The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 22, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Chaffee Must Decline Invitation
I to Join Expedition
Kerx nflftirt Will Hit Mucin to Convince
UerninrtT Tlmt the Umlrrtnklnff Is a Mil
taktCIilna ItplayliiR Ncicutlatluiis In
Kxiupcratliiic Minnicr
Washington Feb 10 Tlio Unite
Btatcs government Is facing n seri
ous situation lu Clilnn owing to tlio an
nouncement of the Intention of Field
Marshal von Wuldurseu to iniiko an
offonslvo campaign General ChafTee
lins been Invited to Join in thu expe
dition which Is to bo mobilized on n
larger scale thuti anything attemptea
In China since the war began The
general Informed the war department
olllelals that the state department bad
fccen advised of the decision
This German movement una caused
considerable amazement General
ChalTee will be told that he Is not to
imrtjelpnto In this campaign He has
been keeping the American forces In
liking ever since the city was pact
fled simply as a legation guard and
tlio German government Is fully aware
that the United States government
purposely deprived the American con
tingent In China of Its offensive mill-
ftarj character and withdrew It from
the control of Count von Waldersee In
order to hasten peace negotiations
ml prevent so far as It could tlio
Icontlnuance of military movements
pngalnst the Chinese which were at
nee unnecessary and baneful In their
icffect upon the peace movement So
government not huving changed
fiur policy cannot do otherwise than
cause General Chaffee to refrain from
miiy participation lu hostile military
movements so long us the present
peaceful conditions continue
Iiut unother very serious point under
Iconslderation is not whether Chaffee
shall join the German movement but
rwhether it is or not the duty of our
government to exercise all proper cr
forts to dissuade the German govern-
guent from undertaking this campaign
The Chinese government Is unfortu
nately delaying the peace negotiations
n an exasperating fashion and is not
responding lu proper spirit to the et
tfort of the United States govern
ment Word has just come from Min
ister Conger which confirms the press
dvlces relative to the Chinese declinn
Won to accede to the demands of the
tnlnlster In the matter of capital pun
ishment of the leaders Implicated In
the Boxer movement
Chinese Ileply W Unsatisfactory
Peking Feb 19 The foreign en
voys have held a conference regard
ing the Chinese reply concerning the
punishment of the guilty persons
earned by the powers The reply was
considered unsatisfactory and the en
voys decided to Insist on a compliance
pvlth their original demands
Ton Waldorsee Is Only Uluftlnff
London Feb 10 The Berlin corre
spondent of the Daily Mall claims to
have official authority to deny that It
Is seriously intended to send an ex
pedition Into the Interior of China
He claims that Count von Waldersee
is trying to expedite the negotiations
by bluffing
tlrUh Statesman Nearly Wipes Out
eminent Majority In Parliament
I London Feb 19 The first division
f the first parliament of King Ed
ward VII which tobk place yesterday
resulted in cutting down to 45 the gov
ernments normal majority of 130 The
Interest caused by this unexpected
jevent was heightened by Winston
pencer Churchills first speech at
Westminster and by Mr Chamber
lains heated defense of his own pol
The extraordinary sllmness of the
tnajorlty of this strongest British gov
ernment of modem times was the re
sult of Lord Cranbornes refusal to
answer questions relating to the gov
ernments foreign policy without pre
vious notice from the questioners
ITohn Dillon seized the opportunity
find in spite of an unusually large at
tendance almost placed the Conserva
tive party In queer street
I British Army Scheme
I London Feb 19 The ofllclal scheme
of army reform has been definitely
Fettled The urmy ns a standing
fighting force Is to be Increased to
50000 men 20000 being cavalry
Forty five thousand yeomanry will also
e raised The transport service will
jbi reorganized and the regular uol
Wlts are to bo better paid Infantry
nnd artillery will be maintained at full
Rvar strength regardless of cost
Dewet Headed Off
London Feb 19 A correspondent
tof the Dally Mall who Is with the
British column pursuing General De
iwet says General Dewet has failed
to reach his objective having been
beaded off In turn from Strydenburg
nnd Ilopetown respectively 38 nnd
65 miles from the scene of Fridays
inen Occupy Yossburfr
Brltstown Feb 19 It Is reported
that the Boers have occupied Voss
burg communication with that place
having been Interrupted It is assert
ed that there are 1000 Boers at
Btrydonburg and others at Ilouwater
81 miles from Brltstown
I Ne io rynched by a Mob
Dyersburg Tenn Feb 10 Fred
King a negro charged with a murder
ous assault upoii Miss Elsie Arnold
the daughter of a prominent physician
yraa lynched by a mob of citlzena
Trans ontlnrnlitl IftMonger Ao latlon
Arts on lCpvtorth IngiiF Trunin
Chicago Feb Ul The threatened
war among the transcontinental rail
roads over rales for the Hpworth
League meeting at San Francisco next
summer was averted yesterday by the
meeting of the Trnuscoutlmfcil las
senger association After a long dis
cussion the following resolution was
adopted unanimously No free or
reduced transportation or concessions
of any character shall be given In con
nection with Hpworth League trallle
If any arrangements have been mado
which are In conlllct with the above
It Is the distinct understanding that
such arrangements shall be at onco
The agreed rate Is 0 for the round
Speoily Srttlninciit or Cnuiinerrlat DliTor
nces With Unltiil Stiitr Is 1rrtlli tpl
Becrotiiry Incns Ntatmiiuut
Bt Petersburg Feb 10 The corre
spondent here of the Associated Iress
Is informed that the Americans of St
Petersburg regard the attitude of tlio
Russian people and press as extreme
ly gratifying and as a prognostication
of a siwedy settlement of the commer
cial differences or In all events as a
guarantee against worse results Tlio
press Is entirely dispassionate evident
ly regarding the reprisal ns not pro
portioned to the Injury Uussln sus
tained There are somo who think
M DeWltte struck overhastlly and an
grily and believe the reaction of a
modification Is possible
Secrotnry Ohcos Itullnt
Washington Feb 19 In speaking of
his recent order Imposing a counter
vailing duty on Kussian sugars Sec
retary Gage said It Is not a ques
tion of what manufacturers deslro or
think ought to be It Is not a ques
tion of what sugar refiners or our beet
raisers desire It Is a question purely
of law and fact The secretary of tlio
treasury Is sworn to enforce the law
not to make law The late decision as
to the liability of Russian sugar to
pay a countervailing duty Is based on
the departments apprehension of tho
law and of the facts
Death of Major Gunn
Kansas City Feb 19 Major OB
Guuu a well known civil engineer
died at his apartments here yesterday
of stomach trouble He came to Kan
sas City in 1851 served In the Kansas
legislature during the sixties was a
member of Governor Robinsons mil
itary staff and later served as major
In the Fourth Kansar volunteers He
built the centrnl branch of the Union
Pacific railway now the Missouri r
cllfc and was made superintendent Jr
that road As chief engineer of the
Missouri Kansas and Texas he built
900 miles of that road
bar and a bottle of whisky These
men are held for the robbery of the
United States Express company last
week The complete records of the
preliminary hearings of the prisoners
IB 1 A
havo linnn tifnlnn fmn tli lnntnntn
- junuvLoi proacn or u
omce me leternuneu enorts to save
tho men Indicates that an organization
of crooks is mixed up in the theft of
the safe and the 12000 from the ex
press company
Boosevelt Enjoys Wolf Hunt
Colorado Springs Colo Feb 19 A
party of six persons with Governor
Roosevelt the central figure enjoyed
a coyote hunt of about 35 miles In the
pastures south of Colorado Springs
One coyote and one gray wolf afforded
the chases and notwithstanding the
escape of both animals Governor
Roosevelt expressed the greatest pleas
ure over the days sport This evening
Governor Roosevelt will lenve for Chi
cago via the Union Pacific and Chi
cago and Northwestern roads
Both Murder and Suicide
St Louis Feb 19 Charles E Bent
a young man of 25 years shot and mor
tally wounded his wife at 3421 La
Clede avenue at an early hour yester
day and then kneeling before a mir
ror put a bullet through his own head
dying Instantly The couple had not
been living together of late and It Is
thought the killing was the result of a
quarrel growing out of Jealousy Mrs
Bent died a few moments after reach
ing the city hospital where she had
been taken
Peyton Taken slack to St Louis
Sioux City Feb 19 Sergeant Nolte
of the St Louis police force left yester
day with Frank H Peyton the man
who confessed to killing John E Rob
son here and then proved an alibi The
prisoner was put in Irons and was al
most In a state of collapse or else
hamming He Is wanted for numer
ous robberies In St Louis
German Press Comment
Berlin Feb 19 Discussing the tar
iff controversy between the United
States and Russia the National Zel
tung remarts Germany has no cause
to regret the latest phase of tho
tariff war
lTard to Ascertain the Facts
Berlin Feb 19 The Berliner Post
continues to issue favorable bulletins
regarding the condition of Dowager
Empress Frederick but In well in
formed private circles It is feared that
a crisis in the disease may come ut
any moment
Murder lu Second Decree
Broken Bow Neb Feb 18 Tho
Jury In the case against William Oxley
charged with the murder last Novem
ber of William P Fullhart the Custer
county ranchman has returned a ver
dict of murder la the second degree
of Kansas Saloonkeeper
Shot During Melee
Nearly One Hundred Shots Fired and He
formers lletlre Without Wrecking the
Joint Forty Masked Ma In the Mob
Four of Them Arrested
Leavenworth Kan Feb 20 Mrs
Hose Hudson wife of John Hudson
n saloon keeper at Mllwood 1 1 miles
north of here wan shot and Instantly
killed last night during a raid upon her
husbands saloon
Hudson had been wnrnod to close his
saloon but refused About 10 oclock
three men entered tho place and called
for drinks When served they rapped
on the counter and gave a signal Hud
son Jumped from behind thu bar and
grabbed one of tho men In tho
scrimmage a shotgun which one or
the men carried was discharged tho
contents entering the wall Mrs Hud
son attracted by the noise ran screnui
lug Into the room while n mob of 40
men most of whom were masked
entered In answer to the signal In
the melee that followed Mrs Hudson
was shot In the head by a shotgun tho
top of her head being blown off Will
iam Webb one of the raiders was
shot In the shoulder by n revolver
Nearly 100 shots were tired Hudson
carried his dying wife Into an adjoin
ing room nnd the mob retired with
out wrecking the Joint
Sheriff Kverhardy who went to Mil
wood has secured four prisoners two
of whom nre John and Henry Wilson
youn gfarmers Others Implicated will
bo nrrested There were no women
In the mob It being composed of farm
ers nil In illsKuise
The town Is In n fever heat of ex
citement nnd moru trouble Is threat
Joint at NtnTiiiiin Wrecked
Newman Kan Fob 20 A band of
30 men and women armed with
hatches and axes made an effective
raid on a joint here yesterday Some
of the crusaders came from Perry and
Thompsonvllle The building In which
the joint was kept was locked aim
the Jolntlst forbade the eutrauco of
the reformers who thereupon broke
In tho door They completely demol
ished a costly cherry bar a plate glass
mirror and other fixtures There was
not much liquor In the plnce but It
was destroyed A friend of tho jolnt
lst tried to protect the property with
a shotgun One of tho crusaders
named Gorrell In trying to get posses
sion of the gun was struck on tho
head with it and seriously Injured
Assaulted While Kneeling at Grave
Kansas City Feb 20 While kneel
iiicr at her fathers crave at Elmwond
Plot to Ileleoso Jackson and Storall
ceinetorv voxtprrinv Ilnrn TWoll in
Manila la Feb 19 The sheriff
i xonra nlil n ns ninititi u n n
vn1 1 -
jvon iuuj iihiuu mxieivu ui me ecu sue suffered
ol mcKson anu siovan a saw a crow
a severe sprain of her
ankle a week ago that necessitates
the use of crutches Notwithstanding
her lameness she fought her assailant
desperutcly the two struggling for
nearly a half hour The negro was
finally frightened away by the
white man When the
man reached Miss Dezell she was In a
dead faint She Is in a serious condi
tion The negro escaped
Mrs Nation Still In Jail
Topeka Feb 20 Mrs Carrie Na
tion passed a quiet day m Jail Sho
refuses bail and says the Lord wishea
her to rest for a period
Mrs Nation was told that a few of
her most radical friends were talking
about making a raid on the county
Jail to release her and her friends
Mrs Nation sent this message to them
If you want to break up something
break up a few Joints but dont try
to break Into jail
Shot Duriufr Initiation Ceremony
Kokomo Intl Feb 20 Milton
Haney was accidentally shot last night
by a woman member of the locul
tribe of Daughters of Pocahontas In
an initiation ceremony held at the
lodge room In mistake she used a
revolver that had fallen from the
pocket of a member Instead of tho one
filled with blank cartridges provided
for the occasion The bullet struck
Ilaneys shoulder badly shattering It
Tettaton Hanged at Kennett
Kcmiett Mo Feb 20 James H
Tettaton was hanged here yesterday
He made a confession on the gallows
stating that he hired W T Burham
and A J Ransom to commit the crime
of killing nnd burning his stepmother
and her four children for which no
paid them 500 He spoke to tho pub
lic for 15 minutes and claimed to be
prepared to die
Women Itald a Poker Joint
Foy I T Feb 20 Two women
one a Mrs Boyd chopped their way
through tho window In the rear of
Frank Frolics saloon and surprised a
number of men playing draw poker
The men fled and the women wrecked
tho furniture Later Mrs Boyd whose
husband was n the game caused
Frolles arrest on a charge of gambling
Close lower Saloons
Cower Mo Fob 20 A number of
citizens of this town visited tho two
saloons here yostcrday nnd demanded
that they bo closed at onco Upon
tho refusal of the first proprietor vis
ited the liquor In his place was turned
Into the street The other keeper
thereupon closed his place and agreed
to go out of business
Hamilton Jury Still Out
Minneapolis Feb 20 At midnight
the Jury In the Hamilton murder cuse
had been unable to reach au agreo
uieut and has retired
Imiit rt ohllltlt Unties nn Certain ICt
Iciishe AiniTlmii Imports
St Petcrsbutg Feb IS M DeWltto
mlnlsUr of lluance has Issued a do
ire regarding the application of the
Increased tariff to certain Imports from
Ihe United States Tho deorco Is
bused upon tho first paragraph of
article 528 of the customs atatute
The measure will becomo efftwtlve a
fortnight after Its promulgation
In doing this M DeWltto has
proved his ability to hit quick and
hard He was evidently prepared for
reprisals before Secretary Gago took
final action M DeWltto sent to the
senate Wednesday for publication an
ordinance levying 30 per cent lncriiscd
duty on the most Important American
Imports Into Russia Tho ordlnnneo
was published yesterday In tho Official
Messenger and becomes effective
March 1 This action Is greatly re
gretted In American circles who an
ticipate much harm therefrom Well
informed Americans do not believe
the Hiipieine court will sustain the
claim that Russia pays a bounty on
sugar directly or Indirectly mid re
gard the action taken as hasty though
not unexpected It Is believed that
little harm would have resulted to
Russian Interests If the action of tho
court had been awaited
Troops Ihiilrr Wnldersnes Command at
Vohhift Onlored to Taku tho Field
CliiilUu Asked to Join
Poking Feb 18 A few days ago
Count Von Waldersee wrote to the
generals under his supervision notify
ing them to have all their available
troops reaily In two weeks for an ex
pedition lasting 80 days Yesterday
General Chaffee and General Voyron
the French commander received let
ters asking for their co operation and
expressing a desire to know what
forcoB they can spnre In commenc
ing his letter to General Chaffee
Count von Waldersee says
Owing to tho unsatisfactory naturo
j of the negotiations fixr peace and also
tv circumstances rendering such a
course desirable It will probably lo
necessary to resume military opera
tions on a large scale especially to
ward the west
It Is thought likely that General
Chaffee will agree to such a plan with
out Instructions from Washington
The French commander however Is
expected to do so
Ere long an announcement Is expect
ed that the destination of the proposed
expedition is Slan Fu The foreign en
voys believe Us object to be to compel
the Chinese to accept the terms of the
powers It is thought that when It
becomes known that the expedition has
started the Imperial court will hasten
to comply Immediately with all the de
mnnds of the Joint note
The military arc much elated at the
prospect of active service Many be
lieve the Chinese army will strive to
the uttermost to protect tho province
of Shcn SI against Invasion
Enormous Kesourre of the New Steel
Comliliio Cariiiio Is Well Paid
New York Feb 18 When the
charter of the New York steel trust
Is filed probably before the middle of
this week It will be found that its
authorized capital Is to be greater than
the Mini generally given In Wall street
recently as the prospective capital
It was learned that the stock of the
new corporation common and pre
ferred would aggregate about 900
000000 and the total capitalization In
cluding bonds Is expected to be more
than 1 000000000
What the exact Issue of bonds will
be Is a matter of mere conjecture to
the finnnclal world ns a whole The
bond Issue will probably not be much
grcnter than is required to pay for
Andrew Carnegies 85379000 or
stock in the Carnegie company This
stock of the Carnegie company Is val
ued at 1500 a share In the transac
tion the minority holders getting 150
per cent of their holdings In stock of
the new concern one half preferred
and one half common
Warning to Gompers
Chicago Feb 18 A warning wns
Issued to President Samuel Gompem
of the American Federation of Labor
yesterday to profit by the experience
of the Knights of Labor and not con
tinue to Insist on the consolidation of
unions and centralization of power
The warning Implies a threat that If
the American Federation of Labor
continues the course adopted at the
Louisville convention of Insisting upon
smaller unions uniting with tho larger
tho Chicago organization may with
draw from the national body
HI cyclist Collides With King Christian
London Feb 18 According to the
Copenhagen correspondent of the
Daily Mall while King Chrlstinn and
Prince Waldomar were promenading
Saturday a bicyclist collided with the
king whoso leg was slightly bruised
and whose clothing wns soiled with
mud Tho bicyclist Ignorant of the
identity of the king spoke rudely nnd
Prince Waldomar seized him nnd
handed him over to the police King
OhrMian however ordered that he
be released
i i
Bodies Not Vet Ilerovored
Cumberland B C Feb 19 Since
tho mines were opened for the first
time at noon Sundny after being flood
ed operations for tho recovery of the
bodies of tho entombed miners have
boon carried on continually Shifts
are working unceasingly each being
down four hours nnd now tho parties
are well In forcing back tho gas with
big current fans They have reached
the division between Nos 5 and 0
aud expect to reach the bodies today
90- HO
0 lln
Woulc sight lloadueho and many nervous dcniugonionLs
aro Iho results of eye strain The direct symptoms of an eye
out of measure or eye strain is inllamod lids woalc eyes
chronic sore eyes twitching of the lids inahility to use the
eyes any longth of time hlurring of letters when reading
pain in ho temples and eye ache when using the eye for lino
work sick or nervous headache when attending places of
amusement or when riding or shopping and inahility to eon
con rate mind on study in children Indirectly an eye out of
measure causes many nervous troubles such as constant hoad
acho neuralgia excessive nervousness norvous prostration
melancholia sleoplossness St Vitus dance spasmodic ovarian
and utcrino troublos spinal irritation and dizziness
DR H1011AWDS has inado thooyoand eye sight a special
ty for many years and is a graduate of a leading medical
collcgo also of an optical school is a registered Pharmacist
carries his diplomas and his registered pharmacist permit and
his physicians corlilicato with him which can bo soon in his
In examinations of the oyo ho is second to nono in this
country No experiment no guess work no failures scien
tific and exact uses tho best and most approved methods
aud instruments in tho examination of tho oyo
Difficult cases which havo baflled f he skill of Oculist and
Optician aro especially solicited Itailroad faro hotol bills
and examination foes must bo incurred consulting ominont
specialists in largo cities but for i limited time you havo au
opportunity of having your oyes examined free by a doctor of
ago and experience ono that is capable of doing you as good
sorvico as any Optician or Oculist in America If you havo
weak eyes dimness of vision or trouble noted abovo como
and bo examined you cannot afford to miss this opportunity
Will be at Christophs Drug Store Februaary
26 and 27
To make a Fortune The Opportunity may not
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2 I Hour
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For tiiuo tables and full iuforiuntiou call 011
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Boo that Mr Edisons signature Is on every machine Cata
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