The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 15, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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School Childrens Eyes
TntAllpnt I
Defective eyes stunt the mind
Can you expect fair progress
in school or success in
business if so handicapped
Examination of children for
glasses is a special feature of
our Optical Department
Or of Ophthalmology
Office Cor 4th and Main Sts
YanlBj Et U P Depot Phone 35
One of our patriotic formers who has
been building up foreign industry by
Bending to Montgomery Ward Co for
his supplies called at Johnsons Furni
ture 6toro recently to price some poods
Nothing could be shown him but what
would bring the remark I can do
better Finally Mr Johnson produced
Montgomery Wards catalogue to show
the customer his mistake He immed
iately became interested and pointed
out a Couch Cheffonier Chamber Suit
Dining Table Chairs Rockers 8 Iron
Beds a set of Dishes U Carpets 2
Lamps and a Sewing Machine all of
which the customer and his wife had
already selected at home and were
about to send the money to Chicago for
the goodB Mr Johnson showed the
gentleman that he had many of the
same identical goods in his store that
the claims of Montgomery Ward Co
were false that his prices wore Lower
after considering the freight charges by
from 5 to 20 Mr Johnson made the
sale and convinced that customer that
he has been following the wrong policy
Mr Johnson says that there is not a
single article in his line shown in their
catalogue that he would not be glad to
supply at from 5 to 20 under their
The Weather
Conditions of the weather as recorded
for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to
Maximum temperature 47
Minimum temperature 23
Average 35
Precipitation 00
Total precipitation for month 24
Snowfall 00
Barometer 2940
Forecast for Nebraska Generally
fair tomgnt and Saturday Cooler
The Sunday school class of Miss Anna
Parker was entertained very pleasantly
last evening at her home on North
Ninth street
Millard Green lost one of his fino
large gray dray horses yesterday the
animal dying from one of the diseases
peculiar to the speoies
Superintendent Teal of the Norfolk
hospital has been notified that the com
mittees from senate and house on public
lands and buildings will be here this
evening to inspect the Norfolk institu
The trustees of Norfolk lodge of Elks
will inspect the various properties
offered for permanent quarters tomor
row All members of the lodge who
are interested are invited to accompany
the trustees on their tour of inspection
They will have Tub Nkws office at 10
oclooktomorrow morning
Robert Schnett and Miss Minnie
Winter were united in marriago yester
day morning at St Paul Lutheran
church before a few relatives and inti
mate friends Rev Hoelzel officiating
Following the oeremony the event was
happily celebrated at the home of the
brides parents seven miles north of the
city Mr and Mrs Schnett will make
their homo at Oreighton
Mr and Mrs A T Pettitt returned
last nightfroni a two weeks trip east
They visited in Omaha and from there
went to Chicago to ateend a meeting of
the Christian Science Students associa
tion No 44 Ten states wero represent
ed at the meeting by delegation The
association was founded 11 years ago by
Mrs Mary Phllbriok and its members
are nil former pupils of hors lifty or
moro mombors of tho association at
tended tho mooting
Tho bull given in Manprnrdts hall
Inst ovouing by Norfolk lodpo No D7
A O U W was a very successful af
fair and well conducted those partici
pating enjoying tho evening thoroughly
Uohnorts orchestra furnished pleasing
muslo for thoso who onjoy tripping tho
light fantastic Tho hnll was tnstofully
decorutod the national colors boiug
lnrgoly employed and tho ontiro ontor
tiilnmont was highly complimentary to
tho committee having its management
in hand
Hooper Sontlnal A correspondent
wants to know whethor it is propor to
nay that a man suffers with tho grip
or from tho grip or of tho grip Hav
ing had tho malady but onco tho editor
of tho Soutiunl may bo barred as an ox
port authority but from our oxporionco
at that time wo would say that n man
snffors of tho grip and with tho grip and
by tho grip and from tho grip and in
the grip nnd on account of tho grip and
if thero wero any moro propositions
he would suffer moro
York Republican Mr G L Van
Fleot who lives west of tho Dixon
school house visited with tho Repub
lloon Thursday Ho says farming in
NobrnBka is too easy for him Ho haR
to stir about and como to town or drive
around to keep from going to seed
When ho lived in Illinois nine miles
from market and had to get his stuff to
town over Illinois winter roads winter
was as busy n time with him as sum
mer but its different hero whero a
farmer can get his produco to the elevat
or in a few days even in the worst seas
on Wo forget to remember what a
blessing wo have in tho Nebraska good
The Dakota City Eagle man has evi
dently found tho reason for his burning
moro fuel than could bo accounted for
by measuring tho ashos Ho snys
Dakota City alwnys did have among
its residents some light fingered persons
men who are too lazy to work but re
main awuke at night and visit their
neighbors premises The late heavy
snow did not stop them from going on
their midnight rambles after arms full
of dry wood little realizing that their
foot prints were loft in the snow the
tracks being followed to their own door
yard an occnsionol stick having dropped
by tho wayside An exact imprint of
wood thiefs foot was taken and may be
of use some day Better beg your wood
instead of stealing it for you aro liable
some day to meet with some sort of an
accident or misfortune
Choice celery at Glissmans
Peats wall paper samples patterns
for 1001 Call on or addresB Wm
Leavitt 202 South Thirteenth street
A regular conclave of Damascus com
maudery No 20 will be held this even
ing at 8 oclock E H Tkacy
A special meeting of Norfolk lodge
No 053 B P O Elks is called to
meet at I O O F hall Saturday even
ing February 10 at 930 oclock for
the purpose of considering propositions
for permanent quarters
Geo H Spear Ex R
Lost A hand carved Mexican leather
purse containing a small amount of
money Finder may have money if he
will return purse to News office
Catfish pickerel wall eyed pike lake
trout and whitefish at Glissmans
The Christian Endeavor society
wishes us to call attention to tho fact
that the social to bo given in the Con
gregational church parlors Friday even
ing February 15 is not a pay social
All members of tho society and their
friends are invited to be present and en
joy an evening of wholesome fnn
Spare ribs at Glissmans
Perch whitefish and pickerel at
Ten bars Oudahys Diamond O soap
for 25 cents at Parishs
Pork tenderloins at Glissmans
City Central Committee
The republican oity central oommittee
is hereby called to meet at the law office
of Mapes Hazen Saturday evening
February 10 at 8 oclock for tho pur
pose of arranging for oity and ward con
ventions The committee is composed
of the following named members First
ward Geo H Spear H H Patterson
W A Hemlebon Second ward J W
Ransom O J Stockwell Clyde Elseley
Third ward W H Buoholz O O Gow
M O Hazen Fourth ward O J Chap
man W II Rish J KHutoheson
Sturgeon is the piano man
Foil Sale First olass 5 room cottage
and lot 100x105 feet Good barn city
water and well cistern all fenced and
in good repair Recently papered aud
paintod Rent pays 10 per cent on in
vestment Located on South Third
four blocks from Norfolk nvonue
W J G w Bko
A Novelty Washingtons birthday
at the First Congregational ohurch
Mens affair
1 DrFrank Salter DiMtwea 0 children
Took Place Near Tilden Last
Night in a Tent
Old Timer Rny It dim a Wnrnily CoiitrMcrt
Kviwit Alinut SOO Iroploln Attrnilniiro
NnOfllrtiit IntfTfrreiirit Cuiitt w for
Tho sparring match or prio fight
scheduled to tnko plaoo at Tiltlon lust
night was pulled off at n point
about n inilo oast of that town In a big
font and those who wero thero Tin
News disclaims nil personal knowledge
of tho event stnto that it was a very
interesting exhibition of tho pnglliBtlo
Tho fight lasted for an hour during
which 20 rounds woio had and wih
hotly contested from beginning to end
finally resulting in a draw
Tho contestants wero Oscar Gardner
tho Omaha Kid and H Smith also of
Omaha Tho contest was for 800 n
Tliis is tho second timo they have
como togothor
Garduor has fought 510 times nnd hnH
been whipped but thrice Tho contest
ants havo boon in training for some timo
nnd wero in first class condition
Thero wore between 150 nnd 200 poo
plo in attendance coming from as far
as Dondwood Council Bluffs and Sioux
Oity No ono interfered with tho ex
hibition and the sports who nttended
wore well pleased with the outertuiu
J B Maylard was in Oakdnlo lubt
night placing some farm loans
O W Branson was buying coal at
tho Meadow Grove mines yesterday
Geo II Spear was west last night in
the interest of tho Joselyu entertain
JM O Hazen was attending to collec
tions in the west end of the county lubt
night - t
gSAsnK Leonard went to Tilden lapt
night to purchnse his spring stock of
patent medicines
W H Bucholz wns called west Inst
night to attend to tho details of a recent
real estate transfer
Councilman Bullock was west Inst
night to sell a furnace He found affairs
so warm that none was required
Manager Patterson was west last
night to see about extending electric
lighting facilities to Meadow Grove
Manager G T Sprecher of the tele
phone company is said to have found a
serious entanglement along the lint
west of here last night
Mayor Robertson having received in
timation that Meadow droves sewernge
system was a very superior service went
up last night to note the good points
Drs Saltor received a sudden summons
to Tilden last night to mend a fractured
law It was subsequently learned that it
was merely strained and not broken
County Attorney Mapes receiving in
formation that the west line of tho
county had become soriouBly warped
went up last night to straighten it out
Smoked whitefish at Glissmans
iTry the Moore hardware store
A full line of good groceries at
Sam Kent jr was visiting Sunday at
the ONeill home
Owen ONeill drove down to Norfolk
Monday on a visit
Frank Derrick was down to Norfolk
Friday on a business visit
William nnd John Kost of Norfolk
were up here Wednesday on business
Miss Katie Glandt went to Wiusido
Sunday for one weeks visit with her
Harry Barnes of Plainview was visit
ing here Sunday with relatives and
Last Thursday L B Baker shipped
a carload of hogs and another the day
Wm Allberry of Wayne arrived hero
Tuesday for a couple of days visit with
his parents
John Ray and Alvin Lowe of Valley
preoinct were transacting business hero
Tonight Thursday there is going to
be a masquerade ball in the Maxwell
opera house
Thos Napper returned lost Thursday
from a four weeks visit with relatives
at Gelena Ills
August Mnley returned Tuesday
from an extended vhut with relative in
Cumipg county
Henry Borohers and Otto H Moos
wore over to Madison Monday and Tues
day on business
Talk about Carrie Nation I She iu all
right It takes nil kinds of people to
make this world
L A Fisher of Oakdale was down
here Wednesday in the interest of the
Deering Harvester Co
Robert Zohuer went to Seward Tues
day to tako up his studios in tho Luth
eran Teachers Seminary
Hugh Harbison and Clove Reeves
drovo over from Madison Wednesday
nnd returned the next day
Herman llogrofe and Henry MnMiiian
wero up to Elgin Monday nnd Tuesday
as wo understand on some land deal
Mr nnd Mrs Bernh LnnghiMip nnd
children of Fremont ntrived bote Wed
ncMlny to attend the double wedding
Horn to Mr nnd Mrs John Mozer
Friday tho Hill n sou nnd to Mr nnd
Mrs Riohnrd O Hodmnn a daughter
Krod Eehtenkninp shipped ono ear
load of cnttlo nnd Howard Miller Lum
ber company one carltmd of hogs Mon
Julius llnnso was up tn Meadow Grove
three days to run the money institution
of thnt town dnrlng the nbfienee of V
A Witzigman
Hon F J Halo boarded the noon
train for a ten days bnsinehs trip to
Colorado where ho iB Interested In the
mining business
Mrs Jos Kohmir Mrs H Stolid tho
whole family of J V Risk Jack Man
ning and August Stuffen ate down with
the grip this week
Six persons left on Mondays train
for Oregon with the intention of locat
ing Among thorn weio John Rich
llitlo nnd Hermnu Tegler
The JohiiHon Comedy company
played hero four nights lost week
but on account of tho cold wenther
tho patronage whs not very liberal
We understand that Hurt Cossnirt is
going to run J D Preecos tlruy lino
succeeding Wm Deckor who iB going
to work Mass nnd Breohlers farm oast
of town
W J Stavoly our now store keeper
who bonght F II Sohultz out lately
was away on a business trip Monday
aud Tuesday Chos Fuorst had charge
of tho store
Wo understand that Win Hohneko
hns traded 1ub saloon property here to
a man of Hastings by tho nnmo of
Kruegor tho bargain Sb to take effect by
tho lBt of May
Peter Nonwerk took n nice jorsey cow
to Mrs Geo A Luikart at Norfolk
Tuesday a prosont from her son E H
who bought the animal of Postmaster
MontrosH for iffiO
Otto H Mans and Ernest linns made
a trip to Oninhn the latter part of lust
week They also stopped at Lincoln to
visit tluir intimate and business friend
Representative P F Zimmerman
P II Ingoldsby wns up to Meadow
Grove Moudny on business Put ifc
thinking about starting a saloon there
by tho first of May A good gin mill it
just what that town needs when they
want to call it an incorporation then
thoso thirsty souls wont havo to come
to Battle Creek Always better spend
your money at homo
Today Thursday is tho double wed
ding of Mr Gustav Warneko nnd MiBf
Emma Liudemann arid Mr Gustav
Werner and Miss Clara Warnoko at two
oclock in tho Lutheran church Rev J
Hoffman officiating After tho cere
mony in tho church tke festival will
tnko placo at the home of Mr and Mrs
Mike Warneko ono milo north of town
The newly married couples are well
known in this locality Mr and Mrs
Warueke are going to keep house five
miles southeast of here on John Liudo
mauns timber claim and Mr and Mrs
Werner on L B Bakers ranch nine
miles north of town in Pierce county
A consignment of Majestio ranges just
received at Moores hardware store
Democratic Caucnued
Notice is heroby given that tho dem
ocratic electors will hold caucuses at the
following places
First ward at Chas Ebles hall
Second ward at Albert Degners store
Third ward at Daniel Koenigsteins
law office
Fourth ward nt Fourth word hoBe
On Saturday evening tho Kith day of
February 1901 All meetings will open
at 8 30 p m Said caucuses ore called
for the purpose of nominating one coun
cilman for the First ward one council
man for the Second ward two council
men for the Third ward one council
man for the Fourth ward
Also to select delegates to the city con
vention to bo held Tuesday evening
March 12 1901 at 8 oclock p m Rep
resentation for delegates based upon the
vote for I G Westervelt for mayor and
to be one delegato for every ten votes or
major fraction thereof cost for him
This entitles tho First ward to 13
delegatesSecond ward to 14Third ward
to 8 Fourth ward to 0
All of said delegates and nominees for
councilmen will be voted on at a pri
mary election to be held Monday March
11 1901 on which day the polls will be
open from 12 in to 7 oclock p m
Polling places will be named on the
evening of the caucus
Dated this 13th day of February 1901
AUOtJST Butjmhund
Kd Grant
Petkk Stavtord
O A Harkiuiak
Oity Central Committee
Daniel J Kokniobtktk
General Chairman elected by above
Building lately occupied by Bon Ton
restaurant for rent Appy to Dr Bertha
Farm and oity toana
Tu DuiiAJm Tacrr Go
E S Hlnir of Wayne wns in Norfolk
H J Miller was In town yesterday
from tlnrtiugton
Mrs Mary Sohott wns In town yester
dny f loin Stanton
P 11 Kohl of Wnyne was n visitor to
this metropolis yesterday
J A Hlumquefit was down from
Momlow Grove yesterdny
Sheriff U O llnss nnd W 11 Horgo
of Pierce wero in Norfolk yesterday r
Mr nnd Mrs John Hrure werrt Nor
folk visitors yesterday from Vordlgro
Mrs Annu Steluiher was in the city
today from lown oiirouteto Crelghton
to visit n daughter
Mr nnd Mrs David Knhn returned
liiNt night from a six weeks vIhII with
relatives and friends in Indiana
Miss E J Bender left today for Fre
mont whom she will visit three days
nnd will then go to Ohicngo to purchase
her spring millinery goods
A K Curts of Hlotiv Oity ono of the
genial traveling passenger agents of the
Union Pncifio wiih in the city overnight
and paid this oilico a pleasant visit this
Hofore buying u stove or range see
Moore tho now hardware num
Oysters nt Kuros
ilousos for Hale
Diamond C breakfast bacon in boxes
nt ilissmaus
Mr nnd Mrs Fred West wero in town
Guy Green spent Sunday with friendB
in this oity
Hownrd Peikins is on the sick list tho
victim of tho grip
Mr Jim Fitzgerald of Tilden was in
tho city last Monday
Mihs Nellie Palmer of Emeriek visited
friends in thiB city Monday
Tlieo Toiison of Hosklns Nob reg
istered nt tho Grove hotel Monday
Mrs Orr Palmer and Warren Brown
made a business trip to Norfolk Satur
Miss Minnie Zimmerman was the
guest of tho Misses Storey Thursday nnd
Messrs Elmer Sultz nnd Charles
Crooko trai Kuiid business in Norfolk
Mr OttoKmger one of Hot Inns lend
ing citizens was a Meadow Grove visitor
lost Tuesday
Mr J L Dunn hold services at the
M 13 church last Sunday evening iu
the absence of Rev Hunt
Mr Will Hemlebeu of Norfolk wns in
Mondow Grove Wednesday to overbee
the loading of his chicken car
Messrs Ernost and Willie Luobcke
were in Meadow Grove Tuesday the
guests of Hanker HuaBo aud Principal
Walter Pilgor
Mibs Eva LowiB tho young lady who
was accidontly shot a few weeks ago
hus been improving rapidly and her
complete recovery is now assured
Mr Julius IIuuso of Battle Crook ar
rived in this burg last Iridny Mr
Hiuise will havo charge of tho Meadow
Grove State bank during the absence of
Mr Witzigman
Miss Mabel Harrison came up from
Norfolk Thursday evening to attend the
Palmer Hopkins wedding dance Whilo
in tho city she was tho guest of Mr and
Mrs Wm McDonald
Tho entertainment given at tho V P
Lewis school house Wednesday evening
was very well attended unite a delega
tion from Meadow Grovo being present
All report having had a good time
A number of Meadow Grovo young
folks indulged in sleigh riding last Fri
duy evening Ono bob sled party drove
out three miles east of town and a few
frozen ears and feet were the natural
Celery at Karos
G E Moore handles thoEUiott nnti
rust tinware
Baltimore oysters at Glissmans
Dr Barnes the cptician specialist
will be at tho Paclfio hotel Thursday
the 21st Examination on this visit
will be free
Farm land and city proporty for sole
by G R Seiler
Good farms to trade for town proporty
G R Sbiler
P K ti M V II It ttaeNorthwfhtern Line
-to WuahlDKtun 1 C
Excursion tickets will be sold on Feb
ruary 28 March 1 and 2 at ono faro pins
200 for the round trip good returning
until March 10 account presidential in
auguration ceremonies
H O Matrau
mi iMnirAitnK
Ihcfiyeamt lyo
VvT alum nprciniisi
tfmnhiilll ImliiNotfolk
in i nriMniH h uruc nioio
tlnrMli ltli ami 21tli of loliriinry
If joti lumi wnok yim unit limiilnrlin Mini lined
lilnhMw himi onr nriliim for htm llu will no
iiii money nml mho your oyer I in
BARN1CH iSs TYIjKK 1 II linn
i M I Tjl
Attornejs al Law
1110 S IAllKlCIt
Mas Hlick
Norfolk Neb
llonieoimllilo rliiHlelan nml Surgeon
Ollkti Mtlrmih National 1 1 nt lliillillnir
IVIiplmnn 111
Haiiltnrliiin nml llnMilmion Mm In nml l1tliffn
Norfolk - NolirnHkn
H ooli
Olllrn nvnr CltlrmiV Nntlimnl llnnk ItoMilnnc
unit hlorl norlli of CoiiKiiltiiUonnl clmrch
Norfolk - - - Nebrnslm
Olllrii uvnr lioiumln Drui Sloin
Fashionable Dressmaker
Upptnlr In Nitton block nvor Itiiiimu iilorl
Klml Hiim work Kuaraiituuil
Norfolk - - - Nebraska
Attorneys nt Lnw
ItiiniiiH 10 II nml 12 MaMlck
Norfolk - - - Nebraska
Rooms I nnd 2 Robertson liloolc
Norfolk Nobr
UiiilerlnkerH nml iiiiinliiiersr
Humions Illk Norfolk AvoJ
Norfolk - - Nebraska
For riumbiiig Steam Filling Tumps Tank
Wind Mills
Anil all work In HiIh lino call on
SiitlBfactlon Gnarantooil
Firrt door Hontli of Tins Daily Niwh OMlcn
Bnltp mailn to onicr and In the Intent ntylo Ho
palriiiK nuatly iliinn Shop on South Fourth Ht
couth of Ilaiiin Unit
Ladies Baths
TiiiiiiONi No 447
Rooms on North Ninth Street
Onres Ohronio Diseases Rheumatism
Eyes Ears the Lome etc Absolutely
no medicine nscd
No 20 East
First Street
Sale and
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought anil Sold on
Branch Avenue