The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 22, 1901, Page 9, Image 9
I SATURDAY SIFTINGS J N Stuart was lu tho city Thursday from ONeill Owon ONeill of Battlo Orook was in tho city Thursday A L Main was in tho metropolis yes terday from Tilden O W Wortz was a olty visitor day from Oreighton Hason Turn or was in tho city from Piorco this morning Miss Mario Bryan went to Omaha to day on tho early train Dr A II Oorbott waa in Norfolk yesterday from Madison Mrs Edward Tanner of Battlo Orcok was In Norfolk yesterday P E SimniR of Plalnviow had nesa in Norfolk yosterday Mr and Mrs J J Hughes of Battlo Crook wore oity visitors yostorday Mrs L A Pohlman and Miss Doll Turner of Piorco were oity visitors today Jas Witen aud daughter Miss Hollio Witon wore city visitors today from Piorco 0 F Steele representing tho Ohioago Record wad in tho olty over night with the legislative committees Ohos Fonske ono of tho News Jotonals numerous readers at Battle Greek was in tho city today Wm Fricko has purchased a farm near Oreighton and left for that place this afternoon to make his future home Mr and Mrs Geo A Brooks of Bazilo Mills were in tho city today from Omaha They returned to their homo this noon Miss Jane Hughes of Sioux Oity is visiting her brother Secretary W W Hughes at the home of Mr and Mrs G M Thompson L P Covington representing tho Omaha Bee was here over night with tho committees from tho legislature He paid a brief visit to The News this morning Miss Becker who has been visiting her cousin Mrs Morris Mayer left to day for Sioux Oity whero she will visit a few days before returning to her home in Mitchell S D The annual ball of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen at Marquardts hall next Friday night gives promise of be ing one of the most successful yet held by that organization The grading of the High school scholars was completed yesterday and it was determined that Miss Mary Covert should be valedictorian and John Bridge salntatorian of the class of 1001 J N Bundick left this noon for Wash ington D O where he will join his family and from there will proceed to New York Oity and Niagara Falls on a visit He expects to be absent about a month and will be accompanied home by hs wife and ohildren The 6-months-old son of Mr and Mrs N A Lockwood died of pneumonia yesterday morning at 11 oclock and the funeral was held from the house this afternoon at 2 30 Rev G H Main of the M E church officiating Interment was in Prospeot Hill cemetery Fremont Tribune Superintendent Martindale of Knox county submits this as one question in his teachers exam ination If Cud a hay costs 25000 what will a ton of hay cost When he comeB up for re election we will Bee what the people will do to him J H Watkins of Sioux Oity formerly of Norfolk where he is better known as Oadet Watkins was united in marriage last Sunday the 10th to Miss Myrtle Whitcher of Nowman Grove tho mar riage having taken place at that town They will make their home in Sioux Oity Fremont Tribune Fletcher A Russell of Drake school of oratory Dos Moines is in the city to train pupils of the high school who will enter the de clamatory contest to be held in about three weeks At this time a delegute to the district contest at Norfolk will be selected Tho Ladies Aid society of the First Oongregational ohuroh have arranged with the Iowa Projoctiscopo oompany to give an entertainment at Marquardts hall on Monday evening the 25th This company uses Edisons latest mov ing picture maohine aud presents war scenes and other instructive features At the gospel meeting of the Y M O L to be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 oclock the delegates to the state Y M O A convention will speak O G Somers will take up tho subjeot of the Y M O A as an organization empha sizing the intellectual development of the young men H L Snyder will talk of tho young mens physical develop ment and Secretary W W Hughes will Bpeak of tho spiritual life of the organ i zation A cordial iuvitation is extended to the men of No folk to attend Irene the O-years-old daughter of Mr aud Mrs W H Erage died at their homo in South Norfolk yesterday morn ing at 12 i0 of endocarditis after a sickness lasting some time and the remains were token to Missouri Valley Iowa on tho early train today for iutor ment Mr Emgo is an engineer on tho F E M V and tho family niado Missouri Valley their homo previous to moving here Irene was a pupil in Miss Matraus room and was a very bright I child well loved by both teachers and classmates many of whom contributed to a fund with which to purchase llowors MADI80N Abe Oampboll was down from Norfolk Friday of last week A G Eborhardt and wifo of Norfolk were in Madison Tuesday Mr and Mrs Jas Elliot arc tho proud parents of a boy born Tuonday ovouing Deputies Hollman and Pilgor wore Lincoln visitors from Friday until Mon day A fow mon from hero worn witnesses at tho prizo fight at Tildon last Friday night O II Swallow oamo up from Uatnhp roy Saturday ovoning roturniug with Mrs Swallow Sunday mprning Dick Forsyth J E Hugg Martin Oaklos and J Brown of Humphroy wero lnspootlng tho olootrio light plant Sunday ovouing Edgar Moad of Bolvldoro 111 arrived last Friday ovouing on a visit to his brother Walter who is qnlto siok Tho brothers had not soon each othor for about 20 years A H Bohannon drovo to Elgin Mon day to bogin his career aB a money ohanger Mrs Bohannon is still in Madison but will go shortly when Harv gets tho kitohen stovo Bet up etc The peoplo of Madison no longor livo in tho dark ages tho elootrio lights having been turnod on last Friday night about 2 p m Each evoniug siuoo they have been turnod on about 0 p m and aro giving general satisfaction W J Emery has sold his farm of 210 acres in Fairview and expects to go to Kingfisher Oklahoma starting from here about tho 2Sth of this month G H Sachtjeu aud family and Will Jouob expeot to go about tho same timo Judgo Bates has issued pormits for the following persons to wed Georgo Wehling age 24 and Mary Sigl aged 18 both of Fairview precinct issued February 16 John O Jacobson ago 23 and Eflle G Makelin age 21 both of Madison issued February 18 BertuB Johnson age 25 and Lottie B Jenkins age 18 both of Meadow Grove issued Fob 18 Oarl H L Johanson age 2G Elizabeth Borchors age 23 both of Battle Oreok issued Feb 1 Josoph Froding age 24 and Cora Belle Vogt age 17 both of Emerick issued Fob 20 The last named couple was married by Rev Theodore Morning of the Presby terian church before leaving town THE SICK LIST Mrs M Deering living three and a half miles west of the oity is quite sick Mrs Hubner of Hadar is confined to her bed with inflammatory rheumatism Oonrad Bauraidel and baby living on Ninth street are both sick with the grip Reports from the Weills family today are that all the sick members are much improved Otho Johnson has been on the sick list for the past two wooks but is now much better Mrs Geo Davenport and daughter Mattie are both quite sick with the pre vailing malady grip Tho two-months-old babe of Prof Singer has been quite sick with pneu monia but is now better The six-years-old daughter of Mrs M J Dendinger living on Third street is quite sick with lung fever Mrs P M Long who has been very low with pneumonia for some days is reported considerably improved today Mrs A Fishback living nine miles south of town who has been confined to her bed for three weeks with rheu matism is greatly improved BEGA Ohas Wilson was at Norfolk Junction on business Saturday Mrs Nelson and son of Hoskins visited in this vicinity Sunday Mrs A Lundquist and daughter were shopping in Norfolk Saturday Superintendent Hancock has been in the neighborhood visiting schools Elmer Lundquist oamo homo Satur day to spend a week with his parents John Wilson came home from Wayne Saturday He intends to remain at home Miss Lillie Burchmoro visited with friends in Norfolk over Saturday and Sunday Quito a number of young peoplo from this vicinity attended a box social given in Hoskins on Thursday evening A Good Th Inc German Syrup is cho special prescrip tion of Dr A Boschee a celebrated German Physician and is acknowledged to be ono of tho most fortuuato discover ies iu Medioino It quickly cures Coughs Colds and all Lung troubles of tho severest nature removing as it does tho cause of tho affeotiou nud leaving the partH in a strong and healthy condition It is not an experimental medioino but haB stood tho test of years giviug satis faction iu overy case which its rapidly increasing sale every seasou confirms Two million bottles sold annually Bos cheos German Syrup was introduced in the Unites States in 1803 and is now sold in every town nud villngo in the clvilizpd world Three doses will relievo any ordinary cough Price 75 cts Get Geans Prize Almanac Asa K Leon ora THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY FEBRUARY 22 1001 hub in The Elks Take Second Floor of Marquardt Hall LODGE AND 0LUB ROOMS Thnltoom Will be Fitted Up In Ilitnil soma HI rU and Norfolk Imlf Will ba VoAAMnert of Quarter Thftt Wilt be i Credit to tho Oltr ami Oritur Tho special mooting of tho B P O Elks callod Saturday evening to dooldo upon location for lodge and club rooms was iu sossion until 1 oclock in tho morning at that timo voting to aooopt tho proposition of A J Dnrland for tho nocond floor of tho Marquardt block Undortho proposition tho Elks will occupy tho wholo socoud story of tho Marquardt block giviug a floor spaco of 14 by 00 foot This will bo arrangod so as to glvo a lodgo room 20 by 55 feet an ante room 10 by 1 i and a paraphorualia room 1 by 9 For uso as olub rooms thero will bo a roooption and writing room 20 by 20 a card room 15 by 20 billiard room 20 by 21 lobby cloak nud toilot rooms and buffot Tho outside stairway is to bo romoved ontiroly but tho baloony which is now on tho wost side of tho building is to bo loft Tuo entrance will be at tho south end of tho building by way of a largo easy stair way which is to replaco tho ono now in UBO Work on tho ohangos will bo begun in tho near future although tho lodgo will not bo givon entire possession of all tho rooms until the first of May as tho leases of somo of tho present tonnnts do not expire until that timo Until then however tho hall on the third floor will bo usod for lodgo purposes When tho contemplated ohangos aro all made Norfolk lodgo of Elks will have as lodge and olub rooms among tho most commodious quarters in tho stato They will bo heated by hot water and lighted by electricity Although it re quired a largo number of ballots to do cido upon location the result seems to give general satisfaction among mom bers MONDAY MENTION E H Luikart was down from Battlo Creek over Sunday O B Holahan left today for Fort Dodge Iowa on business L L MoKim was over from Sioux Oity and spent Sunday at homo Mrs H L Small of Omaha is visiting hor daughter Mrs N A Lockwood Mr and Mrs H O Brome of Omaha spent Sunday with relatives and friends in Norfolk J H Stewart of Osmond was in town Saturday night leaving yesterdiy noon for Lincoln Mr and Mrs A J Durland and Miss Josephine Durland wont to Ohicago at noon today Tom Wheaton formerly of Norfolk is sick with typhoid fever at his homo in South Omaha Miss Anna Heller tho 10-year-old daughter of Geo Heller is very sick with pneumonia Dr Robert JohnBon of Madison was in Norfolk over Sunday visiting rela tives and friends Miss Grace Campbell camo up Satur day from Stanton where she teaches and spent Sunday at home Mrs Inskeep went to Omaha this morning From there she will go to Ohioago to look over spring styles of millinery A slot music machine has been placed in tho offico of tho Oxnord hotol for the entertainment of guests of that hostelry Goo B Ohristoph has purobasod the residence property of O B Holahan on South Tenth street and will take posses sion May 1st Mr and Mrs F W Koerber and children of South Norfolk loft this noon for a visit with relatives and friends at Madison Wisconsin Rev Mr Osborne of Oreighton ar rived this morning to attend tho funeral of Mrs Isbister and Mrs Weills which is to tako place tomorrow morning Editor W E Powers of the Pierco Leader was in the city today on busi ness and incidentally looking for a printer to work for him about throe weeks Mr and Mrs O E Green and Miss Nettie Allbery spent Sunday with Emer son friends Miss Allberry returned and went on to Omaha at noon to visit a few days with Mrs Tom Wheatou Mr aud Mrs P H Patterson arrlvod last night from Omaha and will make Norfolk their homo They will live at tho Oxnard for iho present Mr Patter son represents the Richardsou Drug company Niobrara Tribune On Tuesday Mrs Maria lvliment was brought down from Verdigro on a complaint mado bv John Bruce of insanity Tho iusnnity board was convened and the evidence sub mitted was thought sufficient to warrant her being sent to tho asylum at Norfolk J D Sturgeon mid his concert com pany returned Saturday from Piorco where they played to u very satisfac tory audience In fact tho entire tour was very suocessf ul and the trip heartily enjoyed by all Mr Sturgeon contem plates starting out again about tho 1st of April ami touring another section of his ttrrltory If he does so Norfolk will probably bo favored with a date Tho dauco to bo given by Elkhorn Volloy lodgo No 101 B It T at Mar quardt hall next Friday ovoning prom ises to nolipso all similar fnnotlous givon by that organisation Each commlttoo is making overy effort to oxooll all othor attempts in nvory foaturo Tho hall is to bo handsomely doooratod with na tional lags and tho colors of tho ordor red and green whllo numerous lanterns iu tho samo oolors will bo tastefully ar ranged about tho room Each lady will bo proHoutod with a bouquet at tho door whllo hor osoort will rooelvo n boutonlor Tho music is to bo by Ilohuorts orches tra Suppor will bo sorvod at tho Pool flo hotol which insures that it will lm all that it should A oloak room will bo maintained at tho hall and nrraugo monts have also boon madn whereby wraps may bo loft at tho Paoiflo hotel In Tutc Nrws telegraphic report of Saturday thoro was an item from Logan Kansas stating that Joseph B Iliuton ngod 22 had shot Miss Muggio Sohurtz agod 15 and then himself booouso tho young lady had rejected him It has slnco dovoloped that tho girl is a nioco of P A Schurtz of this olty who know nothing of tho affair except that given in The Nkws until today whon ho ro colvod a lottor from his folks giving full particulars Tho young lady was Bhot twico ono shot being fired after sho turnod aud started to run away from Hintou Tho lottor statos that thero Is somo hopes of tho youug ladys ro covory but that thoro Is Uttlo chance for tho rocovery of hor assailant J 9 Sohurtz grandfather of tho young lady Is at present visiting in Kansas either at Logan or another town where ho also a son living Tho citlzons of Niobrara havo organ ized an irrigation and water power oom pany capitalized at 00000 for tho pur pose of developing tho powor of tho Niobrara river using it for furnishing power for olootrio lighting and powor plants mills and factories Tho survey for tho canal hus begun and tho pro jectors hopo to soon havo ohoap and adequate powor for all Borts of industries Spooking of tho mauner in which rio object has been accomplished tho Piouoer says Niobrara is to bo oougratulutod for tho onn mindednoss of its peoplo and the promptness of their mooting emer gencies Tho wntor powor oompany was organized without tho least effort and tho mouoy roady for call It is not often that a community can got together on a project of such magnitudo with so littlo friction Ono entorpriso bogotB aiiothor Niobrara sensibly organized in Dooember so as to get in working shape early in the season A Good KuMneMi Investment In these days of competition tho man who keeps abreast of tho times is tho man who makes a success of his business whether he is a doctor lawyer hard ware dealer or farmer A man theso days has to keop posted regarding the improvements and now idoas iu his own business Every doctor who amounts to anything tokos two or three medical journals and would probably take more if they mot his requirements The law yer takes legal journals aud the hard ware dealer trade papers Every farmer for the very samo reason ought to take one or two first class agricultural publications Of conrso somo farmers think that the mon who write somewhere in the oity about matters on the farm cannot teach him anything That is probably so but tho best farm papers are merely printed in the city tho idoas and results of experi ments are of tho best farmers fruit growers and stook brooders tho readers having every benoflt of the hard work and experiments of these men Although it is one of tho newer publi cations tho one that is best adapted for farmers and stock raisers iu this stato is Tho Twentieth Century Farmer The price of Tho Former is 1 00 per year and wo aro making a very low clubbing offer with this paper giving both papers for a year for 1200 Tho Twontieth Century Farmer has all sorts of good reading matter besidos the agricultural departments Bat looking at a subscription as a business investment just tako for example one department It conducts a veterinary department giving its readers tho ben fit of the advice of tho bost voteriuary surgeons in the state for the asking If you save a horso or somo of your ani mals it will be worth a great many times the subscription price In the womans department they also have a feature which will interest tho woman who makes her own clothes Tho patterns illustrate tho latest fushiou aud they are entirely practical and if a subscriber likes any particular stylo whioh is men tioned thoy con got a pattern which would ordinarily cost from 25 to 50 cents for 10 cents by addressing tho publishers of tho farmer Every other department has its attractive features If you would like a sample copy wo can show you one at this office Washington D O Geuesseo Puro Food Co Lo Roy N Y Gentlemen Our family realizo so much from tho use of Gruln 0 that I fool I must say a word to Induce others to U60 it If peoplo aro interested in their hoalth and the welfare of their children they will ubo no othor bovorogo I havo usod them all but Groin O I huvo fouud superior to any for the reason that it is solid grain Yours for health O F MvKas HlBlflBf Prisoner Identified by Eddie Cudahy as His Keeper IN OMAHA ALL THE TIME No Donhk About Callatiau lining Mm Hlghi Man a Bnvarat Others Corrolioratn the Iilnntlnoatlnn lir tlm Kldniail Hoy Omaha 1olloa Malta the Arrival Oiunha 1 Vb 20 Ono of tho kidnap ers of ICdwunl Cudahy lr In now in tho custody of tho pot lew In this city ml hum Ikm ii positively IdtMitlllrnl by nevorul parllcH Thorn In no doubt In police cIitIoh or In the mind of Mr Ciiduhy that thny linvo ono of tho Ktillty men Tu iiiuii Iu custody In Inmen Calla linn uuil ho linn boon Htuyliiic for a month pawl with hln sister Mrs Kelley nt Fifty third street and Pun plttnn iivoniio Oinalm Tho Idontlflcntlnu In ponltlv ort tin part of young ftiduhy who snyH Unit the prisoner Is tho mini who llrst ac costed him on tho street on tho night of the kidnaping mid told him ho wan tho ulicrlfr of Surpy county protend ing lo arrest him for a oritur com mitted In Unit county Ho In nlso tho man who kept guard over the boy In the cottngo where h wns held prln oner by the kidnapers Flvo poi Honn altogether nn said to have liVntlllnl Oallnhnn an ono of tho kldnopciH Ho In tho ono referred to Iu the clrculiirH an No V Among those whose lilcntlllciitlon Is especially valuable In that of J N II Patrick who lives In Happy Hollow west of the city Mr Patrick says that Out lnhiin In ono of the men who enmo to hln home late ImhI nmnmor to rent a littlo Iiouho that stood In n com field on tho Patrick premises at consider able distance from the ronil Thin house wiih the ono fitted up by tho hunilltn ns tho prlfon Iiouho hut win alinndoncd after having been vlsltetl by tho police Callahan wnn nrrcstwl In n saloon whoro ho had boon spending money freely by Detective Owyer nnd Due berry of the Onuihn police force Callahan uialntnlus that he known nothing about the kidnaping but nd mltn a close friendship with Put drown That fact Htnnds agnlnst me he nays Formnl charges will be filed against Ciillalinn today Another suspect has been located and will be arrested today It Is prac tically a certiilnty the police say thnt the mnn who Is to bo nrrcsted has a guilty knowledge of the kidnaping oven though he may not have taken an active part In the hold scheme BUTTERMAKERS MEET La re Attendnnon at Convention anil Great Display of Maohluerr St Paul Fob 20 Tho national con vention of biittermakcrs opeued lu thin city yesterday aud several hundred delegatus arc In attendance In con nection with the convention the exhibi tion of buttorinaklng machinery Is tha largest ever brought together The para do which wan tho feature of the dny formed at Klco park shortly after 2 oclock nnd mnrclied to tlio Vudltorlum Tho convention wan there formally opened by tho president of tho National Creamery Huttermtlt ers association Oeorgo K Haskell of Lincoln Nob who delivered the opea Ing addrcsn The judges finished their work and scored all of the 84U tuba The prlro winners will bo announced tomorrow evening Foar Bodies Recovered Cumberlund B 0 Feb 20 Six hundred feet below the ground and over 1000 yards from the foot of shaft No 5 a little gang of men are working In an heroic attempt to reach the bod es of their fellow miners who per ished In Fridays explosion Four bodies havo so far been recoverod Diamond Jo Meeting- Dubuque Feb 20 The annual meet ing of the directors of the Diamond Jo steamboat company was held here yesterday The following officers were elected President and treasurer Joy Morton vice president and superin tendent Captain ICllleen secretary Isaac P Limk Farming In Colorado and New Mexico Tho Denver Rio Grande railroad Tho Scenic Lino of tho World has prepared an illustrated book upon tho above subject whioh will be sont freo to farmers desiring to change their location This publication gives valuable informa tion in regard to tho agricultural horti cultural and live stock interests of this section and should be in tho hands of everyone who desires to become ac quainted with tha methods of farming by irrigation Write S K Hooper G P T A Denver Colo The complete sorvice of Tho Ohio- ugo Portland Special via Union Pacifio enables passengers to reach tho princi pal cities between the north aud Pacifio coast aud Missouri river not only in the shortest possible space of time but nlso in tho most comfortable aud enjoyable manner The diuiug cars ou this train ore stocked with tho bost tho market affords All meals servod a la carte You Should Know About Fitrinliig In No braitka Corn is king but other grains aro suc cessfully raised and you can buy land cheap along the Fremont Elkhorn Missouri Valley railroad Write for particulars to J H Gaulb Traveling Pass A jeut Doniiou lowf Or to J R BuoBiN Geu asreni Agent Omaha Neb 0 Women are Like FlflWnrJ Healthy andstronj I IVWCI tcy blossom and bloom Sickly they wither and die Every woman oucht to look well I and feel wolh lti her right and duty out she might 01 well try to put out a lire with oil an o bo healthy and at tractive wllh disease corroding tho orfjain that make hor a woman Upon their health depnndi her health If tliera Is ItilUmtniulon or weakening drains or suffering at the monthly nrlil rtltn In I Tit delay Youre ono step nearer tha prave overy day you nut It olf Women can stand a Rreat deal but they cannot live forever with disease drawing at tho most dollcata and viui organs in tneir uoay tou may novo linen deceived in so called cures Wn dont hoo Imw you could liultt It thorn i no much worthing stuff on tlm m irlnt Hut you wont do din uppolntud In III fMlMutiln Ktlliuto Krg Illllllir Wn I it I I u I la I In hum tiiill irliiooiiMiitlifor wotniiliiy IIIh Tlirro I ii much dllTercmM between It nml I ollmr Hiiunllml lutnmllri nt tllnre In liriwrnnrlKlitnnil wronir Ilrudrtolitn IlMllull KoKlllulOt HOOIIIOH till ulll Mop tlm dnilnrf nroinntnH riKuUrlly HtiuiiitlietH iurjlkH and l Ioiiiixvh It lo nil thli quickly nnd eiiHlly nnd litiirully ItlKfoi wniuonnloiie tode cldo wliptht r tliry will lie lirultliy or Hick llruinlitH Itrirtiliitcir lie at hand 91 pr bottle til drug iitore Rund fnroar fr IroVlot TIH BRAORUb RrCIJUIOR CO Atlanta G For 14 Gents Branch Offloe 826 r BU Wulilnicton I U 1 W nttl tht following rirt il vcUIm lfliRI M4 TM B4 It I florlhn In Hodl 11 I rirll Otc HH I lHtrfcl4UraCarBbrb 1 Ul7Urd HIHJ 10 I I H tl ItitUh dtt I UL bllDM IU4 11 a llrlllUairiarB4 U Worth f 100 4 Abort 10 prktti ram mtIUm will ill yoa ftM loitttiir wllh avr frtal llluiliaud RttA Caulec ulllni all atwat Kalaara nilllim Dollar Urau Alio Oholrs Onion Need IO Ik TMtinr IIH Uiaaaaili nt airllMl T- IDIUIH larmaiMl apon rtoilpleriM ana thU notice Whtn ano yaa plaa Ballir Htall f ita lll Illll da allliaat I JOHN ASAUtl SEED CO UCtmmwi DO YEARS EXPERIENCE iLMjiiW Trade Marks Designs RnovniftUTa An Anyone nnnrtliig n aknl rh nml ucncrlntlnu mar qutoklr unortRln our opinion rroo wlirtlicr nn Inrnntlnn protmhlr nnttmtahlo nonamriClirtXilllHiailliai Illiiliiuiniaiiii tnwtiiM Uldofit aironcr iorecuriiiirpjuonix ntfroe IatiinU takou through Munn A Co receive Scientific American A handaomelr lllnatralnd weoklf tuiauon oi any nnioiiuuu journal j unun a mar four months II Hold brail newinloalera IKIUNN New York Vivilvv9i I Qfin YEARLY to Christian x pUUU man or woman to look after our growing huHlneBS lu this f and adjoining count ion to act an r2 muuoKor nnd correspondent work can be douo at your home EiioIoho flelf nddrocRod ntampod oiiTelope for particular to It A Hnerman Uonoral Uauucer uorcoran isuud ing oppofliffl United Statos Treas ury Washington D 0 iW WsQl Illinois General H R ANNOUNCEMENT FOB Tho Illinois Omitral dnalroii to cnll attnntina to Hid uunxcolloil Hurvlco Unit is ollored by ita linos to tho south for tho boiipoii of IbM lWO c ALI FORN I VIA NEW ORLEANS C HICAGO ST LOU IS A Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars FROM Personally conduct ed nuna inronn uj Lob AiikoIou mid Ka Fnincibco vin Now Orlenua In connection EVERY UCnMFCriAV clllo louviuK ChiriiKO aSanaJ 0 Ioiltrula fubt MORNING N0W Orlonns cifil coiinoctlou nli mndo by this train with daily truliiB out of Now Orleium for tho Pacific Count Tlio kimltfld from CIiIciiro overy oven iiiK conuocth on Mondays 1 Thursdays nt Now Orleans nfter December IK IMiOJ with Mm SUNSET LIMITED of tlio Bouthorn Pacific elvliu apocinl through sorvico to Sun rruncitro F LORID VIA NASHVILLE AND ATLANTA THROUGH SERVICE FROM A Doublo dully sorv ico is niniutaliiod out of tit Louis via tho Illinois Contra and connoctliiK linos to Nushvlllcllinttaiioo Kii nml Atlunta thro blceiiini car to Jack sonville Florida hoing enrriod on tho DIXIE FLYER leaving fit Louis ovory ovoniuR This train ai well ns tho Day Kxpross leaving tit Louis in tlio morning uro both solid trains to Nusliville linviug through coiichos aud stooping cars run ning through Martin Tenn and the N 3 St L y Counoctiou via this lino for alt princi pal points in tho Southeast Buch as Clutrloston Wilmington Ailin aud tiavannuh and for all points in Florida TWO SOLID FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS Daily from Chicago to Memphis and New Or leans HOMESEKKERS EXCURSIONS to cortaln points in tho South on tho linos of the Illinois Central und V M V railroads will bo run ou the llrst nnd third Tuesday of each month dur ing the wintor soasou Pull particulars concerning all of the aliova on be had of agents of the Illinois Central or by addressing A LL Uanson O P A Chlcag SJ t v