The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 25, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Cp In tl f Mtlo I found thfm lotVul In tl cilr
WVe Die flowcrrJ ror tic foMcil wlilch onco
vwrv lne nit up lrt
nl Ilk Hi ji -ft old Jaikiti ami tlio wnMooats
RBV With ftllp
Thfj toll of t woriioiit ftnlilun thfH olil
Quaint little foldltiff cfr fnsttnpil with tiny
Sctmlnjrlj made to tempt one to lilt up lie
aixl look
Lining of purple enl rlvrt odd little ramrs ol
Circling the failed lacen liroiiRlit Irom the ilajs of
flramlpa and crimilnn taken cvrr so lone njro
irjtiilnifl5 tioimet a niartrl Kraiidpai lolUr a
Mother n tin toddler with rlnps on licr Miy
lnlnteil lul none should nutlet In glittering
elided La hi J
Aunt find nuclei and ioiilrn a tarcliy and till
Lovers and tirliTrs thin blooming hut now so
urluMul and proj
Out througli the mist plaifes they ante at tne
hlttlnff lure
Opening the quaint old cases with a smile that is
half a ttar
I will smile no more little picture for heartless
It tm in truth
To drnir to the cruel da light these ghosts of a
vanleliul Jouth
Oo back tu jtour cedar chatnlirr jour f owns and
jour lairmtpr
And ilrtam mid tlulr bacono Erucos of the won
derful days that writ-
Saturday Ienlng lost
Y A Btrnrifjn ntul Ciri wtniuo Tain V
Q 15y Joint L Tolstoi
Q -6---- O
Tier hood nml tin1 apron Hint conceal
oil the ilnilc Mlit sln woio till but for
a narrow strip lu the buck ami the
Rcaif fastoniil ci osmv No over her
breast were ilazzlinnly white On her
left arm she canieil a basket of home
made sweetmeats in her hand a stout
She Rhu filed alonji In the attitude of
n half open penknife but approaehltiK
the bench where 1 sat raised herself n
little so that 1 could see her faee A
veritable network of wrinkle Hers
I said to myself must have been a
lonp laborious life a life full of cares
Mid disappointments If the lines by
which misfortune had maiked her
countenance tell its story
Sit down little mother I said
making 1 ooin for her
Thanks my lord If I may lean
ngahwt the fence a bit I will be all
right again When nn old thing like
I sits down and gets up there is al
ways a shooting pain in ones back
Then how old may you be little
Eighty and more years dont know
for certain But Its all In the books
at the village parsonage where I was
Then you are not a Moscow wom
Oh dear no I am Ekatrina from
Wadowlce One of my daughters mar
ried a Moscow lad Peter who works
In the nail factory When I felt death
approachlmr I went to live with them
thinking my hist hours would pass
pleasanter In the society of those I
love Ones relatives If they are not
too hard hearted will at least place a
handful of straw uuder the tired head
when Its all over so the soul may de
part easier from what has been its sin
ful abode
And nre the children good to you
1 How could they bo otherwise An
old woman unable to escape misfor
tune must be content anywhere But
things are not exactly going as 1
Whats wrong then
Death disappointed me I came
here to die you know yet I am living
living living ujl the time Look at me
iiny lord Would you suspect that tlieie
Is more than a spark left in me Gods
wrath I seem to have more lives than
a cat Had It all planned out to a nice
ty wasnt going to give them any trou
ble whatever After the police had
been duly notified of my arrival that
was to be the end of It I reckoned My
went to the factory as usu
al my daughter busied heiself about
feathers I had collected the past year
My sole ambition was to cure enough
for a bed the Inheritance I meant to
lenre behind And all the time I mur
mured prayers one after the other and
then began anew Death which I
thought so near should find mc well
I waited a month another a third
who didnt come was death I run
cold when I think of It And Pkatri
ua trembled as she leaned on her cane
One Sunday in the fourth month
the Janitor came up Peter he said
you must get a permit of residence for
the little mother Thats the law
My son became frightened Does It
cost much he asked when he found
bis tongue again
About 2 rubles a quarter
Then my son got down his tobneco
pouch and gavo Its contents to the Jan
itor who forthwith withdrew just as
lf there were no police In the world
When he was gone I said Sonny
dont you trouble about a permit of res
idence for me I came here to die not
to live True I am still breathing but
ready to collapse any minute
And my daughter said Thats
right Why spend any money on her
If Bhe doesnt die today Its tomonow
or next day She says so herself and
dying people dont lie
You see my lord continued the
old woman we nil agreed on this dy
ing business nnd felt quite satisfied
that It would come off in good season
But now that death has disappointed
us dont think my lord that I was
bhnmming at any time Even then at
the very beginning of my martyrdom
If I may call It so without disrespect
to the good salntfl even then I wai
subject t Intervals to such agonbed
feelings of oppression and helpless
ness thai evciy bone In mc cont acted
and It became black before my eyes
Just is if they weie filled with soot
Again 1 had such featful pains In my
spine that 1 couldnt hae raised my
face to heaven for a silver ntble But
my loid we I beg j our patdon a thou
sand times 1 mean we common people
are such lnni is and know toothing
about dying absolutely nothing A
second ipiniter pnssul by and I was
still sitting on the stove bench a pltl
able monument of miscalculation
1 couldnt understand It Is It pes
Bible I said to mjself that the Lord
lesus has forgotten to cull me when
my days are up
One e citing Jut as Peter ictuincd
ftom work the janitor walked lu tuile
ly What In thunder Is the matter
with the old woman he bellowed
You say she came heie to die but
confound her she Is living on ami on
cheating Hie slate out of Its dues She
ought to hae bought a penult of tesl
dence nine months ago Now you will
have to pay a line In addition Attend
to this without delay as the police hold
me responsible
Peter poor fellow looked all per
plexed never said a wotd and scratch
ed his head But my daughter scarlet
with t age snapped at me viciously
Old fool she hissed you came heie
to die didnt you A line excuse that
for eating us out of house and home
Now we will be sold up for taxes May
you suffer In puigntory a hundred
years for every kopeck we have to
But Peter ah he Is such an angel
of a fellow cant hurt a lly Krnnkn
he said stop vour abuse God may
punish j on for it Think how you may
fare some day when you aie old Then
we talked It over and Peter gave the
janitor ill kopecks to hold In hand
for he atgtied death might come at
any minute now
Klfty tlnce kopecks for a uilsciable
bag of bones like me It nearly broke
my heatt and Ktnnka went mound the
house like a she bear bereft of her
young She was so mad she smashed
the soup pot In setting It down anoth
er kopeck gone And all for me I
wouldnt mind It so much said my
daughter after a day or two If we had
all got drunk for the money
Ekatrina breathed hard once or twice
and continued musingly I cant say
that they begrudge me the soup I eat
May God punish me If I ever had such
a thought But at the same time I do
not shorten their rations by unseemliig
appetite A few spoonfuls left In the
tureen is enough for me A line thing
It would be Indeed If a dried up whlsp
of straw such as I am allowed herself
to be fattened by young married folks
The Janitor became even more trouble
some Peter had to give him tobacco
beer money even I was exceedingly
unhappy Everj thingwas going against
me all my calculations went for
naught Ah I learned the truth of tjie
proverb Man proposes God disposes
While the feather bed was still unfin
ished there was perhaps some excuse
for my living but when that was done
I felt Ilko cursing my fate
llrst room vvheie some gteat loids sat
al tables One was most pioud and
niagnllleent another was gowned all In
lilaek mid Hie thltil looked lather mean
I bowed down to the ground and begun
to tell my story Not heie not here
they said 1 bowed again and went to
the next room The same story Not
lieie And s I hustled from room to
loom fiom table to table My strength
was leaving me when ilnally a thin
long gentleman took pity on old Pka
til tin nnd took me Into the light chain
her where the muster sat In ttate
There I waited upon the thieshuld
while my legs shook like aspen leaves
At Inst the gnat one deigned to look
up Whin Is it he asked Mtavely I
unbosomed mvself utnl told him evi rj
thing fiom beginning to end lie lis
tened Hun aura in asked What Is it
I repented niv slory of how I went to
the children to die how being alto
gether sure of death I omitted to buy
a permit of residence how the dear
Lord lesus had seemingly forgotten
me and how because I continued to
keep on living I was summoned befoie
The great loid rang n silver bell
Immediately another came lu who
looked even more beautiful for big
shiny buttons weie on his coat 1 had
to tell my story to htm also When I
finished the master said See here
Ekatrina thou ovvest the little father
PvnTi mru iu 1 tiilrii It- linu Its tipfiiltnr i
iiie C7ar iiuite a Heap of money
IlglllS MIHI ll IVlltHlN VJIU fcUUIl
for nothings can better affotd to starve
than youth with Its thousand duties to
fulfill No my lord they never stinted
me In the way of food But the loss
of icady money they suffeieil IMtty
three kopecks Oh It was cruel
The old woman paused to dry her
tears And what happened then I
beside me I opened my eves It was
the Janitor w ho nine to fcti h me to the
master of polke on account of Hie lesl
ilenc permit I piaved that Hie earth
might open and swallow me but my
wish was wicked and was not gt anted
Peter wasnt at home Piunka was
washing 1 was aftald to dlsiuib her
If Peter had been there he would have
found means to pacify the Janitor for
the moment when all would be well
for 1 felt sine that 1 would Le dead
before nightfall
While I was weighing these
things in my mind Iinnka came out
with a big tub or soapy water What
aie you standing mound tlieie for she
scolded Get yourself to the police
masters for his excellency wont be
bambooled like us by stoiles of cough
and fasting Your whole lesldence
heie was a fraud IPs too bile now to
wall about II Go and to Jail If ueces
At first I was duinfounded but
present l mv senses icttirncd Yon
aie tight daughter 1 icpllcd took my
shawl ami went out I walked slowly
along the houses gioplng my way and
leaning against a wall fiom time to
time My eves weie Itching as If beset
b a thousand ants and my body felt
colt now as If hey weie tolling un
linked lu the snow and hot then Was
I so near puigntory At last I lauded
i at the police masteis and entered the
we will take pity on thee and let It go
at na ruuies
1 wrung my hands PIve rubles and
a half The very amount to a kopeck
that I had given my children to pay
for the funeral Peeling swoony I
leaned against the wall It got dark
before my eyes and a gale was blow
ing through my brain And those fine
I ircntlcmcn iiimned from their senta iih
A second winter season had begun
lf 1y OI on 0ne grabbed the
water bottle the other brought a chair
Seeing the police masters compassion
I knelt down nml embraced his knees
Most gracious most powerful lord
police master have the goodness to
look at me I am Just a bit of useless
dust no more As to the amount of
faoul within me Its not worth bother
ing about Believe me I am taking no
ones place In this world sleep on a
truss of straw behind the stove and
But the whiter was extraordinarily
plck no more ft pnrrmv
cold nnd 1 took heart again for my A nn1 1I1I nr for i
rheumatism became almost unbearable
and my cough inci eased lo such In
tensity that I told Franka Be cheer
ful daughter there Is no deception
about this The new pains will cer
tainly kill me
IShaw replied she contemptuous
ly talk Is cheap Dont make a iiioun
tain out of that molehill of a cough if
you please Its no real cough tit all
i Just a bit of irritation In the throat
she added with scorn ft wont hurt
you more than a kick will a dog
I wanteil to say something but Eka
trina fearing criticism of her unnatural
the house while I sat In n corner by dKhter quickly continued It was
41iti ntit ioiik lrti ilclitli ItVflllL il llHil 1t
the fireside to work over the down i
keep that infernal janitor In liquor all
the time to prevent his tattling He
was forever In her kitchen smoking
Peters tobacco and sending her for
wodku Then I resolved upon another
plan I began fasting even two days be
fore the feast of Christs holy trans
figuration Peter objected Do not
attempt to correct God he said What
must come will come Death catches
a good many flies In winter lie will
catch you too little mother You dont
need to iuvlte 11 id by starvlug your
self But I fasted Just the same
And did It do any good
Yes yes After 20 days I was so
weak that I couldnt scrub the floor
any moie I could lmtdly swallow a
drop of water Zounds I thought this
Is death for a surety And my heart
leaped with Joy
Pranka heated a big pot of water
and gave it to me with a handful of
soft soap also a lough piece of
linen and I washed from head to
foot to save them the trouble after
ward donned my fresh laundered
clothes and sal down on the threshold
praying anil waiting The weather
was most beautiful On the blue henv
ens rows of white lambs chased each
other I had never seen such finely
formed clouds lu all my life The sun
laughed larks weie singing and sptlng
wns lu the air Fiom the tower near
by chuich bells sounded And I cross
ed mj self and said aloud Jive mu
thy eternal peace O Loid and may
thy light show me the road to heaven
Amen And with that I closed my
eyes feellug like one lid of all cm tidy
misery I was going to my father 1
was courluced of It
Suddenly loud steps creaking boot
too weak to bicalhe much As regards
sunlight I live lu the cellar where a
beam seldom penetrates
1 know I ought to be dead long ago
but what inn I do against this persist
ent damnable costly habit of living
Pray take pity on me Its suiely the
heavens fault The good saint who
keeps the book of life mut have ovei
lookcd poor Ekatrina Dont punish
mc lest the heavenly recoider may re
sent It I assure your loidsblp I have
been expecting death and prepaiing for
It ever so long I have piayed for It
dally hourly And while I owe the
little father the czar may the Lord
bless hlni I pild my permit of resi
dence to God Thirteen children I have
borne and have burled seven Oh I
worked for the czar loo I gave him
two recruits snapping fellows One
of my boys was drowned one daughter
an away with the clicus the youngest
burned to death In a hayloft like a
sparrow under a thatched roof Indeed
my lord God and I are quits as regards
the permit of i evidence quits by virtue
of the child en I bore in pains anil
suckled with hunger staring me lu the
Ho took It out of me In cares In
hard labor in cuffs and beatings from
a drunken husband In the bloody terns
I that I cried on those burial grounds of
yellow sand seven of them count
them my lord
Old Ekatrina was overcome Gieat
teats rolled down her fleshless cheeks
I Her lips trembled and her head
cllned fiom one side to the other
I Indeed I said thou hast paid for
thy permit of residence in this world
I After she had come to I added And
What then
Oh they made me pay replied the
old woman without a shadow of icsent
ment In her voice They took it nil
my entile funeral money is gone Hut
I dont blame those line gentlemen
They did their duty The law Is on the
books nnd must bo obeyed
And now thou hast taken to ped
Yes I sold the feather bed and
bought a new permit of icsldcuce for
the ensuing quarter For the next I am
trying to c mii a few kopecks In nil
vnnce With that constitution of mine
1 niny live another year I am begin
ning to think 1 cant die Philadel
phia Tlinea
llii n
llixlrtlit liuil Ciiiiiuil IriMfiit
I Inn I nlili nt iiiiltnl mill I till
In Xru X iwl XVorMnn lir V iriluu
stiiimMi Ip l inn piiii Iin
Wvsiiimiiov liui lO Gongtcss Is
again plunged Into the conshhtitlou of
liiipui taut legislation and lueuibcis
will all have a most busy time dining
the siirecedlng two mouths Then- Is
none ol that disposition In dally which
Is so appnieiil In the long session and
the tlllbu teis in the senate who have
ilieii plans all mapped mil aie likely
to iiieoiintet some pietty laud sled
ding beloie they get thiotigh with
Ihelr obsti lletlve luetics I he people
at huge me 111 no mood to see luipor
taut legisntlou like the army bill for
liistatiie hung up a few tiltet
lv Im ouseqiientinl setinlois dcsltc lo
make it laundry of tin- senate in older
Hi it Ihelr soiled linen muy be washed
in public Men aie not scut to cou
gn s to air their peisonnl gilevaiues
Imt tiny aie lent llieie to legislate Im
tin- uitioii and he pitlem e of even the
mil lest smuter will soon be exhausted
it this kind of game continues
The subsitullon of the army ieor
giiiiiiiilon Ulll for the shipping bill as
liuiltilsheil business has compelled Hie
opposition lu Hie senate to show Its
hand Many of the opponents of the
amy bill expected that Hie discussion
ol the shipping bill almost side by side
Willi the loinicr would give them a
valid pietcxt for dlliloiy motions But
Hie lomplete elliniuiiliou of the ship
ping bill brings I he issue squniely upon
the at my hill and it will stand or lull
wholly upon Its own merits as ll Is di
sunite it should Tlieie is plenty of
evidence that this pioecdme on the
pail of the leadeis has quite dlsconcci t
ed those who hud their little plans all
mapped out to use other impoilant
mciisiiies to llllhiislcr agalnsl those lo
which they weie opposed Now under
tin- pievailiiig piogiamme each meas
ute Is coiisldeied solely upon Its own
I am told by a gieat many members
of cougiess nud lu each blanch that
they took the oppoi tunlty of their shot t
recess while at home to sound public
opinion regaidlug the desliablllly of
the passage of the ship subsidy bill
ami not a lew weie a mazed at the
eial unanimity of sentiment lu favor of
its passage What we want one
congiesMiiiu from Michigan tells me
an iinpoiinnt and InlliienHal
of his told hint is a bill thai will
build up our shipping and give employ
ment to our own people in building
ships and ilieii lu i mining lliem That
is what the ship subsidy bill will do
if I iindersianil its Iciins bceause the
llrst thing anybody must do who wants
some of the subsidy Is to build new
shps in the Pulled States Thais
what counts wllh the people he said
and as a consequence this piiitlciilnr
coug essnian Is studying the bill with a
degiee of cue he had not given to It
The most effective prosubsldy bill In
cident that has yet come to light Is the
circulation of a letter by the New Yoik
Itefoim club soliciting funds to help It
lo scud out plate mutter In opposi
tion to the shipping bill The Itefoim
club Im composed of tin- most virulent
fiee tiadeis in the country those for
Instnnce who bltteily oppond the Mc
Ivlnley tui Iff bill those who vvoiked for
a much moie radical fiee tiade bill
than WIKon finally gave the country
and those who iietuully tiothcd al the
mouth so bitter was their opposition to
the Dingley KullY bill To find lids or
ganization which is the essence office
trade piopnganda In the Fulled States
out in opposition to Hie shipping bill Is
beginning to convince many who weie
hitherto lukevvaim on the subject that
the measure must be a good one and
likely to help American and possibly
Injitie foielgn Interests
But the most hi siren piece of imper
tinence In the eiicular letter lu ques
tion was that poitlon which said
In addition to tills woik I of supply
Im material already on hand to news
papeis tongicssnien etc who apply
for It we hope to begin early lu lauii
my to supply matter lu the form of
plates to the KM or 500 nevvspnpeis
mostly in the middle and noiihwcstcin
stales willing lo aid us In defeating
this bill This h the most i IVectlve and
cheapest way to educate the people
and It would stmt flies behjnd mnuy
eongiessiuiii ami senatois who me now
but lukewarm siippoiters of the pio
posed subsidies
Just how hot those flies will become
and Jim how much that kind of
home inlli ce will affect the
Ivernge senator aud icpicsenlatlve ie
mains to be seen
If after the circular i of cried to
which Indicates that 400 or 100 news- i
paper mo to be subsidized to print
antlslilpplng bill aiginneuts and Its
fin tlier admission that Its mithnis are
supplying niatcilals abeidy on hand
to new spa pei s congiesHinen etc the
average man falls to giasp the fact
that a colossal combination N being
vvoiked against a nicasuio that is
Aineiican In every line then sad to
say the forelgneis will continue to ab
sorb our 17o00000 each year for do
ug our foielgn carrying
f 8
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Beware of
I In ii i no mi mi in Ilie IiihK uIiilI
htll tiutlinn in klllimH Illl wlllll llifV me plrtHIK tlll
if lliiiu
Ihih m linn h wink In iln nn tin- I iilnijH Wfi iim
ill Ulll Will I itllill I till I IS n lHlll
Knltim liiinliln im oiin of 1 1 1 in ml iIiuiuciihis iIimIwh UiiiI uiipn eiiliiil tu TliMUc
llllllBlir pilHllh lllll lj l IT KIIlll IIMl II lllll IIX V llllllllllllllill IiiuiiI iIIki iimi nm ottiiw
iiuiik iIhIiiii wlirii in icnllh llm ion IiHiiih nf i In Ill iiditn iIImmihii
V fi tt FwiiitiiiiiH of klilim Tniulili Ixtumin WiiJiifulniHH DlHliKHfiliiK Nwvnrmifcsf
Uiniliiiil 1 1 in nl I IihIi iiiiI DiiiihIi iiI Suilliiiu Id kin iiililn 1 i ii it IIimIiii WtlnuMtii
lKllll It 1 1 III llllllll
lliiHiMiiiitiiuiHiliiiil iipiHiiu iill ill nun liiil lln Ji wlup ci nliinlb nml hIhiii illr trf
mi oiik i if nl mi 1 1 illinium i Ink inu
Cramers Ksdraey C
nl mire Vim cioi Iiiim n nonpli of tint w Iiifnl iiiniil hunt jiii fn r i linn Tlirn jiao
run IikI tin wniiilnifiil i iirntlxi powiic tif Uiih kkihI iiinub
AlllIU llln til Ixllll HM lll sllll Ill lmiiI It iiiIm In nil f n 1 1 if i if 1 1 ii I
OMAHA Not crw
Iiniii inn by join vwuniiTfiitt
lllllll I Illl till MWIM llllinlllh I 1 111 I MllIM lit 111 IK III llllIM III llll llllrL hlilFHilln T
iiiim lie lii work ii full ilnj uilhnnl rihtini niH lf Vftm tnkitiu nun Imltlii llinrfiiiiieft ft lurueM
fnrtli with t ltnpK iihtmiihliiiiK I leiil lliri n liiillliw in nil nnil tiuw iiijccilf it nbll man
mill I mi In lilluw MilTiini H Tn k rionii h kiilnm urn ll cuiml inn nml will rurujim
V V KOI 1 1 It AhM Miiiiiiki i nxinit Miiriii M i
ntvMrit niincx ovn s iimvkv o i iw
I hilliM Unit CiioiiiiV inn will in wi full In i ITcil u rum If I imlif iniVemt it tt
Inn I w mill w I III nub put f7IKIn lint I In fur it Simiii lime ni tlinilm Inn I olil me Unit mj lrf
Iiih wurn ill ii m linil iimililinii mill uui mn inniln mil lull llihlniil nf unllilm litti I vtW
whim M hlnnp win impinriil I wnh tolil to n fin ml who lunl ni iil rmrnrV Klcttuj uim
tllilt it rurcil liim I I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n lintllii ami uiih ililllitnit lo not lie I Im iITi 1 1 Ilelinf cnuic cil
oiiii nml I tirinlj ImIiiim tlmt nf nil tlm im ilii inn I lmi tiikun nonii illil m niuili
iiiiiii rV KIiIiim II I IiriIfli ItniiM Miner
tli mill WrtuterSUntti
U on i ininol Kil Cimnii h Kiiinit iim fiom oni ilnuiKifl himiiI 100 In tfir Tiivn
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Klhl im I im inn Cimiinr h lnliin I urn I iikn no fiilinl ilnln Si nil for find hmnpluto
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