The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 01, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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1 V-
1 19 8
Funeral Procession Will Dc a
Gorgeous Military Display
All HlntniM to Do Suipcndcd In London
1roin 1ililiiy tint II
Along t tic Ilonte AxUIiikh Vmin limit
for Single Wliiihuif
London Inn 31 Tho funeral pro
cession In Luiulun uh Indicated by tlic
war otlico orders will be a gorgeous
military pageant Detachments of 40
regiments Willi mi iilmosl equal mini
bor of uniforms embracing till arms
of the service will luakc u coiiHtaiilly
changing picture The uniforms of
nil the great armies of the world will
nppcar for In addition to the brilliant
entourages of the visiting kings nml
princely envoys there will be the mili
tary attaches of the embassies und
The nnvnl corps will also take part
In the procession which will be two
miles long
The services at Windsor Saturday
will be conducted by the archbishop of
Canterbury The Interment Monday
will be conducted by the bishop of
Wlnchcscr and the tlenn of Windsor
From tlo tltno the coflln reaches Lon
don to Its departure guns will slowly
boom In Hyde park
Londoners are Just awakening to the
full proportion of the obsequies and
the result of days of mourning which
to numerous tradesmen and others
means absolute closure and is causing
consternation Suddenly to stop every
Industry In the United Kingdom and to
turn the masses Into the streets with
millions hoping to concentrate along
the two miles route of the procession
Is an undertaking which has begun to
be fully appreciated by the police but
the public of London Is dlsmnyed to
find that all the great markets Coven t
Garden Smlthfleld and others where
the food of the metropolis is supplied
are to be absolutely closed at the end
of the week Restaurants and bars
will be shut and the crowds will have
to wander In the streets London Is
n world In itself living from hand to
mouth and tiie closing of the accus
tomed avenues for the supply nnd dis
tribution of food drink and amuse
ment from Friday to Monday will
mean a loss and inconvenience that no
American city could appreciate
Householders along the route arc
nsklng a years rent for single win
dows S
London learned last year how total
ly Inadequate the police and military
nre to protect and the npprehenslons
of Saturdays crush are enough tonp
pall Londoners Hut apparently these
considerations do not deter thousands
of every rank from flocking to the me
tropolis Some idea of the magnitude
of the affair may be gathered from the
fact that a firm of caterers has been
ordered to nrenare a breakfast nnd
dinner for 250000 troops
Objects to Demanding of China the Ac
cniiiplihlnniiit of liiipoiHllilllticB
Washington Inn III While vigor
ously opposing the execution of Prince
Tunn and General Fu Hsiang Mr
Conger with the approval of the
United States has agreed to the decap
itation of four ringleaders In the Chin
ese outrages of last summer Two
of these nre Prince Chwang a deputy
of the Hoxers
nnd Yu Sien who was removed by the
empress dowager from the post of
Eovernor of Shan Si
It Is understood that before ngroclng
to the execution of the four oflicials
the authorities will ascertain whether
the Chinese government will bo able
to comply with such a demand The
case of General Tung Fu Hsiang Is
different Surrounded by nn army
devoted to him he would resist nn
attempt to execute him and civil war
would he precipitated The strong
position of Prince Tunn nlso makes
decnpltntlon Impossible in his ense
Mr Conger hns cabled stntlng that
he wns strongly opposing the execu
tion of the Chinese geenrnl nnd other
lenders whom the Chinese govern
ment could not reach
Awful Condition In China
Berlin Jan 31 A special dispatch
to the Cologne Volks Zellung from
China relates horrible details about
the wnrfnre In that country nnd snys
Wo hope the nwful conditions will
Boon cease The depravity nnd be
stiality nlso nmong our troops Is enor
mously on the Increase Lnrgo num
bers of old soldiers nre sentenced to
long terms In the penitontlnry nnd jnll
for murder criminal nssnult and burg
lary Our losseR nre certainly greater
that wny than by denth DIsenses are
till rampant especially typhus
German Preparing for Lengthy Stay
London Jan 81 A strong German
force with a months supplies nnd pre
ceded by an advance guard of Japa
nese snys a uispatch to the Standard
from Tien Tsin hns left Peking for
Shan Hn It Is evident that no early
withdrawal of the Germans Is Intend
ed summer clothing having been or
dered for the troops
Blitjr lie Hustlers KrvvnRe
Pierre S I Jun 31 I W Brad
ghiiw owner of the bunch of horses re
cently recovered from a crowd of
rustlers near Yankton Is lying nt n
hotel In this city with n bad knife
wound In his side Inflicted by two un
known men
To Deport liners to I nil I a
Calcutta Jun 31 It Is reported that
Lord Kitchener wishes to send 10000
Boer prisoners to India He pro
poses to locate them iu the stute of
Nliglra province of OriBa BeugaL
bet n Morj structure In Now York Hum
lit llnrlj llnnr
New York Jan 31 -Two lives wero
lost at the burning of the lintel Jeff
erson a seven story building 101 100
Fust Fifteenth street yesterday The
damage by lire is estimated at 150000
The dead
rlNOIlA nmVNIMl need 23 a nnr
iiiaiiith ukynoihs io whIuchs
The tlrst was killed by Jumping from
n window on the sixth floor and the
second wns suffocated In her room on
the seventh floor
John Chatlleld proprietor of the ho
tel Mrs Chatlleld and her mother
Mrs F II Streator escaped from the
burning building clnd only In their
night robes
J Ensign Fuller nn elderly innn
made a thrilling rescue of hiH 17-year-old
Invalid niece Miss May Uppermnn
She was In a back room on tho third
floor Through the heat and smoko
Mr Fuller carried her downstairs on
his back Ills feet were terribly
birned nnd as he reached the open
nlr he staggered and fell with his un
conscious burden Into the arms of a
Collection or Animal Woilh lour
Urcd Thniiiiind Dollars Itoatlud to
Death at lliiltlinore
Baltimore Jan 31 Wlth pitiful
screams of fright and groans of In
tense pain the 75 or more nnlmals of
nil descriptions confined In cages at
Frank C linstocks Yaw which was
In winter quarters In the old Cyclorama
building iu tills city were roasted to
deatli last night The llames spread
so rapidly that it was impossible for
tho attendants to rescue the helpless
animals nnd with the exception of one
elephant one camel nnd a pack of
hounds the entire herd was lost The
tire was discovered a few minutes after
the evening performance was over
Had the audience not been small
because of a snow iitonn it would have
been impossible to have emptied the
building so quickly and loss of life
would doubtless have resulted Twen
ty minutes after tho tire was started j
tho entire building which was almost
entirely of wood was a mnss of flames
Mr Bostock estimates his loss on an
lmnls nt about f 100000
Dent ruction or tho Continental Clothing
Company at Chicago
Chicago Jan III Fire loss of 100
000 was sustained by the Continental
Clothing company last evening iu the
destruction of the large store at Mil
waukee and Ashland avenues A
strong wiud made the lire burn rapid-
ly forcing 50 employes In the upper
bturies to Jump from windows into
provished life saving nets which con j
sisted mostly of awnings which were
let down by persons in the street as
soon as the danger became apparent
The Continental Clothing company i i
owned by J U Nusbniim who carried
Insurance of 04000 The building
valued nt 35000 is damaged beyond
repair The lire started from a de
fective stove in the basement
To Miiko Xiiv Survey of Inillun I aiidx
Topeka Jan 31 The Hock Island
railroad has signed a contract with
the government to make a new survey
nt once of tho Kiowa Comanche and
Apache Innds The survey Is to be
finished by July 1 and the opening of
the lands to settlement will occur
therefore early In August
Couveution Delegate nt Guthrie Unan
imous In Deiiianillng Jt
Guthrie O T Jan 31 Immediate
statehood was demanded of congress i
in un enthusiastic convention called
to order here yesterday by Sidney
Clarke of Oklahoma City chairman of
the statehood executive committee
Every county in both territories was
well represented J It Fegan wel
comed the delegates and Hon F K
Glllett of Canadian county responded
Ex Sonntor Harrison E Havens of
Enid vis elected temporary chairman
and In addressing the delegates made
nn eloquent plea for statehood The
temporary organization was mado per
manent and a recess till evening was
taken The 200 or more delegates i
hero are unanimous for statehood at I
the earliest minute possible The
majority of them are for single
hood for Oklnhomn although tho
minority who favor both territories I
being included In one state nre ng
greslve enough to make their claims
have weight
Editor Are Entertained
Pierre S I Jan 31 Tho State
Editorial association Is holding its
midwinter meeting nt this city About
10 members are present The local
press crowd tendered the visitors n re-
ceptlon and banquet at the Locke hotel1
last nignt
Sir Cavendish Boyle has been ap
pointed governor of Newfoundland
The Southern Railroad company
Wednesdny secured control of the Mo
bile and Ohio railroad
The stallion Hamburir belnnclnf tn
the estate of the lute Marcus Daly
was sold ut auction Wednesday to W
C Whitney for 00000
It S Kingman well known through
out the west among stock breeders
died at Spurtu Wis Wednesday after
a protracted Illness uged 72
Baseball magnates from cities of Illi
nois Indiana und Iowa met at Peorln
Wednesday and perfected arrange
ments for the formation of a league
Charters wero Hied with tho Tcxai
secretary of state Wednesday for two
oil companies capitalized at 1000000
each with headejuurter at Buiumout
a s I
W C T U Women Make a
Raid on Anthony Joints
llillltllnu Tliiikcii liio liar Ilvtiiic
Siniiohcil Willi llalchrl nml Liquor lie
ecpliuilca Kmpllcd Into liuter llu
binitW Son anil lli ntlcrs tin it luitlil i
Anthony Kan Jan 31 -Mrs Carrie
Nation was outdone lieie yesterday
when a band of W C T U women
headed by Mrs SiieiltT or Danville
Kan completely wieeked the llxtuies
In four Joints smashing plate glass
windows and mirrors right and left
nnd turned gallon after gallon of
liquor Into the nitton The women
who wero of the best families In An
thony were accompanied by their
husbands and sons or brothers who
assured protection No arrests wero
made and the band will It Is said
start out today on a tour of destruction
through Harper county which is pro
line In saloons
Mrs Sheriff who led yesterdays
raid Is under bond to appear at Dan
ville In April to answer n charge of
million wrecking plnced against her
six weeks ago Mrs Sheriff eainc
to Anthony Tuesday and worked all
night procuring hatchets nnd other Im
plements of destruction and It was
2 n in before she had perfected plans
for the raid She enlisted the follow
ing women Mesdnmcs M J Davis
Wllllnm Scott F II Hrubaker Louis
Macy T O Hooper Charles Itoliln
son John lllckens John Kendall J
11 Shelton and the Misses McKay
lago Mnssey Robinson nnd Hlxon
nil of Anthony They began their at
tack shortly after daybreak taking
the saloon keepers and the town of
licials by surprise
The llrt place attacked was situated
In the rear of a drug store which was
forcibly entered from the rear It con
tained some costly liar fixtures With
in a few minutes the woman had
smashed everything In sight The cash
register was demolished but In their
hurry to flnish this job and go to other
places they overlooked the bulk of the
liquor stored away
Half a block down the street theec
ond scene of Joint smashing was en
ncted They found this saloon locked
but axes were applied and the whole
glass front wns smashed In
Here their work wns more complete
The building n great plate glass mir
ror nnd everything in sight was re
duced to the maximum of the Mrs Na
tion idea Here nlo n fight occurred
the proprietor wns smashed over the
head with a beer bottle his scalp laid
open nnd his blood mixed with the flow
of liquors that ran in small strenms
over the floor The joint keeper was
struck by the husband of one of tho
women In quick succession two other
places a short distance down the street
were subjected to similar treatment
Tho women knelt and prayed with
in sight of the wreck they had spread
One woman in an impassioned appeal
to the Almighty asked that He guide
them to other dens of iniquity nnd
direct their footsteps to other rum
cursed towns in Kanns
As n sequel to the raid n number of
young men nnd two or three small
boys became reeling drunk Two of
the boys were locked up In the cilv
Jnll During the excitement they had
followed the crusaders Into the saloons
nnd secured a quantity of whisky
wine and beer
Keeper of nn Alleged Cnnihllng Ilcinse at
ISllchannn Mich Publicly IJavt hided
St Joseph Mich Jan 31 The pub
lie horse whipping of an alleged
gambling house keeper by an angry
wife furnished no end of excitement
nt Buchnnnn yesterday and placed
that village well up In rank with the
Kansas towns that have felt the rigor
ous moralizing efforts of Mrs Nation
The victim of the chastisement was
Skette Rough keeper of what pur
ports to be a candy and cigar store
but which wives who have felt n
shortening of their allowances on their
husbands paydays sny is a gambling
The Michigan disciple of strenuous
reform method Is Mrs 7 Voorhees
nnd she had at her back half the fem
inine population of the villnge
In nddltlon several hundred men
crowded nbout and howled with de
light ns the Infuriated woman bela
bored the back of tho cigar dealer
Harper Saloom Clcue Their Ilnnrn
Wichita Kan Jan 31 Wholesale
liquor dealers here received telephone
messages from Harper last night stat
ing Hint there was not nn open saloon
in town nt sunset Harper is half
way between Anthony nnd Danville
nnd it Is said that tho local W C T
U leaders have been strangely nctlvc
there all day Messages have also
been received here that three saloons
nt Attica have closed
DMrranchUrd for Selling Their Votes
Crnwfordsvllle Ind Jan 31 In Hie
Montgomery circuit court yesterday
Willis Sering Scott Kansdell A IL
Peterson and James Sheldon pleaded
guilty to selling their votes at the No
vember election und wen disfran
chised for 12 years Twenty one men
have so far been found gtillty of vote
selling and disfranchised for n period
of from 12 to 20 years
Organize Hatchet Club
Topeka Jan 31 The young men of
Parkdule a suburb of Topeka have or
ganized whut they call a hatchet
club They have not made known
their pluus other than Uiey favor Mrs
Nation tad her mode of closing vd
Atliirnir Icncrnl Waul Writ iiUJiiiiWnr
riialo frrvril nn lce Appoint e
Picric S D Jan 31 Atlormy Gen
eral le letiirncd trom Sioux Kails
wheic the newly appointed menibeis
of tho board ol charities and correc
tions made n demand upon the Lee
boaiil for the otllees under their con
trol and were met by a refusal The
attorney general will apply to I he su
preme court for a writ of quo war
ranto citing Messrs Itacou and Cup
pelt to appear and show cause why
they should attempt to hold olllce after
their Micccssors had been nppulutcd
and quallllcd
The house met bills for third read
ing In a different spirit yesterday and
passed a number those passed being
the road bill which was pulled out of
the way of the storm Tuesday and
came back amended to provide Hint
nou resident owners of laud must ap
point a resident of the road district as
an agent on whom notice of road work
can be served
Senate bills passed To appropriate
money payment of Hie Judgment given
Brown and Saengcr by supreme court
prohibiting the killing of nnMope Mt
tlug aside 10000 acres of slate land for
the beiiellt of the asylum for the blind
nml lliiilltiitr tiitiainiiltiiii if fWii MtliMiliMi I
of nomination to the olllelnl papers at
n fixed maximum rate
llliinor That lnlleil Stolen Wonlil Noon
Turn liver the loioruinctit to Ciihnn
Cnnac a Scare In IIiihIiick Clinic
Havana Jan 31 Iluslncss was In it
panicky condition yesterday owing to
the rumor that the United States would
soon turn over the government to the
Governor Genval Wood and Collect
or ltliss are besieged by those asking
for dcliultc Information regarding the
Intention of the United States govern
The Cuban constitutional convention
yesterday voted by a largo majority
to Insert a clause In Hie constitution
In favor of universal suffrage Senoi
Alteiunn said It was a right demanded
by the Cubans and the convention
would not lie dealing fairly with the
people If it neglected tills rigid Senor
Berlel Insisted Hie matter should be
left for future consideration He em
phasized the fact of a dangerous for i
elgn element coming to Cuba
Seuor Sangullly said there was nn
need to fear Unit the foreigners would
endanger Cuba and that Hie lower
classes were as capable as the middle
elates when It came to choosing leg j
lslators I
Ugly Charge Agalnnt Mother Superior
Iron Mountain Mich Jan 31 A
sensation was created here yesterday
when Ellen Ilogan a novitiate In the
emergency hospital wiih declared sane
by Probate Judge Itcrgcrou and her
release ordered from the county jail
where she had been conllued since last
Saturday night The arrest was made
at the Instance of the mother superior
who alleged that she was Insane The
girl related n harrowing tale to the
probate judge of her III treatment at I
the hospital and many ugly charges
were made against the management of
that Institution
Shorlhorn llieederii ICIeet Ofllrnrn
Kansas City Ian 31 The Short
horn breeders elected tho following of
ficers President 11 C Duncan Os
born Mo first vice president S C
Hiiiinu Howard Kan second vice
president T J Wnriinll Liberty Mo
secretary B O Cowan New Point
Mo treasurer II I Clay Plattsburg
Mo state presidents L O Lawson
Clarkson Neb Martin Flynn Des
Moines Iu Resolutions against the
tuberculin tests of the government
were adopted
Kemhilhcent of the Letter Deal
Chicago Jan 30 A decision rem
iniscent of the Letter wheat deal of
1808 wns rendered in tho nppellato
court here yesterday the court
lng tho Judgment of 17512 ngnlnst Jo 1
seph Loiter in favor of Murray Nel
son Co nnd denying nn atttichment
of the property of the former wheat
king Murray Nelson Co were
creditors of Mr Lelter when the crash
of his wheat deal came June 13 819S
Jack McClelland knocked out Eddlo
Santry In the fourth round at PItW
burg Tuesday
Connie Sullivan who was ten
years ngo the bantmiiwelght champion
Is dead at his home In New York city
Rear Admiral Knub who has Just
been relieved from command of the
Pacific station was placed on the re
tired list Tuesday
Suit was begun Tuesday before
Judge Edward Hollister at Cincinnati
to enjoin the proposed
contest on Feb 15
Tho cargo of Uio Hrltlsh steamer
Istrara which arrived nt Bremen on
Jan 28 from New Orleans wus afire
and 30 bales of cotton wero dam
Senator Thurston Tuesday intro
duced a resolution authorizing tho
committee on Indian affairs to visit
different Indian reservations nnd In
dian schools during the next recess of
A train on the White Puss railway
wns wrecked by nn uvuhinche near
Summit nnd parUnily burled It took
four hours to dig out two men Impris
oned lu tho wreck who were found un
The federal grand jury nt Junenii
hns brought Indictments against the
owners of every Milmon cannery mid
hatchery In AInska Two Indictment
are returned tigulnut each company
one for evading the jns lul tax law
ami the other for unlawful lUhlug
Exposed to Attaclcs of Ven
ezuelan Insurgents
St llilal i r lmilnM Wlillu outlderliig He
pm I Overdrawn Wire II lo male lie
pal linriil ltn nlulloiiMa lime llelakeii
Ciiiupiuo Mild Omnium
Port of Spain Trinidad Jan 30-Ac-voiding
to ad vices iccclved fiom Ca
racas a triistwoithy engineer who
has arrived there from Pilch lake re
ports that lie wltuiitloti Is disastrous
He hiivs that IdO English negioes who
were employed to do police duly lied
elicit Hie Insurgents begun llrltig Into
the Jungles only 2 Americans being
left lo pioiid the property and lives
of American families The messenger
from Hie lake Implored the United
States legation ut Caracas to ullord
protect Ion saying Hint I lie lives und
properly were exposed lo attacks tir
ing nrnttiiil the bike going on dally
und Hie Americans not being stile to
hold out long United States Minister
1 totals slated Hint thcie reports weir
possibly overdrawn but could not be
overlooked and ho would wire the re
port to Washington
The revolution In the eastern portion
Is Increasing but the disturbances are
remote from Caracas which remains
tranquil Information which has
i cached Port of Spain says tho Insui
gents have retaken Curapano iitirl wll
uttack Cumaua soon Steamers are not
allowed to laud passengers and malls
at Curapano
The coiumnnder of the French
cruiser Suchet which lies there con
firms this Intelligence and the reported
activity of the insurgents It appears
that an attempt to capture Ciildad Ilol
Ivar capital of the stale of Itollvar
about 375 miles up he Orinoco Is like
ly to be made uh soon us the Insiir
gents have received a large supply of
arms expected
Cables to the Trinidad papers from
Caracas are severely censored The
Venezuelan government threatens
three American reporters with forci
ble expulsion and is rigorously sup
pressing press dispatches to the United
Celestials AmU Kiupcror Kming Sil to tin
Hack to Telling
Peking Ian 30- A court martial
which bus caused considerable interest
has been called In lieu IV la during
lin last two weeks The men on trial
lire Privities DlcUnon and Scamaus of
tlio Kifteeiilh Infantry It was pub
lished In October lust that theso men
while on guard duly along the river
belli up several villages demanded
money nnd their demands were com
plied witli They were capliiied by
the French authorities nnd turned
over to Hie Americana Dickson Is
still ut liberty Seamans wns sen
tenced to 2t years Imprisonment and
Dickson to 21
Three hundred prominent Chinese
residents Kiaug Se province have
sent a memorial to the emperor re
questing his majesty lo make public
the date of his return to Peking in or
der to satisfy the people They as
sert that the Joxer troubles were due
to u few high ofliciuls hut as these of
ficials have now been ordered to be
punished the court ought to return to
Peking as the palaces tombs and
other property are there and Hie re
sponsibilities of 200 years cannot light
ly be thrown aside
Cnhan Conrttltnllon
ITnvnnn Jan 30 The Cuban con
stitutional convention Is proceeding
rapidly with the discussion of Hie
draft of the coustlutlon submitted by
the central committee Several arti
cles relating to provincial government
and method of election of ofllcers have
been tabled until after the adoption
of the electoral law Two Important
articles for consideration will dear
with universal suffrage and the powers
of provincial governments
Onl vent oil Itullcf Ill ml
Austin Tex Jan 30 Governor
Bayres sent a message to the legislat
ure making u report of the fund sub
Bcrlbod to the relief of the CJuIveston
nnd gulf const flood sufferers lust Sep
tember The report stntes Hint 078
414 wiib received by the governor nnd
funds received nt Galveston Houston
nnd other places Increased the amount
to 1088414 Every nitUon in the
world contributed In ome manner to
the funds
Tribute to Late Ouren
i Manila Jan 30 General MacAr
thnr has Issued orders that all duty
throughout the division excepting the
necessary guard nnd field duty be sus
pended the dny of Queen Victorias
funeral At reveille n nntlonnl salute
will be fired and single guns will be
fired hnlf hourly between sun rise and
nun set when a salute to the union
Jack of 45 guns will be fired
Poles Iluuiiliiy bu Uprltlnff
Berlin Jan 30 The police author
ities In the Polish provinces of Prus
Bla have discovered evidence of the
existence of secret societies aiming at
a revolutionary rising A number of
arrests have been made in Posen One
vt the ringleaders a medical student
named Vladislav BoleskI escaped
across tho Austrian frontier
Colouel Mmclinnd 111
roris Jan 30 The health of Colonel
Marcliaud of rnsljmlu fame Is causing
much anxiety to his friends Ho had
only partially recovered when he was
attached to the China expeditionary
corps He Is suffering from the ef
fects of the climate and from an old
woouj iu the arm received lu the
tlouduu campaign
AleiKiiire Which Will ill Oirihe free I lit
II II let Iliroiigh tin lcgUlnllire
Lincoln Ian 31- Senator lleutlttg
Introiliued a bill which prohibits Urn
giving of fiee traiiHpditntloii by rail
way companies to any person except
emploies of the company and provlil
lug severe penalties for a violation
of the act
The few changes lu Hie vole for sen
ntor were eutliely devoid of effet I upon
result ns follows
7 H t 10 II 12 IH
Alien ri rr nn ir r7 ns
llnue t 2 2 -
lroliie 7 if II 0 fi 7 H
fin 1 1- 20 III 21 IH 1M IM 2
Mniiier fi I I I II -I 1
Mn Inn 1 t I I I 1 1
llilllliKlnii 2 2 1 2 I 1
llllelico 1 2 I 17 IM 12 I 17
IIIiiMiiiu ITt it IT III lJ III 1J
KMili11 2 2 It 2 I A A
1 I I
Milllt IiiIiii ll J lt 2 2H 2ll
Mm Inn 1 1 I t t
Mm I In 7 7 II ll 1 II It
OIiIIiiiiii t J
ltoicwiler Ill I lit 15 17 18 IH
Smith IM I I
SlllllClllltlll 1 t 1 1 I 1 t
Smyt r J 1
Tiiiimimi i K it r iu ti rr n v
Iliiiinppiin II Ml Til u u n ll I
Villi IIIIHCII I I I 1 1 1
rreence of Troop Ha tjiilellnt IIITcc t
Upon Itehellloli Cl H7y Simlm
to He Tiled for Trciivin
Ilenilettn 1 T Jun 31
nmong the witrrlug Ct celts bus appar
ently been reached and all hat now
remains to lie done Is to give Chltto
llnrjo the chief Snnke who hns caused
all the trouble a preliminary hearing
nnd send him to Muskogee for trial
for treason Iu the meantime n few
more of the minor lenders will he ar
rested ami the troop of cavaliy ni1 t
Lieutenant Dixon will probably re
main here a few -days longer until tho
liiht vesilge of an uprising Inn disap
Last nlizhl the Indians burned signal
fires on the hills surrounding the town
at a distance of two or three inllei
from the camp and fenrb un attack
the soldiers remained up II daylight
armed nnd ready for litant action
Hul Hie Indians attempt 1 no depre
IllviiW or Control of lloiu il of tliurltle
ItrltiK MnttciH to Iociih
Sioux Fulls S I Jan 30 Ill it
struggle between tho appointees of
Governor Herreld and those of Gov
eronr Leo for control of Hie stale
bonrd of charities and corrections the
appointees of Hie former at the meet
ing of the board here formally de
manded that Governor Lees ap
pointees surrender the olllces to them
The demand was refused
John I Pyle attorney general of
South Dakota who was here to ad
vise Hie new members of the board
as to Hie method of procedure to se
em e scuts on the board will today tile
n petition lu the stnte supreme court
In order to secure an early decision
ns to Hie legality of Governor Her
rclds appointments
delicti Municipal Iterorm
St Iouls Jan 30 The Evangelical
ulllance which Includes all tho
churches of St Iouls and vicinity
with the exception of the Catholic
Episcopal and German speaking
churches has Inaugurated a move
ment for municipal reform Tills plan
Is to form a permanent committee of
50 representative men who are to
pass upon the nominees submitted by
the various parties especially for the
spring election The Intention Is to
keep the movement entirely non-partisan
and non sectnrlnn
IlrKu riH ugn or Spooncr Hill
Manila Jan 30 Dr Kruger the
German consul general here has ca
bled to the Merlin government asking
that the Gorman ambassador at Wash
ington lie instructed to diplomatically
urge the passage of the Spooncr bill
Two mining corporations organized
In Germany nre nnxlous to begin op
erations in the Philippines but cannot
do so until the status of mining
claims Is established by a permanent
government Similar action will prob
ably be taken by the Hrltlsh consul
KVal Sucrcetls Illmey
Chicago Jan 30 John A IHnsoy
president of the board of control of the
endowment rank of Knights of Pyth
ias bus resigned und C F S Nenl of
Lebanon Intl has been elected pres
ident The resignation of Mr Hln
sey was due to a resolution adopted
by tho board requiring the president to
devote his entlro tlmo to the olllco
This Mr Hlnsey was unwilling to do
IIS ho Is lit lll hnilll nt lln rlnlm ln
partment of the Chicago Mllwaukeo
ami M Paul railroad
Want Turin on Coffee
San Juan P It Jan 30 A joint res
olution wns introduced In the house
yesterday ami adopted praying tho
United States congress to puss legisla
tion levying a tariff on coffee enter
ing the United States from nil coun
tries except Porto Rico thus protect
Ing the produce of the Island It Is
understood Hint Governor Allen Is in
sympathy with tho resolution
Are Not Anxious to Hear Her
Topeka Jan 30 A resolution was
Introduced lu the house yesterday In
viting Mrs Carrie Nation to address
that body and naming an hour for her
to speak Tho resolution was laid
on the table
VcucKUrlau IteYolutlonUi Defeated
Caracas Venezuela Jan 31 The
revolutionists hayo been dofeated near
Carupnuo with numerous losses Two
oiib of General Acostu have been made
prisoners Mejunq and Rojas have
also becu defeated
i I