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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1901)
It The Jiopt oik l4cuas Now Ib tlio io llmo to InvoRt In Ne braska realty It will never ho cheaper Colonel Roosevelt linn finished 11b linnt nnd tlio ovorwoikoil fnlco reporters and onrtooniRtH of tlio yellow journnlH will to allowed a season of rest Hovcntron cltloiiB of Fairmont wont to Washington in i linncli Wednesday Whon thoy hnvo hud tlmo to make com pariROiifl botwoon that Rtato and No brnska thoy will probably flock back Rnbouau tho Berlin electrical expert states thnt within eight or ton yoarfl people will Ihi ablo to circumnavigate tho globo in twenty two days Tlio world 1h getting pretty Hwift without a doubt An Omaha girl wub nrrcBted tho other lay for attempting Riilcldo and Rontonced to jail for throo days with a promiflo of JIO dnyfl if bIio again ninth a liko attempt -Had Hho succeeded sho would havo been Kent tip for lifo A Chicago jndgo nays that women aro too imaginative Some niou believe that judicial knowledge in not nocosBary to reach that determination howovor yon seldom hear of one Roeing HuakeB unless thoro are snakes If ono of tho Oudahy kidnappers Ib at lost captured ho may provo of groat sorvioo to tho public by making it otnrn ally ImpoBBible to Hpring fako stories concerning his palR by dlRcloHiug a fow facts regarding tho myatorios of tho case A Kearney county man has ooon judged insane because ho imaginos hlui Bolf to bo tho wealthiest and wiRCRt man living Tho latter is qulto a common malady especially whon it oomos to politics but tho writer almost onvios liim tho combination and particularly tho first uamod hallucination Tho GonRorvntlvo is struck with tho inconsistency of tho populist leadors who while claiming that their peerless presidential candidate was defeated in 1BD0 and 1100 with 0 O D ballots paid for by tho republican party insist that tho oloction of United Statos Bouators should bo tnkon out of tho corruption of tho legislatures and thrown into tho cor ruption abovo reforred to Tho troubles of tho stamp clerk in franco aro soon to bo over according to a late dispatch which states that a slot machine is beiug porfectod that not only soils tho stamp but licks it and placoB it on tho envolopo whon a coin is droppod into it One of tho machines prints the stamp diroctly on tho envelope Such an invention is in keoping with the modern pace and will probably bo in general uso somo day Tho third anniversary of the blowing tip of tho Maine iu Havana harbor was appropriately observed at Havana yes terduy Tho portion of tho wreck nbove tho water was decorated with laurelB and in tho Protestant and Catholic churches momorlal services wore held It is fitting that tho anniversary should bo obsorved and especially fitting that it should be observed at Havana The calamity will be one long to be remem bered and it will be hard to forget by twine Nebraska representatives in congress propose that a branch government mint hall be established in Omaha This is all right and Nebraska i eople in general will be pleased to see Omaha thus fa vored But Omaha has been quite liber ally and frequently recognized by tho government mid as there aro other towns in the state some of which havo an am bition to secure government buildings why would it not bo well to secure ap propriations for these buildings and have Omaha wait if any niuBt for a few years A man in Tennessee has inventod a process for staining lumber while it is yet in tho log The sip is extracted from tho log and the staining materials are forced in by hydraulic pressure The result is lumber that is stained evenly nil the way through It may bo worked up into furniture and give practically the same results as natural wood of the same color It is expected that this will offect a considerable change in tho manufacture of furnituro from the cheaper grades of lumber State Journal Considerable fun is being poked at Editor Bryan because he credited a well known poem on the American flog to Francis Drake instead of Joseph Rod man Drake It is likely that about three fifths of those who laugh at the blunder didnt know before the point was raised whether Joseph Hodman Drake or Kill Nye was the author nevertheless it is somewhnt astouishiug that tho man who claims to be tho center of ull American patriotism and the intimate of all patriotio statesmen and authors should muke the error that iu othors would be excusable The vote of the electoral college re sulted iu President McKiuley reciving JM2 and Mr Bryan 165 the president having 1117 votoR more than Bryan or nearly a two thirds mnjnrity This Ib a gain for MoKlnley of 21 votes ovor tho voto of 1801 and of courso a loss to Bryan of tho Ramo nurnbor Mr Bryan doos not appear to bo tho least bit dis heartened by tho showing howovor and ifl ilumiug himself for the third battlo with tho probablo intontion of reducing bin Bupjmrt I0 or 10 moro votes and succopsfully retiring all hopes of his parly May ho bo successful iu getting tho next nomination is tho wish of many ropubllcaiiB who aro oxcusablo for bollovlug that ho is catty Tho San Francisco Call truthfully re mnrkn that it is rarely in this country and at this time that tho editor of a country paper receives Justice olthor at homo or abroad The valuo of his work for tho community is not appreciated ovon when tho work itself is rccognixod lie is of the claRH of prophots who aro without publio manifestations of honor either in their own county or olsowhoro Ho is expected to servo his party his friends anil all tho industrial charitablo and holiday enterprises of tho county without reoomponRo nud his neighbors gonorally deem it a favor to him when they pay him for his paper If Secretory of Agrlonlturo Wilson is buccohhbuI iu demonstrating that tea cau bo grown on UnitodStntos terri tory thojrpooploj will havo cause to regret that thoy have spout so nmoli money abroad whon it might havo boon expondod for a homo product Then tho secretary might havo prevented all that trouble accruing from tho Boston tea party had ho boon au official at that time but in tho light of recent ovonts it is probably just as well that ho wasnt Black tea grown in South Carolina last year undor tho secretarys supervision is said to havo been superior to tho imported articlo and somo of it sold on tho markot for 1 a pound Ex periments will bo continued this season Mark Twains latest joko Ib printed in a communication to tho current nurn bor of tho North American Roview Mark says that if Dowoy after he had smashod tho Spanish fleet at Manila had just set up a notico on tho beaoh at Oavito warning tho Filipinos to do no damago to othor peoplo in tho Philip pines and notifying nil othor nations to beware of disturbing the archipologo in any way on pain of a liokiug by Undo Sam nnd thou sailed- away without stopping to coal up or answer any ques tions tho United States would havo boon rovorod today as tho lovolest headed nation that ever carried a flag As it is however tho fat is all iu tho fire and we aro disgraced boyoud recovery State Jonruul Tho polico of Philadelphia recontly made a raid and gathered in i0 slot ma chines Tho machines were submitted to on examination aud it was discovered that all but ouo were fixed to win steadily and tirelessly for the proprietor Stnuigo as it may seem tho one honest machine was taked from tho most disreputable joint of the lot One of the officers said that he could stand for an oven break on a gamblo but when it comes to a fixed machiue steadily committing potty larceny ho drew tho line If it is discovered that slot machino proprietors generally fol low tho Philadelphia plan the small gambling dovices are likely to provo ex ceedingly unpopular oven among the sports Almost any woman would like to bo a United States senators wifo It is an honor to be a factor in Washington society lifo and othor honors are plouty Not overy woman could have her name and picture published in connection with a popular brand of soap for adver tising purposes as a number of senators wives havo recently done Thoy are too unimportant Mrs Allens name and Mrs Thurstons name and picture aro among thoso honored by the soap manufacturer Nebraskans have rea son to be proud of the fame bestowed on their fair representatives May they live long to recommend many and varied brands of soap toilet powders aud lo tions but let client bo ware how they al low tho uso of thoir names aud faces in patent medicine ads Tho state sonate has passed Sonator Areuds bill desiguod to encourage for estry in Nebraska by providing that tho increased value of property by reason of growing such trees shall not be a subject for taxation which virtually means that the trees so grown will not bo taxed although they will undoubtedly bo of value Tho bill provides that the portion of a farmers land devoted to tree plauting shall bo limited in order to benefit by the new law and there are other restrictions aud provisions This is a small step iu tho right direction Nebraska is ono of tho Btates most needing legislation for the promotion of forestry and friends of the movemeut will bo pleased to see its popularity grow uutil the state is converted into a picture laud of groves aud forests Duns Roview says Accordiug to tho olllcial statement exports of broad stuffs during Jnuuary were valued at 21138003 against 17543081 last year This is very good evidence that the American farmer is supplying the foreigners with considerable eating ma THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY FEBRUARY 22 1901 terial nnd that tho domand for their pro dnco is increasing rather than diminish ing It indicates prosperity for tho producing masses and its inorcaso yoar after yoar is conohiBivo proof that Mr Bryan was again mistaken whon ho paid that republican prosperity was tem porary Tho great amount of incroaso Ib certain to drop off somo if it doesnt all tho breadstufTs will Boon bo exported but it is not likely that there will bo any considerable falling off for soveral yearn to oomo Republican prosperity Is iu vory good working condition and tho high water mark may not yet bo reached According to tho Citizon tho people of Tildon with but a fow oxceptlouR were not nt all ploasod that tho town should bo given tho notoriety resulting from tho lato boxing contest Tho peoplo of tho village nro qulto gouornlly moral and tho number of persons attending tho contest is evidence that it did not turn out a crowd It is presumed that of the 100 attending not more than 50 woro from Tildon and for a placo that oan turn out from 1 000 to 1 500 people to a Fourth of July colobratiou baso ball game or political speech it is a small showing Tho sports wore un doubtedly sadly disappointed also at tho sizo of tho Norfolk crowd Thoro wore fow people uot uoarly as many as has boon intimated who attended tho con test from bore If a crowd woro really desired tho contest should havo been held in Doadwood Now York or somo othor frontier city whore tho morals of tho pooplo aro not bo closoly guarded It is high time for tho north Platto mombers of the legislature to got to gether and dooido upon somo man whom thoy will support for United States son ator Tho difficulty at Lincoln seems to bo that there are atogether to many candidates and particularly does this apply to tho situation iu the north half of tho stato Only ono of those men can bo elected and it is fully time that ono was determined upon While wo beliovo tho best interests of tho stato would bo conserved by the olection of Edward JRosownter to tho Uuitod Statos souuto yet if ho cannot mako it let tho toga fall upon some other good mau but by all means let the toga fall After tho north Platto members have centralized upon somo good man then thoywill bo in position to talk business to tho south Platto peoplo and the farce which has boon enacted at Lincoln day after day during tho past six weeks will soon bo onded It iB to the interest of republicanism thnt the deadlock be broken and that quickly oven if drastio measures have to bo adopted to do so Editor Pont of tho Stanton Register makes a beautiful defonse of his position in regard to the proposed joint county teachers institute It will undoubtedly surprise some of his renders to learn that investigation will provo that our authority for items published is always tho best obtainable The publisher of his rival paper Editor Enos has fre quently differed with him in this regard and uuy ono with a scintilla of political wisdom who has read his paper will be inclined to doubt his statement How- over much of Mr Pouts shortcomings can be overlooked because of the state ment at the beginning of his comment that tho editor of Tub News defends Norfolk in all cases whether right or wrong Tuk Nbws is proud to know that it has attained this distinction but is inclined to speculate as to what paper would stand up for Norfolk if it didnt Tub News has endeavored to stand by its home town sometimes when the work was up hill and whou the town didnt seem to stand by it a little bit but that is not essential to the subject in hand If Stantons superintendent did not wish first class accommodations for his teachers there are numerous small hotels boarding houses and private families that could take care of them comfort ably aud just as reasonably as could be done in Stanton If Mr Pout doubts tbat things can bo done cheaply enough here let him fill his basket with lunch and apply to either Widamau or Kane aud he can probably secure accommoda tions that wont cost him a cent Filipinos Will Co opcrato Tho leaders of the federal party in the Philippines havo served notico on the insurgent leaders that if they do uot come in and surrender they will raiso a native force of volunteers to go out aud fetch them in Thoy assure the guerrilla chiefs that they are determined to put a stop to brigandage and restore law and order to the islands There is little doubt if the well disposed peoplo of the archipelago undertake to act in har mony with the United States authorities it will have a decisive moral effect The antipathy that the federals ex hibit against the return of the friars will doubtless attract the support of a great many of tho common people who sympathize with the rebellion chiefly because of their fear of the ultimate vongeanco of their friar landlords Tho proposal of General MaoArthur to the president iu his report to buy up tho laudB hold by the trustees of tho frinrs which would be willingly sold at a fair appraisement tho lanu to bo re sold to the tenants on easy terms will doubtless have a good effect in the samo direction Tho friars hold up wards of two hundred thousand acres of arable laud in Cavite province alone -State Journal California Ib having plenty of rain but Kansas is gotting darNation dry It is said that tho first mosflago to be signalled to Mars by Nicola Tesln will bo tho information that tho planet has oon annexed by J Bull Esq Tho word Toller soon iu so mauy banks is not placed there in honor of Senator Honry M whoso efforts havo recently boon directed townrd causing tho bankers to pass out under liis name 15 eotit dollars Tho British government has paid well for tho acquisition of tho Trnnsvaal re public And they do not seem to havo it vory firmly fixed It is estimated that tho South African war has ct st Britain up to this tlmo about fi00000 000 not counting the loss of life limbs nnd health Tho Nation orusado in Kansas is got ting serious At Leavenworth forty armed peoplo attacked a joint and a pitched battlo ensued in which a woman sister of ono of tho jointists was killed and soven persons wounded Perhaps tho movement will finally re sult iu moro deaths and injuries than cau bo laid nt tho door of King Alcohol Tho namo of littl Bobble Ray of Ravenwood West Virginia do Borves a placo in history Caught iu a burning home with his throo sisters aged 4 years a years and six months ho paved tho two old or ones and re turned for tho baby when he became confused aud was burned to death Tholittlo chaps heroioatt might well have daunted a brave man When tho automobilo business gets dowu to a fiuo point tho railways and oloctrio linos will bo compelled to make a new move acooordiug to recont devel opments It is said that in a race be tween an automobile and express train going out from Rome Italy recently tho automobile was the winner although it was considerably impeded by traffic The race was for a distance of 44 miles The district oourt at Fremont has given a sovero lesson to would be mur derers by promptly convicting one of the murderers of Herman Zahn of Snyder and making the ponalty death If the numerous important trials throughout tho state have as prompt and conclusive a finish outlaws will bo vory much discouraged in fact oven now tho number of burglaries and rob bories seems to havo greatly diminished John Bull is too slow when brought into competition with American work men A company of British bridge builderswanted 60 weeks to put mater ial on shipboard for tho construction of 80 bridges on the Uganda railway in South Africa while an American com pany offered to construct tho bridges in 40 weeks Tho St Louis Globe-Democrat well says The American woik inan gets the best wages in the world and richly earns thorn Iu free trade England according to late returns there aro 8015471 paupers in Scotland 07947 and in Ireland 97 587 supported at an annual cost to the public of 07000000 The paupers of a country are something to its discredit although they cannot bo entirely elimi nated It should be the aim of every country however to have ns few as pos sible Every able bodied man and wo man should havo an opportunity to make their own living and if they will then not improve it they should be given a harder name than pauper An excAango springs the following which is endorsed in all its phases Ono bright friend came in the other day with what he thought was a conun drum Why is a newspaper like a woman Because it has to have some one to run it Because both have to be known to be appreciated Be canso both are good advertising medi ums Because it sometimes changes its dress and tells tales The correct answer is Because every man should have one of his own and not be running after his neighbors Vice President elect Theodore Roose velt passed through Omaha yesterday afternoon on his way east from his bunting trip in Colorado He iB feeling well after his outing and iB now ready to put all his magnificent energy into the duties which lay before him He is still denounoing the stories sent out by the string writers concerning hiB ter rible struggles with wild boasts while on the trip He says that with one or two exceptions he was in no danger and he dislikes the publicity that has been given the stories concerning him Jt will not be long now before the flowers will bloom in tho spring tra la when it is to be hoped that many miles of rotten sidewalks in all parts of town will be promptly couderaued by the city couuoil and new ones ordered to take their places Aud after tho order has been issued let us also indulge iu the hope that all summer will not be re quired to have it cirried out There aro sidowalks doing 6orvice in Norfolk today that should have been consigned to tho kindling pile five years ago It is high time an effectivo campaign for better walks aloug both sides of overy street be orgauized Governor Dietnoh has extended an invitntlon to all of his predecessors in office to dine with him in the execntivo mansion on Washingtons birthday TIiIb Is a happy thought and tho occa sion will doubtless bo ono of rare social enjoyment It sorvos also to bring to mind tho important nnd interesting fact that overy governor of Nebraska Binco tho stato was admitted is still alive with the slnglo excoption of David Butlor wherefore it mny bo concluded it is not tho paltry 2500 a yoar tho office pays but tho guarantee of longevity aud health that inspires so many aspir ants for tho governorship Fremont Tribune Value of Rect Sugar Factories Tho groat value of tho boot factories to Colorado cannot bo estimated by tho paltry dollars which tho invested capital iu tho building nud machinery add to tho taxnblo assets of tho stute which ns compared to other interests directly arising from the location of a sugar pant iu auy community is insignificant to moution As a safe criterion wo can refer to Otero county which has wel comed two factories in tho post year at a probablo cost of two million dollars which has been listed upon tho county tax lists But lot us look farthor These two refineries havo brought to tho county at least four thousand now poo plo who hnvo boou enrolled ns bona fido residents Tho forming and agricultural lauds havo been enhanced in value at least thrco million dollars Tho busi ness and commercial interests of the oonuty have boen quickened by tho in creased capital which has been placed in circulation Tho slipshod custom of careless agricultural methods has beon abandoned and tho theory of intense farming has been almost universally re sorted to The value of an acre of laud depends on the amount of cash it will pay its ownor each yoar ond its value can not legitimately rise above this basis Here is where the great profit in general comes in from the es tablishment of tho factory and the grow ing of sugar beets Land which has heretofore produced when cultivated in ordinary farm crops of alfalfa and grain from 7 to 10 per acre net to the owner is capable of producing when properly grown to sugar beets from 50 to 70 per acre besides giving pormanent em ployment to at least four times the num of laborers Hence wo can see in tho starting of overy factory the solution of two great problems the increase of land values and the maintenance of a fourfold greater population Sugar City Herald Uncle Sum Wants Ponies Omaha Feb 19 The Department of the Missouri is advertising for 20 short stocky cow ponies which It Is understood are to bo sent to the Phil ippines for mountain climbing Ac cording to the stipulations the ani mals are to be not more than 146 hands high well broken to saddle and having good action and conformation Tiro Transports Kn Konte Washington Feb 19 General Mac Arthur has informed the war depart ment that the transports Hancock and Kllpatrick left Manila yesterday for the United States The Hancock has the Thirtieth volunteer infantry on board and the Kllpatrick carries 400 sick soldiers Kllli IIU Stepdaughter Nebraska City Neb Feb 18 Hall Frninpton a colored man quarreled with his wife last night and attempted to kill her His stepdaughter a girl of lr took the part of her mother when Frunipton turned on her Reized a shotgun chased her a block shot her In the head and then beat her bruins out with the stock of the weapon Frunipton is In jail with a stronp guard us there is some talk of lynch lug ICTIM OF BENGaT TIGER lootlthlrity Itcast Attack I In Keeper and Fatally Wuunda Illut Indianapolis Ind Feb 10 Albert Neilson aged 15 years employed as an animal keeper at the zoological garden in this city was killed by a Bengal tiger yesterday He entered tlie cage in which the tiger wus confined and was attacked by the benst A terri ble utruggle followed in which Neilson wus torn in a hundred places Redbot Irons were thrust into the blood thirsty animal but not until soven bullets had been fired into Its body did It release its hold on the victim Neil son was dragged from the cago more dead than alive and was hurried to the city hospital where he died as ho waa being carried in Tho tiger was not fatally wounded Neilson lived nt Tiquu 0 and had been employed by the zoo company three years Ho was in charge of the lion cubs and it is supposed opened the tigers cage by mistake South Dakota Icllature Pierre S D Feb 21 Proceedings of both houses yesterday lacked an en tertnlnlng feature the house postpon ing until Feb 20 action on reconsid eration of the motion to expunge the wolf bounty record without any strug gle A bill was Introduced In tlio house by Browne repealing the seed grain luw Several minor bills were also presented Trial of lr Kennedy New York Feb 20 In the trial of Dr Kennedy charged with the murder of Dolly Reynolds tho attempt to prove an alibi for Kennedy went on yesterday and moro witnesses Bworc thnt they had seen the accused man on Stuten Island ut the hour when ac cording to the prosecution he was leaving the Grand hotel where Mie murder was committed -ST H 1 rcy iil - 1 Punishment Demanded by En voys Will Be Inflicted QUICKLY BROUGHT TO TIME Count tod Waldersces Menace of Hostile fMnre tint an Instantaneous effect Upon the Kmperorrrrpnratloni for the Ex pedition Continue Peking Fob 20 rrlnce Chlng and LI Hung Chung have received a tele gram which virtually means thnt tlio Chinese will comply with all tho de mands of the powers although they Ktlll desire Information on a few minor details The foreign envoys look forward confidently to absolute conipllnnce by tomorrow at tho latest Prince Chlng nnd LI Hung Chang have been greatly worried by the prep arations for the expedition Into the In terior nnd they havo strongly urged v the court to yield pointing out that otherwise the dismemberment of Mi empire was probable The foreign envoys had given the Chinese authorities eight days In which to Issue satisfactory edicts The court promptly agreed to Inflict the punish ments demanded London Feb 20 Tho Renter Tele gram company has received the fol lowing from Its Peking correspondent dnted Feb 10 Tho German BritiRh and Japanese legations notified tlie Chinese thnt the nllles were preparing tin expedition townrd Sinn Fu In Mm event of the court persisting In its present unsatisfactory attitude regard ing the punishments Thereupon the Chinese plenipoten tiaries wired -urgently to Sinn Fu coun selling Immediate compliance nnd pointing out that now there was only the question of the death of n fow per sons really deserving such a fate while the advance of the nllles would mean the donth of thousands besides causing the powers to trent China wltn greater harshness than If a settlement were arrived nt without further mili tary operations Five thousand British troops have been warned to prepare for the re sumption of operations Conner Protests to Ministers Washington Feb 20 During tho cabinet meeting yesterday a cablegram from Minister Conger was submitted referring to the proposed military ex pedition in China under command of Count von Wnldersee It disclosed the fact thut our minister hnd pro tested to the ministers council ugainst hostile movements of this character but that his protest hnd failed to re ceive consideration tho other foreign ministers taking the ground thnt they had no authority to influence military operations one way or the other Addressed tho Commons In Irish London Fob 20 In the commons yesterday Thomas OConnell National ist member for West Kerry began to address the house in the Irish lan guage and the speaker cnlled him to order after he had spoken three or four sentences reminding him that to speak Irish was an unknown practice lu the house of commons Mr OCon nell continued to speak In the Irlsti tongue greatly to the delight of tho Nationalists around him Tlie speaker finally stopped him peremptorily rress Action on Cnnul Trenty London Feb 20 Ambassador Choate saw the secretary of state for foreign affairs the marquis of Lann downe yesterday nnd discussed the Chinese question nnd the Nicaragua canal matter Mr Choate was in formed thnt both these features would be fully discussed at a cabinet meet ing to be held Beb 22 and Lord Lans downe hoped to be able to communi cate to Mr Choate something moro definite immediately after the meet ing Expedition to lie a Large One Shnnghui Feb 20 A special dis patch from Peking snys Feld Marshal Count von Waldersees expedition to Slan Fu will comprise 15000 men British Germans French and Italians It is understood that If tho expedition starts it will act as a guard of honor to the emperor on his way back to Peking It Is rumored that tho allies will simultaneously operate In th valley Tariff Fulit Not Considered Serioui London Feb 20 The tnrlff war with America is uot considered Berlous In official circles says the St Peters burg correspondent of tho Dally Mail as it is hoped that before Russia begins reclprocntice meusures the re spective Increuses In duties will bnve counteracted one another For this reason Russia has postponed making reprisals for 14 dnys T raising of the duty on grain would be of advan tage to Russia as against Germany Pugilists Hound Over Chicago Feb 20 Pugilists Ruhlln nnd Martin were held to the grand Jury yesterday In bonds of 750 each for engnglng in a friendly boxing ex hlbltlon at a local theater Frank Hall who mude the complaint ngnlnst them was arrested charged with witnessing a boxing contest nail wbb alsrj hold to the grand Jury In the sum of Bo Advocate Tariff for Kovenue London Feb 20 Tho Dally Mall In view of the necessity of raising money for the war in South Africa still In full blast ndvocntcs a tariff for rev enue purposes which it says differs ntlrelv from a nrotrctlvn tariff M lAeleluiu to Mako Heprlnls London Feb 20 The Brussels cor respondent of the Morning Post says Reprisals for Americas Imposition of a countervailing duty on Belgian sugar re reported to be imminent tfiagyWWHffMTiyif