The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 22, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Wi W
14 7
Complete Surrender on Part of
i Imperial Court
Foreign Knvoys Orant Itequest for Strang
alatlon Instead of Ieeadtatlon In Tiro
CasesNegotiations Hoardlng runlsli
ments Now Considered Closed
Ixmdon Feb 21 Dr Morrison wir
ing to the Times from Peking says
The court has yielded and consented
to the Inlllctlon of the punishment fle
innnded petitioning however that the
sentences on Chao Shu Schlo and Ylng
Nlen may be strangulation Instead of
decapitation To this the foreign en
Toys have agreed The question there
font Is virtually settled and the main
reason for the Tal Yuen Fu expedition
censes to exist
Commenting upon the latest advices
from Peking the Times says There
t cannot be nny reasonable doubt that
the sudden surrender of the Chinese
court was due to fears Inspired by
Count von Wnldcrseos order The
lesson will not be lost on the nllles
should the Chinese resort again to
their traditional tactics of evasion ana
London Feb 21 At their latest
meeting says the Peking correspond
ent of tho Morning Post wiring yester
day the foreign envoys agreed to a
compromise They propose to permit
the imperial court to commute the
Bontcnces of decapitation In the cases
of Prince Tuan Duke Lan and Gen
eral Tung Fu Uniting to life Imprison
ment and will agree to the following
punishments Prince Chwnng to be
strangled Yu Ilslen to be decapitated
Chao Shu Scliio and Ylng Nien to be
permitted to strangle thmselves and
Chi Hsln and IIw Chung Wn to be be
headed In Peking If the court ad
vances no new obstacles tho negotia
tions on the first point of the demands
of tho powers may be considered
President of Rrlchiirnth Bombarded by
Czechs anil Sitting Adjourns In Uproar
Vienna Feb 21 There was a repe
tition yesterday of the turbulent
scenes marking most of the recent
sittings of the relehsrath which com
pelled the president to close the ses
The trouble nrose over the presi
dents statement that he proposed to
use the right of censorship in regard
to interpellations The Czechs and
pan Germans simultaneously attempt
ed to make speeches in their respective
languages Pnndemonlum followed
find objectlonnble epithets wore passed
freely Finally the young Czechs
forced their way o the presidential
chair and bombarded the president
with paper balls whereupon the sit
tings were suspended amid scenes of
tho greatest uproar
Going to Spend a Few Days With III In
valid Sister Empress Frederick
London Feb 21 The announcement
of the date Saturday of King Ed
wards departure for Friedrichshof
near Cronberg has revived the stories
that his trip will be extended to Berlin
to repay Emperor Williams visit to
England at the time of Queen Vic
torias death and that he will go
thence to Denmark At present how
ever his majesty has no Intention of
bo doing He will merely pay a
ly private visit of n few days to the
Dowager Empress Frederick He will
not be accompanied by the queen It
Is probable that at the end of March
King Edward and Queen Alexandra
will go to Copenhagen whence King
Edward will visit Prince Henry oi
Prussia at Kiel
Rebel Forces Are Occupying Country Be
tween Colon and Panama
Kingston Feb 21 The British
steamer Louisiana which arrived here
from Colon Colombia reports that
when It left the latter port Feb 13
the rebel forces still held their posi
tions in the vicinity of the railroad
line between Colon and Panama but
that there had been no serious fight
Liberal sympathizers attempted to set
fire to the town of Boras Del Toro a
fortnight ago A policeman discovered
the plot just as a powder train was
about to be Ignited The discovery
created consternation in the town
The streets are now patrolled nightly
by business men of the community
who Include many Americans
Pool Belling Lawful In Mlssonrl
Jefferson City Mo Feb 21 The
supremo court yesterday In passing
on the decisions of lower courts in
which these laws were involved de
clared the following enactments con
stitutional State barber examiner
law Breeders racing law allowing
bookmaklng and pool selling on race
tracks licensed by the state nudltor
law taxing Inheritances for the benefit
of tho State university
Find Shortage or 830000
Salem Or Feb 21 The special
committee appointed by the legislature
to examine the books of the state land
office yesterday reported that a defal
cation of 30000 had been discovered
In that department the shortage hav
ing occurred in 1804 when George W
Davis handled the school funds
Kennedy Trlnl Nearing End
New York Feb 21 The trial of
Dr Kennedy charged with the murder
of Dolly Reynolds is nearly at an enct
The defense summed up yesterday and
today will come the closing address
for the prosecution the judges charge
and probably verdict
Heighten of ItFTolutlon llefiue to De
nounce ItelteLtlniis on Their Offleers
Washington Feb 21 After the pre
liminary opening exercises at yester
days session of the National Society
of the Daughters of the American
Revolution a stir was created when
Mrs Ncsbeth of Massachusetts pre
sented a resolution to the effect that
the statement recently circulated at
tacking the bonrd of ofllceres of the
1 A R being untrue libelous ana
reflecting upon the honor of the organ
ization should receive the disappro
val of the society After some dis
cussion the resolution was laid upon
the table
Mrs Daniel Manning presented her
report as chairman of the committee
on the Continental hall The report
showed that from Feb 101000 to Feb
10 1001 there was received toward tho
fund 10700 The fund now amounts
to 02823 Continuing the report
Again and for the last time I
urge you to do your part toward thin
memorial of the great men who
counted no sacrifice too great for ac
complishing our Independence A
building should be erected that would
be ono of the finest hillls In the
country for It will represent 35000
o fthc lwst women of America
Jury Ilrlngs In a Verdict of Manslaughter
In First Degree unit Itccoinuiuiids
Hint to Courts Mercy
Minneapolis Fep 21 The Jury n
the case of Frank II Hamilton tried
on the charge of stabbing Leonard
Day to death on the night of Nov 25
yesterday returned a verdict of man
slaughter In the first degree
The penalty is imprisonment at ham
labor for a term of not less than live
nor more than 20 years
The jury recommended Hamilton to
the mercy of the court
Tho jury had been out so long that
hope of agreement had nbout been
given up The Jury Informed the dep
uties nt 015 that It had agreed but
It took half an hour to arrange tho pre
liminaries Hamilton was brought
into court to hear the verdict He hd
enjoyed a good sleep and seemed In
excellent spirits When the verdict
was read Hamilton nppcared dazed and
made no other sign than to shake his
head In mute protest
Ho wns remanded to jnll to await
sentence and absolutely refused to sec
any one except his devoted friend
Miss Johnson of Colorado Springs
nis attorneys nt once moved for n
new trial but no date was set for hear
ing the arguments When the prisoner
reached the Jail he said to Taller Alex
ander with a despairing gesture
Theyve found me guilty captain
but I do not deserve it
Smlth Dorrleus Forro Not Ilpnrd From
Since Its Fight With Ilotha
London Feb 21 Grave anxiety Is
felt for the fate of Sniith Dorriens
column which has not been heard of
since Feb 0 when it lost 24 killed and
40 wounded in a heavy engagement
with Commandant Botha at Botliwell
The officers in comma nil at Wondor
fontein the nearest post on the rail
way to the scene of the engagement
reports that he lias no news of Smith
Dorrien who has nbout 2500 men un
der him
Lord Kitchener has returned to Pre
toria leaving the clinse after Dewet
in the hands of Knox Dewet has
completely fooled Kitchener The lat
ter thought lie had the Boer general
surrounded near De Aar Cape Colony
but found he was mistaken and Is
wondering now where Dewet will be
heard from next
A raid unon Cane Town whiin nn
pearing Impossible at this distance
is said to be actually feared
A special dispatch from Pretoria
snys tho Boers at Klip river Feb 18
derailed a train containing General
Kitcheners bactrace The train ivn
preceded by another on which the
commander-in-chief was a passenger
An armored train drove off the Boers
but the latter secured the contents of
the train derailed
Large Foroe at Work lumplng Water Out
of Flooded Mine
Birmingham Ala Feb 21 Thir
teen negro miners were yesterday en
tombed in the coal mines of the state
Insane asylum about two miles from
Tuscaloosa by a Hood of water from
an abandoned shaft which filled the
mine to the depth of ten feet There
Is a large force at work pumping the
water out of the mines but little prog
ress is being made The fate of the
entombed miners is problematic It is
thought it will take 24 hours to clear
the mines At present there appears
practically no hope unless air reaches
mein in a snort time
Iowa CrU Highest Score
Ames la Feb 21 Professor Cut
tls director of the Iowa state expert
ment station received a telegram
from G L McKay Instructor In dairy
Ing who is attending tho national
dairymens convention at St Paul that
the butter sent from the Iowa state
college creamery received the hlghesl
score It being 08 He also states that
it was the largest exhibition of but
ter ever held
Ills Iowa Seed House Hums
Shenandoah In Feb 21 Tho big
seed corn house of J It Rntekin Son
together with 15000 bushels of select
corn was destroyed by fire last night
The lire caught in the engine room and
several cars of oats and wheat were
burned An attempt was made to
burn tho Doty Bros flour and feed
store wniie th Katekln tiro was un
der way but It was discovered In
Seeks Vengeance for Assault on
Gcrbcricks Daughter
lloltertnaker Nearrh fur Mick Sister
and Finding llhn lone Orgmilxe Com
mittee for Future Vengeance Spirited
Away From Toprkit by u liiiity Sheriff
Topekn Feb 21 The vigilance of
officers was all that saved Slick
Slater from lynching by an Infuriated
mob last night He will yet be
lynched If he off lie found Slater as
saulted Lottti Gorberlek
Monday evening and wns captured by
Uopcku officers the next day In Car
bondale 20 miles from here The offi
cers kept the fact of the capture unlet
and placed Slater In the county Jail
here In the afternoon It became
known that he was here and Immedi
ately the men at the Santa Fc shops
where the girls father George Gorbor
Ick Is employed decided that lie
should be lynched They at once sent
n committee to watch the Jail while
they tiulctly arranged details for the
expected lynching
There was an angry mob of 1000
around the Jail last night demanding
that the prisoner be delivered to them
A brigade of sturdy Santa Fe boiler
makers armed with heavy sledge
hammers stood ready to make short
work of the Jail In case the demands
were not granted
Sheriff Cook told the crowd that the
prisoner had been removed nnd of
fered to let a committee search the
Jail Ten men headed by Gorberlek
made a thorougU search Slater could
not be found and the men so reported
This failed to satisfy the mob and
twice they started to break In the jail
It developed Hint early In the after
noon the slier IT In anticipation or
trouble ordered a deputy to get Slater
out of town The deputy drove to
Hoyt with Slater and entered a north
bound Rock Island train with him It
is thought here that the man Is now
in jail at Atchison
The Santa Fe shopmen are calmly
determined to lynch Slater when be
Is brought back here for trial and to
this end have appointed a large vig
ilance committee to be constantly on
the lookout for him The Santa Fc
shopmen have a past record for lynch
ing lmvlng strung up John Ollphant
here 12 years ago for assault
The county jail which the lynching
party visited in search of Slater is
the same in which Mrs Nation Is con
fined Mrs Nation was much nlanncd
nt the course of the evenings events
but fear for herself did not once enter
her mind apparently Tho law enforce
ment army met at the First Christian
church and on hearing of tho projected
attack on the jnll sent n message to
Sheriff Cook saying that 300 of the
members of the organization would
Immediately be on the spot to help
protect the Jail from the fury of the
mob Tills evidence of loyalty on the
part of her followers highly pleased
Mrs Nation and she expressed her
praise of them In unmeasured terms
Coils Are Tightening About the Alleged
Cutliihy Kidnaper
Omaha Feb 21 The colls are tight
ening about Jim Callahan the alleged
Cuduliy kidnaper Identification has
been made stronger and the county at
torney has filed charges of robbery
and kidnaping against the prisoner
He still insists that he had nothing to
do with the kidnaping
Joe Mllander a saloon keeper or
Sarpy Mills has identified Callahan
as a man who was around his place
Inst August about the time his gold
watch was stolen This watch proves
to be the one traded to Daniel Burns
by the kidnapers shortly before the
abduction for the bay pony Harris
has Identified Callahan as one of the
men who traded him the watch
Despite the fact that Pat Crowe has
been supposed to be far away then
are persistent rumors in circulation to
the effect that he Is still near South
Omnha secreted and guarded by faith
ful friends
Tie President Harris Takes Uls Flave as
Head of the Ilurllngtun
Boston Tcb 21 K Perkins
president of Uie Chicago Burlington
and Quley railroad has resigned and
Vice President George B Harris has
been chosen president
Mr Perkins remains as director
Ills resignation is due to a desire to be
relieved of many cares of the office or
It is stated that as director Mr
Perkins will practically have the same
influence and control of the policy and
affairs of the company as he had for
many years lie will continue to llvo
at Burlington
Mr O K Perkins entered the ser
vlco of the Burlington and Missouri
River Railroad company at Burling
ton Iu about the year 1851 IIo
commenced work lu the paymasters
office when tho road extended only a
few miles west of Burlington He
rose rapidly in the service and was
In full local charge of the property
before its western terminus reached
Iluttoriiiukeiri Kleot Olllecrs
St Paul Minn Feb iiiiu mn
Ing session of the National Creamery
Biitterinakers association was devoted
to tho reading of technical papers
Resolutions were adopted urging the
passage of tho Grout oleomargarine
hill now pending before congress The
following officers were reelected
President George K Haskell Lincoln
Nebj vice president Iceland Griffin
Desmet S D secretary and treasurer I
K SudendorX Elgin
ImimsI Darts Witt Hureoed IUII as lro
ot Marshal
Manila Feb 21 At a conference be
tween the United Slates Philippine
commission and W L Lnwsh the now
Auditor for the Philippine Islands it
wns decided to establish an office and
perfect plans for Increased efficiency
In the auditors department
Brigadier General George W Davis
will shortly take up the duties of pro
vest marshal of Manila succeeding
Brigadier General J Franklin Bell
who as soon as relieved will proceed
overland to Vlgnii and assume com
mand of the district of Northern Lu
zon coimnandcd for over a year by
Major General S 1 M Young
Captain Steer of the Thlrly slxtti
volunteer Infantry hns been ap
pointed collector of licenses for tlio
city of Manila to succeed Lieutenant
Bishop The collections from licenses
In Manila alone amount to 300000
gold n year
The members of the new federal
party are preparing to celebrate Wash
ingtons birthday on a grand scale
Itepnits from the gold mining dis
trict of Northern Luzon are lately
more encouraging A find of 2500 ot
gold wns recently made lu a single
pocket In Icpanto province about 175
miles north of Mnnlln
mrs natitjasTawyer
During the Itciiring Hhe Addresses llin
Judge ltcintcdlviiVuur Dishonor
Cane Continued Until April
Topekn Fob 21 ludgc Hazon ot
the district court yesterday continued
the case of Mrs Carrie Nation charged
with smashing Murphys Joint until
tho April term of court The cases
against the other crusaders were also
continued Mrs Nation enlivened tho
proceedings in her characteristic wav
displaying more strongly than ever the
I ract that the dignity hedging around
the Judicial bench has no more terrors
I for her than the commonest Joint
Mrs Nation arose several times tn
nddress the court each time calling
the Judge your dishonor
When asked If Hhe were ready for
trial Mrs Nation whoaets as her own
attorney said
Your dishonor I am Incnpahlo of
trying niy case this afternoon as 1
have been poisoned by cigarette smoke
In tho county Jail I want to see how
the other cases are tried anyway
Mrs Nation Is yet In the county jail
She refused nn oiler of bond from her
brother 1 W Moore of Kansas City
One Hundred nnd 1irty Men Ilciuse to
WorkIocked Out In tint Cold
Ottiimwa la Feb 21 One hundred
and fifty miners employes of the Chi
cago Coal company at Nuina strticK
yesterday because the boss welghman
locked out the check welghman for the
sinne reason that he locked minors out
of the weigh house In the Interval be
tween their arrival tit the mine mid
time to go to work They warned the
weigh boss of their Intended action
but no attention was paid to It The
miners are nngry and may cause
trouble They claim the brutal treat
ment was unwarranted which com
polled them to stand out in the cold
The trouble was brought to a head
when the weigh boss refused admit
tance to the check welghman who
was late in coining to work The min
ers held a conference went out am
have not yet returned to work
Mob After School Teacher
Wichita Kan Feb 21 Shoriir Gnn
of Medicine Lodge has lied to Anthony
with Professor Hamlin to prevent
him from being lynched Hamlin
who is a country school teacher 22
years of age Is charged with
i innlly assaulting a 0-year-old girl
named Greaver It is thouuht that the
mob which Ib made up of Barber j
I county farmers mny follow Hamlin to
i Anthony In which event they will
surely got him as the Harper county
jail is a weak concern
Four Killed at Gibraltar
Gibraltar Feb 21 Four persons
three of whom were Spaniards were
killed by the fall of the roof of one
I of the galleries of tho south battery
yesreniay seven others all English
including the engineers who were su
perintending the work in progress
were injured
The new 50000 normal school build
ing nt Duluth was gutted by fire Wed
Mrs Annie L Diggs the Kansas
reformer has come out as a defender
of Mrs Nntlon
The Illinois house Wednesday adopt
ed a resolution favoring election of
uinieu otutes senators by direct vote
of the people
Champion J 7 Jeffries Injured knee
threatens to put him out of the pugi
listic game His ailment Is pronounced
as floating cartilage
More than 1000 sailors and marines
the biggest contingent tho navy has
had lu Washington since the civil war
will march in the inaugural parade
A bill was Introduced In the illinnia
senate Wednesday for making hazing
u icioiiy nnu providing for Its punish
ment by Imprisonment In the peulten
Manufacturers In tho steel trade are
anxious for an carlv and tinni m
nouncement as to the Carnegie Morgan
deal as they believe it would help the
Senator Depew authorizes tho state
ment that the engagement between his
niece Miss Annie Depew Paulding
nnd Lieutenant John It Udle U S N
Is cancelled
The teinjicraucc women of Arknnsns
City met Wednesday and pledged
themselves to withhold all their trade
from the merchants who do not favor
the Law and Order League
mm in
Disastrous Explosion In a Brit
ish Columbia Mine
Itescne Inrty falls lo IWaoh the Impris
oned At rn Owing to Ilre and Wreckage
Union Mine No 11 at Uiiintisrlniiil the
Scene of llltmltr
Victoria II C Feb 10 News of
what Is feared to bo ono of the most
horrible mine accidents of not only the
province but of the dominion took
place yesterday at the Union minim
owned by the Wellington Colliery com
pany of which lames Diinsinulr the
premier of tho province lu tho princi
pal shareholder
Tho explosion took place about 11
oclock In No ll shaft This particular
shaft lu situated lu tho village of Cum
berland There wore SO men In It when
tho explosion took place and not ono of
them escaped Tho explosion wrecked
the mine destroying the shaft from
midway down and filling It with n
solid mass of rocks timbers nnd earth
The first explosion was followed by
novoral more while the dense volume
of smoke Issuing from tho vent holes
Indicated only ton truly that Ire nn
well as gas was doing Hn destructive
work below As soon as practical after
tho accident the men In No r shaft or
ganized a rescue party No 5 Is sit
uated about a mile from No I but be
two workings arc connected by a tun
nel and through this channel nn at
tempt was made to help the unfortu
nate follows In the wrecked shaft
They had not cut their way many yards
through the debris when they encoun
tered fire which rendered the place
untennble and obliged the party to de
nlst The hopeless message came bade
by telephone to the surface convoying
the heartbreaking news to the rela
tives of the Imprisoned men AVhosr
urging wns not necessary to Induce tho
rellof party to return to their appar
ently hopeless task The latest news
Is somewhat encouraging it being
rtn tod that the fans are again working
mid that the cage has got 175 foot and
Is still going down In No 4 shaft
Even should the rescuing parly reach
the Interior of the wrecked workings
there Is little hope for any of the men
looked up In the shaft
Of the SO Imprisoned In the mine the
names of the following are obtainable
Walker nnd two sons John White
Thomas Lord Robert Stool George
Turnbull Mnny of tho men are mar
ried and have largo families
Immediately on receipt of the news
yesterday at the head olllcos of tlio
Dunninulr company here a special train
wns made Up and proceeded to Nan
Mrs Lulu Irlnee Keiineily llsr Father
and Two llrothers Must Stand Trlul
Kansas City Fob US Mrs Lulu
Frinco Kcuiicdy her father Charles
W Prince and her two brothers Will
iam and Albert Prince will bo tried for
the murder on Jan 11 last of Ihlllp Ii
Kennedy contracting agent of tin- Mer
chants Dispatch company Mrs Ken
nedy who shot and killed lien- hushuud
was yoitorday Indicted by the grand
Jury for murder In tho first degree
Later warrants against her father
and brothers charging them with being
accomplices lu the crime were litsued
nt the Instigation of the county prose
cuting nttorney The trial was set for
tho April term of court and promises
to bring out mnny sensations
Cubans Confer With Wood
Havana Feb 10 tovornor General
Wood left Havana for a two days rest
at Batabano With him went the spe
cial committee appointed by the Cuban
constitutional convention to draw up
a proposition defining the future re
lations between the United States and
tho republic of Cuba The committee
and General Wood will discuss the
matter today Judging from the per
sonal opinions of the members of the
committee no objections will be raised
on its part to instituting the most lib
cral relations indeed It seems to be ac
cepted as a matter of course that the
United States government Is entitled to
ask for assurances ns to the stability
of the republic
Dynamite Explosion Kills Three
Pittsburg Feb 10 While thawing
dynamite nt the cast end of the tun
nel nt the Baltimore and Ohio cut off at
Pinto yesterday Gllmorc Wagner of
Cumberland Mitchell Vander aged 10
of Richmond and an unknown Italian
were instantly killed Wagner had
both legs brown off He had Just quit
railroading for fear of being killed
The others were horribly mangled An
engineer named Hopkins of Burfalo a
man named Faulkner from Vlrglnln
and an unknown driver were taken to
the Cumberland hospital fatally hurt
Burial of Judge Maxwell
riattsraoutb Neb Feb 10 The cas
ket containing the body of Judge Sam
uel Maxwell accompanied by his wife
children his brother and Rev N Chest
nutt arrived In this city from Fremont
yesterday nnd was met at the Missouri
Pacific depot by tho members of the
Cass county bar and a multitude of
people A long cortege followed the
body to the Kikeiibnry cemetery
where after a short service by Rev N
Chestnutt of Kansas City and Rev T
J Balrd of this city it was laid to rest
Mrs Illonej liidli ted
Kansas City Feb 10 Catherine 3
Kinney who shot her d vowed hus
band W A Seeley a cattle buyer in
the arm was yesterday indicted by the
grand Jury with assault with intent to
kill A movement has been put on foot
by friends of the woman who Is 03
ream old to secure bond fur hex
Ilurlliiclnn tloiid Is Knotting a Naw West
ern Coiinml Ion
Otiiahn Fob 18 G W lloldrrgr
general inaungor of the Burlington
road loft for Chicago where II Is said
he tIII confer with officials of that
road on a banln for an agicemonl with
the Union Pacific for nn outlet for tho
Burlingtons Pacific coast business
President Burt of tho Union Pacific
and Mr llnldrcgc had a conference on
tho matter tho result of which tho
latter will lay hofoi v thu officials of hits
The oDnvcr and Rio Grande ronrt hnn
boon the western connootlon for tlin
Burlington road at Denver and turned
tho business to the Central Pacific nt
Ogdon Now that the Union Pari fin
has conic Into ho control of tlio Cen
tral Pacific tho Burlington must sretc
n now tralllc arrangement Hhotilil
tho Rio Grande also come under thu
control of the llarrlmau liilcrcstn tho
matter would become still more com
plicated for the Burlington
The oIIIcIiiIn of the later road nny
that their traffic arriiugoiuniitH with
tho Deliver and it lo Irnudi has boon
very friendly and that they have no
Intimations from official soui n fiat
any change has taken place which will
destroy relations
Ilitlle iirirl lo Itestlio Miners In IttllWri
Oiiliiinliln Iiirrcil to DeliiKo
tho Klmll
Vancouver Fob IH -Additional do
tails continue to come from the Union
mines on Vancouver island wheru
the horrible fatality occurred Friday
The accident lias thrown the towns ot
Cumberland and Naualiuo Into u bliita
of gloom The latest news Troiii No
t shaft was that the Hooding process
was still being continued The lit a
was still burning although not so
lleiccly as during the preceding I
hours The tremendous volume ot
water pouring Into the mines from tho
continuous supply furnished by an K
Inch main wns gradually porforinliiB
the desired service and iy tomorrow
It Is confidently expected thu fire will
bo extinguished It will lie several
days before the bodies of the 51 en
tombed minors can ho recovered lo
cause after the lire has boon com
pletely put out It will be necessary ta
pump tho water out of the mine bo
foio a rescuing party can hope to ro
move the corpses now lying at the hot
toni of the shaft The steamer Joau
having on board Premier James Dims
miilr of tho British Columbia govern
ment who Is also partial owner of tlia
Cumberland mines arrived at Union
Iluttlesliii KenrsarK Iiiki s u Oiiii ulTnr
gel Iliiillve
Pciisacolii Fill Fob 18 A big 13
Inch gun exploded on the battleship
Keni sarge while the ship was at tar
get practice olT Key West The gun
itself and its superimposed turret wera
badly damaged The battleship Is nl
present at anchor bore awaiting or
ders from Washington
The ships officers are lu a quandai y
as to what will bo tho outcome of thu
accident whether the Keitrsargo will
lie ordered home for repairs or whclhet
the captain will lie Instructed to pro
ceed on his cruise in southern waters
without the gun The general im
pression here is that the Kearsarg
will be directed to continue on hire
NeRro Murderer I lulled
New Orleans Fob 18 A negro
named Thomas Jackson was lynched
yesterday at St Peter for n liendlsu
series of crimes lie visited the houu
of Alexander Bourgeois the englneet
of the drill nago machine on Bella
Point plantation some distance from
the plantation quarters going then on
n railway tricycle IIo told Bourgeois
the manager wanted him and the en
glnoer mounted the tricycle with tlio
negro A little further on Jackson
stabbed the engineer In the back ami
threw the body into a ditch He then
returned to the house and butchered
Mrs Bourgeois and her two bablca
and rnnsnckod the house i
rr -
Hunt Tor Ciiniinals
Fort Dodge la Feb 18 Rigid In
vestigatlon by detectives establish
to their satisfaction that the lettci
eent to S T Meservey Is a genuine do
maud of some clever criminal It la
learned from Clare that there wero n
couple of strangers at that place on
the day the letter was mailed When
the news of the receipt of the letter
was published in the Fort Dodge pa
pers both men disappeared Descrip
tions of them huve been sent over tho
Miss Susan B Anthony celebrated
her 81st blrthduy at Rochester Satuv
Governor Van Snnt hns put a etop
to the proposed pugilistic carnival tit
Mayor Van Wyck of New York re
turned to Albany the police bill wlttt
his disapproval attached i
It is again Insisted in Mexrcfln gov
ernment circles that there Is no plnn
prepared for Introducing a gold stand
Secret sen Ice olllclals nt Chicago de
clare they have captured three of the
met who robbed the Internal revenue
oflicat Peoria of 35000 in stamp
The men under nrr0sf fe o John Dele
hanty James McVey nnUpiiq Reagan
Tho Illinois Manufaiturersiissoela
tion will endeavor to assemble tn
leading manufacturers of agricultural
implement in tho United States u
Chicago ut nn early date for tho puiS
pose of discussim the retaliatorv tnrt
iff which the Russian government inJ
lenut to Digcf la effect on March H
- mmmtnmiftbm