The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 15, 1901, Image 1

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Edward VII the Central Figure
In Stately Ceremony
lo J
BpvIthI of Anclpnt Ceremontcfl PrronU A
Moit Hrllllnnt Frnui
tlin Tlirouelloiies to lintl the Hour
War Soon
London leb IB The opening of tho
first iMilhuutHit of the new reign wit
nessed the usunl competition on tho
part of the members of tho lioiiho of
commons to secure scuts Despite tho
Arctic wenther thu members stole up
to tho doors of parllumiMil house
shortly after midnight At day
break a score of members had assem
bled and after that the arrivals were
in rapid succession At 1030 a do
luchnient of Yeomanry of thu guard
from tho tower In their quaint uni
cornis and currying halberds arrived
und conducted thu customary searcn
of the vaults for imaginary conspir
ators with the usual result Shortly
afterward troops inarched up and
lined the entire route Tralllc was
Btopped and tho crowds were driven
behind the linos of soldiers and police
The first purllnincnt of the reign of
King Edward VII was opened by the
king In person
i The last state ceremony of tho kind
occurred in 1801 when Queen Victoria
opened parliament nccompanled by
the prince consort and since tho
death of the latter nothing equal to
the display of yesterday has been
witnessed in London
The routo of the royal party which
lay through the Mall and Parliament
Btreet was guarded by 5000 soldiers
Thousands of Londoners packed St
fames park bordered the route of the
proceision and filled windows stands
and roofs The procession speedily
traversed the short route to an accom
paniment of roars and shouts and
reached the royal entrance to the pal
ace of Westminster beneath the Vic
toria tower at the appointed time
IAi soon as his majesty was enthroned
the lord great chamberlain received
the royal command to summons the
the royal command to summon tho
ioar the speech from the throne
The king in his speech expressed
hopes of soon ending the Boer war
I The brilliancy of tho state opening
of parliament was but little retlected
In the subsequent sittings of the two
Blouses The spSechesrcnythewar cre
ated no sensations
1 In the house of commons Sir Henry
Cainpbell Bannermans advocacy of
offering terms to the Boers indicated a
leaning to the radicals which is not
fully approved by large numbers of
Mr Balfour admitted that the gov
ernment had entirely miscalculated as
to South African affairs
The Irish members Imparted a live
ly element In the debate but tho house
could not be aroused to any great In
Eendi Newi of Ilrisk Fighting Against
Denreta Force
1 London Feb 15 The war office has
received the following dispatch from
Lord Kitchener
1 Pretoria Fob 14 Our troops are
eow engaged with Christian Dewets
jforco north of Phillpstown which w
told Dewet having crossed the river
apparently moving west French re
porting from a point 25 miles south
cast of Ermelo states that a large
Iforce of the enemy Is being driven on
to Plet Itotlef their efforts to break
iback having so far been frustrated
The Innisklllings charged tho enemy
who left five killed and six wounded
on the ground Ten Boers were cap
tured and there was a large capture
of wagons carts and cattle Our cas
ualties were one killed and five
No Settlement In Sight
London Feb 15 The Tien Tsln
correspondent of the Standard says
The situation in Poking is again bo
coming complicated and tho prospects
of a settlement aro moro remote than
ver It Is reported that tho signa
tures of the Chlnoso plenipotentiaries
to the peace conditions are not In cor
rect form It is said that Sir Ernest
Sntow will take decisive action early
Count von Waldersee Is reported to
Jiave sent an ultimatum to tho imperial
court All appearances Indicate that
Chinas immovable obstinacy Is mere
ly Intended to facilitate the prepara
tions she Is making for a renewal of
hostilities In tho spring
I UUtan DevInoJArrented
I Chicago Feb 15 Lillian Devine a
rwell known character and whose name
rtvas mentioned with that of Pat Crowe
In connection with tho Cudahy kidnap
ing affair In Omaha was arrested hero
yesterday for disorderly conduct Tho
Svomtn denies all implication in the
Omaha kidnaping affair and states
that at tho tluio It occurred she wus
In Chicago
fc Strathcoua IIore I andi
London Feb 15 Tho Strathcoua
Horse which sailed from Capo Town
on tlie British steamer Lake Krle Jan
20 landed at tho Elbert docks in the
midst of much enthusiasm and cheer
ing and the Bhrleklug of steamers
elrens A large crowd awaited the
landing of tho men The troops at
once took trains for the city
The Norfolk Weekly News Journal
feruntor llfttn anil Imlgn Crltlrlio Haplil
lnorrwe of Approprlntlom
WnshliiKton Feb 15 The sennlo de
voted practically the entire day to the
agricultural appropriation bill The
measure was not completed Halo
and Lodge sounded notes of warning
against the enormous appropriations
being made by the present congress
Hale dcelnrod the peoplo of the coun
try soon would become alarmed and
then those who were responsible for
tho Immense expenditures would scelc
the rocks and mountains to hldo from
tho wrath of tho people Lodge de
clared that the expenditures of tho
government as shown by the appro
priations wore approaching rapidly
the billion dollar mark and It was time
now to draw the line Every neces
sary expenditure ought to bo made but
lie asserted that some bills notably the
river and harbor bill were loaded
down with needless and useless ap
propriations Tho speeches attracted
much attention among senators A
brief night session of tho senate was
held to complete the rending of the
District of Columbia code bill
Exciting Debute Over Halo of Old Now
York Clinton llouso to Nutlonnl
City Hunk
Washington Feb 15 The events in
connection with the sale of the old
New York custom house to the Na
tional City bank occupied the center
of the stage during tho debate on tho
sundry civil appropriation bill In the
house yobterdny Much excitement
attended the debate Mcltue Ark
made a motion to strike out thu appro
priation of 371074 for rent of the
custom house and with this motion as
a basis Jones Va launched a tierce
uttack upon the manner und circum
stances of the sale and tho vast profits
which ho claimed the bank made out
of the transaction Seeretury Gage
wus sharply criticised and several ref
erences were made to the letter writ
ten by Mr Hepburn to Secretary Gage
apropos of the political claims of the
Cannon and Hopkins Ills both de
fended the custom house transaction
and the lntter turned the tables on tho
Democrats by springing upon them it
series of letters -written by promi
nent Democrats Including Senator
Jones Ark to the secretary of the
treasury under tho Cleveland admin
istration asking the deposit of govern
ment funds In banks with Democratic
procllvittes jJIIs center shot was n
letter written oy Representative Rich
ardson in behnlf of a bank at Mur
freesboro Tenn McRne indignantly
charged that the letters were private
letters and had been furnished to di
vert nttention from the sale of the cus
tom house ne and Mr Hopkins had
hot words and for n moment it looked
as If there would be a personal en
counter In tho end MeRnes amend
ment was lost 80 to 98 a strict party
Sainpxon Schley Controversy Renewed
Washington Feb 15 President Sic
Klnley yesterday sent a message to
congress urging that the thanks of con
gress be tendered to Admiral Sampson
for his work during the Spanish war
as commander of the naval force of tho
North Atlantic squadron The Schley
Sampson controversy was renewed
yesterday as the result of the presi
dents nominations and a number of
senators announced their opposition to
tho nominations
Injured In Counting Accident
Lafayette Ind Feb 15 A serious
coasting accident occurred here last
night In which many were injured
A bobsled filled with coasters ran Into
a tree The most seriously Injured
ares Oliver Martin Edward Martin
Mrs Frank Snyder Robert Hamilton
and Miss Slna Haller
Western Tennessee and eastern Ar
kansas was visited by an earthquuke
shock Tliursduy
A Louisville capitalist is forming a
pool to buy 1000000 wortli of whisky
for speculative purposes
The Mardl Gras began at New Or
leans Thursday night with the Momus
parade The city is full of strangers
Further troubles aro reported from
Barcelona Granada and Valencia
Rioters at Alicante stoned the city
In tho criminal court at Kansas
City Thursday John Julian was sen
tenced to 40 years in the state peniten
tiary for robbery
Professor Edlngton the bacteriolo
gist declares that the epidemic now
prevalent in Cape Town Is undoubted
ly tho bubonic plague
F A Valentine of the Armour com
pany confirmed tho report that the
Armour car line had secured control of
tho Earl cars and the Continental
Fruit express
The Columbia Papor companys mills
20 In number were sold Thursday
under a decree of foreclosure for 10
000 though tho actual value of the
mills Is 250000
Chicago packers and dealers In leaf
tobacco report that tho crop of 1000
leaf tobacco Is so badly damaged by
rust pole rot and smut that It will bo
almost a total loss
The senate committee on civil serv
ice Thursday for the sccoud tlmo took
favorablo action upon Senator Har
ris bill giving ox soldiers of the civil
war preference In the matter of civil j
service appointments
Spanish Capital Placed Under
Military Control
Trliicm of the Aturln llvrmtin the Ilrltlo
of Irlnco Oniric do lloiirlion With
Kutnrnly Simple Ceremony liilillaTtk
No 1uit In tho Wedding
Madrid Feb 15 In the chapel of
the toy til pnltico In the presence of tho
royal family and all the aristocracy
and olllcialdom of Spain the princess
of the Astuiias was yesterday wedded
to Prince Diaries do Bourbon
Mass was saltl by Cardinal Rauchn
primate of Spain After the mass
the simple Catholic ritual of marriage
was read the ceremony not differing
In any detail from that uniting tho
most humble members of tlint faith
except that the ritual was read from
n specially printed book In Spanish
and the wedding rings were ex
changed by both parties those of
course being of great value nnd
unique workmnnshlp
Owing to tho turbulent condition of
the country the btidnl couple will pass
their honeymoon In the palace
Mndrlil Under Martini IHW
The authorities disturbed by the se
rious conflicts decided no longer to
permit tho populace to have free rein
When Madrid awoke It found Itself
under military rule A proclamation
was posted announcing the enforce
ment of martial law owing to the In
ability of the civil authorities to cope
with tho disturbances
Mounted troops patrolled the city and
occupied every strategic point and n
demonstration townrd tho palace on
account of the wedding wns thus
nipped In the bud
Immense crowds surrounded tho pal
ace during the ceremony but not n
word of disrespect wns overheard The
public did not participate In tho wed
ding In any wny
General Welyer now holds the safe
ty of the city In his hands no has
issued a proclamation prohibiting per
sons gathering In groups
United States ConimUnton Warmly Gieeted
St Dugupnn
Dngupan Feb 14 Tho United
States Philippine commission arrived
here yesterday and will organize n pro
vincial government todny The com
missioners were received by a crowd of
people and bands of music and were
conducted to the United States army
headquarters Wolcoming speeches
were delivered on the way through
General MacArthur has notified the
commission that the province of Tny
abas Is sufficiently pnclfled for provin
cial government also that tho pacifica
tion of the other southern provinces
Batnngas Lnguna de Bay and Cavlte
will be hastened If provincial govern
ment is organized
Danlfth Went IiiiIIch Not Fold
Copenhagen Feb 15 Important
developments In regard to the sale or
tho Danish West Indies are expected
shortly It Is said In well Informed
circles that the foreign office is unable
to send a definite nnd favorable re
ply to the United States King
Christian it is understood gave as
surances that while he preferred the
Islands to remnln Danish if the cir
cumstances could be Improved he
would do nothing to prevent the trans
fer The rigsdag hns apporently con
cluded that enough expenditures hnve
already been made for the West In
dies so it is unwilling to give tho
further appropriations neccessury to
retain them
Will Serve Out tho Sentence
Kansas City Feb 15 Hattie Mo
Bride and her gray haired mother
Lucindn Parker convicted of making
false affidavits to pension papers and
fined 1000 each by Judge Phllipps
were locked in a cell at the county Jnil
today Judge Phllipps explained that
they could take advantnge of the In
solvency act and go to Jail for 30 dnys
instead of paying the fine They will
probably serve out tho sentenco and
not try to pay the fines
Union Pacific Get Into Tarnmn
Tociunn Wash Foil 15 It is stated
positively that the Union Pacific has
bought tho Northern Pacific interest
in tho old graded right-of-way be
tween Portland and Tncoma which
wns Jointly owned with the Great
Northern Tho entranco of the Union
Pacific to Puget sound over Its own
tracks will make n connection direct
with San Francisco and will place
this territory on the line of another
transcontinental road
Troopi Sent to Prevent Lynching
Birmingham Ala Feb 15 Colonel
T O Smith commanding tho Third
regiment Alabama National guard re
ceived orders to proceed to Guntors
ville Ala with two companies of lo
cal troops to prevent the possible
lynching of Burla Hall on trial at
that place on the charge of assaulting
a 10-year-old girl who was a pupil In
his school The troops left here on a
Declal tarln
King Kdwurd to VUlt Germany
London Feb 15 A dispatch from
Portsmouth says tho royal yacht Vic
toria and Albert has been commanded
to tako King Edward and Queen Alex
andra to Germany and It Is said that
tho British chanuel squadron will
form the escort
Chnrged With Wrecking the ijcimtn Sa
loon nt Topukn
Topelcn Fob 15 Mrs Carrie Na
tion was brought to trial In thu city
court hero yesterday on a charge of de
stroying property Tln complnluanl
was V F Lytic proprietor of the
Senate saloon which Mrs Nation and
her crusaders wrecked last week Sim
pleaded not guilty Tho room was
crowded with visitors many of them
sympathizers with the crusaders Tho
case was finally postponed till Monday
next During tho proceedings Mrs
Nation rose to her feet and started to
address the court but Judge MeCtbo
promptly ordered her to keep Rttll
After a conference between the at
torneys It was agreed that Kelly
should admit that lie was running n sa
loon ami that Mrs Nation should
plead guilty to smashing It This wan
done ami now the case will be argued
squarely on Its merits as to whether
Joint property Is entitled the protec
tion of the law
Inqrnilliirlrn Appiu rntly Alnhlng
tlu Kflutt to Itinii ChliiiKO llotlelile
for Ilirpomi of Itohhory
Chicago Fell 15 Fires wore set
simultaneously oil four tloors of thu
Palmer house lust evening and i5 min
utes later fires were discovered on two
floors of the Great Northern hotel
Two men supposed to be hotel thieve
wore seen to run from the Palmer
house During the excitement 500
worth of Jewelry was stolen from mm
of the rooms of the Great Nhoru
About the saint time a blaze vas dis
covered In the Sherman house
Another hotel lire of suspicious ori
gin was discovered In the Hotel
Grace The four fires convinced the
police that an organized gang of In
cendiaries Is operating In Chicago
Good descriptions have been secured
of the two men who were seen running
from the Palmer house and a number
of detectives are at work on tho cast
Irnftbjterlnn Cominltlea Divided as to
Chui iictur of Iroponed CIiumru
Washington Feb 15 The Presby
terian committee which has beou con
sidering the revision of tho Westmin
ster confession of faith yesterday
completed Its recommendations Tha
committee lias uuaniiuously agreed
that some change In thu creedal state
ment Is necessary but Is divided as
to tha character of thl cluin and
majority anil miuorlty reports will bo
reported to thu guncral assembly
There were 1U of the 1G members
present and a majority agreed to rec
ommend that a cliange should bo mada
by a supplemental statement to covei
certain points In the confession of
faith and to lnciudo statements as to
the doctrines of thu holy spirit mis
sions anil thu love of God for all men
Kmnlatr Mra Nation
McPlierson Kan Feb 15 Mrs
Christina Aschmnn the owner of n
building in Ininiin the upper floor of
which was rented for a billiard hall
became suspicious that liquor was be
ing sold and demanded admission
It was refused anil she smashed the
door In with an axe The proprietor
attempted Interference and Mrs Asch
man threw him down stairs then pro
ceeded to smash the contents of tha
room In true Nation style
The Montana Oregon Nebraska
and Delaware legislatures are still
deadlocked over senators
A seat on tho New York Stock ex
change sold Thursday for 51000 This
is the highest price on record
Commodore Martin Rivodavla Ar
gentlnes minister of morlno is dead
from the effects of a fall at Bueuoi
Ay res
A settlement In the strike between
the 000 moitlers and the National
Foundrymens association at Cleve
land bus been reached
C A Wllllard of Minneapolis and
J F Cooper of Fort Wortli have ac
cepted positions as Judges of the su
premo court of the Philippines
Count Casslnl tho Russian ambassa
dor Thursday presented the president
with a magnificent album containing
scenes of the coronation of the czar
in 1800
Delia Buchanan of Kansas City hns
brought suit against John McNaiiiarn
a wealthy farmer of Clay county Mis
souri for 15000 damaged for breach
of promise
A report wns curront In Wall street
Thursday that the Postal Telegraph
company was about to acquire tho
Western Union Telegraph company by
the Issuance of bonds to guarantee the
stock of tho latter
Negotiations looking to a consolida
tion of tho Vlokers Sons Maxim
company of England tho Cramp Ship
and Engine Building company of Phil
adelphia and tho Mldvaio Steel com
pany havp It Is said been satisfac
torily concluded
Chief Good Thunder who was one
of the friendly Indiuns during tho In
dian uprising In tho 60j and one of
the scouts of tho late General Sibley
Is dying at his home near Redwood
Falls Minn Good Thunder Is nearly
00 years of age
Over ao bankers from Michigan In
diana Wisconsin and Illinois met in
Chicago Tliursduy aud took tho pre
liminary steps toward forming an asso
ciation of country banks The aggre
gate capital represented between 50
000000 and 70000000
vxmTf jHaKM
r 5
iitt io iiiit i nm m iirnn
This Kind of a Man
Doesnt knowtlic tlllTcrcnce between good lumber and poor
lumber Any old stulV would suit him Hut our stock wasnt
bought for such fellows as him It was bought for the most
particular men in the community If you happen to be one
of those particular chaps and want sonic extra nice lumber
heres the place toct it Prices Low as you get any where
I cmi I iimih mmni
W II lltHIIOLK ProBlilimt
AliiXANIK llliAlt Vice Proud
1 I W yUT CiiHlilnr
National Bank
Capital 10000000
Surplus 2000000
Does a General Banking Business
Buys and Sella Exchange
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Drafts nnd Money Orders Sold on any Point In Euriipg
A General Steamship afadTToroIgn Passage Hiibjiichh Transacted
V V r hiLi
Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal tho
best in the market
Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes TELEPHONE 1
Tried Them
You can leave the Missouri River after breakfast today on
arrive California sooner than if you leftycstorday via any other train
in regal splendor can bo mado
tho colobratod Union Paciflo train
This train runs via tho Overland
Route tho established routo across
tho continent It has perhaps the
most finely equipped cars in the
world Thero aro Doublo Drawing-
Room Palace Sleepers broad vesti
bnlod Cars throughout Buffet Smoking and Library Cora with Barber
Shops and Pleasant Reading Rooms Dining Cars meals being served
a la carto aud every delicacy is provided The cars are illuminated
with the famous Pintsch Light and heated with steam A notable
feature is that safety perfect comfort and speed are all included
Only Two Nights
Missouri River and San Francisco
ForTime Tables and full information call on
I v