The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 01, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Night Made Memor
able in Norfolk
Vlnllorn Mot nt Trnln ini1 i Inrmlo Fol
low llluiitlnnlnl ly Tlmworh InllU
tlniti 1lHliiiit mill itHorlulHrnKliiii Mnjr
from North NelrikiTowniilolii
From Motnlnja Dull t
Norfolk lodge No 551 Honovolmit
nml Protective Ordor of KIIjh whh in
Btitutid In tliln city Saturday evening
nnd t ho occasion In ono long to bo ro
jnoinborod by bothoumUdiUiiR mill clt
Izoiib who witnessed tho street demon
Every incoming trnln on Hitnrday
brought men from north NebrnHkn
towns who camo iih candidates to join
tho uov lodge Great iirnniirnMniin hmt
boen inailo by local niomberR mid oiiudl
dates to give tho Omaha Kilts wliooamo
to confer tho degrees n royal welcome
Tho Oinivlm Elks came on a apodal
train over the Kllchorn which was run
jubt nhead of tho ovonlug pixsMonger nr
riving at tho Junction at 715 There
tho train was mot by n portion of tho
reception committee and tho train pro
ceeded on up town to tho Mam street
crossing Hero tho remainder of tho
reception oommltteo and all tho candi
dates greeted tho visitors A parado
was quickly formed tho Norfolk band
and candidates acting us an escort to
tho Omaha Elks
A thousand Roman oandlos were dis
tributed among tho marchers whluh
wore discharged us tho parade moved
down tho Ptreut whilo on oither side
of tho column red and green tiro il
luminated tho scone Tho band had in
structions to play ono pieco only during
the evening and that was douo enthus
iastically and well It is porhapH need
less to say that tho air selected wtw A
Hot Timo in tho Old Town Tonight
Tnlcon as a wholo tho parado was ono of
tho most successful affairs of tho kind
ovor nt tomptod in Norfolk although at
3 oclock in tho afternoon tho prospects
woro that it would bo a Hat fail
ure I Tho llroworks had boon or
dered to bo sent by express from Chicago
but instead thoy had been started by
freight After considerable telegraph
ing back and forth tho flrowotks wero
found in a height car at Fremont and
Superintendent Reynolds ordered them
placed aboard tho Elks special A
number of men wero sent to tho Junc
tion to meet tho train ami open the
boxes so that by the time the olnin
Btrcet crossing was reached the fire
woiks wero ready for distribution
Tho lino of march ouded at tho Ox
iiord hotel whero tho visitors had sup
por During tho meal tho band con
tinued tho Hot Time and after it
was ovor tho Elks woro escorted to tho
banquet room of Masonic hall which
hadjbeon converted into a lodge room
by tho addition of tho required rnru
phornalia Hero tho initiatory work was
conferred upon live cmtHdutoa the
others boing obligated Tho work was
douo under supervision of Grand Dis
trict Deputy W D Taylor by tho
Omnhu lodge team consisting of tho fol
lowing Jiauiod Lyslo 1 Abbott oxultod
ruler George P Crook estooiuod load
ing knight L 0 Gibson ostooniod
lecturing knight j Frauk Crawford es
teemed loyal knight Frauk Furay E
A Troutmau and M L Stewart es
quires W W Colo tylor Low W
llabor chaplain Einil Hoicluurt organ
ist L W Sohoibol inner guard J It
Dowar secretary A O TouAiUti treas
After tho degrees wore oouf erred of
ficers of Norfolk lodgo No G51 woro
installed as follows Goo II Spoor ox
nlted ruler O H Reynolds esteemed
leading knight Iaaao Povers oBtoomod
loyal kuight John A Khrbart es
teemed leoturing knight O E Greeuo
oequiro Otto Tapport tylor E II
Traoy secretary BurtMapos trensuror
Geo A Brooks trustee for threo years
W N Huse trustoo for two years Ed
Wallerstedt trustoo for oue year
At tho preliminary meettug W II
Buoholz had been elected treasurer
but the condition of his health did not
permit him to attend tho institution of
the lodgo hence another had to bo
named in his placo
It was long nfter midnight when tho
ceremonies at tho lodgo room wero con
eluded Then tho Elks marched to tho
Pacific hotel where a banquet was
served in the usual stylo of that popular
hostelry Tho dining room presoutod a
beautiful appearance when tho gueste
entered its portals Tho tables were
arranged in long rows down tho room
while above hung festoous of Elk colors
purplo and white and a profusion of
flowers was to bo 6oeu everywhere
Geo A Brooks of Bazllo Mills act ml as
president of the banquet who introduced
Rev J 0 S Weills aud ho invoked
divine blowing At the conclusion of
the feast O E Burnham of TUdou waB
introduced as toastmaster and tao man
ner iu which ho conducted affairs from
that timo on met the hearty approval of
thoso present The first toast was given
by Dr A Bear who warmly welcomed
Our Guests Tho respousa was by
Hou Leo Eifbllo of Omaha Tho
ElkB was neatly handled by Geo P
Oronk of Omaha Charity ami Justice
gave Goo A Eberley of Htunton an op
portunity to show his oratorical powers
and Tiysle 1 Abbott of Omaha handled
Tho Moral Power of Elkdom In an
impressive manner Under the head nl
Social Sessions W N Hnso invltod
tho visitors to attend an informal recep
tion nt tho No folk club rooms at tho
closo of tho banquot Tho spooohmak
ing was concluded ly District Doputy
Taylor who congratulated tho now
lodge upon tho manner In which it is
starting nut
The social sosslon nt the club rooms
was devoted to introductions and get
ting better acquainted It was a lato
hour when tho last visitor left tho room
Tho following named temporary of
ficers and committees had tiio nirimifc
inents of tho ovonlug in chain- ma i
thorn Is largely duo its fiuccoss
Oftlcers A J Durland temporary
chairman E II Tracy temporary
soorotiry W 11 Buohol temporary
Exeoiitivocommlttoe Goo A Brooks
Ohas E Green Goo 11 Spear
Banquot committoo -II II Patterson
Otto Tapport Burt Mapes
Kicoption cninmltteo W N IIuro
Ralph Braasch 0 D Jenkins A K
Leonard Geo A Brooks J B May
lurd P II Salter F J Oashin Woods
Cones Ed Wnllorstudt E H Luikart
R Y Appleby Otto Tapport O F
ColVee Ed Gerooko J N Bundlck V
R Johnson B L Scovel W A Con
nolly O II Reynolds
A number of tho m who had intended
to join Norfolk lodgo wero prevented
from doing so by various causoB Fol
lowing is a list of those whoso names
will uppoar on tho ohnrtor
Norfolk Goo II Spear W 0 Fry
O E Greono Geo B Christ oph P II
Salter Frank G Saltor W II Wigton
V 1 nimliln tf TT lliftnrunii fl P
Parish E A Bullock I Powers A J
Durland 0 S Roe O D Tonkins
Burt Mipes W A Connolly S L Mil
lor II A Wilmording Asa It Leonard
Goo Davonport L E Wullontodt O
F Tapport T N Bundick D D Bran
son J T Thompson E II Luikart R
L Braasch AV N Huse J B Moylard
E II Traoy W G Baker Ed Murphy
I J Shook IS If If Allon O II Roy
nobis John S 0 Woills Daniel J
lfoonigsteln Alexander Bear
Madison Oscar A Coons Dr E N
Stanton II D Miller F II Scott
Joe Grattin R Y Apploby J A Ehr
hardt E 11 Gorecko G A Eborly
Boomer Goo Nelhr J If Bakor
Tildon O E Burnham A J Duii
Ohadron Charles E Furray B L
Scovel J V Ilainilton Geo O Stan
ton F W lfotchum Benjamin F Pit
man Gharlps L Eason J II MoKuy
Bazile Mills Geo A Brooks Sanford
N Saunders
Pierce W Cones AV E Bishop J
M Aldun R A Tawney
ONeill AV T Evans Stophen J
J F Boyd Onkdulo E V Ilahn
Long Pino Owon ONeill Battle Crook
A L Button Plaiuviow J II Stowart
Tho lodgo will establish pormauont
headquarters in tho near futuro for
which purposo tho t ird lloor of tho
Marquardt block tho second floor of the
now Bishop block and othor locations
are under consideration For tho timo
boing temporary uso of ono of tho halls
in tho oity will bo sooured Tho uoxt
regular mooting of tho lodgo will bo
held on Friday ovoniug of this wook at
a placo not yet nunounood
Hammond IouIhIhuh An Ideal Health
and Winter lleaort
The passongor department of the Illi
nois Central Railroad company has just
issued a now oditionof Hammond
Louisiana as a Winter Resort a beau-
tif ul illustrated foldor showing a fow of
the winter attractions in and about
Hammond copies of which will be
mailed free on application to tho under
For tlioso in good or modorato oircuin
btatieo no point in tho south oilers such
inducements The olimato is unsur
passed Tho artesan wator excellent
Society almost ontlroly northern and
tho hotel and boarding house accomoda
tions far superior to any town of its size
in the uorth aud at modorato rates
J F Meiiuy
Asst Gon Pass Agt 111 Gout RR
Dubuque Iowa
Iumiix lot Hxotteil
Ib tho Union Paciflo a clean routo
I asked Mr Lomax gontral passongor
agout of tho U P at Omaha
Clean Eli I exolalmod Lomax jam
mlng his gold headod cauo into tho arm
of his obuir Oloan you ask I Why
MoOormick of tho Southern Pacific sont
a Sau Francisco brido and groom and
sir beautiful bridesmaids all dressed
up in white satin robes and snowy laces
over the road to Chicago aud when
Koskern of tho Northwestern received
mom no wroio uaoK tnat tuoy wero
cleaner than when thoy got on I Gwan
Eli Perkius in Railroad Journal
David City Nob April 1 1000
Geuoseo Pure Food Lo Roy N Y
uoutiomou i must Bay in regard to
Grain 0 that there is uothimr better
or healthier Wo have used it for years
My brother was a great cotleo driuker
Ho was taken siok and tho doctor said
coffoo wai tho cause of it My brother
has boon woll evor since wo started to
uso it Yours truly Lillib Soouoh
Himrtl irOninly CiiintiilMliitinrH Mrrt Al
low lllll Illlrlnl lliinil A pprovml
Poor Km in Itiport
Madison Nob Jan 23 IIH1 At I p
in board of county comlsslonors of
Mndlson county state of Nebraska mot
pursuant to adjournment
Prosont John J Hughes Christ
Sehmittniid H W Winter
Minutes of last meeting wero road
aud approved
On motion tho following appoint
ments wero mado
For rond district No JlJ Peter Bovo
For road district No 21 Goo Brand
For road district No 27 Joseph
For Justice of tho poaco Union pro
olnot Thomas Farago
On motion tho bill of tho Canton
Bridge Co for seven bridges built and
balance mi Norfolk Junction bridge
was allowed at 10 13 211
On motion proposition of Canton
Bridgo Co to robuild pile driver in pay
ment of having used satno was ac
On motion tho following bonds were
J F Noidig road overseer district
No 21
W F F Winter road ovorscor dis
trict No I
P L Busioy road oversoor district
P H Deiumol road ovorscor district
No 111
Juntos M Covert constable Norfolk
On motion Nick Lund was appointed
justico of tho poaco for Bnttlo Creek
precinct to fill vacancy
On motion board adjourned to 7
oclock p in
Board mot pursuant to adjournment
On motion tho following bills were al
B E Reed bridgo work 3050
Madison Bust uso of school house for
olectlou 250
Stato Journal Co blank book 10
Geo E Richardson premium ou in
surance 2100
Olir Schavland fees In caso of Stato
vs Lovolaoo Halo and Spoece 1008
Math Classen jr caring for election
booths and cleaning school house 2
Henry Borry bridgo work 375
John 11 Harding bridgo work 1
Dr A B Tashjoan medicnl attend
ance on paupers 2450
M O Wager salary cto 103 00 al
lowed less 150 balance 10150
Madison Ohroniolo printing 2025
Report of M 0 Wager superintend
out of poor farm was received and ou
motion tho same was approved and or
dered publishod as follows
Battle Crook Nob Jan 21 1101
To tho board of commissioners of Madi
son county Nob I herewith ronder
roport for quartor onding Jau 1 1001
Wo have at present only 1 inmates
Peoto Bausninn Teyorl and Oada
We received ono now inmate on New
Years day his name was John Barson
ho left on his own motion January 13
and I havo not seen or heard of him
sinco Wo raised on tho farm last year
500 bushels of corn 230 bushels of wheat
and 100 bushels of oats 235 bushels of
potatoes about 115 tons of hay 13 calves
12 pigs and 200 chickens
Jau 1 1001 we had on tho placo of
livo stock as follows
3 head of horsos 50 head of cattlo 43
young hogs and 14 old hogs and about
150 ohiokous and 0 ducks Wo have lost
within tho last two woeks by sickness 11
of tho young hogs wo lost oue ot the old
hogs ou the way to tho market January
12 woight about 500 pounds
We have nmdo a little improvomout
in tho way of a cattlo shed and put in a
hay loft in tho old cattle barn nt n cost
of material and carpoutor work 12450
and built a now fence at tho cost of
about 850
Tho following bills havo boon incurred
sinco last roport and not paid to wit
Howard Miller Lumbor Co lum
ber and coal 11131
L B Bakor posts aud coal
O A Hodman hardware cto
L F Merz hardware oto
M L Thompson merchandise
J Sovora morchaudlso etc
Hall Molukomerohaudiso etc
15 43
8 04
17 05
0 53
12 74
Whito Drug Co 4 25
Frnuk Ruzick moat 1 1 30
W B Fuorst groceries oto 10 60
Win Youug harness repairs 1 25
Hanson Reavis blacksmith
work 1 50
Dr I J Daniel 2 00
Charley Bood 147025 bushels of
corn 20 cents 884 03
Iltrman Hogrofo weighiug com 3 70
Total 325 70
Sold to Howard Miller Lumbor
Co on December 18 110
bushels of wheat amounting
to 78 92
Sold to Grant Bood 28 bushels of
potatoes 14 00
Sold to R Collins G bushels po
tatoes 3 00
Sold to George Nilos 20 bushels
potatoes io 00
Sold to J Clark 1 bushels po
tatoes 2 00
Sold to Harding Creamery Co
milk in October 1505 pounds 18 72
Sold to Howard Miller Lumbor
Co January 13 13 hogs
weighing filfM kuiib it li
amounting tt 2i3 ftT
Total sales butter nnd dtKks
not Included 390 20
Howard Miller Lumber Co
wheat and hogs 332 57
Grant Bood 14 00
Goorgo Nilos 10 00
R Collins 1 00
J Clark 2 00
Hauling Otoamory Co 18 72
Total cash rocoivod 378
To John Nolco by order of Win
Jackson for threshing 8
To John Nelce 8 days carponter
work 12 00
To Molllu Hawkins for two
weeks work 4 00
To John Ott helping thresh 1 50
To A 0 Johnson for boar 15 00
Total 41 45
Cash on hand last roport 78 02
Cash received since last report 378 21
Total 151 31
Cash disbursed 4145
Balance cash now on hand 114 80
I hereby certify that this roport is cor
rect to tho be t of my knowledge
Yours truly
M O Waoku
Claim of I J Daniol as abovo roport
was applied on personal tax
On motion board adjourned to 8 a m
January 23
Board mot pursuant to adjournment
On motion tho proposition of the clt
of Madison to put In olcctiio lights in
tho court house was accoptod
On motion tho followiug bonds woro
Potcr Bovo road oversoor district
No 32
John Crook coldiers relief commis
On motion tho following appoint
ments wero mudo
Dr I J Daniol county physician
Fred Lau assessor Valley precinct
Olnus Young soldiers relief commis
Ou motion roport of B E Rood as
overseer district No 9 was approved
showing balance duo him 2710
On motion Gegner Wetzler woro
allowed a wurraut for 100 as partial
payment on contract for papering aud
painting court house
On motion bill of R C Miles 34800
for extra worlc in treasurers ollico for
tho post year wns allowed
Ou motion adjourned to 1 p in
Boaid met pursuant to adjournment
On motion Claus Yonng was allowed
a wurraut for 100 ou soldiers relief
On motion bond of Glaus Youug was
On motion clerk was instructed to ad
vertise for soaled bids for tho construc
tion of bridges ueedod by county during
tho ensuing year bids to be filed boforo
noon 12 oclock March 18 1901
On motion board adjourned to Febru
ary 11 1901 at 1 p m
Phil Baucii
Couuty Clerk
licet Iuli for Slock Vend
Tho value of beet pulp for stock feed
has been demonstrated in the past
many feeders shippiugit great distances
from the sugar factory and ovou after
paying tho freight fi ding it a profit
able fodder n talking with an ofliciul
of the sugar fuctory this morning it
was learned that tho wholo pulp product
for next falls campaign has already
been contracted In making this con
tract however tho factory reserved the
right to supply all beet growers all the
pulp they can use f roe of ohorgo Hence
tho situation during the coming cam
paign will bo that farmers who raise
boots will be able to secure all the pulp
thoy want for thoir own use without
cost but none will bo sold on the mar
ket and none can be bought at any
price as all not token by beet growers
is to go to stockmen who have con
ructcd to take ull they can get
Letter List
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho Dostofflce January 28 1901
August Baruhart Mate Ghilders G
W Olintou Clifton House Andy Dry
den Egyptian Remedy Co Joseph W
Fouts T P Fender Harvey Gwynue
G F Gutohor Myrtlo Johnson Jacob
Ifuhnley Mrs Goorsro Lambert Edd
Mintun Mrs Clara Manworou Reaoh
nrd Mason Mrs Aug Pophaol II
Rakes Dav Solmon W M Shiploy
James D Taylor L M Whitmor 3
Charles Wheolor C R Williams Helen
Wilcox Eugeuo L Ware J O Yocum
If not called for in 30 days will be
sont to tho dead lottor office
Parties calling for any of the above
please say advertised
P F Svkkchkk P M
Washington D O Genessoe Puro
Food Co Lo Roy N Y Gentlemen
Our family realizo so much from the
use of Graiu 0 that I fool I must say a
word to iudueo others to uso it If
people are interested in their health and
tho welfare of thoir ohildreu they will
use no other beverage I have used
them all but Graiu O I havo found
superior to any for tho reason that it is
solid grain Yours for health
O F Myehs
The complete service of Tho Chicago-Portland
Special via Union Pacific
enablepassongers to reach the
pal cities between tho north and 1acino
coast nnd Missouri river not only iu tho
shortest nosBiblo space of time but also
iu tho most comfortable uud eujoyablo
manner Tho dining cars on thia train
are stocked with the best the market
affords All meals Berved a la carte
Railroad and Business Directory
Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley
OniHlin PftMPtiRcr flKKnm
CliiciiRo Kxprose 1240pm
IiIcuko KxproM 72Ud in
Omnlin 1nMCDRor 1240pm
Hlnck llllln nxprpM 710pm
VordiKro InRsoriRor 1240 pm
VortllKM Accommodation ti00nm
wkrt AnniVK
Hlnck Hills KxprcftR 12J0p in
VorJlBrolWinKor Offiom
Vnrilleto Arcutiimmlntlnn 72Upm
Tho Uilcnao itml lllnck Mills KxproM nrrlo
nnd ilopnrta from Junction ilopot Tlio OniRlin
nnd ordlttro trains nrrlvo nnd dopnrt from city
lopot II J Matuau Agent
Union Pacific
City nnd Omnlin PnawinKnr
nliimbtin Accommodation Il80pm
Omnlin Denver mid Incillo Uoust 1100 am
north AimiVR
OoluiiibiiH Ace mmodntlon 1030pm
Omnlin MoiiTnr and Iacltlc coant 900pm
Connects nt Norfolk wltli K E A J V boIiib
wont nnd north nnd with tho C Bt P M 4 O
for polutu north nnd nnet
F W Junkman Ani nt
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
0 to n m
1 MO p m
Slonx lty Pnsonor 10Rinm
Bloux City nnd Onmlii Paennnanr 730pm
Connects nt Norfolk with F K A M V roIiir
west nnd uorth and with tho U P for points
south F W Juneman AHOUt
lnily oxcopt Snudny
Fine Watch
Oyor ltntim Hros Hlorn
Spenacp OVilmto
Boots and roes
Repairing Neatly Done
Contractor and Builder
117 Fourth Street
Flour and Feed
411 Norfolk Avonne
Cheapest nnd Uest
Norfolk Avenue
Am Work Guabanteud
ICor lirnnsch no nud 4th St
The Norfolk Horseshoer
Time is Money
Missouri River to Salt Lake City
nissouri River to San Francisco
Missouri River to Portland
Buffet SmokinR and Library Curs with Barber Shops and Pleasant
Reading Rooms Double Drawing Room Palaco Sleepers Dining Cars
Meals a la Carte Piutsoh Light
For full information call on or address
The Norfolk Gash Store
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Straw Hats and Shoes at cost
Fine Teas and Coffees a specialty Try our fanrms
Mellowrich coffee the finest brand In the market
We are headquarters for fresh fruits of all kinds
We sell the celebrated Pierce and Neligh Flours
Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs
That we are constantly growing iu the art of mak
ing Fine Photos and our products will always be
louud to embrace the most
aud Newest style in Cards and Finish We also
carry a fine Hue of Moldings suitable for all kinds
of framing
Edisovs Phonograph
Uetter than a Piano Organ or Music Box for It sings and talks as well as plays and
dont cost as much It reproduces thomusioof anyinstrument band or orchestra tclla
stories and siu js t he old fumiliar hymns as well as tho popular songs It Is al wnva il
Soo that Mr Edisons
signature is on c very machine t
togucs or all dealers or NATIONAL PHONOORAHH CO 135 Flttta Ave New York