The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 01, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Dr Frederick F Teal Will
Take Charge of Hospital
Tho Now Superintendent riijmlrlan mul
Mlownril ipit to Anntliiin Tliolr Duties
AhiiulTlio First Changes to bo Mmlo III
WorKlliR Fiilrn Not Vol AliiiiHliiroil
From Turmlnys Daily
Dr Frederick F Toul nud wifo at
rlvotl iu tho city last ovoning from
Ouiuhn mul for a fow days they will bo
guests of friends mid relatives in tho
city Dr Teal will iisruuio tho position
of superintendent nt tho Norfolk hospi
tal for insane nbont tho first of Fuhru
ary After his nppointmont in Novom
bor Dr Teal uiudo ft trip to New Yorlc
nud spent llvo weeks visiting tho hospi
tals in that stato gathering ideas as to
tho latest niothodsof earing for unfor
tunates placed iu sunli institutions
Since returning from tho east ho has
been in Missouri ton days on n similar
mission so that he comes fresh from a
careful inspection of tho most modern
hospitals nud with a well defined idea
of what is necessary iu tho humano
treatment of insane patients
Dr Alex Young who is to bo tho
new physician nt tho Norfolk institu
tion has not arrived but is expected to
bo hero iu time to assumo his duties
when tho chango in superintendents
takes placo
M O Walker tho now steward has
closed out his business intorests in town
and will take his position at tho hospital
nt tho timo Dr Toal is installed D
Hoes tho outgoing stownrd has rented
Mr Walkers house in Tho Heights
which ho will occupy with his family
from early next wee it
Dr Teal was not ready to announce
what changes will be made in tho work
ing force of tho hospital whon seen this
morning Beyond stating that tho in
competent employes would bo given
prompt walkiig papers ho was not pro
pared to say Ho would uoto carefully
tho eflieieucy of tho employes after
taking chargo of tho institution before
uuuouncing nuy further chauges
Presented h King
As an evidence of tho good will and
fellowship existing between tho present
ofllcors and employes of tho Norfolk
hospital for tho insane n surprise party
was given for Superintendent Stoveusou
last evening iu the nmusenieut hall and
he was presented with n handsome sig
net ri ig the gift of those under his au
thority Dr Anderson made tho pre
sentation speech and Dr Steveusou
After tho presentation dancing was
engaged in and refreshments were
Tho evening proved very enjoynblo
and it was very apparout that a bond of
good fellowship exists between ofllcers
and employes which will not be broken
by mere separation and diversification
of duties at tho close of their present
Mrs Washburn of Verdigre is n city
Mrs Geo Saunders is in tho city from
J E Brown was in Norfolk yesterday
from Pouca
O H Wertz of Creighton was iu tho
city yesterday
Judge J B Barnes has returned
from a trip to Lincoln
There will bo services in Christ Lu
theran church tomorrow evening
Dr Robert Johnson of Madison is vs
iting Norfolk relatives and friends
Mrs B F Wood was in tho city yes
terday on her way home to Madison
Dr P H Salter wont to Pierce yes
terday to perform n surgical operation
Dr A J Johnson who has been very
sick wih pneumonia is reported better
Geo A Brooks of Bailo Mills came
on the early train to partioipato iu tho
hot time
Mrs A J Durland and daughter
Jane returned last evening from their
visit to Wakefield
Mr and Mrs W H Buttorfleld very
pleasantly entertained tho West Side
Whist olub last eveniug
Regular services of Christian Scienco
church tomorrow nt 1 1 oclock in I O
O F hall Subjeot Love
Tho teachers of tho Norfolk schools
will attend a reception to be given by
the Womans club iu Orrs hall this af
ternoon from 2 to 5
The Household Economio department
of the Womans olub will meet with
Mrs F G Coryell Monday afternoon at
3 i0 There is important business to bo
A daughter was born yesterday to Mr
and Mrs Poter Steiert who ore visiting
at tho home of Mrs Steiorts parents
Mr aud Mrs Ferdiuaud Pofahl sovou
miles east of tho city
President Marvin Hewitt of the
Northwosteru railway nud Genoral
Manager Geo F Bidwell of the F K
II V passed through tho Junotion to
day on a special train eurouto west on
a tour of inspection
The born on the north Oud of Mr aud
Mrs Win Ahlmans lot corner of Fifth
street mid Philip nvrnuo is being torn
down and u lluu residence will he erected
thero for a pormanont homo Tho pros
out homo on tho south oud of tho lot
will bo routed
Tho Ladios guild of Trinity church
is planning to givo n series of Roeiahles
ouo each month Tho first will bo given
WednoRtlay ovoning of next week nt the
homo of Mr and Mrs A Morrison
Bohnorts orchestra will furnish instru
mental musio nud Miss Nello Oorecko
will slug
John S Mooro gonornl soorotury of
tho university Y M O A at Lincoln
will bo hero tomorrow in tho interest of
tho stato convention of associations to
bo hold at Hastings February 7 to 10
Ho will bo nuked to spoak at tho rogulnr
Sunday afternoon gospol mooting nt
Tho various committees having in
chargo tho work of preparing for the
institution of tho Kilts lodge iu this city
tonight havo been busy throughout tho
day attending to tho duties imposed and
every thing is about ready for tho hot
timo tonight W W Colo represent
ing Omaha lodgo camo up last night to
assist in mnking nrrangonionts for tho
mooting Tho excitoniont is expected
to begin about tho timo tho trains arrive
from Sioux City and Omaha botweon 7
aud 8 oclock Tho parado will ho of
public interest
Through an oversight Tim Nrws
failod to comment on tho locturo given
by Alfred L Fludo at tho Congregational
church Thursday ovoning uudor tho
auspices of tho Senior class of tho High
school Tho lecture descriptivo of tho
wonders of tho Yellowstono national
park and illustrated with storeopticon
views was very iutoresting and the
closo attention of the nudieuce was held
throughout Tho speuker was thor
oughly imbued with his subject nntl
comprohouBively presented tho beauties
of natures handiwork us ovidouced ai
the park Tho class was gratified thnt n
better patronage was given than at the
precodiug entertainment of the courso
but was disappointed in that tho re
ceipts were not sufficient to overcome
tho loss previously sustained aud the
members have decided to abandon fur
ther efforts of tho same kiud in tho en
tertainment line
Dr NIioiIdiiiiih ICxpei linent
Dr J II Nicodemus tho expert vet
erinarian from Pierce Nebraska has
been making while in Spalding a scien
tific investigation of corn stalks to dis
cover if possible tho cause of the corn
stalk disease so prevalent among the
stock this winter Tho doctor took two
or three stalks from tho field of P Car
lin nnd also a sucker which sprouts
from tho stalk under tho ground and re
mains more or less green throughout
the season Those stalks were selected
having a blueish cast which indicated
more or less poison iu them The doc
tor burned tho stalks and by means of
a microscope found tho residue to con
tain a largo per cent of tho severest
poison The sucker wns much tho moro
poisonous of tho two stalks Mr Nico
demus also discovered that this poison
ous substance furnished food for the
strichiua worm which also penetrates
tho corn ear This poisonous worm
leaves its nit on tho end of tho oar which
enters tho hog wheu the corn is de
voured and it is the opinion of tho doc
tor that this develops tho cholera germ
which causes tho death of so many of
the farmers swino Thus it is deter
mined that the disease of tbo hog nud
cow are derived from practically the
same source This investigation will
we boliovo throw somo light on what
appears to be a very perplexing ques
tion to the stock raiser just now Spald
ing Enterprise
Free of Chttrge
Any adult suffering from a cold
settled on the breast bronchitis throat
or lung troubles of any uaturo who will
call at A K Loonardswill bo presouted
with a sample bottlo of Boscheos
German Syrup free of chargo Only
one bottle givou to one person and none
to children without order from parents
No throat or lung remedy over had
such a salo us Boscheos Gormnu Syrup
in all parts of tho civilized world
Twenty years ago millions of bottles
were given away aud your druggist
will toll you its success was marvelous
It is really tho ouly throat aud lung
remedy generally endorsed by physi
cians One 75 cent bottle will curo or
prove its value Sold by dealers in all
ciilized countries
Funning Iu Colorado nnd New Mexico
The Denver Rio Grande railroad
The Scenic Line of the World has
prepared an illustrated book upon tho
above subject which will bo sent free to
farmers desiring tochongo their location
ThiB publication gives vnluablo informa
tion in regard to tho agricultural horti
cultural and live stock interests of this
sectiou and should be in tho hands of
everyone who desires to become ac
quainted with the methods of farmmg
by irrigation Write S K Hooper G
P T A Denver Colo
Wanted Active man or woman
with rig to deliver and canvass in towns
nud rural districts No canvossiug
Salary 00 por mouth References nud
security required Address Beatrice
Book Cof P B Sprague Mauager
room 7 First National -bank Beatrico
Judso Barnes was a passenger for
Lincoln this morning
Miss Laura Korkow of Fremont Is
visiting frionda in Norfolk
Goo A Brooks of Hnllo Mills who
is ouo of tho new Elks romnlnod In tho
city until noon today
Harry Matrau who is assistant in tho
depot at Wisnor was In tho oity over
Sunday visiting rolatlves and friends
Dwight Williams city circulation
manager for tho Omaha Hoois expected
in tho city tonight to visit relatives nntl
Arthur Bonder nnd llttlo nloco of
Fioinont spent Sunday In tho city visit
ing liis sister Miss Bonder and other
A Morrison who visited nt homo for
a fow weeks has returned to Sibley
Iowa to complete tho woik ho has uudor
t o itrnct
Ool Frank Hanlon a director rof tho
Norfolk National bank aud an Omaha
Elk participated in tho festivities Sat
urday ovoning
M O von Rahtlon of Oroighton a
niombpr of Sioux City Elks lodge No
1 13 attended tho Institution of Norfolk
lodgo of Elks Saturday ovoning
W II Bucholz who lias boon sick
with fever for four weeks past was
nblo to como down to tho bank this
morning for tho first timo since his
illness began
Geo P Mooro and F L Campboll of
Omaha both former roshlonts of Nor
folk wore among tho Omaha Elks at
tho institution of Norfolk lodge No
iii Saturday ovoning
Miss Louiso Muthowsou who has
been a guest nt the homo of Col S S
Cotton for tho past two weeks loft
today for Wakefield for a week h visit
before returning to tho reservation
Commenting on tho action of tho
Freshman class Norfolk High school
iu decorating nnd papering tho school
room tho Fremont Trihuno says
That kind of business boats hazing
Special services are being hold at tho
Congregational church each evening
during this week Rov Mr Ayers of
Wisnor spoko last night and will speak
again tnuight Tomorrow night Rov
F W Leavitt of West Point will speak
Norfolk friends havo received cards
from Mrs Nannie Dauiol of Charlottes
ville Va announcing tho marriago of
her daughter Miss Etliol Daniel to Mr
John Alan Mooro which is to tako placo
Tuesday ovoning February fj at Char
It is said that the hired man who hns
been working for Ciias Lodgo got up
some timo during last night appropri
ated 50 belonging to Mr Lodges son
Snin nud skipped out Mr Lodgo at
ouco informed tho officers and nu efTort
is being made to npprohoud tho alleged
News of the Duiiol family now of
Charlottesville Va but for many
years resitlouts of this city aro always
heard with interest by Norfolk people
Recent information from thero states
that Meredith Daniel will graduate in
pharmacy from a school at Richmond
in tho spring aud that Herbert is soon
to graduate from tho law department
university of Virginia
The following special to the Beo from
Graud Island under date of Saturday
will interest Norfolk frionds of the
ladies mentioned Tho spacious homo
of Mrs John Reimers was thrown open
yesterday for an afternoon party compli
mentary to her daughter Mrs Wietzor
of Rooky Ford Colo Novel entertain
ment was provided and an elaborate
luncheon served Mrs Reimors was as
sisted by Mrs Oscar Reimers
Wm Killen has recoutly completed
an ingenious arrangement for tho shoo
ing of fractious horses for Richard
Peter tho blacksmith It is a stall
into which tho animal is placed and
swung oil his feet in a few minutes
timo wheu ho is perfectly powerless and
must submit quietly to the shooing pro
cess The device is simplo aud conven
ient and tho blacksmith attends to his
duties without danger to life or person
Tho Nebrnska Childrens Homo soci
ety of Omaha wrote Miss J Durland a
member of tho local board requesting
her to moot a boy under tho
care of tho society who camo in on tho
noon traiu from Sioux City aud will bo
escorted to tho Junction by Miss Dur
land where he is to be giveu in charge
of a ropresoutativo of tho society and
taken west whore a homo will be pro
vided Tho work of tho socloty is said
to bo iu excellent condition nnd mauy
youngsters aro being cared for
M O Walker has disposed of his busi
ness interests in tho city preparatory to
taking tho position of steward at tho
Norfolk hospital for tho Insane M E
Spauldinghas purchased tho flour aud
feed business and hopes to supply tho
wants of tho old customers nud many
new ones in that lino Art McCoy has
purchased tho oil nud gasoliuo lino and
will look after tho wants of old and new
patrons who use oil and gasoline The
now proprietors havo nlready assumed
coutrol of their reepoctivo purchases
Tildou Citizen Saturday Miss Eva
tho daughter of Perry Lewis
was accidontly shot last uight by her
13-year-old brother An older mernbor
of tho family had been hunting and had
left a charge iu tho guu Tho boy
picked up tho weapon and white his
sister was stooping over pulled the trig
gor Tho charge struck near tho mown
or tho young womans lioail stripping
tho skull bare along tho back of tho
head nntl entered about tho splno ho
tween tho shoulders Tho last report
was to thooiToet that tho victim was
still living but thnt tho chances for life
wore but meagre
Tho Omaha lleo this morning says
Dr Frederick F Toal and Mrs Teal re
turned yesterday from Kansas Oity
whore thoy have been visiting for tho
last ton days Today thoy will leave
for their now homo in Norfolk Dr
Teal will assumo control of tho Norfolk
hospital for tho insane February 1 For
tho lust two months ho has devoted
most of his timo ton study of modern
met hods for the treatment of insane and
will enter upon his new duties well pro
pared to conduct tho Norfolk institution
iu accordance with tho humano plans
which have been utloptod bv tho Now
York Board of Lunacy Dr Teals
resignation uh a inombor of tho Omaha
board of education will bo presented at
tho first meeting hold by that body in
Fohrua y
Tim teachers of tho Norfolk schools
gave a very pleasant reception to the
members of tho Norfolk Womans club
in Orrs hall Saturday afternoon from 3
to f oclock Tho hall was nicely deco
rated with cut Dowers and potted plants
while tho club colors whlto and gold
wore likowiso used iu tho rooms adorn
ment Tho guests were served with dol
icato refreshments from small tables
During tho reception Superintendent
D OConnor read a papoi on Duties
of the Teachers to tho School and Mrs
J 11 Hays of tho Womnns club reatl a
paper on Duties of Patrons to Schools
and Teachers Tho papers wore dis
cussed by Mrs A D Pratt Mrs A 1
Dinland Mrs Alfred Gorocko and 1 B
Barnes jr Musio was furnished by
Misses Lota Blakely Floronco Esta
brook and lossio Drohort and Halsoy
Gibson and Arthur Overton Tho occa
sion proved very enjoyable to those par
ticipating nnd will unquestionably havo
bonoflcial results in bringing teachers
and patrons of tho schools into closer
sympathy Tho teachers aro deserving
of much credit for tho work thoy aro
doing and this may ho more fully un
derstood by more intimate knowledge of
their endeavors which these receptions
A IllKtl lf It ldllllllll
Pierce is always up to dato in ovory 1
thing that is going Omaha for in
stance was recently thrown into spasms
over the kidnapping of young Cudahy
and now Pierce ulso comes to tho front
with a like case only the boys niimo is
Johnson instead of Cuduhy and up to
tin to no 25000 bags of gold have boon
soon uoar a stick with a lantern hanging
to tho pinnaclo oud But Wednesday
Henry Johnson a young lad who was
living with Jos Forsyth by an ordor of
Judge Allen a year or so ago was ab
ducted by his father John Johnson
commonly known as Hooky and has
uot boon seen siuco It is said that
Gustav Uockor of Norfolk assisted in
the abduction Tho two goutlemon
drove out to tho school houso north of
town in tho forenoon Johnson gotting
out before arriving at the school houso
and hidiug in a corn field alongside tho
road On arriving at tho school houso
Uockor informed Miss Miller tho
toaobor that Mr Forsyth was at San
sons salo nnd had sent for youug John
son to help him Tho boy wont with
Ueckor ntouce being joined by Hooky
at tho corner nnd going on directly east
nothing being heard from tho trio siuco
As this action is in contempt of tho
courtB orders it may prove to be a seri
ous matter for Messrs Johusoii and
Uecker Piorco Call
August Flower
It is a surprising fact says Prof
Houton that in my travols in ull parts
of tho world for tho last ton years I
havo met more people having used
Greens August Flower than any other
remedy for dyspepsia deranged liver
and stomach and for constipation I
find for tourists and salesmen or for
persons filling office positions where
headaches aud general bad feelings from
irregular habits exist that Greens
August Flower is a grand remedy It
does not injure tho system by frequent
use and is excellent for sour stomachs
and indigestion Sample bottles free
nt A K Leonards Sold by dealers in
all civilized countries
Mr Harris shlppod a carload of cattlo
last week
Emil Norling woiit to Wayno to at
tend the normal
Smith was shelling corn at Mr Kol
huts on Monday
Mr A Lundquist was iu Stantou on
business Monday
County Attorney Eberly was in this
vicinity on business Tuesday
Quito a few Boga people attended the
Kinney sale Tuesday in spito of tho
stormy weathor
Eric Stamu Willo Johnson from
Wnmus and Oscar Linn from Swaburg
were iu Bega Suuduy
Tho young pooplos meetiug was post
poned nud nil the young peoplo nttouded
tho Phillips and Noilson meetings
Fnn and oity loans
Tub Dublakd Tkust Oo
Gcorpe Bcrc Kills Himself
This Afternoon
NtrmiBlrn Himself Willi Nook Siirfil tlm
lliilim ill II Ih on South
Tvtnlflli Ntrimt Ilimuilitl Won leu hiii
pomtil to Hutu IioiiiiIimI IIiii Art
George Merc committed suicitlo this
noon by hanging in thojwutor close of
his Conrad Waohtor on
South Twelfth st root m Afc
lit ato his dinner nt usual and Rafter
ward wrappetl himself up us though to
go down town About IJiIIOhls wifo
wont to tho closet and found him bung
ing in ouo coinor with life oxtincl
Ho used a noohsearf which was fast
ened about his nock and his weight
thrown forward and down
The coroner has boon notified ofjthu
ooourrenco ami word from him is
awaited before tho body is removed
His wifo knows no reason for the ac
tion ho not having givou intimation of
any such Intention Ho recently pur
chasedufarm in lloltcountyaud had just
Hohlonoslx miles oast in Stanton county
There was a mortgage of7M intlio ileal
and Bare was expecting a deed and ab
stractor title today liutit did Jnot come
It is supposed that tins worried him and
led him to commit tho deed Mrs More
says however that they havonionoy in
tho bank to meet tho obligations inj the
transfer and assigns nocause whatever
why ho should havo killed himself
lie was II years of ago and loaves a
wifo aud lour small children boy
and throe girls
Sinco selling their Stanton county
farm three weeks ago Mr and Mrs
Horo havo been living with bor parents
Mrs Waohtor is sick iu bed with
asthma from which she has sullored for
four years ami this additional calamity
is particularly severe on tho family
Dr Mncknywuri down from Norfolk
Ah Alyea wns ovur trom Meadow
Grove Tuesday
Attornoy Cornelius wasjip from Col
umbus Wednesday
Doputy Tronsuror Pilgor was a Sun
day visitor nt Norfolk
Cipt Fred icgiior had business in
Lincoln from Tuesday until Thuisday
Geo E Richardson drove to Battle
Crock Saturday ovoning returning Sun
A II Mohauuou has a salo advertised
and will shortly remove to Elgin Nob
whore ho has a position iu a bank
Why did Will Pahnor como down
from Etnorick last Friday To attend
tho Friday nightclub meeting of course
Will Kroblin sold his delivery horse
and wngon last Saturday to Geo W
Ray who is now running thosamo
Mr Kroblin loft town Saturday ovon
Grandma Losoy who has been visit
ing relatives for a fow weeks returned
to Meadow Grovo Saturday whoro she
is making horhomo with J II Hardings
Paul OShea littlo son ofMr nud
Mrs Tom OShoa while playing with
his older brother Ed Monday ovoning
had tho mifortuuo to break his leg near
tho hip joint Tho boys wore rolling
over a barrel and it is supposed Pnul foil
over tho barrel aud Ed fell onto him
County Clerk Bunch this week re
ceived a lottor addressed County Cloik
Madison Nob which bore tho post
mark Norfolk Neb tho contonts being
2 and a lotter us follows For re
cording two deeds If tho writer will
now send tho deeds or say who ho is if
ho has had thorn recorded Mr Bauch
will bo ablo to act in tho matter
The dotailB for Frank Keonans second
visit in Sol Smith Russolls funny play
A Poor Rolution which will bo at tho
Auditorium on Wednesday February 0
wore completed yesterday by Arthur II
ONoil tho udvnnco ropresontutlvo of
tho company
Mr ONell says tho cast supporting
Mr Koeuau this season is an exception
ally strong and expensive one compris
ing as it does such well known and capa
ble pooplo us Geo P Sprague Geo B
Miller Marcus Morinrty John Cumber
land aud Miss Maud Abbott Kitty
Dooling Marion Spraguo Kate Long and
lust but most important tho bright aud
clover Rip and Patch
Tho utiriost care has boon taken in tho
staging of A Poor Relation to make
it a comploto and perfect production iu
every dotail Tho scenery property
models etc aro nil new making it a
production of tho highest merit
Tho story of A Poor Relation keops
ouo interested from beginning to end
on account of its dramatio Btreugth
nmuBiug situations bright and witty
dialogue and masterful construction
William Dean Howells has written of it
hat it is a poam in laughter and
Frank Koenan who mot with such
favor hore lost season is oue of tho
most unctuous actors America has given
us his facial expression is wonderful
by its power tho audioucos are convulsed
with laughter his pnthos is of that
quiet convincing character that holds
you iu anxious coucorumeut throughout
the play
WtBj tfltL
vwrnnn cms
fJfjSfliM - few
ws m
7 i ia
K fi C9
Hrvr 1MI v
Women suffer
ing from fctnnlo
troubles and
wiiilnrj nml
Lj jy i rom irregular
IjjM r pmnlul
ought not
irMlo lose hope if
iwiiwii iainiiL
iclnthem Phy
sicians are so
busy with other
tlistiises that
W VfM lln y lo not un-
I WV tlei slaml fully
I Yn the peculiar nil-
mftifu mul tlm
delicate orjraniim of woman What
Hie sutierer ought to do is to jivo
a lair trial to
Female Regulator
which is the true cure provitletl
by Nature for all female troubles
is thu formula of a physician of the
highest standing wiio devotetl his
whole life to the study of the
tinct ailments peculiar to our nioth r
ers wives and daughters It is made
of soothing healing strengtheniiij
herbs and vegetables which have
been provitletl by a kindly Nature to
emu irregularity in the menses Leu
corrhtiM Falling of the Womb Nerv
ousness Headache and Ihtckuehe
In fairness to herself and to Brad
flcltPa Female Kcnulntor overy
sulToring woman ought to give it u
trial A large i bottle will do n
wonderful amount of good Sold by
S nil lnr a nl ly rv t lmli nt flip nil I
The lwailfliMJ lfCMvrn tUinfi Ga
For 14 Cents
Wo mull tia rllownjt rr f1 norftlll
IpVilItim Itlrtol Tninaln rfel f
I Nniltii m lrirtiMi hrnlt j
I Mintfta tturHJnUiiHf1 11
I firtirhliHirt rnt iiriimbvrhvttl 10
I Illy Itrtlfii llrHhrrd 10
i tdur itntiiii hr ixi io
I Lux MarLiI UltiimRtrJ 11
I llrlilUot tluNcrhrei ft
Worth 1 OO flPlci
AttOTO 10 Idigrt mm mitrlM wilt
li nil imi frii itirrlhfir with our KHt
tUHtfil heiI I mtrf tHIInn 1l lut
ftnlrcr llllllmi Dullur Mm
Ainu liolfc OiiImi rri l llOr n
Ttltir with llon nn li r rnrllril
iaiiirHri rai mi ih upon ttctliL of Ho
in 1 li In nof f tt tii ti fiir vim Mini
Hftlrrr MirU u will never tlowltliuat
eeey -
P or Win and
p II Worth Sis
Ilml in rirli u iluuiihu
Imvliitr 1 1 1 1 1 ri 1 1 -
i si y to Ilic liulili
tlilorliln f iiilil Tiiiil I
mi iii iiMimi tii by Dr
USING V Ktolny Q
t O I II IC Il 1114 l K
liihtllulii Hi OiiiiiIiii i Itiiihliil la M
Dm mil iilnii In I hal Muir nln ri
In Kil 3 Itrnifilli H iiiiU
Triiiliiiiiil l ilV
77in lt ftlr K Krrlry Co
p Cor lltlli mul irurrmiurlhfitH
0nn YJ5AULY to Christian
4UUU man or woman to look
4 after our growing business iu this
v citwl crliri iti tirr rmmillfiu rn ti1 fin
tIJ ItUjUIIIIII wi w w
manager nnd correspondent worlc
can bo done nt your homo Enclose
solf udtlrosHotl stumped onvolopo
for particulars to If A Sherman
Qonoral Maunder Corcoran Build
ing opposite United States
ih tiry Washington v U
jtbbiAA iS3t
Illinois Gentral R R
Tim lllinolH Cnntral iloHirns to cull nttoutliia
to tint iinnxcollcil Mrvico thnt in olTurnil hy its
liuim to tint boutli for tho euiibon of lSJ lOou
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
Personally couihict
od Huiih throiinh to
los AiikoIih mul Kuu
l niiicisco via Now
Orhmim In cmniMctiim
EVERY with tho
WFDNESDAY cc hK Chicnco
iinnMiMn tllu otruls fust
MORNING Now Orlnmm 8-
clnl connection nlwi inmlo by thin train with
thiily triiiim out of Now OrloiuiB for thu lucillo
totibt Th llniitod from Chicago ovory otuu
inK roimortb on Mondiiya nnd ThtirHlnys at
Now Orluuiib lifter December IS IMA with thu
of the Southern Incific KbltiB spccinlthrouKh
borviro to Hun l ruucUco
Doublo tlnily eorv
Ice ib maintained out
of St Louis viii the
Illinois Central mul
connoctitiff linos to
J V Nanhvillethattanoo
I v K mul Atlanta thro
bloonins car to Jack
sonville Florida lioitiR carried on tho
leaving St Louis oory ovoning This train as
w oil lib tho Day Kxproes leaving St Louis iu
tho morning aro both boliil traits to Nathvillo
having through coaches uml blooping cars run
ning through Martin Touii ami thu N 0 Si Si
L fty Connection via this lino for all princi
pal jioiiits iu tho Southeast such us Charleston
Wilmington Alkiu aud Savaunah aud fur all
oolutb iu Florida
Dully from Chicago to Memphis aud Now Or
iKiluts iu thu South on thu lines of tho Illinois
toutrftl uud Y M V railroads will Ik ruu ou
tho first uud third Tuosday of ouch mouth dur
ing tho whiter sotisou
Full tHirticulurs concerning all of the ubovo
can bo had of agents of the Illinois Central or
by addressing A U lUusou U P A Chicago