The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 15, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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I till till1
liorr VI11 lie the Ilrat Impnrtnnt
llilillo Kiinl of Hie TtTrntlrtli
Inry IniKrrmi In the Wrntrrii
i lloinlnplicrc Dnrlnw Century to
lie Uluntrntcd
The achievements of tlic pnst century
linve boon magnificent Thi itinrcli of
progress lins boon swift nml the tri
umphs of civilization have ticcu innnl
fold The ago of enlightenment Is In
deed here Mankind tins progressed In
the culture of the liner side of exist
once nnd hns turned to Its uses the
mysterious forces of the elements In a
mnnner undreamed of but a few centu
ries 11R0
Yet who can foretell what the Twen
tieth century hns to unfold Who
would dare to predict wlint the
Achievements of another hundred years
mny bo Standing on the threshold of
this era wo look Into the past and In
the grand picture of progress to lie pre
sented in the beautiful buildings nml
wvars WBW t
the confidence existing In the ability
of the management to open the gates
on Mny 1 upon n completed and per
fectly embellished creation Is Justified
The llnnnelnl prospects of the Expo
sition are all that could be desired
The advertising It has received Is al
ready btlnglng forth fruit and nn tin
precedentedly large attendance Is now
ns certain as anything can be which
belongs to the future
Seen from the distance of three
quarters of a mile awny the Imposi
tion grounds present the appearance of
n grand and beautiful city and when
all Is complete and winters frost has
given place to the sunlight and warmth
of summer the ohnrin of the scene will
bo such that the Impression given will
lust n lifetime
UmvAitn IIaie nnusit
HI IllKKCut Ilrpr nt the Inn Amrr
lenti Kxpnultlnn
Extraordinary Interest will attnch
to the Ordnance Exhibit of the Unit
ed States government at the Pan
American Exposition showing the
modern weapons of wnrfare which
were used In the recent wars It will
M I 11 j
1J i
i A
comprctiensive exhibits or th Inn
American Exposition we see a record
In graphic form of what mankind has
accomplished upon this hemisphere
during the 100 years now completed
With vision sharpened we look for
ward with prophetic eye Into the mys
teries of the future and get In Imagi
nation at least n glimpse of what the
next century Is to bring forth
Can it be possible that the Twentieth
century will see an advance In material
and Intellectual things ns great rela
tively to that of other centuries as the
Nineteenth century has witnessed It
scarcely seems within the bounds of
possibility and yet who enn say wheth
er even more wonderful discoveries
nnd even more valuable applications of
our present knowledge than the past
century has given us do not await us In
the one now just begun The Nine
teenth century saw the revolution in
methods of trnvel on land nnd sea
caused by the Invention of the steam
engine it saw the Invention of the tele
graph and telephone nnd electric light
It witnessed the application of electric
power to urbnn transportation methods
and to the operation of the wheels of
industry generally it produced great
Improvements In the fields of medicine
and surgery and of education it gave
us Inventions In the way of machinery
which have completely revolutionized
Industry nnd shortened the hours of
labor for the manual workers of the
civilized world nnd particularly of this
hemisphere To go on and enumerate
In detail the features of Nineteenth
century progress would require more
epnee than is at my command But it
will not do to forget thnt great as this
progress has been and proud ns we
have n right to be of It there are tre
mendous problems of a social and po
litical character yet to be solved Their
settlement during the next century will
do much to nllevlnte the misery yet ex
isting In the world nnd render happier
the millions who will be born live nnd
die during the next hundred years It
should not be forgotten that many
branches of science are yet In their In
fancy We have only begtm to under
stand the mysterious force of electrici
ty nnd we have not yet succeeded In
navigating the air There are yet ninny
worlds to be conquered by the daring
the inventive and the pioneers of human
forthcoming century
man progress In the
That the pulse of mankind will be
quickened by the great Exposition of
all the Americas so soon to be held
there Is no room for doubt
No more npproprlnte time could be
chosen for such nn Exposition upon the
American continent No more nppro
prlnte plnce than Buffnlo nnd the Nl
ngnra frontier could be selected for
It Is nt this spot where the cntnract of
Nlagnrn hns been harnessed and
ence and Industry have commneu to
concentrate all the energies and actlvl
ties characteristic ofthe time that the
most fitting assemblage can be made
of the things which portray most ef
fectively this progress
Never before In the history of expo
sltlons in either the New World or the
Old has such remarkable work of n
constructive character been done
Never before did six months show such
a wonderful change In the appearance
of tract of land ns has been worked
without the aid of magic In the 310
ncres which comprise the site of the
Pan Amerlcnn Exposition
Now that the principal buildings aro
practically constructed and the whole
rreat enterprise has been thu far run
on Mhedule time tt can be wen that
the possibilities for food production In
Pan America Tho requirements of
soil and climate for a great variety of
foodB and accessories now brought
from the orient will be 6hown to be
possessed by the countries of the West
ern World
WliM mw jmi tliilil on tlir Mil r1 liof
Where none may co tlil I omvWic
That a sliitilnc Joj failei IinRctinnly
Out of the docpa ill jour tjinf
The lillN ol hope are roe ami mow
And the rl lr t IU own aell lnii
And the ilnll world hid In the tiiMa hclow
Is a rrnj lorgottrn dream of tliln
And oh lint my heart wai llttht and Ray
When 1 walked on the hilla of hope totlljl
What aaw jmi eldld on the rainbow Idlli
Where none may rn tliat he nmwlw
Tliat yon lay jour cold Hitle hand In mine
With the ilintlow id fear In jour ejeaf
On the farther Mde of tne ralnhon hllla
la n forrft of diad treea Mark and hare
And a river i olil in the rim of diath
And the nht of ihad Joja uuider there
And oh hut in heart terrified
Tolay at that cold dark rler lilel
Kow he not afrahl little rhlld for pee
The dream Is gone and the untin nmshlna
la hrlRht on the pallia of etery day
And jour hand la elaped In mine
Charlotte lowrj Marsh In Iait and Wert
A Strnncn lint True Tulo
By Fredorlclt It Quornaey 0
Co o9o o9o o9o oftv
There used to be perhaps II still
Btnnds nn old hacienda bouse down In
the state of Ouorroro which for many
years held an evil repute as n place of
BUiulon nnd Inexplicable death
The state Is now undergoing the
process so familiar In Mexico known
ns opening up by railway construc
tion Kew people used to go down Into
that region of heat and mystery few
came up from It to the capital city
for Intercourse was dllllcult a matter
of stage riding over mountain roads
liberally strewn with rocks or else In
the lower country deep with dust In
the autumn nif winter and later on as
the riiinv season advanced lucre was
mud nn il i to the bellies of the
horses To many pnts of the state
one lisul to f l ie or better on
mule lack I - I no beast as safe
ns a mule eii l for the fallen rider
to wluini the unholy hybrid before
bolting stops to administer a purling
The house I linve mentioned was on
n lnrge tropical estate devoted to sugar
cane out of which much aguardiente
was made and to various hot country
products of local consumption for the
bad roads placed a prohibitory charge
include the best of former exhibits nnd ou transportation You approached the
will In addition have novelties never house through great Holds green with
before shown The heavy ordnance j the cane over a road which though n
will be mounted outside the Govern- private way was none of the best and
inent building This branch of the ex- I dually you reached an avenue of orange
hlblt will Include the K inch gun with j nni popper trees and saw near at hand
disappearing carriage so arranged that the low one story white stone house
neither the man nor the gun is exposed nnd the plantation buildings stables
exeont dnrlnc the moment of firing the Bnrar mill neons iiiartors etc Back
- i
recoil throwing it Into Its original post
tion Then too there will be shown
the 10 Inch sencoast rifle manufac
tured at the Watervllet arsenal the
most powerful piece of ordnance ever
constructed In the United States hav
ing n maximum range of 20V6 miles It
will be the greatest display of heavy
ordnance ever made yet this Is only
one of the numerous features of the
Government Ordnance Exhibit for the
Another exhibit of ordnance will be
made by manufacturers but in n dif
ferent part of the grounds It will be
very large as all the makers will nat
urally want to make as good a show
ing as possible Here n considerable
number of Important Inventions nor
yet accepted by nny government but
which may figure conspicuously In the
possible defenses of the future will be
shown There will be great guns and
small guns and guns of nil kinds nnd
their nccessories at the lan Amerlcnn
Exposition To mnny visitors this will
be one of the most attractive features
of the big show The study of weap
ons with which the grent powers wage
wnr is ever an Interesting one nnd the
many wonderful discoveries nnd inven
tions In this line during the pnst few
years have n tendency very naturally
to nccentunto the Interest Thnt the
fullest opportunity to satisfy curiosity
in this direction will be given at this
Exposition Is nssured
Popmlbllltlea In Pnn Amerlcn to Be
Shown nt Exposition
Foods nnd Their Accessories n divi
sion hnvlng n place In the Manufac
tures and Liberal Arts building nt the
Pan American Exposition will show
of the house rose a fringe of lofty
palms whose clash during a gale was
as of the sails of windmills allowed to
run nt will The house seemed so calm
and cool and wholly delightful The
traveler weary of the long ride gazed
with delight ou the whiteness palm
shadowed It was an oasis of comfort
in a desert of blinding sunshine It
gave promise of rest for man and beast
of cool water and rural plenty
Such was the hacienda of Valverde
The saints In heaven know that It was
nerost the frame And there was n
nut tress very thin and hard ns Ifl
proper In tropical regions If you em
ploy so oksoiiHiiIIv strange a thing nt
all A fadetl but ample rug was
stretched nt one side of the bed so tluil
aristocratic feet need not touch the
tit night or on arising lit the morning
I when the yellow sunlight lltll the
loom from the big pallo The- room
ltim pleasant and one would not
Ino It had had so sinister n history I
j Within six years three people hail oc
cupied It and had been found dead In
the morning and no one could say
I what had extinguished the lamp of
their life Theie was Don Carlos Alls
I pe who was n planter living tt mllen
away and who had been lodged In the
room of the canopied bed as a due rib-
uto to his social consequence lie was
00 years old and It was believed that
he died of heart disease Then came a
I lawyer from the City of Mexico front
the faro IT oily of palaces on his way to
Acapulco to arrange some business
Surely so grand a personage as a II
cenelmlo of the capital of the federa
tion must be lodged In Ihe grand room I
lie too died In the night Inexplicably
Still ho was fragile and had boon ex
posed to the sun a great deal ami the
transition from his somber cool and
smoky olllee In the capital to hot roads
and coarse faro was believed to linvo
alTootod his brain The servants said
It was a case of cerebral congestion
uro dress and gesture even their
qunlutnesses of speech were subjects
for conversation over the dinner table
or when the family gathered In the
inner patio for an evening chat the
master of the house tranquilly smok
ing a large good nntured man quiet
for lack of themes to set his tongue
n golng Maria Naranjo was voluble
fond of company and enthusiastically
hospitable so much so that Don Diego
used to say tliat she would welcome
a blind mule gone astray on the roads
There were several guestrooms usu
ally furnished with the proper vnnd
decent simplicity of the hot country
cot beds with Just the ennvas to He
on thick frnzadas for the cool nights
as It Is often very chilly In the tlorra
cnllenta after the sun goes down and
night advances a chair or two n
burenu and a small German looking
glass warranted to make one wish he
had never contemplated his features
therein One could hardly use the
glass for shaving without danger of
cutting off nn car The floors of broad
red tiles unglazed tho wnlls white
washed so you could see even with tho
feeble light of a candle If there was
a scorpion crawling about suggesting
how Inscrutable aro the decrees or
Allah who embodies one Intelligence
In n horrid creeping thing and anoth
er In that strange biped man that is
ns a god walking the earth and as
we all know always and everywhere
the glory nnd Justification of the Im
mense time given to his evolution
The room of honor for distinguished
people ws a large one with two Iron
due to Insolnolon or ovoreposuto to
the sun l or ton months nobody was
placed In the room till there came one
spring afternoon n robust young man
n surveyor for a foreign company ac
companied by two niozos llo was a
man of consequence for ho wore n
pearl handled Massachusetts made re
volver and soMvlthoul ghlng heed to
the grim history of the room of the
canopied bed ho was placed there and
iih he undressed that April nlglit lie
whistled as only a happy Gorman may
and sang songs of the fatherland
When old Iouclauo n house servant
Kent to call the surveyor In the morn
lug lie was cold In death Ills mozos
viewed the remains and In haste they
rode olT to bring the Judge who lived
20 miles away Ho barely got there In
time for In the tlorra callente burial
follows close on death The Judge pro
nounced It a ease of sudden death oh
kgal saplency due to organic cardiac
derangeniont at least that Is what his
high sounding phrase Implied and the
sonorous sound of the words satisfied
the dead mans faithful servants and
all the onlookers There was no sign
of a wound on the fair body of the
young man Ho was burled that night
out In the little cemetery where had
preceded him two other victims of the
filial bed
Nearly six years had elapsed since
the first of these sinister happenings
when Just after the close of the rainy
season the roads having hardened
there arrived Irom Acapulco a yoiinc
married couple on their way to -the
City of Mexico They were accompa
nied by six armed mozos and all wore
well mounted The young man the
Captain Kollx Delmonto and his bride
were most charming people The olll
cer had Just taken to himself a wife
having received news of the death of
nn uncle a wealthy man In the federal
capital who had made him his soli
heir It was a somewhat unusual thing
n pleasant looking place Don Diego to marry at the very root of a kins
Prailo and Maria Naranjo his wife i mans death but Soledad Marqtiez was
wore a quiet hospitable couple of 45 j an orphan and the olllcor was madly
nnd -10 years respectively with sever- I n i0ve with her and hoped to make ar
al children grown to a companionable rangeinents to leave the service and
age which menus much in such a I settle down with this lovely young wo
tary place j man In the City of Mexico there to en-
Travelers were welcome nt joy the new wealth Soledad was a
do they brought the news of the outer tropical beauty a daughter of the sun
world nnd months after their depart- nnd the sea a girl of the Pacific coast
uro their peculiarities of face and nnd with eyes deep dark and dreamy
fit to fascinate a king They asked ac
commodations for themselves and their
escort for the night and Don Diego
and ills wife were only too glad of their
company There were a grand supper
that night and much merrymaking
nnd all the news of the groat and fa
mous port of Acapulco was retailed to
the Intense interest of Don Dlogo nnd
his household
How It came about that the young
couple wore assigned to tho room of
the cnnopled bod Is told thus They
wore first shown to a small room In
which two cots bad been placed for
them and expressed their thanks for
the lodging In the gracious Mexican
way when Dona Maria feeling n house
wifely pride In the fact that she had a
grander room to show remarked I
could give you another recamerabut
But wlint Inquired Captain Del
monto nnd he ndded For myself I
dont mind but this little woninn Is
very tired ami perhaps you have a
mattress on which she could better
rest Excuse the trouble Im giving
The married pair were shown the
grand room and Maria exclaimed
What a very pretty bed The good
wife dared not relate the story of the
room being nshamed as she after
ward remarked and then too she re
flected thnt the mattress was a new
one nnd the room had been denned
nnd newly whitewashed Tho young
couple seemed so radiant with happi
ness so strong nnd full of the Joy of
life thnt Donn Marin told them to take
the room and to say well their prayers
grated windows looking out on a largo I on retiring They laughed and prom-
courtvnrd and n door which you dosed
at night nnd then placed across It the
ends resting In each Its hole a grent
beam for perfect security against In
truders There were at least six chalrB
of Austrian bent wood light colored
two of them comfortable mecedores
or rocking chairs and there wns even
a sofa of the same material one of tho
finest products of human Ingenuity
The bed was a mnsterpleco of brass
with a great canopy surmounted by
pome sort of carved crown as If de
signed for nn emperor happening by
and asking lodging for the night Tho
bed foundation iih it were wns com
posed of boards painted green and laid
Ised to do so Then she went to Don
Diego who being n practical man
listened to her words of foreboding
nnd laughed saying The spell will
be broken by thin happy pair they
bring lovo and life ami everything
gladsome with them Dont think
more about It woman and let us have
a breakfast tit for our guests To bed
to bed and let us be up betimes
It was a lovely late October morning
the air touched with Just a distant sus
picion of n chill tho sun big and white
and glorious rose from nbovo the tops
of the great sawllke ridge of moun
tains the palm trees swayed In the
breeze and there was a contagious lav
If nil nature Ilepenling her pinyers
lnhi Mm la asked the blessing of
In n v n on the young people and went
out to see her molds and nuilo sine of
a giand breiikfasl so the travelers
might Html away with pleasant
niemoiles of the hacienda of Val
cido Theie was a eomiuolloii In
utlgnr brick tiles on getting Into bed wu
icpast was piopailug aoootdng to
the direction given to the iiiiin
do llaxes lie night befoie by thecaio
ful Maria
Seven oclock came and the young
people were not astir though the
niozos of tho escort wore long bcfoic
up ii til had had their enrfco Eight
oi look came and Muvlu felt a sinking
of the heait a horrible clutching son
hit t Inn seized her bosom she glow faint
ami called for water then feeling
littler she weal to tho big pallo
tapped lightly ou the door of Ihe
grand loom ami listened her heart
No roplj l Then she knocked louder
ami then again with more foioo and
no answer came She almost diopped
and cold sweat coveted her body Old
Iouclauo came hobbling along his
face worried Gel up on that chair
and look In Ihe window said Mat la
faintly The old man did as he was
bid and said They aio still sleep
Theii he Jumped down and his face
though ery brown became blanched
with four lie recalled the young Gor
man sun oyer the lawyer and lion
alios Arlspe
Then came the master of the house
Hon Diego tall strong and his face
somber llo was choking with appre
hension lie too looked III the win
low and shouted
And there was no reply
Then he tried the door and luckily
Ihe young people had mil put up the
woollen beam Ho went In and ouch
cil the sleepers They moved not
I hey wore sleeping tho last sloop
Dun Diego was a strong man but he
Ml deadly III Demons haunt this
accursed loom ho cried out Thou
Iouclauo having called the men of the
escort they came and ontoted the
loom Astonishment was depleted on
their faces They refused to believe
that the captain ainl his hrlilc so calm
In death weie not asleep They
gleaned In splill and one of the men
shouted In Captain Dolinonles ear
Captain got up It Is nearly II
oclock But the captain was far
The same Judge who hail been sent
for before was summoned The Judge
emtio late In the afternoon lie re
called his previous visit and yet lie
said No suspicion can attach to yon
Don Diego nor to your wife or serv
ants This Is an act of God this room
this bed Ihev are aecmsed Let us
r ove ho bodies they may be burled
In Ihe morning and next day I will
draw up papers relating the mystery
of this loom which should be buried
never to be opened again
The men of the escort wept like dill
dien they wore good loyal fellows
ami fond of the captain and his bride
Old louelnno was so overcome that he
fell In an ataquo and dledi Incon
tinently A whisper went about that
he was a poisoner and that his heart
had accused him So the servants
At 5J0 in the morning the young
couple weie bulled III Ihe presence of
the Judge who also presided over the
Interment of Poiiehino not without
some feeling of suspicion In his heart
regaidlug tho old man But Don Diego
said Ionclano served my father be
foie me lie was the soul of honor
though poor and a servant No no let
us take down that bed for so per
chance we shall ease our minds
though I believe that the room Is filled
with demons
Late In the afternoon the Judge nnd
Don Diego with the men of the escort
went to the grand room It was bright
as Is the wont of windowed rooms nft
cr great tragedies Servants began to
take the bed to pieces trembling with
superstitious horror When the cano
py was removed everybody was petri
fied nnd felt turned to ley rigidity
Concealed In the top was a nest of ta
rantulas They scattered as disturbed
these demons In reality and the men
ran out of the room fearing them
Here was the long kept secret of the
fatal room These creatures had de
scended at nlglit and killed their vic
tims and then returned to their nest In
the canopy
All was duly set down by the Judge
nnd attested by all the witnesses And
this closed the grewsome diaptcr of
horrors at the hacienda of Valverde
Boston Herald
A Story From Dublin
It was at a Dublin dnnce What lent
additional luster to the occasion was
the expectation that a certain Impor
tant peer would put In an appearance
and of course dance with certain
fortunate damsels The guest of the
evening was however late An ex
cellent and fussy perbon saw a very
pretty girl sitting out dnnce after
dance He went up and speaking to
the mother observed
It Is quite n shame that your pretty
daughter should be sitting out In this
way You must really let mo Intro
duce her to some nice young men who
will give her all the dancing she
Whist cried the mother He nlsy
Im kaplng br cool for the earl
A Cnrt lirplr
The postmaster of Hound Up Kan
recently received notification from the
department In Washington that he
would be compelled to give a larger
bond for the faithful performntico of
his duty as the business of his otllce
was Increasing The postmaster draws
a salary of ii r a year and he returned
the departments letter with the word
Nit written In red Ink at the bottom
At last accounts the postmaster was
business under the old bond
flip- U i3P
This Slovo Saves Ono-
Thlrd Your Conl BH
oil IIGN ITK run ham AT
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Dr Humphreys
Speclllcs cure by iieling illrootly njion
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mi cnin H
l lnrn CnnitriillniiN InlliuiuimtlotiU 2K
i Wnrmn Wiirm Imor Worm Cullc 3
I IMiirrhiii of ClillilKti or AilliltH J
7 tiiiiuliD Colila llroneliltla MS-
rVVimilulii Tootliiicliii KhixiuIiii ii
Nlilt llctkiluuliii Vcrtlrft J
IOllilliinillKiMtliiiWilctiiiiioli 5
I I hiiiiriNnril or IiiIiiTiiI Herloilx
ri WlillfK Too lrornmi IVrloilH Jt
I i troii Iurj iiuIiIm Ilonraimiiui Zi
I I Hull llhelilll irnlHlim 1 Lotion JiO
I n llliiiiiiifitlniii Itlitiinmtli iIiih JZ
ID iMiilnrln CIiIIIh Ilivor mi Ak
lit- tnliirrli IiUliUiirn Cold lu lio Hoiut iiZ
VtO Wiooiliiiioimli US
U7 ltlillii DUriiHi n IS
UH IVimoiim Ill Mill V 100J
iO lrliniry WolllnglltMl Z7i
7 Jrlp IluyluviT US
Dr lliniiiliriyB Miniiml of all DlHuiuioa lit you c
DriwflHlH or Miilli il Kren
Sulci by IniKKlitx or mint on rvi iiliitot prlroi
llimielriyn Mi il Co Col Wllllum Joint Ut
Ni w York
Koenifsteins Pharmacy
Corner 5th and Main Sts
of Chicago ask your local tickot agent to
route you between Oinahii and Mwciffs
via tho
tho shortest line between tho two oitios
Trains via this popular road dopnrt froca
tho Union depot Omaha daily m
necting with trains fiom tho wewE
Mugnillcontly equipped trains paint
sleepers and free reclining chair cturs
Dining cars and bullet library 3Q
smoking cars All trains lights by
electricity For full information abtmt
rates otc address
A Nash
General Western Agent
H V IIowkil lfiOIFnrnuutSt
Truv Krt Pass Agt Omaha
Missouri Pacific Ry
Iron Mountain Route
To certain
points ixa
PLUS 200
Feby oth and 19tb
ON TUESDAYS March rth and ltli
April 2nd aud Kith
Final Limit of TicketH 21 Days
Stop overs will bo allowod within
transit limit of fifteon days going nftor
reachiug lirst homeseokers point eo
For furtWr information or mlvertlainjr mat
ter mliirwfe nny uuuntof tho company or
A O V and P A TPA
Southeast Cor lHb and Douglas Sts