The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 22, 1901, Page 12, Image 12
a 12 JtVTU CV IV V IV V V V V V V JV V - -V ts H Wt i - tKl 2 ar giw wiij flC a I CIIAPTICIt XV WiiIuj up luck whispered Aloe nudging mo While youve Ihmmi sleep ing tho buiiIIh tmvo ninth tip heir tnluds t creep out f tliilr shells Bee here they gol And lie pointed to pome linlf Heme of men who were limiting their way down to n limit which lay drawn up on the lieaeh A Jng of rock almost eoueealiMl It and It Vina only when wo Haw the point for which tho men were milking Hint wo cniifTht slghl of the heat at all What Hlmll we doV hhIiI I Call the other two fellowH and have at them nt once No use We might niiimigo that armful hut no douht there are plenty more where hey came from Wo should Hlmply he running Into their net Are we to lei them wander ahotil nt their own rweet will Look I Those fellows are off toward tho carrackl Cnnt help ourHolvcH that I can ace So youll JtiHt have to lot your valor Blminer quietly old hotluadl Wo shall have n score or two of them up here pig hunting for their dlnncrfl directly Yes they wont he content to patrol tho Hhlnglo down there like ho many harmless crabs Then lets get to our raft nt once and hack to Galley Inland Theres no plunder to be made out of Hioho fe Iowa ho whores the use of uieddlluu with thorn riunder Jack 1 do believe youre tho most thoroughgoing rascal of a hoii thief iiH over deserved short shrift and n fathom of runty chain Hard words AlccI I retorted hotly Hut true words though none but your sworn shlpmntc ilared havo UHod thorn Hnrkl Whnts that There arose from below n sound which caused us to prick our eara tt their sharpest angle A body of men had emerged from the cliff leading pome prisoners with them and one of the latter was singing an IQugllsh sea song The words came up to us dis tinctly through the clear morning ulr Pall away lurk aiy r hauler I Clink I Cither all the lahiahlrs you ran Come hack Nothing lark Thunlor Clink 1 Scatter all the money like man 111s mates Joined In the chorus with all the recklessness of men who know that they nro In too tight a place for their conduct to matter The guards however seemed to think the merri ment untimely and did not spare their buffets and one of them catching the principal singer a whack on the hem that knocked his cap oT exposed to view a smooth shining scalp that was us hairless as a mirror By nil thats surprising its Wllllo Trehallon said Alec In a whisper Sure enough but how did he got here On the carrack of course but not ns n willing prisoner Ill go ball lust lienr how lies cursing Confound the foolish fellow why cant he keep his tongue inlet now that hes In their hands We shall bee hlm knifed be fore our eyes In a minute We must let hlm know were here And up from among the slender fern fronds arose the peevvhlt neewlilt of a plover Willies solitary eye glanced for u second at the knoll on the low cliffs edge ami then he hurst out again Into his song as cheerily as If he woi seated on an Unglish tavern bench Presently the cortege came to a standstill and three armored Span tnrds seating themselves on bowlders motioned for the prisoners to be drawn up in lino before them A court martial I whispered One of the Spaniards began to ad dress the prisoners in Hugllsh and It seemed to ine that his voice was strangely familiar Traitorous curs wild he do you make full confession Come you dog there you with the crippled eye and the crippled hand you who worst mis used your trust do you speak for your companions Meaning me Dou Uglyface quoth Willie Trohalion with uurutlled compo sure Measure your words said the Spaniard angrily Aye with a lead line not with a foot rule I haint going to stint language Just because youve promised to hang me In an hours time 1 tell you plain to your yellow teeth that I plumped tho carrack on them rocks o purpose I could him fetched her lu through the fair channel an brought her up to snug anchor within a cable o this very spot au that without losing a spar or carry lncr away a shred o canvas Hut So nor Spaniard 1 didnt choose Au If Id got her ngaln with a tine reef on the leo Id up helm an risk 40 drownings fn welcome So Don Miguel you can wrap that lu your clgarlllo an smoke it Don Miguel said Alec with a gasp I knew I had heard the voice before Yes Its Inezs father said I gloom ily Then wed better not allow our selves to fall into his hands There are old scores against us and Dou Miguel la not the man to forget to wipe them off God help Willie Trehallonl w JSuahl said I Uett Bueakla m JOHN TOPP PIRATE By Woathorby Ohcsnoy and Alick Muiiro oorrnmirr torn nr wieAiimnmr oitnnrKT ano aijck muniio lUAhaiiATiOHH nr u a uouitah sx M again Listen Willie Trehallon appeared to lie en Joying hltus lf down there on tho beach He was by nature a talker and his HtiMeot seemed to have In spired hlm wllh eloquence The Spin lards did not Interrupt htm hut It was little safety that I argued from their silence Seven months agotie Don Miguel said Willie you lured me an thoso other lads aboard yon craft at La luayra an gave us fair promises 1 was to be pilot they a crew to show your own lubbers how to furl a sail au splice a rope au for n reward we was to he given our liberty au net aboard the llrrfl English craft that was brought vttliln hall Wo labored willingly nn like fools trusted to n Spaniards prom ise Wo overhauled all your running rigging set up all your standing rig ging again altered your canvas an made your carrnck a seamans ship Instead o a soldiers as she was afore An then how did you treat us Wo hud to lie on tho deck nil through tho glass like so many wlllocks with no shelter from tho rains an no shade from the sun au If there was anything o a son the spray drenched us through an through at every dip she gave LIko dogs we was given tho dirty dishes to lick after your Idolatrous stomachs were satlsllcd Aye aye Don Miguel cried tho boatswain his voice rising almost to a shriek ns he hurled out his string of ac cusations You can frown nn stump your foot nn put your hand to your sword hilt but you cant deny the gos pel truth o what I say If we did well you thanked us with curses If ill you blessed us with blows Then when a small brig Imve In sight an drawing near Hew a Plymouth ensign wo mnde bold to remind you o your promise Hn ha ha Wo might have saved our breath A Spanish promise A Castlllan oath ISnsy made both o em nn Just as ensy forgotten You sneered at us an said wo were doomed to everlasting captivity Then you bade us bear arms against our country men forgetting maybe that we wasnt born south o tho Pyrenees We re fused You Hogged us with leaded whips clapped us under hatches stilled n trllle nearer the brig au then feel ing your courage ooze away went bott ship like a Illy llvered coward that you a e au ran In under the guns o La Gunyra where she werent able to get at you Don Miguels sallow face turned livid nt the taunt and I expected to see hlm j run the boatswain through on the spot for a sharp tongue Is a weapon which more often than not turns Its point back on hlm who uses It With a vio lent effort however he restrained him self ami the present let tho squat square mariner alone evidently reserv ing hlm for a woim fate Have your say out to the full he said with an angry gesture There will be n bitter repayment when you have done Thank you Senor Jack Spaniard replied Wllllo Trehnllon coolly but It seems to me there haint much more to say When Ive called a villain both liar an coward 1 dont think I want to add anything else Other black words would fall white on hlm after those Do you know what I shall do with you Hang me said Willie with a con temptuous shrug of his broad shoul ders You think so replied the Spaniard with u cold xinlio Maybe before lomr youll hope so too Hut a ropo would not pay oue tithe of my debt It will require- a far slower death than a mere dance on nothing I shall have a post let Into the sand yonder at low water You will be lashed to it The tlood be gins to make about sundown and thero will be live hours for you to regret th loss of my ship In before you draw your last gurgle I have often heard you boast that the sea and you wero old friends and that many Is the pleas ant tussle youve had together In which the sea lias been beaten Well you shall have oue more duel together and It will be curious to see which of you comes out tho imihter this time And now he continued turning to the other ten prisoners can nny of you tell me how far wo arc from tho main Happen u hundred league happen two replied oue fellow grullly Ah Bald Don Miguel looking keen ly at tho speaker And will you un dertake to build a small craft from the wreck of my carrack to tako some of us there to seek assistance I promise you your liberty and a capful of gold pieces each If you will No you blasted cur I wont growled out the fellow May my fin gers be withered to the bono If they over halo rope for you again nud may my eyes drop out of their sockets If they ever see to drivo a nail for you except Into your cotllnl Thats my answer and you wont get a different ouo from any lad here And theu ho spat contemptuously and relapsed Into slleuce His mates nudged one another with their bound elbows and burst Into a leather luuged cheer of approbation Thats It lads 6aug out Wllllo Trehallon Stick to It never give way an these uusallorly lubbers will Uavb to leave their bones ou the In THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY FEBRUARY 22 1901 VB - - - - V V 11 land the devil their tnnstjr conies to fetch them away In a Ilnmlng chariot o brimstone Hut nt this point at a Hlgn from Don Miguel the guards led off our poor Kug llsh lads out of sight Into n cave wo supposed -and ns two or three Span lards showed Hlgns of wanting to scnlo the cliff we retreated to the covert where we had left our two men In It we lay close all the rest of the day The time vns one of plans and plots of doubts nml dllllctiltles but though we whispered together lohg and ear nestly yet so still did we lie that the pinrakeets perched boldly In the boughs nbove us and preened their bril liant plumaie In the sun as though their nearest enemy were many miles away Great velvet winged huttorllles ns large as linnets fluttered past our eyes ami mr qultocs bit our half naked bodies but never a thought had we for butterlly or mosquito for our minds were busy r id anxious Willie Trehallon mint be rescued somehow said Alec for tho fortieth time even though It costs us our Uvea to do It And the rest of us eagerly assented for our old boatswain was a favorite with us all The scorching sun above us nrchlng his bra7cn course In llery splendor be gan at last to verge toward the distant wavy water line The dancing air grew cooler nud was freshened by a welcome breeze from the sea Cautiously we drew out from among the plantains nnd looking sharply nround to mnke sure that no oue spied us crept all four back to the knoll nnd once more peeped from beneath tho graceful fern screens The tide had not yet turned nnd n couple of Spaniards were fastening a stout stake In a hole which they had scooped beneath the outermost of the ripples They laughed and Joked over tholr work ns though It were some holi day diversion and every now nud then gave the post a shake to try whether It was secure When they had finished one of them must needs lenn his back up against the wood nnd pretend In pantomime fffm Down thcu brought Willie Trehnllon and laxhed nlm to the stake that the tide was rising around him nnd to Judge from the shouts of laugh ter which proceeded from unseen ob servers under the cliff his companions found something Intensely humorous in this grewsome clowning Presently thero was a shout that the Hood was beginning to make and down they brought Willie Trehallon and lashed hlm to tho stake The other ten Englishmen were made fast to the out lying trees of a thicket that ran down to the edge of the beaclu and when they wero all secured Dou Miguel ouco more addressed them To hs continued nazt Friday LATEST NEWS OF TRADE ChloiiKi iiuln it ixl lrovialouit ClitciiKo IVli Jl WlHiit was MroiiK curly toiliy ItU wan foici d down luter nnd Mujr cliisod UljlVi lower Coin cIummI VfiilUc nnd uiitM u hIuhIc lililicr IidvIsIoiid Honed a Hluule to ViiTjL doinc vied Closlni prUcs Wlumt Keb May 7ftie Coin Pub iovu toftc Outs IVli Iork lVb Iaul lYt J7VJ ItlliM lYb 7 t - -- niTWlte Muicli 7 R7lAc iu Murcli 3KtfiTJe Mur IWfMWc May JrHAOic iiOO May M0i AVA March flMVi May 70Jij Maich 707 Sept Ciinti nuotatloiiN No - red wheat 7r5 OKjc No I roil wheat 7i7iMie No a spiliiR wheat nifiiTiv No 2 haul wheat 7Ljfi74ic No i hard wheat HVMWiH No - canli corn ttllic No It cash corn t8c No L yiiyivr corn 8iiite No 2 cash oat JSfjIc No whltu oati 28 No 3 white oats 2USfiHi Clilcac IIvh Stuck Chleaso Keb 0000 Including iO Tciaua xterrn Mteady to strong butchers stock and Tcans alow good to pi line steers 400tr0l poor to medium aMXfH80 Mockers and feeders 7r74SO cows JJMKKalO heifers 2rO i HlllieiH lHVij2riO bulls 2r0fti80 cubes 4XKnUV Texas fed steels 400 Texas crass steers tiOJ400 Tex a bulls 2r0it390 lloRs lleeelptM today 2S0OO tomorrow ItOOOO loft over 4000 one nod stioni to Tic higher closed advance lost top jr2Vj mixed nnd butchers riO tnslVJMi snort to choice heavy r37Wt ftwti roiiKli heavy jri2virt i llslit 525 T 17W bulk of sales VtmAWi Sheep Urcclpts 12000 nctlve shade hlsher Kourt to choice wothprs 400ftUO fair to choice mixed jilSfT410 western sheep 40fMT4S0 Texas sheep 2XJXtI native lambs 1S0Q25 wvktern lumbs 3003 G25 Kansas City II to Stock Kansas City Keb Jl Cattle Receipts 2000 natives 1000 Texans 100 calves Mockers and feeders steady beuf steers ami cows closed weak to 10c lower natlvo beef steers 44M7ff5S Blockers and feed ers 37rS tS3 western fed steers 380 K480 Texaua and Indians 37V24r0 cows 306NiT423 heifers 340450 can nera 22Vtf200 bulls 3U0fi4M calves 450fi025 Hoss Recelpts 13000 2itBc higher top 4S bulk of sales 5300 840 heavy i3VjTr0i mixed packers 53X7fjKS light rlWW30 pigs 4Mt 610 Sheep Receipts 3000 steady west ern Inmlit 1K0SR15 western wethers 4155440 western yearllnss 4352 S0 ewes 3SOq310 culls 20jj323 South Omaha Ilva Stock South Omaha Keb 21 Cattle Receipts 200 nctlve nrtn natlvo boot steers 4003 B30 western stuers 3702400 Texas stacrs 300476 cows and helftis easier 30OJ400 canuers 200210 stockers and feeders tlrra 32534 M calves 400 725 bulls stags etc 250440 Hojfs Receipts 7200 shade to 5c higher closed weak heavy 53V1 642V mlied 52WI fi35 light 530Jfi35 pigs 450323 bulk of hales ri3JV4lt5 33 Sheep-Receipt POO steady ycarllugs 440ft470 wethers 40O5t4w ewes t40jfi00 ou mon and stovk tUcep 2003 5 Uuibaj stooaooa BOILS CARKDNCLES These unwelcome visitors usually appear In the spring or summer when the blood is tnaldnp an extra effort to freo tlf It t 1 - Tr whatever for this scrrice jistii Hum uiu iiiuuy uiqiunuca mai nave nccummaieu miring inc winicr nioiuiis Carbuncles which ate more painful nnd dangerous come most frequently on the back of the neck eating great holes in the flesh exhaust the strength and often prove fatal Boils nre regarded by soma people ai blessings and they patiently nnd uncomplainingly endure the pain nud inconvenience under the mistaken idea that their health is being benefitted that their blood is too thick anyway and this U Natures plan of thinning it The blood is not too rich or too thick but is diseased is full of poison and unless relieved the entire system will suffer The boil or carbuncle gives warning of serious internal troubles which nre only waiting for a favorable opportunity to develop Many an old sore running ulcer Banefut Boils Mr R M Irntt Care S C write 1or twenty yeari 1 was sorely nfllkted with ImjIIh nml carbuncle caused ly Impute Mood it U iuiHs ilblc to describe my suflcrliii part of the time being unable to wot t or sleep Several tloctoMt rented me audi tried all the so cniled blood remedies tail nothing seemed lo do me any rooiI DurltiK the summer of tSSS I was pet tutted to tty S S S nml after taking ev ernlloUfcs was entirely cured b ml hate lintl no return of these painful pesta up to the present time A Qtinlnt ICpltniiti The epitaph by It assumption of accu racy Is often delightfully humorous I al ways enjoy for luMnucc thU one which is to he found 1 uudcistuml at Williams pint Lycoming county Pu At the top of the gravestone there Is n rude carving indeed how could it In anything hut rude of a hoy innocent of clothing be ing kicked by u hore arranged for the put pose Then the epitaph follows Sacred to the Mommy of Henry Har ris Horn Juno lith 1SB1 of Henry nnd June Harris his wife Died ou the of May lSi by the Kick of a Colt in his bowel peaceable ami quiet a Friend to his Father uud Mother and respected by all who knew him and went to the world where hotses cant kick where sorrow and weeping Is no more Rochester Post Kx press Stntlannry Yonth Rich Father My daughter is too young to get married She Is only 18 Impecunious Lover I know sir but I have waited patiently for years and ska doesnt seem to get any older Judge Ilioiinionla Crtii l P rev r1i tea Thisdisonse always res alt b from a cold or au attack of the grip and may be prevented by the timely use of Gham borlains Cough Remedy That remedy was extensively used during tho epi demics of hi grippe of the past few years and not a single case has ever been re ported that did not recover or that re sulted in pneumonia which shows it to bo a cortniu preventive of that dangerous disease has gained a world wide repntatiou for its cures of colds and grip For sale by the Kiesaa Drug Co Its ua Certain ns leath and Tuxes that Rectol the great pile remedy will cure the piles A pile pipe free with each packigo We soil it on positive written guarantee No Curo No Pay fiOn Samples free Kiesan Drng Co Sole agents How to Cure Grip Remain quietly at homo aud take Chnmborlaius Cough Remedy as di rected and a quick recovery is sure to follow That remedy counteracts any tendency of the grip to result in pueu monia which is really tho only serious danger Among the tons of thousands who have used it for the grip not one case has ever been reported that did not recover For sale by the Kiesan Drug Co When you waut a physic that is mild nnd gentle easy to tako and pleasant in effect use Chamberlains Stomach aud Liver Tablets Price 25 cents Samples froe Every box guaranteed For sale by the Kiesau Drug Co Hail to Coniiinr or Die I was just about gone writes Mrs Rosa Richardson of Laurel Springs N 0 I hnd consumption so bad that the beBt doctors said I could not live more than n month but I began to nse Dr Kings New Discovery nnd was wholly cured by soveu bottles aud am now stout and woll Its au unrivaled life saver in consumption pneumonia la grippe and bronchitis infallible for coughs colds asthma hay fever croup or whooping cough Guaranteed bottles Mo nud 100 Trial bottles free at Kiesau Drug Cos store The beauty thief has come to stay Unless you drive tho pimples aud blackheads away Do this dont look like a fright Take Rocky Mountain Tea tonight Ask Geo 13 Christoph druggist Never Had a Cold since I begnn carrying a package of Krausos Cold Cnre Capsules in my vest pocket I take oue whenever I feel a cold coming ou Its oasy Price 25o Sold by Goo B Christoph To C ire a Cold While You Sleep Take Weeks Tab lets We will cheerfully rofund the pnrohaso price if it fails to onro Price 25 conts Kiesau Drug Co Sole agents The Kiesau Drug company will re fund you your monoy if you are not satisfied after using Chamberlains Stomach aud Liver Tablets Thoy oure disorders of the stomach biliousness constipation and headache Price 25 cout6 Samples free A llml Combination A bad cold iu bad weather Weoks1 Tablets will break up the combination by breakiug up the bad cold whilo you sleep No Cure No Pay 25ceuts Kiesau Drug Co Sole agents tit v iinti i inc h miil oi a ncgiccicii noil Keep the blood pure nnd it will keep the skin clear of all the irritating impurities that cause these painfn disfiguring diseases S S S cures loils and carbuncles easily ami ncrmancniiv nv remiorcini nimfritiir nml building up the blood nnd ridding the system of all accumulated wuste mutter S b S is made of roots nnd herbs which act directly on the blood nnd all poisons no matter how deep seated nre soon overcome nnd driven out by his powerful purely vegetable medicine a o o is not u new uiuneu remedy out tor fifty years has been curing nil kinds of blood and skin diseases It has cured thousands and will cure you It is a pleasant tonic as well as blood purifier im proves the appetite and digestion builds up your general health and keeps your blood in order Our physicians have made blood nnd skin dis eases a life study write them fullv about vour and nny information or advice wanted will be cheerfully given We make no charge JIICHtloii AiiMWnretl Yes August Flower still has tho larg est snlo of any medicine in the civilizod world Your mothers and grand mothors never thought of using anything olso for indigestion or biliousness Doc tors wore scarce and they seldom honrtl of appendicitis nervous prostration or heart failure etc They used August Flower to cloaii out the systom and stop fermnutation of undigested food regn nto the notion of tho livor stimulate the uorvous nud organic action of tho system and that is all thoy took whon feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches You only need a fow doses of Greens August Flower in liquid form to make yon satisfied there is nothing serious tho matter with you Get Greens Prize Almanac Kiosau Drug Oo Inspires oho to nobler and better deeds unlocks the gates of happiness pours glowing vitality into your system Thats what Rocky Mountain Tea will do ooc Ask Geo B Christoph drug gist l Grlppo Otilckly Cured In the winter of 1898 and 1899 I was taken down with a severe attack of what is called la grippe says F L Hewett a druggist of Wiufield 111 The only medicine I used was two bottles of Chamberlains Cough Remedy Chamberlains Conch Remodv II broko UP the cld aud stopped the coughing like magic and I have never since been troubled with grip Cham berlains Cough Romedy can always be depended upon to break up a severe cold nnd ward off any threatened attack of pneumonia It is pleasant to take toe which makes it the most desirable and one of the most popular proparatious in use for these ailments For sale by the Kiesau Drug Co r Drying1 preparations simply dovel op dry catarrh they dry up the secretions which adhere to tho membrauo nud decom pose causing a far tnoro serious troublo than tho ordinary form of catarrh Avoid all dry ing inhalants fumes omokes nnd snuffs and uso tlmt which clonuses soothes and henls Elys Croam Balm is such a remedy and will curo catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly A trial eizo will be niailod for 10 cents All druggists sell tho 50c size Ely Brothers 50 Warren St NY Tho Balm cures without pain does not irritnto or cause snoozing It spreads iteeli over an irritntod nnd angry surface reliev ing immediately tho painful inflammation With Elys Cream Balm you nro armed agaiust Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever Ilnckleus Arnica Salve Has world wide famo for marvelous cures It surpasses auy other salve lo tion ointment or balm for outs corns burns boils sores felons ulcers totter salt rhonm fever sores chapped hands skin eruptions Infallible for piles Cure guaranteed Only 25o nt Kiesau Drug Cos store Will numu His Business S Laval a merchant of Dallas Tex writes I thought I would have to give up business after two years of suf fering from general debility brought on by overwork and long hours but four bottles of Electric Bitters gave mo now life I can now eat nny thing Bleep well nud feel like working nil tho time Its the best medicine ou earth Its a wonderful tonio and health bnildor for tired weak sickly and run down people Try it Satisfaction guaranteed Only 50o nt Kiesaa Drug Cos store Its Free If It Fulls To Cure Rectol the great pile cure A pile pipe free with each package Wo sell it un der a positive written guarantee No Cure No Pay 50 cents vgamples free Kiesau Drug Co Sole agents For Shuttered Nerves A remedy that will soothe build up tho wasted tissues and enrich the blood is indespensablo LitoheyB Celery Nerve Compound has boon wondorfully successful iu cases of nervousness as thousands of grateful people will testify Sold by Geo K Christoph Does It Iay to UiiyClieitp A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right but yon want something that will relieve nnd curo tho more sovero nud dangerous results of throat nnd lung troubles What shnll yon do Go to a warmor and more regular oh mate Yes if possible if not possible for you then in either cubo take the only remedy that has boeu introduced in all civilized oouutrles with success iu severe throat and lung troubles BoBchees German Syrup It not Dangerous Carbuncles sss aena tor our uooic on Ulooil and Skin Pleases frae Address The Swift Snpnlfln fin Atlanta 6a only henls and stimulates tho tissues to destroy the germ disease but allays in flammation causos easy expectoration giveB n good nights rest nud cures the patient Try oue bottle Recommended tunny years by nil druggists in tho world Get Greens Prize Almanao Kiesaa Drug Co Mothers write us that thoy have solved tho problem of keeping their children well Give them Rocky Mountain Ten each week A blessing to mother and ohild Ask Geo B Christoph drug gist Headache Causes Headache is usually oaused by living in poorly ventilated rooms overindulg ence in food or drink insufficient oxer ciso mental strain excitement or ma laria Krausos Headache Capsules quiokly cures the most severe cases and leaves tho head clear and cool Pricd 2 c Sold by Geo B Christoph Working Overtime Eight hour laws are ignored by thoso tireless little workers Dr Kings New Life Pills Millions are always at work night and day curing indigestion bil iousness cont tipation sick headache aud all stomach liver and bowel troubles Easy pleasant safe sure Only 2oc nt Kiesau Drng Cos store Cold Cure for Ilusy People Many people neglect a cold because they say they have no time to attend to it Krauses Cold Curo is a remedy which cau be taken without danger while performing your daily duties and will relievo the most aggravated casos in 21 honrs Price 25o Sold by Geo B Christoph 1TIE CXKANSINQ AND IIKALIXG CURB FOH CATARRH Is Elys Cream Balm Easy and pleasant to ase Contains no In jurious drui It is quickly absorbed Gives llellef at once It Opens and Cleanses me nasal iastaies AIUts Inflammation ARC CrfttCtlttD CMOVAL CBSpw DC I CATARRH W4MBAU3 Heals and Protects the Membrane Restores tho Senses of Tasto and Smell Large Size 60 cents at Druggists or lr mall Trial Size 10 cepts by mall ELY BUOTUK1W 00 Warren Street New York natoenphsd maun m m WmM COLD N HEAD REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY k m - -aw m mfjtt Made a Well Man XVWKITOl w sj KcieVLH v U1NS STANDINBSi AHO THl y fsy EOOMION t5 oratt V IXMAl r iRHteui uiti rs ssrS the 7 -no of Me GKEUELOuV xrcuruNToa produces the above results In 30 days It acts powerfully and quickly Cures when all others fall Xoung men will regalo their lost manhood and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using REVIVO It quickly and purely restores Nerrou ness Lost Vitality Impotcncy Nightly Emissions Lost Power Falling Memory Wadtlng Diseases and ail effects of Bolt abuse or exceFsand indiscretion which unfits one or study business or marriage It not only cures by starting at tho seat of disease but la a groat nerve tonic and blood builder bring ing back the pink slow to palo cbeeka and re storing the flro of youth It wardB off Insanity and Consumption Insist on having REVIVO no other It can be carried in vest pocket By mall 10O per package or six lor BOO with posi tive written guarantee to core or raraod the money Hook and advise free Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO 6c3H1yamo0uilPU For sale in Norfolk Nebraska hj Geo B Christoph druggist Don t Be Fooledi Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on each packuge Price 35 cents Never sold In bulk Accept no substl tute Ask your druggist RED CROSS I LLS a v a smVN RED CROSS PILLB Asc puafur VCGITABLC Arics crrtcti VlKTStVMAVC TMl YUNquAunti P CNDORSCm Or EVERY PHY6ICIAM fAMlUASWITHTHt FORMULA Ot CINCHONA COL OES VlOINESSMaj For Sale by George B Christoph -A f