Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1901)
n 1 IE Ill UT Mrs Wcills and Mother Both Dead at Episcopal Rectory SAD CONDITION OF AFFAIRS Mm Iwblfttaf rnKCl Arny lt KvmiImr wwul Mm Weill Thin Anrntn Other MiMiilmrn of Mm Imully rtorlounlj III with Grip tfrnm Hnluntniit Otdln Thohoniuof Rov J 0 H Woills rector of Trinity Episcopal churoh is Khroudod la loom tills nftornoon by tho donth of ImUi Mm Woills mul hor mother Mm 0 M lsblstori Tho latter sneonmbod to tho offoots of m l nt 710 last ovonitiK while Mrs Wollls pniwcil nwuy nt 115 this afternoon tlto rosult of pnountonln Tho circumstances surrounding theso two cases uro peculiarly distressing Saiao two works ago Rov Mr Wollls was stricken with tho grip mid during tho week following ho was ho low Mint it was foarod for a tliun that ho could not recover Rut lust Monday ho began to gain BtrciiKth and in now considered exit of dnngor though yot vory woalc Iu tho meant lino Mrs WoIUh and hor tnothor wero nttnolcod by tho grip both cases resulting fatally within l houm of ach othor A fow days uftor Mrs WoIUh was tnkou Hick her daughter Mm Douul who has boon visiting huro during tho winter also cnuto down with tho grip and nho is now seriously 111 with pnou monia MissoR Mar and Louiso and Master John worn tho only members of tho hoashold who woro not nioro or 1obh critionlly HI last ovoulng and May was attacked this morning by tho diseaso which Rooms so disastrous to tho family At U oclock last evening it sooiuod n matter of doubt iu tho liiiudH of those nt toudlng tho Blok which would go llrst Mm Isbistor Mrs Woills or Mrs Douol bat it proved to bo tho god grand mother Strenuous efforts woro utado to savo tho llfo of Mrs WoIHr and lor daughter bat tit noon today word camo rosi tho nttlictod homo that Mrs Wottls could not survive tho afternoon which prod lotion proved too true It Ih liopod that Mrs Douol is vsomowhnt bottor tiud that hor youth will givo her Btreng h to carry hor through May Wcills 1b reported in a serious couditiou Oils afternoon Such noso of compound ndliotiou has naver boforo been known In Norfolk wttcro two mombors lio dead and throe otfiors aro soriounly ill and it calls for tho hearty sympathy of all Friends and neighbors havo boon constant iu their ministrations to tho family but human olTorts have not availed to ward off the drond reaper Miss Margory Weills who is attend ing Vnsser collogo Mr Isbister of Oui eKo brother of Mrs Weills and ltov Ohfts Douol of Boise Oity Idaho have boon telegraphed and uro expect od as soon as steam can bring thoiu Bishop Williams of Omaha bus also boon noti fied by tolepuoue Ho funeral arrangements have boon announced nor will bo until tho arrival ol relatives Funentl Arrangements From Mondays Dully A doublo funeral will be held over tho remains of Mrs Weills and Mrs Xsbister at Trinity church tomorrow morning at 10 oclock conducted by Bishop Williams of Omaha Tho inter nment of Mrs Weills will be at Prospect Hill cemotory whilo the remains of Mrs Isbistor will bo taken to Evaustou 111 for interment The reports front the Weills housohold today are favorable Mr Weills continues to gain slowly Jtfnu Deuel is a little bottor May is yot wry sick while John who devel oped a case of pnoumonia Saturday evening and was a very sick boy ail day yesterday is somewhat improved today Mr iBbister brothor of Mrs Weills ar rived from Chicago last ovouiug and at noon today Mrs Hawes a Hister of Mrs Wollls arrived accompanied by Miss Margorio Wolllswho has been attending Vossar college Rev Ohaa Douol is ex pocted tonight from Boise Oity Idaho MOTHER AND DAUGHTER iruueml or Mrs InliUter unit Urn Weill CHHketH Side by Side from Tuonlaye Dully The last rites and coreuiouios of tho charch wore held this morning over the remains of Mrs Isbister and Mrs Woills consisting of the burial service and a memorial celebration of the holy oom miuiion The Rt Rev Arthur L Wil liams bishop coadjutor being colubraut The two caskets containing the remains of mother and daughter rested side by cido in front of the chancol Upou both wvre unudsomo floral offerings while the church was decorated with a pro fa lion of flowers Amoug the most conspicuous offerings were those from tfae Ladies Guild Trinity Social Guild the rdor of Elks aud tho Knights Tomplar while individual friends were generous in thoir remembrances Tho service was opened by tho pro cessional hymn For all the Saints who from their labors rest after which the bishop read the Eeiiteuces of tho burial service the chaut being sung by the ctwir Tho Rov O A Weed of Oolum Tuts read the lessonafter which was sung tkenymn Lead Kindly Light The fcolj communion was then celebrated momborn of tho family only partlol pal ing Tho oloRing prayers of tho bur ial sorvioo were then offorod tho blessing of tho bishop given tho oholr retiring with tho processional hymn Holy Savior Krlond Uuseon Tho ronmlns of Mrs Wollls woro taken to tho cemotory whoro committal prayers woro offorod Of tho family only tho two daughters Marjorio nnd Louise and tho brothor nnd Bister Mr Isbistor and Mrs Hawes woro nblo to bo prosont at tho sorvioo tho othor mombors being all conflnod to thoir beds by filoknoss It is needless to say that thofainlly havo tho slucorost sympathy of tho city In this their boio nUltctlon ItMoltitlou Wlioroas It has pleasod Almighty Ood in Ills wise provldeiino to removo to lamdiso tho souls of Mts Catherine Wollls tho beloved wlfo of our osteemod brothor tho Rov John O S Wollls and hor mothor Mrs Isbistor and to visit with extreme Illness aud suffering our beloved brothor himself us well as three other mombors of his family thurof ore bo it Rosolvod Thnt tho undorslgnod rop resontlng tho clorgy of the dlocose of Nebraska do tender thorn our most heart folt sympathy In this hour of uflllotiou thoroforo bo It further Rosolvod That a copy of thoso reso lutions bo forwarded to our brother that they bo published iu tho oity papers of Norfolk aud that they bo Bprond upou tho journal of tho council of this dtoooso Bishop Coadjutor A L Wiimamb S T D District Prosbytor 0 A Wuicn W R MuKim I A OSIIOHNK F O TAVLOIt Dated Norfolk Pobruary 10 1101 ClirlHtluaMlitlilntor Died Pobruary in HUM at Trinity rectory Norfolk Nebraska Mrs Chris tina M Isbistor in tho 77th year of hor ago Born iu Ghent Columbia county Now York in 1825 Mrs IBbister llvod a long aud useful llfo Although hor health had not boeu good tho past fow years hor suddon death from grip with which she was sick only a short timo camo as a suddon shook to her relatives and friends She spout hor girlhood iu Columbia oouuty Now York aud in 1850 romovod with hor husband to Niagara Palls New York whoro alio romaiued until tho doathofMr Isbistor in 1830 Since that timo bIio has made her homo with hor daughter Mrs Weills comiug to Norfolk about a yoar ago Sho was tho mothor of throo children two danghtors aud ouo sou of whom Mrs Woills was tho youugost Her remains were taken to Chicago leaving on the noon train accompanied by her sou and daughtorand sho will bo laid to rest in Rose Hill comotery Hor son stated that tho remains of his fathor will in the uoar future be brought from Niagara Falls and placed by her sido Catherine lubUter WclllH Died February 10 1901 at Trinity rectory Norfolk Nebraska Mrs J 0 S Weills iu the 51st year of hor ago Catherine Isblster Weills was born nt Kinderhook Columbia oouuty New York April 4 1850 She was married ou Juno 20 1872 to Rev J O S Weilhfc Sho was tho mother of fivo children all of whom survive hor aud sincerely mourn hor loss Sho bad not boon well for two weeks but heroically kopt up miuistoriug to tho wants of hor family who were Biok with the grip Throo days boforo hor death sho wont to bed for the lost timo her strength rapidly failing uudor tho ravages of pneumonia until Saturday afternoon when she passed away Her mothor had gouo the ovening before but Mrs Weills did not kuow it as sho was unconsoious most of the time during tho last 24 horns Mrs Wellies was a beautiful charao tor quiet unassuming yot possessing groat reserve force and oxecutivo ability Sho lived a most unselfish lifo ardently devoted to hor husbaud ohildren aud churoh Sho was tho constant counsellor of hor husbaud and will bo missed by him as much if not more than anyone else although to the sou aud daughters her suddon taking away will bo an irreparable loss Siuco the family camo to Norfolk about a year ago Mrs Weills has formed many closo metiusnips ana nor pure sweet onaruo ter will ever remain as a bright memory in the minds of those she has loft behind The interment was in Prospect Hill cemetery so that though hor spirit has fled her remains will bo where they may bo visited by husbaud and children Her children arise and call her blessed Shortest Uompoaltor The Livingston Republican office nt Geueseo NY boasts of tho smallest compositor in tho world His name is GeorgetClaucy Although he is noorly 10 years old he is but a trifle over threo feet in height nnd weighs only 42 pounds He has worked at tho case for nearly a mouth aud is becoming quite rapid American Press Wanted Roproseutative In every county in Nebraska Man or woman good pay steady employment L H Watts 592 Karback blk Omaha Neb iiUxUUi iWS FRIDAY FEBRUARY 22 tflUI uion i Call Officially at the Hospital For The Insane SEVERAL COMMITTEES HERE Knqiilrn Into Ootiilltlon nml llriiulrniiinnta of the Innlltutlnn Mltln I Asked Out sliln of tlmltrgutnr Appropriation Gov ernor Dietrich Will Not Iroaeoiiln From HiluriUys Dnlly Tho Norfolk hospital for the iusnuo was visited last night by several com mittoos from tho legislature aud an other coinmlttoo isduotonrrtvo tonight Tho purposo of thoso visits is to ascer tain tho condition nnd requirements of tho Institution so that intelligent action may bo taken on matters pertaining thereto iu the legislature It is understood that outsido of tho regular appropriation llttlo will bo askod at tho hands of the leglslatnro for tho Norfolk hospital Tho inaungo meiit would however liko a standpipe aud somo horsos nnd It is understood that tho committees will favor appropri ations for both Tho mombors of tho coinmlttoo woro entertained over night at tho hospital aud returned to Lincoln or thoir homes today Tho mombors of tho sonato committee ou public lands uud buildings prosont woro Senator Allen chairman Senators Young Lyman and Krumbaoh Tho mombors of tho house oommlttoo on publio lands and buildings woroRop resontativoB Audrows Coruoor Humph roy Tweed Fredericks Hillbort Mend onhnllCoppoo and Gawuo Mombors of the houso coinmlttoo on insane hospitals woro Representatives Stoinmoyor Tofft Redman Cooksoy OIHb Murray and Wilcox Tho senate committee on tho insane is expected to arrivo this ovouiug to look over tho institution Governor Will Not Vrntccuto Tho Boo correspondent nt Lincoln ob tniuod an iuterviow with Governor Dietrich regarding tho Tildeii sparring match nnd secured tho following Governor Diotrioh said today that he would inako no offort to prosecute tho porsons involved in tho fight ut Tildou Inst night Ho said ho had exhausted ovory rosourco to provont the fight from taking place and that the responsibility now rested outiroly with tho locul au thorities of Madison county I did all possible to prevent tho fight and instructed Sheriff Losoy of Madison county to arrest and prosecute all porsons that wore in uuy way en gaged in promoting it Baid ho I communicated with a minister of tho town of Tilden and told him that I could not call oat the militia until askod to do so by the sheriff I advised him to Bwear out complaints and assured him that I would stand back of any move that ho might make If the fight has taken place tho oitizens aud authorities of Tildou and Madison county are to blnme - The Mouse Against the Hatchet A grim and novel peril monaces the hitherto ploasant path of tho Kansas bottle smasher and plate glass anuihi lator Certaiu saloonkeepers wise iu their day and generation and appreci ating the helplessness of mero unaided masculinity iu the presenco of this do stoyiug femiuiue oyclono havo subsi dized the small boy and his mouse traps and have accumulated a store of lively rodouts whioh they propose to turn loose when the belligerent dame and her allies invade thoir property This crafty movo is worthy tho name of high strategy For mere policemen Mrs Nation I has undiluted coutompt For tho unofficial guardians of the places against which her hatchet is aimed sho tools nothing but scorn But what orusader in pettiooats can face tho fearful presence of nimble mico and terrifying rats Those formidable foes sharp of tooth and agile of foot with eyes thnt shoot ont tnreateuings aud squeaks that hint of mysterious powers of assault aro enough to daunt the boldest heart that ever throbbed beneath a corsot and Mrs Nation it is to be presumed is subject to the common failiugs of hor sex Tho horrendous mouse may yet van quish ths upraised hatchet and the in dividuals who havo designed this meth od of defouse aro entitled to congratu late themselves upon their shrewdness Moanwhilo there aro hints that the authorities of Kansas spurred by the ridicule of the rest of the country con template the initiation of prosecution in earnest against this disturber of the publio pence With the law and tho mico arrayod in opposition tho outlook for the female warrior is clouded with gloom Philadolpdia Bulletin The Kind VVunUd A writer in the State Journal gives the following good ndvico Iu regard to young meii learning trades I have so many applications for thoso wishing to learn the machinist trndo I wish to say u few words to them through your valuable paper Yester day a youug man applied for work nnd exprossod a desire to learn the trndo j inquired whero ho had worked Ho re plied in a printing office Why did you not stay They did not pay enough wages Did you try to make yourself nsef nl and to give satisfaction to your omployors No it was no uso could not take an interost on such small pay Horo was a fatal mistako and gavo the reason why this man wns Boarchlug for work for if tho mind was bo mnch on wugcfl it is likoly ho was taking but llttlo Interest in tho task assigned him nnd honco was working in a vory In different and unsatisfactory manner nnd of oonrso his omployor did not want him nor would nuy ouo want such per sons Hero is a subject for a Bormon nnd a groat troth to bo loarnod Young man lot mo glvo this ndvico if you wish to lonrn a trade or got on in any of tho great vocations of llfo j look well if you plonso that you recolvo fnll and adequate pay but first and foromost havo a determination to do tho tasks ns Blgncd yon iu tho most thorough and paiuBtnklng maunor do UOt allow trifles to dlscounigo yon do not supposo that booniiBo your omployor is not looking at you that ho falls to nppreoiato ull your sterling qualities do not bo an oyo ser vant watching for tho day to pass and nt tho oud thoroof to recolvo pay rnthor lot your concern bo givon to your om ployor full valuo rocolvod Tho times do uot domaud vacillating weaklings but is in groat nood of honest ouorgotio determined boys thoroughly roliablo nnd prompt Such boys will not bo tramping about hunting jobs for thoir omployors whosoovor they may bo wlll so valuo thoir sorviccs that thoy will bo loath indood to part with them aud tho matter of wagos will tako oaro of it self Ionttuastor for 73 Yenrs Ono of tho governments invited guosts to witness tho inauguration of Presidont McKlnloy on March 4 next will bo tho veuornblo Roswell Boardsloy who has boon postmaster nt North Lans ing N Y for over 72 coiiaequeutivo years Mr Bonrdsloy who is belloved to bo tho oldest omployo iu tho govern ment in nuy capacity is 1 years old nud7as appointed postmaster bv Presi dent John Quiucy AdaniB Juno 28 1828 John McLean of Ohio was postmaster gouoral at time of hisnnnoiutmont Al though a staunch democrat Mr Beards ley who koops a largo country store in tho llttlo village has continued to dis tribute mail and soil nostniro stamns during tho various administrations nnd onjoys tho osteom of all who know him Grayson Vn Journal llflked by Ilraker Waltor Peterson nnd Seth Sutlev two young men from Norfolk Neb com- plumed to the police this morning that they had been robbed of 20 through tho wiles of J P Morse who until roo ontly conducted a ticket brokers office on the viaduct opposite the Union depot Peterson said that he and his partner each gavo Morse 10 for a ticket to Houston Tex Morse took tho money and told them to call this morning and get thoir transp rtatiou The young men kept their appointment but failed to find Morse who is now missing Omaha News Real Estate Transfers Tho following are the transfers of real estate in Madison connty for the weekending February 16 1901 as re ported by D J Koenigstein official ab staoter A H Bohannon to P H Tyrre U u no K 10-22-1 2800 F W Barnes to G R Wycoff lotB 1 2114 Beuna Vista addition to Madison 190 W J Avery to Jacob Knapp nw 14 21-22-2 5200 L M Elcok to J B Maxfield lot 1 and pt 2 block 6 Koenigsteins second addition 1200 F Dnhacek to I Gluck ne of ne of so J 4 33-22-3 2500 F E Witzel to W Sunderman n nwM 33-23-3 1950 O Gillespie to T F Memmingor part lot 2 block 17 Barnes addition 350 Carl Mueller to J W Jones pt lot 8 block 17 Barnes addition 1000 E A Whitwam to E McGoehe sw 15-12-1 5000 L Feddorsou to John Jones nw X 18-21-1 5800 D Uggom to O Moor lots 11 and 12 Hillside Terrace 500 F H Scott to J F Knapp no K 27-23-3 3500 G Durey to E Rnkowsky sK nwK 35-23-1 800 John Walker to Farmers Milling Co ontlot 5 R R addition Newman Grove 11500 Letter Hut List of letters remaining uncalled for at tbo postoffice February 18 1901 Sadie Bosely J H Eberly Egyptian Remedy Co Mamie Els ton Charley Fams H O Hansen Mrs Sophia Johnson Colvester Lee William Long M M Morris Mrs Lillian Palmer Secretary of Norfolk College E J Wil liams If not called for in 10 days will be sent to the doad lotter office Parties calling for any of tho above pleuse say advertised P F Spkeciiek P M Koenigsteins Pharmacy Corner 5th and Main Sts ISTOROIaK 3STEB 2 50 m 100 Omaha Weakly World Herald 1 year 100 Profits In Poultry 352 pages 50 Orange Judd Farmer weekly 1 year 100 Total 250 Above are the regular prices for these well known publication For a short time the World Herald offers all three for ONE DOLLAR as follows t To aoh new subscriber to the Omaha Wookly World Herald who sends us one dollar to pay for one year s subscription we will send free of chargo postage paid the Orange Judd Farmer for one yoar and also a oopy of Profits In Poultry This offer is enly open till February 28th A WONDERFUL OFFER K We believe this double premium offer is the greatest ever made by any newspaper See what you get for your dollar f WppIv s calcd a weekly but it 1 ISt WeeKiy worm lieruiu puul8hed ln two lections 8 pages on Tuesday and 4 pageH on Friday so you get the news of the world twice a week or 104 times a year It is Illustrated with pictures It has a humorous department an agricultural department It contains poli tics stories twice a week market reports for farmers household articles foreign news and American news Men women and children find It In teresting Regular price 1100 This revised edition of a tandard work A DtTkflf a in Prmltrv 2d rrOIItS IH KOUIiry on poultry contaln tS2 pages and 154 Illustration Including some ln colors It tells how to make money out of chlckcni of all varieties eggs ducks geese and turkeys how to ubo Incubators how to build coops houses and enclosures how to prevent and cure disease Every farmers wife can make enough out of poultry and eggi to clothe the whole family Regular price 50 cents 3d The Orange Judd Farmer--ff adXflnuVadw of the highest standing and of large circulation It contains about 15 pages each week and Is Illustrated Regular price 100 CONDITIONS OF THIS OFFER First Tou must Bend us the full dollar as we cannot allow any com mission to agents or postmasters on this offer Second You must send It on or before February 28th Third Tou must help us by sending with your letter the names and postofflce addresses of three of your neighbors who do not take the World Herald so that we can send them sample copies This Is a trifle for you to do and it will help us Address us simply WEEKLY WORLD HERALD Omaha Neb ecTO Time is Money thequick TRAINS ARE VIA THE UNION PACIFIC Missouri River to Salt Lake City TEN HOURS QUICKER THAK ANY OTHER LINE flissouri River to San Francisco FIFTEEN HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER LINE Missouri River to Portland FIFTEEN HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER LINE Buffet Smoking and Library Cars with Barber Shops and Pleasant Reading Rooms Double Drawing Room Palace Sleepers Dinin Oars Meals a la Carte PintsohLight For full information call on or address F W JUNEMAN Agent The Norfolk Gash Store SELLS Staple and Fancy Groceries GLASSWARE QUCfNSWARE ROCKERY Straw Hats and Shoes at cost Fme Teas aud Coffees a specialty Try our famous Mellowrich coffee the finest brand in the market We are headquarters for fresh fruits of all kinds We sell the celebrated Pierce and Neligh Flours Highest prices paid for Butter arid Eggs J G BOHNERT PropV T YOU MUST NOT FORGET That we are constantly growing iu the art of niak iug Fine Photos and our products will always be fouud to embrace the most ARTISTIC IDEAS and Newest style in Cards and Finish We also carry a fine Hue of Moldings suitable for all kinds of framing I 7VV WYACY -S SSrtwZZ 4 -33