The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 08, 1901, Image 2

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Kvorj tiny
rtV 15 I PPIn y I T
ltrOllMllHl KS7
Mit Hiinilnr Hi carrier
I cu
Th Ncwn Cflnlillriioil 1M
The Journal cMnMUiiiMi 1M7
Ktory Friday Hr mull per jrnr IIM
Ktilvrit at tlio PoMolllro nt NorfoU Nel n
rcoml clan matter
Telephone Nn 22
Now Hint tlio bllimird or ItH ghost
has returned from abroad NobrnHkn Is
ngaln becoming qultoiiatiiriil anil home
Governor Dietrichs Arbor tiny proc
lamation will scarcely appeal to tlio pn
triotism or state prldo of Mr Hryan
Ho will probably not overexert himself
to plant n troo and thus commemorate
tlio niontnl genius of our distinguished
oitiron 7 Sterling Morton
A girl of WakcBhn Wis who found
that hor Intended husband wiih nlrontly
married to ono wife quickly transferred
lior nffootious to his brothor and tho
wedding onmo off about on hohodulo
tinio Thoro is no hlng Uko n versatile
nffoction when a wedding is linniinout
The Ohioago pooplo aro preparing u
splendid series of linos for Mrs Nation
to pass through before slio is givon any
consideration iu tho windy oity pro
Tided she visits thoro and oxorciBes her
Tocatlon of Bnloon smasher Tho Now
York broworB proposo to onttnlk hor if
Rho goes thoro At oithor place tho lady
will probably bo highly outortulnod or
It was an oxpoiiRivo consignment of
JJebraskn quails that Armour Co of
Omnhn had shipped to n wostoru oub
tomor Tho Hhlpment was confiscated
at Lincoln and distributed nmong the
poor while a representative of tlio cam
pnny wiib fined fflOO Tho real sportB
liinu is taking steps to make things in
teresting for tho market hunter who
rcoogulzos no law or season
Too McOrary a life prisoner in the
Jowa poultontiary luis reronHy ftr
wartlcd to tho Mills County National
bank a draft for 1000 which Rum ho
wislios to bo invested It represents
tho savings of 22 years of his imprison
ment Thoro aro a largo number of
mou outsido tho pouitontiaiy who could
not sftvo that amount of money in 22
years and they could do worso than
follow tho oxnmplo sot by McCronry
Thero aro few porsons that cannot savo
something if thoy try and thero nro
always times when a savings account
is a handy convenionco
1 Sterling Morton has very little re
gard for oratorical elloot of tlio brilliant
speaker when his thoughts aro expressed
through the medium of cold unfeeling
nnd expressionless type Mr Hrynn
nnd his Commoner must have com
mingled in his thoughts when lie wrote
tho following Tho watermelon in sum
mer hout is a rtoliolous and satisfactory
odiblo But in tho winter time sorved
frozen it tastes as tho rhetoric of a spoil
binding caudidato for tho presidency
roads after rofrigerution on tyue Kino
tional exubernnco tricks of voice and
tho magnetism of tho oyo ndmit of no
txausferouce to tho columns of tho com
mon or commoner periodical
American prosperity hns btruck Porto
Itico and the evil effects of Spanish
tyranny aro disappearing from tho
islnnil like a fog boforo themoruiugsnn
Tho pooplo of thai islnud will tell tho
little Americans lint thn rule of this
country Is beuiticeut nnd that a terri
tory or iBlund under its control will od
vnuco iu all tho requirements of hnppi
ness and civilization The governor of
Porto itico Bays conditions thoro are
properous Destitution has entirely
disappeared tho crops have been abund
ant tho oustom receipts nro increasing
and tho government of tho inland has
not cost tho Uuited StnteB government
n cent On tho other hand tho pooplo
of the islands instead of being opprensod
have been let off easy on expenses of
their government by reason of the tho
tariff scheme whioh was fought to des
perately in this country
Some peoplo dotest n blinrd nnd
others do not always Thero nro cer
tain femnres of a blizzard thnt delight
most peoplo although fow are willing
to acknowledge it Whou tho wind
weeps down from the north with an
ioy breath Baited with suowilakes it
carries an invigorating ozono that will
caose tho slowest blood to tiuglo and
produce a rejnvinntiug effect that all
the elixers auoieut or modern may
well envy Then if tho coal shed is
well supplied with fuel thut has been
paid for and there is plenty of hot
coffto and bacon brown bread and
Wienerwurst on hand aud tho blankets
on the bed are nice and wnrm there is a
pleasure iu eating drinkiug and sleep
iugthat are worth the inconveniences
of shoveling the drifts away from tho
door and wading through the banks
which that less enterprising neighbor
has failed to remove Thero are phases
of the weather that aro far more dis
agreeable than the blizzard and the
adage that It is an ill wind that blows
no one good is emphasized
1 1 IN
Ill Fated Train Was the New
Yorlc Chlcago Limited
Several Aro MImIiik mill n Score llmlljr In
JilHMlTlirin Truth InfiuilrjiiKii on
Their Way to Oiuiilm AinniiK Hi1
Outur il tirrnntlllK ln
J i vllle ln IVb a Tniln No
B tho New York Chicago limited on
the ICilo railroad was wrecked yoster
day within the town llnilts Ilve pas
sengers were lend when taken from
the wreck several are missing mid
there tiro a scoio of binlly Injured Llio
dead are
Iort Wonil New York
plilti lirhntc Tenth Infantry
IMTKIt 1 MIUltY Cntinco N Y prUnte
Tenth Infantry
MAUICNCi llll Homcnlllo It J
Hardly a passenger escaped without
Home Injury The Ill fated train was
composed entirely of vestlbuled Pull
mans It was In the smoking com
partment that ileuth laid a ruthless
haiiil for thero was not one of the
111 occupants who escaped being
killed or Injured This car was com
pletely telescoped by the Hteel mull
car ahead which went through It as
though It was paper tearing crushing
maiming and carrying death Tho
only wonder of the occupants was that
they were not all killed outright
The engine left the track nt a curve
nnd before It bail gone two car lengths
plowed Into the steep hill where It
fell on Its side nnd was half burled
After tho terrible crash the uninjured
passengers set about the rescue of the
dead and wounded surgeons were
summoned and within n few moments
the dead nnd dying were being cared
for as fast as they could be discov
ered beneath the wreckage It was
several hours before the victims hnd
been removed and placed In the two
rear Iullninns The scenes Inside the
telescoped cars wero terrible The
men begged to bo released nnd
screamed In agony They were all
heaped In n coiner of the cnr dumped
there by the Irresistible Impetus of
the mall car Very Utile was left of
the baggage or express matter In the
cars and nint of It was dumped In the
river In order to clear the debris for
rescue Spreading rails caused the
neeldent A party of soldiers nine In
number on their way from Fort Por
ter N Y to Fort Crook Neb in
charge of Sergeant Major Harry A
Hnrt occupied a part of the smokei
Of the number three were killed nnd
two seriously Injured They were
under orders for the Ihllllpplnes and
would hove sailed In n short time
Police Ufttlni rtr th Oiuir Which Hun
lU oii Thit uttiilui WVultliy 1itriiiem
St Louis Feb S According to
Chief of Police Volbracht of Alton
three men -have been arret tod Iu con
nection with the plot of the Invinci
ble thieves who threatened the lives
of several prominent farmers In the
American bottoms If they did not give
up sums of money as high as 00
In certain Instances It Is believed
nil the gang will soon bo iu custody
A quantity of dynamite has also been
found It Is stated
The llrst arrest In the case accord
ing to Chief Volbracht was made at
Oldenburg Tho prisoner was form
erly an olllclal nt that place Ho Is
said to have made a confession Im
plicating at least three other promin
ent men In that vicinity As a result
or nis statements tho otner arrests
were inntlo Inter
The first prisoner snys Chief Vol
brncht declared thnt tho Intention was
not to extort money but to drive the
threatened men from the county
Ii Apparently Attempting to Catch lloer
JJetweeu 1IU Two OonerKiiic lurre
Cape Town Feb 8 Proceedings uro
being instituted against Mr Cart
wright editor of the South African
News for criminal and seditious libel
contained in a letter over the uom de
plume British Olllcer which said
that General Kitchener had secretly
Instructed his troops to take no
It Is understood the British nre try
ing to sweep tho enemy toward Cape
Colony along an extenslvo frontage
with the cavalry at each end clear
ing everything la their advance ana
Sleiimiiliio on the Vent urn Ilnit
Filial KeNlllU to iev
San Francisco Feb 8 The new
steamer Venlura which arrived here
from Philadelphia brings news of
the scalding to death of live of her
crew and the injury of live others
as the result of the bursting of one of
her steniit pipes on the voyage The
Giiltn V IIOIIII Junior engineer
J DESMOND nieiiiitn
lAUi iuiiu eoni
FiilX 151ASS MttiMiMiy
The accident occurred Inn 211 four
days after the Veutuia left tho Straits
of Magellan While Kobb Farren
Desmond and Holer were working
about the engine room the main steam
pipe In the port boiler bursted In
stantly the engine room was tilled
with scalding steam The four men
could not escape and to their cries of
agony were added those of Glass who
was caught In a small compartment
near the hollers When the other
members of the crew were able to
reach tho men they found them liter
ally cooked to denth The live bodies
were burled nt sea
It Is pnI Unit Kitchener
personally dliecllng tlio operations
From tho MiutlitTii districts troops
tire moving northward In hopes of
catching the republicans between the
two forces
Jtrnm Aidi1 lor Ndu Iiirllumi Art Inn
Hut ort Who Miwi of Ilia Choice
Lincoln Feb 8 Several explana
tions of votes Viuio olleioil In Joint
session yesterday A gniudlloiiuent
effusion sent up by Iteain fuslonlst
saying that the time hnd como to
pliue loyalty to the people above par
tlsanslilp ami to vote for a Uepiibllcaii
free from corporation control pro
voked boisterous laughter when he
foigot the nnnie of his choice tlnally
recording himself for Allen fuslonlst
nnd McCnUliy Itepubllcan Heall
who broke to llliishaw Wednesday
was absent The vote
Allon 3S
IhlUf -
mile M
llatnvr 4
I lit 1 1 ti ti 1
llllthiiicli 47
IIImMiiiw 1-
Klnkiihl 4
MiMLItJnlili M
Mm lull 1
Martin 0
lliwu liter IS
in in 17
10 17
TiidiniiHiiii i i in 34 at u it
TlmniiiMiiti W 11 4 1H 7 II 1W
Vim liuxen 1 1 1 1 1
The committee unpointed by the
For llrnnili 11 lilt In Omnlm
Washington Feb 8 The house com
mittee on coinage weights and mens
ures decided to report favorably the
bill establishing a branch mint at
Omaha and appropriating 100000
JMii KMlt of KnowlcdKC
The Wearisome Caller Is thnt clock
The Girl Yes Aro you Syracuse
Hows This
Wo offer ono hundred dollars rownrd
for any case of catarrh thnt cannot be
cured by Hulls Catarrh Cure
1 J Ciiinkv Co Props Toledo O
Wo tho undersigned have known P
J Cheney for tho last 15 years and le-
lievo him perfectly honorable in all
busiucsB transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by thoir firm
West jTitUA Wholesale Druggists
Toledo O
Waumnu Kikxan MauvinV Whole
sale Druggists Toledo O
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken intern
ally acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of tho system Price
7Go per bottlo Sold by all druggists
Testimonials free
Halls Patnily Pills are tho best
How to Cure Grip
Remain quietly at hoaae and take
ChnuibcrlainsCoogh Remedy as di
rected and n quick recovery is sure to
follow That remedy counteracts any
tendency of tho grip to result in pneu
monia which is really tho only serious
danger Among thoteus of thousands
who have used it for the grip not ono
caso has ever boon reported that did not
recover For 6ulo by tho Kiesau Drug
Pneumonia Cuu be Prevented
This disease always resolts from a cold
or an attack of the grip and may be
publican conference to draft rules for
n caucus has not yet reached nn
agreement but Is making some prog
ress nnd hopes to succeed
The morning session of the senntc
was devoted to n discussion of senate
file -10 n bill defining a legnl news
paper The iiuiendmont changing the
life of the publication from one year
to six months before It could be recog
nized as legnl caused a discussion Inst
lug more than nn hour nnd tlnally car
The public lnnds and building com
mittee submitted Its report regarding
the asylum at Ilicoln in which were
srveral recommendations for Improve
Konnte Act on MriiAiire Appropriation
Suhtlily 1III1 11-
cumirl t Nlht ScimIoii
Washington Feb 8 The senate
held both day nnd night sessions yea
terdny At the day session tho pen
sion appropriation bill appropriating
1M0000M was pnssed after a few
minutes consideration The ship sub
sidy bill was then taken up and Mc
Laurin and Morgan both Democrats
made speeches on It McTnurln an
nounced his litentlon to support the
bill and Morgan opposed It In vigorous
Inngiinge lie asked Allison for an es
timnte of the appropriations for the
present session and the hitter replied
that he thotmht the aggregate would lie
STCOOOOOOO Hale expressed the opin
ion that the llgures would be nearly
IIoiimp Puse 1oHtonieo Itlll
Washington Fob The postofflce
appropriation bill debate on which lin
consumed almost an entire week In
the house was passed yesterday The
debute hovered snbout three topics
railway mall pay pneumatic tube ser
vice and special fust mail facilities
but it bore no fruit The amendment
to reduce the rate of railway mall pay
was ruled out on a point of order the
amendment to continue the pneumatic
tube service In New York Hoston and
Philadelphia was abandoned with the
purpose of making the light In the sen
nte nnd motions to strike out the np
proprlntlons for special mail facilities
were defeated
prevented by tho timely nso of Ohain
berliilus Cough Kemcily Tlint remedy
was extensively used during the epi
demics of la grippo of tho past fow years
and not n i inglo onso hns ovor boon ro
ported that did not rocovor or that re
sulted iu pneumonia which bIiowb it to
bo a certain provontivo of tlmtdnngerous
HsciiHQ OhamborlalnH Cough Hmnedy
hns gninod a world wide roputntlon for
Its cures of col tin nnd grip For sale by
tho Klesnu Drug Co
Sturgeon is tho piano man
lllinuto of KxpetiKpn
Tho county cointnlBsioners of Mndison
county Nebraska at tholr regular moot
ing in Jnnuury 11101 nindo tho follow
ing estimate of expenses for tho ensuing
County institute fund 125 00
County superintendent salary 1 101 X
County road fund 7r0 X
County bridgo fund 10000 X
County priming 1000 00
County clerKsalnry as clerk of
board fiOO 00
County attorney Rahlry 150 00
CommisHiouors pay and mile
age 2300 00
Cnro of paupers 2 000 00
Bounty on wild tinininls 800 00
Fuel postngo and express 1 1100 00
JallorB fees 1200 X
Books stationery and supplies 1800 X
Janitors salury and assistants
to county ofllcliila 2o00 00
Election expenses 2100 00
District court and jurors 7500 00
Assessors pay nnd mileage 3X10 00
Insane fund 850 00
Soldiers relief fund 500 00
Poor form expenses 1 000 X
Aid to Agricultural society 700 00
Furnituro nnd repairs on court
house and jail 1000 00
Interest on court house bonds
between Madison nnd Union
precinct 000 00
Sinking fund for Bnme -100 00
Dnttlo Creek village jail bond
and interest 150 00
Phil Baitcii
County Clork
SlinrllTH Sale
By virtno of a decroo directed to mo
from the clerk of the district court of
Mndison county Nebraska on n judge
ment obtained in the district court oi
Mndison county Nebraska on tho ninth
day of April 1000 iu favor of T O Can
non as plaintiff nnd ngniust John E
Oluey Clinrlotto E Olnoy Charles E
Olnoy Jeremiah Olney nnd George H
Nichols ns defendants for tho snmB ol
ono hundred nnd twenty dollars and
sixty seven cents and two thousand auo
thirty ouo dollars and forty cents aud
costs taxed nt 2 01l andaccruiugcosts
I have lovied upon tho following de
scribed ronl estate taken as tho property
of snid dofendontB to satisfy said decree
to wit B
Lot six 0 in block one 1 of the
town of Norfolk to satisfy the said sum
of 12007 and costs lots fifteen 15
and sixteen 10 in block six 0 of the
town of Norfolk to satisfy tho Biiid sum
of 20 1 -10 and costs all in Madison
county Nebraska
And will offer tho same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash in baud on the
28th day of February A D 1001 in
front of the enst door of tho court honFe
in Mndison Nebraska that being tin
building whoreiu tho last term of court
wns hold at tho hour of 1 oclock p m
of snid day v hen nnd where due at
tendance will bo given by the under
siuin d
Dated January 20 1001
Gko W Loshy
Sheriff of boid County
Notice to ltrlile Contractor
Notice is hereby given that sealed bidt
will bo received at tho county clerk
otlico at Madison Madison county Ne
braska until 12 oclock at noon stum art
time March 18 1901 for tho erection
and completion and lnruishiug ot ma
terial and labor for all pile and iroi
bridges to bo built during the year 1001
according to the following specifica
tion to wit
1 All wooden bridges to rest on
three piles nt eacli bent to be driven to a
solid foundation and bent to be ol
lougth required by county board pile
to bo white oak or red cedar not less
than ten inch top all piling to bo sound
proportionate and free from wiuusliaki
and objectionable knots
2 All caps to bo of two 3x12 inehe
in white oak to each set of three piles tt
be bolted on two sides of piling with 7 8
inou bolts and washers to washer each
pile aud nuts on end piling to be on iu
hido All pilos to havo a tenon of 1
iucu to rest upon
II All piling for caps to bo sway
braced with 8x0 white oak or Hx8
white pine and to be securely bolted to
end of enp and at each intersection with
piling with inch bolts inch wash
ors Ends of joists and caps to bo cov
ered with the same material as lloonnp
aud to bo even with top of tloor
1 All joists to be northern white
pine lxl2 sized at each end outside
joists to bo bolted to cap at each end
with l4 inch bolts and inch wash
ers Ail Druiges to navo nine tines oi
joists well lapped on caps all joists to
bo bridgeo witn iu ponuy wire nans
f All flooring to be 8x12 northern
whito pine or oak aud to bo Bpiked to
joists with G0 penny steol nails at each
intersection of joists
0 Railing to bo 8 feet high above
lloor posts 4x0 northern pine all bolted
to outside stringers with two inch
bolts nnd washers except end posts
whioh shall bo bolted to piling lapping
two feet on each corner pile cap of
railiug to be 2x6 with 2x0 on inside
under cap hub rail 2x0 and guard rail
8x0 all white pine and to be well spiked
with 80 penny wire nails
7 All railing to bo painted with two
heavy coats of Venetian red and boiled
linseed oil All iron work on steel
bridges to be painted with two heavy
ooates of graphite paint
8 All bridges must bo of fourteen
feet roadway and bids must state price
per lineal foot
PropssalB will also be received for
steel and combination bridges fourteen
feet roadway supported by concrete
pier with y inch steel case thirty to
forty two inch diameter Bids must
state size of pier aud price per liueal
foot and if built on piling to state
length and kind of piling aud price per
lineal foot for piling
Proposals will also be received for a
steel bridge to be built across tho North
fork river at tho foot of Norfolk avenue
in the oity of Norfolk with coucreto
aud steel piers 21 feet roadway
U1IA8 S IIItlDOK Vice Pbekidpnt
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
liny nnd nnll oiclmuo ou thin coimtrjr 1 ml all pnrtn of Europe Fnrm Lonna
nirrctori Cam Abmir W H Johnson CnAH S Hwdok C W Hbaabcii
Hwank 1 A Luikaiit T F Mkhminufr L Hkshionh
0 M
Get What You Ask for at
ALL ORDERS are fMlcd promptly and with care
Our goods are FIRST CLASS in every particular
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom
Wc aim to Give yoii the Best Value
for Your Money
South sido Main St between 2d and 8d Telophono 41
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
Railroad and Business Directory
I Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley
Omnlm Passenger 8 05nm
Chicago Express 12 10 p m
liiciiL o KxprosB 7 0 p m
Omaha PaBBl ngor 1240 pm
Pluck Hilln rJxprpRS 740pm
VonllRro 1nsBPiiKor 1240 p m
VonliKro Accommodation 900um
Mnck Hills KxprcsB 1220p m
VonliRro PasBODRPr BrWinni
Vordicro Accommodation 720pm
Tlio Chicago and iilnck Hills Exproop hiiivpr
and doiiartB from Junotion depot The Omahu
nnd Yordigre trainB hrrivo and depart fnni city
depot H C Matbau Agent
Union Pacific
Columbus Accommodation
Omaha Denver and Pacific Coast
Columbus Ace mmodation
Omaha kenverand Pacitlc coast
11 -00 am
How S3 Woman
Bowrll Ind Not 24
I will always praise Wine of Cardui It
has done me more good than all tho medi
cines I havo ever taken in my life Please
end a book about lemalii diseases to the
ladle whoio names I unclose
For adrlce In caeei requlrlnti
directions address rH lnu ryiiiiitniim
Ladlf AdiUorj Dpl The I lit TT NOUu
iu ciianauooga 1 enn
900 pm
Connects nt Norfolk with F E A 11 V coins
west and north and with tho C Bt P M O
for points north and east
F W Jcneman Agent
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
Sioux City and Omaha Passenger 630 am
Sioux OltyPaBsoiikor 100pm
Sionx City PnsswUKor 1035 am
Biocx City and Oinuhrt PaBBenKor 730 p m
Connects at Norfolk with F E k M V going
west and north and with the U P for points
son th F W Jcneman Agent
Daily oxcopt Sunday
Over Dnuni Bros Store
Spenoar Ovalman
Boots and oes
Repairing Neatly Done
Contractor and Builder
117 Fourth Street
Flour and Feed
411 Norfolk Avenue
Cheapest and Best
Norfolk Avenue
Ali Work Goaranteed
Cor Drnasch nvo and 4th St
The Norfolk Horseshoer
it isnt necessary for a woman to give particulars When she says
she has female troubles other women know what that means It
means days and nights of endless suffering It means headaches which
no tongue can describe It means that terrible bearing and dragging
down in the lower abdomen It means agonizing backache and shoulder
ache and arm ache and aches in the lower limbs It means nerves on
edge the blues aesponuency ana loss ol nope It means debilitating
drains that the doctors call leucorrlicea It means martyrdom some-
tunes even death seems preferable
And still Wine of Cardui will utterly
putthose diseases and pains to rout
it has cured thousands of cases
when nothing ebe on earth would
To the budding woman to the
k me to the wife to tne expectant
mother to those going through
the Change of Life this Vegetable Wine is a blessing
Druggists Sell Large Bottles for 100
All bidders are required to accompany
their bids with plans and specifications
of their work and a certified oheck of
100 to be forfeited if contractor fails to
make contract or file an acceptable bond
within fifteen days from date of letting
The board of county commissioners
reserve the right to award separate con
tracts for pile bridges combination
bridges and steol bridges also the right
to reject any or all bids
The party awarded the contract will
bo required to give a good and sufficient
bond conditioned for the faithful per
formance of tho contract with at least
one surety resident of Mndison county
Nebraska said bond to be approved by
tlm county board
Dated this 29th day of January 1001
Phil Bauch County Clerk
For Plumbing Sieam Fitting Poops Tank
Wind Mills
Ami all work in this line call on
Satisfaction Guaranteed
First door Sooth of Tub Dau i Ntws Oino
W 0 Halls Barter Shop
North Western
p A 8 V R rj is the best to and
from the
North Nebraska