The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 01, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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ti 4
SInJor Crofnot Slt IUm n Crniilur
i 3oml mill Divide r
tcNln Thnt lip In AVIlltitK to Vlvlde
With HI ClilropoilUt
Copyright 1900 by C n Iewlfll
It was the chiropodist from the floor
above tho mnjors ollleo mid ho passed
the door two or three times before
knocking ns If to get up his courage
Come In called the major In a
bland and cheery voice Come right
In lly Ueotgc but what a coincidence
what a coincidence Not a minute
ago I sat down to write you a note
asking you to step down here There
Is BU rely such a thing as mental teleg
You have owed me 1 for tho last
four months stlllly replied the chlrop
lOdlst as he lugged out a bill
Just so exactly Just so smiled
the major as he rubbed his hands to
gether Yes sir about four months
ngo you removed two corns from my
iright foot The circumstance Is per
fectly fresh In my memory
1 And you said youd pay me next
I presume I did Yes I know I did
and 1 humbly apologize that It slipped
my mind My dear man permit me to
pay you 2 3 4 5 I have a check
here for lioO You may hand me
balance and I shall be perfectly satis
I havent got no 5245 replied the
man and I only want what Is duo
me Ill go to tho bank with you
i Dont Dont do It Id never for
give myself for putting you to that
trouble Yes I was about to write you
a note It was surely a curious thing
iyour coming down as you did Doctor
do you know where I stood financially
four months ago
Mighty hard up I guess was the
sullen reply
Youve hit It Yes sir I was so
hard up that 1 didnt own the shoes to
my feet It was tho hardest kind of
iwork for me to raise a dollar The
cold cruel world sneered at me am1
called me a deadbeat but there were
n few exceptions You were one In
iny darkest hour you had confidence in
me When I wanted those coins re
moved you didnt demand payment In
j I wish I had
I No sir You trusted In my word
and you didnt seek to humiliate me
and you aroused my deepest gratitude
1 have offered to pay you five for one
but I shall not stop there It shall be
5000 and more for one Can you sell
out your business or give it away to
day or tomorrow
Are you going to pay me the dol
lar sternly demanded the chiropodist
If you cant sell out give it away
lock It up throw It out of the whulow
continued the mnjor as he walked
about the room My dear man listen
to me Four months ago I was hard
up for a quarter today I have mil
lions behind me millions and millions
I mny be said to swim In gold
I Ill be hanged If you look It
And how has the change been
brought about By my indefatigable
genius coupled with ambition 1 look
ed around for a ten strike It was a
little slow in coming but I hit it nt
last What do you think of the Veal
Cutlet Tablet company capital 5
000000 There are the papers on my
desk to perfect the organization and
npportlon the stock over 2000000
of tho stock subscribed for In advance
at 70 cents ou the dollar and capital
ists tumbling over each other to take
the remainder Doctor let me congrat
ulate you Shake bauds
i Over what Im after my dollar
Over your appointment ns secretary
of the company at a salary of 10000
a year and you can begin work tomor
row As an oillclal you also have lirst
choice of 20000 worth of stock You
trusted Major Crofoot and this Is the
result this is your reward Shake
hands again
Not by a durn sight You might as
vell givo up trying to work any cold
deck In on me I want that dollar
And It was my genius and my ilnan
clerlug which brought It nbout enld
the major as ho rubbed his hands and
patted the chiropodist on the shoul
der The thought came to me while I
was eating a veal cutlet at my board
ing house Our veal tablets are exact
ly what the name Implies We prepare
a cutlet for the table and then com
press It and divide It Into tablets Ev
ery box contains 25 and the price Is
15 cents Two weeks hence they will
ibo on sale at every drug store in the
United States and all doctors will rec
ommend em You dont have to wait
for breakfast or dinner to get your cut
let Just drop a tablet Into your mouth
and let It dissolve nud there you are
Can be takeu with you to church lec
tures balls camp meetings or horse
races shpuld be In the hands of all
travelers hunters Bailors and baseball
men In less than three mouths the
drive every other tablet out of
tunrkot Invented organized and nam
ed In less than ten hours mid bound to
pay dividends of 50 per cent My dear
Look here now exclaimed the chi
ropodist ns he pounded on the table
Ive come for my dollar Dont try to
stuff me but come down with tho
And the company had only been
named when 1 thought of you for tho
position of secretary mused tho ma
jor without HcomtiiK to have heard tho
indignant protest You were a mnn
who had trusted me When others de
manded cash down you gave m a
show My heart swelled as 1 thought
of this and I set the salary at 510000
a year payable quarterly In advance
Shall 1 draw you a chock for the Urst
Tho chiropodist looked at tho mnjor
as If wondering If he had mot a crazy
1 said 10000 n year but If thnt Is
not enough If you feel that you ought
to have 2j000 speak right up 1
want you to be perfectly satisfied you
know Will 20000 a year bo enough
What about my dollar
The tablets will be a go They cant
help but be Let us walk out In the
hall while 1 tell you that the public
cant get enough of veal cutlets in their
present form They are always eager
for more They wnnt the taste of cut
lets In their mouths as they go about
their dally routine Fifteen cents a
box In order to compete with potash
lozenges but a profit of 10 cents ou
every box Take the snlos at 10000
000 boxes n year and what do you
got You want stock You want at
Not a blamed cents worth I want
my dollar
at least 20000 worth of stock
You shall hnve It You havo paid me
1 to secure It and dont you worry It
will be made In your name and later
on Excuse me
The major stepped Into his ollleo and
shut the door
Here whats this called the chi
The major locked the door
Look here you old deadbeat I
want that dollar
The major sat down at his desk and
lighted the stub end of a cigar
You come out of that and pay this
bill or Ill bust the door down shout
ed the creditor ns he gave two or three
The mnjor calmly puffed awny and
gazed out of the window and the look
on his face would have reminded a b
holder of buckwheat cakes and mo
Then Ill lay for you out here and
punch your old head Do you hen
The major did not hear He was per
fecting the organization of tho Vc
Cutlet Tablet company and wondering
whether tho Canadian general agency
should be placed In Toronto or Quebec
M Quad
The Illprlirr Hip Piirpone the llnror
tl e Aelilevciiu iit
If by success we menu the full ac
complishment of an end the actua
reaping of n harvest of results then It
is undoubtedly true that the higher
and nobler the purpose the rarer will
be the success If we aim to relieve i
mans hunger we can quickly succeed
In the easy task but If we aim to In
spire him with a desire to earn his own
bread the work Is more dllllcult and
the success far more problematical
If we would restrain a thief from rob
bery the prison bars and locks insure
success but if we would make an hon
est man of him our task is a complex
one and success mny be nfar off W
undertake to tencli a child to read If
with requisite effort we follow up our
task we are successful but if we as
pire to raise the educational standard
of our community how arduous the
task how uncertain the result how
questionable the buccobs
The low man sees a little thing to do
SoiB It and docs It
Tlie hiKh man with a treat thing to purmic
Dies ere he knows it
Is his life then a failure No let
us never imagine that any high pur
pose any noble thought any generous
emotion any earnest effort Is ever lost
Wo may never witness its growth we
may not live to gather Its fruit or even
to see Its blossoms but we may safely
trust that somewhere and at some
time the harvest will be abundant and
success long hidden shall become ap
parentPhiladelphia Ledger
The WlPkrileat lilt of Sen
Nine out of ten travelers would tell In
quirers that the roughest piece of wa
ter Is that cruel stretch In the English
channel and nine out of ten travelers
wpuld say what was not true As a
matter of fact tho wickedest bit of
sea Is not in the Dover strait or li
yachting for exnmple from St Jean
de Lulz up to Paulllac or across the
Mediterranean race from Cadiz to
Tangier nor Is it In rounding Capo
Horn where there Is what sailors call
a true sea The wickedest sea Is
encountered In rounding the Capo of
Cood nope for the eastern ports of
Capo Colony Shipping World
FtlKht of Time
Old Med Well old man howd you
Bleep last night Follow my advice
about counting up
New Med Yes Indeed counted up
to 18000
Old Med Bully And then you fell
asleep eh
New Med Guess not It was morn
ing by thnt time and I had to get up
Pennsylvania Puuch Bowl
Never bear more than one kind of
trouble nt a time Some people bear
three kinds all they have had all they
havo now and all they expect to have
Ijearn to keep your ears open and
your mouth closed Dullas New
Theres a mIrIiI unions dirt who la lliln out
out wm
lie rmrr souns n amicus as the ifM to hare Ml
Ilr listens to an nrniimrnt ns quid f kin I
An liner main an Ilturt to lirrak In an rrfcmv
An once iihiii a tliur m folk la talkln IhiuI it
We aftkrd htm his opinion ms to help tlnldr a
It nas on a irrnrral toplr that rirltnt Wuli and
This oiler thouffht a mlmitei then he laid he
didnt litiim
Wed heard a lot ol ptople who had Mmroled to
Karh query It ud php jou palpltatltm ol the
To hear the v thpy tlRuml An thrlr writs
were ol surli hiiKth
That trjln to rrimtnlxr them was Jr a wsstt of
Hut the wlist ol them nerrr with thilr Kteat
dlnplaja ol wit
Within my recollection made the momoraMe hit
That he toured when alter thlnklu my rarrlully
an Mow
lip laied the situation an ronlrfaod he didnt
Washington Star
---4 --
Night had Just fallen upon the veldt
The short dusk had suddenly deepened
Into a heavy thick obscurity Impene
trable for a space until there rose the
rlm of a full moon over the edge of the
plain which showed hard and clear cut
against the great disk The ant hills
that alono bioko the monotonous lint
nesB Hung Interminable Inky shadows
as the cold white glare electric In Its
tierce Intensity shone out level across
the plains The sense of loneliness of
utter Isolation was overwhelming The
heavens sown with lire seemed so re
mote and the bare earth stretching
away Into tho dim slurry distance so
empty and Uniltlc It might hnve
been the rcif of suo dead world
By the ode He marsh a transport
wagon had in--ii nod for tho night
and within the cide of firelight whore
moon and tlnine snuggled for the mas
tery loomed the wavering outlines of
the trek oxen tethered to the dlhsel
boom and uow and ngalu the liguie of
a man
The only sounds were the crackling
chirps of tho bullfrogs In the vlei and
tho voices of two men who sat leaning
back against the harass of inecrkat
skins Hung over one of the wagon
No repeated tho elder mnn the
transport rider and owner of the wtg
on raising his voice With us they
shall not come either she or the brat
But look Jakob persisted the oili
er It Is now three weeks four weeks
that we are ou the trek and she hits
followed all the time and carried the
child too How the poor girl lives I do
not know Take only the child
How are we to eat How Is the
vrouw to eat demanded the Boer
querulously Are there not enough
mouths to fill already And CJod knows
how much farther the span can go
without water in tills accursed coun
try they hnve enough to pull as It Is
And why should I feed the wife and
child of every black scholia that Is fool
enough to want thorn Vordomte
swartzkop And he spat angrily into
the lire
But the child persisted Plot That
is small and eats but little not a quar
ter as much as a dog Besides Klaus
may run away If the girl falls sick and
he alone knows the road and the drifts
across the river
There was a moments pause Well
the brat then in iods nam snapped
the other The girl can walk as she
has walked these three weeks he
added and rolled himself in his rug to
avoid further surrender
Piet rose stillly to his feet the night
breeze was growing chill He knocked
the ashes out of his pipe kicked some
fuel Into the embers of the fire and
went around to the other side of the
wagon where the three Basuto boys
were lying
Klaus he called Here a mo
A grunt from one of the blankets
answered him
Baas Jakob says the baby may ride
with the vrouw in the wagon but the
girl must still walk
There was a sudden movement at his
feet and a dark figure rolled out of the
No boy no Not that His hand
was being covered with kisses Piet
drew It shnrply away and taking a
strip of biltong from his pocket thrust
It Into the Bnsutos grasp Here this
may help for the girl It was all I
could got he said roughly And turn
ing on his heel he went back to where
his brother lay sleeping Baas Plot
was as averso to being generous as tho
transport rider though for other rea
For awhile Klaus lay still
Presently carrying the piece of hard
sun dried moat and his own supper of
boiled mealies he crept shivering
from his blanket and went slowly out
on to the silent veldt In the direction
from which the wagon had come as ho
had gone every night to listen for tho
signal that told him Betta was thero
among the ant hills Then he would
cheer her up and sit beside her while
she ato some of his poor rations though
they were not enough for her and the
Betta was a good girl ne knew thnt
when he gave her father two oxen and
some wethers and took her awny with
him from the old kraal by the wagon
drift across the Krel three years ngo
She had been with him ever since and
now when the trek began Baas Jakob
would not let her ride In the wagon or
even come near It
Klaus grasped the kerrle dangling
from his belt at the recollection of tho
cut across the mouth that the drunken
transport rider had gheti him with his
sjniibok when ho Ititil linked his per
mission Besides thoro was the baby
tiiul he could mil have loft both of
them behind so far from the kraal and
her own people But Baas Jakob was
a hard man he did not understand
such things
Ever since they had left Burghers
dorp many weeks ago she hud walk
ed after them tho baby slung at her
buck n ml there wore yet three weeks
more and tho desert strip to cross be
fore they i cached tho grout bolt and
the river But tho baby was to ride In
the wagon now with tho vrouw and
tho girl would not be so tired
Ah Bans Plot was a good mnn bet
tor than Bnns Jukob lie would help
nud later ou ho might oven be rich
enough to buy a few bond of cattle and
some ponies and they would all go
back to the old plnco on tho Krel and -lie
started to his foot ns tho pipe of a
honoyblrd canto faintly out of the dis
tance Betta was there at last
Tho wagon was croaking along under
the burning noontlny sun The oxen
stumbled Inzlly with lolling tongues
crawling at n snnHs pace without fear
of the Hick of tho lash for every one was
asleep except the little voorlopor trudg
ing In front of the two leaders croon
ing an endless native song to himself
Tito wind more burning than the sun
came In eenseless gusts ncrosH the arid
veldt destitute of grass or tree and
catching up groat clouds of rod dust
whirled them In eddying Wtoklttg
masses about the wagon and then
swept them away until they vanished
In tho shimmering heat haze Now
and thou a tortoise dragged his black
and yellow shell out of the way of tho
span and lumbered heavily off the
track to a safe distance thero to re
tire within himself until the unwonted
apparition had disappeared beyond his
limited horizon or a snake would shoot
out a shining head from the shelter of
some deserted ant heap ns the rumble
of wheels roused him from his nap
nnd far up In the clear blue air floated
a great vulture without a tremor of
his wide pinions Just as he had floated
for many days past watching and
Kuddonly there wns a stir under the
tilt Tho curtain was flung aside and
Baas Plot stepped out on to the foie
pnrt of the wagon yawning sleepily
Boy he shouted onsnddlo tho
mnre 1 shall ride on to the witter hole
beyond the drift It cannot bo far off
Klaus appeared from undcruenth the
wagon where ills blanket was slung
lininiiiock fashion In the dnytluio
No Bans Plot the spruit should not
he mote than one hours rldo now nnd
the hole is only two three mile far
Presently ho brought the mare
around from the hnck of the wagon
where she had been tied up tightened
the girths and rolled up the rlem of
the nock halter Bnan Plot swung him
self off the edge of the wagon into the
Tell tho bnns when lie wakes up
he said and with a shake of the reins
cantered off through the dust
It cannot he far off now repeated
Klaus to himself as he watched him
until he became Invisible In the midst
of the vast brown expanse of sun
scorched hillside
It was now five days since they had
left the last vlel and he had given
nearly all Ills share of the hot muddy
water that the vrouw served out to
the girl for the last few days but that
was very very little nnd site was sick
For a moment he stopped and looked
backward There Just topping the
last rise miles and miles away his
keen sight could pick out ngainst the
sky line the little black speck Hint ltnd
been behind them for so many weeks
now faltering on with parched lips
through the heat and loneliness of the
plains nlwnys dropping further nnd
farther behind us evening drew In
He heard the snores of the transport
rider and Ills vrouw as they slept com
fortably under the tilt If they could
only feel what Betta felt yet It was
easier for her now that she hud not the
baby to carry and the water was close
In front and after that only two or
three days trek before the desert end
ed Ami comforted by the thought
Klaus walked on after the wagon and
returned to his blanket
The baby was certainly the most con
touted of all lying in an empty sugar
box under the shade of the tilt engag
ed In colling the soft end of the 18 foot
lash round and round Its chubby arms
It grew fatter and merrier every day
The vrouw rather liked It black as It
was for she had no children of her
All nt once came a warning shout
from the voerlopor They were right
ou the edge of the drift and the lead
ers began to pick their way slowly
down tho steep bank over the looso
rocks and sand Klaus was busy put
ting the heavy Iron shoe drag under
one of the hind wheels while Bans Ja
kob in a bad temper at having his
sleep disturbed at upon the front of
the wagon swearing at him and the
other boys for being iazy
Now sildlng sideways over a smooth
shelving rock now plunging down over
a ledge with a Jar that wrenched every
bolt and wheel spoke the heavy wag
on crashed down the bank only to
come to a dead stop at the bottom Im
bedded In snnd up to the axles The
span were knotted In a tangled mob of
clashing horns nnd twisted yoke reins
suulllng nnd pawing up the sand with
Impatient hoofs Instinct told them
that water was there but It was far
far below for the last rains had fallen
many mouths back
Vordomte rulneks raged the an
gry bnas beside himself Twist their
tails Get thnt Iron sfilke there II en
drlk Thnt will make the devils move
But It was of no use The span only
became more hopeletutly entangled in
Miln KliniH dashed In among them
sjniiibok In hand kicking here nud
slashing theie while lleiidrll and thu
vooiiopor called upon the bonsln by
mime nud urged thetti forwaid Water
they knew was thero and water they
would havo
Tho will Why dont you take he
whip you HchcliiiH Whore Is II
lomod the Infuriated liner rising and
glut lug nbout tho wagon
As ho wont forwuni ho stumbled out
tho baby and lis ho upsetting It nud
sending the child rolling across the
floor of lie wagon where It lay In a
hall on a heap of skins crowing with
delight People so seldom plajed gumcH
with It
The Boer thrust the empty box back
against tho side with Ids foot and
snatched up ho buiuboo whip handle
Poising It catofully aboVe his head In
both hands ho gave a little prcllmlnaiy
flourish but Hie end was caught hi
something tho hint ngnlu curse It
It opened wide eyes of plensuio at
him holding up Its dimpled wrists
wound round with tho end of the lash
With a snvnge until he kicked It on
the end of tho wagon Into lie midst of
the struggling cattle and brought the
gioal whip down upon them with nil
his force Again and again It uncoiled
anil whizzed down with a crack like a
rlllc shot culling Into the steaming
flanks of tho plunging mob until they
bellowed again Scarred and bleeding
deafened by tho report of the whip and
lie bourse yells of tho men tho mud
delicti delists Htrulghtcncd out and
with Khius nnd the voerlopor tugging
nt the lenders bends strained panting
up the farther bank of the drift tho
wagon creaking through ho rocky
river bed behind hem and then railed
wearily forward Into ho dusk
And when all was still the lizards
came out of the crevices only to scut
tle back with n whisk of their tails
There wns water In the drift now -red
water dripping softly down bet ween
the stones and sinking Into the thirsty
sand Overhead sailed a vulture In
ever nnnowlng circles And then the
night fell
It wns Into that evening before
Klaus crawled stealthily away from
the wagon taking a full beaker of
fresh water from the pool and Ids sup
per The baas was very angry with
him becnuse the wagon had stuck In
the drift though how could ho help It
If the oxen would not ho driven and
he had forbidden him to leave tho wagon
to bee Betta But no baas could keep
lilin from doing that no matter how
many hidings he got for It
lie walked hack as far as the edg
of the drift and sat thero waiting He
could not see fur tonight for there was
no moon only Die half light of the
stars and the bottom of the drift
yawned black at his feet A prowling
Jackal snarled close by and at his ap
proach a great vulture gorged with the
reniulns of some woruout trek ox Unit
hud fallen there to die though lie did
not remember noticing it had flapped
heavily olT Into the night
Klaus waited for many hours but
the girl did not come Of course hav
ing the baby to carry again would
make her take longer for Baas Jakob
had told him how ho hud seen It roll
off the wagon that morning trying to
roach a big tortoise on tho road and
crawl after it unhurt nnd how lie hud
wntched It there until Betta had pick
ed it up when she came along SHU
she would catch tlieiii up next evening
and lie left the water beaker and the
food tied up in a piece of rag under a
heap of stones In the middle of the
road so that the aasvogels could not
get at them and Betta might find them
there In tho morning
But Betta did not catch the wagon
up uext evening or the uext
Four days afterward they had pass
ed the edge of the desert and out
spanned among the shady tnmnrisks
and the willows by the banks of the
Great river
Never mind Klaus said Bans Plot
kindly patting him on the shoulder
Hunger Is a bad death but It Is Gods
will Besides he added with a smile
there are yet many good girls in Ba
sutoland But you will stay with Baas
Jakob and me yet a bit
I stay with you and Bnns Jakob
answered Klaus bimply Ho treats
me as well as any other baas Pall
Mall Magnzluc
What the Brllili Soldier la Flichtlnc
There wns a residuum of horrid real
ity In the reply of the warrior at the
front whoso parents had asked him
for help to keep them out of the work
house He told them as ye related
to wait till ho returned when they
could all go to the workhouse togeth
er Writing from Modder river a
corporal In the Black Watch complains
that out of 7 shillings a week he must
pay 1 shilling for a small pot of Jam
nud the same sum for 18 very small
biscuits Milk costs 1 shilling a tin
and then there is tobacco No wonder
the workhouse looms ominously I Lon
don Chronicle
A Mnrvrl of Discomfort
The monitor which used to be tho
terror of the navy in the matter of dis
comfort to Its crew will have to yield
that unquestionable distinction to the
torpedo boat destroyer In which tho
demands upon the otllcers and men are
enormous Comfort as It Is understood
In a big ship Is unknown Even in
what Is known as moderate weather
cooking Is almost un impossibility The
whole structure vibrates and trembles
under the strokes of the engines and
the kick of he propellers Army and
Navy Journal
Deurert of lli xprct
1 see that the Atchison Globe Bays
that a good breadmakcr Ms more re
bpocted than a good whist player
But not more respected than a good
poker player Think of the dough he
haudk b I Cleveland Plain Deuler
S 5
fAi f v J
This Stovo Savos Ono-
Thlrd Your Coal BUI
on hIGNITH i ou sMK at
Deners Hordwiire Store
jAn Excellent Opportunity
IN iianiiko i nrSKINS 3
iiia nit in coioitHi
vniijAiti stmi ioiti mutkim
lllriit from Hut lurliryfniil I mill
tliiiniil CliluiK Irlrim
What Are They
Pin Scar
H American and Imported
f Cliinu Silks nnd Kino
c Damasks
E Do rot forgot that I havo r3
c ufinolino of PIANOS and 3
Morgans soo ihom whon I
E purchasing a Scarf 3
D SffltiMj
t Tho Norfolk Piano Man
of Chicago nsk your local ticket agont to
route you between Omaha nud Chicago
via tho
the phortdHt lino between tho two cities
Trains via this populur rond dopart from
tho Union depot Omaha daily con
necting with trains from tho west
Miiguitlcontly equipped trninB palaco
sleepers and freo reclining ohnir cam
Dining cars and buffet library and
smoking cars All trains lighted by
electricity For full information about
rates etc address
P A Nash
fionnral Western Agont
II W Howkil 150lFarnamSt
Trav Frt Pass Agt Omaha
Missouri Pacific Ry
Iron Mountain Route
To certain
points in
PLUS 200
Feby fth and 19th
ON TUESDAYS Maroh fith ami 19th
April 2nd and 10th
Filial Limit of Tickets 21 Days
Stop overs will bo allowed within
tranhit limit of fifteon days going after
reaching first homcboekers point on
For urtlibr iufurinution or mhortUlns mat
tor uddrete any ucat of the company or
KtMiUuxut Cor 14th and Douglas BU