The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 08, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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a i
Uses Her Hatchet on Finest
I Joint In Topeka
Baloon Klement nml Teinptrnnee renpte
CIhuIi Over Merit ol the CntrMr Nr
tlon Arretted Hut Promptly Iteleaseil
tlnliin llrnt Polite Protection
Topcfcu Feb C Mrs Nation roster
day lotrtevod Mondays set back when
the untl throe followers wrought dam
age to the extent ol J 1500 in the Sen
cute the finest equipped joint in
Topokn She did mote for she taliictl
the first jiollee protection given her
aihco she started out on her biiloou
smashing career at Wichita a month
ngo The poflce followed up her raid
nud arrested the proprietor of the Son
nte and two men who were guarding
the plaee Mrs Nation was arrested
but promptly released
Mrs Nation and her wreckers each
nrmed with a hatchet sallied forth at
daybreak and caught the Jointist nap
ping They forced their way past n
negro who guarded the door and in lesj
than ten minutes had strewn the Hour
with broken mirrors bottles slot ma
chines and splintered bar fixture
The negro 11 red a shot of warning Into
the ceiling but It had no effect
Presently a policeman stalked leis
urely into the room and said Well
Sister Nation I guess well have to
arrest you again Mrs Nation had
Just smnshed the last bottle and was
ready to go All right she re
sponded cheerily you just came when
1 wanted you to
She turned back as she reached tlio
door and Inquired Everything
cleaned up ladles
The police judge was glad to release
ber when she appeared for trial and
administered -a tongue lashing to that
efflclnl and Mrs Nation soon walked
proudly down Kansas avenue free
again to smash and preach
Michael Wagner supposed to be tbe
owner of the Senate made the best of
Ids opportunity and promptly se urert
a quantity of liquor to supply the thirst
of the crowds that poured Into hs
plaee to view the wreckage that the
Kntlonists hnd wrought
During the afternoon two donutloi
from Sheriff Cookes office raided the
plaee and arrested Wnsrnor Shop Lyto
and two guards and took eharro of the
Ptoek of liquors AVarrants had been
awnrn out only for AVacnor and Turtle
but one of the demit les wa in angrv
when a guard struck him that he ar
rested botli guard
Later Chief of Police Ptahl In an In
terview with a reporter said
I do not care lf Mrs Nation
Kmashps ercrv joint In Topeka T
sympathize with her T hope she will
close up the saloons of the cltv A
an officer of the lnw though it Is mv
duty to arrest her everv time she
creates a disturbance or deetrov prop
erty Tf wo hnd I bo rrrht kind of
state It would not be neccsarv
for Mrs Nation to do what she Is
There 1 a tvnr deal of talk of nlos
to hurt M Naton Tt was learned
yesterdav Hint several saloon men have
charged thiek class bottes wUh tm
rnendoiis procure so that an ernln
slon will follow tlmir bebi brol en
She Is not at all dlsin hcd bv thee
stories Numerous nhq hnvo oc
curred over merits of Mrs Nations
Commends Mm Nation Coursr
Burlington la Fob 0 Mrs Marlon
H DiiMhain president of the Iowa
state Womens Chrlstinn Temperance
nnion gives her unqualified approval
to the methods adopted by Mrs Nation
In fighting the unlawful saloon She
expresses herself as heartily In favor
of any plan that will tend to bring Hie
aloon keepers to n realization of the
laws of the land
I Troopa Sent to IU ntore Order
1 Lima Peru Feb 0 Advices from
Bolivia report serious disturbances
noar Challana about 21 miles from La
Paz The Holivian government has
Bent troops to restore order The
origin of the trouble is not political
but concerns the management of the
India rubber plnnts of tho district
Sloax City Wurnn Mm Nation
Sioux City Feb 0 The city council
last night passed a strong resolution
declaring that If Mrs Nation comes to
Sioux City as It has been announced
Is her intention none of her saloon
work will bo tolerated but that she
Will be arrested and punished
i Stat Penitentiary Quarantined
Lincoln Feb 0 Because of the ex
istence of smallpox In the vicinity
Warden Hopkins and Physician Ed
wards last night quarantined the state
peultentlury No convicts will be re
ceived at the prison until the quaran
tine is raised
iced Hat for Martlnclll
I Paris Feb 0 Tho Rome corre
spondent of the Temps says a letter
from the Vatican has been posted to
Archbishop Martlnclll the apostolic
delegate In United States notifying
him that he will be created a cardinal
State Against Union Pacific
Lincoln Feb G On motion of At
torney General Prout the supreme
court yesterday continued tho case of
rhn urntn iifnlnst tJio Union Pnelilc
first sitting in April
Apprehensive for Sim 1latt
I New York Feb O Mrs T C Piatt
W of Souutor Piatt was reported at
the Fifth Avenue hotel as not so well
as she was yesterday and there was
some apprehension felt about her con
linm omen Ilmt tt llllllrtilt toSreure
Moiiv Tor Miiiiiuuilit
Dos Moines Fob 7 The movement
among Iowa women for the raising of
a ftitd with which to erect a lnonu
tn jnt to Jennie Wade on the Gettys
burg battlefield Is not bearing fruit
us expected and thus far but 150
has been contributed for Multipurpose
It was the Intention to raise about
1000 during the winter months so
that work on the monument could be
commenced In the spring The work Is
In charge or Mrs Margaret K I Unman
Belinond la She has sent out cir
culars tJl all the corps of the state and
has solicited contributions from old
soldiers and others and Is disappointed
nt results It Is probable that tbe
monument will not be begun this year
but further time will be taken to con
sider the matter
Atiirrtenti Ctiiimplou More Tlinn ItnlflallU
On u With the 1reiieh Wrcnllor
Poliee Stop the Itiilt
New York Fob For one hour and
seventeen minutes Finest Roobor the
American wrestler and the French
champion Paul Pons struggled for su
premacy in a roped ring lu Madison
Sqtinro Garden last night They might
have gone on for another hour but the
arbitrary order of Police Inspector
Thompson who declared that be would
not allow the bout to go on after mid
night stopped the match lu a most un
satisfactory manner at midnight
Pons held the upper hand at nearly
every stage of the contest but be
lacked the cleverness of tho smaller
innn who was never caught unawares
at any moment and Itoeber though chirk
by many years the older and In stature
far Inferior to the big foreigner more
thnn held his own That the bout was
on the level there can be no ques
tion and the 7000 people who loft the
big building had only the warmest
praise for the athletes
South Dakota Cuttle GrnircrH Will DIkouhs
Iniliortniit OiUstlou
Kapld City S D Feb 7 At the
coining Western South Dakota Cattle
Growers association in this city one
of tlio most Important questions to
come up for discussion will bo the re
seoding of Mliick Hills and eastern
Wyoming ranges in many parts of
the ranges the native grass has been
killed off by overcrowding of cattle
An experiment made by the Oregon
Navigation company in Oregon has
proved a success and will probably bo
ndopted in tills section Tho com 1
pany employed an Industrial agent
who said that there wore five grasses
and two nit alt as that will grow on
tho range without irrigation
War Among Colored Ilaptlstn
Osage City Kan Fob 7 The mem
bers of the colored Baptist church here
are engaged in a war to see which is
the stronger and as a result a partly
finished church is in ruins Some
time ago some members loft the
church and immediately started to
build another worshiping place This
did not suit the other members and
yesterday they went there in full force
with their axes and hatchets and de
molished tho building Tho carpenters
arrived by this time and many or
the negroes wore seriously hurt for
their pains
Governor to lie Klecteil by Direct Vote
Havana Feb 5 In the Cuban con
stltutional convention yesterday the
question of provincial government
came up for discussion and it was
voted that the governors of the prov
inces should be elected by the direct
vote of the people a motion to havo
the president appoint them being de
Will Wright and Stun Williams ne
groes charged with murder were
killed In the county Jail at Dade City
Fla by a mob
Robert Swab u resident of SpIng
lleld Ills was Wednesday anestod on
a warrant charging him with the mur
der of his wife
Lou Burns killed his wife by cutting
her throat In her room ut Hills board
ing house in Nevada Mo Wednesday
Burns was drunk
Former Congressman Tom L John
son Wednesday formally announced
his candidacy for the Democratic may
oralty nomination for the city of Cleve
Fourteen men are quarantined In a
passenger coach in Merrill Wis A
man supposed to have the smallpox
was removed from the train at Toma
Tho Confederate Veterans associa
tion of Savannah passed resolutions
against the Invitation to President Mc
Klnley to attend the reunion of Con
federate veterans In Memphis
Concordia Kan Is dry again The
six jolntlsts who have boon paying
monthly linos of 100 each to the city
refused to pay Wednesday and all
closed their saloons as a result
Harry Arron while delivering bak
ers supplies in Kansas City Weilnen
day night was brutally assaulted and
robbed by a footpad Ills skull was
fractured and he may die The robber
secured 15
Dr Homer Stuntz Mt Vernon Ta
bus been appointed presiding elder of
the Methodist Episcopal church In the
Philippine islands and will sail from
w -B
C tf II J --
Railroad company for hearing ut tlio nuns M i e up
his new olllclnl duties April 1
Arbitration committees from the
Chicago carpenters and builders asso
ciation and the carpenters executive
council have practically reached an
agreement which all concede will
mean the end of the building trades
labor war that has existed lu Chicago
for over u year
illl III W PI nil
I Mil vnJ W hi Until
Mill I ILU III II Meet hiK In hUii lllwen in ImkIiiiiiI
Queens Body Placed at Rest
In Frogmore Mausoleum
Only Meinliern of tlie Ito ml lnmlly At
teuileil tlnieiiilex lit Iturliil Iliiet lloily
IjiIiI tn Itiit Near I hul of IIih Print ii
Com m t
Windsor Feb 5 -The hir t honors
bodv now rets peaceably near that of
her husband lu tho mausoleum at
Frogmore The llnal ceromohleh wciu
moie of a pathetic diameter than of
I the obsequies which preceded them
Shortly before II oclock In the pros
once of the royal mourners the Grou
J ndler guards lifted the eollln from its
I temporary resting pluco In the Albert
Memorial chapel ami placed it on a gun
carriage In the meanwhile tlio
tuoons company of Grenadiers
drawn up lu the quadrangle presented
arms and wheeled Into line their rifles
at the reverse and with slow meas
ured steps marched toward the eastl
pale At the head of the procession
was a band playing Chopins funeral
march Slowly the cortege passed un
der the massive archway Into tho
long walk which was a mass of black
brilliantly edged with scarlet
Guardsmen kept tho crowds back In
place on the gun carriage was tho
same regalia which attracted the eyes
of millions since the funeral march
began at Osborne
walked the king Emperor
heads were bent The blue and gray
of tho Ionium princes redeemed tho
royal group from perfect somborness of
color Behind hose walked Queen I
AloMiiuIra and the royal princesses
deeply veiled
As the last trio of these veiled wom
en passed out from the castle there
came two boys dressed In bright kilts
nnd velvet jackets Between them
was a young girl her fair loose hair
glittering against the crepe of her
mourning Two of these wore chil
dren of Princess Henry of Battenburg
and tlie other1 was the little Prince
Edward of York
At the lodge gates the strain of the
band died away and the pipers com
menced their lament There between
the broad avenue of stately trees the
crowds were tho thickest forming
dense black banks By t30 p m the
crowned hler had passed Into tho other
no dear to the late queen ranging them
fdves on each side of the coflln Tho
bishop of Winchester read tlie last part
of the burial service After further
Kinging by the choir the benediction
was given and amid the privacy of
this family tomb the last farewells
were said the funeral came to an end
the mourner1 drove to the castle and
the crowds dispersed
Union 1aelflc Seel Control Tor Central
Line ot Whole SjHlem
New York Feb 5 The Hiirrlman
syndicate Is not giving out freely In
formation regarding the Union Pacific
deal but It Is leaking out gradually
Prominent members of the Stock ex
change discussed tho situation yester
day A suggestion was made for a
plan by which the Union Pacillc would
be able to assume absolute and perma
nent control of -the Central Pacific
without assuming any llablllt i l
whole Southern Pacific sv
member of the Union Pa
ern Pacific Is In Us control of the nat
ural and only possible outlet for tho
Union Pacific to San Francisco
MIhs Tittemore Iliiek Iroin Manila
Marshalltown Feb 5 Miss Mar
garet TIttemoro sister of General
Traffic Mannger Tltteinore of tho Iowa
Central railroad has arrived in her
home In this city after a six months
Journey through China Japan and the
Philippines She denies emphatically
the press dispatches to the effect that
she boarded the United States battle-
ehlp Indlnnn as a stowaway but ad-
A Perfeet Jentlemnn
So you proposed to Miss De VereT
exclaimed Miss Cayenne
Yes answered Willie Washington
yesterday evening
What did she say
1 dont remember I heard her tell
a friend she wns going to see how
many proposals he could get this sea
son and I thought It would only bo po
lite of me to help out Washington
Chicago Feb tl Wild waves or
enthusiasm for everything that was
ltoor with storms of hisses and howls
tir derision for Britain her soldleri
and her rulers swept over a Central
Music hall auillence last night
Thundering cheers for Kruger Stoyit
Dowel ami Mot hit rang out with cries
of shame for Kitchener ami Lord
Moberts among the audience which had
assembled to hear the Moer envoy
Hercules t Vlljocn and P Under
Wessels plead their cause The men
tion of the name of Queen Victoria
lime been paid to Queen Victoria tier f01j iiss8 tud dciiunelatlons
from the crowd
Mr Vlljocn who comes direct from
the seat of war in South Africa where
he act as Held cornet told of scenes
which he hail loft of wives torn from
their husbands children left without
mothers and homes pillaged destroyed
and ruined
WosseK a cousin of President Steyn
was confident of ultimate success
Tuluii to Iritnkroit to Kulrr tpon
IV i m ol Life lnii
texlH I1U liuioi eiiee
Georgetown Ky Feb 0 Henry 10
YoutM y will be taken to Fraiiklort
today to cuter upon his term of lllo
Voutscy was pale and weak when he
stood up to receive tho sentence of
the court yesterday Ills wllo bet
nearby and heard the stern sentence
- i I r
cockcl hats and looking pale and card prog ch hi uiu -
linl tho rolluB of
worn In similar attitude were tho10 iVtut
klnus of Portugal and Melgium All
lodge which leads to the Frogmore en- been ordered to Louronzo Marque
closure where none W the family and No ollicial conllrniatlon of the report
servants were admitted The choir Is obtainable
met them and the roynl family and
I their relatives entered the burial place
the verdict
Now continued the judge havo
you any reason to glvo why sentence
should not bo pronounced upon you
Youtsey shifted his position slightly
and cleared his throat One hand
clutched tho lapel of his cont the other
rested on tho table The court room
was perfectly quiet In a low but
bio tone Youtsey spoke these words
1 have nothing to say except that I
am innocent and that my conviction
was accomplished only by base and In
famous subornation of perjury I
Itiimiii That a Heiiiet Ha Heen Mailu of
ICiikIiiimI for Alntanue I
London Feb It Is reported lni
London that the Moors commanded by
Blake are threatening Louronzo Mar
que and that Portugal has requested
British assistance It is further as
serted that a British squadron has
The Boors captured 200 British when
they rushed Mcddcrfontcin Jan Mi
Tho prisoners were subsequently re
leased Thirty British were killed or
Tho newly formed guard for the
Band mines left Stelllngbosh for Jo
hannesburg Wednesday
An order has been gazetted permit
ting the Importation of goods into the
Transvaal subject to a military per
An KiikIiuhI to Stop the War
Frankfort Feb 0 At a meeting of
Boer sympathizers hero yesterday at
tended by some 5000 people a resolu
tion was adopted appealing to Croat
Britain to stop the war In South Af
rica Christian Dowet n nephew of
the Boer commander who was present
was carried around the hall on tho
shoulders of the promoters of the
DeiTet to Do Some Anncxliii
London Fob A special dispatch
conlliiL to dlsnatch from Cat
lib lu a iiioirau 11 1 1 win vji
0 case of what Is suspected to bo the
bubonic plague has developed there
lliiivy Camialty LUt
London Feb 0 The war office re
ceived a very heavy South Africa cas
ualty list yesterday showing in addi
tion to 115 killed and 77 wounded lu uc
tlon H deaths from disease during
tlio present month Tho total death
list from the beginning of the war
eiows IfJOfil victims
Charge UiinU With Murder
Sioux City Fob 4 The coroners
mlts having sniled from Nagasaki toiJury yesterday rouuu a voruict in tin
Toklo on the cattleshlp Indiana un 1 mysterious deuth of John Worrell
known to the commanding officer of charging Frank Dennis with murder
the VPSROl MissTlttemore1ffr Amor UeillllS WHS UlTOSied
lea with the Intention of mnrrying
Lieutenant Warren Dean of the Fifth
cavalry but the engagement was
broken at Nagasaki
Snow of Great Value
Topeka Feb 5 Snowbound trains
were released yesterday Although
schedules have not been restored en
tirely no more serious delay Is ex
pected Missouri Pacific trains stalled
on the Central branch were relensed
with tho aid of snow plows or forced
their way through Jhe banks of snow
with double headers In central Kan
ens n slight thaw set In and as the
ground was not frozen hard the water
will all be absorbed and result in grca
good to wheat
Ieiln Tlirlr Commliilnni
Lincoln Feb 0 Rev D W Morlar
ty chaplain of the First regiment and
First Lleutennnt Sydenham company
A Second regiment have resigned
their commissions
Tho queen of Sweden and Norway
Is suffering from a dangerous affection
of the throat
President Zelaya has suppressed the
Nicaragua legation in London Paris
and Madrid
Clarence Forbes of Chicago won
from Kid Garfield of Chicago In the
t i fourth round at Memphis Tuesday
A 175000 tiro visited Hvansvllle
Tuesday night The department store
of the Lahr Bncou company wus de
President Hlckoy of the Western
league has named R L Carruthers or
Chicago as oue of tho leaguo umpires
for the coming season
Reports uio cunent that the freight
pool malntuluud by western Hues hut
gone to pieces as the result of rebell
ious actions taken by the Chicago
Great Western
Boers Capture Garrison at
Oineem itnil Men Canleil OIT in Prlitirr
ol Vliir Are ArilthiK nl Vereenluliiir
rvteixlniri Iteoeriipleil liy the Hi Ilium
lion mi Im I untune Ten Iter
Loudon Feb -I Tho war olllce has
roeohod the following front I old
Kitchener commander In chief In
South Africa
Pietorlu Feb J Our post at Med
dorfontcln on the laterrantl south
west of Krngorsdoip was attacked by
1000 Moors Tho relief column sent
out finni Kriigersdorp failed to pre
vent the fall or the post No details
yet at hand but olllcers and men cap
tured al the post are arriving at Ver
Lnurcuzn Marqiic7 Fob I -There Is
a commando of 000 Moors on Portu
guese territory It Is supposed that
their Intention Is to rescue the Moors
here Tho Portuguese authorities
have decided to remove to Madeira
such Moer refugees as decline to sur
render to the Mrltlsh
Mloemrontcln Fob 2 The Mrltlsh
have roocenplod Petersburg
t l In bun li iiulni ml tn i i i jI mtl1
lUlltni tlieill ihiiibihiiiiib m i iiu imii tt jm jjjI 11UI1 m IIIH viuminum m n
41 I 1 In lllll IlilOlk lilt
and the Huke of Connaught wearing
WMHIiim WH IKllHllllUU X llil imi U- fcvuv i
military overcoats and plumed
under the ordeal bravely
ltrlolly Judge Cantiill outlined the
llrltldh Clenernl In Toneh Willi Kueli
Other Are MotliiK KiihI
Pretoria Feb 4- Jcnoral Dewct
be crossed the Thnbii NChu line going
Houthward The Moors have colluded
in force In the eastern Transvaal In
order to facilitate thulr escape The
horse sickness now urovnlla In several
districts and Im making communica
tion more dlllleult
Organized attacks have boon made
nlong the eastern line and a large com
bined movement has been arranged
against those taking part lu them
with the object of clearing the whole
region of tho Moors and of supplies
Columns commanded by Smith
Berrien from Wcnitlorfoiitelii Camp
bell fronv Midilellmrg Anderson from
ICerstefabrleken Knov from Koolfoln
tolii Aloeiiby from Zuurfonteln Dart
noil from Spring and Colvllle rrom
Greylinghtad all In toch with each
other are moving lu an easterly di
Bay lloc rn Will Neier He ConHrred
Now York Feb - M Clark an
ex member of parliament and a Moer
sympathizer arrived hero yesterday on
tiie steamship Minneapolis Mr Clark
showed himself to bo wholly In sym
pathy with the Moors ns ho said they
were making a very brave struggle
and would never be conquered Said
he If tho English should be victorious
and establish their rule over the Boers
the hitler will never acknowledge that
rule If England should conquer she
will have another Ireland on her hand
The disposition of the people preclude
their over giving up the struggle
Itefciit TrntiKnel ion Will Not A Heel Pre
nil Triilllf ArriiiiKeiiieiit
New York Fob b Horace Burt
president of the Lulou Pacillc railriiiul
is at tlio Waldorf Worlu accompa
nied by his wife and several friends
Including J II Millard president ot
tho Omaha National Imnli and ludgc
W R Kelly general solicitor ol the
Union Pacillc The party will spend
u week or ten days in tills city
President Burt in an interview ex
plained at length tho proxont condi
tions of tho Union Pacllic which has
Just acquired the Southern Pacific He
bald that tho great transaction would
not affect present traffic arrangements
tv fm- froni Capo Town says that General De j 1 conclusion Mr Burt outlined the
vlinn o vi according to Cape Town reports provoments of the Union Pacific road-
intends to annex various districts or Imporliuit changes which are
he Is boliiR made on the main lino In
fiiiiiliiinMitiii ClP Colony although now
i iniiui llieiilltl i
tHnnlif mlvli1 H1
uruij niiiiiiiLii iiuii rli leo 110 I lo liin vlnul n llimi u
Inrerest nt tho In Mm Cnll K e COIOI1ISIS 1101 IO join IIIII1 -
interest or tlie COllipnny In the I
n nml curvatures About Xi miles n f
iwit u
this section have been practically re
built materially reducing the grades
In another two years still more
changes on the divide and the Salt
Lake section in western Utah will be
completed The road will bo shortened
about miles making the distance
between Council RluITs and Ogden
practically 1000 miles
Iloem Cherish Vlclorliin Memory
Chicago Feb 4 Philip Louter Wes
sols one of the throe Boer envoys now
In this country to enlist sympathy and
aid for the struggling republic lu an
address at McVlckers theater yester
day declared the Boers cherished the
memory of Queen Victoria that sho
would have tried to end the South
African war had she lived and thnt
her death was hastened by thnt war
riot to Kill KIiik Victor Kiumannel
Rome Feb 4 Agents of the Italian
detective department in tho United
States report thut Culgagano the an
archist has left for Europe to make
nn attempt on the life of King Victor
Emmanuel and that he Is acting under
tho onlers of the Paterson nnarchlsts
Tho Italian police are watching the
ports and frontier stations
To A limit Ituimlun Siiar Prea
London Feb 4 It Is asserted In
this city says the Berlin correspond
ent of the Dally Mall that Russia
and tho United States have concluded
a secret agreement admitting Russlun
sugar freo of differential duties to the
Ualted States Russia In turn makes
certuln concessions to America
Hotel llurm at llluKhauitun
Bliigliuinton N Y Feb 0 The Ex
position hotel here was burned yester
day Oue man Tom Cook n noted
Jockey perished Several persons
were fatally injured lu jumping from
the wluUowt of the burning hoteL
Mm V MJ ml lea I e Seen re ton I ml II tit tu
lilet In IIIk sluiil Compiiny
New Yolk Fob 0 Tho Tribune
hays Negotiations for the salu of
Andrew Carnegies conl rolling Interest
In the stock or the Carnegie company
veio brought to it successful
slon yesterday 1 Plerpont Morgan
and his associates being tlio purchn
cis The terms cannot be at pres
ent announced but the ileal Is u co
lossal one rivalling the recent chimp
or conliol of the Southern Paclllr
when that property passed Into tho
hands of the Union Paclllo Interest
Mr Carnegie had ueaily 51 per cent of
the liononlo of the Carnegie com
pany This stock lias not been llulcil
on any stock exchange but I5K wan
recently paid Tor a 1000 share lu thu
Carnegie company
Assuming Unit Mr Carnegie has dis
posed of his holdings at par ho will ro
eelve rully 850011000 for his Inter
est while al the same time he will re
tain his nt or M per cent In the IOO
000000 bond Issue of the Carnegtu
company The object aimed at by Mr
Morgan and the Interests allied with
him when treating wllh Mr Cnniegin
was the assurances of an cndtitliiR
peace lu the sleel Industry In the Unit
ed Slates and UiIr condition Is now be
lieved to have been obtained
Ilenrlni Kegim on Appllenllon for nn
JtllM lion A kI leiri lix ltullllu
Content ill Clneliiiiiill
Cincinnati Feb tl -Arguments anrt
testimony were heard yesterday be
fore Judge llolllster of the common
picas court on an application for an In
junction against the Joirrlos Muhlln
prize light In this oily Fob 15
After considerable sparring ninoiiR
the attorneys It was decided that tho
case would proceed on Its merits Tor
a permanent Injunction rather than
for a temporary restraining order but
the defense reserved the right of ap
peal to higher courts Judging from
the slow progress made and the lonu
list of witnesses It Is tiiught now
that the hearing will not lc complete
this week and that the decision of
Judge llolllster may not be had be
fore next week After submitting
the contracts and other doctituentH
only four witnesses were examined
Dati k Ariiinceil Tor the Mrellli During
Hie CuiniiiK Summer
Chicago Fell 0 Delegates from
the various rotting associations com
posing the Croat Western circuit met
hero yesterday and arranged dates
for the meetings during the coming
summer Tho season opens In July
with n double mooting and closes In
October with one The dates ar
ranged for Iowa follow
Davenport July 10 o 10 purse T
000 Dos Moines July Ui to JO purse
0000 Indepeiideiiie July HO lo Aug
- purse frJNHU iitiniiquo wig
to purse 0000 Columbus Junc
tion Aug Si lo t purse 5000
ContliiKeiiU Ship to Cll
lieit on Sperlal Traill
Ulgln Ills Feb The Cmako
JnekMiii prize fight prohibited at Bel
vlilere by Governor Yales was pulled
oir at Gilberts Kane county
A special train with 500 on board
reached that little village soon after
midnight and adjourned to a hnlJ
where a ring was formed and the fight
commenced There are no police suvo
the village marshal and there was no
Interference Cronke was knocked out
lu tho 12th round
To KuppreHi Tlelcot M iilpfliff
Chicago Feb 7 Chairmen of all th
passenger associations In the Unltcil
States held a conference at the Audi
torium hotel yesterday for the purpose
of organizing from their own member
ship a protective association for tho
prevention of frauds of all kinds upon
the passenger departments of tho
roads The efforts of the new associa
tion will be directed especially against
manipulation of tickets by scalpers In
such n way as to deprive the roads of
a large amount of revenue
Merrlam Ilenle Iteporr
Denver Fob 7 Referring to sen
sntlnnnl dispatches which have been
pent from Denver containing what pur
ported to be nn Interview with hint
expressing disappointment nt the no
tion of President McKlnloy In omitting
his nnmo from the list of promotions
under the new army law General II C
Merrlam desires the Associated Press
to say that he denies absolutely hav
ing given any Interview or linvlns
made any criticism of the president
Ctrl Kliluupeil for Huimom
St Joseph Mich Feb 4 Vina Mill
tho 14-year-old daughter of George A
Mills of Benton Harbor was kidnaped
from here Friday evening It was
supposed the divorced wife of Mills
came from Chicago and took tho chlhl
away but telegraph mossages anil
benrching parties have failed to reveal
her whereabouts Mr Mills had tho
custody of Vlnn and ns ho Is well-to-do
some think the child is kldtiuped
for ransom
Hold Memorial Service
Lincoln Feb 4 Former subjects of
Queen Victoria with others hold elab
orate memorial services last evening at
Holy Trinity Episcopal church which
was crowded to the doors Tho princi
pal addresses were delivered by Chan
cellor K Benjuinln Andrews of tho
University of Nebraska aud Hon Al
bert Wntkins
Maniiiriler It Hound Orer
Omaha Feb 7 Henry Mnunwiler
an employment agent was bound over
to the district court under 1000 bonds
for the alleged decoying of Miss Bertie
Moort out of the state