SATURDAY SIFTINGS A L Burke of Tiltltii wnH a city vis tor yosteidny A O McLood of Schuyler was in Nor folk yesterday A son was born yesterday to Mr and Mrs Win Nit II II Herbison was a Norfolk visitor from Mndison yesterday Robert Sohiuitt was in Norfolk yes terday from Buzilo Mills Mr and Mrs L G Hloy of Midison visited Norfolk friends yosteuhiy Miss Wilhcmy of Oinalm is visiting with her sister Mrs It H Weller Mrs Bryant and Mrs Stevenson of Madison were in the oily wstordny Mrs Williams of Shuylor is visiting at the home of her son George Fox Judge J B Barnes of this city is in nttendanco at federal court in Omaha Mrs Paul Kuro arrived this morning from Lyons for n visit with Norfolk relatives and friends Miss Lizzio Gruuo who has been vis iting at the lionn of Mr and Mrs G A Knhl departed this noon for her home in LeMars Iowa 5ooigo Wiltiauis resideneo is now connected with the city by telephone and connections arc being liuulo today with Alvin Pratts residence fnn A ttrnobs fif Biriln Mills- rnnin Utfl in from the west yesterday noon and imunea over last evening to nuouu ine mooting of Elks lodge members The Norfolk delegation to tho state firemens association at Seward returned List night and report having liadn pleas ant time and instructive session Misses Lottie and Veda Pilger of Plniuviow aud Byron Young of Green leaf Kansas are visiting nt the home of their aunt Mrs Albert Deguer Tho title to tho public building site in this city has at last been perfected and the traubfor of tho property to the gov ernment was completed yesterday A A Ahlman was 2i years old yester day aud iu honor of that evoit the Jolly Good Follows an organization of which he is president met at his home nnd had such a time as Jolly Good Fellows usually have Mr aud Mrs J W Humphrey have returned from a stny of a couple of inouths at Lincoln aud have again taken np their residence at their homo on Houth Eleventh street Mr Humphrey departed yesterday on one of his regular trips Mrs Laura E Bdukston colored aged 40 died this morning at her home in this city of tuberculosis aud the fu neral will be held Monday morning The deceased was a daughter of Mrs iUfi Lizzie Gordon who lives on Braasch A avenue Mrs Mary Mathewsou very pleasantly f ntertained a dozen of the young lady friends of Miss Louise Mathewsou of Winnebago agency at tea last evening Tho guests remained after tea and spent the evening aud the occasion was thor oughly enjoyed Mr and Mrs D J Koenigstein pleasantly entertained a party of young people last evening at their homo on South Tenth street iu honor of Mrs Koenigsteins sister Miss Mertie Wal dron who expects to leave next week for Parsons Kansas The evening was - very enjoyably spent and delicate re freshments were served MisB Nora Burnett of South Norfolk very enjoyably entertained a company of about 50 invited guests last evening iu honor of Miss Olive Laughrey of Omaha who is visiting here Tho guests were entc rtaiued at cards croki nole and other games until about mid night when dainty rofresmeuts wero served The evening passed very pleasantly to those in attendance Madison Chronicle Fairview is go ing to have a church in tho near futuro It will be of the Methodist denomina tion and will be erected on the lot near where the parsonage now stands on tho ileiglo farm A meeting was held last week at whioh definite plans were made A building T0x 1 feet will be erected iu the spring at a cost of about 1 200 Subscription papers are now be iug circulated Pap Itoigle heads the list with a donation of f SOO The people of Homer are highly in dignant over the treatment given Mrs J as Nelson a young woman about 20 years of age She was suffering with lung fever and was being treated by Dr D A Stiuson of this place Her father Dick Skidmoro is a divine faith healer aud is known as a Morganite He advised his daughter to forsake medi cine nnd rely on diviue faith to restore her to health After three days of divine cure Mrs Nelson died Henry Graak baggage man at the union depot was quite badly injured yesterday while performing his duties Ho wae loading a barrel of tallow into a a wagon when the team started aud he was thrown to the ground between the wagon aud the platform by the weight of the barrel The team was tied and when they felt the jerk of the hitohiug strap they backed suddenly crushing one of Mr Graaks kuecB between the wheel aud the platform The injury re ceived will keep Mr Graak from his duties for some time Thos Duher section man for the F E Mv this afternoon found a linger witu a piuui bu uk - tho coal sheds of O W Braasch It is supposed to bo tho finger of tho late Peter L Buhniau who mot his death hero on tho morning of Tanuaty 1 while firing a saluto to tho now year Tho pan nt a of Mr Buhnian have boon very anxious to recover tho ring aud news of tho find will bo gladly received by them This iiistnnco illustrates tho force of tho explosion on that oocush n Tho place where tho finger was found was almost half a block away from tho foundty where tho saluting mortar wasstatiencd From tho Oxnard Oouriei it is learned that 1 W Hose has been transfer ed from Oxnard to San Francisco and will hereafter inako his headquarters wit li tho general western office of tho company at lJl California street Sun Francisco Tho change comes as a promotion to Mr Rose bringing with it increased responsibilities as well as increased saluty although ho will con tinue to bo olllcially tho auditor of the American Beet Sugar company Gen eral Manager Howe is also to change his placo of residouco to San Francisco or one of tho suburban cities across tho bay and his headquarters will bo at the genoial western olllco of tho company People of St Edwards have given a warning to wife beatois not to bo mis construed Tuesday morning a large well made effigy thickly coated with tar and feathers was suspended by tho netk over main street lroui a rope stretched between two telephone poles The elllgy boro a placard with these words This is what will happen to tho next wife beater One eud of tho ropo was tied to a polo immediately in front of a meat market where a man by the name of Raymond iB employed It is charged that last Saturday night Ray mond brutally beat his wife thiowiug hor so violently upon tho bed as to break it and afterward dragging hor down stuirs by the hair Raymond lost his job A company has been organized at Newman Grove for tho manufacture of a new well tubing whioh it is thought will supercede the old cast iron pipo at present used iu the construction of drive wells Tho company is known as tho C G Dimock Manufacturing compauy Mr Dimock being tho patentee The company starts with a paid up capital of 7500 aud an authorized capital of 80000 The incorporators are O G Dimock and John Blomquist of New man Gsove C E Buruhani of Tilden Dr W M Coudon of Humphrey and W E Reed and T F Mepiuiiuger of Madison tho ollicers being T F Mem niinger president W M Condon vice president J Blomquist secretary and treasurer and C G Dimock manager The Tilden Citizen trives t e following description of the propose manufacture The pipe referred to is to supercede the iron pipe now in general use and is made of galvanized sheet iron such as is used iu making chimney caps The iron is cut of a size to allow a lap of about one third the circumference of the pipe and is then rolled to the re quired diameter aud secured iu that position by two rows of rivets The joints intended to be placed in water bear ng strnta have a series of small holes punched through the folds at a dintance of about a foot and between tho folds is placed the line wire gauze for keeping out the sand etc The lengths are fastened together in the manner of stove pipo Free of Charge Any adult sulleriug from a cold settled on the breast bronchitis throat or lung troubles of any nature who will call at A K Leonards will bo presented with a sample bottle of Boscheos Gorman Syrup free of charge Only one bottle given to one person and none to children without order from parents No throat or lunp romr dy ever had suoh a sale as BoFchees German Syrup in all parts of the civilized world Twenty years ago millions of bottles wore giveu away aud your drugeist will tell you its success was marvelous It is really the only throat and lung remedy generally endorsed by physi cians une To cent bottle will cure or prove its value Sold by dealers in all civilized countries A u flint Flower Itis a surprising fact says Prof Houton that iu my travels iu all parts of the world for the last ten years I have met more poople having used Greens August Flower than any other remedy for dyspepsia deranged liver aud stomach aud for constipation I find for touribts and salesmen or for persons filling offico positions where headaches aud general bad feelings from irregular habits exist that Greens August Flower is a grand remedy It does not injure tho system by frequent use aud is excellent for sour stomachs and indigestion Sample bottles free at A K Leonards Sold by dealers in all civilized countries Funning In Colorado and Xnr Mnira The Denver Rio Graude railroad The Scenic Line of tho World has prepared an illustrated book upon tho above subject which will be sent free to farmers desiring tochaugo their location This publication gives valuable informa tion in regard to tho agricultural horti cultural and live stock interests of this section and should be iu the hands of everyone who desires to become ac quainted with tha methods of farming by irrigation Write S K Hooper G f a t a uenver uoio T1IHNOUK0LK NKWS FRIDAY IAMWKY 2 liV1 MONDAY MENTION Mrs Fred Linrode of South Norfolk is vory sick Fred Davis was a city visitor today from Madison A B Torwllligor of Wayne was a city visitor yesterday Will Roinhardt is ono of tho recont victims of the grip Guy L Farley of Laurel was a Sun day visitor in Norfolk A boy was born to Mr and Mrs W Roseborry last night Miss Winnlo Hartley of Tilden spent Sunday with Norfolk friends O S Hayes returned last evening from a business trip to Chicago Otto llollorinan returned to his homo in Marshtleld Wis this morning Frank Davis was a visitor in tho metropolis yottorday from Venligro Deputy Treasuier Arthur Pilger was in the city from Madison over Sunday It is reported that Mrs Gay Hilver stein is quito sick at her homo in South Norfolk August Hellermnii is improving iu health with a good chance for early and complete recovery Justieo Daniel was busv this morning listening to testimony and arguments presented iu a number of civil eases The Music Si udonts club will meet this evening with Mrs D J Koenig stein A largo attendance is desited Mr and Mrs W 11 Cooley have been culled to Appleton Wis by the an nouncement of thu death of Mr Coohys father Mrs Kineiuan sister and Ludwig Zuolow brother of tho late Mis August Ilellonnun returned to their homes in Minnesota this morning Mrs W C Maker entertained a com pany of lady ti ieuds at tea last Siturday evening tl e occasion proving most en joyable to nil in attendance Four columns el tins weeks issue of tho West Point Democrat are devoted to death notices chronicling tho decease of six poople of that city and vicinity Ono of tho Jones Bros of Madison was in the city today on business He and his brother are reeoutly from Cresron aud have purchased the Rubendalil drug store Tho revival meetings at tho M E church will be continued during this week with services each evening at 7 I0 Rev J E Fowler of Clearwater will continue in charge of the binging E B Konyou this morning received the snd intelligence of the death of his mother Mrs Sarah Kenyou of Oneida Iowa Mr Kenyon left for that place on the noon train to attend the funeral which will take place tomorrow A company of young folks met last eveuing at tho home of Mr and Mrs Ed Braasch ou Eighth street and en joyed a very pleasant timo a liberal supply of refreshments being served The party was given in honor of Walter Braasch Ohas A Hyde of South Norfolk has just discovered that he has a broken bone iu one of his feet tho injury being received about two weeks asro when a tire of one of the engines fell on it Ho has been working since and only took a lay off when it was discovered that tho bone was broken While excavating for an addition to his hot house Chris Graveson of West Point unearthed a human skeleton sup posed to be that of an Indian buried thero 50 years ago Several years ago a skeleton was uncovered iu the same neighborhood It was undoubtedly an Iudiau burial ground Tho Ilijrh school room was hand somely papered aud decorated last Sat urday through tho efforts of tho Fresh man class the money having been raised while the class was in tho Eighth grade The appearance of the room is very materially improved and congratu lations to the class for their public spiritedness aro in order Geo II Bishop is expected horo to morrow from New Haven Conn aud it will then bo determined whether the new building at tho corner of Main and Fourth streets will be ono or two stories in heighth Those with an oye to tho beauty of ono of tho choicest business locations iu the city will hope that the two story plan will prevail Pierce Call Mrs O P Michael of Norfolk was called to Pierce Wednes day by the serious illness of her mother Mrs O C Wilson Miss Rose Wilson has not been able to conduct her sckool for three weeks on account of her n iiiucHH wnue iir Wilson is quite sick with the grip mnking things look like a hospital at the Wilsou home A new kind of hold up was tried by a man living at Auburn but it wusut much of -a success and is not likely to prove popular He wrote the superin teudent of tho poor farm threatening to become a charge on the county uuless he was immediately given a cash bonus of 15 The superintendent did not accede to the dotnaud and tho tenant arrived in due time but made his visit short because the county had not pro vided bath room accommodations Tilden Citizen A son was born last week at tho home of Mr and Mrs Stev enson on tho old Beal placo south of towu who is in all likelihood the small est specimen of humanity in this part of Nebraska The little chap weighed but two and three quarters pounds when J drexsed and dolls clothing had to be called intj use forhis benefit Notwith standing his lilliputiuu size tho boy is thrifty and takes his natural noutish iiinut like other babies of ordinary sio Some one fixed up a job on II E Hardy thi oral luau In his ad iu Tin Nrws in lingo lottois id I Im word Fuel in capitals Soino practical joker iu ono paper removed a pmtlon of tho upper part of the letter E and inado tho ad read II E Ilaidy Full Tiik Nits foreo was almost thrown iiitocon vulsii us ou seeing tho paper and think inu that a glaring error had bet u made but the lino hand of tho eraser was de tected ou closer scrutiny and win u the ml was found to be all right The W R O began the new century with a full attendance In adilitlou to tlio ollicers already reported as installed January I weie Mrs Miller coniluttor with hi r assistant Mrs Robb as guild Mis Eiiolev with her assistant Mrs Broker for color bearers No I Mrs vtuiek No 2 Mrs Geuung No l Mrs Dixon No I Mi h Eliza Diidliy For delegate to state encampment Mrs Ueitlui Pilger Committees Iorjtheyenr as follows Belief McmIhhics Ludhoh laiik and lluiriiigtou Executive Mesdumes Clements Eliza Dudley Ohilds Miller and llowo Auditing McsdiuucH Byerly Mai ran and ICuliu Homo and employment Mesduiucs Mills Van 1 loin and Bondurant Con fcrence Mesdames Dixon George Dudley and Mirrow WOUNDS HIS MAN Itnlliirliitil mill IiiIpci iki Fight u ulo Duel In Wlih ill lli lalti Uoiii Out - 11111 llchl Pails Jan Hi Tho long expected duel between Count de luhcrsuc and Baron Robert do Rothschild wan fought with swords yesterday on Ba ron IMuiuml de Rothschilds estate at Boulogne Sue Seine The duel begun at II and lasted ten minutes when Count de lubersae received a lunge piifonilliig his ii i iii from the elbow to the ariupli The duel was then stopped Ilolh the count ami hi baron fought most determinedly neither lllm liing and neither showed the sliglilei1 desire to spare the other SINteoii engngi nts took place all ot a desperate character The com batants attacked each other furiously The sleeves of their shirts were lltoV ally torn to pieces by the points of their swords as the duelists repeatedly lunged at each other Several times they une to close quarters and their seconds were obliged to separate them At the HIh onslaught Huron do Rothschild lunged at the count who tried to parry but failed and the ba rons sword penetrated his arm Just above the elbow and Issued at the arm pit The spectators hastened around the wounded man and two well known physicians examined the wound They declared the counts life was not In danger but It was Impossible to con tinue the duel Count de Lubersac was then driven buck to Paris Baron de Rothschild Is still performing mili tary service with the Fifty fourth regi ment lie only attained his majority yesterday and lost no time In settling his account with Count de Iubersue MITCHELLS IWiirliml ADDRESS Vat urn of tlin In SfMiliin uf 11 Inn Workri H Indianapolis Jan IM The feature of yesterdays session of the United Mine Workers of America was the an nual address of President Mitchell lie went into details of the hlutory of the conditions which brought about the anthracite strike las September and all offclnl movements of the strike are reported Speaking of the orders growth President Mitchell said Ilic crowlli of our oikii nl7nl Ion Uiirhn tin- liiiat vein- litis liccn iilmost ilirnnii id rii HlUlMKhliig Hip i lrinnlhiiiry Iiicichkc I nt our Iron cnnvciitlou for llii vein lhii in i nilicr l wiim 1ST P I I Kind Edward VII Motml English Throne IN VIOTOUTAS rOOTSTEPS Allicil CiIuiiiiI A Mlili Mm Ill In nt Ulnjf r lie Klnvjiliini ill lirul fit It lit II UMil llilmiil mill ICiiimi nr il Inilliiriliiiliil At Sihhii London Jan ill An eMriioidliiary Issiie of the Cncltc tills morning which appeals with black borders an nounces the death of iMieeu Victoria lidding The cicul has caused one universal feeling of icgiit and soriow to her iiiajestys Iallhlul stlhjci K to whom she was eiideaied by the deep Interest Iu their welfare which she liiMirlably uiunlfesled as well as by many signal vlitucs which marked and adorned her eluiraVler Then follows the proclaim Inn of Edward Nil the ml now lodgement of allegiance by tin privy council and the kings speech at his accession which Is as lollows Voiir Royal Highnesses My Lords nnd icutlcuicii This Is the most pain ful occasion ou which I shall over be called upon to address you My llrst and melancholy duly Is to iiiiuouuce to you the death of my beloved mother the qiieeii and I know how deeply you and Hie nation inn I think I may say the whole world sympathize wllh me iu the Irreparable loss we will have sustained I need hardly say thai my constant endeavor will be always to walk In her footsteps In iiudei taking the heavy loud which now devolves upon me I am fully determined to be a constitutional Hoverelgu In the strictest sense of lie word and so long as there Is breath In my body to work for the good and amelioration of my people I have resolved to be known by the name of IM ward which has been borne by six of my ancestors in do ing so I do not undervalue the name of Albert which I Inherit from my ever-to-be lamented great and wise father who by universal consent Is I think deservedly known by the name of Al bert the flood nnil I desire tluiL his name should stand alone Iu conclusion trust to parliament nnil the Million to support me In the arduous duties which now devolve upon mo by inheritance nnd to which I am determined to devote my whole strength during he remainder of my life Klliff ill II U Ciiiltiil London inn I he king emperor entered his capital at nuoii ycsteiday A thu meeting of Ihu privy council the king took the title ol IMviud VII king of he Lniied Kiugdoin ol ilreal LiKaiii and Ireland ami emperor of India Loudon has donned the garb of mourning from end to end Through out the West end drawn blinds arc Die order of Ihe day while on all the em bassies government olllces and public buildings he Hags are lialt niasicd The law courts he Stock exchanges and all the produce and metal ex changes throughout the country only assembled to close Immediately after the presiding ollicers hud addressed to tho members a few words of tilbuto to the dead monarch The various naval nnd military sta tions tired a salute of 81 guns at mid night to signalize the death of the queen one gun for each completed year of the queens age The public build- lugs are being draped with black the stores are displaying many signs of mourning and business Is practically at a standstill HmmIk iiirt Kins The crowds waited patiently for hours to greet their king Finally preceded by half a dozen mounted po licemen the new sovereign arrived In a plain brougham The king was of U I rj7im iJh Vm k1 I course dressed he deepest and most hii nirciM of INil2 or lOSi k1II inoiirniig ami carelully raised per cent Tho Hru oremiUr1 nl i oiKiinlziit 008 ini iiis us ngiibiM 177 In IKi I hat In acknowledgement of the si On the arbitration problem the l t uncovering of heads which was dent said I more impressive than the most Tlie nilvnntngr to nilnern nnd oporntors Bhisllc cheers The king looked tired nllhc where imitmil i niilruitN nrr rnlcrcil Ulld very sad but very well itiiiii iii iiiHi in nine iiiive neeoiim rei in i ll i Kl flll IflllK Ihlll I lllr nulnwtl 1 - - O v Ul uiLt llllUV 3 the JM Tiatffim rrol failborough house o preside at more MiiiHfiutory niiiiH ivoniii nri rm to eiich If coninieis were enlerni into which the llrst jirlvy council Lord Salisbury Jn JlTi rniplnyment Lord Roscbery A 1 Ralfour the dulie tor n iipi loil of two rcuii bisteuil of one r ii0ii oi 1 1 f V110 I woill riMomnii uil thut our orfinlrntlon -d Strathcona and propoup to Hip npiTMiom tin- forraHildn 0f AToinit Royal and a host of tho most u joint noimi or iiiiiitriiiliin ann prominent personages in the laud were miners over tlio ronxtriirllnn or Inlet prctu tlon of the nrorlKluini of tiir lolnt iiffie ment tU m rvlrcH of mirli board to ln chiiimi upon only where nilJiiRlinentH eim not he effpcteil by Hip onuiiry ami eMul HhIioiI nii thoiM now In force YEARS OUTPUT OF METALS Giraleiit Iu tlm HUtnry of TliU Country uuil CuiihiIh New York Ian 1 J Valentine president of Wells Kargo Co has Is- binding him to govern the kingdom ae cording to Its laws and customa and hear him ssume he tide of King Ho ward VII of fSreal Urllaln and Irehiud und emperor of India The ceremony was Interesting nnd according to precedent Ill nr l itl liTiwiriiiPiii It Is understood the king will return to Osborne today to direct he funeral arrangements These wero discussed - Hiied his annual report of the metals ut a meeting of the authorities of the produced iu the Htates and territories royal household at Iluckiiigliain palaee west of the Missouri river Including hist evening At the college of urms UrltlHh Colvmbla and the Yukon ills- it was yald hat the dale of the funeral tr1t i could not be setded until it was J he report stutM that the total gross known when the Kuropean royalties rcHilt In lMJO was 5aaaifl4S7 of or their represeulaUves would arrive which gold contributed O0IO07H but thut the function would be held at copper 7r284 und silver 42402 the earliest possible date for the con MZ I venlence of Hmperor William whose The combined output of these metals ttay In Knglaiid might be unavoidably last year vras the greatest In the his- limited tory of thU country nnd Canada The Buckingham palace Is being made world s production of gold estimated ready for the royal persons who are tLS000 BhW8 pr8p or nrrlvlns In London Representatives 0800000001 compared with 1809 j of all the royul families in Europe Mitchell S I Jan 21 Shc Iff wM probably be present at the funeral Swindler has returned from Denver 1Uliidlng the King of Italy Belgium h hero he went In quest of u prisoner Ul Greece the crown princes of fJer wanted for criminal assault Ho had y Sweden ami Archduke Fran tbr necessary requisition jiapers from I l ciillnand of Austria Governor Herrled but the Colorado ex- -A tlie Kuroiiean courts will ro iuti 4 cutive declined to recognize them I mtiurulns Xcr vtulous jieiiodu mm t t v it II f woman In the country know about ntf - A Meggers ftltM l se wlio do kimw about it viiilcr how Ihev evir g i alone without it li has loblud child l ih f is huts fir tunny a value uKc It bus pie erved her niihsh iigure and lived her much s illciing It is an external and canits vilh it therefoie iitbtely no danger of upsetting slim as dings Liken iniein allv aic apt to do It is to be rubbed into the abdomen to often mid the V- v an li uic to bcur the slmiti This means muilihsH pain It also picvenla iiitniiiiiir sicktiis and iil of tho other tlisfnuifiiiiH n pHgnaucy A ilrugg st til Muiui la sajs I have sold a huge quantity of Mothers 1iicnd and have never known an iiistiimo wlicio it has tailed to ptodncc the good icsulls cliineil lor it A prominent luily of Ltni bcitmi Atk vv Hies Willi my nsl six childieii I was in labor fiom to v limns After using Modnis Fiiciul my seventh wa bom In hours ilil MiiIIioh 1 nir Mne l MOO ImiIiIk 111 IWVDririlMllMUTOUCO r In v nrirn i IMMUH Mltll K SMat Is It CfcUilnfcmitfllH rOR ICc STAMPS diitNinci niftil Si M ril rkUlnj 10 Jralu F iriiil lirluilifii tUtvt iilao i IU MW r A0ul HO lnh1 t r Al l ih AIUMA V iriltafui tmrrrri lliiir l l lllTOIU 1IAIIY U is MiiN n VpaKTjTaKi Mna wjh wbtbe Wc24ii rzcsrasn rcrprLta sr mu u iLidmyha ft I I h YVIUL MAKE YOU ItlREI ryjVr T nisailnrlnif MftffMiifrii lidtfim fflg rW t V nr ii i tin tuar It mil iiktirjr tua Comhlnutlnit Cnrn a iICTL Oil iiniiiiiiiiiirOi WlllnonlllrxlTi WlfA imilUHinlrBciiruitniwiinf Tfra wum m rrflrf I f ai - mi mi pv iiiiii T 1 in iimj n 1 sXi tniilr Hlil tiUylJSIurllti Hu IbJIO tuvmiu u I tiohn A buljtor Send Co La Crcuo - to SJ iu tr II rfif iff ITr r Wie p PTilJH 2SETS MAKE American Beauties ffll NMRM UTl liafl FCCORSETS Made in all the newest models and leaders in strictly exclusive designs They have a national reputation for genuine corset worth Send for our illustrate d price list KALAMAZOO CORSET CO Mote Mikm Ifriliimaioo tieh ROLAND WILKINSON SHUKTSCJKNKINS Illinois Central R R ANNOUNCEMENT FOR WITSTTKIH TOURISTS Ilin llllnniH Ciiitrnl ilihiriN In call iittrntlon In the iniiixciilliil Mrvirx Ihill Ik iillensil by lis linen In tlie Miutli fur Ihu mmibiim of M At c ALI FO R N I VIA NEW ORLEANS C HICfiGO EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING FROM ST LOU Kiiii villi A Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars FROM Ioreunally conduct- eil Uuijr thmiiKli U liih AiiKuleh mill Knn Imiicibrii via Now OrlciiiiK in connection with llioSeiitliorn 1n rillc IritvliiK CliiciiKo on tlio Vntriirb fiiKl iiw UrJiiiiiH Situ rial connection iiImi iiiiuIii Ity IliU train Mlli ilnily tialiiH nut of New Orlmnn fur the Pacific Ciiiibl Thu Limited from iirini every oon ha cuiinictH on MoiiiIhh ami TliurMlii ut New Urluiiim after Difeinlter IS lKVJ with tho SUNSET LIMITED of the Southern Pacific kIvIiik KIicclulthniUBli tervici to San Friuicibco F LORID VIA NASHVILLE AND ATLANTA THROUGH SERVICE A Dnulilo ilally km itu Ik maintained nut of St Louis Ha the IIIIikiIb Centnil and COIIIItCtlllK linos lit NatlivillohattanM V KH ami AtlautH thru kieeiiinKCario Jlicu l Inrlilii iM iiiK carried on thu DIXIE FLYER leaviiiK St Iouiu ery iiveuinB Tliij train u null lib thu Day hiprei 8 leuvint St Iouib in the morniiiK aro Ixitli t olhl traiiiu to Niit hvlllu ImviiiK tliroiihli conrliiB and bluoiiiutr cam run IhiiiiiKh Maitin Teun aud thu N k St 1 lly CoiiuiH tiiui via thib lino for all tiriucl ml iKilutb iu tliosoiithiiblfurh as Imrlentoii WiIiiiIiikIoji Ailiu ami Sivauuuh ami fur all IMiiutb iu lluriilu TWO SOtID FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS Pail from Chicago In MomphU ami Now leant Or IIOMHSKKKKHS KXCUHSIONS to certain iHiinteiu tho Smith ou ihu lluib or the IlliuoU Vutrid ami A 11 V ruilroniln will 1m run on tho tirbt iiml third Tucmluy of ojch mouth Uur iiiK tlio winter beabon Pull eurticulnrt cimrernitii nil of the ahoe can llniil of iiKfiitbof the lllinoU Contra or t uilitittHui A II lluuion i I A Cliicuto -- I i