The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 25, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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The Norfolk fieuis
W N UU8K riibllBliiT
Kir ilnr i
week li cr ntu
KriftnllnlllMt IM7
pjreit Hominy rumor
II mull per jrnr ii
UmNewnpftMilUliwI ivi
The Joiirnnl nMnlilUhe1 1Hi7
Kier Krldny Hr mull ir rnr IM
Kiiternl nt tlio IoMollIrn lit SorfoUi Nrl w
ecoml clnn mnltnr
Telenlmiin No 12
Tho Quiet Town
Thorn is i difference botwoon towiiH
n notable difference ofton mndn ho
usually by tho character orJlnoHimtloiiH
of tho cIHzour Kvory town has ItH good
qnnlltles nnd ifl juHt ivn llkoly to Imvo ItH
hail onos Tlio formor is doserving of
cuuilatlou and the latter should bo re
formed TIiIb howovor is not intondod
m a homily or moral discourse but
merely to express boiuo thoughts regard
ing tho quiet town
Wore you ovor iii n vlllogo whoro
tho very air Boomed tnlnted by a spirit
of oppressive praprloty or hypoorltloul
sanctimony Whoro tho vory dogs
scorned to catch tho Hplrit of tho town
nnd slink along with tholr tails botwoon
ttaolr logs and forcod to light or over
come a doBiro to bay at tho moon thoy
scrirry off to tho outHklrts of tho town
and rellovo their foullngB to tho Iwat of
their nblllty
This Im tho kind of town whoro If a
boy should happen to niovo faster than a
walk or allow IiIb volco to bo hoard
further than a few foot distant ho Is
frowned upon by tho peoplo on tho
streets or perhaps throntouod with tho
cnlnbooso by tho village marshal
Hero you may expect to boo a nort of
funereal air except about twice afyoar
Fourth of July and cirouB day Beyond
1hoHO any appearance of nmusomont or
sport is discouraged aud if thoro is a
lecture or outortulumout whoro applause
is pormissnblo and doslrublo thoro is a
silouoo disastrous to tho ontertaluor aud
unsatisfactory to tho audionco
Any ontertainment of a public ohnr
notor liko foot ball or tennis is frowned
upon as a useless frivolity and tho por
sons engaged are reminded that they
might much hotter be attoudlng to busi
ness or studies than thus wasting tholr
opportunities aud with a Puritanical
air tho knowing oucb will discuss tho
accidents that have ocourrod in oortaiu
sports aud tholr foolish wasto of money
energy and time
This is tho plueo whoro you may ex
pect to seo busiuess mou griudiug away
at their temporal affairs six days of tho
week with care worn faces und emaci
ated forms and on Sunday thoy will
Milemnly attend church in tho interest
of their spiritual welfare devoto tho bnl
anoe of the day to repose aud ou Mon
day begin tho grind again without re
cruited ouergies
In tho quiet town you will notice
neighbor solomuly greeting neighbor
with a sleepy good morning spoken
in a scarcely audible touo of voloo aud a
carefully worded inquiry into tho fam
ilys welfare You may expect to seo
the children quietly aping the example
of their elders and if their enthusiasm is
inordinately urousod by some circum
stance or event a out ou tho ears or
-vigorous switching by tho digulfiod
parent will restore tho wonted equiposo
To the observer it appears that tho town
is intent solely on grabbing tho dollars
that pass its way with the result that
the said dollars begin to look scared
when passing and dually refuse to risk
their persons in tho neighborhood
Charities and bouevoloneies or anything
wearing tho appearance of a bonus is
turned down with the remark I
make my way lot thorn make thoirs
In contrast to this is the lively town
where the children happily skip along
playing tag and leap frog shouting and
laughing romping aud tninbliug with
out a thought of restraint as loug as
their fun is hurmless where neighbor
moots neighbor with a hearty hand
rluspaud a Hello Bill Hows tho
wife nnd babies Or if Bill happens
to bo across tho street tho greeting is
extended with the enthusiasm of vigor
ous lungs and a smilo or sally generous
and unrestrained by propriety Here
the young men run foot ruccs in tho
stre t with everyouo interested und if
John falls into the mud he is greeted
with good natured laughter and yellB
Tho leaders are encouraged by cries of
Til bet on you George Get there
Hiram etc The spirit of happiness
and joy Alls the air and if a fight occurs
the some interest is felt and tho partici
pants generously ninke it up before
tho blood has ceased to How Auy pub
lic amusement or enterprise is greeted
with a whoop and hurrah nud every
body turns out and enjoys the occasion
to the extent of u healthy constitution
not sparing luug power and applause
Here Jacob is Jake nud Henry is
Hank be he ir or 75 years of age
Here neighbors are neighborly and
friends are friendly aud are not particu
lar as to how thoy show it The pro
clivities of the peoplo ure for
aud amusement they will have
business or no business but they us
ually manage to have tho business
Here they celebrate every holiday and
then some inexpensively perhaps but
eutertainingly Here t je widow and the
orphan the sick anJ distressed receive
spontaneous and gratifying care and
sympathy Here meanness is converted
into goodness telflehnees into
Hy nnd hatred Into Ioto Yon couldnt
IwplfjQ ono of its citizens if yon would
mill you couldnt spend an hour in town
without carrying nwuy vivid nnd happy
recollections It 1r 11 placo whoro ovory
body oujnyH Hfo nnd do not caro who
knowH it All honor to tho lively town
Perhaps those plotiiros nro ovonlmwn
hut tho moral may bo discovered to tho
bonoflt of ninny persons and localities
mil IliMnl by the South Dakota lrjjUlu
turii Senate Tallti of Oil
Pierre a l Inn - The principal
bill of the tiny In the house wits that
to Increase the sululles or the governor
and Judges It was pilled by three
more than the necessary two thirds
Other bills pussod were requiring
non resident owners of stock fo pny
M cents per head per mouth hi addi
tion lo all other tuxes for he privilege
of grazing stock In the stulo and n
few minor bills
lit the Honute bills Introduced wore
To punish the sale of adulterated white
lead appropriating 11000 to reim
burse persons ami counties who ad
vanced money to bring troop from Han
Francisco lo Increase Militrlcs of coun
ty auditors and treasurers
The wlde tlre wagon bill was recon
sidered and again passed A resolu
tion on uiemorliillilng congress to
grant federal old to the school of mines
was Introduced
The oil Inspection hill was discussed
at length nud sent back to the Judiciary
committee fur nu opinion as to Its lo
NulirHla IiKlnlitturna ICfTort nt HenatiM
lal Choice Mill
John u Unln
Lincoln Inn JI The only material
change In tho senatorial ballot yester
day Is the rlso of Melklejohns vote to
li as a result of extra effort put
forth Wednesday to draw In his re
serves The result
LM iiUtliAthuth7tli8ih
Allen VT r7 Kl 4 till 54 15
routine Ill 10 10 H 8 7 0
Carrie UO l2 11 11 Ul 20 11
Btigi a 3 i a
lirnnily i I
n o n o o a
iiurinii J n t i i
Harrington I 1 t 1 ft U
mti iioock rvr mi -in a
HltiNhuw 10 17 in ir m in in
Klllkulil a A 4 I 4 2 2
Mi Iklejutiu ll 24 M t 1U 20 It
Mnrlnn t 1 1 1 I 1 1
Miirlln a 2 a 3 7 7
UlihiinlK 1 1
Rcm wiiter 14 15 15 13 15 It 15
SiithiMlanl 11 1 lilt
Thompson I n 31 32 32 211 31 311 35
TlimniiMon W II 5H 511 50 54
Vnn Dii wii 3 1 1 1 2 1 I
The house committee of the whole
Thursday recommended for passage 11
bill by Representative 11 all appro
prlntltiK l 00 for medals for nli of
ficers and men of the Nebraska volun
teer organization that were called Into
reserve for the war with Spain
The house recommended the passngo
of n bill reducing the rule or Interest
on state warrants from 4 to i per cent
The senate voted to allow Itcuttng to
retain his sent
Probiibl Kiicuiupmriit Date
Sioux City Ian J5 Colonel M B
Davis commander of tho lown Irani
Army of the Republic returned from
Dubuque yesterday and announced
that the annual encampment of Iowa
veterans this yenr will likely be held
lime 4 r and 0 at Dubuque The mem
bers of the council of administration
Will be consulted before these dates
are definitely decided upon
Western Itomls Will Cut Deep
Chlcngo luu 25 As the result of
the ubiinilonment of Denver anil the
selection of Cleveland for the annual
encampment of the Jrund Army of
the Republic for l0l western rouiK
nnd particularly the Colorado roads
have decided to make unusually low
rates to Colorado tourist points next
summer especially during the period
of the Srand Army encampment
Netro Shot to Pieces
Mludcu La Ian - At Doyllns it
young negro miined Iiiiktugton at
tempted an assault on the wife of n
young funnel- named Klilon Walker
but was frightened away Yesterday
he was Identltied hy Mrs Walker und
In charge if Keveral citizen wtis being
brought to the Mlndun Jail when the
parly was overluken and the negro
shot to pieces hy n crowd of men
lmllau Murderer ttuder Arrent
St Joseph Jan fi luck Spears
the Indian who murdered his wife und
mother-in-law near Holton Kan Is
believed to be under arrest here An
Indian tilling his description was
picked up last night greatly under the
Influence of liquor He Is suld to have
boasted of the murders
Uratli fur tlia Kidnaper
lefTersou City Mo Inn Jft fiovcr
nor Docliory sent n message lo the
legislature yoMordny advocating the
passnge of a law Inflicting death pen
alty In cases nf kidnaping for ransom
He referred to the Omiihu case and
said it showed the necessity for the
pusMigo of such a law
III Obstacle
Harry Did you over uudertake to
write poetrj
Dick 1 did once and I got along
fairly well too The only trouble was
that I couldut rhyme very well aud 1
cjtildut think of anything to write
about But I was all right with the
capital letters at the begiunlug of Uir
lines Huston Transcript
He I can trace my ancestry
ts4BapwewipMitu1 n ei3irwr r Yy wt atTw
M III it
through nine geueratlous
She What else can you do
Then he blinked and looked at her as
If he wondered where he was and how
fur he had dropped Chicago Tlmts
King-at-Arms Performs the
Public Ceremony In London
Will Tnkn IMni o ill Windsor Cnstle fill 3
To llci Mllltnry In Accordance Willi tho
latr Qiirens Wish No lutiic In Trent
London Jan X London yesterdny
wiih islveii it KlImpHO of mwllncvul
tlinoH The ijimlut IuiiMiionlcH with
which KliiK lidwnid VU was ino
claimed at various tiolnlH or the metro
polis oMietly followed undent inece
luutH The olllcltilN inirpoHely ur
ranged the function tin hour ahead of
the published announeeiueiit nud the
InhubltantH when they awoke were
surprised to II ml the entire way be
tween St lumes palace and the city
llnml with troops The troops them
selves made mi Imposing spectacle
but they were entirely eclipsed by tho
HtruiiKC spectacle presented by the olll
cluls of the College or Arms
The ceremony beun nt St lames
palace where nt U oclock Kdward
VII wiih proclaimed kltif of the United
KhiKdom of tlrent llrltnln and Ireland
and emperor of India The proclama
tion which was read by William
Henry Woldon was as
Whereas it hns pleased Almighty Oml
to cull to Ills mercy our lnle sovereign
Queen Vlctoilit of blessed and glorious
memory hy whose decease the Imperial
crown of the United Kingdom of tlrent
1III nl lnliitl la unlnlv flTlll rlphtftlllv
Allege Forgery of Will J
Clinton la Ian SB W A Haas
aud George Bet have been held to the
grand Jury ut Savunua on the charge
of forging a will Haas brother died
leaving a large estate The defend
ants tiled a will for probate which left
most of the property to members of the
family One of the men Implicated In
the forgery has confessed
rllrtlon ltrtwrru HiuiiIm anil Kngluml
Portsmouth Inn J It Is asserted
here that the British llrst class bat
tleships Oc euu aud Cunopus have been
ordered to hurry to Chinese waters
from the Mediterranean in connection
with the dispute with Hussla over the
KUIot and Blonde Islands
No Change lu Irviulcrlil
London Jan Jn There Is no truth
lu the rumor that a ehnnge in the
premiership Is contemplated says the
Dully lali Mr Balfours presence
tit Osborne iouxe is due to he kings
kindly desire to spare Lord Salisbury
fatigue and trouble
To Mulutalu Thrlr Iurlty
Washington Ian -0 By a party
vote of 0 to 0 the house committer
011 coinage ordered a favorable report
on the bill of Ueprc entatlve Hill of
Connecticut to imilntuln the liver
dollar at parity with gold
Chicago drain anil Prnrlilnnn
Clilciico Jnn 24- Miir when advanced
yiAdc loiliiy antler Influence of ntnallcr
I receipt Corn elnm il u Mnifle and outs
V4MV np IroiMona Ml the clone weio
OtllOf lo cr CIohIhk hIcch
Wheat -Jim 72M73cj May TClio Ieh
Corn tun i7v Maj 3Sjei lh 37o
tt lnn 23c Miiy inHtl oUe
Iotk f ii7i llnjr 1380
17271V lh 727 My
Itlhu Jnn llft7ti MnT 0n74ff7 00
Cnsli 2 red wlient 74TJ
75r No 3 xpi Inif wlient 14 M 72c No 2 hard
client 7Kt7lc No 2 ciihIi corn I7lie No
2 vii nil oits 24i24Vie
Ohleacn llvn NtnrU
Chli npi Jnn 21 fHttle 10
50 rholi e iileorM iilmiit stendy othem
kIow hiitehers utork firm to HtiHile higher
Rood In inline slec rn J52Vu0O0 poor to me
dium 350W5iri Mtorkem nnd feederR fXOO
Ti4m cows 205ii420 heifers 27Ml
4M canncrs J200fl270 IiiiIIh 250fi4rrf
eiilvra 4Htf575 Telia fed Hti frn 14 W
fat 75 Toxn Brim wteerw M3VHOO Tel
11 H Inilln 2rrOD375 Itocs Iterelptn todsr
21000 tomorrow 23000 left over oO00
opened Mhnile higher floNi d n enk top
535 mixed nnd hatchet h 510Vi5t5 food
to choice henvy 52Vtf 3r light 5108
530 hulk of unleii 520fff127V4 Sheep
rtecelpts 10000 nlirrp Mi ndy Inmbs most
ly Uc lower good to choice vfethern 370
67450 fnlr to mlied 340anWj
western sheep 375440 Texn sheep
25lKi350 nntlve lnmbs 400frffi50 weit
em Ivmhs 500i550
KitnKRS City llvn Stock
IChns City Jn 24 Receipt
I 5500 nut Itch 400 Texnns stcsdy nntlv
href steers 4ri0a550 ktockers and feed
ers 375iJH75 cows 32Vff475 heifer
375ci500 cunners 250fta25 fed west
ern steers 425jJ500 lexui and Indian
cows 27VtT7n bulls S3tXVl450 calves
45M700 noirs Uccclpts ItlOOO 5c high
er top 5m hulk of sales 525iW30
henvy 52Vtf535 mixed puckers 5204
530 llRht 515t525 ptin 450r85
Sheep Receipts 4000 Ininbs utendy sheep
10c hlisher western Innihs 515W550 west-
frn wet tiers 4 ir0iii western owes
come to the high and mighty Irlncu Albert 350l25 western yeiirllnfs 4501500
Kilwnril we therefore the lords Hplrlttml
and temporal of this reulni being here as
sisted with those of her lnte majestys
lirlvy council with numbers of other prln
ctpnt jentlenien of quality the lord mayor
aldermen and cltliM ns of London do now
heiehy with one voice consent of tonxun
and lieart to publish and proclaim that the
high nnd mighty Prince Albert Kdward Is
now by the death of our lato son relsn of
happy memorv become our only Inwfnl
and rightful lelce lord Kdwnnl VII hy the
grace of Coil king of the United Kingdom
of Ormit Hrltaln und Ireland defender of
the faith einpir of India to whom wo
acknowledge nil faith nnd constant obedi
ence with all hearty and humble affection
beseeching Oml by whom nil kings nnd
queens do reign to bless the roynl Prince
Kdwiud VII with long and huppy yeara to
relcn over ns
The king was not present There
was a large assemblage of officials
and heralds Among those In attend
ance were Ceneral Roberts and mem
bers of his headquarters staff There
was n grent concourse of people from
the commencement to the close
It has been decided that the funeral
of the queen will take place at Wind
sor castle Keb 2 The body of the
lnte queen will be removed from Os
borne house Keb 1 It wns the ex
pressed desire- of the queen thnt the
funeral should be military In charac
It- Is understood thnt the progress of
the body of Queen Victoria through
London will be nn imposing mllltnry
pageant and that members of the
house of lords and commons will be
Invited to follow the body
The announcement of the funeral
hns been delayed lo enable all foreign
representatives to arrive nt Windsor
on time It Is announced that the
Grand Duke Serglus and the Traml
Duchess will come from Russia to be
present at the ceremony
Itnosrvvlt Save Hie nog
Meeker Colo Jan LTi News direct
from ICevstone ranch ut which the
Roosevelt hunting party Is stopping
shows that between the 12th and IM
of January 12 grow mountain lions
three kittens and eight lynx cats were
killed On Saturday last the party
had quite an exciting adventure with
one lion The lion was held captive
by the dogs nnd was lighting with the
whole pack of hounds Suddenly It
seized one of the dogs Governor
Roosevelt shoved the breech of his gun
into the lions mouth holding the gun
by one hand and with the other strik
ing the lion n death blow with his
knife Tho governor has decided to
stay ror nnother two weeks
Iloers Artitltliig Illlbusters
Capo Town Jan 2r It is believed
that the presence of Invading Hoers In
proximity to the western coast Is due
to preconcerted plans with European
llllbusters to bind n large consignment
of arms and ammunition at some
point between Port Nolloth and Lam
berts buy Many traitors have suc
ceeded lu enlisting In tho local forces
und there have been numerous arrests
culls ami ewes 250i7325
South Oninltn IJvr Stock
South Omnhii luu 24 Cattle- Uecalpts
2400 steady native beef stoers 40fj540
western steera 37OYtf4i0 Tenia steers
3XXiii80 cows und heifers 300400
canneri l75fd21K stocksrs and fenders
3O0rn4OO calvos 3r0rrG50 bulls stags
etc 25TXrt400 Hogs Uocelpts 0000 3
fullOe higher closed easy heavy 517J1
527j mlied r17yafl22V4 light 502V4
6152214 pigs 40041475 hulk of sale
5t7W525 Sheep Ileeelpts 1000 10
15c lower than Tuesday yearlings 440ijt
480 muttons 4004440 common and
Htock sheep 3I03S5 lambs 4C0035
A ri 1
A story runs that on a certain day
two men one or them very denf were
walking by the railway Suddenly
nn express train rushed by nud ns It
passed the engine emitted a shriek that
seemed to rend the very sky
The hearing mans ears were well
nigh split but the deaf man struck an
ecstatic attitude Then turning to his
suffering friend he said with a pleas
ed smile
Thats the first robin Ive heard
this spring Knusas City Independ
In Tnpan hnndkerchlcfB arc made of
paper cords are twisted from it and
Imitations of cordovn leather are skill
fully contrived from it
Tlew H re of Ointments for Catarrh thai
Contain Mercury
as mercury will suroly destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange th
whole system when entering it through
tho mucous surfaces Such articles
should never be used except on prescrip
tions from reputable physicians as the
damage they will do is ten fold to the
good you can possibly derive from them
HaHVCatnrrh Cure manufactured by
P J Cheney Co Toledo O con-
tains no mercury and is tnken intern
ally acting directly upou the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system In
bnying Halls Catarrh Cure besure
yon get the genuine It is taken intern
ally and made in Toledo Ohio by F
J Cheney Co Testimonialsjfree
Sold by druggist price 75c per bottle
Hulls Vnuiily Pills are tho best
The Mother Favorite
Clmmberlnins Cough Remedy is the
mothers favorite It is pleasant and
safe for the children to tnke and always
cures It is intended especially for
coughs colds croup and whooping
cough aud is the best medicine made
for theso diseases There is not the
least duuger in giving it to children for
it contains no opium or other injurious
drug and may lie given as confidently to
a bubo uito nntadult For bale by the
Kiesau Drug Uo
KDtlinute of KxeneH
The county commissioners of Madison
county Nebraska at tholr regular meet
ing in Jimuury 1101 mode the follow
ing estimate of expenses for the ensuing
County institute fuud 125 00
County superintendent salary 1400 00
County road f nnd 7500 00
County bridge fund 10000 00
County printing J 000 00
County clerk salary as clerk ot
County attorney salary
Commissioners pay and mile
Core of paupers
Bounty on wild unimals
Fuol postage and express
500 00
150 00
2300 00
2000 00
800 00
1800 00
Jailors fees 1200 00
Books stationery and supplies 1800 00
Janitors salary and assistants
to county officials 2500 00
Election expenses 2100 00
District court and jurors 7500 00
Assessors pay and mileage 3000 00
IuBauefund 850 00
Soldiers relief fund 500 00
Poor farm expeuses 1000 00
Aid to Agricultural society 700 00
Furniture and repairs on court
house and jail 1000 00
Interest on court house bonds
between Madison and Union
precmct 600 00
Sinking fund for aame 400 00
Battle Creek village jail bond
and interest 150 00
Phil Baucii
County Clerk
A Deep Mytery
It 16 a mystery why women endure
backache headache nervousness sleep
leiEnt melancholy fainting and dizzy
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 45000
tiny Kin nl exchange ou this co in try 1 nd all parts o Kntopo Farm Load
Directors Ashch W II Johnson tnAs S lint iok 0 W IIkaabch
Hwank i A Luihart T F Mrhminuku L Bfbhionk
For Time Tables and full Information call oil
spells when thousands hnve proved that
Electric Bitters will quickly cure such
troubles I suffered for years with
kidney trouble writes Mrs Phebe
Cherley of Peterson la and a lame
back pained mo so I could not dress my
self but Electric Bitters wholly cured
me and although 78 years old I now
am uble to do all my housework It
overcomes constipation improves ap
petite gives perfect health Only too
at the Kiesau Drug Co
Roosters often crow over eggs they did
not lay Same with people who sell nn
imitation Rocky Mountain Tea mnde
famous byjthe Madison Medicine Co
advertising 35c Ask your druggist
A Simple Cold Cure
Krauses Cold Cure in capsule form
is easy to tako and docB not effect the
head or hearing like quinine Try it to
day Price 25o Sold by Geo B Christ
lUmy Chi ekit
Do you want them Do you simply
want to glow with health Do yon
want to eat well sleep well aud work
welf Try Lichtys Celery Nerve Com
pound Sold by Geo B Christoph
T Drying preparations simply devel
op dry catnrrh they dry up the secretions
which adhere to tho membrane and decom
pose causing a fur more serious troublo than
tho Ordiniiry form of catarrh Avoid all dry
ing iuhulants fumes smokes and snuffs
and ino that which cleanses soothes and
healB Elys Cream Balm is such a remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly A trial size will be
mailed for 10 oents All druggists sell the
COosize Ely Brothers 511 Warren St NY
Tho Balm cures without pain does not
Irritate or cntiso sueozing It spreads itself
over an irritated nnd angry surface relioy
ing immediately tbopaiuful inflammation
With Elys Oroam Ualin you aro armed
againBt Nasal Uatarrii and way x ever
Take Rocky Mouutain Tea Seo it
exterminate poison Feel it revitalize
your blood and nerves and bring bock
thnt happy joyous feeling of boyhood
days 85c Ask your druggist
Question Auiweretl
Yes August Flower still has the larg
est sale of any medicine in the civilized
world Your mothers nud grand
mothers never Ihonghtof using anything
else for indigestion or biliousness Doc
tors were scarce aud they seldom heard
of appendicitis nervous prostration or
heart failure ete They used August
Flower to clean out the system and stop
fermentation of undigested food regn
nte the action of the liver stimulate the
nervouB and organic action of the system
and that is all they took when feeling
dull and bad with headaches and other
0 M
Get What You Ask for at
ALL OKDEltS sire filled promptly and with care
Our goods are FIRST CLASS in every particular
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom
We aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money
South sldo Main St between 2d nnd 3d Telephone -11
You can leave the Missouri River after breakfast today on
nrrive California sooner than if yon left yesterday via auy other train
in regal splendor can be made
the celebrated Union Pacific train
This train runs via the Overland
Route tho established route acrosB
tho continent It has perhaps the
most finely equipped cars in the
world There are Double
Rooin Palace Sleepers broad vesti
buled Cars throughout Buffet Smoking and Library Cars with Barber
Shops nud Pleasant Reading Rooms Dining Cars meiiN being served
n la carte aud every delicacy is provided The cur- m n illuminated
with the famous Pintsch Light nnd heated with steam A notable
feature is that safety perfect comfort and speed ure all included
Only Two Nights
Missouri River and San Francisco
aches Yon only need a few doses of
Greens August Flower in liquid form
to make you satisfied there is nothing
serious the matter with you Get
Greens Prize Almanac Kiesau Drug
Head Keela IIke filtrating
Maybe you were out lute last night
If you had taken a Kranses Headache
Capsule before retiring yonr head would
be cool and clear this morning Take
one now and yon will be all right in an
half hour Price 25o Sold by Geo
If troublod with a weak digestion
belching sour stomuch or if yon feel
dull ufter eating try Chamberlains
Stomach and Liver Tablets Price 25o
Samples free nt the Kiesau Drug Co
MherllPH Sale
By virtue of u decree directed to mo
from the clerk of the district court of
Mudipou county Nebraska on a judg
ment obtained in the district court of
Madison county Nebraska on the 20th
day of November 1000 in fuvor of Elsie
Desmond as plaintiff nud against Wil
lium Slothower Sybil A Slothower
J H Logemun Fred Hunts Hannah
Goodrich J J Goodrich Amelia M
Bogle and V H Luderly as defendants
for tho sum of one hundred and five
dollars 105 and fifty three 58 ceutfl
and iuterest and costs taxed at f 1853
and accruing costs I have levied upon
the following real estate taken as the
property of suid defendants to satisfy
said decrees to wit
Lots ore 1 and two 2 and lot three
3 of Osborns snbdivision of lot one 1
in block twelve12 of Haases suburban
lots to the village of Norfolk Nebraska
Lot three of the above described to be
sold separate
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash in hand on the
28rd day of February A D 1901 in
front of the east door of the court house
in Madison Nebraska that being tho
building wheriu the last term of court
was held at the hour of one oclock p
m of said day when and where dne
attendance will bo given by the under
Dated this 22nd day of January 1001
Geo W Losky
Sheriff of said county
North Western
P E m V t R Is the best to aid
from the
Vorth Nebraska