The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 08, 1901, Page 5, Image 5
t t T ft I -- wflssMsettv3S 5s s - Sv i -vv---- - t t A TRIFLING INDISCRETION BY HOWARD FIELDING vuintnohl liw ll if iidow WnAT IN THE WORLD AltK YOU DOING UP THKKEf who set It down by the sideboard MIks Weld saw that It would not be very dllllcult to step from the chair to wliat was designed as tho front part of the sideboard upon which she could walk across and then descend by the other chair on the far side That shu should bo Invited to per form such a feat seemed to her only a natural sequence In this nightmare ad venture It was unreal but not more so than the preposterous appearance of nil these people whom she knew Just at tho moment when their preseuce was least desirable and In the last place In the world where Bhe could have expect ed to llnd them It simply couldnt be true It must be some sort of a dream THE NORFOLK NFAVR FRIDAY KKHRlTAKV8 iW1 T TT t - it4 S Tlip Idiii of ftoliiB all nlono to n Imoli clorH iipnrlniiiits nave Miss Weld n feeling of liiipniiirlcty It Is true that she was jolnj only as far as the door ami her iTiainl was of humidlnto and grant importance also slio had known tho young man slncu hif Ihlldhood and Bliu expected to marry him soon though tho engagement was not oviii snspcci d by thilr frliMids In spite of these considerations slio felt like a lawbreaker as slip approneh 01 the building in whtpli Morton had Ills rooms She was viry much afraid that some one would hco her and slio dodged Into the hall so hurriedly that Hit enn cajik hastily upov a onocr OF MEN she nearly collided with a man In over alls who was coming out with a bucket of whitewash She knew at once that he must he the Janitor and she was afraid he might sternly lmjulru what she wanted there at half past 10 In the forenoon On the contrary he did not even look sur prised whereupon she was angry with him ami more than ever convinced that she was committing an Indiscretion She felt a Impulse to stop and tell this man her errand that she had just learned that Mr Mortons best friend was In a peck of trouble that fehe had every reason to believe Mr Morton to be totally unaware of It and that Bhe knew that Mr Morton would bo heartbroken If he should miss the chance to proffer Instant help at such a time Avoiding this absurdity by a strong effort of common sense Miss Wold hur ried up the first Hlght of stairs It was a crazy old bulldlug that had once been a great residence The lower part had recently been remodeled In the Inter ests of trade and the upper part for studios and bachelor dens Its tenants escaped all restrictions and formalities There was no one to care about their manners or morals no one to receive tho cards of visitors or aid or hamper them In finding whom they sought As she reached the foot of the second illght of stairs a mans head that had not known brush or comb that morning was suddenly thrust out Into the hall and a stentorian voice cried Edward Yes sir responded the janitors colored assistant looking over the ban ister rail above Miss Weld had been so startled that she had run up the second stairs as If for her life otherwise she might have perceived that there was something go ing on in the hall above and might have turned back As It chanced she came hastily upon a group of men some of them in shirt sleeves and all talking at once They blocked the passage that led rearward to Mortons door Miss Weld know where his rooms were She had been In them several times with other young people and adequately chaper oned She remembered that the hall narrowed running backward from tho stairs and that Mortons parlor door was the one on the right at the end of this little corridor She thought to pass the group of men but Instantly perceived behind them n more serious obstacle It was a largo sideboard of antique design Miss Weld perceived at once that the men were moving It Into the suit beside Mortons The door of those apartments was open and the young lady caught a glimpse of tho tenant enveloped In an enormous bathrobe She had a slight acquaint ance with this gentleman but she had no Inclination to meet him under these circumstances It seemed better to wait until the sideboard should be moved in and the door closed Therefore Miss Wold dodged back Just as the gentleman started out to wnnl the hall She knew that he had not seen her and he could not do so If she remained In the shelter of the wall that curved around with the stairs The sideboard would prevent his coming out and she would have to wait only a few minutes Uelng somewhat exhaust ed by the stress of her emotions she sat down In a niche that had been In tended for a statue having first spread u newspaper over Its dusty surface Why lu blue hades dont you bring the thing InV Inquired tho owner of the sideboard Its stuck sir replied one of the men Miss WPld heard this with despair If tho sideboard were going to make any trouble she could not wait for It Surely Jt would be better to go away and Mild a messenger ofllce Slip reflected with pleasure that tho shipboard would keep Morton lu his rooms indeed there was not much danger of his going out She knew hii habits and had counted upon them lu coinlrjL thorp The young mini was a writer of stories and the forenoon was his principal work time From t oclock till 1 as he had told her he was nearly always chained to his writing desk The young lady ran down the second Illght of stairs and Just at the bottom of them slip became aware of a famil iar voice below It was the olco of Mrs 1 pland Powers a person of great foclal consequence and one whose good opinion Miss Weld greatly valued I cant let her see nic here cried the girl Why shes here herself heav en knows and Its none of my business Hut she simply mustnt see me She ran nimbly up the stairs again The rear hall was still barred but the man whom she feaicd was no longer visible She stood looking over the ban ister railing until she saw Mrs Powers on the second Illght then she rushed to the third She must stop somewhprpsald Miss Weld to herself 1 will keep ahead of her If 1 go to the roof But glancing up the third Illght she Miw standing at the head of It Mr Graham Douglass and Mr Hertle Mol lis both well known to her and the lat ter farfanied as a bearer of tales It was simply Impossible to meet tliPin Par rather would she face Mrs Pow ers who at least might be silent about the encounter The jjirl was leaning upon the ban ister rather limply when Mrs Powers reached the top of the stairs The ma tron seemed not In the least surprised Jood morning Amy she said These stairs are perfectly dreadful arent they Aud she passed on Amy had no time to wonder at this calm and convention al greeting Her business was to get out of that building at the earliest pos sible moment Again she essayed Illght only to be halted by the horrifying spectacle of Mrs Warner Hurton and tho two Hayes girls In the hall below Dollle Hayes was sitting on the second step of the stairs and the others were standing before her To be seen by those people was sim ply Impossible The fact that she had called upon Mr Morton might better be published in the newspapers with pic tures Amy dodged back just In time to es cape being seen aud In doing so she came Into collision with the janitors assistant Kdward Will you please see If Mr Morton Is luV she whispered No maam he aint In replied the black man lu an equally cautious tone but hell be right back and if yohd like to wait In his room Ill let yoh lu But how can I get by that thing she said pointing to the sideboard As she turned to do so she encoun tered the gaze of Its owner Mr James Ormuud who had exchanged his bath robe for an artists velveteen Jacket and seemed otherwise to bo sufliclcntly clothed though only his shoulders and head were visible He was leaning over the lower part of the sideboard some what lu the attitude of one of Rapha els cherubs I dunno said the colored person but pears to ine yoh might climb oher wld a chppr Quite possible quite possible said Mr Ormuud Good morning Miss Weld Just wait a moment and Ill get a chair two chairs In fact He run Into his parlor and reappear ed with the necessary furniture One of the chairs he passed across to Edward The sound of voices below let her know that her friends were nduinelng upon her SMic sprang up Into the chair and thence to the sideboard Hehlud It she saw safely Just then there was a ripping sound apponipanled by a great Jerk upon her sklits Thpshopk turned her half round and slip sat down upon the higher por tion 1f the shipboard In a iiuinncr that was ridiculously easy At this moment the round face of Dollle Hayes appeared In her Held of vision Why Amy Weld she exclaimed What lu the world are you doing up there Y Perluipq the remark of Mrs Ieland Powers may have been lingering In Amys brain and have unconsciously shaped her ridiculous reply These stairs are so tiresome she said 1 1 Just stopped to rest Well you selected a nice place said Dollle What was the mutter with tho chair It Is wonderful how readily sntau Mipplles a lie for any human cicattircs need Ordinarily Amy Weld was the most truthful of women yet at this Juncture she found no dllllculty lu uttering a large and shameless falsehood 1 was sitting lu the chair she said when a lnvrld mouse run out of lie wall and frightened me nearly to death So 1 Just Jumped right up here She gently disengaged her dress from the nail which had caught It and step ped down by means of the chair The mention of the mousp frightened nil question of veracity out of the minds of the other ladles They ran toward the next Illght of stairs but as they reached the bottom lturtou turned and said Of course youre here for Signal- He vanlnls concert Amy thought she saw the woman glance buekwurd over the shipboard in the direction of Mortons door so she hastily replied Why of course Ill come right along with you She had remembered Signer Itevu nlnl and his habit of giving forenoon ret Hals for his fashionable pupils and their friends She had not the pleasure of the slgnors acquaintance and had not known that his studio was In that building but she accepted that fact with relief and plodded up stairs lu the wake of Mrs Hurton The large room at the front of thu house was well tilled with society QUICK AS TnOUOHT UK HAD TAKEN IIEU HAND pie At the door SIgnor Bovaninls man In something like livery was acting as usher and Amy perceived with horror that the fellow was accept ing a ticket from each of the Hayes girls Mrs Hurton already had hers In her hand I Im afraid Ive left my card at home said Amy Never mind responded the elder woman SIgnor Hovanlnl will remem ber you I will call him said the polite serv ant leading Mrs Hurton away and leaving Amy standing at the door of that room which seemed to be tilled with eyes great staring eyes all turned In her direction Of course the slgnor would remem ber He would recall with absolute dis tinctness that he had not sent any card to Miss Weld of whose existence he had never before beard The wages of sin Is death mur mured Amy shutting her eyes and leaning against the door Jamb half fainting Ill never survive this Slio was aroused by a voice close to her ear It was the ebony assistant janitor who spoke In a stage whisper Mr Morton has come he said And Dollle Hayes just within the door laughed aloud At this extreme moment when It seemed to Amy that the eyes of a uni verse were upon her Morton himself appeared coming up tho stairs four at a time Quick as thought he had taken her hand Now it happens that Morton Is a very handsome man endowed by tiu ture with many graces of manner and with dignity enough for four kings It was perfectly amazing how his pres ence solved tho situation All the wom en In the slgnors studio wero looking enviously at Amy and no longer with a question The slgnor came hurrying up and greeted his dear friend Mortou nnd then ho ushered the two Into the best place ava liable Everybody settled down quietly Mr Morton nnd Miss Weld had come to the concert that was all I came to tell you about Ernest liar grave Amy whispered and Ive had mieh an awful time It was splendid of you to come hu replied I wouldnt have missed know ing for anything In the world but I Just happened to hear about him early this morning and Ive been with him ever sluce 1 1 El LABOR GIVES SUPrOIlT TO THE SHIPPING BILL Irt lnlior llnllil Ntli n Snll Imli r AnuTliftn IIiik Ill lluittrrn Arc llliitkluu llitaliicnn lu lip Si mite Wasiiiniiion Feb 1 Delegates rep resenting labor organisations me drifting Into Washington for the pur pose of Interviewing their setmtoiH and representatives leganllng their position towaul the shipping bill It has been pointed out to a few supposedly In dlflcrciit or hostile congressmen by these labor delegations that the pas sage of the shipping bill is di sircd by the labor organizations of the country not as a political or us a partisan but as an Industrial meiiHiue These men talk plainly and generally very tersely They me quoted as having said that of com se some one must make money out of ships If there aie any to be built In this country and that no sane man with capltrl can be expected to Invest lu them unless lie Is pretty sure of get ting his money back with fair Interest The spokesman of onp delpgatlon Is thus quoted he having been asked by his representative If he was willing to subsidize the Standaid Oil company to cairy Its oil across the oceau If that company will build Its ships lu the United States and place American olll cers seamen and tlremeu on board of them Instead of building them In Eng land and putting Germans and other foreigners In command of them with foielgners making up the crows as they now do of course I shall be will ing to spp a reasonable subsidy paid to the Standard Oil company enough to make good to that company the loss It will bear from building ships at high er cost at home and of running them at higher cost under the American Mag What we want Is work and It doesnt matter to us whether the Standard Oil company or the United States or an Individual ruiulslips it We expect to get wages enough for our work to make It worth our while to expend our energies at It and we expect the peo ple who put their capital Into ships will receive a return upon their Investment uk good as labor receives for Its work The senate Is beginning to dispose of public business with a trltle more ce lerity than It has shown during the piecedlng six weeks of the present ses sion With but one month remaining heroic the close of the spnslou und a dozen appropriation bills yet to be act ed upon as well as the river and har bor Improvement bill the war tax re duction bill the Grout oleomargarine bill to say nothing of pension legisla tion private bills and the like It will be clear that the situate Is likely to be pretty steeply Immersed In Its public dut leu every legislative day that still remains The house takes up nnd disposer of Its work with Its accustomed aplomb Nothing dlstuibs the serenity of Its progiess Hills come up are fairly and reasonably considered aud are then peremptorily brought to a vote The man who would attempt to filibuster in the house would be like the late la mented Hilly Patterson He wouldnt know who struck him In the senate they do things quite differently be cause there the filibuster Is the king pin tliut Is to say the most dlsagree able and obnoxious man In that branch of congress is by the conseut of his agreeable aud genial associates allow ed to say what shall and what shall not be passed through the upper branch of congress The warped and pervert ed even If honest views of the fili buster In the senate Is the standard by which public business Is measured Some little fear Is being expressed by the friends of l ulia that a year Is like ly to elapse after the Cuban constitu tion has been adopted before It can re ceive such consideration at the hands of congress as to result In releasing that island from further American con trol The constitution will be in shape for submission to the United States al most Immediately after congress has adjourned and unless there is an extra session called and It Is generally agreed that the president will not call an extra session the Cubnn constitu tion will go over until next winter and meanwhile the Cubans will be neither Independent nor contented Cubans ought to be able to console themselves with the reflection that however un fixed their present status may he their material condition Is infinitely better than It was before the United States took the yoke of Spain from off their necks If congress adjourns without passing the shipping bill the foreign shipping lobby will be fortified with another 200000000 taken from the American people and which can bo applied to re newing the opposition to American shipping in the next aud all other con gresses Senator Ilanna Is perfectly Indiffer ent to the abuse heaped upon him by the free trade newspapers of the coun try which abuse finds its source of in spiration among the foreign shipping Interests and their Washington lobby Thp maritime congress being held this week in Hruuswick Ga Is but nother evidence of the deop solicitude for American shipping Inter ests by southern business men If it does not favor government aid for the jpbulldlng of our shipping In the trade It will be the first southern organization of business men that has refused to do to J I M m CltAM ii MIICMHWI CO Ul f KAUfF w jnt j 5 IIP To make ti rorliiuc -The Opportunity may not Come Your Way Ajjain Twentieth Century Farmer Offers a Number of iMiiitulflocnt Prizes to those who will net iih AcntH 1ST PRIZE 1000 CASH 21 PRIZE 500 CASH Ami 20 Other Cash Prizes running from 500 to 25 TI1H TWI3NTIKTII OIONTU UY RAUMKIt la published by Tho Heo Publishing Company of Omaha aud la an agricultural and fam ily magazine of unusual merit There are dopartnienlH for every member of the family special nrllelcH by men of known reputation and Illustrations will be a 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Cum will nmci fall lo MitI n rum It I rniilil mil uot il Tor limn I would wlllliuth pii MIK n lioltln for it Hoinu limo nun IIiiiiIhiIiuk lolil hid tliul my kill lit h worn in a Miry hint ronililion mill inn inn iniiiliiiiiin lull iiihIkiiiI of kiiIUiii I not win hi M Hlnup whh iiiipiiirnil I wan tnlil liv ii frimiil who luul iimmI Cininarh Kfilimy Curn Hint it entail Mm I liouwlil n holll mill wiih ilniinliliil In nnllin Ilia iillid Itnlliif riiinixiL initio nml Mil nil liuliiiMi tliat of nil I hu initlitilnii I liuvii tnkiii noun tlitl hii uiiiili utioil ns Ilnni V Kiilii Cui II I linltli HniiHii MiiMir Mil mill Wnlmtiir HlriiolH If jnu fiii not Kill Ciiiiiiiuh Kiliuo urn fmiii Mini iltiiccmt hiiiiiI 100 tn this Vnnterii Aitnut CrmiiiirCliiiuiliiil Company Oiniiliii who will hand ou a linltlii by arpi hhh prapaiil ln nihl ill luiviim CiiminrH Kiiliui urn Tiiknno nulmtlttitn Sand for frti xanipla to Cramer Chemical Co Albany N Y TRY THE Daily News Job Department FOR FINE COMMERCIAL PRINTING 4SSk 1 WA Dual Role I FASTEST TRAINS AND SHORTEST LINE Business Men and others recognize the im portance of this combination by selecting DfllOH PACIFIC fop SlESTERfl POINTS MISSOURI RIVER Salt Lake City 10 H Q fe Umnany MISSOURI RIVER z Salt Lake City 238 j Mjl S1 t fc To San Francisco 310 f u Portland 54 For time tables nud full information call on F W JUNEMAN Agent Edisons Phonograph Hotter than a Piano Organ or Music Box for it sings and talks as well as plays and dont cost as much It reproduces tho music of any instrument band or orchestra tclli stories and siu3 thcold familiar hymns as well as tho popular songs it is always ready Beo that Mr Kdlsona signature is on every machine Cata logues o all dealers or NATIONAL PHONOORAWi CO 135 Fifth Ave New York 4 m