The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 15, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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I Ml Ml
Prominent Nebraskan Suddenly
Passes From Life
Famed a Polltlrlnn anil LcRlRlatnr With
the IoruI Profr Mlon 1 1 In Original Clinle
Cant Vol i Which Hlnrtod Nutiratkn
on tlio Way to Statehood
Fioinotit Neb Feb 12 ludRe Sam
uel Maxwell tiled suddenly yesterday
morning lit his lionie north of Pre
moiit lie got up feeling as well as
usual and nle breakfast with IiIh fam
ily Inimedlntely lifter ho complained
of jmlii In his chest and a physician
wus at once stiinmoned Before he
arrived the Judge was dead
Practically ever idnce coining to Ne
braska In 1855 he has been a promin
ent figure In the politics and alTalr
of the territory and Mate He was
member of the legislature which
voted on the question of statehood to
which there was considerable opposi
tion In order to defeat It a motion
was made to adjourn the senate sine
die It was Maxwells vote which
defeated the motion and started Ne
braska on the way to statehood
Sketch of III Career
I JurtKO Maxwell whs burn Ht Ioill then
suburb of Syracuse N Y May M lJO
wns ciluciitcil In the common scbools nml
hi the hltlitT brunches under prlwite tu
ition removed with bin father family to
M loll I can in 1S44 beie he taught school
ami farmed In 1Ki8 wim elected township
clerk and the following jenr school Inspect
or In 1 8Tr ri tcniowd to Nebraska and pie
enipteil ICO neres of government land
which ho Improrcd leturned to MtchlKan
In 1818 and ompleted u course In Inw uue
admitted to the bir In 18T1 and luimcdlatc
ly returned to Nebraska and begun the
practice was elected a delegate to the He
publican territorial convention was elect
ed a representative from Cuss county to
the terltoilal legislature was elected to the
first constitutional convention held In ISiH
was elected to the legislature the same
year and re elected In 1 bOfi assisted In
frumlng the constitution of 1800 was elect
ed to the llrst state legislature In 1800 In
the following year was appointed by the
governor a commissioner to select the cap
itol building and unherslty lands oigin
Izcd the Klist National bank of rintts
mouth ubout 1870 and was ono of Its olll
cers was elected in 1871 to the second con
stitutional contention nnd was chairman
of the committee on suffrage in 1871 the
legislature elected him one of thiee com
missioners to collect 72000 inmirince for
the burned nsylum at Lincoln and to erect
a new building was elected Judge of the
supreme couit as n Republican In 1872 for
a term of six years located in Fremont In
1873 was elected In 1S71 n member of the
third constitutional convention nnd was
chairman of the Judiciary committee wns
elected the same year Judge of the supreme
couit under the new constitution nnd was
re elected In 1SS1 nnd 1887 Is the author
Vol a Digest of Nebrnska Reports Prac
tice in Justice Courts lMendlng and
1ractlce Cilmlnal Procedure and Code
Pleading has been an adtocate of fioe
and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio
of 10 to 1 for 20 yers was elected to the
Kith congress as a fuslonlst Ills political
career closed with his retirement from con
gress two years ago since which time he
has lived quietly at his home near Fremont
lie Is sutvlved by bis widow four sous aud
four daughters
Government Deoiiles to Glvo Foreign Na
tions Notice of tho Fact
Cape Town Feb 12 The govern
ment has decided to give notice to for
eign nations of the fact that Cape
Town is infected with bubonic plague
There Is no longer any doubt ns to the
nature of the disease Another na
tive has died of the disorder throe ad
ditional cases arc announced and 50
persons who have been In contact with
plague victims hnve been Isolated A
temporary military hospital is being
Stanley Hon lrulses Mm Nation
Topeka Kan Feb 12 Henry Stan
ley Governor Stanleys son who is
editor of the Baker Orange pays hla
compliments to the state administra
tion ns follows When a joint has
been allowed to continue In open viola
tion of the law as the Senate In To
ipekn has done nlmost under the very
eyes of those who have sworn to en
force the laws and uphold the consti
tution of the state then tho people
welcome any one with moral courage
to do what the state and locnl officers
Jn direct violation of their oaths of
oflice failed to do Long live Mrs Nu
Only the Fireman Killed
Decatur Intl Feb 12 By the
breaking of a journal on the engine
drawing the westbound Chicago nnd
Erie passenger train the engine left
the track and the bnggagej car und
three coaches plunged down nn em
bankment near Wren O Fireman
W R Finney Jumped sustaining In
juries from which he died There
were 103 emigrants on the train nnd
live other passengers Beyond cuts
and bruises all escaped serious injury
Will Take It to the Court
Cedar Falls la Feb 12 Mrs A
Houghtnllng of Seranton has caused
n sensation by refusing to allow her
daughter to be Instructed In the sci
ence of physiology In the public
schools She lsa believer in Christian
science The principal will not allow
the daughter to attend unless hho takes
the branch of study and the mother
will take the matter to the courts
Another liaiil at Ilulton
Holton Kan 12 The crusade
A ngulubt the jolntlhts which was coin
menced here Satin day was vigorously
continued yesteiday at a mass meeting
held lu the Methodist church A com
mittee was appointed to Investigate
the report that tho place owned by
Mrs Hicks which was raided Satur
day was open agnln The committee
discovered that the report was true
and ns a result tho temperance work
ers again raided the place and com
pelled Mrs Hicks and her son to sign
a contract drawn In legal form to the
effect that they would never again
tell liquor during their natural lives
ztjtMu ajiftr
M Iotll Police- ArtrM Tweiitj lhn Men
rriim I lilengo
St Iouls Keb 12 -The Post-Dispatch
says Twenty five men who
say they lire from Chicago were ar
rested yesleiday and lodged In the
holdover The police suspect they
were brought to St Louis to be used
as repeaters In the Deinoeiatle pri
mary elections
Information reached tho police Sun
day night through David Perry a
Chicago sutocn keeper that n Inrge
party of men had left that city for
St Loills with tho expressed Inten
tion of taking part In the primaries
According to the terms of their
Agreement so the police were in
formed the men were paid 100 each
before the train left Chicago and were
of their days work
Upon the opening of the primaries
It Is said they were to be supplied
with guns and ammunition Their
istructlons the police declare were
ination to tho house of delegates
Acting upon the advice from Chi
Police Sergeant mill TuoNefroe Wonnileil
und HiUlut ltx htiilcii During nn
tlou How In tho rouith Wuril
SL Louis Feb 12 More than 150
shots were llred a sergeant of police
and two negrocb were wounded and
tiny night adjourned Mindly before
midnight without making any substan
tial pi ogress The caucus was In set-
to receive JfJOO more at the conclusion neuily foui hoius behind closed
doors and u number of bitter speeches
nnd a bolt on the pait of eight
ballot The men who walked out arc
opponeids of I K Thoinpson of
to vote at the primaries as often as j coin for senator and they Justify the
told to do so and to use force wltn
anybody who Interfered wlti them
whether police election olllclals or
party workers
The plan so tlie police- wero In
formed was to ne them In the
Twenty sixth Twenty first Twentieth
and other west end wards during the
afternoon and In the down town
wauls In the evening
The police sav the arrangements
for bringing the men to St Louis
were made by two candidates for nom
bolt on the ground that the caucus
Agreement which provided that only
llcpublleans of unquetloned loyally
After the walkout a second ballot
was taken with little chance from
liutlre Itriivm Hold Hint Trillin Are Nut
ItrnpiniKlhte lor Mt inherit Ijiitli nc
I ashlnirtou Pelt PJ The United
Opponents Of Thompson With- Slates supieine nut yesterday de-
i elded two eases Involving the question
draw From the Hall r responsibility of an eut lie tribe of
Indians for depredations cominltled
TWO 11 A T T fVPQ AK 1AJ1LJN by organised bands composed of mem
f 1i tru lilrt1R 1mt n HU1Jl
case there Is no liability One of
Cnucil It Liirt Willi IeM Tlinn ltriiilrid VI nuH wil lint of MontoVIl llllll
Mnloriiy tn Viirrt iinliuri Cwnti iiiimi u Involved responsibility for the opera
on ijiiikiIiiii of IaijhH to ts tlous of Vlctoilos baud of Apaches
Hum Piirij I nml another that of Connois
Mug the depredation of Dull Knifes
Lincoln leb l lho Republican mn of r1vontll wrrlng 1t
leglslathe caiuus to nominate wo
r 1W rH Nw Mx
enaiors uncici ine can ugiccii ui mm i nllp KnlllnM Nr
biaska The opinion was handed
down by ltistlce Itrown and held that
as the bands In both cases were strong
enough to break away from their tc
specthe lilbes and to defy the United
States government as tliev did the
hers who quit the hall after the llrst
tliM n ll n MJr
be held
Ahull be eligible as candidates was mutiii
violated when Mr Thompson was
placed In nominal Ion The bolteis aie
Senators Steele and Olson Representa
tives McCarthy Whitmans Hroderlvn
Bwnnson L vans and Ion venat Hefiie
i sponsible for their
SIioms I lute 1 ctl i c to llnir
Airs Nation nml Mining r lolci
Purl Iilp Willi Her
Muscatine la Peb IJ Mrs Nation
arrived hole at noon yesteiday and
tentative Meiulenhall agreed with the was met at the lialn by 1000 people
other eight that the agi cement had
been violated but remained In the
squad of police weie on hand as
bhe had requested to uscort her to
tint lmtitl Tllii i likMil IwiWitvltl Vllf
u linv Unu sfnlutl 111 tllii tnllttft TintiKAuniifnHi nu t iiiiii ntifl Atnidrfilt II t Til Tnen lit itnv tltitii linftl nil llin
v- j - a
peaceable and ipiit and evidently 1 nm J Im u
turned out tlmiiiiuti curiosity for less lmllm l 1
cago the entire detective force of the t1 Ht ml ndlournmenl was taken than WM people attcmhd her meeting
police department was sent out to lo
cate the men Monday morning result
ing In the arrest of 123 of the supposed
until S oclock tonight The member at the Cirand opua house last night
declare they will continue to ballot In After the meeting closed and the re
caucus under the call until cclpts of the evening counted tho
tlons lire made recardless of the bolt- llnancliil malinger of Mrs Nation Us
ers Neither of the ballots differed solved paitneishlp with her and he
r fuuiUv from those In the Joint session with four of the sl women
nf it lfl ttlrt flltlllflll V IlltP I III 111 IWtl lllul llllllt t
T T3 Thompson H Melklejohn iKl Chicago
Currle 10 Hosewater 15 Martin I Mrs Nation snys I nm
10 llnlner Crounse 0 Ulnshaw hands of the Loid and will leave for
10 reinalnder rcatterlng
Chlacgo tomoriow I
Nine Ballots Are Tnlccn With
out Result
lllbir Cliiiiiuri Wi tn lliiliiipinliiiil nml
S rniilolliil Muddle I Aimtcnl ly Hi It I
Jnr Iriiii Hnttlrnii nl slight lulluiiii n
llpnn Vutv for Hem Inr In lnliit Neaaliiu
Lincoln Peb II Nine ballots with
out result wcic InKcu at the Itcpub
ileau senatorial enin us last night The
eight men who bulled Tuesday night
remained out and there weie other
absentees D 10 I luimpsuii made a
enin of three votes The other
eliauges wcic iinlmpoitant The ninth
ballot i Milled Thompson ltd Mclli
lejohn M Cm lie Ut Marl In 10
llosewater 17 IIIiimIiiiw b Ciotinse
li Klnkald I
Thompson leaehrd his high water
itiiu U of tt on the llltli and sir Hi hat
lots his gains coming fioin Newell
Mllklnson and Krledileh or Cass
ihose voting for Hosewater In nddl
Ion to tho support he has been n ly
ing In open ballot wero Oleson of
Phelps nnd Warner
Currle ran up his high mink to III
on the eighth ballot by Meciiilug An
tliews Humphrey Lowe Johnson
Spencer and Tweed all but the last
from the Thompson force Cuirle had
Ids low mink on the llllli ballot when
MUCH expeciancy wus iiuhhiihi uvn
the result of the senatorial caucus on
I the open vote but lew changes were
recoided liaceable to It Saudall who
had left Thompson In caucus kept
Iiiwiiv from him The Hosewater
1 1 t MIIII
WllO nc Collllllll IHMVi ii ii ihiii i
while lliill anil tiwens weni 10
The tli t ballot In caucus resulted Kuiishh Mis Nation will proceed toJn ml rotinse respectueij
i Tie Le
will not smash rimuiKe
After the departure of the bolters any saloons here tomorrow although Carrie
reveral explanatory
mnde on behalf of M I
statements were I will call on four or more places In J11 r
Thompson hv the morning I will do no smashing In mtu mil
lother Incidents reflected the caucus
in nn The vole
M Klnliald -1
i Mnilln K
7 MilUleliihii ai
0 lliiKewaler 15
1 1 ThoiniiHim W 11
rl SdilleiliiK H
of a riot about the Second district poll- Senator Trompen hell holes In my own slate are wiped LIVELY DEBATE IN SENATE
ing place of the Fourth ward at The caucus decided to continue bal- out of existence Then I will organize
Twelfth and Linden btieets ouily last lntlng on senator and roll call was tie- a band of women who will smash nll
It was
only after a riot call had
DovelopinentH In the JxpremSufo Kobbory
at Mnnlln la
Sioux City Feb 12 Olllclnls of the
United States Express company will
not state the amount secured by the
robbers nt Manila on Saturday night
but they say It has been greatly ex
aggerated There Is no denial that
there was 12000 In currency In the
snfe but the bank drafts and other
papers secured they say would be
useless to the thieves
Hayes was released yesterday but
Jackson nnd Sto vall were held They
have not succeeded In giving n satis
factory account of their whereabouts
at the time of tho robbery A sledge
which wns used to break open the snre
Is believed to be Jacksons Blue paint
hns been discovered on the handle
Identical with that with which Jack
son recently painted his house
Implicated Several arrests have been
made along the railroad line I
Celebrate Lincoln Itlrtlulay
New York Feb 12 Carnegie hnl
Ilenry J Ellicott the sculptor died
Biiddenly at his residence In Washing
ton Monday of pneumonia
Don Peck a noted Indian territory
character was killed near Kansas I
T by Mondial Sill and posse
John P Kerr nnd Alfred L Foley
wero arrested at Chicago on a charge
of embezzling 10000 from Fleming
II Revell Co book publishers
Colonel Ferris Forman who was In
command of an Illinois regiment dur
ing the Mexican war of widen be was
the last surviving officer died nt
Stockton Cal Monday
gun for the second time The first of the saloons in tho world America
ballot had disclosed 01 voting while first Europe net
brought Captain Kiely with -10 pollen only 03 voted on the second nnd there
ami riot guns to the scene that a
semblance of order was restored
Even then the streets were filled with
negroes and some white men all of
whom were armed many of them In
toxicated and looking for trouble Not
a ballot was cast there during the
The wounded are Sergeant
llvan of the Fourth district shot In
the right leg George Monroe shot In
the right arm Frod JoneH shot In the
left leg
Rolla Wells n wealthy foundrymnn
will be nominated by the Democratic
city convention today for mayor he
carrying 215 of the 28 wards In the city
In the primary election held yesterday
His selection shows that both factions
of the party have united Wells sup
ported the gold wing of the party for
two terms i
were few changes
The ballot hi Joint session resulted
Allen COIKInltnld 4
ColTc 27 Mnrtln
Crounse Ill Melklejohn 10
Cuirle in Ituiew liter HI
Ilulner ft Thompson V U 34
Httihenek SI TlinuipMin W II l
Ilinshaw II Seittoi Iiir 0
The senate Tuesday passed Senator
VanBosklrks bill piovidlng for a state
visited the 35 places Monday they
found them all closed with the excep
tion of W Finneys place He was
open and doing business ns usual
The officers went away without
registry of brands A number of new jng nlly arrcsts
bills were Introduced one Doing n con
gressional redisricting bill Hansoms
kidnaping bill providing n death pen
nlty was recommended for passuge
in committee of the whole
Resolutions on the death of Judge
Topelm 1 olii t h Are Climiil
Topeka Feb 12 The Jolntlst of
Stilelile to Kxciipn lonrlilng
Crested Unite Coin Feb 12 While
a mob was besieging the jail here yes-
Samuel Maxwell were Introduced In mg himself to a window bar in his coll
the house Tuesdav by Representative with an electric light wire Rurlc wns
Evans of Lincoln county at whose re
quest they were laid over for consider
ntlon Friday afternoon the time or
the funeral
South Dnkntn Capitol Ilnomer See No
Hope- of Ituiuual This Stuslou
Pierre S P Feb 13 Mr Everett
of ago He declined that he was
nuompio u to procure wie vx iiuKii wUh otllers HI1p0el to be ready to
from off the house journal of that
conc om W11 tje tme com03
tlon to tho indefinite
relating postpone-
b h Fostcr nU CummnB vo
nunu oi me uui rcueaims wm wou DeJ Mnc tlie nrHt flKUt WH l0 for
bounty law on account of errors in i frfim i
the journal It created a warm de
bate In which nearly half of the mem
bers joined the speaker himself tak
ing part The motion to expunge car
rlod 39 to 8 The bill was then re
called from the committee on state af
fairs nnd referred to the committee
on agriculture
The following house bills passed
Allowing each member and senator to
appoint ten student to receive free
tuition in the educational Institutes of
the stnte making a fine of 100 for de
facing the American flag
Military Scandal in South Africa The senate adopted the majority re-
London Feb 12 Sensational port of the committee against woman
opments are Impending here snys th4 Biiffrnge and defeated the untl cigarette
Pletermarltzburg correspondent of thj bill
Dally Mall There havo been wholel The house bill placing a license on
Bale thefts of military torcs and transient merchants passed
prominent officials and merchants nre I The enso against fusion members of
the bonrd of charities came before the
euprome court yesterday The court
overruled the motion of defendants
Attorneys to dismiss on the ground
that tho action should have been corn-
was filled with people last night who menced by the states attorney by
had gathered to celebrate the 92d eummons nnd complaint The
versury of Abraham Lincolns birth
day the proceeds of the meeting to go
fpr the Lincoln memorial at Cumber
land Gap Tonn Mnrk Twain pre
ItohinAun CoufeHe He Wan Footpad
Algofln la Feb 12 Jack Kobln
sou son of a prominent family has
confessed that he was the footpad who
Bhot Fred Foster Saturday night
Fostcr Is likely to die The affulr has
caused a scubution
wns continued one week
The Wntortown capital boomers
have practically decided to quit the
field and there Ib llttlo possibility of
ny removal bill st this session
Pur rood Ijw Comtltutlonal
Jefferson City Mo Feb 13 The
supreme court yesterday In affirming
the judgment of a lower court decided
that the pure food law enacted two
years ago Is constitutional This law
prohibits the use of alum In baking
powders and kindred combinations
rutfllUM and nrrce IndlUed
Chicago Feb 13 Tho grand jury
of Kane county returned Indictments
oalu8t Eddlo Cronke lightweight
chuniplon of Iowa Young Pctor Jack
bod nnd Referee Slier of Chlcngo Tho
Indictment charges a violation of the
state law against prize fighting
Ilrltlfli lie wet
London Feb I A special dis
patch from Pretoria says General
Dewot crossed the Orange river north
of Norvalspont Sunday night going in
tlie direction of Phlllpstowu The
Urltluh tire following
Tlnce Miiillilutr for oernor
ties Moines Feb 13 The announce
ment that S A Foster of this city Is
u candidate for governor makes three
active candidates for the nomination
IUI111UI III llll Ill UltallUWU
county and district It Is also an
nounced that Judge Towner of Corn
ing Judge Dewey of Washington nnd
didates for the supreme bench It Is
expected that Colonel D J Palmer
of Washington and John Herrlott of
Guthrlo may yet enter the race
Honor Lincoln Memory
New Yoik Feb ll On the Ji2d annl
versury of the birth of Abraham Lin
coln ami lu honor of his memory the
Republican club of tho city of New
York gave a banquet lust night at the
Waldorf Astoila General Henry K
Treinnln president of tho club pre
sided With him were seated at the
guests table Cornelius N Hliss White
law Reld Senator Thurston Senator
Depew Joseph It Burton Judge John
N llaldwin Senntor Ilnnnu and At
torney General Griggs
General E Y Mitchell father-in-law
of the late Richard P Bluud died at
Holla Mo Tuesday
Rolla Wells was unanimously nomi
nated for World fair mayor by the
St Louis Democratic convention Tues
Tho prlmnry election in Kansas City
Kan Tuesday was remarkable be
cause of tliu activity of tho women
Tho wholesale grocery of Mueller
Piatt Wheland at Docutur Ills wus
destroyed by lira Tuesday Loss
Two hundred workmen at the
Church mine near Seranton struck be
cause their grievance conunlttoo had
been discharged
A concerted effort Is being made In
congress to divide tho Nebraska Inter
nal revenue collection district Into oth
er districts as at present constituted
For the third time Charles U
Wheeler an alleged horscthlef has
succeeded In making his escape from
the Marlon county Jnll at Salem Ills
President Hill has acceded to the de
mands of labor unions lu tho north
western states and will dispose of
nose laborers on the Great Northern I
Itepeitl of tloi rlipl Iruellen At I 1 in nWlnfi
the Milliiltil
Lincoln Pel II -In the senate yes
tenlay a heated discussion arose over
n motion to not concur la the com
mittee report recommending lor pus-
nairii the bill repealing the corrupt
this city have generally taken heed of iritlce Holll of the si natois
the warning to close their places 1 ulc 1lter tMr rpnilK
When Chief Staid and two officers
Th bm WJH lstm for llnly two
hours and by preventing a vole on the
i motion to not concur by keeping Ihe
1 floor unlil the time for the Joint
nlon the matter was lot t open to dis
When the senate convened In the
afternoon Ihe motion of Senator Owens
to not concur in the report of the com
mittee was can led by a vote of 20 to
tllM tlK M11 M
terday and threatening to lynch
Burlc he committed biilclde by
tin Harlan aud Van Ilosklrk
The following bills weie passed by
the house House rolls 10 by
arrested on a charge of having l inic i
and of workmen In
imiiv siiiti ivnti Munch r vrsttlon safety
buildings under constriK tion ISO by
Itohwer authorizing superintendents
of adjoining counties to hold Joint
Institutes for teachers In lieu of the
requited Institute In encli county 157
nnd liO by Evans relating to tlie
duty of assessors
Xonr Mini Ariisdtnil at Grimily Outer on
hennutloon ClinrKe
Grundy Center la Fib H Three
brothers named Springer aud another
man named Hutchison liom near llea
mun have been arrested on a charge of
nolBonliiL Some time ago a social
Judge Fee of Centervlllo will be can lUfralr was given at lleamun refresh
ments were served and Bertha and
Clara Williams ami Bessie Brecht
hill became deathly sick One feature
of their Illness was that the skin peeled
off tholr faces Their lives were
mved but it is claimed they will
never again regain their health The
men mentioned are charged with put
ting poison into the food
Gntta Ilani nn Kitnulon
Kansas City Fob M It Is stated
that an agreement has been entered
Into by John W Gates and parties in
terested In the Cincinnati Hamilton
nnd Dayton railway which will give
tho Omaha Kansas City and Eastern
road an entrance into Cincinnati and
n connection there with the Chesa
peake nnd Ohio for the Atlantic sea
board The plan contemplates the ex
tension of the Kansas City line from
Qulney to Springfield
Sam Moy Act a Mediator
Chicago Feb 14 Sum Moy the
mayor of Chinatown will leave Chi
cago for Kansas City today to act bh
mediator In a quarrel that threatens
to disrupt the Chinese colony of the
Missouri town The qunrrel lias been
on for the last three months and the
Mongolian population of Kansas City
Is about evenly divided regarding it
South Dakota IrfUIlitorr
ricrre S D Feb 14 Both houses
of the legislature will hold morning
sessions and take a special for home
this afternoon The senate passed a
bill regulating tho placing of chlldreu
of dissolute parents in homes also
providing that all fees received by In
stitutions must bo turned Into the state
Ilohbrm 1iilii Moury aud Mall
ninwatha Kan Feb 14 Robbers
entered the St Joseph and Grand
Island depot at Beattlo Kan yebtet
day emptied all the mouey drawer
cut open three mall sucks and ab
stracted tho registered mull Blood
hounds from Beatrice are n their
Aillonif MHIIiir In Seblnir nml ltotilUi
Siill tiling Miitlm la it lrll
Tim Tslu Feb II The French nttfl
Russian consuls raised their icspecllrt
flags over the sail heaps belonging tt
the merehnulN of the Sail Guild t
hiiinlh after the occupation of tho city
and hnvo since refused to allow tltrr
owners to approach the property
They have however offered to sell It
bncU at thietMiiiirlois of Its market
value which amounts to millions
At a meeting yesleiday lie inerch
nnts came to the coiicliiilon that niter
barefaced lohbery or pilvale iropcrjr
was not ciunmllled with the npprovnl
of Pin Is and St Pelerihurg and drew
up a nieinoilal cable dispatch to the
czar and President Loiibet settliifr
foi Hi their urlevance
The linpnitance of he decision by Lha
home government and lis beat Ing upon
the political situation enniint be exng
gc tilled All Ihe cnmiiierclal clnssem
In China are walling to learn whether
the llosers or I lie allies nie more dan
gerous to their Interests and will net
OikIui inm hitrgn Hlolem Willi Urawn
huiuiln nml it Niniiliei Am Wiitinilnil
Almij ArieoU Almln
Madrid Peb 1 1- Last evening
rtols look place at seveial points Tliu
gendarmes chiuged with drawn
swoids aud a number weie wounded
or bruised These weie cnirled Into
he phariuiirlcH and cafeii The dem
ouslratois iiplled to the charges of
the genilaimes with showers of stone
Altogether some I0 niiests wero niiiilo
during the day Including a mlllliiry
officer whose anest resulted In a pro
test by his brother olllceis The uu
thorllles have warned Ihe newspupeuj
thai tin v must abstain from itIIIcIkiii
of acts of the roval fainllv or the pub
lication ol news or comments calcu
luted to fan the present agitation
In 1ie Hue Mentera some serloiti
stone Knowing Declined Flowei
pols and other missiles weie thrown
fiom the balconies at poli omen sev
era of whom wero Injured One boy
Is nld to have been killed The pollco
were obliged to call tit dinted gen
daiines who charged and dlHpeisetl
the iloteis
Effervesi enee conllniies at Harcr
limii and Gieinida where the gen
darmes have been reinforced AI Mal
aga anticlerical demonstrators stoned
n newspaper office and a policeman
was wounded by n revolver shot la
Torjos streel
ilmieriil MnrAi tlmr llepoit Talcing nt
Hevi iilj iilne Slim hj llln Iiiiick
Washington Fob 1 1 -The followinn
cnhlfgtnm mis received yesleiday lit
the war department from ienoral Muo
Arthur at Manila
Colonel Simon Tee inn peen oaleern 7t
poliilniN rl mix nml JOOQ ronnclM of nm
munition nun i mlci il nm niiilll loiiu tljr IVb
II iitSiiii MIkiicI le Miiyiuiiii Luzon Tili
IilenlvK up ii LluUi of Iiimiii rectus hereloforo
opeiiillni In iiiiiii nl uIiih i mhI of itnlueiin unit
remoieH from noilliein Iitinn Hi limt for
inlitiihle iirKiinlul foree evreplliiK In flu
lllt illnlilil lllcll enforeemenl of pimlii
mnllin of Dee V0 Spniiliiiiemm nellou of
people HiiniiKli feileinl pnilv for fienre nnd
nelf pintielliiu lire pioilmliiK nnibt
reniills nnd enrniirnei hope or rntlrn
EiinpenKlon of lionlllllleM lit fin rnrlv
Ion ii WooilinenH SiHhIiiii
Cedar Itnplds la Feb 1 1 The mosl
largely attended biennial convention
In the history of the Modem WimmI
men of America In Iowa was held
here yesteiday and among other Im
portant actions the convention unani
mously Indoised Colonel C G Saun
ders or Council Bluffs the rctlrlriK
state consul for the position of mem
ber of the national board of directors
Indium iiiiiI Stmiill Itmiiiil Orer
Sioux City Feb 1 1 Jackson and
Slovall charged with tlie United State
Express robbery at Manila Li uuvff
been bound over to the grand Jury
under ifTiOOO bonds Pint of the con
tents of tho stolen safe was found at
Jacksons house though none of th
money was found
IlooiU Do Jrinl Damage
Lima Peru Feb 1 1 A dispatch
from La Pa says that the oveillow of
the river has caused the Inundation of
the city and the destruction of bridges
The electric lighting system has been
disabled and the city has been In
darkness for two nights Mnny Uvea
have been lost nnd the duiniige will ag
gregate SI 000000
May Not r Iul In oir
Cincinnati Feb 1 1 There Is every
Indication that the proponed boxing
contest will not be pulled off at
Saengerfest hull next Friday night
There Is now as much doubt about
the time nnd place especially as there
is alKitit the decision of Judge HoIUb
to be rendered today
Ohio Iteglineiit Ha No Onlor
Toledo O Feb 14 So far no orders
of any kind have come to tho Toledo
otllcers of the Sixth regiment Ohio
National guard In regard to the Cin
cinnati glove contest Colonel Stan
bury commander of tho regiment Is in
Cincinnati In connection with hla du
ties as raveling salesman
WIfo of heiialur 1Utt Dead
New York Feb 14 Mrs Thomas O
Plait the wife of United States Senn
tor Piatt died yesterday ut her apart
ments In tho Fifth Avenuo hotel after
a Jong Illness Senator Piatt with his
two sons and their wives wero at the
Chapman Convicted of Murder
Dallas Tex Feb 14 The Jurj
yesterday brought In a vuidlet of mur
der In the first degreo against John
Chapman charged with the murder of
Constable Bnlue who was burned to
death in Cbttpiuung saloon lu this cite
Dec a
1 r