The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 22, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    r M aufl i
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Last Week But One of Present
Session of Congress
Mneh Ilunlnnn Vet Itelnalus ll Ills
ITOm1 OfledlooH on Wr Tai ttedun
tlon Hill Contlnues Annata Will DeTote
Its Time to Appropriation lllll
Washington Fob III Delrguto Wil
cox of 1 law all yowtorduy scored ii dis
tinct triumph In securing u unanimous
vote of house coiiiiiilttiM on elections
No 1 eonllrinlng IiIh right to a scut
In tho house of representatives and
holding lint tin charges Med against
Mm wore not sulllelent to wurriint his
roinovii Chairman Taylor was an
thnrlzcd to make ttio iomH to Unit
effect which will bo submitted in
about n wit
After tbo mooting Mr Taylor ex
plained tbo general considerations
Tvhlch bad Influenced tbo decision of
tbo committee Tbo case wan con
lilcrcd not so much In Its tecbiilcal as
peet Itut rntber on broail in numls nil
tbo elroiiniHtnncrH coiiiIIUoiih and sur
roundings applicable to Hawaii as mm
of our hiHiilnr possessions being taken
Into consideration
Ah a delegate from a now territory
It won not felt tlmt be should Ixi met
with tbo sumo strict construction re
quired In sustaining thq right of a rep
resentntlve In congress to IiIh Heat an
tbo delegate hnH only limited powers
and Ib little more tban an or wit As
to tbo charges of treason tbo letters
placed In evidence wore written prior
to tbo organic net maklnir Hnwnll a ter
ritory and tlioro was no disposition to
K0 Into these prior Issues Whatever
may be the technical Irregularity of tbo
i election tlioro was the saving fact that
an n perfect machinery of election was
established and a ballot box regularly
provided practically every one partici
pated In tbo voting and the will of
the people was expressed
And on broad political grounds
aid Taylor we felt that the people of
these limular possessions should
i atund that they were not to be mot by
mere technical objections which won
deprive thoin of representation
Washington Fob HI That the op-
position to the shipping bill In the
ate will not permit a vote to bo taken
on the mciiHiiro at the present session
was made clear during tbo closing
hours of yesterdays session For sev
eral days It has been evident that It
would bo dllllcult to gain unanimous
consent to take a vote on the measure-
fout not until late yesterday was the
t rank admission made that a vote could
not be bad During the few hours
consideration of the bill Teller an
nounced his Intention to prevent a vote
this session In an Impassioned speech
he said bo would not consent to a vote
and It must be apparent that no voto
could be had The statement by the
Colorado senator elicited a sharp re
icponse from Aldrlch who Insisted that
despite the declaration of Teller tbo
business of the senate would proceed In
accordance with the wishes of the ma
jority Tellers statement also drew
the lire of Chandler who assorted that
the position of the opposition was pre
posterous Ilanna replied to Teller In
a forceful speech in the course of
rrhlch be became Impassioned In his
denunciation of the methods employed
by the opposition to defeat the
tire The advocates of the bill he said
were honestly endeavoring to advance
the best Interests of the country and
he resented the Insinuations against
their honesty of purpose
Senate Amends It by
atlon for Seeds ami Seed Distribution
Washington Feb 10 The senate
yesterday passed the agricultural up
iPropriatlon bill and considered the
nipping bill Mr Perkins of Cali
fornia addressed the senate He fav
ored an amended bill and had many
objections to the bill us reported An
-amendment Increasing the appropria
tion for seeds and seed distribution
from 170000 to 270000 wuh agreed
Iter J J Dolllver of Fort Dodge
In the venerable father of Senator
Dolllver pronounced the Invocation at
the opening of tbo senate
A resolution authorizing the Indian
committee of the seunte during the
recess of congress to visit Indian
vations and Indian schools was
Fillliuilur Couaume Time of Home
Washington Feb 10 Under tbo
leadership of Mr Cannon chairman
of the appropriation committee a long
filibuster consumed the time of the
house yesterday Mr Cannon desired
the bouse to proceed with tbo huudry
civil appropriation but was caught
napping by the Democrats who de
ired to devote the day to the consid
eration of private claims It was the
hist day under the rules which coulil
bo devoted to claims at this congress
and notices had been sont out Thurs
day asking tbo Democrats to be In
their seats yesterday As a result Mr
Cannon was outwitted but he kept up
tbe light nil day forcing roll calls for
three hours and later filibustering In
committee of tbe whole ami winding
op ny making the point of no ouorum
against two small bills favorably acted
npon in committee The net result was
mt the whole day was wasted
Washington Feb 18 Tbe last week
but one of tbo preseut session of con
tress will be an exceedingly busy one
In tbe house Much business lemalns
to be disposed of and the invariable
crowding which characterizes tha clos
ing hours of a congress has begun al
ready The appropriation bills so far
as tbe house is concerned urn in tniny
good shape The last of them tbo
general dcllcloncy bill will follow on
tbe heels of the sundry civil bill which
In about half completed Those bills
and conference rejmrts will ho given
the right of way over anything else
All other matters some of thum of
great Importance relatively but not of
Imperative necessity to 1 pnssed wilt
hnve to take their chances in tho final
rush Hanker Henderson In almost
constantly besieged by memlierH Im
portuning him In the Interest of vari
ous measure He In keeping every
thing clear for the great bills and let
ting the drifUwood of legislation Into
the current only when It will not Im
pede progress of things which must
pans congress before March t There
aro many knotty problems to be
solved In connection with the appro
priation bills over differences between
the two houses and many good sized
rows are promised The ultimata
fate of the river and harbor bill will
probably doMnd upon how heavily It
Is loaded when It comes back from the
senate The biggest tight lietween
tho two houses from present appear-
ancos la likely to occur over tho war
revenue reduction act Tho somite
conferees seem determined at pres
ent to force tho senate substitute or al
low tho bill to fall Hut the houso con
ferees nre standing Inn mid an many
memtMrn of the houso hnve then
backs up the Impression prevails that
tho houso will support their con
ferees and If It does the senate In tho
end may be eonielled to ylold To
day In susiHHislon day and the bill ap
propriating 5000000 for the St Louis
cxosltloti will be put on Its passage
A motion to suspend the rules will cut
off opportunity for nmoudnient and no
doubt In entertained that thin bill will
command the two thirds necessary to
secure Its passage upon a motion to
suspend tbe rules The program with
reference to this nnd other measures
however may lie materially modified
If It becomes certain before March 4
that an extra session Is to bo called
Appropriation IIIIU In Senate
Washington Feb 18 Tbe sonata
will devote practically all of Its time
during the preseut week to appropria
tion bills The postolllce
tlon bill will probably be taken up to-
duy upon convening though it may
give place to the diplomatic and con
sular appropriation bill The amount
of time to be consumed In discussing
those measures will depend largely
upon the determination which may be
reached wltb reforeuce to the ship sub
sidy bill So long as the Democrats
feel that tho subsidy bill is to he
pressed In case of u lull they will in
sist upon debating all measures pre
sented The bill making appropria
tions for fortltlcntlon will also receive
attention during the week and It Is
exacted that the conference roiort
upon the Indian bill will bo considered
The army bill probably will be re
ported late in the week but not in
time to be debated before the begin
ning of next week
There is some talk of tho renewal
of night sessions but it is not prob
able that they will be again under
taken until the closing days of the ses
President Mvys He Will Summon Congress
Must Take Cam of Cutis
Washington Feb 18 Tho president
told senators who called upon him
Saturday that congress would be
called In oxtra session us soon us the
Cubiui constitution was received
The president has seldom been
known to talk so freely wltb mem
bers of congress and other public men
on any question he had In contempla
tion us he now talks with them con
cerning an extra session of congress
He has not as yet Indicated a time
when he should expect congress to
meet and this he is not expected to do
until tho Cuban constitutional conven
tion shall complete Its work
Tho prediction Is general that In
case an extra session is called It will
extend well Into tho summer
It 1b not believed that Its deliber
ations could be confined to Cuba but
that the Philippine question the anti
trust bill and the subsidy bill if that
should fail to be disposed of at the
present session would all come In for
a share of attention
Washington Feb 10 The bill to
authorize the holding of tbe Interna
tional exposition in celebration of tbo
centennial anniversary of tbo Louisi
ana purchase ut St Louis lu 1003 und
appropriating 5000000 therefor
passed the house under suspension of
the rules 101 to 11 The opposition
was hoiKlessly in the minority und tbo
struggle over the bill wus brief The
question of closing the exposition on
Sunday was uot mentioned during the
The bill to define the wopj con
spiracy lu the Sherman untl trubt
luw to avoid the possibility of Its be
ing held applicable to lubor organiza
tions was defeated by almost a two
thirds vote on uccount of two amend
ments which the judiciary committee
placed on the bill and which were op
posed by tho labor organizations
Tbo Buudry civil bill was under con
sideration lute lu tbe day and Can
nou took occasion to make a detailed
statement of the expenditures of tbo
present congress Ho was led to tbts
be said by many criticisms of tbe reck
less extruvagunco of this congress The
Bltuutiou be said was quite bad
enough without exaggerating it Ho
figured that the appropriations would
total 001158559 exclusive of the
sinking fund requirement of 53000
000 against 057150802 for the cur
rent year In tho course of bis re
marks ho tired some hot shots at the
minority for prating of economy nml
not helping to uphold the bands of
himself and others when they were
trying to keep appropriations down
Washington Fob 20 lly the em
phatic vote of 1H to VI the scnato yes
terday rejected tho conference report
on the military academy appropriation
bill This action came at the conclu
sion of spirited debute upon the pro
vision against hazing Inserted In tho
report by the conference committee of
the two branches of congress Discus
sion of the provision occupied tho
greater part of the session ami tho
report of the conferees was rejected
because it wan regarded by 0 largo
majority of tho senate as too drastic
nml while no Instructions could bn
given tbe conferees by tho senate It
was understood Hint to secure favor
able action by tbe nennte a modlllcd
provision as to the penalty for hazing
would have to be presented and agreed
iiMii by bo conferees
Knrly In the dny Dqboe Ky deliv
ered his announced speech upon tho
Nicaragua canal Ho reviewed at
length the proceedings which led up
to the present situation and strongly
advocated the construction of tha
wnierway oy rne united States
An effort was made to obtain consid
eration of the bill reviving the grada
of vice admiral of the nnvy for thn
benellt of Roar Admirals Sampson and
Schley but It was unavailing
Washington Feb 20 The house
pent the day upon tbe sundry civil
appropriation bill and reached the 0th
page There are 135 page- lu the bill
Tho feature of tho day was the do
bate upon the question of national
Irrigation of arid lands In the west
Cannon predicted that If the scheme
were entered upon it would cost more
than 750000000 la the next 50 years
Cannon reported the last of tho gen
eral appropriation bills the dcilclency
Hltt chairman of the committee on
foreign relations reported back the
resolution of Inquiry Introduced by
Naphon Mass and It was adopted
The resolution Is as follows
Uvnolved That the secretary of tho treas
ury lie requested to In form tho houso If
our ports or witters huve been used for
the exportation of horses mules and other
supplies for use In South Africa and If so
to what extent ami whut steps have beea
taken to prevent the samp nlso tho num
ber of horses nnd mules that huvo been
shipped since the hrclunlng of the war In
South Africa tn the preseut time kIvIiir
the shipments from each port and tho
Washington Feb 21 The Iioum
finally passed the sundry civil appro
priation bill yesterday and entered
upon consideration of the general de
ficiency tho last of the general appro
priation bills Lentz furnished the
sensation of the day He used a news
paper paragraph recounting the death
of a federal judge Charles Lyland in
New Mexico who had been a member
of the legislature which elected Sen
ator Hannn as a text for charging that
a judicial place had been given Lyland
lu return for his vote for nonator
This called forth a rebuke from Can
non who declared that bravo men
fought the living and only ghouls rav
ished the tombs of the deud Grosve
nor attempted to reply nnd tho two
Ohloans were nnxlous for the fray
but Cannon would not permit lie
thought if dirty linen was to be
washed the gentlemen should hire a
hull Later Lontz made a second on
slaught of a more sensational charac
ter and brought down upon himself
the whole Republican side of the house
In some remarks about a paragraph
In the bill for payments for the appre
hension of deserters Lentz made tbe
startling charge that soldiers in the
Philippines had buried a native alive
and bud then beheaded him and he
read a letter written he said by a
soldier lu the Philippines saying that
he und bis companions while on an
expedition were ordered to shoot every
man and beast they found
Lentz said If these things were truo
the soldiers were justified In desert
ing Qannon Mnhou Grosvenor and
Moody amid warm applause strongly
rebuked Lentz Cannon declared that
If Lentz were in the Philippines he
would be tried by court martial and
shot Mahon thought Lentz romarks
were revamps of the copperhead
speeches of -10 years ago and Moody
read the words of Lincoln that the
man who encourages a soldier to de
sert Is worse than the deserter
lotttofflce Hill In benute
Washington Feb 21 The senate
spent the day on the postollice appro
priation bill making boine progress but
not completing It Ilutlers amendment
proposing u reduction of about 0 per
cent hi the pay for the railway postal
service was defeated 18 to 51 ufter a
debate in which Depew unswered llut
lers criticisms on the large protits
made by American roads Luto in
the day a sharp controversy on the
pneumatic tube question wus precipi
tated by an uuiemlment offered by
Mason extending that service to Chi
cago and one by Vest extending It to
St Louis Halo severely criticised
those promotlug tbo system referr
ing to a Job and lobby When he
made u point of order that a commit
tee bud not passed on tho amendment
tbo advocates of tho extension quickly
circulated a cull for a meeting of the
committee on postofllees and the ses
sion closed with Wolcotts humorous
announcement of the couimltteo meet
ing In responso to the imperative de
mauds made on him
State Departments Aiisner
Washington Feb 21 The answer
of the state department to the house
resolution calling for a statement of
Its reasons for allowing United States
ports to be used for forwarding Amer
ican horses and other supplies to the
British army In South Africa a priv
ilege not enjoyed by tbe Boers will
point to the well established section
of International law warranting ueu
trnl nations lu selling supplies to bel
ligerents though these supplies may
properly bo seized by a belligerent It
nlso will be shown that no ohstnclo
wns Interposed by the United States
government to the purchnse of homes
and mules by the Boors who presum
ably did not do so becnttso they were
unable to land them In South Africa
Henalor lettiu Thinks It Ought Not t
He laaned
Washington Feb 10 Nearly tho
whole of yesterdays session of tno
senate wan devoted to consideration ot
tho postofUcc appropriation bill So
far as committee amendments to tho
measure ure concerned the bill prac
tically was completed although tho
amendment appropriating 500000 for
an extension of the pneumatic tuba
service remains undisposed of
Pettus delivered a speech lu oppo
sition to the ship subsidy bill Tho
quaint humor with which the address
wan replete nnd his unique arraign
ment of Democrats who supported the
measure attracted unusual attention
Just before adjournment tbo confer
ence report on the military academy
appropriation bill was laid before the
senate Daniel made a vigorous at
tack upon the provision which debars
a cadet convicted of hazing from ever
holding n commission in the army
nnvy or marine corps The bill Is still
Senator Hale Introduces Hill for Promo
tion of Hampson and Hcliley
Washington Feb 10 Senator Hale
chairman of the senate committee on
naval affairs yesterday Introduced a
bill for the revival of the grade of vice
admiral In the uuvy and authorizing
the president to appoint two rear ad
mirals to that otllce Tho bill Is in
the Interest of Admirals Sampson and
Schley and is Intended to aid In solv
ing tbe problem of their promotion as
well as the promotion of other officers
who served with them lu the Spanish
Senntor Hale Introduced a Joint res
olution of thanks to Admiral Sump
son In accordance with the presidents
Senator McComns Introduced a bill
and resolution similar to that of Sen
ator Hale but the McComas bill pro
vides thnt the men to be made vice ad
mirals shall be selected from those
who participated In the naval battle
off Santlngo His resolution extend
ing the tbnnks of congress names
Schley and places him before Samp
Goal Up to Forty In the Republican Sena
torial Caucus Indications of a Break
In tho Deadlock
Lincoln Feb 20 Tbe Ave ballots
taken in the Republican senatorial
caucus last night were without result
but substantial gains were made by
D E Thompson and Edward Rose
water the former running up his total
to 40 and the hitter to 10 votes Nine
men refused to cuter the caucus Sen
ator Steele one of the bolters sald he
looked for uu early break in the dead
The fifth ballot resulted Thompson
40 Meiklojohu 25 Currie 14 Bosc
water 10 Hinsbnw 9 Martin 6
Kiukaid 5 Crounse 0 Ilurlan 3
In joint session Tuesday Currie was
the chief loser to MeikleJohn who
went up to 33 Thompson also gained
one getting back to 35 The other
changes were unimportant
Tho vote
22 23 24 25 28 27
Allen 50 51 02 45 35 28
Bergr 3 6 5 S C 2
Crounse 0 7 4 4 5 S
Currie 10 20 18 18 12 11
Dietrich 1 l
Halncr 5 4 4 4 5 B
Harlan 1 2 2 2 2 2
Hitchcock 21 51 45 10 23
Hlnshnw 14 14 14 18 10 13
narrluKtou 1 41
Klnkold 4 4 4 4 4 5
MeikleJohn 30 31 31 29 28 33
Morlan 1 1 1 1 1 1
Martin 0 8 10 0 8 7
Rosewnter 1ft 15 15 15 15 10
Ransom s
Thompson I K 34 33 33 30 20 33
Thompson W II 0 7 57 7 23 11
Senate and House Hotli Get Down to Bail
net Uouie Favors Hide Bill
Lincoln Feb 20 The senate after
listening to bills on first and second
reading took up bills on third reud
Ing and passed a number Tuesday
Among the bills pnssed was an act re
straining mnle animals from running
at large and nnotber defining vagrants
and providing a penalty for vagrancy
In committee of the whole the house
Tuesday recommended Senator Van
Bosklrks hide inspection bill for puss
age as amended by tbe senate Ham
iltons bill to admit hydropathic heal
ers to practico under the state medical
laws was overwhelmingly defeated
Hamilton and Gishwlller being the
only members who voted In Its favor
South Omaha Charter
Lincoln Feb 20 The house com
mittee on cities and towns yesterday
had under consideration the proposed
charter for South Omaha Introduced
by Representative Wilcox Arguments
were beard but the committee decided
to tuke no uctlon on tbo measure or
any of the numerous amendments un
til Thursday afternoon A delegation
headed by Councilman Johnston was
here from South Omaha Thero was
little opposition to tbe moasuro as n
whole but on the proposition to allow
nil present city otllclals to hold over
oplulou wus widely divided
In Iruuiout Next Year
Lincoln Feb 21 Tho county com
missioners und supervisors held two
sessions yesterday and admitted a
number of new members to the asso
ciation Considerable attention Is
given to legislation affecting county
boards It was decided to bold the
next annual meeting lu Fremont
Antl Clieok Ktnolntlon Diet In Nebraska
Lincoln Fed 21 Tho house yester
day passed Van Bosklrks hide In
spection bill and several measures af
fecting supreme court procedure
among them that Introduced by Mc
Carthy ut the request of tho State Bar
The senate devoted an hour to the
discussion of a resolution Introduced
by Llddell requesting thnt all corpora
tions within the state pay their em
ployes In cash once a week and do
nway with the check system The
resolution aimed specifically at the
South Omaha packing houses but It
was objected to on the ground thnt
this body could do nothing more than
make such request and a discussion
of such n resolution wus wasting the
time of the senate A motion by Ran
som to ntlspend the rules and have
the resolution engrossed for third rend
ing was lost
The labor committee reported for
postponement senate file 140 nu act
establishing a board of examining en
Bays Hutitlnjr Stories nave Itrcn Creation
of Correspondent Drains
Colorado Springs Colo Feb 18
Governor Roosevelt Is In Colorado
Springs tbe guest of P B Stewart
Governor Roosevelt Is much annoyed
over the bulr ralslng stories that have
been circulated concerning his hunting
experiences To a representative of
the Associated Press he gave the fol
lowing statement
No correspondent of any nowspnper
was within 40 miles of where I was
hunting at any time during the five
weeks 1 was out Tbe sensational
stories such as those describing nd
ventures with bears and wolves 7ere
deliberate and willful fabrications
We did not sec a bear or wolf on the
entire trip Aside from lynx and
smaller game our hunting was con
fined to hunting the socalled mountain
lions or panthers I got 12 of them
I never enjoyed a holiday more
Waterloo Kdltor Unburdens nis Mlud Re
garding Pat Crowe Yarn
Waterloo lu Feb 18 Editor I
Van Metre of tbe Waterloo Tribune
whose purported interview with Pat
Crowe and confession from him In re
gard to the Cudahy kidnaping case
has gone broadcast over the country
today declared the whole matter a
In his explanation of the story Van
Metre states that the day before tho
publication of his weekly paper found
him without enough matter to fill his
columns and that believing It would
not be tnken seriously he wrote and
published the Pat Crowe yarn
Put Poison In His Coffee
Topeka Kan Feb 18 Sheriff Cook
yesterday arrested Mrs Maggie Cum
mins and her 14-year-old daughter
Edna on a warrant issued in Jeffer
son county charging them with the
murder of John Cummins a quarry
man divorced husband of Mrs Cum
mins Tho daughter is charged with
putting poison in the coffee drank by
the father which resulted In bis im
mediate death Mrs Cummins Is
charged with Instigating the crime
The body was exhu aed and the stom
ach removed and subjected to a chem
ical analysis
Two Killed at a Danse
Williamsburg Ky Feb 18 A trag
edy occurred at a dance at Jellico last
night as the result of an old grudge
between two mluers named Struuk
and Surgeher The two men were
dancing One of them accidentally
jostled the other and a quarrel re
sulted Strunk flred atSurgener the
ball passing entirely through his body
and killing a boyjinmed Martin who
was directly behind him Surgener
fell without a moan being killed In
stantly Strunk was arrested
Goulds Coming West
New York Feb 18 George J
Gould and Mrs Gould his two elder
Bons and tils two young daughters
will leave their home at Lakewood
N J todny for a railroad trip over
the various systems In which Mr
Gould is Interested The journey
will be from 10000 to 12000 miles In
length nnd will last about a month
The Goulds will go first to St Louis
nnd after thnt will travel over tbe va
rious roads In the west nnd southwest
Danish Antilles Deal is Off
London Feb 18 The Danish gov
ernment says tho Copenhagen corre
spondent of the Dally Mall has sua
denly broken off all dealings with tho
United States regarding the sale of the
Danish West ludlcs This Is due to n
satisfactory offer mndo by the Danish
East Asian Steamship company io as
sist and In the future administer tbo
Islands The American government
has been notified as to this decision
Urst Snow In Fifty Years
Mexico City Feb 18 Yesterday
snow fell In this city nnd In tho valley
of Mexico Xlie ground belntf cov
eren iin snow in tno nigner suburos
Where treos and tropical plants were
beautifu with white a mantle greatly
aroused the curiosity of tho people and
fronted much excitement Snow hud
not fallen In this city before for ueurlj
half a century
Ilobbcr Tap a Dank Safe
Grand Island Neb Feb 1U A small
state bank at Phillips seven miles east
of here wns robbed Friday night
Four robbers broke down tbo door wltn
a sledge hammer and completely
wrecked tho safe securing between
1000 and 1500 Some of the money
wns so bndly defaced and torn that one
could not tell Its denomination Citi
zens were uroused and a few shots
fired but there Is no clue whatever to
Idt ntJfy any of the gang
Kansas Saloon Wrecker Un-
able to Give Peace Bond
Announres That She Will Resume Her
Crusade Immediately Open
Uer Heleaie Which U Not Considered
Likely for Some Time
Topeka Kan Feb 19 Mrs Nation
Is now In the county jail as a result
of her trial on n peace warrant before
Judgo Hazen The warrant wan
worn to by tho Moescr Cold Storagu
company whose plant Mrs Nation en
tered Sunday morning
Mrs Nation acted as her own attorney
lu tbo trial Judge Hazen placed her
under 2000 bond to keep the pence
and ordered her to appear before him
at the next term of court Mrs Na
tion refused to give the bond and said
she would go to Jail She Is now de
tained In the hospital room of tho
county Jail where she will probably
remain for some time
In tbo city court yesterday argu
ments were given In the case brought
against Mrs Nation by tbe proprietors
of the wrecked Sennte saloon
Judge McCabe said he would take the
matter under advisement until Thurs
day morning
It Is not likely that Mrs Nation will
be able to give bond because she de
clares that she will resume her smash
ing crusnde against tbe Joints Imme
diately upon her release Her friends
hnve been nd vised that Judge Hazen
will order her relense only on promise
to send her to her home at Medicine
Lodge Judge Hazen placed Chi Mc
Donnld Mrs Itose Crist and Miss
Madeline Southard under pence bonds
The Judgo delivered a scathing ad
dress to the three Nation lieutenants
ne expressed the opinion that Mrs
Nation Is Insane nnd said those per
sons who encourage her methods of
reform ought to be ashamed of them
Somewhat of a sensation wns pro
duced In the snloon wreckers camp
when It became known that three of
their members had been put under
bond nnd that others were to be sued
for malicious trespass Interesting
developments are looked for
Issues More Ultimatums
Winfleld Kan Feb 19 A printed
circular signed Determined Women
warning the Winfleld Commercial club
has been Issued It says that men
meet at the club to drink gamble
and hold liquor carnival and closes
If these things are not stopped the
den of vice will be demolished and
you may prosecute your mothers
wives and daughters If you choose
The saloon keepers have stored their
goods at their houses and say they will
defend them with their lives
Soldiers Guarding nail Frampton at Ne
braska City
Nebraska City Neb Feb 19 At 11
oclock last night on an order from
Governor Dietrich company C of tho
Nebraska Natlonul Guard was
marched to the court house nnd sta
tioned in the corridor of the Juil to pre
vent the lynching of Hall Frampton
tbe negro who Sunday night mur
dered his stepdaughter Ella Clark
There had been some excitement dur
ing tbe day but the presence of
troops has apparently quieted the mob
Lincoln Feb 19 A message from
Nebraska City at 1 oclock this morn
ing says all is quiet with the troops
guarding the Jail Governor Dietrich
denies thnt he ordered out th6 troops
and says whoever did so acted without
Shot by Honolulu Kdltor
San Francisco Feb 19 Advices
from Honolulu state that Edwin S
Gill editor of the Republican shot and
seriously wounded Mortimer H
Stevens a member of tbe staff of the
Advertiser in the ofllce of the Repub
lican Stevens called at the office of
Gills paper with a complaint about an
article Gill hud published concerning
some women who wore stopping at tbo
Hawaiian hotel nnd to ask that no
more be said on the subject The In
terview led to high words Gill was
struck by Stevens and he drew a re
volver and shot Stevens In the leg In
flicting a dnngerous flesh wound
Commend Harlows Plan
Indiannpolls Feb 10 Senator Bar
low who introduced in the Indiana
legislature the bill legalizing saloon
smashing says he Is receiving hun
dreds of letters from Kansas Ne
braska Illinois and other western
states commending the Idea and many
are asking for copies of the bill to
be Introduced In the legislatures of
their own states Senntor Barlow
says he will fight for tho bill and will
insist on Its passing as It aimed at
Uio correction of an evil In a practical
To Test Ferret Law
Des Moines Feb 19 Sult has been
begun by the heirs of ex Ghief Justlco
Day In this county to test the tar
ferret law under which the estate has
been nssessed on about 13000 worth
of property which had not been ns
sessed previous to the death of Judge
Day The heirs resisted assessment
in tbe courts nnd were beaten but
have now attacked the law on Its con
stitutional features
Convicted of Wnter Theft
Chicago Feb 10
Ilarry Iloore su
perintendent of tho Continental Pack
ing and
Provision company was found
guilty of stealing 187000 gallons of
water from the city mains In the stock
yards for theuse of the packing com
pan with which he U connected