iu the Norfolk hospital for the insane
from last July until tho loth iust
A lettor from Miss McNish who went
to Cutnniingsville Monday morning on
account of tho illness of her mother
stutes that tho mother is very much im
proved and Miss McNish will return to
Norfolk soon
Miss Carrie Roland of South Norfolk
was 10 years old yesterday aud iu cele
bration of that event entertained her
teacher and a number of young friends
to tea last evening Sho proved horself
a very capable littlo hostess
Tho big smoke stack at tho brick yardR
of Herman Gerecko has been taken
down nnd repainted preparatory to the
opening of tho spriug business which
it is expected will be unusually heavy
this year along all Hues of building ma
The regular weekly dance for patients
will bo held at tho Norfolk hospital for
the insauo Thursday night nnd on
Friday night tho ofllcers of tho
hospital will hold a reception for tho
people of Norfolk to which all are in
The trustees of the Northeast Ne
braska Bankers association will hold a
meeting in tho directors room of the
Norfolk National bauk this evening to
arrango for tho nnuual meeting of tho
association which is to bo held hero
April 22
YeBtorday Drayman Miller was ar
rested at tho instance of Drayman Green
for using vile and obscouo language
more particularly directed toward tho
latter when tho former was in his cups
In police court Miller pleaded guilty to
the indictment and was assessed 750
Geo Thiole who went to St Joseph
hospital Omaha Eome timo ago for tho
purpose of having his right leg treated
and perhaps amputated writes that he
submitted to an operation Saturday aud
that he 1b gettiug along nicely with
every prospect that the limb will not
only be saved butcured
Two cars of poles for tho extension of
the electric light system iu this oity are
now on track hore and it is expected to
commence setting them nssoon as the
ground thaws to permit By tho time
tho wirea are strung uew machinery
will bo in place at tho power house aud
beforo tho summer is over Norfolk will
have an up to date electric light system
Col II Koster of Niobrara member
of the governors stair was in the oity
over night on his way to Liucoln where
he joins Governor Diotrich and party ou
tho trip to the inauguration of Presi
dent MoKiuloy which takes plaoo in
Washington uext Monday Tho colonel
who is a populur hotel man in Niobrara
was feeling well and happy in the an
ticipation of au enjoyable trip The
party leaves Lincoln tomorrow ovoning
at 0 oclock
Hurrigfeld Bros of Hoskins have
sold the last of thoir land near that
village and will move on March 1st to
Idaho whore thoy have taken land and
expect to make their future homo Carl
Leiiz who has boon iu tho blacksmith
and implement business at Hoskins
will with n number of others ac
company tho Harrigfelds to Idaho
aud inn ko their homo
Rev John JefTorlps of the Second
Congregational church has been ofTcred
and has accepted tho pastorato of tho
FirstCongrogatioual church at Milford
in this state aud has theroforo reBlgutd
his chargo hero Tho resignation is to
take offect on tho 24th of tho coming
month Mr JolTerica has many friends
in Norfolk both in nnd out of hiB
church nnd it is with genuine rogret
that they will learn of his determina
tion to removo from the city HiB child
roil intend to go to Doauo college next
fall mid it is for primarily tho purpose
of being nearer them that ho goes to
Milford which is only 14 miles from
Crete the location of Doaue
Clay Shipmnn of Valley precinct was
in town Monday
Walter Mead Jb still vory weak tho
after effects of grip
Judge Powers of Norfolk had business
in county court Monday
D 15 Fiohter iB now in charge of tho
Joe Conger dray line which ho pur
ohused last week
J A Wilson and wifo of Creston
wore in Madison over Sunday return
ing Monday morning
Scarlot fevor seems to bo breaking out
again tho families of J LiviughouBe
Wm Breen nnd Rev Fowler being un
der quarantine
A P Pilger attended the funeral of a
friend at Missouri Valley Monday and
that of his grandfather Fred Gerecko
at Norfolk Wednesday
Tho babe of Mr and
Mrs Charles L Harris died of lung
fever Sunday and was buried Monday
Rov St Clair conduct iug the services
at tho house just south of towu
W J Every G II Sachtjen Geo
Cooper and James Johnson each with a
carload of implements household goods
nnd some stock started for Kingfisher
O T Tuesday evening Their families
will go Monday next
Tho case of Wm Parkinson against
tho Bond couipany for labor and ma
terial furnished Contractor Moore on
tho now school houso in county court
has been decided in favor of plaiutill
judgment being for llt as a labor
Tho following marriage licenses were
recently issued Daniel A Gross age
21 and Ida Kamrath ago 19 both of
Kalamazoo issued February 21 Geo
11 Woodworth age 25 aud Lydn Reed
age 21 both of Norfolk issued Febru
ary 21 Geo P Mayes age 53 aud
Margnret Walsh ago 2 both of Tildeu
issued February 28 Win- E Wyun
age 81 and Margaret Laurer aged 21
both of Meadow Grove issued February
Jess LowiB was ut Tilden Sunday
Miss Eva Christianson is en the sick
list suffering with la grippo
Mr aud Mrs Walt Palmer drove to
Norfolk and back last Sunday
Principal Wnlter Pilger left for his
homo as Norfolk last Thursday evening
Arch McDonald has been engaged as
assistaut in the Meadow Grove State
Dorothy tho baby daughter of Mr
and Mrs John Warrick is quite Bick at
this writing
Fred Beech is suffering with a severe
attack of pneumonia nnd at present
writing lie is very low
Mrs Robt L R Prichard loft Tues
day for an extended visit with her
daughter in St Paul Nob
The little son of Mr and Mrs John
sou who has been very sick with pneu
monia is improving slowly
Misses Bettie Hulsey and Mubel Bent-
ley of Battle Creek were in Meadow
Grove Sunday tho guests of Cora
Tho Messrs Warren Brown Frank
McOallum Orr Palmer aud Ed Crooke
atteuded tho dance in Jildeu Friday
Mr Robert Oehriug returned to
Meadow Grove last Sunday evening
after almost a years sojourn in the
state of Missouri
In honor of Miss Mabel Crooke Miss
BoeBie Deuel entertained a number of
her friends at her homo last Friday
evening Games were indulged in
uutil about midnight when supper was
served After the merriment continued
well into tho morning
The latest addition to Meadow Grovo
business enterprises is a saw mill It is
the property of Bob Dale A huge pile
of logs some three feet in diameter have
beon ulaced ou the grounds and will
bo cut into lumber in tho near future
Tho trees wero cut down near the
Yellow Banks east of the city
Wanted Representative iu every
couuty iu Nebraska Man or woman
good pay steady employment
L U Watts
502 Karback blk Omaha Neb
r At rir X XTGWesairS J 3X
Arthur Pilger returned to Madison
last evoniiig
Mrs M D Hurcli of Lynch was in
tho city yesterday
Mrs D F Sldler visited friends in
Stanton yestordny
L L Ulil is confined to his homo
with an attack of grip
Julius Grlop of tho sugar factory force
is laid up with the grip
W C Cooloy camo down from Creigh
ton yesterday afternoon
Eddlo Hydo camo up from Madison ou
tho noon train yesterday
Judgo Powers went to Plerco tliia
afternoon to attend court
G T Sprecher wont to Mndison this
morning ou telephouo business
C A Slaughter of Wakofield was a
business visitor in town yoBtorday
J C Olarko of ColumhuB camo up
last ovoning remaining over night
E M Eberhardt of Plaiuview was
among tho Norfolk visitors yesterday
Mrs N A Raiubolt will entertain
the Kaffeo Klatsh tomorrow afternoon
J W Bridoubaugh of Dakota City
transacted business in Norfolk yester
A C Powell n business man of Stew
art was hero between trains yesterday
Howard Miller lumber and grain
deuler of Battle Creek was in town yes
terday afternoon
J D Larrabeo has purchased tho resi
dence iu Hillside Terruce now occupied
by S L Gardner
Court Reporter Powers wont to Pierce
today to be present at the adjourned
term of district court
Wm Parkinson hardware merchant
of Madison was a business visitor in
the city yesterday afternoon
C R Scitt went to Lincoln this morn
iug to tako a position in the shoe depart
ment of Herpolsniiners store
Mrs Lucy Richardson of Fullerton is
iu the city the guest of Mrs D D
Bruusou aud Mrs C D Jenkins
Tho chicken pie social in Railway hall
at South Norfolk last eveuiug was au
unusual success in uumbeis sociability
aud financial results
Rev Mr Kuutz pastor of the church
at Wakefield will occupy the pulpit of
the First Congregational church iu this
city Sunday morning
Geo Williams the stock man leaves
touight for Kentucky with a car load ot
horses which are said to find a good
market in that horse state
Mrs Mufiiey who has been visiting
Mrs Miller ut South Norfolk for sev
eral days returned to her home iu
Meadow Grovo last evening
Judge J F Boyd went to Pierce this
altemoou to hold an adjourned term ot
district court A number of the Nor
folk lawyers are in attendance
The Gorbill family of Battle Creek is
visiting at the home of John Beach at
South Norfolk previous to inoviug to
their recently acquired rauch
Mrs Will Allberry is in the city visit
ing friends They have beeu living in
Wavno couuty but are moving to
DouKlas county near Omaha
Mrs Joseph Schwartz was out yester
day for the first time in four weeks
during which time she has beeu nursing
an aggravated attack of the grip
L V Braiuard camo down from
Neligh yebterday He will removo
here in the near futnre to work on the
reconstruction of the electric light plant
Mrs Robert Utter haB arranged to en
tertain the High school teachers at tea
this aftornoou complimentary to Miss
Wood who soon leaves for her new
home in Kansas
Ralph Blood was the victim of a sur
prise purty at bis home on north Twelfth
street lost evening a number of his
young friends comiug to help him cele
brate his 19th birthday
The Ladies guild of Trinity church
will meet with Sirs a D Cole tomor
row afternoon at 2 i0 A good attend
ance is deBired as there is work to do
Ladies will come prepared to sew
Col J H Brown of Wakefield was in
town between trains yesterday wearing
his regimentals He was on his way to
Liucoln where he joins the governor on
his trip to Washington leaving tonight
Sam Gardner wears a considerably de
moralized face this morning as the re
sult of coming into forcible contact with
the frozen ground lust evening when
ho was spiUed from a buggy by the shy
ing ot the horse
F L Culver returned laBt evening
from Lincoln where he haB purchased a
flue residence property Ho will not
remove to that place however but will
continue to make Norfolk his home
He will probably occupy the Latimer
house in the Heights
Dexters cold storage plant has re
ceived several carloads of material for
making egg cases in anticipation of a
big ousiness this year This Is thelarg
ost shipment of this material ever re
ceived by tho cold storage plant and in
dicates that Mr Dexter proposes to ex
pand his business to its limit during the
present season
While away ou his last trip F L Cul
ver took two curs of mules to St Louis
where they were sold to go to tho British
for use in tho war in South Africa The
tj1 VMAJ yflrtafMJtotrygyac
English nro now taking nbout 8000
mules per month out of tho Unites States
for this purpose It is said that a mule
iB only good for nbout six weeks service
iu South Africa and tho result is that
there is a constant and increasing de
mand for tho beasts
Yesterday nftoruoon there wns a
breath of spring woather accompanied
by a balmy shower froshand invigorat
ing Tho first robin this season was
soon bright and early this morning and
last evening a big flock of geoso wns
seen flying north All thoso indications
are that spriug is at hand even though
tho signal sorvico man who gathers his
inspiration from tho sky towor of tho
Ghicogo Auditorium does say it will be
colder tomorrow
Tho meeting of the trustees of the
Northeast Nebraska bankers association
nt tho directory room of tho Norfolk
National bank was of preliminary char
actor to issue invitations to speakers for
the annual meeting of that association
which will bo hold horo on April 22 aud
n few other matters pertaining to the
mooting wero discussed The out of
town bankers present wore John D
Haskell of Wakefield E R Guruey of
Wiuside and John F Crosby of IIoBkius
Tho winter which is now drawing to
a oloso has been unusually mild and
pleasant oven for this genial climate
There has been far less snow than usual
only 8 inches in Decombor 1 75 inch in
January and 4 25 inches in February
February is usually the severest month
of the year and this year it has averaged
colder than January but the meterolog
ical record maintained nt the Salter
sanitarium shows that tho month has
been tho mildest since 1898 the average
temperature of February that year being
25 degrees above against 19 for the
month closing today Tho hightest
temperature recorded this month was
yesterday when it reached 49 above
The lowest was on the morning of Feb
ruary 9 when it was 13 degrees below
zero The maximum average for the
whole month is 80 the minimum aver
ago 8 and the general average 19 There
have been 14 clear days 0 cloudy days
and 8 pnrtlj cloud y days The temper
ature averages tor February 1898
showed a maximum of 88 minimum of
17 general average 25 Tho coldest
day of the month that year was 4 below
zero aud the warmest 49 February
1899 was much colder the average
maximum being 22 average minimum 1
below general average 10 snowfall 95
inches The coldest day during that
month was 82 below Tho month in
1900 showed averages maximum 20
minimum 8 general 14 snowfall 95
inches coldest day 29 below
Career anil Character of Abraham Lincoln
An address by Joseph Choate Am
bassador to Great Britain on the career
and character of Abraham Lincoln his
early life his early struggles with the
world his character as developed in
the luter years of his life and his ad
ministration which placed his name bo
high on tho worlds roll of honor nnd
fame has been published by the Chicago
Milwaukee St Paul Railway and may
be had by sending six 0 cets in post
ago to F A Miller General Passenger
Agent Chicago 111
This imluie U l he liuk inniU 1 t
o ry lioliluof SCOTTS lMlI
IOX ill the Woild wliirh now
iiomit5 to many millions ettly
Iii jai fjL liiisinchS lias giouu lo
iich vn t piopoi lions
W lieenuM the proprietors
itKe ilway Iseen most careful in
ckcting the various ingredients
theil in its composition namely
he finest Cod Jiver Oil and the
nire it I Iypophosphitcs
SetwiiHecause they have po
combined the various
nqredients that the hett possible
result are obtained by its use
Tirt l3ecause it has made so
liny sickly delicate
trons and healthy given health
in 1 rosy cheeks to so many pale
unemic girls aud healed the luus
iiul restored to full health so many
Inusands in the first stages of
If vcu linxc not tried it semi for free tamiile
t ajrccahle taste will surprise ou
409 4 15 Ienrl Street New York
joe aud 100 all drugguu
sysasr WMmMmmwTmmunstesm