The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 25, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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The Norfolk fleuis
Tlin Nobrosku City News says
liver Ih vory low at that ilno and
Omnhn News Inquires Whats
matter grip
Onlv n fow days now until
Bryans Jommonor Is Issued mid then
tlonioorucy wilt know whoro it Isiit
In tho mount lino members of tlmt party
ran amuse themselves by guessing
Tin World Herald oxpeots each vi8it
ing editor to bring IiIh grip with him
lie nrolubly will nnd tho grip will bo
packed with handkerchiefs
and other articles that usually
yiny tho irlp
Humors of an UliiCHs of Qnoon Victoria
ndvorsoly nfioot tho London stook ex
change which must bo of a rather dolt
onto nuturo or oan It bo tlmt an nil verso
condition of stocks seeks an excuse for
its tluctuatlotmV
Tho Sioux City Tribune announces
that jobbors are already placing orders
for Fourth of luly lliowotks Dont
they know that MoKinloy wnsnvolootod
and that colobratloiiH of tho Kourth of
Tulyaro to pass away
Mr Hryati has recently boon honored
by an appointment as one of tho j ml huh
In a coak erowing contest at Lincoln
Tho position would undoubtedly huvo
boon nioro satisfactory could ho huvo
imagined that tlioy worn doinouratlo
nooks celebrating a domooratlo victory
In Kansas during tho past four years
-1000000 back taxus huvo boon paid up
mid this wasnt duo to tho wise admin
istration of populism in Nebraska
Still credit should by no means bo given
to tho MuKluloy ndininistrition by auv
good democrat Thoro must lw othor
reasons for tho showing Perhaps In
trusts paid thorn just for n blind
Tho epigram applied to tho lato Sen
ntor Davis by his friond Senator Hoar
is worth being uioinoriod and observed
by people in all walks of life Ho said
No spark of his wit over was a cinder
in tho eyo of a friend Too often uien
make as marks for their wit a true
friend who is worso stung than though
ilho shaft woro fired by on onomy
J woman has brought sultuguinst the
city of Lincoln for 10000 alleged dam
ngos said to havo boei sustained by the
plnlntifT who was struck in tho eyo by
tho limb of a troo that overhung the
Hidowalk A fow successful suits ol
this nature would provo a stiong incen
tive to u trootrimniing crusudo that
would provo of benefit to many Ne
braska towns
Tho shirt waist for moii seems to be
coming on at a rapid rate and it is likely
that next Hummer will seo many worn
even ns far west as this Jobbers iu
neighboring cities nro ordering supplies
of tho now apparel and if they provo ns
comfortable on men as they appear to bu
ou wonion there will bo a groat incen
tive to try tho fad which may provo a
permanent and popular stylo of dress
Tho Oliineso minister to this country
thinks tho race problem could bo solved
by intermarriage botwocu negroes and
whites Ho also says that tho crime of
whioh Alexander was accused is un
known in China Thoro may bu some
thing to bu learned from tho heathen
Ohlneo after all and tho intermarriage
proposition may not be so bad provid
ing tho principals to tho weddings can
bo secured
Tho Sioux City Journal tnys Hurry
up Delaware aud Nebraska Tho
country is waiting ou you Wo are
willin but thoro seems to be mi alltlred
lot o fellers down about Liuool i who
aint They would hurry all right if
things went in the right direction to
suit them but thoro seems to bo bo
many directions nud so nuiuy different
opinions as to which is tho right one
that tho round up is a matter of doubt
The shoep industry in tho west has
shown n remarkable growth during the
past fow years aud bids fair to prove
one of tlio best paying businesses iu
which a man with small capital may en
gage It is Oct limited that thero are
now 900000 head boiug fattened iu Ne
braska Wyoming and Colorado and will
tsoou be on the market It is estimated
that 55600 double dock curs will bo re
quired to haul the winters shipment
Wheu Mr Brynus freo wool policy was
iu force such n showing was impassible
IT 1 i
ouiuu lubumms uuiievo u would ue a
Bin to give their oppououts credit for
anything and tills is a good audsutllceiit
reason why that pnrty should bo retired
from oftlcial position It is such taction
that huvo lost fusiouisui thn confidence
of the people Because the republicans
didnt wish to emulate the fusion plan
of the lust legislature and indiscrimi
nately unseat members of the opposing
party a leading fusion organ says
The pecullnr senatorial situation has
saved several seats to the fusiouists in
the legislature
There is at least one woman who has
not fought for tho political rights of her
aex but who has been enjoying the right
of suffrngo for many years She is
known as Murray W Hall and con
ducted an employment agency iu New
Yorlc For 110 years nhei hna consorted
with mim boon a motnbor of tho Irquois
club boon a Tuiuntuny man and
voted tho democratic ticket Her sex
was not discovered until her death tho
othor day Shu was sixty years of ngo
Murray hail Ik en twico married mid loft
iv fortune of f 10000 to an adopted
Nebraska is not tho only statu that
lias reason to bo disappointed at the
showing niado by the recent census
On tho contrurr In Nebraskas curo tho
showing is rightfully laid at tho door of
tho eensuH stufTnr of 1810 Now there
uro states which cannot get rid of their
showing so i asily -for installed In
Nevada there Is Vhginlii f v vhl h in
1H80 was given a population ol i
la 1800 this was reduced to 8M 1 and in
1000 had dwindled to a village of JJIWfi
Carson City the same state had a pop
ulation of 1JJD in IhbO ami in 1100 is
given aOWi It is such backward move
ments as these that are discouraging to
tho stork
It had been supposed generally that
Mississippi rivor tralllo was steadily de
creasing Asa matter of fact there has
been a decrease for many years but tho
St Louis Globe Democrat has figures to
prove that an upward movement bus
begun Tho smallest tonnage received
and forwarded via the river at St Louis
was in 1H1I when tho amount of freight
received was 110010 tons and tho amount
shipped out was JOHiOft tons This
was at a steady decline slnco 1810 In
1000 thoro were 512010 tons received
and ai5r80 shipped St Louis wel
comes tho increased showing ns um utter
of regulutiug tho cost of freight ship
ments by rail Tills Is wherein a city
with both water mid rail facilities for
freight shipments lias tho advantage of
Inland towns Its freight rates aro
oasily regulated by natural competition
ami neither can monopolize
Willie there aro thoso who iidmiro the
kind of wiutor woathor Nebraska is now
experiencing and liko to bo able to
purado around without a thought of
overcoats cloaks or hard coal there are
others who will agreo with tho Fremont
Tribune which has a remembrance of
old winters in tho following After
all thoro aro no winters liko the old
winters when tho lanos wore filled with
mow and tho neighbors hud to oiguuizo
relief parties and rescue each other from
tho whito sopulohcrs and had to make
deep excavations through which to
journey to towu to got tho mail only to
learn i hero had been no trains for two
days Then when warmer days came
thoro would bo broad shout h of ice iu
ovory draw and these would bo covered
with red faced happy hearted boys and
girls with skates on having tho inrest
and most delicious pleasure
comes to mortals Tho snow
icu fields and hallowed days
are a combination for which
might yearn
It is generally behoved that the open
ing of tho Kiowa Comnucho mid
Wichita reservations in Oklahoma to
settlement will take plnco about June
or July of this year This will ineau a
grand rush of laud seekers many of
whom uro certain to bo disappointed
While soino settlers will find good land
umfprovido themselves with good homes
for the future there will also bo many
who will take a backward step iu their
property rights Too often men will
disposo of thoir laud nud belongings
whero thoy are nicely settled and in n
fair way to become independent to take
part in one of theso scrambles for
eminent iauu ami win men no com
pelled to begiu at a point they hud
passed years before The American or
perhaps human iustiuot ofgettingsome
thing for nothing is responsible for
thbse moves and usually tho persou to
be disappointed only discovers his mis
take when too late A person who is
settled aud prospering has no business
to sacrifice his opportunities for achuueo
of this character and thus eniphusizo
the nssertioii that a rolling stone
gathers no moss
Conditions in Nebraska
The biennial report of tho state treas
urer of Nebraska givei such proof of the
greut prosperity of the state under Mo
Kiuley mid proteotiou ns cannot bo
gum said or belittled According to tho
figures published there were four years
that ever
banks and
of youth
any man
Mrs Natiou of Kansas is somewhat
uclipsing tho notorious Mary Ellen
Lease of tho samo statu in the matter of
popular notoriety although tho lattor is
now outloavoriug to break nil previous
reoords iu tho mutter of divorco suits
Tho former woman has been released
from her small pox quarantine aud at
once resumed her work of saloon smash
iug getting rid of tho glittering adorn
ments of three such institutions aud
windiug up her daya work byjslnppiug
the face of the sheriff and rudely pulling
his cars She was reonforood iu her
work by threo othor women Iu u
speech to a crowd she said shaking her
fist Men of Wichita this is the right
arm of God and is destined to wreck
ovory siuoou in your city mere aro
many different opinions concerning her
work souio claiming thut she is iusiiue
while others beliuvu she is doing a just
work and aro ready to follow where she
leans Ttio outcome or tier llorts is
bound to bo of interest regardless of
which view is taken
ago 7000000 of back taxes duo this
year only 1000000 remain unpaid and
that amount was owed by ixjrsons who
had left the stnto during the hard times
under Cleveland Kour yearn ngo fi per
cent statu warrants wero selling at 01
and ti cents while now I pur cent
warrants soil at a premium of 1 percent
Kour years ago thero was less than
1100000 in tho stnto treasury nud tho
state was behind on its
general fund warrants while this your
there is a balance on hand of 015000
nud tho Heating indebtedness has been
reduced to WJ 1000
This report was not published until
lifter the presidential election so that
the people of Nebraska did not havo tho
ulvantngo of tho evidence It gave of
the states prospeiity under tho admin
istration of President McKiulcy at baud
when they oast the electoral veto of tho
statu in favor of his re election Hut
they had plenty of other evidonce
Tlioy know how they had prospered iu
their personal atTairs tlioy had remem
brance of tho paid up mortgages the
increased bank deposits tho greater en
joyment of tho comforts aud luxuries of
life and those tilings weio enough It
will not detract anything from thoir
satisfaction at what tlioy did on Novem
ber I although to know tlmt the state
treasury has been receiving benefits as
well as havo their own private funds
American Economist
Great ItillnluH Calamity
England is in mourning aud tho sym
pathies of tho civilized worlds aro with
Tho quoon who has presidod over tho
destinies of tho greatest modern oinplre
is no nioro
Quoon Victoria who is known to her
subjects ns groat good aud loving has
pasod away
Whilo tho fact that she was a queen
ovorshadowH othor considerations it is
nouo tho loss npparent that her rulo has
been characterized as tho rulo of a wo
man with n womans tenderness u wo
mans love of pence aud a womans in
Hor desire for ponco and lovo for hu
manity is strongly omphasizud by tho
ussortion tlint tho war iu Soutli Africa
has hastened iter denthnud no more sub
lime spectacle can bo imagined than
that tho deposed President Krugor
should thoughtfully extend his sym
pathies whilo she was suffering on her
dentli bed It is not doubted that her
desires woro tlmt thoro should bo no war
in South Africa and tho effect that her
death will havo on that situation is
eagerly anticipated
During hor years of activity Queen
Victoria was mi idoal sovoroign nud it is
not doubted but that sho would gladly
havo relinquished hor rights nud re
sponsibilities siuco tlioy hud becomo so
muoh of a burden aud worry iu reeuut
At an early ago tho queou coininonced
acquiring tho rofiuemont and education
which havo characterized hor ruign
Sho was taught to seek bcalth by oxer
ciso mid temperance to become fearless
through tho practice of amusements
suoh as riding nud sailing aud added a
wise oconomy and discriminating charity j
to her other accomplishments She
studied music drawing coutiuoutal
lnnguagos aud some of the sciences
notably botany in whioh sho is proiioi
In 1870 tho titlo of Empress of India
was added to her othor royul titles and
with t is woro additional responsibil
It oan scarcely be realized that the
queen should have found time from her
euros of state social functions mid other
important duties to attempt anything of
a literary character yot sho did a d
published three volumes Tho Early
Days of His Royul Highness the Prince
Consort Leaves from tho Journal of
Our Life iu tho Highlands aud More
Leaves etc
The queen lived a Christian lifo nud
her reply to tho envoys of tho Dark Con
tinent many years ngo when theyasked
tho reason of Englands grout ness bus
been given a place iu history Sho
hauded the onvoys u bible with tho re
mark This is the secret of Englands
It has boon a mntter of comment how
loyal tho subjects of England in her
widoly diversified colonies have boen
nud a greut share of tho credit for this
condition has been given tho deceased
queen No placo has Englands rule ex
tended but to the benefit of the people
aud today that untious influence is ap
parent in all parts of the world
Whother this will continue to bo a
characteristic of England since the
queeu is dead is a matter of some con
jecture and the opinion is unanimous
that the now king must exercise his in
fluence nud rights with extreme care
until the pooplo havo beon made ac
quainted with his personality
For a people of u ropublio like tho
Uuited States to houor a queen is a
question of propriety by some but thoso
who havo watched this nation grow and
prosper will readily agreo that the inllu
euce of the English aud their descend
ants upon this country has beeu marked
and what we ore today is largely duo to
English niothods coupled with Ynukoe
It will not detract oue iota from our
greatness to show our syinputhy with
England over tho loss of her beloved
sovoreign at the time of that countrys
deep distiess nud 6orrow
It is a natural sentiment
It is nnnonnred that tho now
England will tako tho title
ward VII f
king of I
Dont placo nil yonr sympathies with
the Wichita saloon keeper think of
Mr Nation
Tills is said to bo a common greeting
between tho saloon men of Kansas
Has your saloon been Natiouiod this
When tho dttcolives have exhausted
their efforts to discover Pat Crowo thoy
might receive the thanks of tho public
by disclosing Nebraskas new senators
The Helgiau hare industry has invaded
Nebraska quite extensively ns was evi
denced at thn Into session of tho statu
poultry association when 10 of the ani
mals were ou exhibition
Tho father of a Sioux City youth was
given tho alternative of giving his son a
good whipping or having him servo 10
days iu jiil for stealing Tho father
oho e the former and administered the
thrashing at the police station in tho
presence of a humane olllcer Tho re
vival of tho whipping post may not bo
as far oil as somu might think
Mr Bryans Conmiouer quotes from
Jeremiah as follows Thoy havo for
saken mu tho fountain of living waters
and bowed them out cistorns broken
cisterns that can hold no water Tho
comment thereon refors to tho desiro of
the pooplo for oinpiro but it can very
readily bo imngined that tho nrtinle nud
especially tho quotation is of personal
significance to tho editor aud that tho
Koutimout of Jeremiah about describes
tho way ho feels nbout it
Mr Bryans Commoner has fixed it all
right for Orokor Van Wyok aud other
rich mou who desire to bo numbered
witli tho common pooplo and has so
arranged it that a poorjjmau cannot
class himself with thomjjuudor certain
conditions tho prinoipal of which is
presumed to bu opposition to tho fusiou
party aud its leaders Pauper and
criminals uro also excluded nfter thoy
aro proven to bo such and roully tho
common pooplo soom to be getting
quito exclusive
The people iu a burning theatre of
Cincinnati have givon a coolheuded ex
ample to tho world of J how panic and
loss of lifo may bo avoided under such
conditions aud not a person was injured
iu this instuueo When tho people com
posing tho audience roilizod that the
building wns burning tlioy quietly nroso
and as quiotly filed out as though it was
tho conclusion of a performance They
had plenty of time to but tho building
had not been long vacated before it was
a mass of ruins On suoh un occasion
tho saying Tho more haste the less
speed npplies with significance
Thoro is usually plenty of time to vacato
a burning building if a panic is avoided
which can just as woll be douejas not if
tho peoplo will net calmly and deliber
ately It is the excitable individual
who shouts Firo llrel ut tho top of
his voico who is usuallyrespousiblo for
tho start of a pauic
Another attempt will bo niado by the
legislature to revise tho revenue law
but the prospects of success aro not flat
tering The last two sessions wrestled
with tho problem in vain Oue bad
feature of the present law which ought
ut least to be remedied is that the figures
sent out from this state and used iu
quotations and compilations the world
over represent only one fifth the actual
values The law now on tho books pro
vides for an assessment at actual cash
values but the absence of a penalty has
allowed tho undervaluation to become
geuernl To send out the real figures
would bo a good advertisement for the
stnto nud would menu uo increase in
taxes It must mnko enstern peoplo
smilo to read of tho 80 cent hogs the ft
cattle nnd the 0 horses in tho great
stnto of Nebraska But uuder our pros
cut system that is the way the figures
look Albion News
Uneasy lies tho bend that wears tho
crown is woll exemplified iu tho sultan
of Turkey Abdul Humid who is so
fearful of being poisoned that it is said
he spends nt least a third of his income
for protection He iB afraid to take a
drink of wntor unless he draws it him
self and a dispatch gives tho following
ub his method of having meals sorved
His meals are now propared by a
French cook brought from Paris and
closely watched by spies The cook has
a set of royal seals given him by tho
sultnn with which each plato of food is
sealod up iu an iron and steel coffer
whioh is brought to the sultan to open
personally The sultan alone knows tho
combination of tho look aud after oaro
ful examination breaks tho seals and
takes out his food Despite these pre
cautious fifteen trusted spies watch the
Freuoh ohof and a bodyguard conveys
tho food coffer to and from the dining
room Each of theso detachments of
spies is surveyed by auother so as to
sure fidelity nud it is estimnted that the
sultnn spends at least u third of his in
como ou his personal 6py system It
would not bo surprising iu view of this
oxtremo fear nud caution if the sultan
should die of poison iug That which is
the most carefully guarded against
sometimes happens
jllntnii of llhrr nml Ilnrhnr nnil
HillipltiK llllln rii rrc KfTorU
OUlKiiiMli tu Dcfi iH I niter
Hut tin ImIiIij 1m I iu I ii t niiinf
nml SoentM
Washington Inn 10 -The house of
representatives Is keeping up Its record
for businesslike piomptuess In dispos
ing of Important legislation and the
number of bills accumulating In the
semite that have passed the house has
already become appalling The house
has disposed of the new apportionment
by fixing a basis of lopresontntlon tlmt
will result In a membership of 5581 In
the house of representatives Iu the
congress to be elected In 1002
It is not expeeted that this bill will
provoke any discussion In the senate
when It reaches theie as It is purely a
house affair
The river nud harbor Improvement
bill Is also under way In the bouse and
a vote upon It will doubtless have been
taken before this reaches the eyes of
Its renders This bill carrying appro
priations for nearly 70000000 as a
Hubsldy to the nations commerce may
be amended in the senate either by re
ductions or Increases The Improve
ment of our rivers nnd harbors is be
coming a colossal work and few peo
plo renllzo thut as much money bus
been spent In that work during the
closing deende of the lust century as
was spent In all the years of our gov
ernments existence preceding that dee
nde It cannot bo doubted however
that the nation reaps benefits from the
improvements far In excess of expend
itures In the accommodation of rivers
nnd harbors to larger craft that carry
freight at reduced rates
While tb river and harbor Improve
ments are a benefit to the shipping of
all the world not a dollar of tuxes
being collected from shipping to help
bear the enormous expense of the Im
provements such Improvements nev
ertheless are lu tho most emphatic
sense a direct government aid to com
merce und industry- Iliver and harbor
Improvements by the government es
cape the odious word subsidy as n
characterization nnd hence the nld is
not offensive to mnny people who op
pose government aid when the name
applied to the latter takes the form of
expression of subsidy or of bounty
The only real difference iu the govern
ment expenditures for river and har
bor Improvements and those for the
building up of its own merchant ship
ping Is that the first benefit is the ship
ping of nil the world alike while the
benefits of the other are contiued only
to American ciatt
While the shipping bill is not under
consideration In either branch of con
gress at the present time it is never
theless one of the most absorbing top
ics in political and In private conversa
tions at the capital It occupies an
amount of space iu the dispatches sent
out from here to the newspapers of the
country fully equal to that enjoyed by
those measures that are actually under
discussion and lu process of pnssuge
Not only are members finding that the
country is deeply interested lu the
passage of the measure In question
but the direct and urgent requests
they are receiving from their constit
uents in favor of Its passage are hav
ing a most favorable effect The ene
mies of the bill concede that if it can be
brought to a vote In the senate Its
passage Is assured They are natural
ly therefore bending every energy nnd
straining e erv nerve In order to pre
vent a vote in the senate
Ever since the Id of Tnnuary the sen
ate has beeu almost absorbed iu its
discussion of the army reorganization
bill und uo mau Is able to predict the
end At the present writing a vote
has not bpon arranged for und al
though there are those who look for the
end during the week Just closing it
would not be nt all remarkable If it ex
tended well Into the next week If not
beyond Meanwhile as the filibusters
expect appropriations bills are ac
cumulating and all other business is
suspended in the senate until provision
Is made for the army necessary to en
able the president to carry out the law
iu our territorial possessions
One of the most significant things of
the times is the efforts that nre being
ninde by the nntisbipplng bill lobby
representing foreign shipping Inter
ests here to prove that there is not the
least bit of need for liny legislation
The lobby is getting frightened at the
awakened newspaper demand for the
linmedlute passage of the bill and the
fact has ut last been widely published
that new American ships meuns reduc
ed ocean freight rntes with direct bene
fits to our furmers und manufacturers
This truth once it sinks deeply Into
the public mind will result in an agl
tutlon so strong and so widespread
that congress will find It utterly Impos
sible to postpone further legislation
Meanwhile the opposition to the ship
ping bill is filling its organs with state
ments that there Is no shortage of
ocean tonnage that there are more
ships offering than there are cargoes
thut there bus been a steady diminu
tion of ocean freight rates all of these
statements being absolute aud bare
faced untruths There are not enough
ships offering for the cargoes that of
fer rntes are nbuormnlly high for
ocean transportation becnuse such a
vast aniouut of merchant tonnage Is
employed In carrying soldiers and
army equipment to distant pnrts of the
world cuiefly to South Africa
J B Acres
Detective Ktlcmii SmirCt nml Prop to
t cl lent luit lit Keiiriiiy
Kearney Nub J an SJ Ipffcry nml
Alexander who have been lu jail
charged with an attempt to wicck a
passenger train hero Sunday night
have been released Colllsou was
again examined by the detectives
telling u different story from his first
one He wus examined again yes
terday by the detectives und while ho
did not Incrltnliintc himself he wan
turned loose as the story is considered
He claimed he wns hit In the fore
head with u pistol In the hands of a
robber and upon examining his fore
head not a mark or bruise could bo
distinguished except three small
scratches over the right eye It was
deemed advisable not to arrest liliu
although the detectives reasoned that
he wanted to do the heroic thing by
placing tlte stones on the track and
warn the olllehils thereby getting a
reward The detectives left for Om
aha nnd the case Is dropped for the
time being
hptclnl Mittlltn In Kiiiisiin for ruiiWIiluilit
of Wlmliiw Sniuiliii M
Wichita Inn 2 -County Attorney
James Conlin declares he will file In
formation at once against the four
women engaged iu tho saloon smash
ing Incident last night Mrs Natlun
Mrs Wllholt and Mrs Evans wero re
leased on 1000 bonds
The Kansas statute under which
they are arrested reads as follows
Any prison willfully breaking ilestror
liiK or Injuring nny uuor nr window of any
litup h1hii or Htorc stiull upon conviction
lie guilty of a mlsilciuennor milijcct to a
line of not exceeding 0O or Imprisonment
lu the connt y jail for one year or both audi
tluo nml Imprisonment
Another section makes the offending
party liable to damages In three times
the value of the property destroyed
Former Contributor to Insurgent Causa
Turn to tho Uovvnmimil lricst
hwvurs Them lu u Church
Manila Jan S The oath jf alle
giance has beeen administered in a
church at Vlgan to over 1000 persons
who acknowledge they bad contrib
uted to the insurgent cause
Uliaplaiu Fitzgerald addressed tho
natives lu Spanish The parish priest
translated his remarks Into llocano
and administered the oath
About -100 persons In the vicinity of
Mnlabon assembled In the church and
on the plaza have also taken the oath
General Grant has niado many cap
tures and arrests At present he Is
on a scouting expedition with over 50
men Those who are proved to bo
Insurgents are held
Uattery I of the Third artillery has
captured 50 armed men at Muntin
tupn Various other minor captures
and surrenders have been made I
southern Luzon
if he Eleventh cavalry has arrived
here on the transport Meade from
Camarlnes They will sail for homo
on the same ship Fob 1 ns tho Thirty
sixth Infantry The men who are to
sail Saturday were reviewed and ad
dressed last evening by General Mac
Arthur lie thanked the soldiers for
the part thoy hud borne In the history
making epoch In the Philippines Ho
said they had sustained the traditions
of a hardy and soldierly race and mer
ited the plaudits of their countrymen
on their return home
Speaking of the various advantages
of such occasions General MucArthur
The chief mlvnnUiup l tho engendering
of a warlike nation without which no nation
can continue to live nml by which alone a
nation la created anil made perpetual
The Twenty seventh regiment will
sail Keb 5 and the Thirteenth Feb 15
Conference on Army mil
Washington Jan tilt The conferees
on the army reorganization bill began
their efforts to reach a conclusion yes
terday The senate made all told 103
amendments but ns most of these are
of comparatively little Importance
the bouse conferees accepted a lurgo
proportion of them The principal
nmenilment Is that providing for the
present regimental system of the ar
tillery Instead of a corps organization
and that problem will bo among tho
last solved by the conference
Rendu Itallriiad Case Over Again
Lincoln Jan 1 The supremo courl
began Its second January sitting yes
terday and devoted both sessions to
consideration of motions The cases
of the state ngnlnst tho Missouri Pa
cific nnd the Union Pacific railroads
Instituted to recover penalties for vio
lation of the mnximum freight rate
luw were continued at the request of
Attorney Generul Prout pending de
clsion of mi Injunction case in the fed
eral court
The Kansas legislature Tuesday
adopted concurrent resolutions of re
spect to the memory of Queen Victoria
Tom Sharkey nnd Poter Mnher wero
matched to meet In a 20 round contest
before the Louisville Athletic club dur
ing tho month of February
Tho White Pass and Yukon road Is
still snow blocked Three hundred
persons are storm bound at Skagway
The Dully News plant at Dawson wus
destroyed by fire
Tho navy department has Issued or
ders directing Captain C II Stockton
to proceed to Mnnllu Philippine lsl
auds and tako command of the battle
ship Kentucky which is now hear
ing tho completion of her voyage
Hereafter men thut weigh less than
U0 pounds or more than 180 poundr
will stand no show of securing em
ployment ns firemen or brukemen ob
the Peuusylvaula railroad system