12 t ml a X asms JOHN TOPP PIRATE By Wcathorby Ohosnoy and AM Munro oorTiuoirr 1KW nr witAinrcnnr rmwiicr Ann aijck bun rift 1IJAIUT1UTI0NH II r It 0 OUU1TAA wore times when we almost gave up tbe quest in despair for often after a long day of painful hacking and hew ing we had to go all the way back again to got round a swampy morass or a precipitous ravine The disheart ening alinlessness of our toll went ver near to quenching the tires of the gold en boncon which each mans hopes bold up before his eyes Occasionally we would come across a village of Carlbs or other savages I and though they generally showed fight at llrst as soon as they learned that we were enemies to the Spaniards they at once became as friendly as pos Klble Job Trehaliou was our Inter preter for having a fancy for giving orders to his servant in his own Inn cuage lie had picked up a grout deal of the pagai speech on the voyage out and so uow by a mixture or scrappy sentences and dumb show he was able to parley with the savages As none of the rest of us knew u word of their talk lob was Immensely proud of his accomplishment and by dint of prac ticing It on every possible occasion he eventually became quite a good Inter Iireter or at least If ho misliitorpioted we were not competent to point out his errors Weary weary days they wore and utterly prolltlehs seemed our search through those tiackloss forests Kvery tribe of Indians we met imido signs that they know Mmum ami willingly pointed out the direction in which they thought It lay but a search always brought us to another village whose Inhabitants would In their turn declare that the golden city lay lu a wholly dif ferent direction Ami so wo were sent to the vale be yond the mountain chain from it to the great river which lies hnlf a moons Jouruey toward the setting sun from that to the tire mountain whose snowy tippet never melts ami from that again toward the great northern sea Weary wenry days lint running through all this concert of discouragement there was one re clirrlug harmony which heartened us and kept us constant to our search All the pagans with whom we spoke of the golden city gave the same tale lu the main though they garnished it with nu Infinitude of conflicting em bellishments One would say that the king was white lIHe us another that he was bronze colored llko themselves this one might say that he ate flesh and that one would swear that bis food was wholly vegetable but all greed thai the city lay by a great Jake sou x x - K t v a It J Imi - -- - - Xi T VV V V V V V 1 V v vvvv - MlAPTnil X Next sunrise snw nil of us nshnr Wo took nothing with us lmt our nrnn nml ntvuulernieutH trusting to I lie wraith of Hie forest to provide iih Willi till iicccHsitry provender by the way Of tlit 101 iiiimi who hnd hiUIihI out of llrlslnl rivet J I liml died nml the re maining 111 who wore nil weak from various Ills wtro left behind In guard tho Urlstnl Merihnnt till our return You will In quite snfo snli Alee In them iih they stood n limit tin Hlilp to wntoh our departure If you keep n bright lookout Theres sninll elmnce of uicn disturbing tlu Bristol Merchant In her present berth nml r nlletH wont be so frequent iih to lie n nuNnnci If you ilo linvf n visit from nny one of the pagan tribes try kindness llrst nml If that fnll caution How long wo may bo gone 1 cannot say but wait for us hero throe years at the IohhI You tire In a In ml of plenty The shores teem with iluik ami iloor the waters ripple with HhIi the trees of the forest nro bonding with their loail of fruit Take then Gods glfts that are offered bold pence among yourselves keep your culverliiH londeil nml no 111 can befall you or your ship save old age and the ordinary ninludlos of life The men on the Hhlp raised a cheer We answered them from the shore And ho we parted There was no path through these vlr irln forests for the wild heiiHtH that lielil tliom never retrod their own foot Htops ami man had not iih yet pone tinted their solitudes To force n pas sage was n work of time nml Inllultc ly linrd labor It was hew mid hnck linck and hew wherever the big trees flourished for the llanos which every where abounded hnd woven themselves Into one solid mass of Interlacing net work It was like breaking through a never ending wall of the strongest wlukorworU nml I rather think Hint after the tlrst 20 miles of this sort of tunneling many of our baud of Mi en vied tlc Inry lot of the Jl who were loft behind to guard the Hrlstol Mer chant On the second day mil a piece of misfortune befell us which left us without the guide on whom we had re lied to lead us to the golden city Our pagan allowed himself to be bitten by a venomous serpent ami so died It was like breaking our compass at Ben as without this brown fellow for pntilo we could only drift wandering hither wandering thither up moun tains whose tops were capped with a hood of glistening snow through ra vines where the surging waters hardly loft us standing room now making bridges of felled trunks now twisting ropes of tough llanos now killing n door for dinner and now taking a groat de light In rolling over a spotted Jaguni who had marked one of us for his own meal It was weary work though and there an Island lu the midst of It nml that the worship of the people somehow j centered on the lake And rrentost spur of all to us hungry gold i i all enrmvtly ufllriucil that the treas ures of the city were beyond I he power of man to count And why should wo disbelieve tho tale Cortes ami his comiulstndores found Just such another city ami Just such another worship lu Mexico as also did Plario and his crow of ban dits lu Peru No liUiopean had over trod those paths before them and when their ships touched the shoio of the new world they had no better evl deuce tliati nu Indian tale to show them what empires lay beyond Were we to bo more unbelieving or more far seeing than they and to declare that the great lucn the pngans told us about lJ Every tribe 0 hiJohi ivrinet made fi8 thai then knew Munutt was a myth n wisp or worse still a sorcerer who could vanish at his pleasure We canvassed the question often over our evening cainptlre Willie Tre haliou said we were fools and that wo should well deserve a Spanish halter when at last wo felt It dinting our nelks Hut the rest of us believed still and so held sturdily on Thus we traveled and travailed for a year and seven months nml a wh1c and two days till we came to a hinall valley barren as a Norfolk sand bank and cut up by a brawling rivulet which sprawled from side to side across It i ue valley was bounded on either side by tall frowning cliffs which It would have puzzled a rat to climb and It lay on the western Hank of a range of mountains running north nml south which we were trying to cross to whnt rumor said was the certain site of Minion on the opposite side J Kor a day and a half we tramped up this stony desert and then came to j a wait or iock 111 ine licati so sieep that the stream which leaped over it wns torn by tho air fiends to frag ments lu Its fall and dropped into the pool at the bottom as a rainbow stricken shower of shimmering mist We looked round in dismay Willie Trehaliou took on his skin skullcaplaid It 011 a rock sat down beside it and screwing his mouth up Into a knot be gan to whistle dolefully Job as usual grinned Alec went forwnid to roconnolter hoping to Hnd some practicable spot but in vain Hack again was the word and with tightened bolts too for our provisions wore all consumed and there was no chance of getting any more till wo canto ngaln to the wooded country we had passed through two days before Such a inarch fasting was enough to make the cheeriest of us shudder but no one grumbled there was noth ing to be gained by It So with an empty fooling about the waistband nml the comforting knowledge that that feeling would soon become a gnawing pain back wo trudged until wo came to the pass where a narrow lodge of rock jutting out from the steep cliff and overhanging tho water had form ed our path 011 tho way up None but a sailor or a goat could have passed along It and as single tile was Impera tive our procession was straggling We were tollfnlly feellug our way along this dangerous mouse walk wheu a shout of dismay from lu front told us thnbsomc accident bad happened to the loaders The Jutting elbow of rock prevented us from seeing what was wrong but the word was quietly passed down the line that 0 large body of Spaniards held the open ground lu which the track ended ami had captur ed Alec who was leading with a noosed cord before he could draw Irou I11 his own defense Willie Trehaliou nml I were bringing up the roar The rest struggled back to us and asked what was to be done They call on us to surrender said the lad who had been close on Alecs heels Knowing that theres no food here nn kuowlng we caut come to honest blows added Willie Trehallon polish lng his head thoughtfully the dons have us on the hip Master Tonp What do you advise Willie said I Dont know he answered Id liefer die though than yield to tho Spanish devils Quick then I cried Follow me those who dare and let the rest guard the path It was a desperate chance that I tried but It was lust uossihlaihat att Wi THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY JANUARY 2f 1901 Rome of us might be nlilo to flounder through the rocks nml falls and laplda nml mi come nut on the Spaniards far ther down the river If we could only lake them linn wares from behind wo might got tho better of them yet And so with 40 of the stout fellows after me I slipped Into the tearing current Sometimes we swam sometimes we waded sometimes we were borne nlong llko so many helpless logs of wood down cataracts and through eddies nml of those that escaped drowning all were bruised and battered till their flesh wns like 11 Jelly or their bones broke like witler rotted twigs And of the survivors though It Is wormwood even now to speak It ns the current carried their half drowned bodies nshore not one escaped Instant or sub sequent cap tire IllAITKH XI The Spanish gold mine was a hell In thn midst of a paradise a loathsome canker on the fairest piece of earths bosom The air was loaded with sweet perfumes mid foul with Castlllnn oaths It murmured witli the songs of beautiful birds ami shivered with the crackings of slave drivers whips The humming music of the waterfall was marred by tho discord of clnnklng fetters Nature had done her best Man as If In Jealousy had done ids worst It was the garden of Eden but lu the midst of It yawned a loath some chasm girdled with unsightly debris nml alive with swarms of lllthy ragged slaws Kor eight horrid months Aloe and I and M or our men worked lu the chain gangs at those mines and of the torments we endured no words of mine nie strong enough to give conception To the human Heads who were our taskmasters no pleasure wns like that of malting nn Kugllshmnu suffer pain nml no spectacle so humorous us to see him undergo Indignity They drove us like cattle to the work they made us toll when the tierce heat of the day would almost choke the lungs they fed us on putrid meat and sour maize burgoo when sweet goats flesh and delicious fruit dusters wore to bo had ns cheaply they Jailed us at ulght lu a squald tilth floored hovel nnd chnlned us up like wild beasts so that In the end they took from us even the power to restore our jaded energies with sleep Once during a moonless night we broke the fetters and tried to escnpe Once on a rainy day wo rose on the guards and made for the woods but both efforts were lu vnlu and thoso that did not get cut down or shot out of their misery weie flogged till the bleeding flesh hung In shreds from their backs And of our fellow slaves the mild eyed Indian peasants mar veled in stupid wonder at our foolish daring and the tierce eyed Spanish thieves and murderers gloated over our recapture and punishment Tortured reviled despised we lived for eight months within sight of the beauties of a paradise enduring tho agonies of u hell nnd then came n change We were summoned one morning not to work but to toe a line before the treasury Groat skin covered packs of metal as much us a man could stagger under wore brought out and strapped on our shoulders Then we were nil linked to n chain nml driven off down a narrow trail Where It led to we did not know and no one would tell us but long though the wny was we marked every inch of It with sweat from our brows with blood from our blistered feet and with muttered curses against our merciless captors Could we but have snatched arms and liberty for a few momenta there would linvi been a bitter reckoning among those tyrants They knew it too and taunted us with our helplessness but the light of hatred In our eyes must hnve scared them n little else why did they half starve us if not to keep down the growthof superabundant muscle High mettled horses are not fed too well when they are sot to do farm work After a march of 20 days during which one poor Mluehead lad died through sheer exhaustion we arrived within view of the blessed Bea once more nnd the sight of It sent new en ergy pulsing through the veins of ev ery mnn of us This our Spanish mas ters observed and grimly bade us mod- orate our Joy for the Inquisition had need of us heretlcos maldettos that wo were And then they laughed at their own wit and playfully flicked us with the slave whips Hut the freedom of tho son breeze had entered Into our brains and we were sanguine though heaven knows there was but little cause for hope The man next behind me lu the chain gang whose shoulders wore smarting from one of those humorous lash cuts whispered Well get to wludnrd of these devils yet Muster Topp and then 1 nodded my head and absurd though It seemed 1 had a feeling that ae wus right and that we should have Mir turn soon Dipping Into n deep ravine where the tree tops arched above our heads we amped for the night beneath their fooling shade and perhaps because tome spark of pity touched them per haps only because they were tired of torturing us the Spaniards did not pre rent us from trying to cool our hot bleeding foot with the Juice of such leaves as wore within our reach With but little sleep we wore through the night nnd nest day passed the fortlll cation nnd entered the town Treasure trains were evidently not an everyday occurrence for the whole town turned out to look at us and when they saw we were English a movement went through the crowd and tho hootlugsand rcvlllngs made the echoes ring ngaln Of noble spirited pity for a fallen foe there was no trace All faces wore cruelly exultant Even the women laughed with mock ing glee at our wretchedness nud bade Blood Troubles 4 As the blood contains all the elements necessary to sustain life it is impor tant that It be kept free of nil impurities or it becomes a source of disease jxrisonliiK instead of nourishing the body nnd loss of health is sure to follow Some poisons enter the blood from without through the skin by absorption or inoculation others from within as when waste product accumulate in the system and ferment allowing disease jjcrms to develop and be taken into the circulation While all blood troubles liarc one common origin each has some peculiarity to distinguish it from the other Contagious Illood Poison Scrofula Cancer Rheumatism IJczema and other blood diseases can be distinguished by a certain sore ulcer emotion orlnflnmmntlmi nnttrnrimrmi Hn sl in ivrv 111 disease shows sooner or later on the outside nud on the weakest part of the liody or where it finds the least resistance Many mistake the sore or outward sign for the real disease and attempt a cure by the use of salves liniments and other external applications Valuable time is lost and no permanent benefit derived from such treatment BLOOD TROUBLES REQUIRE BLOOD REMEDIES the poison must be completely and -- vsu iiiiiiuiiiu iiiiiiicu 111111 icituacu or 111c disease goes occper aim saps 111c very life ivicrcury ru me ircnuucm usually prcsirincu in tuts class ot diseases are violent noisons even wlie doses - usually show It when I am afraid But this man was u very high priest of horror Well friend snld Aloe after a moments silence at lenst you will come to the light nnd let us hnve a look at you Theres no danger lu that Oh ho ho Been gazing at the day light have you Eyes not attuned to the durkness eh Ah ha ha Tho noble Spaniard will teach you how to see like barn owls before youve drunk down all the gentle medicine for sick souls that they will offer you Are you tough my masters A bony claw seized me by the leg and I could feel the hnrd fingers press lug Into my flesh like Iron talons Ho ho Good Good he cried as he felt the toll hardened muscles Here are good stout thews and sin ews to be tamedl And ho rubbed his hands and Jangled his fetters Joyously Theyll not sot the little pot bellied knave to man the handspike when they lay you on the rack Youll have the greater honor It will be the tall lusty one with cross eyes I used to know his stroke well Ah me Im getting an old worn man now and the pot bellied rncker serves my turn Ah ha ha Dye take Serves my turn Oh ho ho The cell rang loud with his ghastly merriment The poor fellows mad whispered Alec to me Tortured out of his rea son perhaps Still hes an English man nnd may be able to give me news of my father And he added aloud My good mnn did you ever meet or hoar of Captain Ireland who snllcd out of tbe port of Loudon for Mnnoa nnd wns tnken by the Spaniards on these coasts Oh ho ho Ah ha ha burst out the unearthly cackling again Cap- nf I T- Ho ho Good Good he tried Here arc good stout thewb and tslneiia tain Ireland is It Aye the gentle merciful hands of the noble Spaniard were laid upon his stubborn shoulders and his proud buck was bowed Aye n haughty man was Captain Harry Ire land but the wily Spaniards brought him low enough down even to the ground cross you lubbers theres a spy at the window where he repented of his sins and swore to be good to the end And the man began mumbling Latin prayers and not another word could we get from him though Alec ques tioned him hard At length we had to give up the at tempt to learn anything from our mad coll follow So weary with the toll of our long march we addressed our selves to sleep and the Latin mutter lugs from the corner of our dungeon were the lullaby that Invited us to slumber To lis coutinuuil next Friiliiy Html Out of an Increase of III lenKinii A Mexican war veteran aud promi nent editor writes Seeing your ad vertisement of Chamberlains Oolic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy 1 am reminded that as a soldier In Mexico in 47 and 48 1 contracted Mexican diar rhoea and this remedy has kept mo from getting an increase in my pension for on every renewal a dose of it restores me It is unequalled as a quick cure for diar rhoea and is pleasant and safe to take For sale by the Kiesau Drug Co Old FaMilonert Colli Cure are going out of date The bnsy man of today can not afford to lie abod a whole day and undergo tho martyrdom of the swenting process Krnnses Cold Cure ure capsules of couveu eut size and can be tuken without danger while perform ing your usual duties They cure im 24 hours Price 23o Sold by Geo B Christoph A Prominent Chicago Woman Speaki Prof Roxa Tyler of Chicago vice president Illinois Womans Alliance in speaking of Chamberlains Cough Rem edy says I suffered with a severe cold this winter which threatened to run into pneumonia I tried different rem edies but seemed to grow worse and the medicine upset my stomach A friend advised me to try Chamberlains Cough Remedy and I found it wns pleasant to take aud it relieved me at once I am now entirely recovered saved a doctors bill time aud suffering and I will never be without this splendid medicine again For sale by the Kiesau Drug Co lllow n to Atom The old idea that the body sometimes needs a powerful drastic purgative pill has been exploded for Dr Kings New Life Pills which are perfeotly harmless gently stimulate liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter cleanse the system and absolutely enre constipation and sick headache Only 250 at the Kiesau Drug Co Does It Pay to IJuy Cheap A cheap remedy for coughs aud colds isall right but you want something that will relieve nud cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles What shall yon do Go to a warmer aud more regular cli mate Yes if possible if not possible for you then in either case take the only remedy that has been introduced in all civilized countries with suocess in severe throat ana mug troupies lBosohoes German Syrup It uot only heals and stimulates the tissues to Cancer Scrofula Old Sores Rheumatism Contagious Blood Poison Chronic Ulcersm t but iln much harm l it j tt 14 1 S II i 1 -never cure by adding another poison to the already overburdened diseased blood S S S Natures own remedy made of roots and sss our drivers lash their cattle Into nTffot for the lust stngc And at this there came Into my eyes that which all the lashings could not bring for lu my folly 1 had fancied that a womans heart must needs be soft Tho gold was unstrapped from our weary shoulders and stored In the treasury and then those of us who were English all except two thnt aH wore marched to a building whoso grim and forbidding front needed no signpost to tell us what went on with in Its stem white walls We passed through an Iron studded gate whoso dismal clanking as It closed behind us sounded like n warning voice telling that life and hope wore now barred out from us forever nnd so across a court ynrd Into which opened a grout bare room with high closely burred win dows where for a little time we wore left to our own reflections and these were none of the plcasantest Heforo nightfall a guard of soldiers came and unlinked us from our chains Aloe and I as the lenders of our party were sopa rated from tho rest of the brave follows A small supply of wa ter In dirty earthen Jars and a handful of coarse broken crusts wore given to each of us Then wo were led down a flight of well worn stone steps a doorj was opened wo wore sent headlong forward Into the darkness the door swung to behind us wns bolted with a click and a double sunn and the foot steps of our jailers echoed along the passages mid died away to silence At llrst the dungeon seemed to us black as a slave drivers conscience but gradually we noticed that a falut light was coming In through a heavily grated window in the wall Rrulsed and shaken with our fall we lay on the pavement and wondered what would be the next evil to come to us Oh ho ho Ah ha ha laughed a weird unearthly voice from the murk iest corner of tho cell So theyve given you water In pitchers nnd then caused you to spill the water and break the pitchers In the hurry of your entry Oh ho ho Pis a merry Jest Theyre funny dogs these noble Span lards I started to my feet and stared hard Into the corner but the darkness was too thick for mo to see what manner of thing It wns thnt had addressed us Oh ho ho cackled the voice ngaln More flesh to frizzle and crackle In the llnmes though there Isnt over much fat on It More skin to be torn by tho pinchers more stout limbs to wear the Iron boot Ah ha ha More sweet work for the kind and gentle Spnniurd Who are you cried Alec sternly man or ghoul to take such delight in horrors Oh ho ho Its the name youd llko my masters Hut they know thnt nud Ill not toll you I publish no autobiography till Im racked for It TIsut safe Walls have enrs and recanting In the instrument room where theyve got sawdust on the floor remember Is wearisome to the flesh Hut he added with evil glee youll know that bettor by and by A shudder of loathing run through me at his words and 1 trembled as a man does when tho demon of fear takes hold of him And yet I do not en taken in small herbs attacks the disease in the blood antidotes and forces out all impurities makes weak thin blood rich strong and healthy and at the same time builds up the general health S S S i the only Curciy vegetable nioou punlicr known and the only one that can reach uccp scated lootl troubles A record of 50 years of successful cures proves it to be a reliable unfailing specific for all blood and skin troubles Froo Modlcal Troatmotit Our Medical Department is in charge of skilled physicians who have made blood and skin diseases a life study so if you have ContatnotlS Blood Poison Cancer Serofnhi Klimmnticm lVfnn on nldHnrinrITIepr or any similar blood trouble write them fully for advice about your case All correspondence is conducted in strictest confi deuce We tnnke no charge for this service Book on blood and skin diseases free SWIFT SPECIFIC CO Atlanta Ga destroy the germ disease but allays in flammation causes ensy expectoration gives a good nights rest and cures the patient Try one bottle Rccommcndod ninny years by all druggists in the world Get Greens Prize Almanac Kiesau Drug Co HroiiRht Goed Fortune A small item in his own paper lately brought amazing good fortune to Editor Chris Ruittor of the Saginaw Mich Post aud Zeitung He and his family had the grip iuits worst form Their doctor did them no good Then he read that Dr Kings New Discovery for con sumption coughs nnd colds was a guar anteed cure for la grippe and all throat and lung troubles tried it and says Three iKittlesJmrod the whole family No other medicine ou earth equals it Only 50c aud 100 Trial bottles free at the Kiesau Drug Co Bridges rivers tunnels mountains builds cities gathers up the scattered rays of ones ability Thats what Rocky Mountain Tea does 35c Ask your druggist ItGlrdleH the Globe The fame of Buoklens Arnica Salve as the best in the world extends round the earth Its the one perfect healer of cuts corns burns bruises sores scalds boils nlcers felons aches pains aud all skin eruptions Only infallible pile cure 2oc a box at the Kiesau Drug Co Cut this out and take it to the Kiesau Drug companys drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets the best physic They also cure disorders of the stomach biliousness aud headache Nasal CATARRH In all its stages there pbould be cleanliness Elys Cream Balm cleanses anothes and beats l lie diseased membrane It cures catarrh and drives away a cold In the bead quickly hrfRir V JMtol C renin Balm Is placed Into the nostrils spreads over the membrane and is absorbed Relief is im mediate and a euro follows It is not drying does not produce sneezing Large Size 50 cents at Drug gists or by mall Trial Size 10 cents by mall ELY BKOTHERS SO Warren Street New Yerk rfcoUfravktd Toiaun n m 7I1IK REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY WWjiL ff IV sK THE J 6 4i VXtXICTOEC sum Made a Well Man of Me produces the above remits In 30 da J It seta powrrfully and quickly Cure when all otbenfaiL young men wiU regain their lost manhood wid old men wlU recover tholr youthful vigor by oslnc KEVIVO It quickly and surely restores Nerrous oeu Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly Kmlssloaa Lost Power Falling Memory Wantlna Diseases and all effecta ot seU abuse or ezceusknd Indiscretion which unfits one or study business or marriage II not only cures by starting at the seat ot disease but U a great nerve tonlo and blood builder bring ing back tbe pink glow to palo cbeeks and re storing tbe fire ot youth It wards off Insanity and Consumption Insist ot baying REVIVO aa other It can bo carried In vest pocket By mall 100 per package or six or 900 with at pos tlve written guarantee to ear or rerassl the money nook and advise roe Address ROYAL MEDICINE Forsale in Norfolk Nebraska by Geo B Christoph druggist Dont Be Fooledi Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Masle only by Madison Medl cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trad mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sold In bulk Accept no aubstl tutc Aak your druggist RED CROSS - ARC UMocruto pun f M UMOVAL C0S ILLS 1 flEDCHOU PILLB ARC VUBritf vrGCTllir life AN I lna UiN6STAN0iNS aPH Ants crrccrt AMD TMt UslVTSYHAVC TMl EOOVT0 TV WBk UNtUAtiriE IN OrtVtRV PHYSICIAN mniUAnwITHTHE rORttULA DC CINCHONACa DCS MOINES swa For Sale by George B Christoph nTWP it-