The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 25, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Long Reign of Englands Ven
erable Sovereign is Ended
iys ttirewell to lfcr Assomblod
ruinilyiiFcn Hours Heforc Death
Xntlre Ihlllnl World Pujs Trllniln to
Worth nftlia Ucnil yiioun lniNoil IVuio
lullj Amiij bin luiiniluil by Muiiilioit of
IUijhI 1ninlly nml lloimuliold
Cowos lsk of Wight Inn IKJ Queen
Victoria Is dead unil Edwind VII
The greatest e out In the memory of
this generation the most stupendous
change In existing coutlltlons thut
could possibly bo imagined 1ms
taken place quietly almost gently
upon thu unnlvorsaiy of the death of
Queen Victorias father the Duke of
The onil of this career never
equalled by any woman in the wot Ids
history eatne In a simply furnished
room In Osborne house This most
rcspeeted of all women living or dead
lay in a great four posted bed a
1 fchrunken atom whose face and llgure
v were a cruel mockery of the girl who
in 1837 began to iiile over England
Around her were gnthered almost
overy descendant of her line Well
within view of her dying eyes theie
liung a portialt of the prince consort
It was he who designed the loom and
every part of the castle In scarcely
audible words the wlilte halied bishop
if Winchester prayed beside her as he
had often prayed with his sovereign
for he was her chaplain at Windsor
With bowed heads the Imperious ruler
of the Gorman cmplie and the man
who Is now king of England the wom
an who has succeeded to the title of
queen the prince and princesses and
those of less than royal designation
listened to the bishops ceaseless
Six oclock passed The bishop con
tinued his Intel cession One of the
younger children asked a question In
shrill childish lieble nnd was im
mediately silenced The women of
this royal fainllv sobbed faintly and
the men shuflled uneasily
At exactly 50 Sir James Held held
tip his hands and the people in the
room knew that England had lost her
queen The bishop pronounced the
V Grim Itiaper Mrirlful In Ills Method
The queen pisscd away quite peace
fully She sufloied no pain Those
who weie now mouineis Went to tlieii
rooms A few minutes later the inev
itable element of materialism stepped
into this pathetic chapter of interna
tional histoiy for the couit ladles
went busily to work oidering their
mourning from London
The wheels of the woild were jarred
when the announcement came but in
this palace at Osborne everything pur
sued the usual eouise Down in the
kitchen they were cooking a huge din
ner for an assemblage the like of
which lias seldom been known in En
gland and the dinner preparations pto
ceeded Just as if nothing had hap
pened The body of Queen Victoria
was embalmed and will probably be
taken to Windsor Saturday The eof
lin arrived last evening from London
The queen bade farewell in a feeble
monosyllable to her family assembled
nt her bedside at midday She Hist
recognized the Filnco of Wales to
whom she spoke a few words of great
moment then Emperor Wlllam Ger
many and the others present tiled past
and heard a whispered goodby
It was thought that the queen was
dying about 1 oclock in the afternoon
nnd carriages were sent to Osborne
cottage and the rectory to bring all the
T princes and princesses and the bishop
of Winchester to her bedside It
eeomed then very near the end but
when things looked the worst the
queen had one of the rallies due to her
wonderful constitution opened her
eyes and recognized the Prince of
AVales the 1ilncess and Emperor
William She asked to see one of her
faithful servants n member of the
household He hastened to the room
but before he got there the queen had
jassed Into a fitful sleep
Four oclock marked the beginning
of the end Again the family were
Bummoned and tills time the relapse
was not followed by recovery
The Trlnce of Wales was very much
affected when the doctors at last in
formed him that his mother lind
breathed her last Emperor William
himself deeply affected did his best
to minister comfort to his sorrow
etrlcken uncle whose new dignity he
was the first to acknowledge
From nil parts of the world there arc
fctlll pouring Into Cowes messages of
condolence They come from crowned
bends millionaires tradesmen nnd
paupers and are variously addressed
to the Prince of Wales nnd the king of
rrescnt Klnjr and Pend Queu
Albert Edward who ielgns as Ed
ward VII king of England nnd em
peror of India was born at Bucking
ham palnco Nov 0 1811 created
Prince of Wales Dec 4 1811 and mar
ried Trlncess Alexandra of Denmark
March 10 1S03
Queen Vlctorln reigned for n greater
number of years thau any other Euro
pean sovereign Her reign lasted 13
years seven months nnd two days
exceeding by over four years tho
years the reign of George III Sho
was born at Kensington palace May
21 1S10 ascended the tin one Tune 20
i a lied to Prime Albeit of
hixoCoburg iotlin Fob 10 1810 wid
owed March 10 lSdl declined empress
of India Inn 1 1877 escaped assas
sination at Windsor castle April 188
celebrated her golden Jubilee In 1887
nnd her diamond Jubilee In 1S7
The record or the last days of tho
relgu of Victoria Is not easy to tell
The coi respondent of the Associated
Pi ess was the only conespotiilcnt mi
ni I tied to Osborne houe and Ids Inter
llow with Sir Arthur lohn Klgge prl
tiilp secielaiy to the queen Mas the
only statement that was given out
lie made tho statement that for
weeks she had been falling On Mon
day a week ago she summoned I old
Unbelts and asked him some very
searching questions On Tuesday she
went for a drive On Wednesday she
Buffered a paralytic stroke
Slum li of n llnlovuil biiwrolK l Ocorijn
Allud Tounxniid lliu WnrldV
In thf pleasant month of May its 21th
day 1810 Vlctoiia was horn and cluis
toned Alexandiina Victoria After tho
fashion ot princes she was lioi u aliuout
m tho presence of the Dukes of Welling
ton and Sussex the archbishop of Can
terbury and thu bishop of London tho
Mai quia of Lansdowne Mr Canning
Karl Uat hurst and another
Her father tho Dukoof Kent wept for
joy becnusotho lino of Ins father Ucorgo
til bad been running out and 15 mouths
previously tho only child of Georgo IV
died In childbirth her infant neverliving
Other brothers of that profligato king
svero tncnpablo of producing royal off
spring having wasted their youth with
mistresses For tho purpose of begetting
an heir Kent solucted a bride ahcady a
widow nnd easily a mother of childien
by her old fiist husband tho Princo of
Leiningen 28 j oars her senior
She was 81 and in 0 months and 11
dais aft or thobccond man iigecei oniony
Kent espoused her also in Germany
tho sanio summer meiely to have beiis
and keep tho crown CI u dices wilo
had two children who took precedence
of Victoiia but they soon died Theio
was said to boa taint in tho Geoigitu
But tho Cohtirgcrs raised poor and
plain woiked hteadily for tho thrones
else vacated by tho families of wild lich
princes Leopold of Saxe Cobnrg thus
losing Ins heir givo His sister to Kent
and married his child Victoria to his
nephew Albert and bimselt received tho
throuo of the Belgians Persons curious
to know tho prtvato lifo of Leopold tho
William tho Norman of tho piesent
princely racoof England can lead tho lifo
ol his misti ess wife Kathaitne Bauer
oukin ncrroniA
Victoria was thus the grandchild of
George ill who was tho son of tho
Pnnco of Wales but not of any king
George III died Jan 29 1820 when Vic
toria was b months old nnd before that
date Victorias father died so that sho
had no memory of Kent Sho had been
previously christened in Kensington pal
ace London whero sho was born and
ner German mothers name was also Vic
Kent had married bonded for his
debts and tho widow was dopendent on
tier brother Leopold and her brothers-in-law
Georgo and Clareuco two unprin
cipled men In 1830 Georgo IV died
after having endeavored to worry Vic
torias respectablo mother and force tho
royal child into tho corrupt precincts of
ms court where ho had at thosuno timo
three wives
About threo months after tho birth of
Victoria her futuro husband was born
Albert is teething liko Ins littlo cousin
wroto tho keen old matchmaker Widow
Coburg tho littlo follow is tho pendant
to his pretty cousin
At nino years old Victoiias half sister
was man led Clarenco had become king
under tho title of William IV and lived
till Victoiia was 18 years old Thisman
was n naval officer and had been in Now
York city during tho Revolution and was
tho friend of both Benedict Arnold and
Lord Nelson Ho was neither better nor
worso than tho sodden offspring of
J George III and having had a largo fam
ily by an actress Mrs Jordon ho turned
her adrift to starve after ho became king
and married hopeful of a legitimate heir
with a German princess As ho was 05
years old however legitimate children
did not materialize and his bastards made
bo freo with his pnlaco that Victorias
mother withhold her child fiom such so
Ouo day when tho Blender girl of 10
was taking a statodinuor with her moth
er aud her future husband Albert at
Windsor palaco tho ugly amiablo Queen
Adelaide toasted her drunken husband
who thereupon broko into a tiradoou tho
tho Duchess of Kent Tho Princess Vic
toria shnll nppear at my court ho cried
It is her duty to doso Victoria burst
into teais but not so hor sober nnd cool
Coburger mother who know that if sho
watched tho old man long enough hi3
cherry brandy would sot them free
Piincfl Albeit was not surprised His
own mother had separated from his fa
ther when ho wits yens old and Al
bert had hardly ovor seen her af tot ward
till sho died in Ills twelfth year llo
noted Unit Victoria was rather disap
pointed In him Tho next year tho king
died his surviving brother became king
of Hanover and Victoiia was tho iigin
quoin of England This news was an
nounced to her at f oclock In tho mm it
lug by a messenger from Windsor Sho
received it in looso hair and a shawl
thrown over her nightdiess and only
slippois upon her foot
Kept poor she had pieserved her mind
morals and habits to a date when pi o
fusion could not spoil her She bad been
hi might up wholly In tho German style
and when t ho ecclesiastics cabinet ele
came to swear allegiance to her the same
day sho hatdly knew their faces Chietly
had sho been taught sj stein economy
and pitidoiiee tho ery tilings our Amer
ican pirvenues think to bo unnecessary
in ii queen Her two leniaining uncles
knoltbefoie her They had hated her
Juno 21 tho day afteiwaid sho was
pioulaimed quoeu fi oni St lames palace
where sho appealed dicssed in black in
hleek bands of blown hair Lonl Mel
bourne tho piiino minister proclaimed
her to tho ciowd their soveieign That
noon she piesuledutii privy council past
18 years old at the ago for love and do
mesticity Aloert wioto to her from thu
Univeisity of Honn
My dealest cousin you mo queen of
tho mightiest land in Euiope May I
pi ay j on to think likewise sometimes ol
your cousins in Honn
After King Williams funeral Victoria
opened parliament in tho houso of lotds
amid splendor unequalod of peeisand
peeresses Sho woro a white satin lobe
a tiara of diamonds on her head a neck
lace and a stomacher of hullinuts and
tho ribbon of tho Garter across her shoul
der A mantle of crimson velvet was
placed upon her shouldets No queen
had been known of her independent con-
I ditions since Queen Anno Her line elo
I ctition was a lovelation to tho British
I auditors Chailes Simmer was there and
said Sho pei formed beautifully
Her picdecessor William hated tho
Jews Sho made one of them Sir Moses
Montcfinrc a knight tho fiist time sho
visited the city tho fust Jew sheriff A
mis bisier oi ino wuiuwcu
ijcopum i T
- Jew m tune made her empiess of In-
consort hot on thud child Vic-
I din Disraeli entered tho house of coin-
ton a
Two other
101S llt 2- 10 Wr tl0 qUCCn bCCIllnO
hrnthnr nt Kf rrinl
sovereign llo was then an advanced
A new tlirono in Buckingham palaco
was built for tho young woman queen
who was Fiiid toieseniblo tho youthful
Geoigollf Cousin Victoiia is said to
have shown astonishing self possession
wioto Albert to his father Tho news
papers with u bi utality peculiarly Eng
lish were attacking tho poor mother as
a foreigner
Tho astute King Leopold sent Albert
off to tho south of Europo and held an i
unclos council with his nieco at Wind-
sor Albei t sent roses fi om the Alps a I
bit of Voltaires wilting etc things tho
widowed queen still treisiu es and thero
was u tacit understanding that sho was
to tako Albert when sho wanted to but
English factions wero numerous and
savage and Leopold knew them too well
The cynics called her all but a baby
Hard times nfllictcd England Tho
voice of OConnell lolled through parlia
ment saying If necessary I can got
COO000 bravo Irishmen to deleud tho
lifo tho honor and tho person of this
beloved young lady who fills tho throne
Sho was small and delicato of hair
nearly flaxen and a roso bloom She
hastened to pay her fathers debts and
gavo his creditors presents of plate
Thus her inothei know foi tho first
timo since her second marriago the bless
ings of independence and honor
Alberts stepmother his father con
soled himself again did not go withher
husband to tho coronation Juno 28 1818
when Victoiia had a now crown contain
ing nil tho old royal jewels Her mother
preceded her and tho queen was drawn
to tho abbey by eight cream colored
horses Sho sat in Edward tho Confess
ors chair upon tho Scottish Stono of
Scone where may havo been crowned
her ancestor Bruce Sho also was de
scended from William tho Norman Her
descent backward is through her mother
to tho Elector of Saxony who protected
Martin Luther through her father to
tho Countess Pnlatinnto at Ilcidelherg
William tho Silent tho sister ot Henry
VIII tho queen of Scots Owen Tudor
and Shakespeares Princess Katharino of
Victoiias train was held by eight
young peeresses and sho woro n crimson
velvet lobo trimmed with ermino ami
gold lace Sho was anointed
After fivo days of wooing nt Windsor
thequeen told Lord Melbourne sho should
marry Albert Sho had ns queen to do
tho proposing nnd sho wroto to Leopold
He seems peifectionnnd I think I have
tho prospect of gicat happiness befoio
mo I lovo him moro than I can say
Thoy rodo horseback much together
About a month after this tho queen an
nounced her engagement to her privy
council Hor whole courtship had been
only fivo weeks long Her consoi t was
to bo allowed 30000 a year Thoy wero
married tho third day after ho returned
to England Fob 10 1840 nt St James
palaco Thoy spent tho honeymoon at
Windsor castle Thoy wero first cousins
Victoria tho year before had inado a
rash political mistake in refusing to
chango two Whig noble ladies as was
tho custom nt n chango of ministry The
rabble called her tho queon who would
not let her belles bo Peeled in allusion
to Sir Robert Peel who succeeded Lord
Prince Albort took charge of his wifos
political temperament from tho outset
In April after tho marriage her mother
was moved to a privato hoiibo In Juuo
the queens lifo was attempted in Hydo
park by a waiter named Oxford who
was over afterward confined in an asy
lum Two shots woro fired und her lifo
was attempted boveral other times By
July Albeit was mado contingent regent
of tho realm Her uncle Sussex voted
against it from jealousy
Nov 21 1810 0 months 11 days after
tho marriuge tho princess royal was
born nt Windsot long slneo tho will
owed riiipt i icloiia of Gi iiuiini
I should urtalnly hao liked it bet
ter if sho had been a sou wioto Albert
Hut this girl shut tho ostority of tho
king of Hanover fiom tho tin one Han
over that was to lie absoibed in Prussia
by Victorias son in law
Dearest Vickel saTo In bed with a lit
tle one wrote tho queens mother who
lived till 1811 the time of the Aiueiiean
cl il war or after her daughter had been
21 jeais a wife
A boy named Jones was found behind
a sofa who hud been watching Uio queen
for weeks at a time with that passion for
loyal secielsthe plainer older of English
leveal The little cad had even lain be
neath tho sofa wheto tho queen and her
Bpouso talked politics and spooned
1iinco Albeit petitioned in lain to ho
Prime Minister Peel to beg him to
change tho sistoiu of thoroinl llunkies
and let him enjoy soniopihaey in his
Nov I mil tho Pilnce of Wales was
hot n tho Hist piinco of Wales in 711
joins One John Francis soon after at
tempted to shoot the queen on two sue
cessiiodajs llo was a theater
Ira n
inom wiikn a nun
ter was sentenced to death but was
transpoited for life Tho day after his
sentenco was commuted a drug clerk
named Bean tried to shoot her with
pieces of clav pipe m a pistol Ho was
whipped and put in jail In 18111 sho
was again shot at by an Irish laboier
named Hamilton on Constitution hill
ery and said that tho heavy London at
mosphero alwajs weighed him down
Victoria built u mausoleum at Frog
moro for Alberts remains and a grand
mouumont tho most elaborate in Eu
rope is erected to that princo consoi t
in Hydo park gardens I havo had
Gods teaching said tho widow and
learned to bear all ho lays upon mo
Sho gavo renewed attention to the pub
lic business from u dosiro to carry out
tho training her husband had given her
Tho queen indulged a species of spirit
ualism very long behoving that her hus
bands spirit was with her Sho could
only look down upon tho inarriago of tho
Princo of Wales and Alexandra two
years afterward in St Georges chapel
This occurred March 10 ISO Tho au
thor of this papor saw tho Princess of
Wales enter London by her afflancod
sixmso and 20 years afterward enjoyed
tho possession of a box at tho Wild West
show next to tho princo priucess tho
now deceased son and threo of tho juris
of whom Maudo was married within two
It was fivo years after Princo Alberts
death lcforo tho queen lesuined tho
throne in public
Giiuiau i oiiMti iiMoiiAtuss German
m id m Gi i mai 1 iisi lind ait nnd fam
ily deletion had iiiado of the daughter
of the Duke of Kent a being as unlike
him us Coidelia was unlike tho raging
feur Tho splilts of Goetho Schiller and
Mi mlelssnhn hno for M jears been rul
ing England
Ten years aftei hei fathers death the
Pi iucess Louise nun tied tho MniquiHof
Louie TwoHeotdiinen and seieiil Ger
lnaiisaietheqneeirssnnH in law Helena
mauled Piinco ChiHiun or Sleswick
Ilolsteiu in the mourning p jyd
Piinco Albeit iisisted tin insidious
pel suasions of Napoleon III to lake pnt
in tho disiuoiubei incut of tho Iniled
States The wise mwstmout tho Get
man people made in Aiueiiean war bunds
assisted them to maintain tho mi lilies
winch beat Austria and Fiance Eng
lishmen of as mill li li pociis and as lit
tle decern j as niljlosald of tho United
Slates It isa diil chimney let il hum
itself out Tho queen sent a message
in IHlii to ho ptesiileut upon the com
pletion of tho Atlantic cable consoled
Mis Lincoln upon her husbands dentil
and cnlci lained the sou of Lincoln Gen
eial Grant ami the sou of Ilaiiisou Six
times had his good woman been shot at
ami once stiuckin thiitbtutal counliy
stiuck by an ollicer of hussais Nolan
insult was ever oil eied her in heland or
in any oilier tonntr
Her learned and letteis loving bus
baud in his elloi I to impioio the chili
rat ion of England was frequent ly hound
id by public Hpcalceis pi ess ami people
Thoy laid upon him IhoCtiincan war
which was duo to that jockey Pilinei
stoti tho man whom Mr Buchanan con
gratulated upon tho stiong likeness of
his stepcliildien to linn
After ho queen hud icceivcd thosnltnn
and the shah In England tho Icing ot
Abyssinia desired o mat ry her llo was
killed in ISttS or look his own life and
Stanley one of our Aiueiiean war cor
lespondents sent the queen tho first
news of the death of her dusky lover
In beating the Zulus tho sou of Eu
genie and Napoleon was ignoininiously
speaied to death by a Zulu suggesting
tho similar fato Mnsiinilian was lined to
in Mexico by that dj nasty of filibusters
Victoiias weio re
spectivelj u Dane a Uiissiaii and two
Gei mans
Tho queen often spun upon he wheel
in Scotland
A few sent toi oil evtiacts fiom tho
hut tho pistol contained only powder I queens join mils which hae been pub
Tho net ear Lieutenant Pato stiuck
her in tho fate
Victoiia visiting Siotland Holyiood
nnd tho castle told Alison that sho was
glad she w as descended from Mary and
had nothing to do with Elinbeth
April ISlil was boin tho Princess
Maud or Alice
In 18111 Victoria went on hor yacht to
seo tho king of the Fiench whoso daugh
ter was her step aunt nnd staid fivo
days at Chateau dEu Sho had never
been out ot England before Theiito
they went to Belgium Nicholas tho
czar paid her a visit Louis Phibppo fol
In August 18 11 Piinco Alfred was
In 18il sho opened tho Crystal palace
In 1885 sho purchased Osborne islo of
Wight and 2I00 anies
In 1818 sho visited Geimany
Helena was born May 25 1810 and in
1818 tho Pnncess Louise
Louis Philippe an exile died at Chuo
moiit England in 1810
In 185K was born Princo Leopold just
before tho Ci linean war Louis Napoleon
and Engenio usited her
Beatrice was boin 1857
Princo Albert died Saturday night
Dec 11 1811 at tho ago of only -12 No
wonder tho widow felt tho loss of her
spoubo nt that young mnnly ago and
was long iiu onsolible llo died of fover
from cold and said to his daughter Alice
Your mother cannot bear to hear mo
speak of it j ot Only a year previously
her mothers death made her Bay I I
wi etched child havo lost tho mother I
so tenderly loved from whom for theso
4 1 j ears I had nover been parted except
for a few weeks
Tis your own littlo wife sho said to
tho dying Albert Ho said ho heard tho
birds singing outsido tho windows at
Windsor and with his fevered breath he
kibsed her thinking of Germany Ho
had his daughter play him German airs
in his last days Victorias stepbrother
tho Duko of Leiningen was with Albert
when ho died
Tho queen mourned long and some
thought her mind would bo affected Tho
insen ato London tradesmen shrieked
Bo dono with your hiding away and
como and get us trade Albert liko
Handel the musician beforo him know
tho difference between German loo of
art and knowledge for their own sako
and English mining for knowledgo as a
means of wealth Up had written
foio his marriage of England
Theso pcoplo cannot understand tho
profound genius of our German litera
ture and hence their undervaluing of
it Ho taught tho queen to lovo scen
lished as books will give homo insight to
her uatiiie
I lead to Albert tho fiist 1 hi on cantos
of tho Lay of tho Last Mmsticl which
delighted ns both
Oh what can equal the beauties of na
tine What enjoyment thero is in them
Albeit enjois it so much He is in ecsta
sies heio in Scotland He has inherited
this lovo of nature fiom his dear tathei
I sketched tho Welsh woman Pic
ture gnen in tho book A voiy pretty
lain maid in complete Welsh costume
was bi ought on boaid for mo to see
Outsido stood the Marquis of Lome
just 2 jeais old a dear white fat fair
littlo fellow with i eddish hair but veiy
delicate features liko both his father and
his mother Deis such a meirj inde
pendent littluchild Hoi future son-in-law
Tho Duko of Wellington is dead
Gods will bcdcriu Tho day must liavo
coino Tho duko was 81 In bun centered
almost every citthly honor a subject
could possess His position was tho
highest n subject ever had above pat tj
looked ti to by all revered by tho whole
nation the friend of the sovereign and
how simply ho cairkd these honors
Our dear Victoria was this day 1855
engaged to Princo Frederick William of
Prussia who has been on n visit to us of
15 dajs He had alieady spoken tons
nine days ago of his wishes but wo weio
iiuceitaiu on account of her extrcino
youth whether he should speak to her
himself or wait till ho tamo back again
However wo felt it was better ho should
do so and during our rido ho picked a
pieco of white heather the emblem of
good luck which ho gave to her and
I this enabled him to inako an allusion o
his hopes and wishes as they rodo down
tho glen which led to this happy con
Every year 1850 my heart becomes
moro fixed in this dear piradiso Bal
moral and so much more so now that
nil has become my dearest Alberts own
creation own woik own building own
laying out as at Osboino and bis great
tasto and tho impress of his dear hand
havo been staiued everywhere
Tho beauty of tho Irish women 1810
in very remarkablo and struck us much
buch beautiful dark eyes and hair und
such fino teeth Almost every third
woman waa pretty and somo remark
ably so They wear no bonnets
Theso familiar jottings show tho plain
nature of tho queens mind
John Brown came into tho queens
service in 18 11 as gillie or urchin and
Piinco Albeit noted his reliability and
sent him with tho queens carriago and
pony For lf yeais this rare fellow a
noblo servant served tho queen wife and
widow and his lovo of her husband
made him her reliance when alone Low
opinion in England tried to oxaggerato
theso simple household friendships
Princo Albert was chancellor of Cam
bridge university from 18 t8 till his death
Tho queens fiftieth or jubilee year of
reign was long and lavishly celebrated
A fiuo exhibition at Manchester Eng
land gavo worlds fairs in 1851 and 1803
was notablo for tho modern paintings
of tho English school I attended tho
naval review near Portsmouth wheio
tho largebt war fleet probably assembled
m tho world up to that timo and repre
senting about 500000000 was to bo re
viewed by tho queen Shucanio an hour
lato though residing almost in sight at
Osborno IIouso upon her slow steam
vessel the Victoria and Albert and tho
sailoi s barefooted in tho shiouds wero
by this timo bo cold that they refuted to
I felt that day that tho queen was tho
ruler of tho laud m everybodys heart
and tho minister tho ruler in oierybodya
head Henco whero the affections wero
engaged criticism was spai ed The min
ister was assailed for e er thing
j - -
Inn of the niomuehy diew heir swordi
or as bishopn elevated thnlr erosion for
the sovereign
In limn lie biirous obtained rights
fi oni the king In lime ho people took
piiiileges fiom both Homo 250 jean
ago the ciow ii was swept aside aud par
liament behealed Its w outer To lake
tho kings iilnee a iiotector was cili
ated llo inUed morals no much with
governing and he klugh olllco was ie
sloied but the same quest iiius ciimo ns
befoie nauielj the kings i ight to mon
ey and to oiiimimd parliament and to
hale his own wai liko his hu barons
iuktsIiiis tlo Minces Phinliigeuetsaiiil
Tiulois They weio intensified by thu
furl that the king James II was deter
mined to liiiuge the leliglon of hi
couiitiy and make il eoufonn to that of
Ilitiice whosi miuiiiich subsidied and
assisted these SI mi it lungs
Finally thu king of Holland as wo
niav call William of Orange who wiui
mariieil to James daughter wits In ought
into England with his aiinyby the re
bellious PioteMlaiil loids and comuioiiH
The legitimate king was expelled and
his sou and his grandson weio called
pielondois and treated as public ene
mies though they had all tho feudal
lights to the cioun
Now the Princo of Orange who wno
ngieat politician on the continent out
bid Louis XIV for Englands support
llo mado an act of settlement gi lug
away his wifes absolute lights and set
tling the tliioni upon it tleiiuan Pint
estanl set or piiuccH who weio of tho
English blood toialtho Hanoierlau
oleclois When the main lino ran out in
Hanover as we hao seen n son of
Geoigo 111 became king of Hanover
again and it was his lace whom His
inaiek diovo fiom Hanover in Mill
Tho sister of Granges wife Queen
Anne caino o die and tho llruuswick
Uanoveiiaiis or Georges took tho throne
They in odesi ended fiom u daughter of
James I who mai ried thoGcimaii count
palatinate and in Victoiias blood is that
of William the Silent and Lutheis pio
Ministerial government fiom Ihehouso
of commons replaced ciown government
in consequent1 of these events aud by
the close of tho Fiench levolutionary
wars had become so despotic that Vic
torias picdcLcssor had to Uneaten that
ho would make so many peeis as to over
ride the horsi of lords m its opposition
to tho leloim of puihniucut bill
The bill lecnst the constituencies and
boioughs of England which had often
been the gilts of gieat loiilsand gentry
The nation upon n mil piuliainenuiry
basis slepiied out of its feudal and ptn
pt lot in abuses and has since been sub
ject to tespeeted extensions of tho suf
As Victorias fust ininisleiial friends
weio Wing i she had n bias lor that par
ty which was modified m subsequent
jenis and lliu liked Peel less than Pal
meistun and Gladstone less than Dis
raeli She also expiessed a dislike to
making pom men peers who could not
maintain tho dignity of their titles In
mutters of ties sort hoi positive lefusal
might qualify tho desues and necessities
of n ministii but she knew very well
that tho purse stimgs belonged to tho
commons and all the ministers did
their best to piovido lor her sons daugh
ters sons-in-law and grandchildren so
that sho had small occasion to bo antag
onistic Sho influenced many favors
such as the ennobling of the poet Tenny
son who so often praised her and her
progeny in ihyines
Albert taught Victoria to piovido for
democratic or dink days by laying away
money Tho royal and civil list took a
huge sum from the revenues every year
It was invested in stocks lands what
ever would bo guaranteed against a rainy
day Tho Pi ince of Wales and somo oth
ers wero fieo with their money tho
queen always provident Sho leaves a
great private foitune
As all acts pioceod in England not in
tho nnmo of tho pcoplo but of tho queen
Victoria was taken into tho confidence
of tho lawmaking powcis so thatherin
ovitablo assent deemed of ton to bo a mat
ter of her own choice But sho had nev
er but once and that in ii small matter
already related shown tho fatuitoiisnnil
ftitilo obstinacy of somo of tho Georges
Sho was liko tho queen beo in a hivo
necessary to tho mental rest and satis
faction of them who work and as n wo
man England law always been partial
to qi eons she has given n soft neat und
a chivalry a suiitimont and a faithful-
- 1
ness to tho sober and often bard asjiect
of tho realm
That sho possessed any exceptional
mentality was never ptobable Sho took
rather than gain advice and illustrated
tho wifos vow wheiein lies tho secret of
a wifos happiness to lovo honor nnd
oboy I am glad I am not descended
from Eliabeth but fiom tho queen of
Scots shows her respect for tho abused
wifo over tho abusing irago Sho was
not n descendant of Henry VIII who ex
ecuted bib wives but of Henry VII and
of Edward IV Far back in hor origin
was tho bastard sonship of Duko William
of Normandy and beforo him of Itollo
and iininolebs Norman pirates
Tho extracts I havo given from tho
queens book aio such ns any young miss
might havo entered or any plain wifo
expressed Sho did not challengo liter
ary criticism nor poso for n member of
SorosiB In that caso sho would havo
challenged comparison with Catharino
of Rtibbin Margaiot of Valois and tho
pther man women of hibtory ller king
dom and reign had plenty of literary
ornaments Georgo Eliot Chailotto
Bronto Harriet Martineau Tho queen
nortrayod to every Engife Ji94 the