i t V 2 The Norfolk Iclus I W N UU81C Putollnhor nviiV Itntilliliivl 1VS7 km Iit tixrciil Minimr m rnrrirr wile If emit Hi mnll ixt irnt uUK mr WKituiv mvmmIoiunai TloNownMtiililhlied 1KM Tlio Jntminl rtlnlillrlioil 1N77 Ktory Krlilnj by mull ior PirIM Kntorml nt tlio IWollIco lit Norfolk Noli nK octmil rlnri tnnltpr Tolflpliono No 12 Tlioiiropoflotl extra session of congrriR will Imvo to nuiM along without tlio noRihlniico or ultlinr lottlgrow or Towno A tnct thnt should bo considered before nvy rash uinvo ih mndo Tabasco snuoo hits no terrors for the Nobrupha youth Thoro uro nearly 100 candidates for appoint uumt to tlio WoM Point military academy cndotshlp In tlio Fourth congrepsioiml district nautniim Hon for whioh will bo hold in Houtrloo March lJ Mombors or tlio South Dakota Press association contemplate n trip to tlio liutTalo exposition thin suininor All rondo will lend to Hutlulo whim tho big show opens nnd tho South Dakota brethren aro planning to successfully handlotho inevitable longlngthut will thnn bu olt Tlio Hundred Year club or Now York linn for six months boon searching for tho oldest m nn in tho world Thoy confer thnt distinction on Isaiah Hodof nky of Moscow Russia who Ih in Ills lilOth year Tho oldeHt woman Ih hiiIiI to bo Mrs Nancy Holllllold of Uattlo Creole Mioh who 1b 117 Dodgo comity Iiivh ouo honest citizen nt least A farmer living nonr Fremont Ttcontly walkod into tho Soonrlty savings hank of that city and laid 10 on tho counter with tho explanation that Boruo years ago when he was givon somo money he found two 10 bills stuck to gether May his tribe increuho Qoiipnil Funston goes into tho work before him with tho characteristic onorgy that first brought him fanin and it is said in lato dispatches that ho has subdued the insurrectionists in his dis trict and dispersed hostile bunds With n fow more otlloors like Funston the Philippine war would boon bo settled Tho Sioux City Journal says The Missouri legislature is a lit tie slow about passing n resolution of sympathy with tho Oreok Indians Kx Sonator Towno also lost n grand opportunity for n dis play of originality by not demanding that they bo given their freedom from tho galling yoko of this imperialistic nation J II Owon night ohief telegraph operator at Omaha has published a state ment in which a denial is made that tho Poarno printing telegraph recently tested iu ins presence is a success IIo states thnt not ouo word was received or transmitted during tho test It is likely thai typewriters who had con templated working n machine in San Francisco and having tho printing done iu Chicago will bo disappointed for some time nt least The rumor that Mrs Nation has boon invited t Washington for tho purpose of bombarding somo of tho gildod halls of sin at national hoadqnarters has caused u flutter of excitemont The oveut was set to tnko placo on the birtk duy of tho father of his country who was a pioneer iu creating fame with a hatchet although tho cherry wood ho demolished had not boon polished up lorn bar over which hard aud soft drinks were dispensed to tho weary Representative Johnson of Douglas oouuty proposes to compell tho street car company of Omaha to run cars nt all hours of tho night as well as day for the ccuvouieuco of thoso who wish to rido about the city nfter most people aro asleepif his bill can bo mndo into a law This mny bo all right for tho night owls but wo heartily sympathize with the people who would like a fow hours sleep without the whirr and clang of tho cars to furnish matter for night niariBh thoughts It is a common thing for the whites to dislike tb6 negroes as a roco especially in the south but the hatred of a negro for his race and color is as uncommon as a white mans hatred of the white race Dempsey Hare the riohest negro in eastern Virginia who recently died is said to have hted tho people of his race and color with a deepoud abiding hat xed He once applied to a surgeon to have the pegro blood removed from his reins and disowned his daughter be cause she married one of her race An Illinois farmer has conceived the happy idea of making sausage out of ooou meat and is finding a ready market for his product The quality requisite for sausage has generally been considered the peculiar attribute of pork and now that the Illinois man has broken away from the popular tradition a revolution aay be expected with chicken sausage fish sausage mutton sausage veal sau sage vension sausage and bear sausage ai common articles of commerce To morrow however nothing but ground feoggoea I POPULATION OF NEBRASKA Cciimw lliirrmi lili llilllrtlu HpiiilfjItiR irry Tonn Washington Inn UT1ip latest bill lotln of the census bureau gives the retuniH from Nebraska In dolnll Thoro tho SIII5 Incorporated cities towns mid vlllngPH In Nebraska mid this Is the showing thov liinLu Admns -117 Aluswoith Albion lJOil Aloxnndiln ilitJ Allen HNI Al liance Ura Alum l i Amherst IKl AiiMImo I If Ausley -HIS Arapnhop 701 Areadla II7 I Arlington 571 Ash land 1177 AHhtoii Ufil Atkinson WI5 Auburn iJill Aurora IICM Avoeo A Moll JIJD Ayr II Ij lliineroft 7ia ltiirudii 117 niirncston ir0 Hurt ley li IT lliiHsett 270 Uattlo Creek r00 Ueatrlee 7H7r Heaver 011 Heav er Crossing Heemer -in Hulden 107 Hellwooil -1 10 Hclvlilere Heiiedlet 2I2 Heiikelmnn UIMI Hen nett -10 Heiinlngton i 1t Henson filO Herllu ir0 Hcrtranil HI I Hethniiy ii Hlnlr litiTO Hhmtnlleld 078 Hloomlngtoii ISvS Itluo Hill M Hluo Springs 7SllHralshaw IOT Hrnlnard LSI 1 1 rock Mil Hrokpn How lttTfl Hniwnvlllo 71H Hrunlng liriR Hruno 1111 HurelinrilJ07 Hurwell 100 itutlp triO Cairo UJI CiilliounillO Cnlliiway J00 Cnmbrldge HIO Cmnpbpll JMIS Cnrletonaoi CaiTollJW Cedar HIuITh a7l Cedar UapldH WO Central City 1071 Ceresco 2211 Chadron 1115 Clmpinnn 200 ChcHter Clarks Clarkson Ill Clay Center WW Clearwater 10S Colerlilge -171 Col lege View Wl Colon 11KI Columbus ar22 Cook 278 Cnnlovn Ill Cort land 0 Coad 7tlt Crab Orchard 258 Craig Crawford 7U Crelgh ton 000 Crouton T17 Crete 2100 Curtis Ciilbprtnou -122 Dakota City 521 Daubury 210 Duiiucbrng 101 Davenport David City 1815 Dawson 22 Dnykln 180 Decatur 800 Deshler 258 Dewltt 002 DIHer 100 Dixon 157 Dodge 55 1 Doniphan 171 Dorchester 521 Douglas 25a Du bois 1107 Dunbnr 208 Dundee -100 Eagle 207 Kddyvllle101 Kdgnr1Mi Elba 257 Elgin 451 Elk Creek a7 Elkhorn 200 Elm Crook SOI Elm wood 5M Elwood V77 Emerson 017 Endlcott 2tl Eustls 2a2 Ewlng 275 Exeter 07a Kalrbury a MO Falrlleld 120a Ealnnont 781 Falls City 1022 Fiirnnin 218 Fiirwoll KIO Fllley 2 18 Idorenee 088 Fort Crook 227 Frank lin 750 Frnninnt 1211 Friend 1200 Fullorton 1-10-I Oetieva 15111 Oenon Olt Gorlna Cermmitown 101 Tlbboii 000 Clenvllle 211 Cordon 512 Oothenbnrg 810 Ornfton 287 Grand Islmid 75l Grant 102 Grpoloy Center 552 Greenwood 510 Gresham 207 Cretan -100 Gross t25 Guide Tloek 110 ITiiiimton 107 Hardy U5 llnnison 108 Hartlngton 071 ITnr vnrd 810 IlastingH 715v8 Havelock 1180 Hay Springs a 15 Hebron 1511 lletiiliiirford Iia ITendorson 20S Her ninn 121 nieknian 182 Illldretli 210 IToldreiro 1007 IToMoln 207- ITomer nil Mooter SIO Hosklim 175 now n rd City isa TTowell 515 Hubbard 00 Hubliell 175 Humboldt 121S llumphrpv 800 ITuntlngton 282 Im perial 258 ludluiioln 020 Tnekson aiO Jiinsen 271 Jobnson 1152 Julian 200 Juniata 511 Kearney 5011 Ken psnw 501 Kennnrd 275 Kimball 251 Laurel 514 Lawrence 400 Leltrli 410 Loxlngton 1141 Liberty 450 Lincoln 40100 Lindsay 110 Llnwoud 1117 Lltehllcld 210 Long Pino 480 Louis ville 718 Loup 820 Lynch2ai Lyons 817 McCook 2445 McCool Junction 270 Madison 1470 Madrid 115 Mai mo 250 Maniuette 210 Mason City 241 Mead i10 Meadow Grove 257 Merna 141 Mlltord 542 Millard 121 MIllerliH Mllllgan 28JI MIndenl28 Monroe 100 Monu HlulTs 177 Naper 11 Nebraska City 7180 Nellgh 1135 Nelson 078 Noinnlm 400 Newman Q rove 000 Newport 20S Nlobrnra45i Newcastle Ill North llattealMO Norlolk1S81 North Hend 1010 North Loup 420 Oakdalc585 Onkland1008 Odell alO Ogalalla a55 Ohlown ail Omaha 102555 ONeill 1107 Old 1372 Orleans 050 Osceoln 882 Os mond 501 Overton 255 Oxfoid 787 Inllsndc 170 lalniyra 301 Fapllllon 501 Pawiipo lSKW render 0 11 Fern 848 Petersburg 478 Phillips ISO Pierce 770 Pllger 250 Pluluvlew003 Platte Center 302 Plattsmouth 401U Pleasauton 103 Plymouth 195 Poncn 1W3 Prague 324 Preston140 Hagmi 208 Hundolph 850 Havennn 808 Uav mond 200 Iletl Cloud 155 1 Uepubllc an 3S0 Reynolds 200 Rising City 41H Rlverton 327 Rocn 177 Rock vllle 158 Rogers 124 Roseland 227 Rulo 877 Rusbvllle 483 St Edwards 025 St Helena 151 St Paul 1475 Snlem533 Sargent 250 Schuylpr2157 Scotln 207 Scrlbner827 Sewnrdl070 Shelby 425 Shelton 801 Shlckleya72 Sliubert 301 Sidney 1001 Sliver Creek 201 Snyder220 Southbend141 So Omahn 20001 So Sioux City 880 Spnldlng148 Spencer 135 Sprlngtield 400 Sprlngvlew 188 Stanton 1052 Staplehurst 211 Steelburg 313 Stein- aucr 213 Stella 408 Sterling 782 Stoekhain 109 Stockvllle 209 Strang 234 Stratton 225 Stromsburg 1154 Btuart382 Sumner 210 Superlor1577 Sutton 1305 Swanton 200 Syracuse 801 Table Rock 852 TaluiHgo 480 Tamora 130 Tecumseh 2005 Teka ronh 1597 Tllden 533 Toblus 072 Trenton 329 Ulysses 603 Dnodllla 243 Unlou2S2 University Plaee1130 TJpland 281 Utiea 487 Vnlentlue 811 Valley 534 Valparaiso 014 Verdlgre 200 Verdon 310 Waco 310 Waboo 2100 WaVeflold 753 WHnce 130 Wa terloo 345 Waunetn 181 Wausn 441 WTerly 200 Wayne 2110 Weeping Water 1150 Westwn 412 West Lin coln 220 Weston 420 West Point 1890 Wllber 1054 Wilcox 200 Wll sonvllle 200 WlnsldP 400 Wlsuer901 Wood River 589 Wymore 2020 York 5132 Yutan 203 Iletli of Colonel llittrd Bloux City Jun liO Colonel Harlan Balrd one of the most prominent men In Northeastern Nebraska Is dead In Dakota City lie came to this aeetlon In 1835 He wan u civil wttr veteran T1IR NORFOLK NRWS FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1 1001 ii - jrMi I I Friends and Opponents of Go mez Clash In Convention HITTER FEELING AROUSED Contention U Otit n luo In tlm oinlltutloii Wlilrli Would Mnk tlm Inncial InrllKlltIo Tor tli lrr tlmicjr Nnlllnir Hltlo Hrrnu to Waakrii Havana l eb L At last nights ses sion the Cuban constitutional con vention llnlslicd u lot of business up to section 12 The article In section 7 was niodllled lo make uny nntlvn born Cuban eligible to the senate A Klinllur clause Iu article 2 of section 12 brought about a deadlock It was III reference to the uunlllleatlonH of the president and tlio old Gomez light was revived The anti Gomez faction led by Snn gnllly favored tho eligibility of only native born Cubans while the adnilrera of General Gomez headed by Seniors QiiPHiidii nnd Nunez advocated tho re tention of the clause In tho original draft making a naturalized citizen who had served two years Iu the wars eligi ble Th re members Senont Rivera Conor and Llorente were absent After a discussion lasting two hours Senor Gcnor who Is a Comezlte en tered and a call was mndo for presi dent to reiiMsemblc the convention Tho opponents of Gomez however refused to tnko their scats nnd nfter several efforts the delegates withdrew from tlio hall The feeling engendered by the controversy was very bitter several opponents of Gomez asserting that they would resign If the clause making him ollglblo to the presidency were adopted The evening sosslon wns pnsspd through want of a quorum The dead lock threatens to continue Indefinitely The delegates have agreed to assem blotbls afternoon but neither side has weakened NO CHANGE IN VOTE Total In Fourteenth llnllot Looks Very Much tlio Hume Lincoln Feb 1 The sennto spent moft of the time prior to the Joint ouiiventlon In discussing bills as a committee of the whole The resolu tion authorizing the holding of a con stitutional convention was debated at some length a number of t enators both tor ami agaliwt the ijUlan of the resolution baking ronilws with the result Hint the rexoltitlon was llnally reported for Indellnlte post ponement Sennto Mo 34 nn net to restrain innle animals from running at large was recommitted aftor u half hours discussion No material changes were noted In the senatorial ballot The vote Ballots 8 n 10 11 us in H Allon fir no 45 40 57 Ilerse J 2 4 22 II Itromly 1 1 2 2 1 it Crounse 0 0 7 H 7 Clinic Ill 21 IS 18 20 20 20 f Illicit t Hnlner 4 I 4 It 4 4 4 Hurlnn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UarlHKton 2 2 1 2 T 5 llltclKMick 4 17 21 12 43 47 21 Ulnsluiw LI 15 10 12 III 12 lit Klnknlil 2 II 2 I 4 I I Mrlklpjolin II 32 20 2J 2S 21 S2 Mnrlim 1 1 1 1 1 Mm tin 7 0 0 1 0 C 0 Mcrnlllh 4 Ohllinin 1 2 2 Itnsiwnter 15 10 15 17 18 18 11 Kprrcher 1 Sutlictliinil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Riiitli C J t 1 Tlmmpxnn I 11 Id M 114 15 Ml 35 14 Tbnnipsnn W II 54 41 211 34 it 4 18 Van Iiimen 1 1 1 1 1 1 Vnn Korell 1 Wehtorr 1 nriui to ien iiomi niii St Louis Pel I Mayor Zelifonlielra to whom the bill passed by the muni cipal assembly authorlsdiiK the Issu ance of ri00000 of boiida for the Worlds fair to be held In lOOIJ had been sent refused to slfn the meas ure snylnp that It was the loosest measure of Its kind that he had ever seen The point which ho raised most niKontly against the bill was that no provision was made for re funding to the ety treasury nny sur plus over ri000000f which might be realized from the sale of the bonds Dolmon for Diplomatic rout Washington Feb 1 George T Dob rou formor secretay of stnte of lown it Is rumored here is to be slated for u ivsponhlble position In tho diplo matic service probably with assign ment to one of the importuut South American points - TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS The coal strike in the Colorado Springs district has been settled Tommy Hynn eusily defeated Jim Judge ut the Minneapolis Athletic club Thursday Association football played by pro fessional baseball players Is tho latest Hcheme of a St Louis promoter Keports to It G Dun Co show failures in January 1242 In number and 11JU0S11 In amount of llabil ties Steve Hrodie the bridge jumper and sporting man of New York died in San Autouln Thursday of consump tion In the Nevada senate Thursday Sen ator Flanagan introduced a bill to re peal the law authorising prise tights In that state Governor Inge sent a message to tho California senate regarding feil era investigation of the alleged exist ence of plague In San Francisco The national maritime eongtvss con cluded Its business at Brunswick Ga Thursday with the endorsement of government aid to American shipping and the creutiou of a permanent or- 1 gauizatloa BtSg8HitWtfm FOR sSKING HUSH MONEY rruniliK iit PjIMiiiih Trunti tl Srrrctnry Air ll nt I liicliiimtl hi At- ll RCll lllHCUlllHllel Cincinnati Feb 1 -A sensatlonnl nrrcst for alleged attempted black mail was uiutlu yesterday by tlio United States deputy niarshul Tlio persons are Dr Fred U Hoiiiinn his wife Dr Adah S Iloninin aud her son by a former marriage Clyde Shc ban The parties who were tho In tended victims of the alleged attempt ut hluckmull are Howard Douglas nn attorney prominent in Pythlnu cir cles being past supreme chancellor of the world In that organization his wife ami Dr Crank his family physi cian Dr Hormnti has been for 25 years roiilltleiitlnl secretary and oillec man for Mr Douglas and Is a fellow mem ber In the same castle of the Knights of Pythlnu Anonymous letters were recolved 13 Mr nnd Mrs Douglns and Dr Crnnk demanding 7000 for suppression of alleged Information which the writer said would ruin them If made pub lic TIiq money was ordered placed Iu the hands of Dr Hornian who was to place It In the ofllee window when the writer who gave the name of J W Morrison would call nnd get It These letters were placed In the hands of postolllco Inspectors It wns found that suspicion pointed to Horinan and marked postage stamps were placed In his desk These were found on letters scut to tho Intended vic tims The arrest has led to tho discovery of n letter In Mrs Hormons room which Is said to be In the same hand writing ns the Flolso T letter sent to Mrs Cudahy In Omahn offering to re veal the kidnaper of Eddie Cudahy for money It Is understood that there will be some sonsntlonal developments and the authorities of this city as well ns of Chicago and Omaha still think that the nrrest will throw Rome light on the Cudahy case at Omaha WiMitcd for Kidnaping Springfield Ills Feb 1 Dr John Wright a prominent physician and his wife Mary Wright who are want ed In San Ioe Cal for kidnaping liave succeeded in evading the ofll cers and their present whereabouts are not known They are charged with having kidunjicd their little granddaughter Fannie Marie Camp bell aged 5 years daughter of Will iam II Campbell a wealthy oil mer chant of Santa Clara county Califor nia Tlirro I ItiiMilmll Ixihiui Peoria Feb 1 Tho Itnspball league Is now an active organization It will be known as the Three 1 league it will com prise Peoria Decatur Bloomlngton Hook ford and Rock Island in Illinois Davenport and Cedar Uaplds la Iowa nnd Torre Haute in Indiana IIoum Tills Wo offer ono hundred dollars reward for any caso of catarrh thit cannot bo cured by IIills Catarrh Cure F J CnicNKV Co Prop Toledo O Wo tho undersigned have known F J Olieuay for tho lost 15 years aud be lieve iliim perfectly honorable in all businoss transactions and liuancJally able to carry out any obligatious made by their firm Wkst TitUAX Wholepalo Druggists Toledo O Waldino Kiknan Mahvin Whole salo Druggists Toledo O Halls Caturrh Cure is taken intern ally acting directly upon tho blood aud ruuoouB surfaces of the system Prico 7Cc per bottle Sold by all drnggibtB Testimonials froe Halls Family Pills are the best Sturgeon is the piano man Slirin H Sale By virtue of n decree directed to me from the oh rk of the district conrt of Madison county Nebraska on a judge ment obtained in the distiict court of Mudirou county Nebraska on tho ninth day of April 1100 iu favor of T O Can uou us plaintiff and against John E Oluey Charlotte E Olney Charles E Olney Jeremiah Oluey and George H Nichols us defendants for the sums of one hundred and twenty dollars and sixty cents nnd two thousand nun thirty one dollars and forty cents and costs taxed at 2 1011 and accruing costs I havo levied upon the following de scribed real estate taken as the property of said defendents to satisfy said decree to wit Lot bIx 0 in block one 1 of the town of Norfolk to satisfy the said snm of 12067 and coBts lots fifteen 15 and sixtetn 111 in biOfc six O nr thr town of Norfolk t satisfy the id Bum of 2031 40 and costs ail iu luuuibuu county Nebraska And will offer tho same for salo to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the 28th day of February A D 1001 in front of the east door of the conrt bonee in Madison Nebraska that being the building wherein the last term of court was held at the hour of 1 oclock p m of said day when and where due at tendance will be given by the nnder signfd Dated January 20 1001 Geo W Losey Sheriff of said County Sheriff Sale By virtno of a decree directed to me from the olerk of the district conrt of Madifon county Nebraska on a judg ment obtained in the district conrt of Madison comity Nebraska on the 26th day of November 1000 in favor of Eltie Desmond as plaintiff and against Wil liam Slothower Sybil A Slothower J H Logeman Fred Haass Hannah Goodrich J J Goodrich Amelia M Bogle and W II Enderly as defendants for the Finn of one hnndred aud five dollarB 105 and fifty three 58 cents and interest and costB taxed at 11853 and accruing costs I have levied upon the following real estate taken as the 0 A IiUlKAItT lRKHtnKMT OHA8 H IlltllXlIC VlCS PBKdniltNT Union Pacific SOUTH ColumbuH Accommodation Omnliii Ucnvoroiid Pacific Coast NOWTH olunibiis Ace mmodntlon Omntin kenver and Pacific coast Counects 11 1 Norfolk with V K A- biocx City nnd Omahi Passongtir fit TBm sl K 0SpS9S A W II 1011 NKON CAsntEB JHO lAbKWAtiKiAssT Oariiibb The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus sooo liny unil mill exclifttia im lliin f o uitry 1 ml nil imrt of Burojio Karm Loans Director -Cam Abmih W II Johnson has S IIudok 0 W IlnAAscn HWANK A IUIKAKT T K MkMNINOKR t HKRIMONR r n 0 Get What You Asli for at DErAKT HS0pm 1100 am Annivn 103fipm 900 11 m vPBt nml north fnd with tlio C Bt 1 il V going MiO for point e uortli and cast F W Juneman Agent Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha BAST Sioux City and Omaha Passenger Sioux ritPaseengor UFHT Sionx itr Pnsseneer DfPAHT 630 am 100pm ABRIVII 1033 am 7 30 p m Connects ut Norfolk with F K M V eoine west and north and with tlio U P for points south F W Juneman Agent Daily oxcopt Sunday 0 M MILES GROCERY ALL ORDERS sire filled promptly nnd with cure Our goods ure FIKST CLASS in every particular We know precisely what is wanted hy our custom ers We aim to Give you the Best Value for Your Money South side Main St botween 2d nnd Jd Telephone 41 DRESSMAKER OTor Bnum Bros Store Spenoetf Ovalman X Railroad and Business Directory C u o o u o CD z JS H R R TIME TABLE Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley EAST DErAKT Oiinilm Pasflonffcr 0O3 nm CliiciiKO Eiprosa 1240pm kaht Aimivu HiiciiKo Kipros Oiniilui rnsHtugor 1240 p m W UNT DEPAItT Hlnck llillfi clproKB 740pm Vonilfiru InHBcnRor 1240p in Vorillro Accommodstldn BrfXlnin WKHT AHRIVC HI nek HHIb Express 1220 p m VonOKro lssMonnr 105 am Vnrdlcio Acoomuiodntlon 720pm Tlm hlcnco mid Mack Hills Express arrives nnd deiinrlH from Jnnotion dopot Tlio Omaha and Vordigro trams nrrivo and dopnrt from city ileixit U U Matbau Agent C S HAYES Fine Watch Repairing MISS MARY SHELLY boots and oes Repairing Neatly Done JBHERMANN Gontraetoti and Builder 1 1 7 Fourth Street M E SPAULDINQ Flour and Feed 411 Norfolk Avenue INSKEEPS lYlIlililNEflY Cheapest and Best Norfolk Avenue JWEDWARDS ALl WOBK OtTAKANTEED Cor Drnapcli avo und 4th St The Norfolk Hofseshoer You can leave the Missouri River after breakfast today on THE OVERLAND LIMITED arrive California soonor than if you left yesterday via any other train TRIP TO CALIFORNIA in regal splendor can be made on TUB OVERLAND LIMITED the celebrated Union Pacific train This train runs via the Overland Route tho established route across the continent It has perhaps tho most finely equipped cars in the world There are Double Drawing- Room Palaco Sleepers broad vesti buled Cars throughout Buffet Smoking and Library Cars with Barber Shops aud Pleasant Reading Rooms Dining Cars meals being served a la carte and every delicaoy iB provided The cars are illuminated witli the famous Pintsoh Light and heated with steam A notable feature is that safety perfect comfort and speed are all included Only Two Nights between Missouri River and San Francisco ForTlmc Tables and full information call on F W JUNEMAN property of said defendants to satisfy said decrees tc wit Lots one 1 and two 2 and lot three 3 of Osborns subdivision of lot ono 1 in block tweve12 of Haases suburban lots to the village of Norfolk Nebraska Lot three of the above described to be sold separate And will offer the some for sale to the highest bidder for cosh in baud on the 28rd day of February A D 1001 in front of the east dcor of the court house in Madison Nebraska that being tho building wherin the last term of conrt was held at the hour of one oclock p m of said day when and where due attendance will be given by the under signed Dated this 22nd day of January 1001 Geo W Losky Sheriff of said connty For Flambiug Steam Fitting Pomps Taulft Wind Mills Aud all work la this line call 00 W H RISH Bbtiafactiou Guaranteed rirtt door Sooth ot Tax Dailt News Ofiet cyannaMrwgs MAIN dT THE Ageat WHEN IOC WANT A GOOD SHAVE or BATH GO TO W 0 Halls Barber Shop THIRD DOOR KABT OF FOUBTB NORTH WESTERN LINE F P V R is the best to at from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS of orth Nebraska 1 1 i H i x