The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 01, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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    Is r
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By Wcathcrby Ohosnoy and Alick Munro
oorrnioitT lOCW nr wkatiikiimv ciiiNKr and aijck muniio
UJuiTiunoNH nr ti a couita
u U
iihi - t
X v - v V Vi - Vi M XI-
Sen reply ho It wpuipiI liiul 1 pinned
siy eyes when there wiih n plunking tit
the door ns lis bolls Mini burs wero
withdrawn ntiil 11 dozen iiriuiil Mihllera
trooped Into the room It wiih hIIII
lntl but oik of them eiinletl a Inn
turn olid liy Its light 1 hiiw lint they
were till splashed with fresh mini mill
luitl evidently boon trmelliig recently
itd rapidly
Jot up you Kugllsh dogs hiiIiI onu
of tliom roughly
Smartly now Youre wiintod
Wliii t for Konor Mild I wearily
Wliut lorV How does Unit concern
you Yon do iih yonro told without
nsklng tho roiiHou Come up you get
you Invy rogues And ho begun to iihu
his honvy hoot frooly I
Youro to mulch out of CarnciiHit
once wild oiio of tho othor Spaniards
nnd limy Uooji your heretical skins
whulc for u duy or two longer If you
lmvo luck
From CarncaB mild Aloe latitat
ivhoro wo nroV
Certainly Honor replied tho othor
vrlth u mocking bow and 1 liopo you
like our town
Oh ho lio chuckled tho old mini
The Spunlsrd turned to him You
are to eonio too old orook Iioiioh Are
jou too lamo to walk to Lu duiiym
Oh ho h 1 Hut are we going to La
Guuyra most wily honor
Certainly Do you think a Spanish
cnbnllero would trouble to lie to it
hound like you V
Why If lis to I a nuayra Ill make
a shift to hobble bo far but Id rather
ride o niulebaek
Uldel wild the soldier with n rude
laugh 1 warrant you could hobble
twice tho distance mj that It lay away
Xroni your piImiii
Ah ha ha Youve a pretty wit
lienor a pretty wit Hut Its the hwoo
salt air 1 wish to suln Tho sea breeze
is moat and drink to old liiarluerH such
as I
lie scrambled to his maimed dis
torted lejjH One of them was shorter
than the othor and that other knotted
sand Kuarled like some old willow tree
Hut youll let me bid farewell to
rny pot bellied little raokor senores
Hell be half beside himself with Brief
at losing such an old boon companion
jm 1
Had 1 my own way sirrah said
Alio boldler contemptuously Id break
jour wry oln nock for a useless iueuiii
Iimuce Sense and streiiBth are both
3one from you Hut my orders are to
net you to an oar aloiiB with those two
lustier kuaves So come aloiiB And
lie kicked him Into the courtyard and
liade us follow
The Baileys said Aloe with a
abriiB Uespltod for the present And
lie did as he was bidden
I followed and presently we were
Suited to a Brent chain bihib with u
Sot of other prisoners nuioiiB whom
were several of the Hrlstol Merchants
erew who Breeted us kindly lob
Trehallon was In front of me scar and
Siin eoniplete ns of yore
Brave news Master Topp he whis
Vhat Is It said I
Havent you hoard Theres tid
friBS of an Knglish ship thats harry Iub
iho coasts an an Indian spy hns
bniUBht word that her beakH turned
torst here There were an armada ly
liiB In the roads if week iiBone but Its
willed west an theres only a enrrack
an a brace of Balleya now An ns one
of them last haint got a man aboard
lier were to work her sweeps Hrave
news haint It Master Topp Once at
sen who knows what me may do
He rubbed his hands and Biinnod till
X feared for the Integrity of hid fea
Attempt nothing rashly said I for
I lind not overmuch faith In Jobs Judg
ment aud feared he might start an out
break which would end in doatli to us
all Attempt nothing whatever till
Cantulu Ireland gives the word He
ins a headpiece worth ten of yours nud
sine Job
Aye aye sir said Job warmly
that he hns An wheu he gives tho
sign hell have the lot of us at Ids back
no fear
llien tho cnvnleado was put Into mo
tion and further conversation became
impossible We passed through tho
still streets by churches and houses
and gloomy convents aud great public
buildings and so ou to the batteries and
fortifications where there was strict
parley with the sentries before we
were let out The old man who had
been dragging himself painfully aloug
behind me Bank down on the muddy
road to snatch a moments rest aud
through some pity for his condition I
bade him climb ou to my buck With
out further ado up he scrambled chuc
kling and crying out to the soldiers
that hed got a mule to ride or at any
rate nn ass after all This 1 thought
was somewhat ungracious
The double gates were opened and
out we trooped on to a uarrow well
Sept road that the frowning culverlns
could have swept with Iron hall for a
ecore of perches We passed through
other gates and other drawbridges
thrown across natural cliffs aud 6a w
other heavily guuned batteries beside
them inukliig tho position one of such
enormous strength that 20 good uicu
could have held It against au army
During thetwo hours tramp thqjjuu
nprnng up from behind the eastern
hills and by the time wo entered li
Cttmyra It was broad daylight
The old man whom I had sot d nvn
from my shoulders oiled loudly for a
breakfast Hi1 wasnt going to row on
nn empty belly Oh ho ho Not lie
Indeed They uihhl thumbscrew Ida
hands to the oar but he wouldnt put
nn ounce of weight on It no not even
If they twisted a knotted cord round
his temples and hove him backward
and forward with that
Utile notice however wiih taken of
his vaporlngH hiivu to bestow a curse or
a blow when his Importuultleu grew
too noisy We wore hustled roughly In
to boats and ferried across to the gal
ley which lay straining at her anchor
In the road
Shoh pierced for 110 swoops aside
said Alee who had boon counting tho
row holes A hundred and fifty or 180
rowers that menus unless we are to be
singularly undermanned
Thorn be throe more bont loads com
ing off observed lob Trehallon
Two for us aud one for the smaller
gnlley ahead there said 1 And
look there are a host of slaves and sol
diers ou the shore ready to enibnrk
Hut whores the enrrack 1 wonder
Hull down to norard master said
one of the other Hngllshinon
Way enough I sang out the ollloer In
clinrge of the boat In oars and mind
you slaves dont topple overboard I
dont want to lose you till youve done
some work
Aye cried the old man Spanish
lubbers that you nre Let the Knglish
Konnion go first and bIiow you the
way And ho got a scabbard blow
across the face to unlet him
She was a galley of the first class
nud from her keen steel beak to her
Ww IAsSkj xMsW
Ornclil came thedrlvcrs whip
gilded coach she was for a galley ns
tine a craft as ever ran to windward
against a uoreaster Hut from our
coign of difiulvautage we did not look
upon her with much appreciation She
had been lying Idle for a full twelve
month and yet had scarcely had time
to sweeten 1 never sat on anything
harder or rougher than her row bonc
Knch of us Kngllsii was stationed at
tho end of an oar a post of honor If
there can be such a distinction for
slaves who are chained to their work
and the live other places were man
ned by rapscallion landsmen of when
there soeuied to be a very liberal sup
A soldier commandant and live sol
dier otllcers mighty fine armor clad
gentlemen rll took possession of the
coach and cabin ou the spur deck A
handful of dirty lubberly sailors aud a
company of soldiers were statloued for
wurd aud when a few handfuls of
maize burgoo had been distributed
among us slaves tho drivers ou the
gangway cracked their whips and wo
swung out our oars and got under way
The gallej had been pretty lively as
she plunged at her anchor ami the
Spanish cutpurses nud cutthroats be
side us were beginning to feel uucom
fortnble but when she got some way
ou and the motion became easier they
thought their iiualms would pass away
and so they broke out Into a monot
onous chant which marked time for
the rowing
Hut their song did not last long By
rapid degrees the cheop ehoep of
the tholes drowned It ns tho long roll
ing swell of the Caribbean sea rocked
us uii aud down aud the swarthy faces
of the rogues became sallow as old
And then began a scene of misery
that sickens me even now to thluk of
Tho poor wretches In the agony of
their sickness would falu have drop
ped the oars but tho merciless drivers
lashed them lashed us lashed all with
in roach Tne helm wns put up to ruu
along tho const and the beam roll
made tho siTerers sicker They could
not do a dolts worth of work and In
their loathing bade the drivers tllug
them overboard
Wo KuglLh could not each do the
task of six aud cursed the drivers for
our unearned stripes Tho otllcers in
the stern swore haphazard at all they
could clap eyes ou Aud ubovo all the
hellish tumult aud discord rose the
weird unearthly Oh ho ho and
Ah ha ha of tho old man
Crack eatno tho drivers whip
across the old mans bare shoulders
Best keep your wind to yourself
old prophet growled a stout fellow
who sut henr him seeing that woro
chalued up here like dogs an cant stir
a list to right ourselves with
I tell you good fellow replied tho
old man earnestly before another jay
Is spent you shall drive a steel ns
through thofio Spanish headpieces
Id do It blithely old man said thn
other Aye tor through six or through
10 If It came to that Hut there youi
babbling Theyve driven your old
brain crazy poor muster with their
HabbllugH cried the old man
fiercely I tell you Inn Iengony that
as surely as your back Is a mass of
sores today so surely shall you pay
back a sword thrust for every whip
cut they have ghon you
In the fiends iiaino how did you
lenrn mine 1 never set eyes on you
before Is It magic muster
Ah ha Maglel Oh ho ho Aye
magics the word Ian Ive lived long
milling these very good friends tho
Spaniards and tho devil who Is their
patron saint has taught me many
things You neednt cross yourself
Jan They fay he doesnt like It
The Lord be bimvecn inu and
111111111 cvlnliued the man devoutly
Ah ha ha hal
1 could hoar tho sea rod sailor mum
bling a strange mixture of Iniid words
mid scraps of piayor to keep off the
mil spirit and I more than half shar
ed his alarm Hut though 1 had no
wish to lie beholden to any one who
worked magic still I could not help
tho feeling of elation which the un
canny old prophets words roused In
mo By virtue of his powers the old
man appeared to guess tho thoughts
which were simmering In tny mind for
presently he sang out Well Jack my
brawny giant are you ready for a cut
at your oppressors
Peace old mini said I If the
soldiers hoar you theyll smell mutiny
nud fire niuniohnnee Into the lot of us
Oh ho ho No fear Jack A
Spanish hidalgo doesnt know our
henthou tongue
Maybe not said I but theres no
linriii In being prudent And another
thing old niiin I warn you not to prac
tise your devilish nrts on me for 1
know Latin and If youre a warlock
youll bo finding yourself In uncomfort
able qua iters
Oh ho ho Its well for you Jnck
that the Spaniard Is too fine a gentle
man to cumber himself with barbarous
English Had my worthy friends ou
the poop heard your Insolence setting
yourself up as an exorcist ha hn you
wouldnt have escaped a beating Yeti
ly It was great presuniptlou on your
part Know Jack that none but a no
ble Spaniard with throe crafty tortur
ers trailing on his heels can quiet the
devil of which I nin possessed uow If
that excellent devil wishes to speak
But at present he Is dumb Jnck so get
on with your toll for though we are
heading for the place of deliverance
there are many weary leagues left to
row before we reach It
Thou with his teeth close set and a
constant stream of muttering und sub
dued laughter forcing Its way be
tween them he swung to his oar with
an energy that his wasted muscles
seemed to be Incapable of supplying
The old mans words tilled mo with
hopo aud the powers that Inspired
them with fear so unwilling to be
further beholden to his art 1 kept my
tongue quiet and looked out to sea
Keeping even pace with us was a
large carrack of about COO tons pierc
ed for a great quantity of ordnance and
crammed to the bulwarks with sol
diers Hanging on her windward quar
ter was another galley rowing four
oars fewer than ourselves nnd she too
carried a heavy fighting crew With a
sinking heart 1 recognized that the
three of us would be too strong for the
Englishman for though 1 kuew that
one of his lads was a match for eight
or maybe ten of these glittering Span
lards any day still against odds of r0
to 1 his chance was hopeless Ho might
beat us off or perhaps even sink us
but capture us never
And so the old mans words seemed
to me to be but foolishness nfter all
Aud with that thought 1 once more tore
at my oar In sullen gloom
Toward nightfall we had a rest Tho
galleys sails were hoisted to catch the
rising breeze and so drawing the oars
a trltle Inboard we slipped the handles
under the gangway leaving the shin
ing blades cocking up in the air ou ei
ther side of her All rouud us were
sickness aud misery The sun sunk
behind a reef of purple cloud aud the
freshening wind began to hiss and
shriek more keenly through the oar
The sea got up the ruin poured
against us lu cutting sheets and squnll
nfter squall tore from the Inky black
ness above The galley was allowed to
run under foresail alone and n course
was shaped for El Pueblo del Norte on
the north side of Marghcrlta But the
lubberly soldier Spaniards had not
known enough to keep a good reckon
ing while daylight lasted and so hold
ing too much to the uorthwurd did not
make out the Island till we had almost
passed it And then as she would not
turn to windward under sail and as
the seu was too heavy for the sweeps
they let tho galley drift where she
would and took themselves to their
prayers hoping by tho help of the
saints to tiud themselves under the lee
of one of the Windward Islands by
But while our masters busied them
selves lu calling out to the saluts nud
with their own bauds did nothing for
tho safety of their vessel we In the
waist were merrily occupied
A driver in his passage along tho
gangway swerved to a roll which
threatened to jerk him from his feet
and grasped at a certain carroty head
for support There was a clunk of
chains and tho man drew his hand
away as though tho head had burned
him Too late for Alee had gripped
his leg and pulled him down The
driver yelled The shrieks of the storm
drowned his first cry and a blow from
a clinched list silenced tho second The
shackle key was ripped from his belt
and passed down tho outside lino of
Darkness hid every movement and
1 I
though pronounced incurable by the doctors S S S can be relied upon to
new untried rontody an experience of nearly fifty years has proven it a
only piucly vegetable blood medicine known
Mr II I Mvcrs in Mulhrrrv SI Ncwntk N i c
ever for this
imiitini it
Titinil nil nvor nu Iwuli TIKU - 1 - - j wj t
- - V
Never Hail HCold
sinco I began carrying a package of
Krausos Cold Cure Capsules in my vest
pocket I take one whenever I feel a
cold coming on Its easy Prico 25o
Sold by Goo B Ohristoph
When you want a physio that is mild
and gentle easy to take and pleasant in
effect uso Chamberlains Stomach aud
Liver Tablets Prico 25 cents Samples
free Every box guaranteed For salo
by tho Kiesau Drug Co
Does It Iuy to UuyClioap
A cheap remedy for coughB aud colds
is all right but you want something
that will relievo nud euro tho more
severe and dangerous results of throat
and lung troubles What shall yon do
Go to a wormox and more regular cli
mate Yep if possible j if not possible
for you thou iu either case take tho
ouly remedy that has been introduced in
all olvilized countries with suocess in
severo throat and lung troubles
Bosohoos German Syrup It not
only heals and stimulates the tissues to
o Potash
III RnlllP rilQPa llm rrlnmnl el nl 111 I l1i 1 1 it 1123 Slfi
MM X WS victim is firmly within the grasp of the monster before the true nature of the disease iimhuh
i ii un ii oincr ciisch ine nioou is quickly tilled with tins poisonous virus nnd the MfnAAlA
swollen elands mucus tmtchoq in On nmtii era i mIk ilvrc n enrn lUITIHV
throat cruntions on skin niimrr cnturoii uiiriro ni rnr ilntr ni wJllv
leave no room for doubt as these are nil unmistakable signs of Contagious Wood Poison rMf PmnA
Doctors still presenile mercury anil potash ns the only cure for Wood Poison These poisonous min- WI fi JllrH
crals never yet made a complete and of W WlHB V
permanent cure Contagious Wood Poison They drive the disease
back in to the system cover it up for n while but it breaks out again in worse form These powerful minerals produce mercurial
Li in Vasl 1CMVC so l leers causing the joints to htifTen nnd finger nails to drop ofT Moroury nnd
potttsli rrmko u rooks not ouroa and those who hnve been dosed with these drugs are never after free from aches nnd pain
i if in cl rty llcrct miner being a purely vegetable remedy it forces the poison out of the system nnd
i stead of tailing down builds up nnd invigorates the general health S S S is the only antidote for this specific vims nnd
therefore the only cure for Contagious Blood Poison No matter in what stage or how hopeless the case may appear even
make a rapid permanent cure b b b is not a
sure ami uuiaiiiug cure lur mis uiscnsc
wns itav nn n iciuiic iii iiui in sense wlilcli wns tn spots nt first tint nflerwards
icac soon broke out Into wires nml ll is ensy to tniiiRliie the siitTcrhiK I en
SofS I co lo me no kckkI I liiul spent n hundred dolliii
5m AlliaifMl rlcl vnrli tmlenl medicines tint tliey did not rcich I
It is the
mltired Ilcloie I necntiie convinced timi tne
wlilch was reallv thrown nwnv I then
tln ttlBMn Mln 1 lml fittellil ft d I
IlOltlCOf H S S I WHS izrcnttv illltiroveil mill wnsilrlltrlilril III III tocnlt Til rpil mlntrlir
on my chest began to grow pnlcr nnd smaller nnd before Ioiik disappeared entirely I regained my
lost weight liccniiic Mronycr und my nppctlte improved 1 was soon entirely well and my sktu as
ctcni us n piece of glass
Send for our Home Treatment Book which contains valuable information about
this disease with complete directions for self treatment Our medical department is
in charge of physicians who haveinade a life time study of blood diseases Dout
llesitntc to write for nnv iufnrtiinlinn nr mil iitnnlm W i1n Mnrr lni
All correspondence is held in the most sacred confidence THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA GA
the olcc of the storm hushed nil other
lesser sounds In half an hour wo Kng
llsii were every tnmi of us unfettered
and ready for a bid for freedom
To Iw cimtlnnot unit friilay
lildii Iruln nml 1rovlslous
Chliiiirn Jmi ill Wheat wuh n dull mnr
kot today Ilnslnir He lowiir undor the In
fliiiMiro of llliernl iveelptn good weather
nnd no onlsldu Hiipport Corn closod mi
cIiiiiirimI oatH a wliuilo lower und provisions
alio to 7HyiO depresMcd Closing prices
Wheat Jan 7Hifit7te Muy 7W3
wye IVb rwirc
Corn Jnii UOMtfTc May 33330c
Feb il4c
Outs Jan 2Av Mny
Pork Jun 117216 May flltttlftlOS
Inrtl Jan Feb 7iiVi Mar
nibs Jan JCoTj May 07W Feb
Cash imitations No 2 red wheat 77VM
7lie Nn 3 spring wheat 03fg7lc No 2
hind wheat 71fa7t No 2 raali corn 37Vle
No 2 cubh outs 2lWTi2lc
Chicago Itvu Stock
Chicago Jan 11 Cattle Hecelpts 7ri00
Including MX Texiins eholeu HtinrsrliUOc
higher other steady to strong butchers
vtoclt steady to 10c higher Texas steady
to Tie higher good to prime steers S10W
100 poor to medium i GjTiOO stockers
nnd feeders choice tlrin others sternly
a0K tlM co wn heifers 275
fi MO dinners 2XVQ2tS bulls firm
2r0tfMi calves steady l00iii7i Tex
as fed Hleers 4XKMS0j Texas grass
steers aMVJJ l0O Texas bulls 2ri0fTiG0
Hogs Receipt today u0O tomorrow
27000 left over 2IH0 WlOc lower clos
ing steady top St2Wj mlxod and butch
ers i1M7fiU good to choice heavy 120
it2ii rough heavy 0iCTiiri light
3i iuiiii nun or sales
Sheep ItecelptM 12000 sheep
steady to slow good to choice wethers
HS01RrO good to choice mixed 340
iS western sheep tWKM4i Texns
sheep 2r0iri0 native lambs 433Q
BtiS western lambs i00fi3
Kniisns City Ilve Stock
Kansas City Jan at CattleMlecoIpts
i00 natives ur0 Tenuis 100 calves beef
ijeers stonily iri7T25c higher stoekers ami
feeders 3MVfftM western fed steers
47i7ii Texas and Indians 38fl7r
cows 12W42i heifers 3riOiA47ri can
ners 240JiilO bulls 300fC riO cnlvcs
rrpri75 llnpi Iteeelpts ir000 rWlOc
lower top iil bull of sales ifriirilftVJ
heavy i20tTiH mixed packers riir8
n25 light rooift io pigs iMft4i0
Sheep Iteeelpts 1000 latulm steady mut
tons strong western In nibs rilrfii40
western wethers 42ri4471 western vear
llnirs IVSifiOO ewes 305342 j cullls
23Ci I2u
South Onmlui Live Stock
South Omaha Jau 31 Cattle Iteeelpts
3000 steady to strong native beef steers
4OOSjri40 western steers 3704G0j
Texas bteers 3003375 cow and heifers
lower 300310 cnnuerH 17n275
stoekers and feoders 324C calves
4OO075 bulls Mags etc 240425
Hogs Iteeelpts 8fi00 MflOc lower closed
better heavy J517V4tto22W mixed M7Vj
TiTi20 tight 510gnl7V4 plga l00475
bulk of sales 513tfiV20 Sheep Iteeelpts
3400 steady ytmrllngs 4402480 weth
ers 400f460 corproon and ktock sheep
350G3S3 lambs HOHSSO
Hint to Conquer or Die
I was just about gone writes Mrs
Rosa Itichardsou of Laurel Springs N
0 I had consumption so bad that the
bett doctors said I could not live more
than n month but I began to ufo Dr
Kings New Discovery and was wholly
ourod by seven bottles aud inn now stout
and woll Its an unrivaled Ufo saver
in consumption pneumonia la grippo
and bronchitis infallible for coughs
colds usthum hay fever cronp or
whooping cough Guaranteed bottles
0o aud 100 Trial bottles free at
Kiesau Drug Oos store
Imitntors lmvo been many Thought
ful pooplo have learned thnt true morit
cornea only with tho gonuliio Rocky
Mountain Tea made by tho Madison
Medicine Co 35a Ask your druggist
lfor Shuttered Nervos
A romedy thnt will soothe build up
tho wasted tissues nud enrich tho blood
is indespeusnble Litoueys Celory
Nervo Compound has beou wonderfully
successful in cases of norvousnoss as
thousands of grateful pooplo will testify
Sold by Geo B Obristopu
Uow to Curo Grip
Remain quietly at homo and take
Chamberlains Cough Remedy as di
rected aud a quick recovery is suro to
follow That remedy counteracts any
tendency of tho grip to result in pneu
monia whioh is really tho ouly serious
dauger Among the tens of thousands
who havo used it for the grip not one
case has ever been reported that did not
recover r or saie oy tne tuesau urug
The KieEau Drug company will re
fund you your money if you are not
satisfied after using Chamberlains
Stomaoh and Liver Tablets They cure
disorders of the stomach biliousness
oonstipatiou aud headache Price 25
cents Samples free
OiiukIIiiii Aimvtercil
Yos August Flower still has tho larg
est snlo of nny medicine in tho civilizod
world Your mothers and grand
mothors novor thought of using anything
olso for indigestion or biliousness Doc
tors wore scarce und thoy seldom hoard
of appendicitis nervous prostration or
heart failuro etc Thoy used August
Flower to clcau out tho system nnd stop
fermentation of undigested food regu
nto tho action of tho livor stimulate the
I nervous nnd organic action of tho system
and that is all thoy took when fooling
dull nud bad with headaches nnd other
uchos Yon ouly need a few doses of
I Greens August Flower in liquid form
to innko you satisfied thero is nothing
I serious tho matter with you Got
Groous Prize Almanac Kiesau Drug
My heart and hand uuother claimed
His plea had come too late
Its over thus with people without
pluck and vim
Take Rocky Mountain Tea dont got
loft again Ask your druggist
Ia C rlppo Oulclily Cured
Jln the winter of 1898 aud 1809 I was
taken down with a sovero attack of
what is called la grippo says F L
Ilowett a druggist of Wiuileld 111
The ouly medieino I used was two
bottles of OhninbnrlniiiflCnnijli Romedv
and 1 liuiTbs krk up tho cold nnd stopped tho
coughmg like magic nnd I havo never
siree been troubled with grip Cham
berlains Cough Romedy cau always be
dopeuded upon to break up a severo cold
aud ward off auy threatened attack of
pneumonia It is pleasant to take too
which makes it tho most desirable and
one of tho most popular preparntious in
use for these ailments For sale by tho
Kiesau Drug Co
Drying1 preparations simply devel
op dry cnturrh thoy dry up tho secretions
which adhero to tho inembrano and decom
pose causing a far more serious troublo than
tho ordinary form of catarrh Avoid all dry
ing inhulnnts fumes smokes and snutls
and U30 that which cleanses soothes nnd
heals Elys Cronm I3alm is such a remedy
and will curo catarrh or cold in tho head
easily and pleasantly A trial size will bo
mailed for 10 cents All druggibts sell tho
COc sizo ElyHrothors GO Warren St NY
Tho Balm cures without pain docs not
irritate or cause snoozing It spreads itself
over nn irritated aud angry surface roliov
ing immediately tho painful inflammation
SVith Elys Cream Balm you aro arm od
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever
Ilunkleiin Arnica Salve
Has world wide famo for marvelous
cures It srrpasseB any other salve lo
tion ointment or balm for cuts corns
burns boils soros felons ulcors totter
salt rheum fever sores chapped hands
skin eruptions Infallible for piles
Curo guaranteed Only 25o nt Kiesau
Drug Cos store
Will lloom His UuHlness
S Laval a merchant of Dallas Tex
writos I thought I would have to
givo up businoss after two years of suf
fering from goneral debility brought 011
by ovorwork and long hours but four
bottles of Electric Bitters gavo 1110 new
life I can now eat anything sleep well
aud feel like working nil tho timo Its
the best medieino ou earth Its a
wonderful touio nud health builder for
tired weak sickly and run down people
Try it Satisfaction guaranteed Only
r0o at Kiesau Drug Cos store
destroy tho gorm diseaso but allays in
flammation causes easy expectoration
gives a good nights rest nud cures tho
patient Try 0110 bottle Recoinuiouded
ninny years by nil druggists iu tho world
Get GroouB Prizo Almnnao Kiesau
Drug Co
Dout got sido t ranked in business
Dullness somotimos passes for death
Men with braius reach tho goal Rocky
Mouutniu Tea puts gray matter into
ouob head 800 Ask your druggist
Ucitiluche Onuses
Headacho iB usually caused by liviug
in poorly ventilated rooms overindulg
ence in food or drink insufficient exor
cise mental strain excitement or ma
laria Krausos Headacho Capsulea
quickly cures tho most severo cases and
leaves tho head clear and cool Prico
2Cc Sold by Geo B Ohristoph
AVorklnc Ovorllino
Eight hour laws are ignored by thoso
tireless little workers Dr Kings Now
Life Pills Millions are always nt work
night and day curing indigestion bil
iousness constipation sick headacho
and all stomaoh liver and bowel
troubles Easy pleasant safe suro
Only 25o at Kiesau Drug Oos store
Cold Cure for llusy leoplo
Many peoplo neglect a cold because
thoy say they have no time to attend to
it Krausos Cold Cure is a remedy
which can be taken without danger
while performing your daily duties aud
will relieve tho most aggravated cases
iu 24 hours Price 25c Sold by Gao
B Ohristoph
In all Us stages there
should be cleanliness
Elys Cream Balm
cleanses soothes and heals
the diseased membrane
It cures catarrh and drives
away a cold in the bead
efF nr I
- b
y 1
ririn V f u
fr HSf
Cream R11I111 is placed Into tho nostrils spreads
over tho membrane and Is absorbed KeHof is im
mediate and a cure follows It ia not drying does
not produce sneezing Large Size 60 eentB at Drug
gists or by moll Trial Size 10 cents by mall
ELY BUOTUERS 60 Warren Street New Yrlc
vESifiw 1 W
THE 3 Bp gWCJlfc
Made a
Well Man
of Me
produces the above results In 30 days It tcti
poworf ully and quickly Cures when all others fall
ICoiing men will regain their lost manhood an old
men will recover their youthful vigor by using
REVIVO It quickly and Barely restores Nervous
nees Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly Emissions
Lost Power Falling Memory Wonting Diseases and
all effects of eaU abuso or excess and indiscretion
vrbloh unfits ono for study business or marriage It
not only cures by starting at tho seat ot disease but
Is a great nerve tonlo and blood builder bring
Ing back tho pink glow to polo checks and re
stoijng the flro of youth It wards off Insanity
and Consumption InBist on having E IVO no
other It can bo carried In vest rocket By mall
100 per package or six for 8000 with posi
tive ivxitten guarantee to cure or refund
the money Hook nnd nrtvlsa freo Address
Forsale iu Norfolk Nebraska
Geo B Ohristoph druggist
Dont Be Fooledi
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never sold
in bulk Accept no substl
tute Ask your druggist
ANF Bunriv
Sl AMr
Mtj win uu vlNtHUNACa
MM -
For Solo by George B Ohristoph
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