The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 01, 1901, Page 11, Image 11
I b M i Childrens Eyes aro often defective nnd thoy havo head aches mul othwr norvo ills which medi cines do not nnoli and thoy hnto tho Hohool room ns tho dovil is fluid to hnto holy water Havo their eyes rorrontcd and they will not only lovo tho school font will learn faster Old folks are often affected tho sumo way font it sIiowh up in tho form of Iomh of memory irritability ohronio bond aches mul other nerve disttifonncoB uiul Boino times in geneial t UHMedness Cotno to nio and have your eyes ex ninined I will toll you why thebo things occur C p 1 PRQtJAflDT Dp of Ophthalmology NORFOLK NEBRASKA H E HARDY Offlcr Cor 4th nnd Mnln Sta Yarns Bast U l Depot Phone 35 FUEL iJ 3 You can get any article in JOHNSONS Furniture Store at cost until Febru ary 5th Only new stock in the city to pick from TllH Welitller Conditions of tho weather as recorded for tho 34 hours ending at 8 a m to day Maximum tompontnre 28 Minimum temperature -1 Average 10 Preoipitation 00 Total precipitation for month 05 Snowfall 24 Barometer 29G1 Foreoast for Nobrafika Increasing cloudiness with probably snow tonight and Saturday Warmer tonight in south portions FRIDAY FACTS Miss Hnldn Kell is vtry sick with pneumonia Three families are quarantined at Friend on account of small pox G D Jenkins is confined to his homo with a very severe attack of the grip Tho saloon of William Poeggler of Hartington was broken into and robbed of f 05 Wisner is gratified to learn that it is the largest village between Omaha and Ohadron Mr and Mrs O H Reynolds enter toined a small company of friends at cards last evening Miss Nolle Gereoke entertained a few young lady friends at a kaffee klatsoh yesterday afternoon ErioOblin of Gothenburg bad his hand so badly mangled in a corn shred der that it had to be amputated at the wrist Geo H Spear of the Oxnard baa been confined to his room for several days past with tho quinsy but 1b reported somewhat better today Mrs King wife of the German Luth eran minister of Hadar died yesterday morning of the grip It has not been learned what arrangements for the fu neral were made Owing to the fact that Mrs Hamilton will not nrrivo until the lato train to morrow night and for tho convenience of a number of people holding tickets J D Sturgeona concert will not begin until 830 baturduy evening John Barrel of Columbnc G years of j ago and a civil war veteran lias been bound over to tho district court in the sum of 1000 to answer to charges pro ferrod by u II -year-old girl Ho was at o o timo doputy alti nlT and for 10 yeurp has been engineer of tho city water works Owen Adam0 aged about eight years ROti of J O Adams hud his collar bone brokon Wcdnusday whilo at play at sohool Ho was thrown down and the forco of tho fall emtio on tho shmildoi with thn abnvo result Tho littlo follow has been made as com fort able ns posnl bio through surgical aid Walker Whitesides company which has nppoarsid twico hoforo Norfolk audi ences lost its wardrobes and sconery in a tiro which destroyed tho Coates opera houso at KiinsiiR City last night Tin company had just concluded tho rondi tion of Heart and Sword whon the flro was discovered and niomfoors of tin cast only had timo to escapo from tin dressing rooms No ono was injured li the lire Osmond Republican John Ballau tyno who has been tho manager for the E and B people at this placo for the past eleven yeais loft on Tuesday ovon ing to assumo his new duties as auditoi for tho company This merited promo tion will take from us ono man who luu been identified with almost every enter priso Hinco tho town was started V regret to loco John and his estimable wife who by tho way is a power in chinch and lodge work but aro pleaded to note their promotion Mr Ballau tyno will locate in Norfolk Smoked ilsh at Glissmaus Houses for Rale T B Odiornr Dressed chickens at Hiiros Leave orders at my store for your piano tuning A professional tuner will be there Saturday i J D StuitniiON Tho Norfolk Piano Man llcotSuKiir on Hit Continent During tho season 1900 1901 tho Ger man sugar factories consumed 12885000 tons of beets next como tho French fac tories with 8423000 tons Austria-Hungary with 7103000 toiiH Ruhsia with 0481000 tons and Belgium with 2402 000 tons Tho oight principal continental beet root sugar producing countries con sumed 40104000 toiiB of beets and pro duced oWiGOOO tons of sugar In Austria Hungary tho averago per oentage or sugar produced from bwts during the seisou was 1 1 in Bolgium 1 percent in Holland li 7 in France 125 in Germany 148 in Russia 111 8 in Sweden 128 and in Denmark 125 per cent which gives an averago of lit 8 for all the great European beet produc ing countries It will bo noticed that German beets take tho lead with 1 18 per cent of sugar whilo tho Danish beets gave the smallest percentage ol sugar viz 125 All Coinpotillon DlKtiinrrri Tho fatt trains of tho Union Pacific reach San Francisco fifteou hours ahead of all competitors If vou aro in no hurry tako a slow train by ono of the de tour routes font if you want to got there without snffoiiug any of the inconven iences of wiutor travel tako the only direct route the Union Pacific De tailed information furnished on applica tion F W Juneman Agent Baltimore select and standard oysters iu bulk at Glissmaus Pickles at Karos 1retly Wedding nt Home Tho wedding of John H Featherstone and Miss Nell Shonkberg took placo lubt evening at tho home of the brides par onts Mr and Mrs O Shonkberg 1211 Douglas street Only relatives and u few friends witnessed the ceremony Shortly after 8 oclock Rev F New hall White pastor of the First Congre gational church read the vows which joined thej young poople After tho ceremony a wedding supper was served Tho houso was tastbfully decorated The wedding was a very pretty ono al though quiet The brido is a young woman of excep tioual qualities and her circle of friends is a wide one She has spent nearly all her life in Sioux City and has been greatly admired by all who have had tho good fortune to be her friends Tho groom is a young business man of more than ordinary popularity He also has grown up in Sioux City and has made a large number of friends Of recout years he has been a traveling salesman for Knapp Spencer company aud his ability has been generally recognized Mr and Mrs Feathorstono will reside in Salt Lake Oity Utah where Mr Feathorstono will engage in the hard ware business for himself Thoy will carry with them the congratulations and well wishes of more friends than it falls to tho lot of every couple to possess The young couple last evening endeav ored carefully to oonoeal the timo of their departure for their uew homo but it was generally understood they would leave on the first train Among the many presents which were recoived was a draft for 500 from the brides fathor The groom presented tho bride with a piano Sioux Oity Journal Catfish lake trout wall eyed piko and white fish at Glissmaus A good barn aud buggy shed for rent at 400 Sooth Fifth street Dr Frank Salter Diseawa of children T11K NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY KRHKUAKY 1 1011 CORN STALK DISEASE Dr t A MoKlni lUrui lr Nleoimimm irrlniit mul III - Other View mul ItiiuriUc Norfolk Neb February I To tho 1511 tor of Thk Nkws In your issuo of Tuesday January 29 you have an arti cle quoted from the Spalding Enturprino on Dr NicodoimiH Experiment in re ply to which on behalf of tho qualified and expert veterinarians of the state I would Hko to miy a few words To begin with Mr Nirodemus Is not a veterinarian at all and I very much doubt if ho would know the first princi pals of tho use of a microscope To destroy tho poison iu tho com stalks winch eniisrn tho death of the cattle it is claimed foy those qualified to give an opinion that tho com field must be burnt over and not replanted to corn until homio other crop as grass eto has been raised on It so If tho genu Ib thus destroyed by burning how can It bo found by tho use of tho microscope in the residue loft after Mr Nicodemus binned tho stalks As regards this panic gorm or poison being tho cause of both the loss of cattle from corn stalk disease and oholeiu in hogs it is truo both diseases belong to tho sanio class but tho gemiH are not tho tamo though they resemble each othor Ab for tho investigation throwing any light on these subjects I fail to hoe it Mr Nicodemus does not toll us what this poison is that it is a poison wo have known for a long timo what wo want to know is what iB tho poihou aud how to prevout it Our United States govomment and btate goverumoutB havo long experi mented with both these diseases and aro still doing m yet thoy have not so far given ns a satisfactory method of deal ing with them as they have dono with black leg Our own experiment station at Lin coln under Dr A F Peters hB done more with tho hog cholora question than any othor station and promises soon to do something of still greater interest nnd value lor tne etftoK raiser in inesernm therapy treatment they havo already proven tho disease can bo checked If the f armors would obey a proper quarantine restriction together with disinfection aud serum treatment and then a proper mixed ration not all corn the diseabe would soon lose its virulence aud it would not go broadcast over our fair state year after year Tho germ of hog cholera can be and iB carried from pen to pen and from farm to farm ou the shoes of the farmer tho feet of his horses nnd Cattle and ou tho tires of hiR wagon All animals dying with the disease ought to be burned not buried or thrown in a river or creek As for tho corn stalk disease tho diseased stalks occur in patches as a rule generally ofter midsummer tho stalks fail to grow as tho ones in healthy areas tho lower leaves die first they get yellow then preon then yellow again and wither away wo seo spots around the basal part of the leaf which is tho part wrapped around tho stalk These spots may bo from a point to several inches iu size Burrill Thoy contain the germ which can bo cultivated iu beef broth or corn juice These spots are brown and watery looking at first then darker and finally dead In badly affected plants the roots aro diseapedalso Later on will occur littlo gelatinous exudations on tho spot on tho stalk which if crushed and placed under a cover glass aud examined under a high power will diBplay millions of germs and not in the burnt residue Dr Frank Billings says it is a septi caemia due to extra organismal infection of tho stalk All uro acqnainted with tho symtoras of corn stalk disease in cattle as for treatment little can bo done but if seen early largo doses of raw oil or opsom saltB aud nitrate of potash can be given Prof Strangeways says to give sulphate magnesia eight ounces quinine sul phate 15 grains acid sulphuric dilnto 0 drops water 2 pints mix and give at one dose It is also well to keep tho cattle in the feed yard part or all of the forenoon before turning into the corn fields Since writing this paper I have been informed that hogs dying of cholera are being hauled into Norfolk and rendered into grease or soap Is it any wonder tho disease spreads so Respectfully OUAfl A McKim M D O Fresh oysters at Karos Good forms to trade for town property G R Seiler Choice veal at Glissmans Norfolk lodge No CG3 B P O Elks will hold a mooting at Odd Follows hall Friday evening February 1 at 8 oclock Business of importanco will bo presented for consideration All mem bers should be present E H Tiuoy Secretary Diamond O bacon iu boxes mans at Notion of IlliUfnr Bute Printing Bids will be receivoa by tho State Priutiug Board at tho ofllno of tho secre tary of stato until Thursday February 14th 1901 at 2 oclock p m for sundry printing and engraving Schedules and RpccilUiitim k for tho same may foe had ou application at tho secretary of slates olllee All bids must bo accompanied foy a fooud equal in amount to probufolo sum ofthowoik fold upon Tho foourd re serves the right to reject any and all folds HtATIC 1ltlNTIMI HOAIIU Black hues at Kimis Farm laud nnd oity property for sale foy G R Seiler Choice celery at Hiss mans HbHbONAL Sydney Kohcitson rotnriiH tonight from atrip to Lincoln Mis MoKelvy of ColumfoiiH is tho guest or Norfolk friends Superintendent O W Crum came over from Madison last night Miss Anna Pirkor returned yesterday from a months stay at Neligh Mr and Mrs W H Cooky returned last night from Now Ijoiidou Wis Miss Irene Juneman loft thin morning for Greeley Col to visit until spring with her sister Lieutenant Carl lilger relumed last night fioni Lincoln where ho passed a very creditable examination heroic tho stato military board 1 W Carlilo of Lincoln traveling representative for tho Sugar City Cereal mills has returned from a very success ful business trip through tho Black Hills Dressed cafish at Karos To bo prese nt at tho event of tho sea son in any line is ivory ones desiro but the stage has become so vastly a toplo of discussion in the press pulpit and draw ing room that to miss seeing that clover character comedian Mr Frank Keenaii in Mr Sol Smith ItuHsells most amus ing of all his droll plays A Poor Kola- ipfQ bstf rXwl Wrfr li tion would bo a Iofs of a trueovonings enjoyment to say nothing of the pleasure in foeing up to date in tho del ato vhich is snro to follow at all ut homes teas and receptions A well known and recognized attrac tion of this calibre should diaw a house limited to tho utmost seating capacity Minager Spear has with no littlo diffi culty boon ablo to secure this famous play with its complete scenic produc tion und cotorie of players Wo trust our citizens will reward him with a pa tronage conimeiiBurablo with tho energy and judgment displayed Wo earnestly recommend o the lovers of clean wholesomo amusement A Poor Relation and tho advisability io bo on hand early at tho opening of tho advance salo of seats which takes place on Tuei day morning at 9 oeloe k We niako loans on real estato at lowest rates Elkhoru Building and Savings association T E Owoiink Sec It I mute of KxeunH The county commissioners of Madison county Nebraska at their regular meet ing in January 1901 made tho follow ing estimate of expenses for thotiisuing year County iustituto fnnd 125 00 County superintendent salary 1400 XI County road fund 7r00 X County bridge fund 10000 00 County priutiug 1000 00 County clerkBalary as clerk of - board 00 oo County attorney salary 950 oo uommibsiouers pay and mile age 2i00 00 Care of paupers 2 000 X Bounty on wild auimuls 800 00 Fuel postage und express 1100 00 Jailors fees 1200 00 Books stationery and supplies 1800 00 Janitors salary and assistants to county officials 2500 00 Election expeubes 2100 00 District court and jurors 7500 00 Assessors pay and mileage 3000 00 Insane fund 850 00 Soldiers relief fund 500 00 Poor farm expenses 1000 00 Aid to Agricultural society 700 00 Furniture and repairs on court houso and juil 1000 00 Interest on court house bonds botweou Madison and Union precinct 000 X Sinking fund for same 400 00 Battle Creek village jail bond and interest 150 00 Phil Baucii Ooanty Olerk CHEAPEST AND BEST MILLINERY AT J E DURLANDS BOOKBINDING ReblndingOld Books and Magazines H BRUMMUND Next Deani Paint Store 6th St It Mm wiui to Mil Hell II iii I nt Triiilii lieu I lute vrlln or cull mul poo tic y aero lot ou Nohrat lcu Avenue ho tweoii llth ami IVMh Streets 35000 iMi acres 8 mil h southeast in Hlunlon Co lino itiipiovMiieulH houso erst 150000 Per aero until TQn flfl January I 1901 iUUUU IllOaeiopl miln from Meadow Giove fair building- 100 acres cultivated foal unco hay and paxturo springs ami tun ning water excellent farm land luiiio bolter per acre 3000 Two Fine HosidcuccH well located on tho west Hide to trade for good farm TRACY I DURLRND L L REMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for the Myers Force anr Wind Mill Pit in ps Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Woik First dnr West of Post Office DO YOU DESIRE Health VITQ MAGNETIC HEALING Cures Chronic Diseases Rheumatism Eyes Ears tho Lame ttc Absolutely no medicine tucil Dr II SAYOOR No SOU Kiiht First Street NORFOLK NEBRASKA BT V ET O t S HWU K Mem m w Invites you to Compare Prices Tomatoes per can 8c Peas por can 5t Com per can 8c Java ColIVo host jwr lb 15c Oat Meal por lb 2i Sonp 10 bars 25c 1 j pound can Baking Powder 20c Best Prnnos por lb 8c Blueing 4c Soda per lb 3 Starch por lb i 3jc Crackers per lb 7jjCC Clothes Ijines 9c Lyo por can 4t Mixed Gaudy per lb 7 Pein lino por package 4c Rice peril 7 Lam Chimney 4 Wo havo a big lino of Tinware Gran ifowaro and Crockery which wo an soiling very cheap B MEYERS B W JONAS FINE TAILORING Suits mmlo to rinlor ntiil In the lutcet otyln Ito pairing nnutly ilmin Slioi on South 1ourti St eoutli of Hiiimi II rot MRS H H HULL Manicuring Shampooing Ladies Baths Tkikhionk No 447 Rooms ou North Ninth Street M E SPAULDINC DUALKIl IN FLOUR - FEED TELEPHONE NO 33 GRa SEILER Sale and Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold en Commission 2KSSar PHONE 44 warn jui 11 elm twin I1KO II HPUAH Mniiiii WEDNESDAY ft FEBRUARY O lliliirn of I nfl Himhiiih Hiictchm Hitiin1 Knnuimiiitit ii ho niilmml Cuitiuillnu lifl A JM TUV i i WTJH vtn Jr jrtx X I W i WsHf 0 s w - - I tmij - r - liii w W7 Vm JiT WS1AW 72 0t ir MR FRANK KEENAN Sol Smith Russells Great Play i A POOR RELATION Specially Selected Support Superb Scenic Sur ound rigs NMlTH r0o 7ro an I -I 00 lltlllll Hllln f linillH III I HOI1II 1 1 I nihilay jfSfe vm nit men Aims 1 lie llye ami Ihu ltht Sni ttnlUi f OiiiiiIiii will Im in Noifolk ut In IhIojiIi h Dun Stoiii tlicJitli Jiili mul LTt h if liiltiiiiiry It OII lllll Wllllt I IH llllll llMllllll III llllll llllll Hliihw H him- or iiiiIihh fin linn Iln will mimj joii inoiiiy mul hiimi jiiiii njiT w Im nioH BAHN1CS A TYLER i 1 B Ilnnio JM I Tjlo AlloriicjH at Law Norfolk r NobniHlr JHC S IAltKKU DKISTIST MiKt Mlork - - Norfolk Feb U II T HOLDEN Homeopathic IMitdlHnii anil Surgeon Olllci Cltluiih NiitlimnJ HimW HiillilItiK Toliiilinu lui ntiitiiriiiin mul Itiwiilriiri Main mill lltli St Toluiliiiuu J Norfolk Nebraska 1 COLE DENTIST Olllcn over Cltiznnii National Hunk HprIiIouo ono liloct nnrtli of oiiKritKiitional cliurcb Norfolk Nebraska LOIS QUANT GUILDS Trained Nurse Telephone 155 Norfolk Nebr jyjAPES HAZEN Attorneys-at-Law Ollico over Ipounrde Dnis Storo Norfolk - - Nobrafika JVI1SS MA11Y SHELLEY FaHhlonuble Dressiniiker nt ii Op fctalre li Cotton block ovar Ilaums ator Kirnt rluBB work Kuuruuteod Norfolk - Nobraaka POWERS HAYSi Attorneys at Law Rooms 10 11 nnd IS Wast block Norfolk Nebraska JJOBEHT80N ROIJEUTSON Attorneys-at-Law Rooms 1 anil 2 Robortsou Block Norfolk Nebr SESSIONS BELL Undertakers aud Einbalmerp Pensions HIV Norfolk AveJ Norfolk Nebraska NOVELTY Iron and Brass Works JNO E CRONK Manager AU kinits ol inuchluoe roma lvn mow err to a iriutui succcbhtull repjirod Hot air staum noil hot nntor liiAtiun Sjteclal attea Uui triTcu to llotlar ami KnkIiio HoiMlrlug Opp PuMVialkn Implement House NORFOLK NEBRASKA Jii