The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 22, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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8 Friotlnmn of Mmllnou Bpont Bnntlny
In tho olty
F O liiirKon o Wnyno Bpont Snnilny
in Norfolk
O A Klwrlr of Stanton tIhUimI in
town Smuiny
Win Lonrv of Tilden was ft oity
itor yoRtcnlny
U S Linn of Carroll whb ft Norfolk
-visitor yostonlny
1 J KooniRRtoln hnd 1pk1 lmshnBH
this nioruiiiK in MihIIhoii
HubIuobb nttrnntcil O S llnyc to
Piorco yoBtonlny nftornoon
Frank Owon of Wnyno wm ovor thin
morning tIbIHiir rolnllvoH
1 1 llonnot of HnHtliiRH tnuiwictccl
btiBinoRH in tho city yoBturdny
Mr nnd Mrs W D JolniRon from
Miulifion Bpont Sundny in Norfolk
John O Klllot of Bnttlo Crock wns u
buHinosB TlBitor in town yoRtonlny
O G Soman ifl ImildiiiR nn addition
to hlB rcRidonco on South Twolfth
T L IIorahlRor of tho Jnnotion drop
Htoro mndo 11 trip to ONoill Saturday
roturniiiR Sunday
W II Ulakonian Btartod Snnday
nlRht for an oxtoudod uhbIiiobb trip to
tho Black Hills country
IT K FoRtnr oxodltor of tho Plain-
low Nowb camo down from that city
en tho onrly morning train
Rot F O Taylor of Neligh ifl in tho
olty Ho camo down to nttond tho fn
uernl of Mtb Woills and Mm IsbiHtor
Rov O A Wood tho EplHcopnJ Jiiin
iBtor from ColnmbuH waB hereto attend
tho fnnoral of Mrs Woills and Mrs
Fred Huobnor of Ixonia Wis is horo
to visit rolativoB nnd frionds horo ond in
Pioroo county His brother Win Huob
nor and wife aro alBO horo from Hot
SprinRR S D
Chas Iauoh and Mr ond Mrs Fred
Soheor of Bnzilo MUIb hnvo boon vIfH
iug Norfolk friendfl for a fow days
Today thoy wont to Stanton to viflit Mr
nnd Mrs Wni Nouuian Miss Ella
Aloldenhauor accompanied thorn
Rov Chas Donol of BoIbo City Idaho
arrived on tho morning Union Puciilo
train Tho train wuh late bo that ho
did not roaoh tho city until aftor the
funeral of Mrs WoillB and Mrs iHbistor
He found his wifo coiiBidorably im
A now and larRor enRino 1b to bo
placod in The News buildiuR thiB ovon
iug and tomorrow It iB expectod to
have it ready for oieration in time to
print the paper tomorrow but should
the paper not appear on tiino it will bo
known that something has happened
Madison Chronicle Thomas Morti
mer sold thirty fluo Horoford bulls this
week at priccB varying from 110 to 00
Somo of them go to Oklahoma Montana
Wyoming and Iowa C B Clow of
HamberR la who is just stnrtiug a
herd took flftoou fine ones puyiuR 100
a head Mr Mortimer has sold quite a
number of blooded animals this winter
AhlmanBros havo constructed a bi
oyolo that is a novelty in its way The
gear is what is known as a 4 minus
and is so arranged that the rider must
-work the pedals furiously to keep tho
wheel moving at all It seems deoidedly
incongruous to seo this wheel travel
along at a solemn and sedate gait while
the rider iB hustling his legs like trip
hammers It 1b a good machine to ex
ercise onjvnd not go anywhere
CauouscB of democratic electors wero
held Saturday evening in the various
wordB of tho city Candidates for coun
cilman were chosen and delegates to tho
city convention wore selected Meagro
reports of the meetings have been ob
tained but it was learned that Oscar
Uhle vo8 renominated for councilman
in tho First word I G WeBtervelt was
nominated in the Second and Albert
Wilde and Ed Braasoh were nominated
in tho Third
The Jossey Stock company presented
A Soldiers Daughter at the Audi
torium last evening to a good house and
those attending were in the main well
pleased with the performance Between
aoU a number of entertaining specialties
were presented The company averages
well with those presenting popular prico
entertainments and none were heard to
complaiu that they had not received
full value for their money Mr Josaoy
announces that the company beginB
with its poorest production and will
present the best the loBt ovoniug of their
three nights engagement Tonight the
company will appear in Under Two
Yesterday morning the weather man
predicted much colder for last night
and this morning and his forecast was
true to the letter From a minimum of
84 above zero yesterday morning tho
thermometerdropped to six above thiB
morning when a high wiud from the
north added to the discomfort of tho
situation The weather man promises
Btill colder tonight with threatening
tomorrow The cold snap affords auother
opportunity for ice men to remme the
harvest of congealed aqua It is ex
pected that by the end of the week every
ice house iu tho city will be lilled
which guarantees that there will he no
shortage next summer of thiB hot
weather necessity
Yesterday was the Chinese New Year
and in honor of tho ovont Sam Goon
tho laundry man gave a grand ball to
his colored frionds in ono of tho vacant
bnlldltiRR on oast Main Btroot Thosb
attending had an onjoyablo tlmo until
tho pleasuro of roiiio of thorn was marred
by tho bolBtoroufl action of Wildo For
teotto formerly of thiB place- but now of
Fierce who had rathor too much liquor
aboard Tho nMcora worn notlflod of
his nutiotifl and ho was run in about
8 oclock thlH morning In pollco court
ho woh charged with drunk and dis
orderly conduct nnd uRBosflod n lino
which with coBts amounted to 1110
and waB glvon his liborty aftor huBtllnR
tho money to pay tho nBflosBtnont against
llfUomlhln llilillo HiiIp
Having rented my farm nnd intend
ing to movo to Colorado I will soil at
public uuotlou at my farm known or
tho Haymow pOBtollloo on section 21
township 22 rango 810tf milos dno
Bonth of Pllgor 7 miloH north and 11
miloB woBt of Howolls 15 milos south
east of Stanton nnd 15 miloB southwest
of WlBtior sale to cotninunco promptly
nt 10 oclock a m WodnoBday March
1th tho following described proporty
to wlt
107 head of oattlo Thoso cattle aro
high grado Horoford and Short Horn
Btook ITicows noarly nil with calf
Boveral of thorn aro milch cowb 17 two
year old Golfers all with calf 25 Bhort
yearling heifers 1 hoifor calvos
7 Short yearling BtoerB 14 bull
calves 1 two year old Horoford bull 1
cow and onlf
in head of horses Toam of largo bay
horses 8 years old Bpun of mares
roadsters 7 years old gray horse 7
yeurB old gray inaro 1 1 years old bay
horso 8 years old sorrel horse 7 years
old graymure 9 years old iron gray
horso 7 years old 5black horso 1 1 yoars
old black colt 2 years old black colt
1 year old
80 hogs Two bowb eaoh with litters
of pigs tho balouco aro shoats consist
ing of brood sows and barrows
Poultry Several dozen of chickens
and geese
Furuimnohinory etc consisting of
mowers binders hayrack harrows
Bulky plows walking plows breaking
plows disc cultivators walking
ators corn planters one horBO
drills listor pulverizer seeders feed
grindorB four horso power and shollor
hay sweep sevoral farm wagons a
truck hay wagon 2 hay racks Boveral
sots of harness aud fly nets feed cooker
aud other artiolcs too numerous to men
tion including farming and blacksmith
lug tools etc Also an organ and nu
merous articles of household furniture
and several tons of good hay
Terms On sumB of 10 and over n
credit of 12 mouths time will be given
purchnBor giving uoto with approved
security bearing 8 per cent interest from
date if paid when duo if not paid when
duo 10 por fcont interest Sums less
than 10 cash A discount of 2 per cent
for cash will be given whore a note
might bo accepted All proporty must
bo settled for before being removed from
Froo lunch nt noon for all
A Giacomini
J R Stuoker nnd W J Pauek
llmnuioml Lunlnlann An Iileul
aud Winter lleiort
Tho passengor department of the Illi
nois Control Railroad oompany has just
issued a now edition of Hammond
Louisiana as a Winter Resort a beau
tiful illustrated folder showing a few of
tho winter attractions in aud about
Hammond copies of which will be
mailed free on application to tho under
For those in good or moderate circum
stance no point in the south offers such
inducemouts The climato is unsur
passed The artesan water excellent
Society almost entirely northern and
tho hotel and boarding house accomoda
tions far superior to any town of its size
in the north and at moderate rates
J F Merky
Asst Gen Pass Agt 111 Cent RR
Dubuque Iowa
Career anil Character of Abraham Lincoln
An address by Joseph Choate Am-
bosBador to Great imtiunouttie career
and character of Abraham Lincoln his
early life his early struggles with the
world his character as developed in
the later years of his life and his ad
ministration whioh placed hiB name so
high on the worlds roll of honor and
fame hosbeeu published by the Ohioago
Milwaukee St Paul Railway and may
be had by sending six US cents in post
age to F A Miller General Passenger
Agent Chicago 111
Choice celery at GliBsmans
Uood Advice
Tho most miserable beings in the world
are those suffering from Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint More than seventy
five per cent of the people in the United
States are atllicted with these two dis
eases and their effects such as Sour
Stomach Sick Headache Habitual Cost
ivenosB Palpitation of the Heart Heart
burn Wnterbrash Guawiug aud Burn
ing Puius at tho Pit ofStomach Yellow
Skiu Coated tongue and Disagreeable
Taste in the Mouth Coming up of Food
after Eating Low Spirits etc Go to
your Druggist uud got a bottle of August
Flower for 75 cents Two doses will re
lieve you Try it Get Greens Prize
Almanac Asa K Leonard
Androw Sohwnnk of Mndihon won
among tho vtoitorB in town today
S toward M O Walker of tho hopltal
for tho Insane wont to Lincoln today
Thero will bo services in both Luth
eran churches ovcry Friday until EnBtor
Mrs F W Teal loft for Lincoln oij
tho oarly train nnd will return tonight
Dr nnd Mrs A Boar will entertain
tho West Sido Whist clnb Thursday
Mrs Grace Mast who 1b viflltinR hor
sifltor Mrs H O Truman 1b Blok with
tho grip
Goo II Spoar is confined to his roomB
nt tho Oxunrd with a very Bovoro attack
of lumbago
Beryl Boolor who haB locn vory Bick
with pneumonia for two weeks is vory
muoh improvod
H E Owen loft yesterday for Pied
mont Wyoming to look after tho firms
railroad contract work thero
Mrs G W Box iB just recovoring
from an attack of tho grip with whioh
sho haB boon sick for threo weeks
Twenty five hoad of horses woro
burned at St Paul oarly yostorday
morning when tho Royal Pock feed
barn was destroyed
Today is ABh Wednesday the begin
ning of Lont and tho day was appro
priately obsorvod with services in sev
eral of tho churohoB
Miss Ada Buttorfiold is expected homo
tonight from an oxtoudod visit with
relatives and frionds in Mississippi St
Louis Mo and ColumbuB WiB
Tho domoornts of tho Third ward
nominated Ed Braasoh for councilman
for tho loug torm and 0 D Jenkins for
tho short term instead of Albert Wildo
as reported in The News
D M Owon camo in last night from a
short visit with friends nt Des Moines
Iowa during which ho attended the
wedding of a cousin Ho leaves today
for Piodmout Wyoming to look after
business affairs
York has been proclaimed a olty of
the second class by Governor Diotrich
it having moro than 5000 population
Tho exact population is 5182 York
has shown a wonderful growth during
tho pnst decado
Tho lato David Reswick formerly of
Pawnoe City who recently died in Lob
Angelos Col willed two and a quarter
soctionB of land to oach tho MethodiBt
Baptist and Presbyterian churches of
that city The land is located in Greely
county and its value is not known
D Rees was passing cigars around to
his friends this morning with a happy
cast of countenance nnd tho announce
ment that Its a boy The young
D nntlflninn arrived at tho Roes homo
last night There are four daughters
in tho family but this is the only son
John Greetm a well known squaw
man of Gordon committed suicide
Monday night by blowing hiB head off
with a shot gun Misfortune drove
him to drink and gambling and ho de
cided to sever relations with the world
He loaves a wifo and several ohildron
The Sohlitz beer vault near Mittel
8tndtB lumbor yards is being filled
with ico while yet in an unfinished con
dition The quality of ice is vory good
and if tho cold snap lasts o few days
longer the Norfolk ice man will be able
to Bupply all domands likely to be made
next summer
John N Peyson of Dakota City who
it is charged has defied tho law relating
to disposing of liquors for the past ten
years and has been arrested on that
oharge more than 50 times has at lost
been found guilty of selling liquor ille
gally It iB thought that Judge Graves
will impose quite a severe penalty
The Jossey Stock company presented
Under Two Flags last evening at the
Auditorium to a fair sized audience
tho play being given very entertainingly
and well Considerable special scenery
was used and those attending were well
pleased Tonight the company will
close its engagement in Norfolk in The
Signal of Liberty
The Ohlno California Champion
speaking of weather conditions rays
Tho rainfall for the storm extending
through the first nine days of February
according to the Champions gauge
amounted to 510 inches making the to
tal for the season to date an even 20
inohes It has been many years since
the country has received so heavy a rain
fall at this date Since Saturday the
weather has been fine for farm work
and the farmers are busy taking advan
tage of the fine conditions for putting
iu crops
W R Hoffman returned last night
from his Chicago trip Near Marshall
town his train met with an accident
that might well have caused consider
able damage and suff eriug The passen
ger passed a freight on tho double track
at that place One of the car doors of
the freight was loose aud swuug out
taking tho windows out of ouo sldo of
the passenger Mr Hoffman was read
ing near a window uud had tho mis
fortune to get Beveral pieces of glass iu
his eyes Tho particles of glass were ro
moved however aud Mr Hoffmuu is
suffering no very severe inconvenience
as the result of his oxperieuce
At four oclock yesterday afternoon
the Right Reverend Bishop Williams
confirmed the following persons
George H Spear Grace Spear Fred
erick W Junoman Harriot 0 Wood
Mrs EIbIo Desmond nnd Mrs W N
Huso Tho two lnttor persona woro
presented by tho Rov Charles Duol of
Boiso Idaho aud tho former by Rov
0 A Wead of Columbus After tho
Boonos through which tho church has
passed it was thought boat not to givo
too muoh publicity to this Bcrylco uud
it was thoroforo moro of a private na
ture although thoro was a goodly num
ber of tho fiionds and members of tho
congregation present Thoro was no
special music tho hymns being buoIi as
thoso prosont could join in heartily
Tho remarks of the bishop woro extremely
touching ospooiidly his roferonco to
tho work and character of tho rector of tho
parish It was Tory gratifying to tho
rector that this bright spot should ap
pear amid the gloom aud saduoss of tho
pastfow days
Annual Statement of The Nebrimkn Itenl
Entitle Corporation
Cash on hand and in bank 11 CO 25
Bills rocolvnblo 1012 40
Exponso paid 201 20
Accounts receivable 4087 22
Subscription account 2000 00
Trensnvy stock 10000 00
Real OBtato owned 8221 07
20072 23
Capital 251000 00
Undivided profit 781 80
AcoountB payablo 800 87
20672 28
Norfolk Nob January 31 1901 I
horeby certify that tho above is a true
statement of tho condition of The Ne
braska Roal Estate Corporation on this
date to the best of my knowledge and
belief A J Duuland
Lo MoDonuld went to Tilden
Julius House spent Snnday with
parents nt Norfolk
Theo Jensen was a Meadow Grove
visitor last Monday
Mr Orr Palmer transacted business
in Battle Crook Monday
Joe Johnson and Carl Oehring made
a trip to Tilden Monday
Howard Perkins left for his home
near Ewing Friday morning
Miss Gertrude Wade spent the Sabbath
at her homo near Battle Creek
Miss Cora Edwards spent last Thurs
day and Friday in Battle Creek
Messrs Perry and Jean Lewis spent
last Monday visiting in Norfolk
Messrs Jim Sams and Orr Palmer
drove to Madison and back laBt Tues
Miss Effie Ball of Norfolk attended
tho masquerade in this city Thursday
Miss Betty HalBey vicited with Cora
Edwards from Saturday till Tuesday
Rov Newman has been in Meadow
Grove for the post week the guest of
Rev Damon
Several couples drove down from Til
den Thursday evening and attended the
masquerade dance
Frank Roberts of Battle Creek was in
Meadow Grove Sunday the guest of
Miss Eva Christianaon
H H Rouse has opened a hardware
store in the building formerly ocoupied
by H J Colegrovee furniture business
M L PerkinB returned to Meadow
Grove last Thursday evening after vis
iting friends and relatives in New
W A Witzigman and family returned
o Meadow Grove Wednesday evening
after an extended visit with relatives
in Clinton Iowa
Mrs Maggie Storey and son Orrin
went to Fremont Thursday to visit rela
tives From there Mrs Storey will go
to Iowa for a few weeks
The markets Wheat 53 cents oats
20 cents sholled corn 27g cents ear
corn 27 cents rye 85 oents butter
12J2 cents eggs 12 oents
Tho show entitled Jack and Edna
was greeted by a fair sized audience
last Friday evening It is a very olean
and moral entertainment and well de
served the patronage it received
The masquerade ball given by Orr
Palmer and Warren Brown Thursday
evening was very well attended The
music furnished by the Norfolk Asylum
orchestra was first class Many were
present from Tilden and Battle Creek
The dancers unmasked at 11 oclock and
took Bupper at the Grove hotel and
Breslers restaurant at midnight
David City Neb April 1 1000
Pure Food Lo Roy N Y
Gentlemen I must say in regard to
Graiu O that there iB nothing better
or healthier We have used it for years
My brother was a great coffee drinker
Ho was taken siok aud the doctor said
coffee was the cause of it My brother
has been well ever since wo started to
use it Yours truly Lilue Sociioii
Curd if Tli link
To those who assisted during tho sick
ness aud last sad rites couuectod with
the burial of our daughter Irene wo
express our heartfelt thanks nnd ap
preciation Their sympathy and timely
assistance on au occasion of deep dis
tress will not bo forgotten
Mb and Mite W H Emqk
Born to Mr nnd Mrs Rungy lost
evening a dnughter
Rov Mr Oflboru returned to Croigh
ton nt noon today
Mr and Mrs A K Loonnrd returned
lost ovoniug from n visit to Omaha
Trinity gnild will meot with M 8 J
W Humphrey tomorrow afternoon
Miss Kate Ryan of Winnotoon is in
tho city tho guost of Mrs Ed Murphy
MIbs Nettio Allberry returned homo
last ovoniug from visiting Omaha
Superintendent W A Connolly is in
Grnnd Island on business connected
with tho sugar factory
A light snow has boon falling during
tho day and moro is promised for thiB
ovoniug Oloar and colder is predicted
for tomorrow
Norfolk lodge No 40 1 O O F will
meot thiB evening for work in tho
Socond dogroo All inombors are re
quested to bo present
W M Shannon of Sholdon Iowa
who has boon visiting at A D Colos
left last night for Cody whore he goes
to close out his business
August Koehn a well known farmer
who has boon living near Hadar is ship
ping hiB goods and removing his family
to Boyd county where ho has purchased
a farm
Tho Ladies aid society of tho M E
church served an excellent dinner at G
A R hall at noon today whioh was
well patronized Supper will be served
thiB evening
Tomorrow is Washingtons birthday
The holiday will bo observed by the
closing of the schools Tho banks of
the city will not be open for business
during the day
When Mrs F W Teal returned from
Lincoln yesterday she brought with her
a boy seven years old from the home of
the friendless If Mr and Mrs Teal
like the boy they may adopt him
Wm Darlington who has been a
prominent farmer of thiB county for
many years will remove next week
with his family to Selden Holt county
where he roob to take a homestead
A L Lugger traveling salesman for
Hornick Hess Moore of Sioux City is
expected in tonight to spend Washing
tons birthday and Sunday with his
wife who rooms with Mrs A D Cole
Wm Beswick writes from Council
Bluffs Iowa that he has concluded to
make his home in Norfolk providing he
can get a suitable cottage He expeots
to ship his household goods about the
12th of March
A message from Columbus states that
in the case of Nick Gentleman who has
been on trial for killing a man in Platte
Center the jury brought in a verdict of
murder in the second degree at a late
hour last night
P A Shurtz received a letter from an
uncle yesterday stating that his father
J S Shurtz has fallen heir to one third
the property of a brother who died about
a year ugo The estate to be divided is
considered worth about 15000o
The new engine spoken of a few days
ago is now doing business in TriE News
building It is a six horse power Fair
banks Morse gas engine and is ex
pected to pull everything put upon it
from a job press to a heavy editorial
The B of R T dance tomorrow even
ing at Marquurdts hall promises to be
the greatest event ever given by that
popular organization and this is saying
a good deal as every party given by
the railroad boys has been a signal suc
Mr and Mrs R B Welter and Miss
Wilhelmy were called to Omaha yester
day by a telegram announcing the
serious illness of Mrs Wellers brother
While they were waiting for the train
to start they received another message
stating that a cousin bad just died
At the meeting of the County Com
missioners association held in Lincoln
this week H W Winter of this place
was eleoted vice president Mr Winter
was the prime mover and one of the or
ganizers of this association whioh held
its first meeting in Norfolk several years
ago and was elected as its first presi
Mrs L A Williams drove down town
this morning with her buggy laden with
supplies for the M E dinner Before
she had left tho buggy her horse became
freightened kand ran away throwing
the lady out but not injuring her The
horse make onlv a short run when he
was caught without damage to either
horse or buggy
The News has added another tele
phone to its equipment No 22 will as
in the past call the upstairs or editorial
department No 822 will be used in
conversing with the business depart
ment and job rooms on the first floor
Patrons of the office will get much
prompter service and at the same time
observe the convenience of the office
force if they will bear the difference in
The Jossey Stock company dosed a
successful thiee uights engagement nt
the Auditorium last oveniug changing
tho piny to A Married Bachelor on
account of tho illness of one of the
momborsof the oompany There was
a fairly good sized audience and
all were well ploased with the enter
tainment If the Jossey company comes
this way again it will bo greeted by a
good house Thoy go from hero to
Sioux Falls
A week ago it was announced that a
reception would bo given at Norfolk
hospital this week but because of paint
ing and othor improvements it has been
found necessary to postpono this feat
ure Tho regular wookly pationts
dance will bo hold this ovoning and
another a week from tonight The
officers of tho institution will givo a
reception on Friday evening of next
week The superintendent has mado a
now mlo in regnrd to tho Thursday
night dances given for patients and
aftor next week they will not bo opon to
tho public except by card which must
be secured iu ndvanco of tho superinten
dent and presentod at tho door
The Ahlmnn building formerly oc
cupied by tho Bon Ton restaurant has
beon rented for a bowling alloy whioh
is to bo moved horo from Fremont
The partitions are boiug removed from
tho building and the alley will soon be
open for busiuoBS Of it tho Fronlont
TribunosnyB Tho proprietor of the
bowling alley is moving Ho will
gather up his belongings and go to Nor
folk nt once where ho will spend the re
mainder of the winter He states that
business here has been good and he has
no complaint but he wants to set
around to a certain number of places
and he thinks it is time to move
Lovers of the sport will hnvo to turn
their attention to other channels
This niclnrc is the trade uinik t
ory bottle of SCOTTS KMUI
ON iu the World which now
liomtts to ninny millions yearly
nis great business lias giown to
icli vast proportions
vrsf Hecnuse the proprietors
ave always been most careful in
the various ingredients
ed in its composition namely
e finest Cod Liver Oil and the
urest Hypophosphites
Secoitf Becanse they have so
killftilly combined the various
tgredients that the best possible
esults are obtained by its use
Tird Becaufe it has made so
nany sickly delicate children
troug and healthy given health
nd rosy cheeks to so many pale
naemic girls and healed the lungs
nd restored to full health so many
hoiisands in the first stages of
It vou have not tried it rend for free sample
t agreeable laste will Minmse yon
409 45 Iearl Stieet New York
50c and Jjco all druggists
Iroduce each a dlbeuw1
having definite
ogy The dlsoaso yields
enslly to tho Double1
Chloride of Gold Treat
ment prepared by Dr
skfyeeley j
Cor 10th and
11 Worth Sts
f USING iA slleK Keoley
1 Ml TIIK IUlliat l lie Ki eley i
k IiiaiUulo ut OiiiuIiii Nebruku 1
W I In ouly nluio Iu Hint Main where
m Hie ciUiilur Krrley UeiutUlen uud M
P TrHiiiiKii 1 utvni
fr t JKlltd The 7eo g Kttley Co J
m witi pok run raiiTiouiai M
B Cor 10th anil Iravcntwrllt til m