Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1901)
V 4 I A V V The Eyes Feed the Brain Parents who neglect their childrens eyes are more JT cruel than ppjwjprj ne Chinese i LHiicv l a i PCt NORFOLK wnu cutac I ne icci ui their little ones One dwarfs the feet the other stunts the mind When we adjust glasses study becomes a pleasure C f 0 PHQUAflDT Dp of Ophthalmology NEBRASKA H E HARDY FUEL Office Cor 4th and Main 5ti Yard i Bast U P Depot Phone 38 MONARCH MIXED PAINT The Best Paint Made Will cover 300 square feet two coats Contains pare lead and oil Shown by chemical test there is no paint on the market equal to its durability and cover ing capacity We can vouch for this as we have handled the Monarch Paint for twelve years If you think of painting your house let us figure with you We can save you money Remember our large stock of Wall Paper cheaper than ever KiesaiJ Drilg Bo Twenty three rolls of fine Straw Matting just received at John sons Furniture Store On Thursday Fri day Saturday Mon day and Tuesday we offer entire stock of China and Glassware at cost The Weather Conditions of the weather as recorded or the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature 10 Minimum temperature 1 Average 10 Preoipltation 00 Total preoipltation for month 24 Snowfall 00 Barometer 2070 FRIDAY FACTS The West Side Whist club met with Dr and Mrs Bear last evening who entertained the members in a royal manner Services were hold in St Pauls and Christ Lutheran churches this morning Services are to be held iu these churches every Friday morning during Lent Four miles of grading has just been let at South Omaha by the F K M V railroad company The grade is to be wide enough to accommodato 10 tracks The cost of the improvement will be 25000 Jt was Mrs R W Williams whose I horso ran away yesterday nnd not Mrs L A Williams as stated Whllo at first she thought flho was not injured today she is considerably liimo from tho ttTeots of her fall This being a legal holiday no weather forecast was received this morning The thermometer dropped to ouo degroo below zero this morning which seemed colder than It really was on account of tho stiff north broczo blowing Mosaic lodgo No 55 A F A M conferred tho third degree lnat evening using tho storoopMcou Thoro was an unusnnlly largo attendance of monnors At tho closo of tho work refreshments wero served in tho banquet room Tho most noticablo observances of Washingtons birthday are by tho post ofllce which is keeplug Sunday hours being open from 11 to 1110 by the school which aro not in session and by tho banks which oro olosod Tho closing of tho banksy today makes many houses short of change with which to do busiue s Tho Ladies aid society of tho M E church enjoyed a liberal patrouago it both tho dinner nnd Buppor given by thorn yesterday iu G A R hall They sorved flue meals both uoou and evening tho only criticism that could bo offered being that thoy wero almost too goner ous iu what thoy served Tho proceeds of the entertainment netted them about ICO Madisons now electric light plant is uow in operation and is giving good satisfaction to tho people of that town Tho streets are lighted by nino arc lights aud 45 32 caudle power iucaudos cents which makes it one of tho host lighted towns iu the istnte considering the size of the place Tho plant is owned by tho city and is run in connec tion with tho waterworks This is the slxtoonth anniversary of the marriage of Mr nnd Mrs E M Huntington which they celebrated today by giving an old fashioned turkey dinner to 14 ladies tho invited guests being Mesdames Morrow McMullen Birchard Hazon O H Reynolds Mo Bride Mount Stafford Seymour Baker Snyder Stitt R H Reynolds aud May lard Tho ladies went at 10 oclock this morning attired iu Mint ha Wash ington costume aud will spend tho day They presented their hostess some hand some pieces of china Tho affair was very informal and consequently very pleasant The men of the Congregational church are giving an entertainment in the parlors of the church this evening which iB strictly a male affair Oysters and coffee with tho various accompani ments are to be served the whole to be iu charge of the men The line up of eillciont help this afternoon seoms to be about as follows although there may be some changes Burt Mapes is to be head cook and ho will season the oysters with a few legaropinirni O C Gow and C B Durland will wash dishes aud wipe them with insurance policies R A Stewart A H Alliuson and W Z King will polish the silver with butter ladles Geo Reckard will clean tho skillets with a jack plane Robert Utter will carry wood and water on u book while us waiters will appear John R Hays at a table of congressional returns E O Mount at the telegraphers table Prof OConnor at tho multiplica tion table and J E Boos at the side board Each one of the force will wear hats of the time of Geo Washington and conduct themselves in keeping with colonial times It will bo worth travel ing miles to partake of tho hospitality of these gentlemen at a quarter a partake even in the cold weather which is promised for tonight Girl wanted for general housework Good wages Call at residence of Mrs James Gildea North Eleventh street Catfish perch and oysters at KaiioJs Rock Springs and Hanna Lump and Nut coal at Hardys Fresh fish at Glissmans Man affair Feboary 22 1901 at the First Congregational church Ladles admitted at full price Baltimore oysters in bulk at Glissmans Wanted Maroh 16 five room cottage Will pay reasonable rent Address Wm Beswick No 1209 Seventh avenue Council Bluffs Iowa A 1 fresh mined Rock Springs nut coal at Hardys Save your quarters and attend the in augural address at the First Congrega tional ohuroh Friday evening Febru ary 22 at 7 30 sharp Lost A bunch of friendship hearts Leave at laundry and receive reward The Favorite Line To the Epworth League convention San Francisco Cal July 1001 will bo the Union Puoiflo All competition dis tanced The fort traiiiB of the Uuiou Paoiilo reach San Fruuci6cofifteeu hours ahead of all competitors If you aro in no hurry take a slow train by one of the detour routes but if you want to got there without deloy taknthe historic and only direct route tho Union Pacific Full information cheerfully furnished upon application F W Junkman Ageut Sturgeon ia the piano man THK NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY FEKKUAKY 22 1501 PERSONAL Prof W S Conn of Wayno was In tho city yesterday Miss Cora Martiudalo of Plerco is vis iting in Norfolk today Shomplu King of Sidney Nob was a business visitor yesterday C W Herltago of lladar was down to tho metropolis yesterday Peter Krantz of Stewart transacted business iu tho city yesterday Perry Mass and 11 R Pettitt of Fro mout wero city visitors over night E W Zntz cashier of tho Norfolk National bank mado a trip to llosklus today Mrs R A Tawney and daughter Ruth and Mrs Thos Olillvers nnd daughter Ethel all of Pierce aro visitors iu tho city today Messrs Chris Sohavland Peter Rubondall and Willis Mcllrido came ovor from Madison last evening to at tend Masonic lodge O B Hazon who is spending tho winter iu Colorado Springs Col ox poets to return in tho early spring Ho has not docidodwhother he will work his farm noar hero or live in town during tho summer Bnllod lobster at Oiissmanb A full line of good groceries at Parishs Farm land and city property for sale by G R Soilor We mako loans on real estate at lowest rates Elkhorn Building aud Savings association T E Odiohkb Soc Farm and city loons Tub Durland Trust Go THE SICK LIST Mrs F A Beelor is suffering with an attack of tonsilitis The three children of M C Hazen are siik with the whooping cough I J Webtervolt who has boon enter taining the grip for several days is re ported better today Ten bars Cndahys Diamond C soap for 26 cents at Parishs Good farms to trade for town property G R Skilek Northern WIhcoiihIii Itullwuy Farm Lnniln ForSiilo The Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha railway has for sale in North em Wisconsin at low prices and easy terms of payment about 1150000 acres of choice farm lauds Early buyers will secure tho advan tage of locations on the many beautiful streams and lakes which abound with fish and furnish a never ending nnd most excellent water supply both for family use and for stock Land is generally well timbered the soil fertile and easy of cultivation and this is rapidly developing into one of the greatest sheep and cattle raising regions in the northwest Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Minn eapolis Duluth Superior Ashland aud other townB on The Northwestern Line furnish good markets for stock and farm produce For further particulars address Geo W Bull Land Commissioner Hudson Wis or G H MacRae Asst GonlPassAgtSt Paul Minn Hardings creamery butter at Glissmans Having received my stock of spring and summer goods I wish to state that it is the most complete in assortment and style of foreign and domestic woolens For a neat and up-to-date suit or trousers give me a call I can assure to please the most fastidious Your inspection is invited P J Fuesler Merchant Tailor BATTLE CREEK Tuesday born to Mr aud Mrs Robert Davis a daughter Rev Jos Cossairt arrived here Mon day from Missouri to visit relatives W A Barnes is closing out his stock of general merchandise for cost prices Day Ouras is over here from Leigh visiting his parents and other relatives Fred Erecbler went up to Inman Sun day to look after his cattle interests near that place Miss Pauline Wienck of Norfolk was visiting here the latter part of the week with her parents L M Wolfe of Norfolk was up here Tuesday in the interest of the Modern Brotherhood of America We learned that Mr M O Wager superintendent of the county farm is intending to start a butcher shop here soon Mrs Sam Schneider went to Laurel Tuesday to meet her parents Mr and and Mrs Kaufman who moved to that place from Ames Mrs Henry Tiet jens and children of Pluiuview arrived here last Thursday for an extended visit with her father Mr Otto Borchers Mrs J II Palmer of Meadow Grove bought n house nnd lot of Robt Pugh Weduesday located on tho corner of Herman and First East streets Last Thursday Hughes shippod two carloads of cnttlo L B linker one car load of hogs and tho Howard Miller Lumber company ouo carload of hogs Chan Houston and Geo Davis got into a little fight Tuosday about the nun- of drinks they took nnd when thoy settled up on that Marshal Flood said thoy took f I 50 a piece Rev 1 lloffmnu waH a victim of the grip for nlHint a week but wo expect him to be on tho pulpit ngain today Thursday na Lent services commence Ijwt Sunday Prof M G Doorlng held a leading sermon in tho Lutheran church Our High Holionl including teachers nnd cholors semis to bo very nctlvo all tho time For tho next local teachers association to bo hold on March llth at 1 JIOp m thoy will rendoi tho follow ing program General dismission of Chapter II of Pagos Theory and Prac tice of Teaching Vocnl music Mlhs Mablo Richardson Paper How Should wo Spend our Vacation Mits Mary Crooks Instrumental music MtKS Bertha Richardson llooitntion Miss Hertha Funk Vocal duot MIhhoh Nellie Craig nnd Minnie Zimmerman I boliovothat somo time some of our girls will be admitted tq tho bar nonio will try their bauds nt jonrnaliNU or home other ism and tho balance get married DrFrank Salter Diseases of children tlntiHos for saio T K OuinnttR Veal mutton hoof pork spare ribs and pork tenderloins at Kauoh WARNEIWILLE Ed Warner of Jersey villo 111 ar rived here last Sunday to visit his paronts Fred Odell went to Omaha Monday with the avowed intention of buying a carload of calves Mrs Nellie Miller came up from Fre mont Monday to visit her parents Mr and Mrs O D Munsou Among tho distinguished guests at tho dance here last Thursday evoning was Goo W Losey sheriff of Madison county but tho prize fight ho was look ing for was not pulled off Inane Johnston will dispose of his per gonal projMTty nt public Falo next week owing to tho death of Mrs Johnston which ocenrtd recently Mr Johnston has decided to give up farming for the present and will take his children to his mother at Holyoke Mass fiifi To Mm Suiiiiiirrliinil The Union Pacific hns authorized a settlors excursion rate of 25 from Nor folk to California February il to 2flth March 5 12 11 25 Pullman ordinary sleeping cars are run daily via the Union Pacific to California These cars are the most commodious menus of travel for lnrgo parties intending set tlers hmneseekers hunting parties Full information cheerfully furnished on application lF W Junkman Agent A terrible battle on lnud fierce fight ing of soldiers firing guns chnrgo of bayonets bnrsting shells rushing of horses flying of traius and dat hiug of firo departments will mako some people feel nervous who Hit on front seats to witness the fine program of the wonder ful moving pictures at Marqnardts hall Monday evening February 25 President McKinley Reviewing Troops High Diving at Milan An Elopement American Battle Ships A Burglar Captured Burning Stable Dog nnd Tramp etc many nmnsing incidents also somo views with reference to recent troubles iu China Paris exposition and our new possessions Tickets can be obtained of Mrs Burt Mapes for tho Congregational ladies or at Leonards drug store Admission 25 cents Reserved seats JJ5 cents Child ren 15 centB You Should Know About Farming In brankti Corn is king but other grains are suc cessfully raised and yon can buy land cheap along the Fremont Elkhorn Missouri Valley railroad Write for particulars to J H Gadle Traveling Pass Aout Denucu lowr Or to J R riuCHAN Gen tBTen A sent Omaha Neb Choice celery at Glissmans All Competition UUtant ed The fast trams of the Union Pocifio reach San Francisco fifteen hours ahead of all competitors If you are in no hurry take a slow train by one of the de tour routes but if you wont to get there without suffering any of the inconven iences of winter travel take the only direct route the Union Pacific De tailed information furnished on applica tion F W Juheman Agent An Kxtract from Her Letters If you could only be here this winter morning nnd see for yourself you would no longer doubt me Roses ore bloom ing in our front yard uud all nature is as far advanced in this lovely American summerland as it will bo in your cold eastern homo by June Wo made tho journey from Missouri river to the Golden Gate on tho Union Pacific to avoid the circuitous routes an important item iu the winter A trip to California is mado delightful by tho perfect Ben ice nnd luxurious ac commodation of The Overland Limited which is perhaps tho most finely equipped train iu the world Detailed information furnished on ap plication F W Junkman Agent 174 REPORT OK THE CONDITION Citizens National Bank At Norfolk iu tho state of Nebraska at thoeloNO of btiNhiesH February 5 I Ml lllMoiuiriiH Iomii mill illtroimt IC7rfl 07 OwrilritftP riHtiriil mill niiMvtifnl Ih7 W II S Homls lo nnriirii rlmilntlim 2i0iKI Ml HiiiikliiK limiMi fimiltttriwwiil llxturt n llltil Oilier riiil tmliitu nuiinl ituo Hi Dun from Niitloiml llniikHuot Itwnn NkimiIc 4M mi Duo ft nm Hindi lliinkn mill HnuktTH 1M 74 Duo trout iiiiroiiul tcMtrtu mtiiitH 4ill 17 1 ii t nrn n I llnwiitin Kiiiiih 2W II 1liitkn mitl other rnxli ttmim ttJt 111 NoIck nf ollinr Niillniiiil llimkn ais HI Imrlliiniil imiiht euiiciin iiIiIiiIh ittiiliKiilH HXI 17 tAWIIII MllMit lllMlltl in Dank llr Hxrln J4VM ON liynl tHiilor liotrh 7000 HI ISMtt CO Itcilciniilloii fund with U S TreiiNtiror wr rent of rliiillnlloii irnoo Tolal J7lirj tt UA1III1TIICH Cniiltnl olorli pnlil In MVK UI HimiliiH filiul fif V InilUliliil iirolllK IchH iixpiiiHi mill tuxiH tiiilil Hiii4 27 Nnlluiml llntilt imtcHiiiitHlmiillm LTieee Ki Dun lo Stiilo lliiiikh mill IliinUrn lflMU 7H Itultvliltml ilniKiHllh mlijwl lo clinok SxIWt or Diiiimul rortHWiitiH of IMwIt nwu K Tlniiifiidtlialimdf iIcihihK tlUVSI US Tiitnl H7A1 liU Hlntu of Nilirnhlin enmity of MiiiIIkoii hh I I A lulliiirl iiriKlilcul of llm liank ilo polmmil eweur Unit llm iiImimi Hiitimiimt ih trim to IIiuIk kI of my IoiowIciIkh mill Mlnf I A IiiikaiiI lriHliliiit KuIwitIImmI mill tworn to Ixifiun mi IiIh 12ih tin of Fulmmr MUI JJAN J KOKNKIHTKIN hiai Nolttrj Ililillc oitiilrr Attift Cam Ahmiih Ofts H Ilittimi L HlCHHKINH UlrMtorf Baby Cloaks and Hoods at Half Price at DURLAND SISTERS FOR SALE ii One of tho best cottages on tho west side Five rooms and bath Barn anil good outbuildings and fine lawn Corner lots Kxl22 south mid east front Will bo sold at a bargain on easy terms ift U20 acres of good improved land nino miles north of Norfolk in Pierce coun ty 2 I acres cultivated good buildiigs A small payment down and balance at I per cent interest ou 10 annual pay ments will receive this bargain nt 20 00 iht ucre Fonr of the best residences in Nor folk on tho west side to exchange for good farm land TRKGY DURLRND irvcDC k I w Invites you to Compare Prices Tomatoes per can 8c Peas per can 6c Corn per can 8c Java Coffee best per lb 15c Oat Meal per lb 2Mc Soap 10 bare 25c V2 pound can Baking Powder 20c Best Prunes per lb 8c Blueing 4c Soda per lb 3jc Starch per lb 3sC Crackers per lb 7ifiCC Clothes Lines 9o Lye per can 4c Mixed Candy per lb 7c Pearline per package 4c Rice per lb 7c Lamp Chimney 4c We have a big line of Tinware Gran iteware and Crockery which we art selling very cheap B MEYERS L L REMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for the Myers Force and Wlud Mill Puinpa Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Woik First door West of Post Ofllce WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD SHAVE or BATH GO TO W 0 Halls Barber Shop MAIN T TU1HD DOOB EABT OF KOUBTH 11 OK lUOHAItDS The Hye nnil liye 5litht Nnn Lllf i of f rmi tin will do In Not folk nt ClirlMoiiliH DniK Hlorn tlmZitliJUli nnil 7th of Inliruiiry If you Imvn wi nk oyo mill lirmliirlinmiil ttrml kIiimIn hiiki jour onliirn for liliu Ilu will niivn joti nullify iiml nun your uyim lni BARNKM Ac TYLKR i J II llnnni M I Tylr AHornoTH nt Law Norfolk Nobrank HC H 1AllKlClt liKNTLST Mast Block - - Norfolk Nob DR II T HULDMN llomeoimtlile HiyhIcIiiii iuidSurgeoB OlllruCltlrmiit Nntloiinl Hunk IIuIMIiik Tuliitilitini llll Huiiltiiriuin nnil Itunlilnnru Mnlu nnil 1ltli HV imoiuioiKiv Norfolk - - Nebraska H 1 UOLK IrKNTIST Ulllrn uvnr OlllrmiV Nntlonul lliuik Itimlilnnoa nun liltitV uortli of iiiiiMntltnml cliurcli Norfolk Nobrnska yAPKS UAZKN Olllfti iimii lroiiui ilu Unix Hlorn Norfolk - - - Nobniskn jyflSS MARY S1I1CLLKY FiiKhlonnblo DrosHinukor Dp htiilrn In Cotton lilock ovnr IIiiiiiiim itirl Kirnt cliirv wink Kiitintntnoil Norfolk - Nebraska pOWKHS A HAYS Attorneys at Law ItumiiH 10 II mill VI Must lilock Norfolk - - - Nebraska JJOBKRTSON ROBKIUSON Attorneys-at-Law Homns 1 and 2 Robertson Block Norfolk Nobr glfiSSIONS B12LL UndcrlbkerN and Kmhalniers Km hIdiih llll Norfolk Avo Norfolk - Nebraska For Ilumbing Strum Filling lumps TanVu Wind Mills And till work in HiIh Hun cull nn W H RISH Khtlpfnctifiii Hiinnintooil Kirhl door Kouth of Tim Daily Ncwr Olllon B W JONAS FINE TAILORING HuitK miiiln Ui oricr nnil in Iij Intoet Btylo Re piiiriiiK iiniitly ilonn BIioji ou Soulli Fourtli Bt miiitli of llmnn llroi MRS H H HULL Manicuring Shampooing Ladies Baths Tklkmioni No 447 Rooms on North Ninth Street DO YOU DESIRE Health VITO MAGNETIC HEALIN6 Cures Chronic Diseases Rheumatism Eyes Kara the Lame etc Absolutely no medicine used Dr H SAYOOR No 203 East NORFOLK Fh Bt Street NEBRASKA M E SPAULDINC UKALEH IN FLOUR - FEED TELEPHONE NO 83 CRSEILER Sale and Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold on Commission Brack Avcmm I adTMftSt PHONE 44