rhe Norfolk euus W tt UU8B rubllrtjor i DAILY KMftbllMiml 1KH7 rRtnri ilitT ntxntti HntulnT Itfrnrrtnr unr look 1 cont lljr tnnll cr ycur fitVO WKKKIV NiVS IOUNAl ft Newt otnlillMiiHl ISM Tlio loirnMTMflHHicl mi Krery Frlilnjr lljr mull per yrnr IM ntorod nt tlin rotliilllcn t Norfolk tyeb n mtd clftta mnttnr Tolojilione No 82 fonug uinn como went Nebraska in Iho legislators aro Homowlint mount lis Why dont thoy xprini u scuba- by electing pomo RoiiiiUirs Ity politics aro about to warm up democrats nro nlrondy In tho Hold a call and tho republicans nro mov ports of fronlc election bets have at ooaRod to como in An oxchuugo thnt a domoornt in Kentucky but ifo ugaiuRt a farm ttmt Dry nn Ibo oloctod Tho republican wou tor liviug with tho rcmilt of bin n wook in offering to wogor tho against n Durlow knifo that tho ls in tho north kary Utt of tho Oniahn coinmur lb is preparing n memorial to tho id Bonnto to bo by thorn ndoptcd rardod to congress in tho rigatlou Tlio proposition is of Merest to Nubraska and tho west ory thlug possible should bo done Into to congress thnt tho pooplo i of tho benefits to bo secured ly to tho itato but to tho outiro said that Marie 1 latum ohalrnian republican nationnl cominltfoo upon tho election of seuatorR by publlcanleglHti ors of Dolownro Bku and Oregon Secretary Heath Itod as saylug Hauuais utorosted in Nebraska for thoro Lothing pootlo iuhnviug tworopub sonators from that stnto Tho nan oxorclBOH IiIb well known Fgy by not declaring for any of tho Idatos If tho report is true and luatonkas tho power to forco au tin thoro aro many pooplo of tho rwho will wish him well L REPRESENT NEBRASKA brntirDlotrhih hiiiI SUIT to raillalpiiU In Irvtldvutliil luiUKiirnlloii flncoln Fob ir Governor Dietrich his staff will leave for In Feb 18 to piirtlelpntc In tho idcutlnl inauguration ccremonleH Gen eral Managor Iloldregc of tho Burling ton has offered tho party the unc of a special car which will be attached to Burlington train No 2 at Lincoln The South IMatte members of tho tnff will Join the governor at Lincoln nil tho North Platto delegation will Join the parry at Oninhn From Chi cago they will Journey to Washing ton over the Pennsylvania line ar riving March 2 While In Washing ton Governor Dietrich and hW party will have quarters at the Hotel Italelgh No arrangements have been made for tlicreturn trip but It Is piib able that the KtafT will not attempt to return In a body NO NEARER ELECTION ebrakn Kepubllcani Remain Dtolilnl on tho SouatorshlpnCaucui Ailjourna Until Mumlny Night Lincoln Feb 15 Five ballots were taken for United States senators at the Republican caucus last night with out result When adjournment ruitte It was with the genet nl understanding that it be until next Monday night The fifth ballot follows Thompson 30 Melklejohn i0 Cuirle 21 Hln haw 7 Hoscwnter ir Martin 10 llnrlnnU Crouitbc 0 Kiukaid U ltlci ards 1 On the senatorial vote yesterday Ilall returned to Hosewoter Andrews changed from Crounse to Melklejohn Wilkinson went from Currio to Thompson while Mlskell who has been voting for Thompson und Kose water -was Absent The vote 63 DerRe 5 CroutiBC 4 Carrie 18 JInlner 4 Klnkatil i Melklejohn 31 Murtln 10 Itotewnter in Thompson T H Marlnn 2 Thompson W II J17 Ulualinw U Scattering 3 Death fur Kidnaper The senate Thursday pawned by n unanimous vote the nntl kldnnplnj Wll It provides for tbree degrees or punishment for the crime of kidnap ing the death penalty or life impris onment at the discretion of tho court for kiduaping when ransom is a manded and the victim Is threatened with death or injury a maximum sen tence of 20 years when ransom alone Is demanded and from three to seven years for plain kidnaping House members are in favor of the bill and Jt will be pushed to an early passage Several new blljs the object of three f them being to prevent forging of railroad tickets were Introduced In the senate Thursday funeral of Judge Maxwell Fremont Neb Feb 15 The funeral of Judge Maxwell was from his homa yesterday aftomoon Many attorneys and old acquaintances of the family from out of town were present The heavy black casket containing the body was surrounded by elaborate floral designs most cousplcuous of which -was a largo broken wheel from the Dodge county bar The body wbb taken to Flattsmouth for builaL GOUNTY LEGISLATION llrporl of rrbrunr Mrntliig lrmr ItiRtii do After Iho lellniUeiil remount Tnxim Mndlfon Neb Fob II WOl At 1 oolock board of county commissioners mot pursuant to adjournment lresont John J Hughes Christ Schniitt and It W Winter Minutes of last mooting wore read and on motion npprovod Complaint of T K Odlorno that ho is assessed with cltj tax on jHirsonal prop erty for 1100 whereas lie lives outsido of elty limits was received Kxatnina ttou showing that Biuno is trno with tho exception of his ollloo fumituro tho olerk wnR instructed to strtko fdbO from said olty tax Ferdinand BchuUz making complnlnt Hint ho in assesBed with city tax on per sonal property for 1100 whoroas ho lives outsido city limits and tho sntno being found trno tho clorlc was ordered to striko said tax amounting to 5D1 from tax list On motion tho following bills wore allowed Fremont Tribune stationery f l70 Stnto Journal Co blank books 1T Dr J A Long nttondanco on Fuller ton child 18 F Brinokmnu Sou medioino for snnto 1 10 10 H H Patterson caro of pauper Orano 7 l5 npplied on personal tax fi8l balanoo151 Goo W Losoy jailors foos etofrom Docombor SO 200 John F Flynu bnlanco duo for labor on Meadow Grovo dltoh 100 F Jlrinokmnn Son wiill paper etc flOGOU Chroulclo printing f225 J J Adams onrpoutorwoilc ftfiO nppliod on personal tnx A L Stewart stationery 3o0 W H Widamnn nrrostlng and car ing for J Wells iiiBauo 0150 nppliod on porsonal tax -100 bnlanco 511 Gegnor Wetzler painting and pa pering court house 108155 Ou motion tho following nppoiutmoutB wore niado O M UoyleB road overseer district No 5 Mlohaol Carmody road ovorseor dis trict No A W Goldsworthy road oversoor district No 12 lloury Suudormnu road overseer dis trict No 23 Joseph Auibroz road overseor district No 22 Herman Gall road overseer district No 17 J B Donovan constablo Madison precinct Jerry Birks constablo Shell Crook preoinot On motion report or Soldiers Relief Commission was accopted and approvod showing total amount expended during tho yoar to bo 48018 On motion Glaus Young was allowed n warmut ou tho Soldiers Helief fund for 125 On motion tho following bonds wore approved Fred Law assessor Valley precinct Nicholas Lund justico of tho peace Battlo Crook precinct Hy Iliokonbnrg road overseer district No 11 Geo Brand road overseer district No 20 Thos Taylor superintendent fnrm poor J B Donovan constablo Madison pre cinct On motion board ndjonrned to 7 p m Board met pursuant to adjournment On motion board proceeded to oxamine delinquent personal tax list in order to Btriko off uucollectablo tax On motion board ndjonrned to 8 n m Board mot February 13 8 a m Proceeded to examine delinquent tnx Ou motion board adjourned to 1 oclock Board met pursuant to adjournment Proceeded with work of examiuine doliuqueut tax list On motion board adjourned to 7 oolock fBoard mett7 oclock On motion tho following bills were al lowed EdwnrdB Bradford Lumber Co coal for Mrs Carey 7 16 Unas Hamen modioine for Mary Wood 1025 O W Brnmsalary for January 100 Ohas Fenske bridge work 54 ap plied on personal tax 1803 balanoo 40 07 W O Elley delivering election 6up plies 1460 applied on personal tux J BJDonovan printing 0 00 applied on personal tax Ou motion the report of Chna Fenske road overseer district No 7 was audited and approvedshowing balance on hand of 40 Ou motion the clerk was ordered to instruct superintendent of feeble minded institute at Beatrioe to transfer balauce credited to M L Davis account to no count ofAlbert Wcod and to remit 1060 to make the 40 fee for ensuing year On motion board proceeded to select sixty names from which jurors shall be drawn for March term of district court as follows Noifolk precinct J F Redman R Stitt JohnKost Burnhard Grant P W Hull Henry Uecker O D JeukinB THE NORFOLK NEWS FRDAY FEBRUARY 16 1001 1 L llcmlx O F Ilaano Win Lehman O W Lomotil W K Spencer Paul Brnmmuud Thomas Hight L Buckendorf August Pligor II G Uruggomaun ICrnest Hirth Wnrnorvlllo W II Boyd August llorgmnnn Vnlloy J II Massmann Fmnk Doiiui Battlo Crook Thomas Wndo Sam Kent sr Ficd Brechlor Geo Zlmmer mmi Doer Crook S A Molfny Donnts Sullivan jr Burnett M T Brown B II Bnkor John Brosler J R Dow Grove A E Bontloy A W White horn Kmeriok Ed Austin F II Palmer Schoolcraft Simon Flnuegnn F K Warrick Hlglilaud Lanranco Wells Frank Wright Falrview Henry Snndormnn Phil Every Union Alfred Dover A A Bloy L W Lyon Madison F P Prince J G Cleve land O J Roovos Wm Broon J H RlBor Aug Litko J L Grant Greon Ganlou Henry Mauror jr Daniel Knnpp Kalamazoo Josoph Stibloy Ohas Holm Slioll Crook G Vaago J M Strand L M Johnson R Pry or On motion board adjourned to 8 a m Board mot Fobrnary ll at 8 a m Proceeded to oxamino delinquent tax list On motion board adjourned to 1 oclock Board mot nt 1 oclock Proceed to examino dollnquont tnx list Ou motion tho following bills were al lowed H W Winter salary 7700 John J HnghoB salary 7570 O Schmitt salary 00 10 Gust Kaul Bitlary for January 35 Job Severn morchaudio forL Shnpo 2500 applied on personal tax 3150 bnlanco 344 On motion tho following resolution was adopted Whoreas it appears from tho records that thoro is a largo amount of delinquent porsonal tax duo tho county bo it Resolved thnt tho county treasurer bo and ho is hereby coin mandd to proceed nt once to tho collec tion of all delinquent personal tax and to issno distress warrants ncoording to law All exponso inenrod In tho collec tion of deliuquont taxes shall bo paid by tho person owing tho tnx as tho law provides thnt No demnnd for taxes shall bo necssary but it shall bo the duty of ovory person to attend at tho treasurers ofllco and pay his taxes And if any person neglects to so nttend and pay his taxes the treasurer is di rooted to lovy and collect the same to gether with tho pounlty and coBts of col lection Ou motion board adjourned to March 18 at 1 oclock Phil Bauch County Clerk lion b Thin We offer one hundred dollars roward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hulls Catarrh Cnre F J Chunky Co Props Toledo O We tho undersigned have known F J Cheney for tho last 15 years and be lieve him perfectly honorable in nil bnsinesB transactions and financially able to carry out nuy obligations mado by their firm Wkst Tkuax WholeBaloDruggists Toledo O Waldinh Rinnan Makvin J Whole sale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system Price 75o por bottle Sold by all druggists Testimonials free Halls Family Pills nro the best Wo mako loons on real estate at lowest rates Elkhorn Building and Savings association T E Odjornb 8eo How to Cure Grip Remain qniotly at home and take Chamberlains Cough Remedy as di rected aud a quick recovery is sure to follow That remedy counteracts any tendenoy of tho grip to result in pneu monia whloh is really the only sorious danger Amoug the tens of thousands who have used it for the grip not one cose has ever been reported that did not recover For sale by the Kiesau Drug Co When you want a physio that is mild and gentle easy to take and pleasant in effect use Chamberlains Stomach aud Liver Tablets Price 25 cents Samples free Every box guaranteed For sale by the Kiesau Drug Co 35 To the Ainerleau Sumiuerlan4 The Union Paciflo has authorized a sottlors excursion rate of 25 from Nor folk to California February 10 to 26th March 5 13 10 20 Pullman ordinary sleeping cars are run daily via the Union Pacific to California These cars are the most commodious means of travel for large parties intending set tlers homeseekers hunting parties Full information cheerfully furnished ou application F W Juneman Agent Bad to Conquer or Die I was juBt about gone writes Mrs Rosa Richardson of Laurel Springs N 0 I had consumption so bad that tho best doctors said I could not live more thau a month but I began to use Dr Kings New Discovery and was wholly enred by seven bottles nnd am now stout and woll Its an nnrivalod life saver In consumption pneumonia la grippo and bronchitis infnlliblo for coughs colds asthma hay fovor croup or whooping cough Guaranteed bottles 60o and 100 Trial bottles freo nt Kiesau Drug Cos store Itn aa Certain an Death and TnxeR that Roatol tho great pilo remedy will euro tho piles A pilo pipe freo with onch package Wo noil it ou positivo written gnnrautoo No Cure No Pay 60o Samples froo Klosan Drug Co Solo agents Never Had nCnld since I began carrying a pnokago of KrattHo8 Cold Ouro CnpsulcB in my vest pocket I tako ono whonovor I feel a cold coming on Its onsyi Price 25c Sold by Geo B OhriBtoph Tn Dure a Cold While You Sleep Tako Weeks Tab lets Wo will cheerfully refund tho pnrohaso price if it fails to enro Price 25 cents Kiesau Drug Co Solo agents Tho Kiesau Drug company will ro fund you your money if you nro not satisfied after using Chamberlains Stomaoh nnd Liver Tablets Thoy ouro disorders of tho stomnch biliousness constipation and hendacho cents Samples free Price 25 HherlfTn 8le By virtue of a decreo directed to mo from tho olork of tho distrlot court of Madison county Nobraskn on a judg ment obtained in tho district court of Madison county Nebraska on tho 20th day of Novembor 1000 in favor of Elsie Desmond as plaintiff and against Wil liam Slothowor Sybil A Slothower J H Logeraau Fred Haass Hannah Goodrich J J Goodrich Amelia M Bogle and W H Eudorly as defendants for tho sum of ono hundred nnd five dollars 105 and flfty throo 68 cents nnd interest nud costs taxed at 1858 and accruing costs I have lovied upon tho following ronl estate taken as the property of said defendants to satisfy said decrees to wit Lots one 1 and two 2 nnd lot throe of Osborns subdivision of lot ono 1 in block twolvo12 of Haasos suburban lots to the village of Norfolk Nebraska Lot tbreo of the above described to be sold separate And will offer tho samo for sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the 23rd day of Fobrnary A D 1001 in front of tho enst dcor of the court house in Madison Nobraskn that being the building wherin the last term of court wub lipid at the hour of one oclock p in of said day when nnd whore due attendance will be given by the under signed Dated this 22ud day of Tnnuary 1001 Geo W Losey Sheriff of said county Kntlmiito of Expeiittes The county commissioners of Madison county Nebraska at their regular meet ing iu Jnuuary 1001 made the follow ing estimato of expenses for the ensuing year Couuty iuBtituto fund 125 00 County superintendent salary 1400 00 County road fnnd 7500 00 County bridge fund 10000 00 Couuty printing 1 000 00 County olerksalary as clerk of board 500 00 County attorney salary 050 00 Commissioners pay and mile age 2300 00 Cnre of paupers 2000 00 Bounty on wild animals 800 00 Fuol postage and express 1300 00 Jailors fees 1200 00 Books stationery and supplies 1800 00 Janitors wilnry nud assistants to county officials 2500 00 Election expensos 2100 00 District court and jurors 7500 00 Assessors pay aud mileage 3000 00 Insane fund 850 00 Soldiers relief fund 500 00 Poor farm expenses 1000 00 Aid to Agricultural sooiety 700 00 Furniture and repairs on court house and jail 1000 00 Interest on court house bonds between Madison and Union preciuot 600 00 Sinking fund for same 400 00 Battle Creek village jail bond nnd interest 150 00 PinL Bauch County Clerk SherHrs Snln By virtue of a decree directed to me from the oUrk of tho district court of Madison county Nebraska on a judge ment obtuiued in the district court of Madison county Nebraska on the ninth day of April 1500 in favor of T O Can non as plaintiff and against John E Olney Charlotte E Olney Charles E Olney Jeremiah Olney and George H Niahols as defondants for the sums of one hundred and twenty dollars and sixty seven cents and two thousand and thirty one dollars and forty cents and costs taxed at 12 1013 and accruing costs I have levied upon the following de scribed real estate taken as the property of said defondouts to satisfy said decree to wit Lot six C in block one 1 of the town of Norfolk to satisfy tho said sum of 12067 and costs lots fifteen 15 and sixteen 10 in block six 0 of the town of Norfolk to satisfy tho said sum of 203140 and posts all in Madison county Nebraska And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the 28th day of February A D 1001 in front of the east door of the court house in Madison Nebraska that being the buildiug wherein the last term of court was held at the hour of 1 oclock p m of said day when and where dne at tendance will be given by the under signed Dated Jaunary 26 1001 Geo W Losev Sheriff of Baid County Pneumonia Can be Prevented This disease always results from a cold or an attack of the grip and may be prevented by the timely use of Cham borlains Cough Itemedy Thnt remedy was extensively used during the epi demics of la grippe of the past few years aud not a tingle case has ever been re ported that did not recover or that re sulted in pneumonia which shows it to be a certain preventive of tnat dangerous disease Chamberlains Cough Remedy O A IjOIKAHT Prksidknt OHAB B IIIUDHK Vicb PnVsintNT ers w H JOHNSON tUBniBB LHO lASKWALK JAss t Cabdibb The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 liny and oll oiclinno on thU country 1 ml all parts of Knropo Fnrm Lonns I- I1 BUl o IIIUPUB U Y 1IRAABOU O M BWANK A LUIRABT T Fi MRMJUIMIRB L BtSSHIONH U Get What You Ask for at UHLES GROCERY ALL ORDERS aro filled promptly and with care Our goods aro FIRST CLASS in every particular We know precisely what is wanted by our custom- X We aim to Give you the Best Value for Your Money Sonth side Main St botween 2d nnd 3d Tolophono 41 FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary haB gained n world wido repntation for its oures of colds aud grip For salo by tho Kiesau Drug Co Notice to H ridge Contractor Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at tho county clerks ofllce at Madisoni Madison county Ne braska until 12 oclock at noon standard time March 18 1001 for tho erection and completion aud furnishing of ma terial and labor for alii pile nnd iron bridges to be built during the year 1001 according to the following specifica tions to wit 1 All wooden bridges to rest on three piles nt each bent to bo driven to a Lsolid foundation nnd bent to be of lougth required by county board piles to be white oak or red cedar not lesB than ten inch top all piling to be sound proportionate nnd freo from windshake and objectionable knots 2 All caps to be of two 3x12 inches in white oak to each set of three piles to be bolted on two sides of piling with 7 8 inoh bolts and washers to washer each pile and nuts ou end piling to be on in side All piles to have a tenou of inch to rest upon - 3 All piling for caps to be sway braced with 3xG white onk or 3x8 white pine and to be securely bolted to ond of cap and at each intersection with piling with inch bolts inch wash ers Ends of joists and caps to be cov ered with the same material as flooring and to be even with top of floor 4 All joists to be northern white pine 3x12 sized at each end outside joists to be bolted to cap nt eaoh end with inoh bolts and inch wash ers All bridges to have nine lines of joists well lapped on caps all joists to bo bridced with 10 peuny wire nails 5 All flooring to bo 3x12 northern white pine or oak and to bo spiked to joists with G0 penny steel nails at each intersection of joists 0 Railing to be 8J feet high above floor posts 4x6 northern pine all bolted to outside stringers with two inch bolts nnd washers except end posts which shall be bolted to piling lapping two feet on ench corner pilo cap of railing to be 2x0 with 2x0 on inside under cap hub rail 2x0 and guard rail 3x6 all white pine and to be woll spiked with 30 penny wire nails 7 All railing to be painted with two heavy coats of Venetian red and boiled linseed oil All iron work on steel bridges to be painted with two heavy coateB of graphite paint 8 AH bridges must be of fourteen feet roadway nnd bids must state price per lineal foot Proposals will also be received for steel and combination bridges fourteen feet roadway supported by concrete pier with inoh steel case thirty to forty two inch diameter Bids must state size of pier and price per lineal foot and if built on piling to state length and kind of piling and price per lineal foot for piling Proposals will also be received for a steel bridge to be built across the North fork river at the foot of Norfolk avenue in the city of Norfolk with concrete and steel piers 24 feet roadway All Didders are required to accompany their bids with plans and specifications of their work and a certified oheok of 100 to be forfeited if contractor fails to make contract or file an acceptable bond within fifteen days from date of letting The board of county commissioners reserve the right to award separate con tracts for pile bridges combination bridges and steel bridges also the right to reject any or all bids The party awarded the contract will be required to give a good and sufficient bond conditioned for the faithful per formance of tho contract with at least one surety resident of Madison county Nebraska 6aid bond to be arproveby the county board Dated this 20th day of January 1001 Potl Bauch County Olerk BOOKBINDING Reblnding Old BookB and Magazines H BRUMMUND Nxt Deans Paint Store fith St NOVELTY Iron and Brass Works JNO E CRONK Manager AU kindi of machines Jroma lawn mowerto a printing preen eucceaafully repaired Hot air team aud hot vtatar beating Bpocial atten tion siren to Boiler and Kagine Repairing Opp Paiewalki Implement House NORFOLK NEBRASKA THEMALLEABLE sjllifesbi llBH 3ip mm gCMrSlViffiB j jilIIIj jjHet til FIRE ALL YOUR MALL ALL YOUR ITS NON BREAK STEEL and MALLE -GO TO- ABLE WITH PUNCH FEED For Bnlo nt ALBERT DEGNERS WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD SHAVE or BATH W D Halls Barter Shop MAIN 8T THIHD DOOB EABT OF FOURTH L L REMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for the Mrers Force and Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work First door West of Post Office EYERS Invites you to Compare Prices Tomatoes per can 80 Peas per can 5o Corn per can 80 Java Coffee best per lb 15c Oat Meal per lb 2Kq Soap 10 bars 26c 1 pound can Baking Powder 20c Best Prunes per lb 8c Blueing 4c Soda per lb 3c Starch per lb 3s0 Crackers per lb 74CO Clothes Lines 9o Lye per can 4c Mixed Candy per lb 7Ko Pearline per package 4o Rice per lb 7c Lamp Chimney 4c We have a big line of Tinware Gran iteware and Crockery which we are selling very cheap B MEYERS FOR SALE One of the best cottages on the west Bide Five rooms and bath Barn and good outbuildings and fine lawn Corner lots Kxl22 sonth and east front Will be sold at a bargain on easy terms iXt 320 acres of good improved land nine miles north of Norfolk in Pierce ooun ty 2i0 acres cultivated good buildipgs A small payment down and balance at 6 per cent interest on 10 annual pay- ments will receive this bargain at 2000 per acre tf Four of the best residences in Nor folk on the west good farm land side to exohange for tfi TRBGY i DUMND V f -1