The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 15, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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A Bonatorlnl toga would bo nil accept
able vnlontitio to almost any of tho as
pirants before tlio legislature
If tho twontliitli century produces
ninny characters similar to Mrs Currlo
Nntion thorn will bo many pcoplo who
will long for tlio iiood old times or tho
Tho World Huruld thinks tho imrni
lining or tho stnto ponltontlnry nt Lin
oolu is something of n joko Those in
sldo oniiuot got outside mill those out
hldo do not wiint to got Inside
Tho eastern man who wIhIioh to tnko
ndvnutago of a Nobrnskn spring nnd us
Hint in raising n bumper Nobrnskn crop
Hhould ho gutting on tho ground at once
Tho fnrinorri will noon bo putting hi
their wheat Now 1h tho tlino to Ininil
Another qnoon Ih reported to bo dying
Queen Sophlo of Norway and Sweden
in Bald to be on her death bud from In
flnnimntiou of tho throat and influenza
Uuropcnn nobility seems to bo no more
Hoonro from visits of tho unwelcome
guost than tho uncrowned kings and
iliieeiiBf America
It is strmigo that tho fuplonists should
go soon forgot their mission of saving
tho ropnblla and allow a little thing like
election to indefinitely interrupt tho
work Most patriots if they bolloved
tho republic in danger would work
night apt day until it had been either
saved or lost
Tho Omaha N nvs says Tiro ground
hogs nuoth or He is not Tho first
week of his prognostication iu Norfolk
is faultlossly perfect Ho saw his
shadow hero and is delivering an ox
collent brand of winter weather which
lends to tho belief that ho was not iu
Omaha at all but has moved to Nor
Tho legislators nro being very strongly
urged by supporcers of all candidates to
get notion on themselves and elect a
couplo of sonators They huvo cortaiuly
Hhown an ability to stand by n friend or
n pludgo Now they should do what
thoy woro sont for elect two good mon
for senators and transact the other busi
noHH of the stnto
Reports from Lincoln nro not oucour
ngiug to those who had hoped that a re
publican caucus would result in the
early termination of tho senatorial con
test eight meuibors having bolted It
is to bo hoped however that tho end
ia iu sight and thnt all republicans may
yet conio to nn unanimous agrcoinent
nnd solect two senators
It 1b said that n genuiuo diamond
ruby or ponl ennnot bo photogrnphod by
the x rays us it will leave no impression
On tho othor hand imitations of the
stones are readily photographed nud tho
spurious nrtiolo onsily dotoctod The
doctors possessing ninchiues will prob
ably find thnt thoy hnvo a moro impor
tant function to porform in tho minds
of somo than the more doteotlon of
brokon boons or foreign substances
tho human body
Florida winter resorts nro bound to
keep up an intorest in thoir dosirability
nsaplncoof winter residence Following
closo on tho heels of tho announcement
that n walking fish had been captured
comes tho report that n Chicago man
has Bncceedod iu entrapping a son cow
weighing 1000 pounds Tho report is
important especially tho weight of the
nuiinal and tho Chicago sport must be
commended for driving her onto the
scales nt onco nud nscertniuing her
Populism liko mnny another promis
ing third party is now a thing of the
past It nmy bo that in some conn
ties in Nebrn ika or Dakotn for tho sole
purposo of n local olootiou toofllco there
may bo continuation of a so called pop
ulist party But after March next
there will bo uo representative of thnt
party in tho U S senate nnd very few
iu ixiuHreBB ropmism una recoived its
death blow and its folowers will hnvo
to drift back into ono of the old parties
Albion Nows
The report that tho republican le isla
tore hnvo at last reached a caucus agree
ment nt Lincoln will be received with
pleasure by their various constituents
who will sincerely hope that the end of
the fight is in sight Many of tho
people throughout the state bnvo
reached the point whero their first
desire is to soe nn election They would
prefer thnt tho election should mean
that their favored candidates are chosen
Imt they want the electron regard
Jess of ireforence
Mrs Nation haa imitatow in all parts
of the country The latest to adopt her
method of procedurein reference to the
Baloons is an Indiana woman Mrs Tom
Oreal Mrs Creal had repeatedly
warned a Baloon keeper at Auburn not
to sell her husband liquor but ho did
uot comply with her wishes nnd Thurs
day night sho completely demolished
tho plate glass front using a hatchet
and beer bottle If she had given the
Ealoou inau a legal warning nnd tho law
Jailed to protect her she is uot entitled
to tho
entire blntno for her nights
Tho drnth of Kx OongresHinnii Samuel
Maxwell of Fremont removes ono who
lutR dono much to huvo hisnnnioroinoin
bored in tho stnto IiIh legal lnurnliignnd
uocoiiipllKhiiiuntH having boon of especial
value to tho people Ho In tho nuthor
of sovorul works of importnnoo to tho
frntornlty nnd courts Although pcoplo
luivo differed from his polltlonl boliofs
nil uro willing to concodo tluit ho wiih u
man of strong character nnd IiIh ability
won for htm recognition that profited
many besides liiniRolf
It Is Intimated that Moxioo will soon
adopt tho gold standard and thus place
herself on a financial footing In accord
with other civilized nations of tho earth
Tho pi oplo of that country will probably
he satisfied with tho change but whero
hen will tho gold standard politician
get his Ml cent dollar to exhibit to tho
people of this country and how can he
lnako comparisons between tho two
systems Theso nro important quest ions
to the politicians and they should sond
u delegation to Mexico to discourngo the
advanced step proposed
A spirit of Improvement and growth
suoh as has not been equalled for years
seems to hnvo tnken possession of Nor
folk nnd with the opening of spring an
unwonted progress especially in regard
to the building of homes will undoubt
edly tnko place During tho winter
much such improvement has boon dono
and as spring approaches tho prospect
for improvement enlargos Paper
liangers ami decornters hnvo nlroudy
dono n largo amount of work improving
Iho interior of business housos nnd res
idences and will undoubtedly hnvo a
largo nmount of work during the spring
That pcoplo are inclined to run from
a shadow right into tho clutches of the
animal making if is proven by their
every day action Thoy will run away
from something which cannot harm
them with every evidence of torror nud
fall into a greater danger blindly nnd
with apparent pleasure Tho Columbus
Telegram notices this inclination iu the
following niannor Small pox has
slain tons but grip has slain thousands
And yet tho average whito man had
rather run with tho grip to tho homo of
death than to take chances on a three
weeks picnic in tho small pox pest
house It might bo added that tuber
culosis has slain more than both to
gether and yet thoro islossdouousually
to provent it than either of tho diseases
Somo pcoplo of tho east fail to see
how irrigation in tho west can accrue to
their benetit nnd will fight tho measure
proposed in nid of irrigation In tho
first placo tho east should reiftizo thnt
tho west is part of tho government
helps support it nnd is desorving of its
share of tho benefits whether profit ac
eruos to tho east or uot in tho second
iilneo the oast is bonofitedby every im
provement or development of the west
Tho manufactures of the oast find a
ready market in the west and tho more
people tho west has and tho greater its
facilities for producing and turning it
produce into money tho better the
market Tho east also dopoiids on the
west largely for its food suppy nnd all
nnproveniouts thnt will increase that
supply or mako it moro certain nro of
benefit to tho enst Tho pooplo of thnt
country will make n grave mistake in
opposing measures looking to the de
velopmout of the west
The Stanton Register of recent dnte
proceeds to score Norfolk as nn inhospit
able city with referenoo to tho proposi
tion of holding a joint county teachers
instituto bore next summer nud inti
mates that tho idea was abandouded
simply because Norfolk refused accom
modations to tho teachers As is notor
ious with Editor Pont ho does uot seem
to bo conversant with the facts in tho
case Tho two hotels of Norfolk have
given rntes that are 35 cents a day
lower than tho hotels of Lincoln havo
over givou for similar meetiugs there
and whilo all arrangements were uot
satisfactory to the superintendent of
publio instruction of Stanton county
and thnt couuty will uot participate in
tho joiut session there will bo a joint
session of Mudisou and Wayne county
teachers iu this city and they
will undoubtedly find Norfolk accommo
dations equal if not suporior both iu
poiut of quulity and price to anything
they havo over experienced while it is
expected that tho instituto will be much
bettor than could bo provided by euch
county operating independently
The congressional committee on irri
gatiou has taken favorable action on the
Newland bill which provides for the
construction of reservoirs for the stor
age of water and for othor hydraulic
works This bill has not been ns favor
ably considered by those working for
national aid iu the reclamation of arid
lauds ns tho Moudell measure but is a
stop in tho right direction and friends of
irrigation will sincerely hope that the
bill nmy pass It will require years of
work to bring irrigation ami water fetor
ago up to what friends of the movement
hope to see aud it cannot be oxpocted
that all can be done at once A start
must be made howover and tho earlier
the movement begins the more satis
factory it will be The bill provides
thnt tho money received from tho salo
of public lands in tho arid nnd semi mtd
states nnd territories except that re
served for school purposes shall ha set
nsido for tho construction of reservoirs
nnd other hydraulic works for tho
ngo nnd diversion of water for tho irri
gation and reclamation of arid laud
Tho director of tho geological survoy is
also instruotKl to coullnuotho work ho
has undertaken in tho arid region to as
certain tho host mothod of storing
waters and do othor work necessary
Noi lliciiHt Nebraska
Tho Diirluud Trust company of this
city has recently Issued nuother folder
showing tho ndvantagos of northeast
Nebraska iu comparison with southoast
Nebraska as a placo for Investment and
rosldonco Last spring tho company
Issued n pamphlet comparing tho pro
duotivo capacity of tho two regions their
information being gat linn d from roliablo
statistics Tho pamphlet of last year
shows that while northeast Nebraska
marketed surplus products during 1811
amounting to It for each aero culti
vated southeast Nebraska niaikotcd but
1 -II for each i oro cultivated In 1803
northenst Nobrnskn marketed 10 per
aero and southeast Nobraska 1110 Iu
1807 northeast Nobrnskn marketed 7 fill
per aorii cultivated nnd southonst No
braska T0l In 1808 northenst No
braska raiBodOfi worth of produce on
each acre and southeast Nebraska 002
por aero
TIiIb comparison was made by taking
mi area comprising 111 2 1 square miles
of north Platto territory and 11 181
b inure miles of tho south Platto country
tho Platto river being the dividing lino
Ah the folder Mites Now wo como to
tho milk of tlio coconnut Tho cotiHUH
figures for 1000 havo verified this com
parison in an amazing nninnor The
northenst district increased J0J8 in
population and tho southoast district
lost 17587 in the last decade tho per
contago being Northoast Nebraska in
creased 10 and i 10 per cent nnd south
cast Nebraska decreased 1 per cout in
tho 10 years Excluding Douglas
county which contains Omaha where
it is universally acknowledged thnt tho
1800 census was padded northenst Ne
braska containing 20 counties gained
29 per cent iu tho dooado
Getting closor homo tho eight coun
ties of Cedar Wayne Stnntou Madison
Antolopo Pierco Knox nnd Boyd gained
il01 pooplo or 50 uud 4 10 per cent un
doubtedly moro than any farming sec
tion of tho tamo size in tho United
This is indeed n telling argument in
favor of northeast Nebraska and it is
bolieved that tho territory will be the
gaiuer by the contrast Itcertaiuly in
dicates that this part of the country is
growing in wealth and population and
with good reason
Under the above head the Sunday
WorlA Herald gives the following ex
cellent sketch of Norfolk her progress
aud udvantges which it will be readily
conceded by thoso who kuow tho city
best is not an overdrawn picture of the
fancy but based entirely upon facts
Norfolk is ono of tho flourishing
littlo cities of Nobrnskn which by rea
son of its location will become one of
the leading places in tho state as Ne
braska grows in wealth and popnlatiou
Sinco Norfolks settlement moro than
twenty years ago it has uever gone
uackwnrd Its population in the two
decades shows a substantial progress of
which its citizous have reason to be
proud Situated in Madisnn county
rich iu productiveness and surrounded
by a country of remarkable fortlity it is
a city whose future is assured In 1880
it appenrs first in tho ccubus with 547
people Iu 1890 it had 3088 a gain of
455 por cout in 1000 it had 11888 a gaiu
over 1890 of nearly 28 per cent
Iirmn i1 ir 1
JUU iiuwm oi lumuson county is
equally flattering In 1870 its popnla
tiou was 1 1118 in 1880 55S9 nu in
crenso ovor 1880 of 114J per cent in
1000 it wns 10070 nu increase over 1890
of nearly 25 percent
It will bo noticed thnt tho growth of
Norfolk haa been faster than the county
This is owing to its superior facilities m
a distributing point Situated at the
couflnouco of tho two forks of the Elk
horn river in tho beautiful valley of
that namo it is the junction point of
of the Union Paoitto from Sioux City
making its connections with the Rocky
monutaiu and Pacific coast stntes and
tho FremontElkhorn Missouri Valley
St Paul Omaha Railroad companies
for Wyoming Black Hills and Northoru
Nobraska points This will nlwnys
mako it n place inviting to tho settler
and the iuvestor aud oxplaius why tho
city increased during a period of uupa
alleled business depression all over the
Norfolk is up to date Its big beet
sugar factory speaks volumes for its
enterprise With handsome business
blocks nnd fino residences it is a placo
of prosperous cultivation and refiuomeut
in its business nud sooial lifo Its High
school indicator its interests in education
Its publio schools aro the elements
whore tho youth of tho city can prepare
themselves with the equipment of tho
higher schools onnbling thorn to become
intelligent and useful citizens of the
Btato Its foundry and machine shops
flouring mills brick aud tile works
creamery grain elevators aud other in
dustries evidences the hum of Norfolks
bnBy life
Humors of Pat Crowo cnntiiino to bob
up occasionally but Pat himself does
ot Iwb
Tho llnffulo exposition will bo a fall
uro if Mrs Carrlo Nation nud her
hntchet uro not placed on exhibition
Tho garden spot of the world will
soon be in full bloom nnd blossom if
this wenthor continues u few days
Nebraskas Miushiuobids tho fog ladon
pcoplo of tho oast welcomo to a beauti
ful and produotivo state Tho invita
tion will bo accepted
The pcoplo of Fremont havo thnB
far subscribed 2100 to thoir proposed
froo publio library nnd there is no ques
tion but that their efforts will bo suc
If you cant plant a tree Arbor day
plant n rosebush or something thnt will
add to tho nttractiveuess of your pro
perty and lucidently tho towu nud
A famous oil guhcr iu Indiana hna
subsided with overy prospect of nn un
interrupted rest after n long season of
spouting If only somo political gushers
would follow its example
People who nro inclined to pity tho
ground hog becnuso of his incarceration
this beautiful weather should remember
that ho is an unreliable Dinl nnd may bo
oujoying the bright suubhiue fully and
The Kansas sonnto hns decided that
hanging is top cruel as a punishment
nnd has refused to ro ennot such n law
Meanwhile tho citizens of tho state will
probably insist that burning at thostako
is none too severe for somo criminals
Mrs Nntion is experiencing some of
tho incouvoniencies of notoriety Sho
bus recently been kidnappud by a riyal
mnnager who had visions of a golden
avnluucho Tho ladys picture will
probably next appeur in n patent medi
cine advertisement with a fac simile of
her signature attached to n glowing
The small South Americnu republics
aro now occupying tho stage in tho
worlds war dramn Wars rumors of
wars threats and bellicoso movements
rago with kalediosd pio rapidity and the
world looks on aud smiles nt the efforts
of the little fellows to stir up a respect
able fuss However perhaps the
issues are deemed just ns important and
serious to the inhabitants as though
their countries were inhabited by mil
lions instead of thousands
Mr Bryan is still convinced that the
money trust is slowly but surely throt
tliug the liberties ot tho people although
they have recently told him bva hand
some majority that he was tho victim
of an halucination Mr Bryan would
undoubtedly be highly pleased if
through the machinations of theso same
capitalists ho had been elevated to the
chief position in tho gift of the people
then aud then only it would have been
tho great common ppoplo who had
Princeton university is soon to receive
u collection of undent manuscripts dis
covered in Egypt among the collection
being a contract for a loan drawn in the
time of Neio Now if some shrewd at
torney could discover that the loan has
uot beeu paid aud find the heirs to the
contractors what an interesting case he
would havo after figuring up the inter
est at a compound rate Perhaps he
would be able to mako out that the
heirs were in reaiity owners of tho
world with a barb wire fence around it
If Mrs Nation is not altogether in
sane she at least has lucid intervals
Recently sho said Ill take a joint
keeper who wants to do right in prefer
ence to a refined and educated hypocrite
every time And there are thousands
who will heartily agree thnt she is some
thing of a philosopher There are Ba
loon keepers Ihey mny be scarce
who nro mere human moro conscientious
uud bettor citizens generally than somo
who olaim to be christians Some sa
loon keepers are quite capable of doing
good whilo some avowed christians do
nothiug but harm especially to tho
cause they claim to represent
Tho foreign fruit tree vender will
fall iuto hard liuos iu Nebraska if a
proposed bill now before the legislature
is enacted into a law The bill provides
that any tree salesman must represent
a bona fide couceru that bus a perma
nent establishment in the county iu
which the snlea are to bo attempted
There is a lurgo amount of treo peddling
that should be suppressed nnd the pro
moter of this bill probably has that
object iu bight It is certain that none
but reliable firms could afford an estab
lishment in a county whero they wish
to sell trees but it is also certuiu that
its provisions would seriously cut down
the territory of the small unrsey man or
put him to a considerable expouse to
maintain ngencies nud would therefore
be a hnrdship to mnny reliable nursery
men whose territory is not now limited
An ill Advised Argument
Tho wagoumukers nud blaoksmiths of
Mudisou at a receut meeting decided
that they should do no advertising
The newspaper men should be careful
that thoy nro not ndvertised When
John Jones nddsa now piece of machin
ery or enlarges his shop or gives a dime
to tho suffering people of Spedunk the
nowspapers should ignore it When
Sam Smith displays n now delivery
wagon or n repainted ono tho handi
work of John Jones tho nowspapers
should consider it imperative that uo
publicity bo nccorded tho transaction
othcrwiBO thnn to tho credit of Smith
nnd so on ad infinitum Then tho nows
papora might find it profltablo to havo
their blacksmlthing and enrriago work
done nbrond
Whou ono sot of business men con
sider It policy to doliDorntcly slap nu
other clnss In tho face it 1b presumptu
ous to say tho least and n spirit of re
tnliation whilo perhaps not commend
able is cortainly provoked It would
not bo so bad if n clnss of mon decide
individually not to advertise bnt when
thoy organize a boycott ns a clnss they
certninly uro not u credit to a town
Tho Madison Star discussing tho propo
sition says
This may look liko a very trivial
matter nnd wo prefer to think thnt
outside of tho instigation of tho
scheme uo malico was intended by tho
smiths towurd tho city or tho printer
Tho common wny of looking nt this
agreement between a worthy class of
tradesmen is that it is simply a boycott
of tho printer with a view to saving a
few uickles a year but uowspaper ad
vertising iu a city of this class has a
much deopor significance thnn a mere
revenue for the newspaper matt
It is a recognized fact that no ono
enterprise of n community does more
toward Us upbuilding than ti well eon
ducted newspaper Who mnkes thnt
nowspnper It is largely tho advertiser
Ho effers inducements to drnw tho trndo
for miles aud oven brings that which
would naturally go to neighboring trad
iug points Tho merchant or business
man of any kind who derives revenue
from tho trade brought to ncity through
numbers outlay as a sponger and
when it comes through tho newspnper
advertisement he robs the printer of his
just recompenso for his labors
Then again ho shirks his duty to
ward his fellow townsmen by failing to
add his mite toward trade getting It
is the duty of every individual who de
rives his livelihood from n community
or through the good will of the com
munity to contribute something toward
the maintenance and upbuilding of that
We believe as David Harumsaid
There is about as much human nature
in one person as nnother but it seems
to be some peoples human nature to
want someone else to earn their living
for them
It is a standing joke that the news
oaper man is the poorest paid for the
amount of labor he does for his town of
any other class of business men nud it
seems that there nro a few individuals
iu every community who make it their
business to do whnt they enn toward
keeping him at the bottom The best
results are alwayB obtained through the
prosperous newspaper nnd if nil would
lay nsido their penurious grasping
keeping nil you have nud get nil j ou
enn and give a wholesome support to
their representatives their would bo
moro happiness not only iu the printing
oillce but in your own plae of business
Tho blacksmiths yearly outlay in
ndvertisiug formerly wns not enough
that tho los of it will cause any extra
hardships but thosphit shown toward
the city and the newspapeis is unbecom
ing to legitimate tradesmen
Cnrrnttetl at At tuck on Temperance Man
Tlmy Sinimli a Joint ut IVInduld Kau
Wichita Feb 14 A crowd of men
women nnd boys smashed Henry
BchmldtK joint ut Winfleld Kan yes
terday The bovs were mostly stu
dents from the Methodist college nt
Winfleld The snloon was completely
wrecked all sorts of wenpons being
Charles Schmidt n brother of tho
proprietor wns cut on the head with a
hntchet and severely injured It Is
said one of the women was seriously
hurt by flying glass
Tuesday Kniesl Hnhn a tempernncc
ndvocate was attacked by a joint
keeper nnd this started the prohibi
tion element which culminated In yes
terdays Incident
Mrs Nation Mint Stand Trlnl for Saloon
WrechliiKSuyj lIumiloHorli Tot-
tering to IU Fall
Chicago Feb 14 Mrs Cnnle Nn
Won left Chicago for Topeka last night
She is under bonds to nppcnr In the
Knnsns capital today for trial In con
nection with her operations in that
city Before leaving Chlcngo she an
nounccd that as soon ns pho had
clenned up things nt home she
would comeback here nnd If things
were not properly tnken enre of by
the authorities she and her friends
would tnko inntters In their own
hnndfi nnd to uo her own expres
sion Wo will make souvenirs
Her meeting with the saloon keepers
which sho nnnounced that she would
enrry out did not materialize
Sho expressed herself as more than
pleased nt the treatment sho hart re
ceived while In Chicago nnd depnrtod
with the assertion that tho rum power
In this city nnd other largo plnces in
the United States was tottering to its
f iKHPrtwf rr
Madrid Said to Be on the Vergo
of a Tumult
tjliouM for tlin Army tlio Mint Si rtmu
Contract Tor tlio WcthllnR
of Illnviin of Axturlim to lriuoo Charles
of lloiirbon U Mkii1
Madrid Feb ll Whispered rumors
which aro not supported by tanglblo
ructs say thai Madrid Is on the verge
of a tumult The government how
evr Is calmly proceeding to carry out
the details of tho wedding of tlm
princess of the Astuiiiis to Frliico
Charles of ltoiirbon but the street cor
ners cafes and hotel corridors teem
with disturbing stories The shout
Long live the army Is the most erl
oils sign Should It tnko n rcnl aold
on the people and should tlio fever
reach the nriny Itself tho outcome
would be threatening The current
talk represents tlio nrmy ns being dis
satisfied nnd ns announcing thnt it does
not Intend to take up nrms ngnlnst
the people ns long- ns their opposition
Is directed against the Jesuits nnd tho
Count of Cnsertn The feeling ngnlnst
the former Is largely political but
n real nnd deep seated nntngonlsm ex
ists ngnlnst the former Cnrllst lenders
The decision of tho high court today
favoring the contention of the mother
In the Ubno case giving the daugh
ter Intp her charge and releasing her
from tiio cmiVCtit Is likely to have a
soothing effect
Another stop In the marriage
mony Occurred nt the palace last night
when tho formal contract wns signed
Tho nftcrnoon was ono of continual
manifestations though without serious
incident owing to the vigilance of tlio
police In fact throughout the city tho
entire day civil guards mounted nnd
on foot were everywhere visible dis
persing crowds wherever found These
nsscmblnges were largely composed or
youths nnd street Idlers but behind
them were ngltators nnd the sentiment
of the people
In the evening 200 mounted civil
guards pnrmcd Puerto del Sol with
drawn swords preventing any collec
tion of pennlo All the avenues center
ing on the Junre nro closely guarded
There can bo no doubt that the feeling
of the populace Is deep rooted need
ing only n successful lender to encour
age the people to menacing teens
One of tho Itlotcrs Dies
SnrngossaFeb 13 A man Injured
In yesterdnys demonstration died this
morning The theaters nnd nil the
cafes are closed nnd over 50 nrrests
havo been made The prefect has
taken the niot severe measures to
maintain order
Saloon SiiihhIht TiiIIih to Small Audience
at Wllliird Hall
Chicago Feb iy Mrs Carrie Na
tion arrived in Chicago last evening
nnd within 15 minutes after reaching
the city she was facing a somewhat
diinunitive audience gathered under
the uu qiices of local members of the
W C T U In Willard hall On ber
trip to Chicago she delivered a number
of short addresses from the rear end
of the car speaking ut nearly every
station where a stop was made Her
coming was marked by no special inci
dent contrary to the expectation of
the Indies who had invited her to visit
At midnight nttended by a few
friends Mrs Nntion wont on n tour of
the levee district Everything wns
peaceful however nnd Mrs Nation
made no effort to break anything She
said she wns going to get the saloon
keepers to come to her lecture
Women Clean Out Itlinil PIrh
Rcvillo S D Feb 13 A Cnrrle Na
tion club consisting of nbout 150 per
sons mostly women made a raid on
the blind pigs nt Dawson Minn
last night smashing nnd cleaning them
all out They also visited the two iirnp
Btores giving the proprietors warning
that If they did not b more careful
nbout giving liquor as proscriptions
on slight pretense thnt they would be
denlt with In the Carrlo Nntion order
Feed Mill KIIU Ioutmaiiter
Ottumwa ln Feb ia Isrenl Trout
postmuster ut Llbertyvllle while in
specting his feed mill accidentally fell
on the belt connecting the engine with
one of the grinders The belt cnrrled
him Into the hopper of the machinery
where his thront wns cut being neurly
decapitated one leg was torn from
his body nnd the other Jog wns cut In
three places Ho wns Instantly killed
Agar Tube Fadilng Hoiuei
Des Moines Feb lit Tho pneking
houses In lies Molnos hnvo been tnken
possession of by William and James
Agar of Chicago who will operate
the plant under n long time lease just
signed Jmnes Agar has been In tho
packing business In Chicago for no
years and was unable to secure bind
for enlargement of his business hence
the lease of this house
JolntUW Clone Their Donri
Topeka Feb 13 Tho local liquor
sltuntlou is practically unchanged
The saloon men are keeping their
lieuds under cover and their doors nro
securely locked They nppnrcntly
mean to keep them closed nnd prepara
tions ore being mnde to remove tho
bars aud fixtures
Hotel In Lead Hum
Lend S D Feb 13 vim nt arn
m yosterdny entirely destroyed the
Bprlnger house one of tho lnrgest and
oldost frame hotel buildings In tho
Hills It caught from a night lnmp
In the servants room Loss about
15000 covrd by f 4OOjO insurance