The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 01, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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The Norfolk f4euas
An exchange tlttnkn thut in Kansas
Ton Bnr HouniR In n Night would
nwl bettor tlmn Ton Nights In u Bar
A nnn hi lurlliitin almost killed n wo
man Itoonuso who trilled t him ThiB is
not tho tlrt titnu Hint trills lmvo driven
tiion frantic
Tho HnBtlngB Daily Advortlscr 1b tho
iimno of n now paper Btarted hi that city
by A Ramsey former proprietor or tho
livening Record
The Fremont Herald designates n wo
niiui who appeared boforo tho pollco
court In that rily recently uh a
uolorcil blomlt
Tho first whito baity Itorn in Chicago
oolobruted hit Tilth birthday Monday by
keeping open hoiiBo Ho may havobeen
tho flint but looks a fow of being tho
only onu
Carrlo Nation may bo Bald to havo
reached tho plnnaolo of nowsptpor nolo
rioty nlloged plctnronof her aro being
pnbllBhod together with storioB of her
HandBomo Klk a Sioux Indian ro
ceutly killed near Dondwood was
ovidontly not as good as handsome
Ho waa wanted for having Bcnlpod his
wifo and had killed an Indliui pollco
man threo years ago
Tho exportation of agricultural pro
duotB of thin oountry in 1805 amountod
to f5457 15881 In 1100 tho amount
had incraiRod to flKM0M058 Farmero
may bo ablo to And in this somo ronson
for their prosperity during tho past fow
Tho ground hog ifl noon to lmvo IiIb
pay and if hia vordlot 1b that winter is to
continue hIx weeks longer peoplo will
want him to olnoldato Aro the hIx
weeks to bo wintor or will thiB Indian
Hummer weather BiippoHod to bo wintor
bo continued for that period of time
An Omaha experimenter thinks ho
luui discovered a method for preserving
milk indefinitely and tho announcement
of tho discovery is tho subject of much
Hpooulatiou Is tho man sincere or is he
merely preparing his customers against
Hurpriso should their chalk and water
fall to sour
A party of scientists i avo planned to
go into tho far north in Juno to view a
-wonderful mirago whioh is soon e cry
year about tho same time They
shouldnt ueod to travel so far There
aro said to bo a number of peoplo in and
about Lincoln who have boon seeing
wonderful mirages for about a month
Souator Toller wants to hold tho Phil
ippines if it can bo dona without force
at tno senator s Kindly lnuuonco pre-
vailod iiiy state or territory in the union
might withdraw by simply publishing
intoutions to that effect It would be
very generous of tho government but
might rosult disastrously to national
It is said that Governor Diotrich
jieatly avoided a hornets nest among
Jjiiuonstor county politicians by going
outside for a warden for tho stato peui
tontinry It is tho old story of tiio dogs
lighting ovor a bono nud tho
walking up and carrying it olT
Thoro aro two bonos beforo tho legisla
ture whioh might possibly bo removed
in tho same manner
A man near Peoria 111 recently died
iu rags and tho coroners vordict was
that ho had starved to death Ho is
aiot ontitlod to sympathy for on his
person wns found tf lGtl in money mid n
dood to a valuable 80 acres of laud
Hia greed for wealth waa sufficiently
strong to overcome all other deslros
oven for food and ho died miserably
Jt is fortnnato that all pooplo aro not of
tho same disposition
Kmporor William of Germany is be
iug overwhelmed with honors by tho
now king of Knglaud Besides being
appointed a field marshal in the British
army he has boen decorated as a Knight
of tho Garter with an iusiguia of tho
order iu diamonds which had beeu pro
paYod by the Into quoou It is practi
cully cartaiu that the visit of the em
peror will rosult in closer and more
friendly relations between the govern
ments of the two countries
There aro those who would like to see
i he Philippines remain as they aro un
developed and in possession of a peoplo
whoso highest ambition is to secure
enough food for present daily ueeds
Thou thero aro others who desire to seo
them developed and civilized and their
vast resources made of some benefit to
the world ThiB latter desire ib certain
to be realized whether tho developing
process is donoby the United States or
tome more progressive government
Members of the Missouri legislature
forgot for a moment thut they were in
the United States and wero planning to
auk something from their countrymen
While in this thoughtless mood they
passed resolutions sympathizing with
Aguiualdo and now thut they are ask
ing an appropriation from congress for
tho St IjOuIb exposition tho old Boldiors
and other loyal poplo aro lining up in
opposition to tho measure Knully Mis
souri flhould come luck into tho union
if tho peoplo want favnra at tholmndfl of
tho union
KonturkiatiB aro of tho ovldont opin
ion that Kansas is endeavoring to out
class them anil a keen disposition is
flhown to preserve to tho stnto her long
undisputed titlo iib tho dork and bloody
ground Hvldonoo of thlB awakening
to n truo Minna of Btato prldo wiib given
i i Letcher county Sunday when a
United States marshal and Ills assistant
wero killed whllo destroying moonshine
Btllls Tho bodies of tho dead moil wero
riddled with hulletB by tho nioonBhinorfl
It 1b Kansas turn now to Bhow Ken
tuoky a trick or two in outlawry or mob
The popular northwestern resort
Hot HpringB 8 D is booh to experi
ence boiiio wonderful improvements
Omaha capitalists havo building proj
ects in view for that ploco which will
mean tho oxpoudltnro of hundreds of
thousands of dollars Tho Hot Springs
Is growing in popularity each yoar and
its visitors aro rapidly increasing iu
number The time has not long passed
when tho famo of tho placo iib a health
rosort was known to but fow not living
on tho lClkhorn lino in Nebraska and
Dakota its desirable qunlltioB for iu
vallds has now however grown into a
national famo and it is no impossible
dream to beliovo that peoplo from all
parts of tho world will soon bo seeking
health rest and roorcation thore
Whllo Nebraska has boon enjoying
boiiio lino winter woathor it cannot bo
truthfully said that tho sumo conditions
that provail iu California aro experienced
horo Tho following from tho Hornet
Nowb gives tho conditions thoro Six
plow toauiB aro at work preparing -100
acres of ground for sugar boots Thoro
aro throe four horso teams and threo
six hone teaniB Tho subsoil plows
follow tho gang nud tho laud is plowod
fourtoou inches doop It was stated
some time ago that about 500 acres
would bo planted to boots at Ethntiao
but tho Ohaso Nursory Company alono
has dooided to put in 100 acres Tho
beets will bo planted threo months
oarlior than thoy woro on tho Iloniot
tract booauso tho experiment made
there demonstrated that thoy wero
planted much too lato Anothorjudvnnt
ago is that tho recout rains havo been
so abundant that irrigation will iu all
probability not bo necessary before
planting Tho American Beet Sugar
company at Cliino has contracted to tako
all thobuots raised
Complaint is boiug made that somo
teamsters and farmers in and about Nor
folk aro giving their horses very in
humane treatment A horseman who is
its particular about tho welfaro of his
animal friends us he is of his own com
fort called tho attention of tho writor to
a team standing on tho btreot Saturday
night saying that thoy wero literally
starving to death It is certain that the
poor brutes looueu very gaunt and un
comfortable Standing in tho chill
wind without the sign of a blanket for
protection thoy gavo unmistakable evi
dence that thoy wero chilled through
and that a good meal of gram and hay
would havo beon oven moro acceptable
than warm blankets It is usually the
case that when you find a team thus
treated not far away you will observo
a saloon and iu that saloon will be found
tho unworthy owner of thoso dumb
but faithful brutes enjoying tho luxury
of a warm ilro and spondiug tho money
which might bo usod for purchasing
feod and blaukots for drinks or over a
game of bjlllards pool or cards Saloon
koopora might provout much of the
criticism of prohibitionists nud better
retain tho good will of tho conservative
element by making tho visits of such
porsona unpleasant or inducing them to
proper treatment of their stock If such
practices aro not discontinued humane
olllcers will bo fully justiflod iu tuking
n hand nud punishing the persons re
sponsible for the discomfort of the
Tho fiiBionlsts havo predicted that it
would bo a long timo boforo the Filipinos
wero ovor controlled and directed by tho
United States authorities Perhaps it
will bo Savages in all lauds have
shown a useless persistency iu lighting
against the inevitable Tho American
people havo beon lighting the rod Indian
off aud on for about 300 years and thoy
aro still occasionally showing thoir
aversion to civilization by raids during
which they murder scalp and burn us
thoy did whon thoir acquaintance was
first mado by he pale face Tho
timo is comiug howover when they
will bo heard of no more They wero
too lazy or too ignorant or both to
improve tho advantages offered by a
fertilo couutry of wonderful resources
and their savago iustiuot of providing
for self alone has been supplanted by a
desire tp use the valuable property for
tho support of millions iuoludlng them
selves us practiced by the whito man
Where once n fow thousands of Indians
gained a living by hunting nnd fishing
millions of peoplo iu thousands of citios
towns and villages aud on cultivated
farms aro now supported Who is it
that would see this country revert to
tho red man and the forests and plain b
of early history wtcept for the pleasure
of tho hunt or tho wild boanty of na
ture presented neither of which would
answer for tho support of tho millions
now here and those iu othfir parts of
the world whoso living in part or alto
gether Is produced on American soil
With the incrciiBo of thrso millions
other and undeveloped regions must
open their resonrcos and with their ox
porlonco what moro cipablo peoplo for
thlH work than tho Americans Thoso
who will not dovelop their country t
aid In supplying tho requirements of
civilization must givo way to those
who will
A letter from Sonntor W W Young
of thin district published in Tuesdays
Beo glvos very strong reasons for his
support of 15 Itosowator for Unlttd
States senator Among other things ho
says I nover was moro conscientious
In my life and I would bo doing violence
to my own conscience if I did different
than to voto for Mr Itosowator Lay
ing aside all other reasons this is Bufll
ciont A man who is olooted to repre
sent n certain peoplo mid who will do
his duty conscientious y should recelvo
the commendation of nil There aro
too many mou as n usual thing whose
power of distinction botween right and
wrong is very dubby nud influoncod by
tho changing sentiments of an unstable
constituency Suoh nro frequently given
credit tor their lack of will powor while
tho man whoso power is iu IiIb strength of
character ia frequently condemned and
maligned Should Senator Young bow to
tho wishes of his constituents who favor
his desertion of Itosowator they would
almost assuredly bo tho llrst to condemn
him and pronouueo him as unworthy
tho position ho 1111b and moreover ho
would bo compelled to chango frequently
and radically on questions of import
ance Tho man to bo desired in public
placo la tho man with tho conscience
and ono so firmly fixed that tho power
of friendship oiler of place or money
cannot iutluouco Ollloials may act con
scientiously and yot dlffor iu opinion
but if thoy do no pormnnont harm can
bofull thoir constituency Tho repre
sentative may bo relied on in all in
stances and it uoed not bo feared thut
ho will support a wrong man for a good
position Tho worst stories against
Itosowator havo been proven falso and
it is ilrmly boliovtd by a largo number
of people that thoro is not a bettor man
for tho position of senator beforo tho
legislature today
Dr Abbot On The Canteen
Row Dr Lyman Abbot iu tho Outlook
expresses sincere regret at tho decision
of congress to abolish tho army canteen
Ho describes it as a sovoro blow at tho
army and at tho canso of tomporanco
Ho doclaros hiB disappointment that
tho saner tomporanco sentiment is not
sufllciently vigorous nnd aggressivo to
counteract tho doublo iniluonco of tho
liquor dealers and radicnl prohibition
ists Dr Abbot furthor says Tho
morality of tho canteen is to bo dotor
minod not by assumption that all driuk
iug is wrong but by its actual results on
tho discipline of tho army and tho char
acter of tho mon Tho abolition of the
canteen will injure the morals of tho
army It will tend to koop from
meut men who resent being put un
der a bouduga not necessary for tho
good of tho forco and unwilling to on
tor a servico whioh avowodly treats
them as children And it will drive
thoso who do not enter to seek that so
cial companionship whioh is vitnl to the
welfaro of men iu places without tho
camp tho social atmosphoro of whioh
will bo vitiatiug nnd dograding Dr
Abbots sincerity as anndvocnte of tem
ponuico and good morals will not bo
questioned This frank expression of
opinion on his part may havo a tendency
to iuduco thoso wall meaning porsona
who are rejoicing over the downfall of
the canteen us a great victory to tom
poranco to pause and reflect that pos
sibly thoy may lmvo mado a mistake
Sioux City Journal
HeatH Talking
J Storliug Mortons Conservative in
tho following gives a valuable lesson to
thoso who think faith better than workB j
preaching than practice and theory bet
tor than fact
Nebraska needs manufacturing
plants moro than it needs politicians
Nobraska can mako moro fame out of
corn foods than out of tho oratorical
moods of mimio statesmen Tho state
and all tho pooplo therein can profit
moro by building up milliug and other
Industries thau by exaltiug tho elocu
tionary electioneering autonomies who
constantly declaim for ofllco
The Nebraska City cereal mills in
three years have ground into meal grita
and flourjnoarly two million bushels of
corn for which they paid in round num
bers five hundred thouEaud gold stand
ard dollars
During tho Eamo period the same
mills ground into meal twelve hundred
thousand bushels of oats which cost ovor
two hundred thousand gold stnndnrd
dollars right hore in Nebraska City
Fifteen thousand tons of coal wero
burnod in turning the wheels and run
ning tho machinery and n hundred and
odd thousand dollars wero paid out for
labor by the same mills in the samo
timo What politician has bestowed ns
muoh practical benefit in the same time
What eloqnonco compares to tho hum of
coutonted industry A lot more mills in
the commonwealth aud a lot less practi
cal politicionfi will prove profitable
Tho Nebraska blizzard which has
been Rpomliug tho Reason abroad has
lately been doing Germany
Mary Ellen Nation and Carrie Lease
should form n trut for the monopoliza
tion of Amazonian notoriety
Now Yorks nssossod valuation this
yoar is fyj 18000000 Thoro aro many
nations that would be plcubcd with this
showing of wealth
Havo lobster Wovls Coin Hnrvoj
etnlwho havo herotoforo shed thoir
bright and shilling lights ovor American
politics been kidnapped
Only 28 dayfl until tho spring month
ami ico and coal men havo not received
thoir usual winter benellt Their kind
of weather will bu Bhort at tho best
King Edward VII Is Buhl to havo mado
moro speeches ns princo than any man
in tho world That statement will havo
to bo challenged unless ho and Mr
Bryan havo compared notes
Now that ndverso legislation regard
ing cigarettes seomes likely bargain
sales of the cotlln nails may becomo
popular and tho flouds bo presonted an
opportunity to lny iu a supply of tho
Dr Mary Walker says if anyono tries
to bury her iu Bkirts sho will rise up nnd
haunt them It sooins that tho Into
Murray Hall was buried in a womans
shroud which gavo rise to the doctors
In n playful mood an Omaha man
tossed his wifo on a rod hot stove and
tho sombre officers of that city who do
not know a joke from a dog fight had
him arrested Thoy should bo especially
instructed iu certain phases ot American
Mrs Nation has for once given up her
occupation of battering tho furniture of
Kansas joints and hor latost effort is to
smash tho reputations of somo stato of
ficials Carrie not only possesses an
ability to wield tho hatchet but can
manipulate n snarp eagcu tongue m a
uiauuor -uncomfortable to thoo assailed
Tho number of English speaking peo
plo bus increased phenomenally during
tho past century nnd tho time may come
when it will bo tho universal language
of tho world At tho beginning of the
century the language was spokeu by 21
000000 people now it is estimated thut
130000000 peoplo use English as a
means of communication
Tho exceedingly interesting subject
Our Government Should bo Controlled
by tho Ballot Box and Not by the Mus
kot is to be discussed at a democratic
banquet at Columbus Ohio on Lincolns
birthday Perhaps if Mr Lincoln could
bo thore ho would explain to the patri
otic gentlemen how nt times if thore
is to bo a govornmout tho musket should
bo nsed
Tho increasing domnud for Nebrarka
renl estate is most gratifying to those
who have placed their trust and
dontnlly their monoy in the state She
has succeeded in successfully ridding
herself of tho opprobium attached by
drouths oycloues blizzards grasshopers
dobts and populism and is now on tho
up grade aguiu If tho states desira
bility ns a homo is now kopt boforo the
pooplo of tho east it may be depended
upon that there will be a great increase
of immigration during thd next few
Many beet growers fail to realize how
much eimer nnd cheaper it would be to
do more of tho required cultivutiug be
fore tho crop is plauted Begin your
preparations early enough so that when
you havo your land all ready to plant
you can just leave it alouo for a week or
more and then harrow and cultivate the
surface all ovor again Ono crop of
weeds will thus be destroyed nt a light
expense and the surface will bo brought
into finer tilth nnd better prepared to
rooeivo the seed On lands liable to
suffer from drought this process may bo
profitably extended for weeks or months
before plantiug the crop Michigan
Sugar Beet
Just as Sonator Towne was expressing
for tho first aud last time on the floor of
tho eeuato his sympathy for tho poor
Filipino who is being oppressed tor
tured and abused by the cruel and hoart
less couutry to whioh the senator cl ims
allegiance that peoplo sut iu a com
munication stating that they are highly
pleased with tho United States aud ex
pressing grutitndo that thoir linos have
fallen iu such pleasant places There is
always dangor that when you nssist the
under dog to arise his first action will bo
to bite a chunk out of your anatomy
whioh is similar to having a fellow you
help out of a scrap tell you thut the fel
low who has been doing the pounding is
all right
Tho Dixon Tribune is one of thoso
papers that fail to seo any good accruiug
through fusion and insists that uuless
tho democratic party takes a stand for
democratic priuoiplos it may bo counted
out In a recent issue tho editor says
In general politics wo aro a demoorat
and know no reason why wo should bo
auythiug else By tho term democrat
we mean a gouuiue democrat not a
mixed mess of auythiug and everything
thrown together to win Wo will no
lougor train In finch a gang When tho
domocratfl get together hopelfss as it
looks under present conditions and go
back to old principles dropping popti
Usui socialism and all other wild
schemes the Tribune will bo found sup
porting tho ticket faithfully nnd con
soionciously us it always hns done in
tho pust But if fusion is again u greed
on in national state or county polities
wo aro out of It Fusion has beon found
a blight on ovory party trying it and in
Dixon conntv It has dry rotted both tho
populistB and democrats until now com
bined they nro iu a minority Tho timo
littH como when a bad thing howover
attractive should bo dropped and wo
hopo to seo tho democrats of this county
at least either relieved of tho blight of
fusion or bo dofoatod again and ngaiu
until thoy nro thoroughly satthlled
Tho town of Brunswick Me com
prising about 7000 InhnbltnntB places
Itself on record ns tho first municipal
ity In thu United States to undertake
forest planting on 11 largo scale or
whnt Is prnctlcnlly the old world Insti
tution of a town forest Such forests
nro quite common In Europe and often
furnish 11 lnrgo part of tho municipal
revenue The town of Brunswick owns
a tract of about 1000 acres and at a
recent meeting of tho council a sutll
clent amount of money was voted to
Improve this land by planting It with
white pine The division of forestry of
tho department of agriculture ut Wash
ington will assist In the work thus laid
ont What is being done In Brunswick
should bo done in thousands of towns
hi tho United States A forest park In
every suburban town would be a
health giver and n delight to nil
The physlciuns nnd surgeons with
the British troops In South Africa hnve
been making an exhaustive study of
thirst The Hospital n London publi
cation which notes some of tho obser
vations made by the specialists de
clares that of all measures for preven
tion of disease among troops by far the
most effectual would bo the prevention
of thirst If that were possible On this
account nnd because thirst Is one of
the most mlscrnble tortures constnnt
investigations ure being made to dis
cover tho best means of its prevention
and relief Soldiers arc taught care
fully that dangers lurk In the drinking
of polluted water nnd that it should be
avoided at every sacrifice Yet when
the soldiers In South Africa suffered
from thirst the educated and uneducat
ed alike obeyed the common nnd Irre
sistible Impulse which drove them to
drink the poison nnd n little Inter laid
them low with typhoid nnd dysentery
Thirst snys Tho Hospital Is not a
mere desire of the lips or n mere crav
ing of the stomach It Is a want aris
ing In ovory corner of the organism
from ovory tissue that Is being depriv
ed of somo of tho water which is an es
sential element to Its normal condition
Hence pebble sucking nnd spice eating
and so on merely relieve the dryness of
the mouth but do not relieve ren
thirst which can only bo prevented by
water Tho problem then Is how best
to prevent undue loss of water from
the system Tho two great things
which people can do to prevent thirst
nro not to take alcohol by constnnt
sipping and to endeavor to relieve the
moderate degree of thirst which of
necessity accompanies the natural
processes by which excessive nnd
wasteful loss of water from the sys
tem IS prevented
Credlti il With nn Intention to Titka IIi
Forco Into Capo Colony
London Tan HI Lord Kitchener
reports to the war ofllce under date
of Pretoria Jan 29 as follows
Dewet lins born enjjHKed by Knox 40
miles north of Tlinlm Nchu No details
Dewet Intends iigUn uttuuiptlng an Inva
sion of Cope Colony
Sinltli Doirien bus irtnrnril fiom Carolina
liming dlHpcrncd ttie liocrs
A force of rtufTH this moinlnc entered
nerlblmig imd dnniHged two mine Com
mnndanl Murals Is anions tlie prlsoueri
It Is reported unofficially says
the Cape Town correspondent of tho
Dally Mali that General Dewet has
entered Cape Colouy with n fairly
Ptrong force The Impatience folt in
England nt tho slow progress of tho
operations is not wnrranted as pren
nrutions are being made for a general
movement shortly
Kmbeizler Itntiirnt
to Cuba to
Stand Tilnl
Huvnnn Ian HI Charles F W
Neely the former chief of the bureau
of flnnnce of tho Cuban postofllco de
partment who wns arrested at Roches
ter n May last chnrged with em
bezzling 8000 of the department
funds has arrived hero on the steamer
Mexico from New York Jan 27 Cap
tain Luclnu Young captain of the port
took chargo of the pilsoner and de
livered him to the keeper of the Cnrcel
Lawyer Ylondl Neelys counsel had
a long talk with tho prisoner The
hitter who is In good spirits received
ninny visitors and talked confidently
of bis ncqulttnl
Kewtboy Tnllu to Stmlrntf
Dob Moines Jan 31 Mose Jacobs
who bus been a newsboy in Des
Moiiuti for 25 years made a speech be
fore 1000 students of Drake university
at chupcl yesterday It was his first
public speech He will lecture occa
sionally hereafter He told of his as
tonishing success at selling puiers at
ono corner all his life and his accu
mulation of a fortune which is esti
mated at from 40000 to 75000
1 Bill M
MrMlllnus Ponltlun on lite Slitrfi
lily Hill of IMIO MlNimilerntnnil
Iiikh Ilclnjt lli urcd Uy Ulll Will
Ififtn Si 11 lite I
Washington Jan 23 While the fil
ibusters in the senate have beeu ex
pending their energies upon the army
reorganization bill in the thought thut
they were making the passage of the
shipping bill Impossible they were
placing nt tho disposal of the friends
of the latter mcasuie ample time for
them to Institute inquiries to ascertain
the precise situation in the upper
blanch of congress regarding it with
the result that a considerable opposi
tion wns uncovered among the suppos
ed friends of the bill So soon as this
opposition was discovered and the ba
sis of It was laid bare steps wero at
once taken to reconcile the differences
with the result that as soon as the fili
busters got through with the army
reorganization bill the friends of tho
shipping bill had completed their en
tire line of battle and hud their forces
deployed for the most effective work
What might have been expected has
hnppeued The great mass of the peo
ple nre uninformed regarding the pre
cise terms of the shipping bill nnd
were thoy informed regurdlng its terms
they would be unable to say whether
It was an equitable measure or not
The enemies of tho bill have taken full
advantage of this situation nnd they
have flooded the country with the moBt
absurd and untrue statements concern
ing It with the effect that a great many
people unable themselves to sift tho
wheat fiom the chaff have been car
ried awny with the plausibility of tho
misrepresentations of the enemy and
have allowed grave doubts to arise in
their minds as to the propriety of per
mitting the measure in the form rec
ommended for passage by the senate
commerce commit t 1 to become a law
Tnko a senator w th the experience of
Senator McMillan of Michigan for In
stance One might suppose that he had
been too long in public life to be mis
led with false statements regarding
any gi cat public measure aud yet he is
icpoited to have led a small coterie of
poweiful senators who were secretly
filled with doubts concerning the ship
ping bills provisions When the truth
wns uncovered it was ascertained that
their most consumine fear was that tho
amount of compensation for the steam
ships of the lnrgest and swiftest type
was far too great And yet the records
of congress show that as far back as in
1890 over ten yenis ago Senator Mc
Millnn i recorded ns having voted to
pay to fast steahiships under the terms
of the postal subsidy act an amount of
compensation the equal of tho highest
sum piovided in the pending bill
At that time however thore was no
great American line in exihteiice and
those who might have feared the pos
sible eilects of the creation of such a
line woie unable to concentrate their
opposition to the measuie upon what
would be received by any existing line
and so as has been said Senator Mc
Millan nnd others voted for the bill
without any misgivings Later ou to
be sure the bill In question was cut
down in the house to nn amount but
two thirds of the original provisions
and so amended it passed with the re
sult that where a number of transat
lantic lines of swift American steam
ships was confidently anticipated un
der the original provisions of the bill
but one has come into existence
And the line In question patriotically
endenvorlng to carry the American
Hug in the transatlantic trade In com
petition with the most heavily subsi
dized steamships of Great Britain
Germany and France has found the
fight a losing one so much so that the
annual losses have gone into the hun
dreds of thousands of dollars In order
to enable this line to operate its ships
without loss and to increase their num
ber the ppudlug shipping bill restorea
the amount originally fixed In the
postal subsidy bill as it passed the
senate with Senator McMillans sup
port nnd vote nnd now he concludes
that the compensation provided Is too
This conclusion arrived at by Sena
tor McMillan Is not the result of any
personal knowledge on his part of the
actual cost of operating ships of this
typo in tho transatlantic trade but is
largely due to the false statements
and the unjustllable criticisms that
hayo been concentrated upon that fea
ture of the bill which provided compen
sation for swift steamships
This is but one of the paradoxes dis
closed from a careful review of the ac
tunl feeling among Republican sena
tors with respect to the shipping bill
Fortunntely however the extent of
this feeling has been fully uncovered
with the result that explanations have
been made on both sides thnt have
vastly cleared up matters and given
each side a better view of the others
position Senator McMillan and tho
three or four other powerful and Influ
ential Republicans in the senate who
were In uccord with him in their secret
misgivings regarding the shipping bill
have been reassured from a complete
knowledge of the factB Fortunately
therefore the Republicans nre able to
present a united front to the opposl
tlon which unity of purpose coupled
with a determination to bring the bill
to a vote insures Its passage through
the senate byoud a peradventure at
thU eMlon j b Aosh j