K TUESDAY TOPICS Mrs AiKAt ICnro is on tho Mole lll Mm K S Ounitnliifl U nick with thu Krip Goo Duiion wns n city vlHltor to dny from Wnyno OttoH Mitnfl wiuiin Norfolk ilny from Hnttlo Crook J W Mivhor wns n olty visitor yiS lordny from Humphrey Hornuin Frlchoof M uIIrou hiul buol ncss in Norfolk yootonlny T U Aldorson of MuiHmjii hud in tho city yontordny Ooo llltohburn of lluinviow wivh n visitor to this metropolis yoidordny Tho lnoifloholol Is boltiK improved by n now dross of pupor on Its IiihIiIo wiiIIh Dr Wilkinson Is In tho city from UmnhnnttouilliiK to tho wsxhh of pn limits Mr mill Mrs 11 1 Wood rumo up from Madison lust ovmiiiiK d wont on to Klln for u visit A nosro tramp who wns ouiht in tho net of Hiilloltliif hnnd outs was oscorttid out of town this morning hy tho police Second liloutoimnt Ourl Pllor or Oompiuiy Ij will fo to Lincoln tho ilOth to nndorRO mi examination hy tho stuto oxuininini board Mrs V N Huso dopurtod this morn Iiik for Oiimhii to uttond tho niMtliiK of tho Nohruskiv Press iiKSOcititlou Sho ox poets to roturii ThurBduy A l Ohllds who hits boon nufTnritiK with huvoio pnlns in tho loft sldo of his fixco for so long 1ms recovered rtulllcontly to bo down town yoHtordny nnd todiiy mid iBcongnvtulntlnK himself on boiiiK rid of tho dlHnroublo pain Suporintondout D 0 0Oonnor of his city delivered mi nddress on Ad vantnpw mid DiHudviintimn of tho Country Pupil hoforo the ninth annual mooting of tho Washington county fannors institute In session at Arling ton Friday Tho Salvation Army will hold a npocial mooting tonight Ijioutouaut Paul Sohombnrg who has boon in tho city to tu sist Captain Patterson during tho past two montliH will say farowoll before proceeding to Cherokee Iowa to take up tho work in tliutN fleldi Everybody is welcome to the mooting Tho Soldi tx lJrowlng company linn purchased tho building occupied by Win Humor as a saloon and it is undor Btood that boor vaults and ico housos will ut onco bo orected on the rear ond of tho Int It is nlsn said that tho framo building is soon to bo removed and a brick block with all tho latest improve molds and f ollitlis will bo erected in its placo A Kausa editor has discovered a way of tolling a mans politics which ho claims is iufalliblo It is to watch him iu the wash room of a hotel Ho says Tho republican will wash and empty tho has u Tho democrat will wash and leave tho wator stand Tho prohibition ist win wiish in the wator left by tho democrat Tho populist will comb his whkkera and not wash at all A largo compauy of relatives and friomls met at tho home of Mr and Mrs Martin Kaasoh north of thu city last night and assisted them in celebrating their iOth or diamond wedding anniver sary Rev Hoelol was present ami made an address to tho company Au abundance of choice rofroshmouta woro served Tho groom of CO yeara ago is now 87 years of ago and brido is woll up in tho 80s Constable J M Conley this morning nrrested a trio of boys about 1 i years of ago whom ho suspocted of being run aways Subsequent inquiry developed the fact that they were from Madison and that their names were Losey Carl son and Oillen Tho boys wero placed iu tho city jail until their parents can bo communicated with and iu tho moan time are experiencing a phase of run away life which they had prolubly not considered Last evening tho Musio Students club met with Mrs D 1 Koouigstoin Tho meeting proved to bo a Chauiinado boireo and this talented Frouch female composer formed a most charming sub ject Chamiuade is today among tho worlds leading musicians and that tho club could roudor n program from her productions with profit and pleasuro evidences a commendable upt both iu art and technique which rolleots credit upon Norfolks musicians Tho Gordon Journal man haa a griev ance which he airs as follows That was a mean trick perpetrated on the editor last Lords day at church by D II Griswold and we dont cam who knows it The minister was taking up a twentieth century offering for a benevolent purpose aiid had different Kums varying from 1 to 0 written upon tho blackboard AU the prizes had been drawn except the lust ft prize for which the pastor wa s earnestly plendiug for some generous soul to bid He failed to observe Griswolds bond waviug in tho far rear eud of the church and when tho editor cautiously raised his liana to direct the pastors eye toward Griswold down went Gris hand and the pastor immediately saddled the burden on the editor Wo were caught and there was no chance for escape but well get even with Gris for that trick yet now miud Futr Association If you have ever Been a lad of well Ry eight summons and about as many winters with a brand now nilr of boots rod tops with a blue border mid got next to IiIh feeling In regard totlioHiutic you will have poiiio idea of how proud Herman Harney is over tho hnn Isomo rooking ohalr presented to hlmliuit week hy tho Madison County Agricultural society as a token of tho cfttoem In which ho Is held bv tho members and tho appreciation of his services for four years aH ptohldont of that socloty Mr Harney was nominated for tho llfth term but declined tho nomination and nomlnnted as his successor Mark Hluhiirdsoii who has cllloleutly dis charged his duties of general superin tendent for a number of yea is Mr KicharilHon was duly eloeti i 1 L Uyuearson as boeuluiv and loo Wycotr iin treasurer wero re elected to the positions they have ho creditably tllleo for a number of years John Wmcely was elected to tho posi tion of general stiorintondont and wo predict that ho is tho right man in tho right place Tho old directors wero io olootod On a motion of Mr IJimoy tho presi dent Is to bo allowed a salary iu tho fu ture Madison Star MADISON Will Tledgou of Battle Creek was iu town Monday Sheriff Goo Losey had business at Norfolk Tuesday M Uiidres of Norfolk was doing busi uosh In town Monday Burt Mapes was attendlngto legal matters here Wednesday T K Odtorno of Norfolk hndbusiness with Judge Bates Wednesday Otto II Maas of Battlo Creek Jluid business at tho court houso Monday Mrs 0 K Farley of ValloyJ precinct was a county soat visitor Wodnosday N FJUlchardson and Israel Miller tried to settle an old grudge Monday evening iu a pugullstlo manner Justice Geo IS llichardsou aotingas police judge sorved as roforco and taxed each ouo 500 and coats On Saturday last County Clerk Bauch roceivod for record from United States Attorney W S SiunmorsV of Omaha three warranty and one quit claim deed concerning tho government building olto at Norfolk Tho deed was from Isaac Powers and wife W F Norris and wife and heirs of Clias Mathowson deceased Tho following marriago licences havo boon issued Herman F Nathan ago SI and Clara K Schoor ago IS both of Madison issued January 21 OscarjglS Samuelson age i2 and Mary B Melton ago 17 both of Nowman Grovo Jissuod January 2a D lytou T Chambers ago Jill of Stanton ami Moggio K Krysty niak ago 211 of Omaha issued Jan 22 married by Judgo Batos At the IruoH Aluutlni The Omaha Boo of yostorday gave tho following regarding Julius W Hulffs pappr before the Nebraska Press associa tion in that olty Printers Ink tho World Around wu tho subjoot of a very interesting and instructive papor by J W Hulff of Norfolk Tho paper was most exhaust ivo aud was illustrated by an exhibit of newspapers printed iu ovory civilized couutry of tho globe This collection which includes nearly 200 copies served to show tho different methods of printing in tho various coun tries and tho different sybtoms aud lack of systems of handling news Thero was a copy of the Bounding Billow rioted on board tho Olympm tho Pekin Gaotto tho Star of Hopo pub lished iuSiug Sing prison tho ISskimo Bulletin of Alaska and scoies of others equally interesting Mr Hulff also had exhibits to illustrate tho olectrio or ink loss procoss of printing He says it is his purpose to place those uowspapors on display iu variouB cities of tho Unitod States to raise money for a foreign trip when ho will visit tho ollico in which each ouo of thorn was printed Itegardiug the Nebraska Press tho World Herald says The ilrst issue of the Nebraska Pross appeared promptly at noon with W N Huse and a largo staff of assistants Owing to an tiufortunato accident tho paper wan only half sizo for tho first edition Much of tho mat tor had been set in advance by tho Western Nowspapor Union aud tho typo put upon wooden galleys and car ried over to Creightou hall Several galloys woro deposited at tho foot of tho stairway peudiug tho arrival of tho aud some unregonerato sou of Belial deliberately pied a galley containing about six columns of matter Tho result was that tho editorin ohiof associate editors reporters and make up speut most of Monday night getting the pi straightened out Tho author of the misohlef will learu something to lite disadvantage by making his idoutity known to Secretary Morwiu Letter List List of lottors remaining uncalled for at tho postoiUco January 21 1101 George Chan cr IS 0 Chiton Arthur Doan Frank Garit M P Hale Mrs Muy Moliyer John F McGraue James Nellls 1 A Nix Daisey Neligh II D Smith Mrs Mary Smith G Seleuia Mrs Geo W Tyler Mrs Amoret Wil liams If not called for iu 10 days will be sent to tho dead letter oillco Parties calling for any of the above please suy advortisod P F Spukchkk P M TUB NORFOLK NKWS FRIDAY JANUARY 21 1001 WEDNESDAY WRINKLES Mrs Ir Porson of Stanton was a olty visitor yesterday IS I Mitoholl was in tho olty from Wayne yest onlay Mrs Murphy was In the city yester day from Humphrey Geo W Talbot was in this metropolis yostoiday from Fullerton Arthur W Gross of Madison was a Norfolk visitor yostorday Mrs M II Wilson of Oalcdalo was a Norfolk visitor yesterday Judgo 11 IS ISvans was a Norfolk visitor from Dakota City today Win Gorooko was up from Stanton today greeting old time friends it M Noshlt of Oakdalo wan anting business In Norfolk yesterday Mrs A J Durlaud wont to Wake Held today to visit with Mrs Haskell A B Todd of PlattHtnouth has been appointed deputy oil inspector by Gov ernor Dietrich Henry Muollor who has boon visiting at the homo of his uncle Kov J P Mueller returned to his home iu Lyons today Franklin P Savago of Boruoston this state aud Mrs lSllabeth A Miller of Connecticut were a brido aud groom who nevur mot until tho day of their marriago at Beatrice Monday Tho Workmen and Dogroo of Honor will give a joint public installation Fri day night in Odd Follows hall to which ovorybody is invited and lnombers of tho two orders aro especially urgod to bo prosont Tho ovoulug promises to bo eutortaluiug and instructive Sheriff Geo W Losoy was iu tho city yesterday on ollloiul buslnoss and the throo young goutlomou who had started out from Madisou to see the world on their own account accom panied him homo undoubtedly woll plea ed that tho opportunity was pro sou ted It is now said that IS B Ovolman was out yostorday augmenting his record as a wolf hunter lu company with Tom light Their story is that thoy en countered a wolf about as largo as a yearling stonr or porhaps smaller and tired into him boldly at a range of from 20 to TOO yards aud that ho thou es caped and tho uimrods rof uaod to givo chase Now it must not bo understood that this is exactly as tho Btorywns told by the hunters aud furthermore tho reporter inus t not bo asked to sub stantiate auy part of it as tho wolf is not obtainable forTovidouco t the prosont writing It is oxpected that tho institution of tho uowly orgaulzod Elks lodge iu Nor folk Saturday oveuiiig will bo ouo of the liveliest oveuta for some time An Omaha member of tho order writes that they will bo iu Norfolk 100 strong to seo that tho lodgo is properly instituted whilo visitors from othor placos may bring tho total up to about 200 besides tho huudrod that aro to bo made mem bers ou that occaslou Tho Norfolk band nud Bohuorts orchestra have been engaged to furnish music for the occa sion ami a parade will probably bo n featuro Tho Omaha delegation will arrivo on the evening traiu Saturday Tho members of tho Souior class Nor folk High Bchnol aro making a vigorous effort to soouro a better attendance at thoir lecturo tomorrow night than that which greeted thoir first and all good citizons will wish them woll It Is cer tain that thoy havo a right good reasou for wishing a good attendance at the lecturo on A Trip to Wondorlaud by A L Fhido for it will bo worth hoaring Not ouly is the speakor said to be a pleasing taker but he has a wonderful subject aud will explain tho beauties of Yelloivstouo park entertainingly Those who havo not visited tho park should certainly go aud those who havo will scarcely remain awny as thoy Icuqw what may be expected Philadelphia Record A log houso to cost 75000 is boing orootod by a Phila dolphiau ou Warrens Island Gllkeys harbor Mtiino Tho houso wns begun by the late W II Fohvoll of this city and is being couiplotodj by his son Na than P Folwoll to whom the property was willed with tho provision that it should bo finished according to the plans adopted Tho log hut as somo of tho noighbors call it is 100 by 10 feet and is built of nnpooled spruce timber cut upon the island Au oxpert log cabiu builder from Virgiuia is suporiutoudiug the erection of tho building aud is copy iug tho stylo that prevailed in Virginia a century or nioro ago Tho houso will contain twenty two sleeping rooms a living hall dining room kitohou lauu dry uud storeroom all very large rooms Therejwlll be six bay windows and 100 of the ordinary klud Many of tho windows will bo fitted with panes of glass 4 by G feet Tho roof is gabled The living hall will be finished with gilt mouldiug and from tho windows ono cau look across upon tho Camden moun tains famous for their beauty This view caused Mr Folwell to havo a largo marblo tablet with the inscrip tion How beautiful aro the moun tains from Isaiah Work on the houso was begun nioro thau a year ago and it will require four months moro to complete it Iluiiimuuil luulsliuin Au Ideal Health uud Winter Hesort The passenger dopartmeut of the Illi nois Central Railroad company has just issued a uew edition of Hammoud lCPCTSiJKRWWWiffr5 B3M Ltiuislnna aH a Wintor Resort a beau tiful illustrated folder showing a fow of tho winter attractions In and about Hammond copies of which will bo mailed free ou application to tho under signed For those in good or moderato circum htanco no point in tho couth offers suh Inducements Tho olimato is uusur passed Tho artesan wator excellent Society nlmost entirely northern mid tho hotel and hoarding houso far superior to any town of its size iu tho north and at moderato rate J F MruitY Asst Gen Pass Agt 111 Cent R H Dubuque Iowa Wantkd Aotlvo man or woman with rig to deliver and canvass in towns and rural districts No canvassing Salary 400 jkt mouth References and security required Address Beatrtco Book Co P B Sprague Manager room 7 First National bank Beatrice Neb TRADERS IN SESSION Ciinyiiiliiin of liu National ltimril In Soi fclnil l WolilliKton Washington Jan 1M - At yesterday Kcsstou of the National Board of Trade reports of committees on crop reports and u monetary unit wero adopted ami the ISiomIuh pure food bill was uiJoiHcd Mr Kline of IVilladel phla rend a report urging the reduction o the war revenue tax along certain lines Reciprocity dealing partlMilarly with Canada and the orient was dealt with lu a report submitted by Mr Hope well of Chicago The report was adopted Mr Brown of St Louis presented a report recommending the reduction or the repeal of duty on hides Irrigation and forestry wero trentcd of In reports presented by Mr Chad wick of Chicago which were adopted They recommended to congress not less than 20000 be appropriated for Ir rigation surveys and maps of irri gable lands with plans and estimaleH of the costs of reservoirs The board adopted umiulinmisly a report submitted by Mr Parsons of St IouIh suggesting that thn gold stand ard law of 1010 tfoes not explicitly state the purpose and compulsion of the government to pay all Its obliga tions In sold mid that congress should take early action to remedy the de fects and place the country more firm ly on a gold basis TO CIRCUMVENT BOERS KlttluiK r Suiil t Hurt- Tliat lurpoe In View lu I lix rii ues Soinl t lieiilaily Ctipe Town Jan 1M General Kitch ener Is disposing of bis forces seml clrcularly his extreme left resting ou the sea to circumvent the Boers Tlie columns move simultaneously In touch with each other The greatest danger of the situation is the possibility of General De wets appearance in Cape Colony It is believed none of the Dutch would resist his personal call to arms They think the fame of Napoleon and Wellington pales iu the presence of his military genius Among a number of captured letters Is one from General Hertzog to Presi dent Steyn asking for 1000 unniur rletl men to enter the province and beat up retreat CONGRESS OF RELIGIONS Many Creeds Kre entetl at the tlpenliig Sleet iny In CIiIviiru Chicago Jan Ll Various creeds Isms ami societies were represented ut the opening meeting of the mid continent congress of religions lu the Fullerton Avenue Presbyterian church The address of welcome was delivered by the pastor of the church ltov J A Itonthaler Dr J W Thomas presided In hla Introductory address he said there would be no such thing as a monopoly on religion Rev Frank Crane spoke on tho Four Dimensions of Religion which he de fined to think clearly to love ones fellow man sincerely to act from hon est motives nd to have faith in God He urged that people should unite on the simple fundamental aud essen tial truths which all recognize The purpose of tho congress Is to bring about a closer unity of Chris tian work for the welfare of human ity MEET NEXT AT MILWAUKEE Itetull Grocer Meet Ollleem IUtvu to Iteporta uuil Adjourn Detroit Jan 24 The delegates to the National Association of Retnll Grocers In session hero listened to a number of reports of state and na tional orgnnlzers yesterday showing tho number of new associations formed during the past yenr A resolution wns offered by Simon Chirk of Duluth re questing congress to remove the 10 per cent duty ou ton Tho election of offi cers resulted In the selection of P G Hansen of Minneapolis president W Gray of Brooklyn vice president Charles Pfelffer of St Louis secretary and IS G Ashley of Toledo treasurer Mllwaukoo was decided upon ns the place of holding the convention noxt year The association then adjourned Blue die KUItur Kleet Olllcrri Omaha Jun J4 The Nebraska Press association elected tho following ollcers President Will M Maupln vice presldente Allen D May O 13 Ryers Atlee Hart W R Fulton N J Ludl Carl II Coss secre tary and treasurer F N Menvin corresponding secretary IS IS Correll executive committee L A Williams J W Rarnhart J O Seacrest A W Ladd D H Croulu THURSDAY TIDINGS Win Moore was a city visitor from Stanton Mrs Mason of Pierco was iu Norfolk yesterday Henry Porrino wns in from Wisncr yesterday C Ulrloh was in tho metropolis from Pierco yesterday Mrs Goo lSberly of Stanton was iu tho city yostorday T W Lowo of Battlo Creek was iu Norfolk yostorday Mrs A 13 Lano of Scribner was a city visitor yostorday Sam Friedman was over from tho county soat yesterday Mrs Wm Gorecko was in tho city yesterday from Stauton Mr and Mrs II I Noal woro in Nor folk yestei day from Plaiuviow Mr nnd Mrs T M Hi 11 hnvo moved into rooms in tho Richards block Mrs O Waaoholz and daughter of Plaiuviow wero in tho city yesterday Rebokah lodgo I 0 O P will moot in regular session next Saturday oven lug Miss Maud Browor of GordoniB learn ing tho photographers trade with I M Maoy Mrs C M Dawson of Madison is visiting at tho homo of Mr aud Mrs O J Johnson Dr James Richards of Omaha ooulist aud rofractioulst Is at tho Pacific hotel for a few days S G Strickland suporintondout of tho C St P M O enjoyed a quiet uight iu tho city Tho West Side Whist club will moot Friday ovoulug at tho home of Mr and Mrs W II Butterlield D M Collins gouorul agent of the U P railway with headquarters iu Sioux City is taking n survey of Norfolk on route over his district Mr and Mrs Tas Collins returned yesterday from Northfleld Va to which place they accompanied the remains of Mrs Collins sister for interment W O ISddy chemist at tho sugar factory returued today from Woostor Mass where ho has beou visitiug par ents and friends for about a mouth Capt R C Alleu has returued from a visit with friouds iu Humphrey and other towns along thb U P He reports au epidemic of grip prevailing in tho towns ho visited Miss Iua Martin sister of Mrs Frauk Davenport aud formerly a resident of Norfolk has been appointed as oue of tho three school examiners for Atchison couutv Kansas at a salary of J per day when at work Omaha News Mrs F M Sissou aud little sou Horace of Norfolk are in the city ou thoir way to Garnet Kan where thoy will attend tho golden wed ding anniversary celebration of Mr Sissous parents Mr nnd Mrs Z fi SisBcn O J Tinker a well kuown citizou of Humboldt died at an early hour Tues day morning iu the 90th year of his ago Ho was the original owuer of the land on which Hnmboldtnow stands having purchased it from the government iu tho late fifties Paul Karo Is iu the city today from Lyons visitiug relatives and friends He is more than pleased with his uew location and business and speaks of the people thore lu the most complimentary terms Besides conducting the only meat market Mr Karo is the ice trust of Lyons At Ainsworth recently Frauk Steph ens a Seventh Day Baptist proachor was brought iutotowu by a warrant for maltreatment of his son Earl Stephens Tho boy was stripped and whipped with a horsewhip until thero wero great scars from his waist to his kuoes Stephens pleaded guilty to tho charge aud was fined 2D and costs That the preacher does not always live ou the fat of the laud including yollow logged chicken is evidenced by this item takou from an exchange It is said that a Mothodist miuister who spreads the gospel ou a circuit iu the northern part of Alabama received for his years work 285 two pairs of yarn socks one pair of jeau trousers aud three pecks of potatoes With the po t itoes the good old lady who sent them made tho request that the parings should be saved as sho wanted them to feed her cow Nebraskas mild temperature is re sponsible for tho following dispatch from Callaway undor date of the 23nd Yesterday the large house cat belong ing to G W Barnard succeeded lu cap turing a snake which had come out of its winter quarters to bask in the sun shine Tho snake had crawled out of a pilo of old hay aud happened to come out just where tho cat was watching for rats and the cnt sprang upon It and soon had it killed The sunko was of the blue racer variety and was about three feet iu length When a snake appears in the nilddlo of January nud is full of life it is evidence enough that Ne braskas climate cauuot be surpassed J D Sturgeon the Norfolk piano man has organized a coucert company and expects to stnrt out soon giving en tertaiumeuts oue object of which will be to advertise the pianos and organs handled by Mr Sturgeon It is ox pected that the first town to be enter tained will be Battlo Creok whero n date may 1m made for early next mouth Mrs Htkn Hamilton is to furnish tho instrumental Inusio and Miss Nolle Gerecke is tho vocalist which mcuiH that Mr Sturgeon will present ti first class ontortainmont to lovers of musio and will no doubt bo well patronized Mrs Hamiltons home is iu Coleridge Sho is nu Englishwoman and highly ac complished in music Sho nud Patler owski woro classmates togethor iu the tho Paris conservatory Miss Gerecke is also highly accomplished having taken vocal instructions at ono of tho loading schools of tho country ami her sweet volco is certain to charmingly on tortain I TjOnn YISARLY to Christian CpuUU man or woman to look utter our growiug business in this and ndjoining counties to act ns manager and correspondent work cau bo done at your home Enclose solf uddroshod stamped euvoloio J or particulars to ll A blicrman Gonoral Manager Corcoran Build- ing opposito United States Treas x ury Washington D 0 yJJ3rtxSSS Keeley OMAHA NEB Cor 19th and It Worth Sts A Fly is as Untama ble as a Hyena 1 ure r r I Ifllin R rdeu eiicli it dlsoiuiul huvltiR dolliiltu patluit l MC tiny Tin llsuiisi vlolds I eisly to thu Doublul TflRAPPfl t hlorlcloof Gold Trent iwunvwu niont propaied by Dr USING ItHlIc K Keoloy IO I III 1 UIIIH he Keelev limllltlte at Oiimliii Nelirnxkii Is - -- e kiiij nun -line wiiere the Keeley Kenierilo uud reniiiieui in iriveii SiRlUd Thr lrUe JK Keeley Co WMITa PON PULL PARTIOULANS THE KEELEY INSTITUTE Onw N for lUth and Jenvemvortli mi I AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA To advertise successfully may not be easy but it Is not half so difficult as the taming of a fly So far as this community is concerned the advertising prob lem Is simple Here Is the plan 1 Secure space in these col umns Write ads that are plain and straightforward Change them often Keep at it persistently jjmrra t TTTYTVTTTTTTTVVVTTTTVT Dr Humphreys Specifics euro by acting direotly upon tho disease without exciting disorder in any other part of tho system NO CUItES PRICES I Fereri Congestions Inflammations 25 14 Worrnn Worm Fovcc Worm Colic 25 3 Teething Colic CryinsWakofulnesa 85 I Diarrhea of Children or Adults 25 7 tlouuhi Colds Iironchltla 25 B euruliiln Toothache Foccacho 25 9 Headache Sick Headache Vertigo 25 10 DvlepalaIndlgcstlonWeakGtomach25 1 1 Supprentd orlnlnfnl Periods 25 12 Whites Too Prof ubo Periods 25 13 Croup Laryiultla Hoarseness 25 1- Salt Itheum Erysipelas Eruptions 25 15 IlheumatUin llhcumatlo Pains 25 1C Malaria Chills Fovor and Ague 25 10 Catarrh Influenza Cold In the Head 25 20 Whooplnc Couch 25 27 Kidney Ulsenses 25 28 Nervous Debility 100 30 Urinary Weakness Wetting Bod 25 77 Grip Hay Fever 5 Dr Humphreys Mnnual of nU Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Freo Bold by druggists or sont on receipt of price Humphreys Med Co Cor William Jobs i BtsV Koenigsteins Pharmacy Corner 5th and Main Sts NORFOLK 3STEB 50 YEARS- EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Am FSMlH7 i iS VivS1 FecJr forsucuriiiRpatentH 5tntsak0ltIr0Ul 4 Co receive tjwtal not Ut without charito Intho Scientific American A handsomely Illustrated vceklr I amct MUNNCo3eBoa New York Branca Omce 025 v 8U Waiulugtou D C