The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 25, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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How tVonnrinl Tnmnilm Arc J
Sent rruiii llio Pnuil to
the Ucucrnl Iluxpttnl
The himlnrxq of moving nn nunys
bounded from the lighting lino to ilia
general hospital almost nlwnjs presents
n bciiuus problem Especial is this no
when it hnppens Unit the foinier Is COD
miles fioin the latter This is the situa
tion which the Hrlllsh tlnil themselves
Jn just now for South Afiica jou kuuvv
is a countiy of uiiiKiiificiiit distances
It is neailj 700 miles fioin ulieie bomo
of Roberts foices are now fishtlng to
Capo Town hut fortunately the willroad
is clear to Hloemfoutcin Still the bat
tles mid sMrmishcs sometimes occur
many miles distant from the iron tails
and tlie cat lying of wounded bolillen
must be accomplished by tome other
method than in hospital tiniuh for lung
In this pnittcular phase of war the
IUltlsh have had much experience dur
ing the last thiee months Kver blnce
Itullcr begun to more on Lndv smith and
before Huberts was Bent out nt nil that
long weary stieam of wounded has pour
ed soutliwaid At times it has been llttlo
more than n summer brook hut again
uftor big engagements it has been a
fcprlng fed river
The Biitlsh sjstem of curing for their
disabled fighteis is admirable and con
sidering the conditions under which it
has been practiced it has worked veiy
effectively It begins just back of the
fighting lino Ln the van are the stretch
er bearers When a man nt the front In
wounded his comrades help him fnr
enough to the rear to be picked up by
the brave stretcher bearers They in
turn take him back to a tent with n Red
Cross ling flying from the top
This is a collecting station As soon
as possible lie is nut into an ambulance
cart and sent still faithcr to the rear
where Is located the dressing station
There his wounds are hastily and tempo
rarily dressed
A couple of miles more still to the tear
Is the field hospital Thoie he stays until
there is opportunity to send him to the
head of the railway wheie there awaits
the hospital train This buriies him
south ugulu to the general hospital and
there he cither recuperates to go back
to the front or is faciit home on a trans
port or dies
It is the first stages of the journey
which aie most disastious to the wound
ed Tommy The hours which ho pnsses
in the swinging dlioolics suffering thirst
and heat and pain from his new wound
axe ages long Longer still are the hours
in the ambulance carts in which lie is
jolted and jostled and jnried over the
rough dusty veldt paths which puss for
roads If he caches the hospital train
anywhere near alive his chances for re
covery ore good But very often he has
given up the struggle in the jolting cart
and nil the skilled surgeons and sweet
faced nurscb in the woild can do nothing
for him
Sir William MacCormac the eminent
English phyhician now in South Afiica
recently desciibed in a letter to the Lon-
don Lancet n scene ot n field hospital
T He wrote
About 7 oclock just on the approach
ing sudden dnikness of the tiopics n
bmely distinguishable moving mass of
xnen could be seen coming over a distant
hillock This was the leading stictcher
of the eouvoy and it had i cached us be
fore tlie end of the train of stretchers
and wagons came into view Tlieie weie
100 cases and 150 moic to come
Tills terribly long line of brave fci
lows lying helplcbb ai living one by one
in the diibky light coining over the hori
zon accoinpauied by the moving shadow 9
of the beaicrs silently advancing in
their bare feet or binglng n peculiut
chant of their own as they weaiily bped
beneath the weight upon their shoulder
presented 0110 of the most iniprobsUe
and saddest sights imaginable For 14
hours witli the exception of shoit halt
at middny had thin weary body of suf
ferers blck with their wounds and sad nt
heart with their defeat wended Its way
across the hot and dusty eldt
Wounded and spent to tlie Uzar they drci
Lining the road where the k tons wrut throjRh
Thus sings Itudyard Kipling hi u it
cently published aitiele describing hi
trip to the front on board a hospital
train Of this tiiiiu he paints a must
Tivid picture The sun had faded the
red cross 011 her panels almost to brick
color had warped her woodwork and
blistered her palut For three month
she had jackaled behind the army nw
at Belmont now nt Magersfonteln njvv
at Rensburg and in that time had cur
ried over 1300 sick and wounded In Lei
appointments her doctors her two mus
ing sisters and her 10 ordcillcs there
A was neither veneer nor pretense coquet
ry nor uniform nor tho suspicion of 01U
clal bide
She was starkly set for the work In
hand her gear worn smooth by use nnj
habit detailed for certain business onl
and to that business most strictly at
tending I felt that peace had
never been in our generation Hint No 8
hospital train Iodoform scented washed
scrubbed acd scoured had plied since the
beginning of time
The llcmni k n Hallroait Cmplojcr
WIkImmI Up lliul o Mnitr
Some j cms ago lieorge Jay lould and
a companion came down town one day
on the elevated load and weie standing
on the platform of Ihc car Mi jould
lifter selecting n clgutctte from ins case
uttered tlu case to the guard That wor
thy took n cigaiette and with a Thank
J oil stowed it uvvtij In his pocket
Oh take more than that Mi Gould
urged good natuicdly Take a half
No thanks ictiiined the guard one
VIII do nn Its lucky though he
ed as an afterthought that Im not old
toiild You wouldnt have got off so
it i i 11 i i
IirV ur inwuiiiiij iintr ill Ktll ail J OU
hae and the case as well
lould and his friend looked at each
other silently lor a moment ami then
bill st into uncontrollable sluieks of
laughter The guard looked suspiciously
fiisi at one and then nt the other of the
laughing pair and then appiiieiulv lin
ing to the conclusion that lie had fathei
cd an unexpectedly willy speech joined
in the inlilli and at lntcrwtls said to one
or the oilier Thais a pietty good ciatk
I made wasnt It
It was they both assuied him
lIiinoei siiiiiie called the guard
and this being theii destlniillou the other
I man said Jive me one of your cauls
Jeoige which licing done be piessed It
Into the hand of thu man as he got off
the car
The guaid said Thank you Come and
ride wlih me again Then he glanced
at the end and fiom the buck led of his
natural coloi he tinned a pasty mottled
I white his jaw winked and lie seemed to
essay speech as the tialn diew out of the
It seems like fate commented the
other man that out of the 2000000
or more men to whom he could have
made that lenuirk without ill effect he
should lime made It to one of the veiy
few with whom it could work him harm
1 1 hope you wont do anything to him
i Of course I wont replied Mr Gould
lleb punished enough as it is And
btue enough he didnt New Yoik Ti in
TlionulK Ho Could Scare III Wife
lint 111 Scheme Fnlleil
Ability to meet the demnnds of a grcit
emeigcncy is not con lined to the stonier
sew This is a 1 1 lie relation of what oc
curred in Detioil not 00 days ago Tho
husband has moibid spells and such
gloomy imaginings as plctuie life not
worth the living
On the day in iiestioii he had an acute
attack of the blues and it is worth men
tioning in tlie simc oniicction tliit he
had eaten libei ally the night befoie usin
geneioiis libations of wine as an aid to
digestion lie was up at the usual hour
but the coinage that faces existence had
oozed out and he went back to lied nftcr
calling his wife
I must tell you he began with
lengthening face and melancholy tones
that Im beaten Whnts the sense of
eternally getting the woist of it There
nothing to do but tluow up the sponge
and 1 waul to do it without creating any
scandal Im not going to jump in the
lier take poison or clilorofoini myself
but Im just going to clean my icvolver
There will be the oil the lags and the
btcel lod sliiwiiig just how I was at
woik and all thai can be said is that I
o ei looked a loaded dianibcr
She acted ns rapidly as she thought
nnd inside of a minute she was at the
bedside again with that same icvolver
Dick with impiessive solemnity
Im going to save jou all that trouble
As we are one I have the same light to
do the deed as you have It will lie an
accident I will get loads of sympathy
Heavens Kit point that thing the
other way Look out Its self acting
nnd has a hair trigger 1 thought you
had some sense
But you said deal
Said nothing What in the deue do
you mean by taking n sick man at his
word Thundeiition as she gave the
weapon a caroless twill Out he flopped
on tlie other bide and under tlie bed ami
she ptotended that she was going to shoot
under the bed too till lie admitted that
he wanted to live to be 100 nnd begged
for a show Detroit Fiec Pie s
Tnklnir 11 Dentil Mank
One of the grimmest tasks that fall
to the lot of the sculptor is that of tak
ing death masks This is often the case
where a stiitue Is to be made of the de
ceased for the features are indelibly and
peifectly picserved by this method Up
to the eighteenth entuiy it seems to
have been n common custom to take
death masks and there me a number of
celebrated collections of these idles of
borne of the gieat personages who once
made histoiy Chniles I and Cromwell
his greatest livnl aie preserved to us in
this way
There aie few nit works that have the
fasciuntiou of these fioen lineaments
with all the mggedness und every scar
preserved It is easy to make a mask
The face is oiled nud soft plaster piessed
down upon the countenance After ob
taining this mold it is only necessary to
fill in with melted wax to obtain a per
fect a st
Nollekens the celebrated sculptor of
tlie eighteenth centiuy always mixed up
his plaster and hnd his kit ready when ho
saw the death of any well known person
announced in inse lie should be sum
moned to lake a musk It was this com
meicialism that enabled Nollekens to
leave a fortune of 1000000 when he
lied Omaha World Herald
Vrpym at the Horse Show
I had my white waistcoat nnd glosed
beaver and shnen of the fashion that
pleases me well my wife in her new
jowno and purple petticoat very pietty
At the show we were nigh crushed unto
death the gentlemen nud ladies step
ping around the hall like ye hands on a
poke dial with no regard to the horses
but to the many persons of quality in the
stalls All were gaping nt the Duke of
Buvoy late arrived making him more un
easy in his place till he up and out to
avoid them And so much finery and
pretty laces and handsome smocks with
silken sarcenets I never did behold no
not In founer times when tho Duke of
Marlborough bronght his hiide but my
wife thought it n shame to have nil the
frocks spoiled by a stench of stables
Tepyb Ghost by K Emerfcon Jr
A Crying Neeil
How woeld you define a crying
need nsked the teacher of tlie rheto
ric class
A handkerchief replied the solemn
foung man with the wicked eye Chlca
jo Tribune
O -4-a Q O -S
VTV it W f
bt T W A Ali 17
1 How John W Cntp lleml of
n Crenl TruM Unlit t i
Ilia llltt Pontine
1 -0--9-O 00 - Q t M
One of the most piomlneiit figures In
the financial world Just now Is lolin W
Gates the steel king Ills Is a conipnin
tlvcly new liguie lie Is at the head of
the American steel and wiie Must an
liidnstilal combination which has a capi
tal of i0000000 It Is alleged that the
recent slump In the stocks of this trust
was due to the manipulations of Mr
Gates who Is said to have domed scv
cinl millions by tho tiiiiisacllon People
who make nice mouil distinctions do not
appiove of Mr Gates methods Some
or them say he ought to be in jail They
arc even making attempts to put him
lliete It is quite likely they will fall 1
dust how big Is the foitune of Mr
Gates no one seems to know Peihnps
he does not know himself It Is estitnal
ed to he somewhere in the nelghboihood
ot ir000000 He Is now onlv J cms
old vFiftecn Jems ago when he was
ho had baldly begun to get ticli 1IW
capital had baicly outgn four
uics Pioluiblv he did not dren Ihnt
time thnt he would ever have a million
How ho built up his big foitune slowly
nt first nnd then iiipidly is a fascinating
Like those of many other successful
men the ciircei of lohn W Gates be
gan nn a western hum His father was
n small fanner in Dupage county Ills
whcic Mr Gateb was hoi 11 on Alas 8
John W Gates was graduated nt
Wheatmi college and subsequently was
graduated fiom he Northwestern college
at Nnpelville Ills being a member ot
the class of 7t Immediately upon leav 1
Ing college he became a giain mcichnul
nt Tuinei Ills
His hiikcss began on tlie veiy
old of his business caieer He sold out
his business m a handsome piollt hi 1S7R
nnd then opened a hiidware stoie in
Waireuhiiig Mo He made a succcsh
1 f W78
of this also but the town was too small
for him and he moved ti St Louis
wheio the wiie business then in its in
fancy atti acted his attention
At that time haibed wiie was 11 new
product on Ihc iiiaiket Theio was an
enoimous demand fin it for fencing es
pecially thioughoiit the westein states
The mnnufaUiiio of the wire was con
fined piacticallv to one fiiin the Wash
burn A Moon company Tis finn con
trolled the business thiough veiy lnoad
patents which it held Pi ices weie high
nnd tho Industiy yielded big piofils
Mr Gates came to the conclusion that
these patents would not hold if put to
the test of lnw Acioidingly he quietly
embmked in the manufacture of birbed
wire on his ow 11 account opening n small
mill in St Louis Immediately he began
to make monej more inpidlj than he ever
had done befoie
For a time lie was unmolested but ns
his business inci eased tlie linger compa
ny heard of his operations and nt once
staitod in to diive him out of business
Then began a stiugglc between the
Wushhurn tc Moen compnny and Gates
In the matter of capital influence and
command of the trade theio was no
comparison between tlie two but Gates
was lighting for his business existence
nnd he 1 of used to be beaten
On one occasion it seemed that the bat
tle had gone against him His opponents
secured an injunction fiom a Missouri
judge commanding him to cease the man
ufacture of wire but Gales was equal to
the emergency He packed all his ma
chinery and supplies upon wagons one
night and moved across tlie river into
the state of Illinois whole he continued
his btii itiess until tlie case was decided
In 1880 the contest ended in a victory for
Thu young manufactuier knew that
this would be the signal for the opening
of u numbei of new mills nnd he deter
mined to secuie as Imgo a share of the
trade as possible In 188 lie systemat
ically began the nbsoiption of all tho
barbed wiie jdants in the countty and
within the net tliieu yens he gathered
25 mills practically all the impoitunt
ones in the country except that of his
old rival tlie Washbuin tc Moen com
panyinto tlie organization that was
known familial ly as the barbed wire
In 1803 John W Gates who had start
ed in the steel who husiuess only ten
yenrs before was president of two great
companies the Consolidated Steel und
Wire company and the Illinois Steel com
panyand had made u big foitune
He was just planning to retire fiom
business nnd tnke mi extended tour of
Europe when 11 friend suggested the re
organization and combining of the steel
and wire liituests The scheme fasci
nated liim He threw oveibonrd his
plans for retirement nnd plunged into
the business of making n monster trust
Tlie result was the combination of which
ho is now nt the head He is now rec
ognized as a power in Wall street and
his operntinns theio have been compared
to the audacious manipulations of Fisk
and Gould In the davs before Black Fri
A Hollowed Spot
You kiss the bald spot 011 top of your
husbands head How funny
Not funny at all He got that Iwld
spot snatching to make a living for me
and the chlldteu Lehinge
A Itftllronulrrh noil Umoou Pur Not
UeftUlliiu Trill 11 Hiililirri
When 1 hear people boast what they
would or wouldnt do under the persua
sion of a sk shooter said an old passen
ger oiuliatoi I am nlwavs leuilmled
of nn expel leiiie of mine lenrs ago on the
lion Mountain lailioml
I was station agent at the time nt a
Utile town iieni TeMiiciinii and had been
summoned to Little llock on some busi
ness that has untiling to do with this sto
iv I was in he Hist dav coach well up
to Hie fionl and in the next seat was nn
cvptcss mossciigct who had attiacted a
good deal of atleiiiloii fiom he fact that
he wore his bail hug ami had a pall of
enormous icvoUeis stink 111 his belt The
lest of the iar was well filled with 0
mixed cuwil including peihnps a doeu
women At about II ocloik al night
while we weie going over a veij deso
late pint of ihc toad the train slowed
down siiddeiih mid befoie we could In
pilio what was wiong the front 1I001
Hew open mid a masked man stepped In
side with a sawed olT shotgun nt his
shoulder Kit still he veiled Ill tin 11
loose If nliy soul moves a linger As ho
spoke another masked mini stepped
around him with a locked icvolver hi his
hand and started down the aisle looting
the passetigeis as he went When he
came to the ixpiess messenger he htiist
out laughing You seiirooiow he
said what ate jou doing with thein
guns And he snatched one of tlie pis
tols out of Ids belt and hit him over the
head with the butt Then he took tlie
other made him hand over his watch and
money and passed 011 The messenger
wiped the blood off Ills iaio mid said
Aftei It was nil over and the robbers
had dtsappcmcil the messenger was a
target for uiiuieioiis siieeiing remarks
If I had made a bleak he said to me
qilletlv that feller at the door would
have blared away with his sawed off
gun mid killed half the women folks In
the car At the next stopping plnce he
got off and one of the women stuck her
head out of the window and screamed
Cow 11 till
Two dajs Inter thnt snme messenger
walked up to a little cabin In the moiin
tains kicked in he door shot two of the
robbers dead hi their liacks and captured
thiee others nil single handed I often
wondered TVliethei the woman who hol
lered Coward heard of that Incident
New Orleans Times Democrat
They Cnmr In lliimlreils tf Mm lien
und Alont of Ilieiu Are llronre
The doorl nob of r0 jears ago was of
bniss Then mine iulo use the mini al
knoli which plentj of people of middle
age will be able to lecall Mineral knobs
weie made of dnvs of diffeicnt colors
and sometimes of ihijs of different colois
mixed the knobs being baked with a
glared suifme A common and familiar
foim of the niincial knob was about the
color of dink mahogany In their dnv
mlneial knobs weie highly esteemed and
some of them lost as 111111 h as - a do
en palls Now theie ate niineiiil knobs
that can lie bought foi 7i icnts a doon
pairs Mineral knobs aie still used
After the mineial the bione knob
came into fashion mid after the biono
the wooden knob iiiine into nioie 01 less
extended use The pi evading dooikuob
of today as used in cities is made of
bionre The fust bione knob put on
the mmket cost K7 01 8 a pair Many
bronze knobs in one foim nud another
me now produced veij iheuply but it
might easily be that line handsome
bronre knobs would cost fiom Ufi0 to SO
n pair Moic or less luiss knobs are
still made but nowadays mostly in
bronre designs
Doorknobs me now made of iron and
they me still made In coiisideiable vaii
ety of shapes and sizes of various kinds
of wood There are also made dooi
knobs of glass These me now produced
In greater vmiety than fotmeily They
are made In smooth and in cut glass mid
some of them simple in design as they
may be are lifiiul i fill Glass doorknobs
cost up to 1 11 pair But while door
knobs ure made mid sold in all theie va
rious mateiials jet the prevailing knob
In city use and the one that would be
found in one grade and quality or anoth
er In most of the citys dwellings would
be one of hroure
Among th hundreds of varieties in
which doorknobs are made there may be
found not only knobs in vailous conven
tional forms hut knobs made in con
formity with architectural slvles and his
torical periods Foi all that dooi knobs
aie bot infrequently made to order for
single houses from designs furnished by
the architect New York Sun
Almoat Insulted
Amid the nice bmgains in ono of the
large depiiittneiit stores the other day a
shopper engrossed in thought set her lit
tle JupAii e spaniel on the counter One
Of the salesgirls not seeing the little dog
thiow u icmnmit of reduced lace over him
and entirely submerged him When the
woman went to look for her pot he was
not to be found but several shrill yelps
accompanied by an upheaval of the line
betrayed his piesence Ho was quickly
rescued from his predicament nud the
woman showeilng kisses upon Ills moist
upturned nose snid Did they cover
mammas picclous with cheap 50 cent
Tlie salcsgiil who evidently had culti
vated diplomacy assured the dogs mis
tress that the lace hud been reduced fiom
1 to 50 cents and the woman took her
pet away mollified Philadelphia Itcconl
I Got All He zUked Ior
v Another meunebt man has been
found He lives in the city and conducts
a thriving business Tlie other day a
seedy individual approudied him and
I said Say mister Im hungry nnd would
like to get a nickel to get a cup of coffeo
I and a roll 1 have four pennies and only
need one more Please give me a penny
I The man after senrchiug himbclf buid
I I havent got a penny All I huve is a
nickel Give me your four cents in
change and I will give you the nickel
J The beggar lequests that his name be
i not mentioned in connection with tlie
I Item Cincinnati Huquirer
J The Conimereln Hallmark
1 Merchant Mrs Murmnduke
mer seems to be a perfect Indy
1 Young Womnn Clerk Indeed she Is
Why she never asks the price of a thing
1 she hujs Indianapolis Journal
Spoiled Ilia Throrr
Mr Knowhlt Hed hair always accom
panies great strength It Is nnturul
Mr Wunder Get out Did you eve
ree a redberded elephant Italtimore
01 bib mi
The Mo UelltieriilUe llocly nn
Hill III llnriidkeil l KllllMiNli m
II11I SlnlentnniiKliln Will V In
llrekulllliu 11111 iiiemle of Aiurrl
eun MiIiiIiik
AsiiiMiioN Inn lHProgiess Is
the wntchwoiil In be house of icpie
bctilnllvcH mill delay Is the tiywnnl In
the Ktiiulc of the cotigiesH of the
lUilteil States Willi the inosl coin
iiicinlultlc pioinptiiesH the house Is dis
posing of ui gent and linpoitiiiil mens
iltcs The new tippiiilloiiineiit hill In
Hie most notable meiisuie passeil In
the house dm lug the past week anil
It Is likely thai the ilvcr and hailior
liupiiivement hill cmivltig with It pin
vision for an cxpiiiillUnc of close to
70000000 will lie sent to the senate
for Its cinslileiillou liefotc the week
In the rcnati meanwhile the in my
lcoigimlzutlnii hill bus heroine thu
vvearv subject of ilullv discussion It
Is ns dear ns noonday thai n few hciui
tins who ilie eiitliely h 1 sponsible -men
about to letlte to pilvale life
11 ic the stumbling blocks to cfreellvo
nnd ncccsiuy legislation on the putt
of the senate Theio aie oiilciopplngs
nt times too of ciibalH not eiitliely
imposed of the liiespoiislble who do
their woik In n sccict ami entitling
milliner almost defying delectloii Not
11 Utile of the delaj In the passage of
Impoitunt hills thiough the senate can
now lie 1 1 need to these povveiful hut
ciucfiill loncciiled ciibals
The senate haw icached n stage where
tho conliol of legislation Is vested ill
the hands of a fovr who me able to
say what legislation shall puss by be
ing able to say what legislation shall
not pass In this Imliiect bill none the
less effective manner the control of nf
fulib has been absotbed by a few pow
erful men men whose ninnes seldom
appear In pilnt men who inielv engage
In debate men of the least prominence
hut of the greatest Itilluence In the
most delllieiatlve body on euitli This
soil of thing has been tolerated for a
long lime but theie me many signs of
a determination 011 the pail of tho
glowing mid icstive iiinlorily to put 1111
oml to an Intolerable senuliu lal oligar
It so happens for the moment that
the lillliiihteis In the open aie disci edit
ed and luiiulluentliil men In the senate
- men who for petty spite 01 for even
less worthy motives sue seeking to pre
vent the enact incut of needed legisla
tion In 11 icasonable und businesslike
imtnuci Things will be so ciovvdcd nt
the end of the session that It Is 111010
than likely Hint 11 number of iiieasiues
xv 111 be pushed thiough that would nev
er be placed upon he statutes but for
the huirv nnd dlsicgiiHl of conse
quences so much In evidence In the
closing days of n congiesslonnl session
And It Is because this Is so It Is be
caiisp these poor weak things an1 will
ing to show their hands In the open
that It Is unnccchsiir for those mine
powerful semitoiH whose pin poses the
tlllbiisteis me hcrvlng lo even lift u lin
ger or do u thing
How the nppiopilutlon bills arc to
be piopcrlv discussed and passed is
now becoming 11 problem The pnssnge
of the army leorganlatlon hill Is as
sured theie is much of doubt concern
ing the appai tioninent hill and the
Nicaragua canal bill seems to have
fallen by the wayside It bus for the
time being at least been side tracked
The shipping hill seems lo have more
Htiength than any inensiiic not an ap
proprlnlion bill nnd Its nctlve friends
seem confident of Its passage It is 11
question they say whether the Inter
ests of the Ameiicmi people or of
foielgu shipowners shall prevail and
be enusldeiod in the congiess of the
Ililtcil States If the bill Is defeated
and If our people are compelled us 11
onsequonce to go on Indefinitely pay
Ing 171000000 a year to foreign ship
wneis in ocean freight rates that arc
steadily crowing higher tlfere will ho
11 icckonlng between the people and
their representatives one of these days
that the latter will long leineinlicr
The notion thnt the great bulk of
the people ure willing or disposed to
muster the Intricacies of the shipping
hill or of a tiirlff hill or of n ilyer
nud harbor hill or of any gieat meas
ure Is ridiculous The people cannot
devote the time to this sou of thing
they scud men to congiess lo do that
fgi 4li iliiitjlli ilili i KM I
1UI ltll 111 llJtlll llllll lllflllljl
to enact honest and effective laws
When a lew men In congress come
foi wind thercfoie nnd put foith as
an excuse for Iheli withholding their
support of any gieat public measure
thnt It does not picclsely suit them
nnd yet they offer nothing to hike lis
place nud by their action pi event the
enactment of needed legislation they
slump themselves 11s Incompetent or ns
This npplles to the shipping hill and
to nny oilier crent measure The one
named bus passed through every stage
of legislative consideration except thut
Bf debate In both branches and even
ns to Hip latter the senate has ln part
thrashed out some of the provisions of
the bill mifllclent In theniholves for
nuyhody who chooses to to make up his
mind whether the great principles of
the bill are worthy of his sujipoi t or not
Mattel s of detail If Incorrect In opera
tion may be easily collected The prin
ciple should ho olther estnbllhhed or
rejected and this is precisely what tho
people are expecting at the hands of
their representatives ln congress
J Ii Acres
WW - V
vfiAVt iiZtm
This Slovo Savos
Thirtl Your Coal Bill
on IIGMTK roit ham at
Doners Hardware Store
Aiiiiiicjin nnd Imported
China Silks nnd Fino
An Excellent Opportunity
it i ti 1 it 01 dust
xuiMAiti stiiK rojiu sin runt
IMiii I from the I itiiliiryTiiiul I nell
tliiin ill lhl itgu Illeim
What Are They
p Do rol forgot that I havo
fe a fino lino of PIANOS and
ORGANS Soo thorn whon
E purchasinfa Scarf
J D STllid
t Tho Norfolk Piano Man 3
of Chicago nsk jour local ticket agent to
route you between Oiiuiha and Chicago
via tho
tho shortest lino botweon tho two cities
Trains via this popular road dopnrt from
thu Union depot Omnhu daily con
nectiiiK with trains from tho west
Magnificently equipped trains puluco
sleepers und free reclining ulmir curs
Dining cars and bullet library and
smoking cars All trains lighted by
electricity For full information about
rates etc addrchs
F A Nam i
ieneial Western Agent
II W HcmxiL loOJFarimmSt
Trnv Frt Pass Agt OijirIui
Missouri Pacific Ry
Iron Mountain Route
To certain
points in
PLUS 200
t Feby Sth and 10th
ONT TUESDAYS March fith and 19th
April Jud and 10th
Final Limit of Tickets 21 Days
Stop overs will bo nllowod within
trausit limit of lifteon days going after
renohiug first homeheekers point en
For fiirthbr inforniitlon or advertising mat
tor ntldrotb mi uKPiuof tho company or
Southeast Cor 14th and Douglas St