The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 22, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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The Norfolk fletjus
W N UOBHi Publlrtior
KhUuIIkIkmI 1SS7
Rttrj floy except Hiimlnr Ily currier ir
wtk la cwiln Hr mnll per nr w00
Tim New NtnIUlifd ll
Tim Journal rttnMUliett 1M7
Korj Friday Ily mull vrinrlt0
Kntrd nt llio 1oMolllc nt Norfolk Neb ni
tooml clan mntter
SVlridinntM lultlorlnl Delia rlmmit No 12 1
llnliiiiit Olllra nml Jon Roomi No 122
Tho hot editorials in thin weeks Ibruo
of Bryans Oommoiior caused tho mnil
or in which they wore being sent to
cMch fire yesterday near Wnvorly Bo
twoon in and 20 sacks of tho Commoner
wero destroyed There wns no especial
damngo done
Tho ambition to go south in winter
hns been decidedly chilled hIiicoMio City
of Mexico was visited by a snow ntorin
few dnyB ago It was tho flint Htorm
of tho kind in that locality for GO yean
but if ouo 1b to bo mowed upon uvon
orory hnlfjcoutury ho had bettor re
main in Nebraska whoro ho becomcR
aoenstomod to that Rort of thing
It is to bo hopod that tho Omaha polico
nro on tho right track and thntin tho ar
rest of Oallahan thoy havo captured ono
of tho Ondahy kldunppors and that tho
others will soon bonpprohoudod Thoro
Bhould bo no mincing mnttcrs in tho
courts when tho gnilty parties aro found
bnt tho punishment Hbonld bo ndeiuato
to tho crimo
A bill is bofora tho legislature i ntro
duccd by ox Governor CrounRo provid
ing that tho property owned by tho
state and known as tho governors
mansion bo told nt publio nnotion
Now that Nebroskn is through provid
ing for pop governors It Is proposod to
lot tho exeontivo rout his own hqnso
This wonld seem hardly a fair deal and
the bill will probably bo killod
If tho city connoil finds itsolf nuablo
to induce tho building of a hotter oIobh
of BidowalkB why would it not bo well
to Mrs Nation thorn A Topeka judge
decides that hIio has violated no law in
her career of joint smashing and that
in hor crnsado sho is Blmpiy abating n
publio nuiBauco Thoro would bo no
difficulty whatever in proving to tho
atisfaotion of any judge that many of
tho Norfolk sidewalks aro a publio nuis
Tho Illinois Iioubo of roprcsentativeR
has memorialized congress to amend
the constitution so us to inako United
States sonators elective by direct vote of
tho pooplo If a few othor states were
to pass through the throes of a content
Bach as is now on in Lincoln they
wonld all soon be glad to have United
States senators elected by tho people
direct Such a method would not only
uavo oxdoiho but it would proveut much
of tho hard feeling within tho ranks of
tho dominant party that is engendered
through tho presout stylo of choosing
senators Tho idea that tho people are
not capable of making thoir own selec
tions is a rolio of aristocracy that should
bo dispensed with in thet o days of en
lightened citizousbip
Not forjyears has there boon suoh a
demand for Northeastern Nebraska real
estate as at the present time Laud
seekers ore coming into this section every
day from eastern states and the southern
part of Nebraska hunting for homes
They have at last become convinced
that Northeastern Nebraska is the best
portion of the state nud now many
want a piece of it As a matter of fuot
the soil ofthl8 section is ery similar to
that of Iowa which is conceded to be
the beat agricultural state in the union
While the Boil is probably fully as pro
ductive the prices of land are not nearly
bo high as yet but they will be before
manymoreyears Ono real estato agent
in Norfolk states that he has sold 2000
acres of land since the first of January
and is in constant receipt of inquiries
or more It will not be long before
prices will be decidedly advanced and
those who contemplate owning a piece
of North Nebraska real estate Bhould
purchase at onoe
The Iowa City Republican relates an
experience with which every newspaper
man is familiaras follows The editor
of a paper printed In a thriving little
town only a few miles from Iowa City
was asked the other day to publish au
article roasting a citizen Certainly
he said to the caller what shall I say
He was furnished with an outline of
what was wanted and wrote an article
that was a scorcher ThatB splendid
exclaimed the friend delighted when
the article was read to him that is
right thatll make his old hair crinkle
AU right said the editor lets see what
are your initials Good heavens
said the citizen yoa ore not going
to sign my name to that Why not
asked the editor I wouldnt have any
one know I had anything to do with that
for the world I cant afford to get into
a scrap with my neighbors The editor
smiled benevolently and Bald Why
should I mix up in a scrap that does not
concern ma Why should you expect
nw to assume the blame for the publica
tion of an article to which you are afraid
to sign your name The man stopped
the paper and went away mad
Hepburn Furnishes First of
Two Sensations In House
Illrmnoro tl After Kuiilua of thn Home
lUlley Onr tlnioliitliin lor Appoint
ment of Invnitlicntlnir Vouiiiilttrelat
of the Approprlntlon 1II1U 1nMetl
Washington Feb 22 This wns an
other Held day In the house Two dis
tinct sensations occurred Knrly In
tho day during tho consideration of
an nmcudmeiit to the dollcloney appro
priation bill to prevent hazing at tho
naval nciidviiiy Hepburn la used
exceedingly strong language while In
veighing nguiiiNt the practice of haz
ing charging by Indirection that tho
habits of tyranny and oppression
formed by the ollleers of the urmy and
navy at their academies wns responsi
ble for the reftiHiil of sailors to enlist
In the navy and for tho lnrgo number
of desertions from the nriny More
over he alleged that the olllcers Htood
by ench other when In trouble snylng
thnt the commanders of 2 vchhcIh of
the nnvy lost since the civil war had
with one exception escaped with
slight punishment Cannon nud Day
ton warmly defended the navy The
stir caused by Hepburns speech how
ever was mild compared with the row
which wns kicked tip later over some
Items In the bill for extra compensa
tion to employes of tho house Dlun
more Ark exposed tho fact thnt ono
of the employes of the bouse while oc
cupying n position was drawing salary
for nliother nud that the difference be
tween the salaries was to be mnde up
In one of tho Items In the bill This
led to n general ventilation of the do
mestic affairs of tho house during
which Unlley Tex declnred that the
situation was n scandal upon the In
tegrity of the house He charged that
there were employes of the Jiouse who
were dividing their salaries with oth
ers who performed no work and chal
lenged any one on the other side to
deny his allegations He offered to
produce sworn testimony In substan
tiation of his charges If an Investlga
lng committee were nppolnted It wan
explained by Toy Mo and others that
there was no luw concerning employes
of the house Cannon contented him
self with wiylng It was evident mat
ters were very much mixed At the
close of the session Unlley offered n
resolution for the appointment of nn
Investigating committee which wns
referred to the committee on rules
upon the assurance of Payne the mn
Jotity leader that It would be reported
nt once The general deficiency appro
priation bill tho last of the appropria
tion bills was passed
Murdor In Second Orirrre the Verdict
Itomlerml by Jury
Columbus Neb Keb 22 Shortly
after court convened yesterday tho
bailiff announced that the Jury in the
Gentleman case had agreed upon n
verdict The defendant was brought
up from jail and the attorneys were
summoned When the jury tiled In
nnd took their pluees Judge Holcn
beck nsked them if they hnd agreed
upon n verdict and Forvmnn Itudolph
C Mueller replied that they had The
verdict wus handed to Clerk Gruuthcr
who read
We the Jury duly empanelled and worn
In the ulinvc entitled cnue do Hnd and
hny thnt the defendant Nlcholuy J den
tlemtm I guilty of luuider In the second
dvjeree In nmnner and form ai charged In
the Informntlnn
If Gentleman heard the verdict there
was no outward show to Indicate It
He maintained the ssme indifference
to his surroundings that has marked
his demennor throughout the triul
Call it- mut not utility
Omaha Feb 22 Jumes Callahan
stood before Judge Vlnsonbnler in the
county court yesterday and heard
County Attorney Shields read the com
plaints charging him with being a prin
cipal In the Cuduhy kidnaping He en
tered n plea of not guilty to each of
the three complaints and assented to
the courts designation of next Monday
morning as the time for a preliminary
rue new union depot at Fort Worta
burned Thursday Loss 50000 Cov
ered by Insurance
Tom Maxwell shot and killed Wal
lace Llewellyn at the Maxwell home
near Nevada Mo Thursduy
The Munitoba legislature wus opened
Thursduy by Lieutenant Governor Mc
Millan All the members took the oatn
of ulleglunce to King Edwurd
Now that King Edwards visit to
Germany is considered a certainty
several Uerlln newspapers eugage in
unfavorable comment In advance
The Chicago board of trade Thurs
day posted a rule prohibiting regular
warehouse proprietors from owning
any of the grain in their elevators
Missouri has taken the lend In
formulating u plau by which there
shall be co operation between the
Presbyterian und the Southern Pres
byteriun churches in the matter of
One son of W T Travis wus futnlly
burned and another had bis sight de
stroyed while trying to secure a pocket
book containing ffMO from the second
story of Mr Travis burning residence
ut Roxbury O Thursday
A L Lumurblc and Emmet Kuuklc
aged 21 und 18 yeura ure in jull at
Huntington Intl as a result of an at
tempt to essay the role of the Cuduhy
kldnupers They sent u letter to Euos
Taylor president of the Citizens
j bank ordering him to leave 500 ut a
certain niuce
N briuk Legliitftltirn Taken Twenty ninth
Ineffective llnllot
Lincoln Teh 22 absence of
Mlskcll reduced the vote of Thompson
nnd Hosewntor each one on senatorial
bnllot KoHcwntcr gained Johnson
from Melklejohn Brown of Furnns left
Xielklejohu for Crounse nnd Swnnson
went back to him from Richards
Tweed voted for Krank Wethcrnld
lusteud of Illnshuw as previously
The vote
Alien rr
CromiPe 7
Currle in
Hnrlnn -
llnlner n
HIiiHlinw 11
iiiiciiciick rr
Klnknll 5
Mn HI ti 7
Melklejohn SO
Uoncwfitrr 17
Thnnipwin I K 17
Tliompoon W II S
Hcatterliijr 4
The Iiourc devoted nearly the entire
afternoon to a discussion of Fowlers
bill providing for the appointment of a
Btnto Hiinltary Inspector
Mm Notion Will Abandon Ilntchet for
Ten nnd Heroine ft Moliler of llibllo
Opinion lhu Smiivliera Mail
Topekn Feb 22 Mrs Cnrrle Nation
Is to enter politics ami to become the
editor of The Smashers Mull a pa
per to be run In behalf of negroes
She has refused tempting offers to luV
Ui re and will remain In Topeka anil
help elect a clean man for mayor
nt the spring election These innttem
were announced by the crusader from
her cell In the county Jail yesterday
after one charge nguiiiNt her thnt for
smushlng the Senate saloon two weeks
ago had been dismissed by Judge
McCnbe She Is still being held on
the charge of breaking Into Moescrs
cold storage plant on Inst Sunday A
delegation of the ITomo Defenders
called on Mrs Nation In her cell room
In the jull to talk about nominating u
city ticket for the election thlB spring
Mrs Nation who has decided to be
come n citizen of Topekn for nt least
a while wus enthusiastic We de
cided she snld to nominate n clean
man n man who does not drink Bmoke
or blaspheme No other need apply
The newspaper that Mrs Nation In
tends to edit will be published by
Nick Chiles the negro Joint keeper
who signed one of Mrs Nntlous bonds
last week nnd Mrs Nations husband
Is coming to Topeka to help his wife
with the entenlrise Mr Nation once
edited a paper In Wnrrensburg Mo
Mrs Nation says the paper will be
published for the special needs of the
negroes It will contain news about
the temperance cause In Kansas und
will devote much space to letters Mrs
Nation receives from her enemies nnd
her sympathizers Mrs Nation will
write the editorials
Mrs Nation refuses to go on nny
more lecture trips A circus und the
atrical man has advertised that he has
secured Mrs Nation for n theatrical
trip Eastern pnpers telegraphed In
quiries nbout this matter Mrs Na
tlon unnounced thnt she would not nl
low herself to be mnde n fool of for n
million dollars a minute
Kxteutliu Wholemilo Holmes Losi
of Half a Million
Atlanta Git Feb 22 Fire yester
dny dcstniyed almost nn entire block
In the wholesale district of Atlanta
entailing a loss of half u million dol
lars on which there is Insurance
uinounting to nearly 150000 Tho
burned urea is bounded by Railroad
nvenue und Lloyd Decatur nnd Collins
streets Tho principal losers are J
J J E Maddox wholesale grocers
125000 Gramllng Spauldlng Shoe
company 70000 Draper Cogglns
Shoe company 70000 Arnold Hut
compuny 40000 R N Fickel Paper
company 40000 McConnell Chris
topher dry goods 25000 Dickens
Davidson hardware 15000
Not the Cudahy Kidnaper
St Puul Feb 22 John M Haum
nn amateur sleuth caused the arrest
of Putrick Hussey und John E Luyne
on the churge of being Implicated in
the abduction of Eddie Cudahy Both
men have been released and the po
lice oillcluls consider the affair u hug
more Trouble In Manrhurl
St Petersburg Feb 22 The Novo
Vremyus Vladivostock dispatches re
port thnt trouble is again rlBlng In
southern Manchuria Boxer emis
saries have already nrrlved there and
Chinese forces are joining the Boxer
Hours This
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for any case of catarrh that cannot be
cured by Halls Catarrh Cure
b J Ciibnky Co Props Toledo O
We the undersigned have known F
J Cheney for the last 15 years and be
Hove him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry ont any obligations made
by their firm
Webt Tkuax Wholesale Druggists
Toledo O
Waldinq Kjnnan Marvin Whole
sale Druggists Toledo O
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken intern
ully acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system Price
76o per bottle Sold by all drnggibts
Testimonials free
Halls Family Pills are tholbest
Itepubllcan Convention
The republicans of Norfolk will meet
in convention at the city hull on Thurs
day evening March 14 1001 at 8 oclock
for the purpose of placiug in nomination
candidates for mayor clerk treasurer
city engineer police judge and two
members of the bonrd of education to bo
voted for at the election in April und to
trtiusact such other business as may
properly come before tho convention
Representation in the convention will
be based on the vote caBt forSomnel It
McFarlaud for city clcik one delegate
being allowed for every ten votes or
major fraction thereof enst for enid
clerk Tho different wards will be en
titled to representation as follows
First ward i
Second wnrd 18
Third ward 18
Fourth ward fl
Tho school district outside the city of
Norfola will bo entitled to rIx dalngntes
in nominating members of tho board of
Tho committee recommends thnt the
wnrd cnucusos bo bold Wednesday even
ing March 111
J W Ransom Chairman
Flmt Ward CiitirttR
The republicans of tho First ward will
meet in caucus at tho Oxnnrd hotnl
Wednesday ovoning Mnrch 18 at 8
oclock for tho purpose of placing in
nomination a enndidato for councilman
and olectiug uluo dolegntes to tho city
convention t6 bo held March 14 1001
Second Ward Catirun
Tho republicans of the Socond ward
will moot in caucus at Tire Daily News
ofllco on Wednesday evening March 18
at 8 oclock for tho pnrposo of planing
in nomination a candidate for council
man and electing thirteen delegates to
tho city convention to be held March 14
1101 J W ItANBOM
Third Want CaucuA
The republican electors of the Third
wnrd will meet in caucus at tho city hall
on Weduosday evening March 18 at 8
oolook for the purpose of placing in
nomination two candidates for oouncil
men and selecting 18 delegates to the
olty convention to bo held March 14
Fourth Ward Canetm
Tho republicans of the Fourth ward
will meet in caucus at Hcrshisers drug
Btore on Wednesday evening March 18
at 8 oolock for the purpose of placing
in nomination a candidate for council
man and electing six delegates to tho
city convention to be held March 14
1001 W H Rish
Presidential Inauguration
For the inauguration at Washington
March 4 the Union Pacific railway
the only direct line will sell ticketB nt
one fare for the round trip pluB 2
Tickets on sale February 28 and March
1 and 2 For full information call on
MierlWa Sale v
By virtuo of a decree directed to me
from thocleikof the district court of
Mudifion county Nebraska on a judg
ment obtained in tho district court ot
Madison county Nebraska on tho 26th
day of November 1000 in favor of Elsie
Desmond as plaintiff aud nguiust Wil
liam Slothower Sybil A Slothower
J H Logeman Fred Haass Hannah
Goodrich J J Goodrich Amelia M
Bogle and W H Endorly as defendants
lor tho enm ot ouo hundred und fivt
dollars 105 and filty three 68 cents
and interest and costs taxed at 1858
and accruing costs I have levied upon
tho following real estato taken as the
property of said defendants to satisfy
said decrees to wlt
Lots one 1 and two 2 and lot three
3 of Osboms subdivision of lot one 1
in block twelve12 of Huaees suburban
lots to the village of Norfolk Nebraska
Lot three of the above described to be
sold separate
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash in hand on the
28sd day of February A D 1901 in
front1 of the east dcor of the conrt house
in Madison Nebnuvka that being the
building wherin the last term of court
was held at the hour of one oclock p
in of said day when and where dne
attendance will be given by the under
Dated this 22nd day of January 1901
Geo W Losey
Sheriff of Baid county
Katiiuute of Expenses
The connty commissioners of Madison
county Nebraska at their regular meet
ing in January 1001 made the follow
ing estimate of expenses for the euBning
County institute fund 125 00
County superintendent salary l 400 00
County road fand 7500 00
County bridge fund 10000 00
County printing 1000 00
County olorksolary as clerk of
board 500 00
County attorney Balary 950 00
Commissioners pay and mile
age 2300 00
Care of paupers 3000 00
Bounty on wild animals 800 00
Fuel postage and express 1 800 00
Jailors fees 1200 00
Books stationery aud supplies 1800 00
Janitors salary and assistants
to county officials 2500 00
Election expenses 2100 00
District court aud jurors 7600 00
Assessors pay und mileage 3000 00
Insane fund 850 00
Soldiers relief fuud 500 00
Poor farm expenses 1000 00
Aid to Agricultural society 700 00
Furniture and repairs on court
bouse and jail 1000 00
Iuterest on court house bonds
between Madison and Union
precmot 000 00
Sinking fund for same 400 00
Battle Creek village jail bond
and interest 150 00
Phil Bauck
Conuty Clerk
Sheriff 8ule
By virtue of a decree directed to me
from the clrk of tho district court of
Madison county Nebraska on a judge
ment obtaiued in the district court of
Madison county Nebraska on tho ninth
day of April 1UO0 In favor of T O Can
non as pluiutiff aud against John E
Oluey Charlotte B Oluey Charles B
Olney Jeremiah Oluey and George H
Nichols as defendants for the sums of
one hundred and twenty dollars and
0 A LU1KART Pbuidrnt
OHAB B I1B1DHK Vttm Psmidkni
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
Bay and soil exchange on this country f nd nil parte of Bnrope Farm Loons
UnJLCM TiAUh AMCi W JonNBOW niAH S llkJOOK C W Dbaasch
Oct What You Ask for at
ALL ORDERS arc filled promptly and with care
Our goods are FIRST CLASS in every particular
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom-
We aim to Give you the Best Value I
for Your Money
South side Main St between 2d and 8d Tnlnnbniin At X
C5 SEE v
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAIMD Secretary
Railroad and Business Directory
Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley
Omnha Passenger 65 am
Chicago Kzpreee 1210 pm
Chicago Ezproes 720p m
Omiilm PaBecnger 1240 pm
Black Hlllfl clpreee 7t0pm
Verdlgro Passenger 1240p m
Verdlgro Accommodation 900am
Black Hills Expreea 1220 pm
VonUgre Passenger B 05 a m
Verdigro Accommodation 720pm
The Chicago and Black Hills Exprefw nrnvi e
and depart from Junction depot The OdhiIih
and Verdigre trains brrivo and deiuxrt fmm cit
depot II C Matuau Agent
Union Pacific
Columbus Accommodation 680 p m
Omahu Denver and PacltloCoatt 11 -00 a m
ColnmbuB Ace mmodation 1080pm
Omabn Kenverand Pucitlc coaot 900pm
Connects at Norfolk with F E A M V going
west and north Hnd with the C Bt P M O
for points north and eaBt
F W Junkman Agent
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
Stoux City and Omaba Passenger 030am
Sioux CltyPassenger 100 pm
Sionx City Passonger 1035am
Sioux City and Omaha Passenger 7 S0 p m
Connects at Norfolk with F E fc M V going
west and north and witli the D P for pointa
mnth F W JCNEMAN Agent
MJuily oxcopt Sunday
sixty seven cents and two thousand and
thntyoue dollars and forty cents and
costs taxed at 24013 and accruing costs
I have levied upon the following de
scribed real estate taken as the properly
of said defendents to satisfy said decree
to wit
Lot six G in block one 1 of the
town of Norfolk to satisfy the said sura
of 12007 and costs lots fifteen 15
and sixteen 10 in block six G of the
town of Norfolk to satisfy the said sum
of 2031 40 and costs r all in Madison
county Nebraska
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash in hand on the
28th day of February A D 1901 in
front qf the east door of the conrt house
in Madison Nebraska that being the
building wherein the last term of conrt
was held at the hour of 1 oclock p m
of said day when and where dne at
tendance will be given by the under
Dated January 26 1801
Geo W Losey
Sheriff of said County
Notice to lirldga Contractors
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
will be received at the county clerks
office at Madison Madison county Ne
braska until 12 oclock at noon standard
time March 18 1001 for the erection
and completion and furnishing of ma
terial and labor for all pile and iron
bridges to be bnilt during the year 1001
according to the following specifica
tion to wit
1 AU wooden bridges to rest on
three piles at each bent to be driven to a
solid foundation and bent to be of
length required by comity board piles
to be white oak or red cedar not le6S
than ten inch top all piling to be sound
proportionate and free from windshoke
and objectionable knots
2 All caps to be of two 3x12 inches
in white oak to each set of three piles to
be bolted on two sides of piling with 7 8
inch bolts and washers to washer each
pile and nuts on end piling to be on in
side All piles to have a tenon of 1
inch to rest upon
3 All piling for caps to be sway
braced with 3x0 white oak or 3x8
white pine and to be securely bolted to
end of cap and at each intersection with
piling with inch bolts Inch wash
ers Ends of joists and caps to be cov
ered with the same material as flooring
and to be even with top of floor
4 All joists to be northern white
pine 3x12 sized at each end outside
joists to be bolted to cap at each end
with iuoh bolts aud inch wash
ers AU bridges to have nine lines of
joists well lapped on caps all joists to
be bridged with lG peuny wire nails
5 AU flooring to be 8x12 northern
white pine or oak nud to bo spiked to
joists with G0 penny steel nails at each
intersection of joists
0 Kniling to bo 8J feet high above
floor postB 4x0 uortheru pine all bolted
to outside stringers with two J inoh
bolts nnd washers except end posts
whioh shall be bolted to piling lapping
two feet on each corner pile cap of
railing to be 2x0 with 2x0 on inBide
Flne Watch
Oror Baum Bros Store
Spaneav ovtlman
Boots and oes
Repairing Neatlj Done
Contractor and Bailder
1 1 7 Fourth Street
Flour and Feed
411 Norfolk Avenue
Cheapest and Best
Norfolk Avenue
All Wobb Guaranteed
Cor Braaech avo and 4th St
The Norfolk Horseshoer
under cap hub rail 2x6 and guard rail
8x0 all white pine nud to be well spiked
with 80 penny wire nails
7 All railing to be painted with two
heavy coats of Venetian red and boiled
linseed oil AU iron work on Bteel
bridges to be painted with two heavy
coutes of graphite paint
8 All bridges must be of fourteen
feet roadway and bids must state price
per lineal foot
Proposals will also be received for
steel and combination bridges fourteen
feet roadway supported by concrete
pier with inch steel case thirty to
forty two inch diameter Bids must
state size of pier and price per lineal
foot and if bnilt on piling to state
length and kind of piling and price per
lineal foot for piling
Proposals will also be received for a
steel bridge to be built across the North
fork river at the foot of Norfok avenue
in the city of Norfolk with concrete
and steel piers 24 feet roadway
All bidders are required to accompany
their bids with plans and specifications
of their work and a certified check of
flOO to be forfeited if contractor fails to
make contract or file an acceptable bond
within fifteen days from date of letting
The board of connty commissioners
reaerve the right to award separate con
tracts for pile bridges combination
bridges and steel bridges also the right
to reject any or all bids
The party awarded the contract will
be required to give a good and sufficient
bond conditioned for the faithfnl per
formance of the contract with at least
one surety resident of Madison county
Nebraska said bond to be approved by
the connty board
Dated this 20th day of January 1001
PniL Bauch County Clerk
Rebinding Old Books
and Magazines
Next Deans Paint Store 5th St
North Western
F 13 A H V R H Is tbs best to six
Itom the
Vorth Nebraska