The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 15, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Clrtlcrx Dm Shorlfliir Mmlhiin nml
lope Countlr to 1ritnttl K Illrn
FlKti nt Tllilnu
A Lincoln tUspntoh miliar ilixto of tho
nth to tho Omaha World llornhl stalls
lint Oscar Ourdnor and H Smith both
of Oinnhn aro schrtlulctl for n prize
fifilit In tho near futuro nooorHug to
tha ndviops rcccivod by Clovmuor
Dietrich Tim mill Is to bo pulkd oT
t or near Tildon a vIHiiko in MmHooii
county not fur ftom tlio Autnlopo
county lino Tho governor proposes to
hoh tho affair mid today untiuYd llio
HhorhTor both Antelope and Madison
comities that thollKht must not bo permit
ted Kuch wan told that ho would bo
hold ton strict ncoountiibillty for on
forconiont of tho nntlprlo HuhtiuK law
and was instructed to call on thoolti
fcons for aid If necessary
flora Is tho jovornors letter to tho
KhorltV of Madison county an exact copy
or which was Hont to ShorllV 0 H Van
Kirk of Antolopo county
Executive Chamber Lincoln Nob
l obroary t HUM Goo W Ltwoy Hhnr
ii iMadlRon Nob Dear Sir It has
liXi called to my attention that iir
raiiKOinontH lmvo been mud for a prize
llht to occur at or near tlio town of
Tildon within tho noxt fow days
Prize lighting Ih strictly forbiildon
by tho RtatuttH of Nebraska and I Hhall
expect youiiH tho duly authorized
ccr upon whom dovolvoH tho execution
of tho law to oxcroiso duo diligence and
vlgllnnco in tho premisuH and 1 Hhall
hold yon accountable for any nogluut of
duty It in your duty to promptly
nrroHt tho principals and promoters uh
soon as you have knowledge of the faotH
and of their identity
HSurh outlawry is against tho publio
decency and I shall exhaust every effort
both to prevent it and bring thorio to
justico wlio violate
Ah a precaution it would ho advisa
ble for you to deputize miuh number of
your oitizoiiH known to bo opposed to
prize lighting us you doom sullloiont
and I tako tho privilege of suggesting
by reason of tho intorost they lmvo
shown in putting u stop to it the names
of 0 11 Snidor James Uosohorougu
and S A Campbell as suitable persons
for such duty Vory respectfully
A Irotl
The following is published at tho re
quest of tho first reader of tho Christiun
Science church at Norfolk
Boston Mass January I a 1001
Editor of Tho Times Marlboro Mass
Dear Sir In your issue of December
27 yon statoTho Christian Scientists
are storting u crusade against vaccina
tiou on tho ground that smallpox is an
imaginary disease
It is true that Christian Scientists
luivo little faith in material remedies
for they lmvo proved that Christian
Science is not only a bettor euro but a
bettor provontivo of disease thau any
thing which thoy lmvo heretofore em
ployed I know of two oases whoro two
xnombers of tho sumo family were iifllict
od with smallpox at tho sumo time and
one in each family diod uuder medical
treatment whilo tho other wan healed
through Christian Soiouoo I have a
friend who was iillliotod from childhood
with a sorious disorder oh a result of
vaccination and who found no roliof
until hoiled through Christian Science
This is n small per cont of that which
I have observed iu my experience oh n
Christian Scientist and mine is doutless
parallel with that of others of this
faith Do yon wondor that Christian
Scientists lmvo littlo faith iu vaccinat
ion Nevertheless it should bo under
stood that thoy have loug ago given up
any fight on this question uud have
agreed to allow vaccination Indeed it
is tho advice of the founder of this
niovomont that Christian Scientists shall
submit to tho requirements of tho law
iuid depend upon tho iulluouco of tho
Roepol to doliver them from whatever
evil effects might accrue I do not ques
tion your sincerity iu speaking of tho
vaccination crusade as being couduoted
by Christian Scientists nevertheless
thoy lmvo nothing to do with any such
movement Besidps it is not tho proper
Htatomeut of Christian Science to say
that smallpox or any other disease is im
agination Christian Science teaciies
that disease is a physical manifestation
of the mental condition that it is based
largely upon fear conscious or uncon
scious uud that for this r usou it may
be overcome by bringing to tho conscious
ness of tho patient a sufficient realiza
tion of the divine power and presence to
overrule i ho power aud fear of disease
The multitudes of people who have
been healed through this fuith are liv
Lug testimonies to tho fact that Christ
ian Scieuce oorrectly diagnoses disease
However wo recognize the physical ap
pearance of diseuse in all its insidious
aess and fatality and that it must bo
dealt with accordingly Care and dis
cretion must be used in respect to tho
sick whatever may bo the coustituoucy
of disease until tho daugor therefrom is
past It does not lessen the ollioienoy
of prayers to be careful iu respect to the
spreading of disease nud tho Christian
Scientists do not recklossly rush into its
presence I have seldom known a case
af contagion faom tho patiout of a
Christian Scientist for he succeeds in de-
stroylng contagion an well ns disease
Aikukd FwttoW
In tho Marlboro Timos
Walter Mead is still quite low with
Abo Campbell was down from Norfolk
Hen Got tor ciuuo up from Lincoln
hint Thursday
A 1 Toller of Creston wns in town
Friday of last weok
Will Palmer of Kmorlok won iu town
over Sunday again
The county commissioners met Mon
day noon transacting goneral business
this week
Ottoll Maas tho Hattlo Crook real
estalo man was doling a dual with
Madison parties Monday
I M Dawson drove to Nowman Grovo
Tuesday returning by way or Elgin
Tildon and Meadow Grovo
Harvey Hohannon expcots to mnvo to
Elgin tho first of noxt week to tako up
his work as assistant cashier in a bank
John Crook of Meadow Grovo W II
Wldanuin of Not folk and Clans Young
of this place inombcrs of tho Holdiors ro
liof commission met Monday and Hin
dered their annual repoit to tho county
James Nichols has moved his library
and office furniture to his residence and
discontinued his law business for tho
presont Jim expects to soon go on tlio
road uh a representative of n mutual lifo
insurance company
John II Sal paligh for ninny yours a
resident of this county this week ship
podJliiH chattel property to Fnyottovillo
Arkansas whoro ho has purchased a
farm of ono hundred noros with good
comfort ublo buildingsand plenty of fruit
for which ho paid but 1000 Mrs
Salpaugh viewed tho country about tho
first of January and brought home a
largo bouquot of wild flowers which
were then iu bloom
Tho now school houso was oponcd
Monday Each room had appropriate
oxoraisoB during tho afternoon that of
tho Iltgh school being tho most olnbor
ato After tho exorcises tho building
was oponod to goneral inspection by tbo
publio All tho school with tho excep
tion of tho Sixth grado with Howard
Grant as teachor is located in tho now
building leaving the greater part of tho
North Side building vncant
The following marriage licenses wcro
recently issued G ABaxtorago Wund
Alico IOllisngoatboth of Norfolk issued
February 5 Robert A Shuott ngo 2 1
of Knox Co and Minna Winter uko 10
of Way no Co issued February 8
lesso O Liowuati ago 24 and Clara
Romondor ago II both of Madlsou is
sued February 7 Ferdinand Kumrntb
age 23 and Phillipiua Kalmor ago 22
both of Kalamazoo issued February
Frank Veoha ago 21 and Katio Dvorak
ago 31 both of Madison county issued
February 7 aud marriod by Judge Bates
February 12
TIlH Mllltt Pootttri Hojy
Mexico has quite a curious animal iu the
form of a mnle footod hog This single
hoofed auimul is callod ohiunaahkotobv
tho Iudians meauiug pig nmlo He is
regarded rh far superior to tho razor
back and not at all hko him The
mule footed hogs homo is in the moun
tains He is a very small legged blooky
littlo follow black or black aud white
nearly oh woolly as ashoepsmall boned
with a small head aud a short anout
grazing well aud fattening on a vory
littlo allowance of maize Two or threo
oars of corn givou threo times a day
make the usual fattening ration and he
fattens quickly oil that allowauco He
is with tho ouluo a cross between a
ram and a sow the kind of pig prefer
red for tho produotiou of lard As for
tho hoof itself it is made of one
solid pieco with a smooth surface rath
or long aud narrow tho end out square
ly by wear This is a domesticated
animal thero aro no wild pigs iu tho
country ButchorH and Paokers Ga
Curotrnud Clmructer of AIii hIihiu Lincoln
An address by Josoph Ghonto Am
bassador to Great Britain on the career
iiKd character of Abraham Lincoln his
early lifo his early strugglos with the
wot Id his character as dovelopod iu
tho later years of his life aud his ad
ministration which placed his name so
hiirh on tho worlds roll nt inn a
filalik linn 1iiah 11 i 1 i 1 1 -
i uuou imuuBiieu Dy tno uuioago
Milwaukee St Paul Railway and may
be had by sending six H cents in post
ago to F A Miller General Passenger
Agent Chicago III
S E Madden is on tho sick list
Milo Gupliu returned last week from
Wheeler county
J H Davis is getting better nfter a
threo wooks seigo of tho grip
Jack Hale took the morniug train for
Idaho Tuesday to try cow boy lifo
Charlie Tanuohill has gone to Okla
homa territory with a view of locating
if he is pleased with the country
A copy of the World Almanao aud
Encyclopedia for 1001 has beon re
ceived It is n book containing 10000
facts is a haudy roforence work for
everybody and is well worth the prico
atked 25 cents It cau bo obtained by
addressing The World New York
Uov Butler proaohod iu tho Bega
school house on Sunday
Jims E Wilson attended tho toaohc rs
association iu Stanton Saturday
Albert Bnwan of Swaburg is visiting
relatives iiid friends in this vicinity
Anna Erickson of South Omaha is
visiting with hot parents iu this vicin
Mr and Mrs Louis Mollno lmvo ro
turned from Swaburg after a short visit
with frioudH
Andrew Olson catuo homo from tho
normal Saturday evening He is sick
with tho grip
Miss Burclimoro and Miss Lundquist
attmidedjtlio association iu Wayne Sat
milay aud visited with frleudsoverSuu
Iliii AnmrliHii ICtpiillliin
On the American shoru of the Niagara
liver on tho outskirts of tho city of Buf
falo N Y within short distaucu of
Niagara Falls from May lstto Novem
ber 1st 1101 will trauspiro ono of tho
most important oveutsjn tho history of
tho western hemisphere The curtain
of tho groat show will be raised which
will present tho opening scone in a blazo
of glory never before equaled iu tho
history of America This collossal ag
gregation of exhibits willHhow tho
wonderful achievements of Boionco ex
emplified by tho luutchleHS genius of the
two Amoricas and fittingly portray
thoir high educational values
Tho Nickel Plato road has issuod an
attractive aud valuublo descriptive
folder pamphlet olaborativoly illustrat
ing tho Pan American exposition fully
describing this important event aud
elaborately illustrating tho buildings
and grounds
Tho Nickel Plato road is tho Hhort
line botweon Chicago and Buffalo
That popular passonger lino offers com
petent train sorvico between Chicago
and Buffalo as it doos also botweeu Chi
cago aud Now York City Bostou aud
all points east with modern trains trap
pliod with tho latest designs of drawing
room buffot Pullman slocping cars nud
dining car sorvico of tho highest order
Tho Nickol Plato road offera meals in its
dining oars on tho popular Amoricuu
individual club Hystom ranging in prico
tjsuit tho appetite from thirty flvo
cents to cue dollar but nomoal at a
cost greater than ono dollar No oxcchs
fares aro charged on any train of tho
Nickol Plato road
Call on any tiokot agent for a Pnn
Amorican foldor of tho Nickel Plato
road or address John Y Oalahan
general agent 111 Adams St Chicago
111 Parties desiiiug hotel or rooming
accommodations at Buffalo or Niagara
Falls during any period of the Pan
American exposition aro invited to np
ply by lettor or otherwise to F J Moore
general ngont Nickel Plato road 201
Main St Buffalo N Y
Why He nitl Not Vtnlt the Patient
Who Vn IlnK
Hospital doctors were under discus
slon Every man In the party had hud
hospital experience at some time or
another and each bad a good word for
his particular doctor when tho dis
cordant man ciune In I tell you what
It Is said he there are some mighty
cold blooded men among them I was
Iu one of the big hospitals not long
ago visiting a doctor friend of mlue
It was uiglit and there was not much
going on There were four or five doc
tors besides my friend around and
some ono suggested a game of poker
We hadnt been playing long when a
nurse knocked at the door and said
Doctor I think the pntlcnt In No 8 Is
dying wont you come down Yes
right away said the doctor Ill draw
three cards He filled his hand and
played It nud he kept right on playing
for about lr minutes when there enme
another knock at the door nnd the
uurse said Really doctor that mans
condition Is very serious I kuow hes
dying wont you come The doctor
Dald Yes yes oh I forgot Ill be
there In Just a minute Ill raise you a
quarter doc
Well he played that hand out and
the next one nnd then he nald he
guessed hed go seo the patient The
nurse met him half way down the
stairs and told him the man was dead
Now what do you think of that
Well they get hardeued they seo so
much suffering snld one of the party
If hed gone whuu he wa first call
ed lie probably couldnt lmvo done
anything to save the mans life snld
the second
Yes said tho discordant man but
Just ns a matter of form ho might have
quit after ho filled that first hand
IIo might assented all tlio party
But tho man wns going to die any
way NMJiojJ5un
A nrltUh Army Corps
The Hiitlsh army corps ns nominally
constituted numbers ao250 otlicers and
men A large number of these are
technical troops In charge of the
pontoons field telegraph railway ap
pliances balloons field batteries and
field hospitals Eliminating all of these
technical troops the strength of n di
vision In Infantry cavalry uud artillery
Is 0449 men with 18 guns of an army
corps 30790 meu with 102 guns
From Had to Worne
She I would like to cull you by
your Christian name love but Tom Is
so hateful and common you know
Ilaveut you some pot name
He N no 1 or havent
She Are you always kuown as Tom
among your friends
IIo brightening up No the boys
call tue Shorty Harlem Life
tin frrn liicnl Kvhllilt nl the Inn
Atncrlriin ICxitonltloii
The United Stntes government has
appropriated r00000 for an exhibit at
the Pnu Ainerlcnn Exposition nt Buf
falo next summer To view the mag
nificent buildings nud their multitude
of treasures nlone would bo well worth
going a long distance Thoy arc much
more beautiful than those of the gov
ernment group at the Columbian Expo
sition while tho space for exhibition
purposes Is but little less than wns
cuplod there The dlsplny to be mndo
by the department of agriculture will
be of great value and Interest to those
concerned lu the agricultural horticul
tural and live stock Industries com
prehending as It will nil their varied
features The workings of the differ
ent bureaus of the department of state
will be Illustrated by means of blanks
sample letters circular letters etc and
much can be learned by the people of
the manner of Intercourse between the
United Stntes and other nations The
coining of money will be va feature of
the exhibit by the treasury department
Here a coin press will be In operation
coining money at the rate of 00000
coins per hour ench coin being struck I
with a force equal to the weight of
100 tons
Collectors will be especially Interest
ed In the governments very complete
collection of coins of all nations a com
plete set of medals struck by the mint
at Philadelphia and a complete series
of currency Issued by the government
Included In this exhibit will be a model
of a lighthouse fully equipped and In
operation a model of a quarantine sta
tion models of marine hospital oper
ating rooms and a model of a vessel
constructed for deep sea sounding Up
on the hore of the Park Lake will be
a life saving station completely equip
ped with up to date npparatus while
the means employed In the saving of
life on the sea will bo dally Illustrated
by a captain nnd crew of two men
with life nnd surf boats with their ap
The exhibits of the war nnd navy de
partments will be the lnrgest and most
complete ever made at any exposition
Elbeiit L Lewis
Pan American IIn the Deal Hver
Seen at a Show
In Its sculptural adornment as well
as In Foveral other respects the Pan
American Exposition will far surpass
any enterprise of the kind ever held
There are over 125 splendid orlglnnl
groups and they are to be used around
the Court of Fountains the Esplanade
and the Electric Tower They will
symbolize the purposes of the build
lugs aud exhibits and bring out the
poetry In what to many may seem ex
ceedingly prosaic things
After crossing- the Triumphal Bridge
which Is the grand formal entrance to
the main court and Is itself to be dec
orated with splendid statuary one will
see to the right and left at opposite
ends of the Esplanade the fountains
nnd the sunken gardens In front of the
United States Government and Horti
culture buildings respectively
Tho Fountain of Man by Charles
Grafly Is the central fountain at the
cast of the Esplanade aud It Is flanked
by the Fountain of Prometheus nnd
the Fountain of Hercules The sub
jects of other fountains In this group
will be the Savnge Age the pespotlc
Age aud the Age of Enlightenment At
tho other end of the Esplanade tho
Fountain of Nature by George T
Brewster Is the most elaborate sculp
tural adornment nud the Idea of this
fountain Is amplified lu minor ones
such ns the Fountain of Krouos Foun
tain of Ceres nud tho groups typifying
Mineral Wealth Animal Wealth etc
These symbolic ideas will be worked
out in beautiful forms lu other parts of
the main court aud In connection with
the Electric Tower and other buildings
the whole forming a most complete nud
harmonious expression of the purposes
of a great Exposition such as the Pan
Exposition Ioilofflce
The United States government post
office department will occupy a larger
space at the Pan American Exposition
than wns ever before devoted to It at
an exposition The methods of mall
transportation will be fully Illustrated
aud a postotllce equipped with all the
latest devices used In the larger post
offices in the United States will be a
feature of the exhibit
XnsliieerinK Method
At the Pan American Exposition
mechanical and civil engineering and
public works In which the American
refuses to take second place will be
presented in such a clear und Interest
ing way by menus of nil sorti of costly
nnd Ingenious exhibits that the lay
mind will flud It scarcely less attract
lve than the expert
250 roTi 100
Omaha Weekly World Herald 1 year 100
Profits in Poultry 352 pagos KO
Orange Judd Farmer weekly 1 year 100
Total 250
Above are the regular prices for these well known pubUcation
For a short time the World Herald offers all three or ONE
DOLLAR as follows
- r
- -- --
To each now subscriber to tho Omaha Wookly World
Horald who sonds us ono dollar to pay for ono yoar s
subscription wo will sond froo of chargo postage paid
tho Orange Judd Farmor for ono yoar and also a copy
of Profits in Poultry
This offor Is only opon till Fobruary 28th
-- ---- -- 4
We believe this double premium offer is the greatest ever
made by any newspaper See what you get for your dollar
ief WiWlv World-Herald--11 s cnled a weckly but lt ls
ist weeKiy worm uciciiu luunShea in two sections s
pnees on Tuesday and 4 pages on Friday so you get the news of the
world twice a week or 101 times n year t ls Illustrated with pictures It
has a humorous department an agricultural department lt contains poll
tics stories twice a week market reports for farmers household articles
foreign news and American news Men women and children find lt In
teresting Regular price 100
revised edition of a standard work
Profits in
20 fronts in r UUItry
on pouUry contains 352 pageB and 154
Illustrations Including some In colors It tells how to make money out
of chickens of all varieties cbbs ducks geese and turkeys how to use
Incubators how to build coops houses and enclosures how to prevent
nnd cure disease Every farmers wife can make enough out of poultry
and eggs to clothe the whole family Regular price 60 cents
3d The Orange Judd
of the hlRhest standing and of large circulation It contains about 25
pages each week and Is Illustrated Regular price 100
First You must send us the full dollar as we cannot allow any com
mission to agents or postmasters on this offer
Second You must send It on or before February 28th
Third You must help us by sending with your letter the names and
postofflce addresses of three of your neighbors who do not take the World
Herald so that we can send them sample copies This Is a trine for you
to do and lt will help us Address us simply
Time is Money
Missouri River to Salt Lake City
ilissouri River to San Francisco
Missouri River to Portland
Buffet Smokiupc and Library Cars with Barber Shops and Pleasant
Readiug Rooms Double Drawing Room Palace Sleepers Dinin Cars
Meals a la Carte Pintsch Light
For fall information call on or address
The Norfolk Cash Store
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Straw Hats and Shoes at cost
Fme Teas and Coffees a specialty Try our famous
Mellowrich coffee the finest brand in the market
We are headquarters for fresh fruits of all kinds
We sell the celebrated Pierce and Neligh Flours
Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs
That we are constantly growing in the art of mak
ing Fine Photos and our products will always be
found to embrace the most
aud Newest style in Cards and Fiuish We also
carry a fine Hue of Moldings suitable for all kinds
of framing