iV Vk w Lost Sight or 44 The Light That Failed iiiiiiiiiyMHp A Kiplings pathetic talc of the artist who lost his sight teaches a moral The eyes are the bread winners Take care of them Have them examined Know that they arc right We are eye experts Satisfaction guaranteed G f 1 PHQllAHDT Dp of Ophthalmology NORFOLK NEBRASKA H E HARDY FUEL Office Cor 4th and Main SU Yarns East U P Depot Phone 35 BEWARE OF THE PIANO AGENT Who Wants to Store a Piano in Your House Yon cannot find n N rfolk citizen who has bonght on that plan withont getting the worHt of it THE BEST PIANOS are not sold THAT WAY The Weather Conditions of the weather us recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a in to day Maximum temperature 00 Minimum temperature 12 Average 21 Precipitation 00 Total precipitation for month 05 Snowfall 21 Barometer 2988 Forecast for Nebraska Threaten ing tonight and Saturday with prob nbly rain or snow Colder west portion Saturday FRIDAY FACTS Mrs Ingalls is on the nick list Miss Etta Durland is a late victim of the grip A Degner is confined to his home by mcknoBS D F Sidler is just recovering from a two weeks siege of the grip Late information from Lincoln is to the otfeot that Mrs G F Keiper is im proving in health Mies Watson resumed her duties in school yesterday after spending a few days at home with the grip Members of the Norfolk club are re quested to moot at the club room tonight at 8 oclock A fnll attendance is de sired Dy order of the president and secretary The Odd Fellows lodge is showing in creased interest and enthusiasm Last night a candidate was initiated at an in teresting meeting and action was taken on a half dozen other applications The reception committee of B P O Elks will hold a meeting nt the Oxnard hotel tomorrow morning at 10 oclock for the purpose of completing arrangements for the proper reception of visiting mem bers tomorrow evening Yesterday was the lth anniversary of the marriage of Mr and Mrs E A Bullock and last evening a company of neighbors and friends surprised them and enjoyed a veiy happy evening with high five as one of the features De licious refreshments were served The bride and groom of 17 years ago were I presented with some elegant and useful I gifts whioh were very much appreci ated Atchison Globo nth Mrs Sarah M Martin wifo of T N Martin died at hor home 1001 Parallel street at 1210 this afternoon aged 58 years of non ralgia of tho stomach Mrs Martin has boon an invalid for twolvo years but has boon worse than usual for tho past four months and seriously ill sinco Thursday last She loaves a husband and six children Iter ohlldron arte Mrs Dr Charles of Lancaster Mrs Frank Davenport of Norfolk Nob Miss Julia Martin of St loo Miss Iim Martin a teacher at Shannon Hill Walter L Martin toachcr of Madison sohosl west of Lancaster and Miss Daisy Martin who is still at homo Mrs Martin wan loru in Huchannn county Mo and has lived in Kansas sluco 1857 She was married at High land Doniphan comity Mrs Martin was a sister of T M Pioro formerly an Atchison lawyer Sho was highly respected by a large circle of friends who will Biucoroly mourn her loss Board by day or week at Mrs Uhls 011 Socoud street opposite Oxnard hotel Lost A long hoavy black fur col larette pointed in tho back Finder can be rewarded by leaving at Mrs Gordons Lost botweon town and Edgowater Dr Richards the eyo and oyo sight specialist of Omaha will be in tho city Saturday at tho Pacific hotol for exam ination of tho oye Hours from 10 a in to 8 p in All Competition DlHtiuit tMl The fast trains of tho Union Pacific reach San Francisco ilftoen hours ahead of all competitors If you are in no hurry take a slow train by 0110 of the do tour routes but if you want to got thoro without suffering any of the inconven iences of winter travel tuko tho only direct route tho Union Pacific Do tailed information furnished on applica tion F W Junkman Agent Pickled pigs feet at Glissmans Box of cigars given away every day nt the Palace Cigar Store Honeycomb tripe at Glissmans PERSONAL T V Golden of ONeill was in Nor folk yesterday Dr Chas Gossard of Madison was in the city yesterday Anibroz Colson the Plain view post master had business in Norfolk yester day Fresh celery at Glissmans We make loans on real estate at lowest rates Elkhorn Building and Savings association T E Odiorne Sec MEADOW GEROV W A Morton went to Neligh Tues day Al Williams went to Omaha on busi ness Saturday Miss Wade spent Sunday at her home in Battle Creek Principal Walter Pilger spent Sunday visiting at Norfolk Mrs W A Morton spent Monday afternoon in Norfolk Mr and Mrs F W Colcgrove spent the Sabbath in Tilden Albert Elliot of Norfolk was a Meadow Grove visitor last Saturday Dennis Sullivan transacted business in Battle Creek last Saturday Mr Elmer Stillwell and Denver Mor ton went to Battle Creek Friday A pair of twins are the latest arrivals at the homo of Mr and Mrs Hale Cioset James Fitzgerald ennae down from Tilden Sunday and visited friends till Monday Miss Katheriue Witzigman went to Norfolk Saturday to visit a few days with friends Mrs Ed Buruham and daughter Fay of Tilden were the guests of Mrs Wm McDonald Sunday Miss Mary Crooke attended tho teachers meeting held at Battle Creek Saturday afternoon Messrs Orr Walt Palmer audWarren Brown drove to Tilden last Friday re turning in the evening Wm McDonald and Guy Deuel at tended a meeting of the Odd Fellows at Tilden Monday eveniug Messrs Orr and Palmer left on a business trip to Atkinson Neb on Mon day evenings passenger The infant child of M K Stevenson living two miles south of town died lost Friday evening The funeral took place Saturday Messrs Ustler and Roberts accom panied by the Misses Halsey and Chris tiansen came up from Battle Creek Fri day evening and attended the danco The dance given last Friday evening was quite well attended The music was furnished by Ohas Harveys or chestra and was first class At mid night supper was served at Bresslors restaurant and the Grove hotel Last Tuesday Charles Hutchius pur chased from John Warrick the buildiucr now occupied by tho postofiice Mr Hutohins willtnove his stock of groceries into the aforesaid building in the near future It is as yet unknown what building the postofiice will occupy A good barn and buggy shed for rent at 400 South Fifth street THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY JANUARY 25 1001 11 OF I BR A Hot Time in the Old Town Tomorrow Night WILL BE MANY VISITORS A Welcome of Firework Mimle mill Kh tlitmliiKiii Ireimrcil Itiltlntlon linn iinitToimt IliriMlon mill other feiituren 011 the lriKiHiti Norfolk lodge No tfV1 B P O Elks will bo Instituted tomorrow evening with a demonstration tho liko of which Norfolk has never witnessed on a llko occasion A freat amount of this ex pected otithusinsm will bo duo to tho interest being taken by tho lodges of Omaha Lincoln and other cities whioh are said to bo moro onthusiaBllo over this occasion than any similar event in tho history of tho stato Tho lodgo hero btarts in with a charter membership of more than 100 all of whom are to bo in itiated tomorrow night and tho new olllcers installed Word has been received to the effect that there will bo 100 visiting Elks from Oinnha a carload from Lincoln a dele gation of perhaps 20 from Sioux City and about 10 members of tho ordor ftom other cities and towns throughout tho stato Th so from Lincoln and Omaha will arrivo on tho 7 20 train from tho east over the Elkhorn and tho M it O will bring in tho Sioux City delegation and those from other towns Tho request has boon made that nil charter monibirs of tho Norfolk lodge should meet nt tho Paoiiio hotel at 7 oclock tomorrow evening From thoro accompanied by tho band they will march up Main street to tho tracks bo tweon Sixth and Seventh streets whore they will meet the visiting delegations Those coiuiug from Omaha and Lincoln will be brought up from the Junction by a special They v ill be mot at the Junction by a special committee which will meet at the Oxnard at 30 When they arrivo a lino of march will bo formed headed by a flambeau club and the Norfolk Military baud and with the members of Norfolk lodgo and all visiting members in line During the march whicli will bo east on Main street to tho Oxnard hotel 1000 rouiau caudles will be discharged and other demonstrations will be made At the Oxnard supper will bo served after whicli the column will again form and march to tho lodge rooms in tho Mast block Hero the initiatory degree will be conferred on the charter mem bership by the working team of Omaha lodge No 0 aud will be followed by the installation of the newly elected ofllcors of the Norfolk lodge The members will then proceed to the Pacific hotel where an elaborate ban quet will be served a seating capacity for 200 people being planned The dining room will be decorated in lodge colors purple and white whilo cut flowers and two large elks heads will be used as a port of the decorations After the banquet the following toasts will be responded to C E Buruham of Tilden acting as toostmaster Our Guests Dr A Boar Response James Mnnahan Lincoln The Elks Geo P Cronk P D D Omaha Charity and Justice Geo A Eberly Stanton The Moral Power of Elkdom Lyle I Abbott Ex R Omaha Social Sessions R R Dickson Omaha After the banquet a social session will be held in the Mast block Noteft The future will demonstrate that tho Elks are just the thing Seating capacity for 220 people has been arranged at the lodge rooms Arrangements have been made to have the incandescent lights run ail night Norfolk must do herself proud aud the visiting Elks must be given a cordial reception Tho tyler of the Omaha lodge will ar rive this evening to assist in making ar rangements for tho session The band will start early aud will play late It will play exclusively There Will bo a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight Omaha and Lincoln members will probably return home at 1 2 40 Sunday afternoon and Sioux City members at I T0 in the moruing Everybody will be permitted to sing or whistle A Hot Time in tho Old Town Tonight while the visiting Elks are being welcomed Fine quarters will be fitted up for lodge purposes by Norfolk lodge and at stated intervals each week tho rooms will be open to the ladies Diamond C breakfast bacon in boxes at Glissmans Houses for aaie T K Omornk Good farms to trade for town property G R SKHEU Farm and city loans Tint Durland Trubt Oo Itullnuy Farm LhuiU for Sale In northern Wisconsin the Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha railway has for sale at low rates and easy terms of payment about 400000 acre of choice farm lauds Early buyers will secure tho advantage of locations on the many beautiful streams aud lakes which abound with Huh nud furnish a novnr ending and most excellent water supply Initli for family use and for stock Land is generally well timlmrtMl the soil tortllo and onsv of cultivation Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Miuiie ajMilli Duluth Superior Ashland and numerous other thriving cities and towns on tho lino of tho 0 St P M is O railway and other railroads In the same territory furnish good markets for farm produce For further particulars address Gio W Mkii Lnnd Commissioner Hudson Wis or G 11 Mac Rak A 0 P A St Paul Minn Kami land and city property for sale by G R Seller Sturgeon is tho ptann man iliiltimore select and staudnrd oysters in bulk at UllHsmnnH Kiesh catfish lake trout and pike at GlisHinnus Stir llkeit Vnrlrtj Hup Is a very nice little gltl nnd yr Mho tins an Imagination so vivid Hint people cant help wondeilng once h invhlle what Is going to heroine of The little gill rim and does tell tho most marvelous talcs and when she In reproved she Is entirely complacent nnd cannot mv that herelTeethe luven tlons ate anything tunic than Joket One of these she told to an Interested neighbor 111 u hose house sin1 called frequently How In your nintnuni ilenrV asked the neighbor one morning when the lit tle girl made her iippcnriineo She Is very sick ntmwoietl the lit tle ghl earnestly Nelly her sister and I were up with her all night We tailed tin doctor Hut when llioMnd neighbor went In haute to see her slelt friend she found her In every respect ns well as ever Why did you tell kind Mrs Hlnnk such a story about me asked main ma serloiwly of her little girl at the first opportunity Well mamma said the little girl with a toss of her curls Mrs Itlauli nsUs me every single morning how yon are and I get tired of telling her that you are very well New York Times Too llnneM A lawyer took In a new boy the ouor day and iih lie had suffered to some extent from the depredations of tu former one he determined to try the new boys honesty nt once He there fore placed a note under a weight on his desk and walked out without word Upon his return half an hour later the note was gone and half i dollar In silver had taken Its place Hoy when I went out I left 5 un der this weight Yes sir but you hadnt been gone Ave minutes when a man came In wltji a bill ngniust you for 450 1 guesi the change Is correct You paid the bill Yes sir Thoro ft Is nil receipted The man said It had slipped your mind for the past four ycnrK and so He did not get any further before hn mndc a rush for the door That boy Is not In the law business any more Chicago News t Ilrniill Dlnmonda It is not generally remembered that Brazil was at one time tho most im portant diamond producing country in tho world Between 1772 and 1848 1854700 carats were taken out by the Real Extraccao Since that day min ing has been carried on exclusively by private individuals aud mostly on a email scale The total production of Brazil up to 1880 is estimated by M Gnrcolx at 2 tons It is impossible to form an accurate estimate of tho pres ent production but it is probably about 40000 carats a year including the Babia diamond fields Dont miss tho Senior class illustrated lecture tonight or you will regret it It is to be a rare treat UrFrank Salter Diseases of children Choice veal at Glissmans CHEAPEST AND BEST MILLINERY AT- J E DURLANDS BOOKBINDING Rebinding Old Books and Magazines H BRUMMUND Next Deans Paint Store 5th St MR8 H H HULL Manicuring Shampooing Ladies Baths TkiUhom No 447 Rooms on North Ninth Street L L REMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for the Mrcrs Force aur Wind Mil Pumps Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wutk First door West of Post Office If Mill wiuit to liny Hill llriil or Trnild lliiil lull write or mil iiinl MO IIP aero lot on Nebraska Avenue be tween Illh Stieets and 12th 35000 280 acioi K miles southeast In Stanton Co fine improvements house rest 1MUMH1 Per acre until fljOn flfl January I I U0I CpOUUU HiOiwiroMl tulle from Meadow Grove fair building KM acres cultivated lul alien hay and pasture springs ami tun uing water excellent farm laud none better per acre 3000 Two Fine Residences well located on the west side to trade for good farm TRAGY X DURLAND NOVELTY Iron and Brass Works JNO E CRONK Manager All Minis uT iimcliliinH frotnn Uwn mowtir to 11 printing rom nircoHHfnlb ropni rcil lint Air nloiiin mill hot wator limit Inc Siclnl iilttiii tioiiKlwui lo llitllnr mill Kiiirlim KnimlritiK tii lliBiiunlls InililmnuiiL lions NORFOLK - - NEBRASKA EYERS Invites yon to Compare Prices Tomatoes per can 8c Peas tier can 5c Corn per can 8c Java G01T00 best per lb 15c Oat Meal per lb 2uC Soap 10 bars 25c 1 pound can Baking Powder 20c Best PrunoB per lb 8c Blueing 4c Soda por lb 3C Starch per lb 3uC Crackers per lb 71CC Clothes Lines 9o Lyo por can 4c Mixed Candy per lb 7vt Pearlino per package 4t Rico peril 7c Lamp Chimney 4t We have n big line of Tinware Gran itowure and Crockery which we an selling very cheap B MEYERS OTJ One Is Quick to x Suspect Where One Has Suffered i Harm Before Perhaps there are some i ness men in this town who have tried advertising and found the r results unsatisfactory If so something was the trouble Contracting for space in a newspaper is not enough When secured the space must be used to advantage A con- 1 vincing story should be told 4 4- A plant will not grow unless it I a 11 A t lb lenaea tn impression can- t not be made upon the X X ng public except by careful X persistent work Manv merchants err eritvrmslY in hr- liering that time spent upon their ds is time waited No time can be made mote profitable I We believe the advertising columns of this paper can be used profitably by any one who seeks to reach the buyers of this community Wewillcladly aid any one who desires to try it or who is trying it and is not satisfied DO YOU DESIRE Health VIT0 MA6NETIC HEALING Cures Chronio Diseafes Rheumatism Eyes Ears the Lame etc Abbolutely no medicine ntcd Dr H SAYOOR No SfKl East NORFOLK Firtt Street NEBRASKA II Our January Clearing Sale COMA1ENCES s WEDNESDAY JAN A All Trimmed Hats ai Half Price Ireat liatgiilus in all kinds of Mil- MISS ET BENDER BARN US A TYIjHR i 1 II Iliriim M II Tjlni Alfoinejs nf Lau Not folk nitU S IAilKBIt Musi Illock II KM I ST Nebrask Not folk Neb DIL T 1IULDKN Homeopathic Physician nud Snrgcoa Ulllint lllrwiH Nnlloiml Hunt IIiiIMIiik Toluiilionit mi Hun it it rl Mul Ituxlilniirii Muln mill Ulli St Tii1iiIioiiii l Norfolk - - Nebraskn U fJOLU WKNTIHT Olllcn ovtir Cltlrnnf Nulliniiil IliinV Hnnitlmio linn lilork lit i r til of JiiiimnmiUoiiiil clinrcli Norfolk LCIS ORANT OIIIIjDS Trained Nurse Nebraska Telephone loft Norfolk Nnhr JYfAPKS As HAZKN OHir nun IikiiiiiiiIk Dim Morn Norfolk - Nebraska jyjlSS MARY SHKLLKY rusliloiuilile Dressmaker Cp hIiiIih hi Cottoii Mock nvor Hiiiiiub ntor Klrst cliibh nm V kiiiiiiiiiIiiiiI Norfolk Nebraskn POWERS k HAYS AftornrjH at I aw iIooiiik 11 II mill VI Miiht lilick Norfolk - - - Nebraska JJOHKRTSON ROHERTSON Rooms I and 2 Robertson Hlock Norfolk Nebr gESSlONS BELL 1iidcrtuberH nnd Kinlmliiiers SiitHiuue Hlk Norfolk Avo Norfolk - - Nebraska B W JONAS FINE TAILORING HulU iiimln to onnr mill in tho Intont tttylo niiitly ilomi Slioii on South 1onrUi St toutli of lliinni liioi WHEN YOU WANT A J00D SHAVE or BATH J0 TO W D Halls Barter Shop MAIN rtT THJIII DOOK KAHT OF KOOIITH Fur Plumbing Strain Filling Pumps Tanks Wind Mills Ami nil work in tliln Una cull on W H RISH Kitiefiictloii Gtmrmitoed FIrbt door South of The Daily Nkvb Oiiics M C WALKER DKALEIt IN FLOUR FEED Oil and Gasoline TELEPHONE NO 33 CRSEILER Sale and i Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold on Commission BrMuch AvctiiM I adTfclr4St PHONE 44 i i it r