The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 18, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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I Nlghtiugalo is sriicl to bo vury filck
H O Howell in in tlio city today from
Dr Leo of Onkrtno ifi visiting liifl
brother Dun 13 Leo
Tho county commissioners linvo ad
journed until January 22
Miss Matilda Hiiuh of Brittle Oreck
visited Norfolk friends yostordny
Mrs II Friuko and Miss Kdltli Stern
of Madison wuro city visitors tolny
Mr and Mrs J K Boas very pleas
antly entertained a company of i rlonds
at cards last overling
Mr and Mrs Olios Whlto of Fremont
oro gut sts at tho Abo Whlto homo
HouthwoHt of tho city
L M Gaylord has moved his olllco
from tho Orr building to tho room
formerly occupiod by N Hills
Mrs Walter Powell arrived in tho
city yesterday from Sacremcnto Cal
called horo by tho illness of hor mother
Mrs Win Queen
If tho young lady who applied for a
position at Tm News olllcotwo or throo
mouths ago will again apply tho posi
tion will bo opou for hor
J W Carlisle of Lincoln travoling
representative for tho Sugar City Oor
cal Mills Is expected hero Monday and
will make a trip from horo into tho
Black Hills country
H L Spauldiug district deputy grand
master of tho I O O F went to Stan
ton today and will install tho ofllcois of
that lodgo tonight Ho was accompa
nied by O E Doughty M 0 Walker
and S It McFarland
A numbor of friends mot at tho homo
of August During on East Madison ave
nue last evening and assisted him in
celebrating his 50th birthday Tho
night was very enjoyubly passed until
About 4 oclock this morning whon tho
party broke up Mr During was tho
recipient of many gifts
0 S Hayes was in Omaha yesterday
nnd for the fifteenth year secured the
appointment of official clock repairer
for tho F E M V east to Omaha
and west to Long Pino also the S G
F line He has been official watch in
spector ever since the law requiring
watch inspection for railroad men was
W L P Wells formerly of Monroe
was taken up by the officers last night
and given a bed in the jail The old
gentleman seems to be slightly demented
and on effort will be made to get him to
friends where he may be cared for
He states that he has a team near Ores
ton He also says he has a brother liv
ing near Morons Iowa
Word has been aeceived here to the
effect that Mrs M R Morris formerly
of this city died yesterday morning
after a very short illness while visiting
in Iowa She had gone from her home
in Oklahoma CityOT after her mother
whom she expected to return with her
Particulars of her death have not been
learned The Norfolk friends will be
very sorry to learn of the ladys death
Tho Charles B Hanford company
-which is to exhibit hore Tuesday even
ing is strictly a city attraction and the
people of Norfolk are exceedingly fortu
nate in being afforded on opportunity
to see Private John Allen The com
pany only makes four dutes in Nebraska
Omaha Lincoln York and Norfolk
aud the latter two would not have been
made but for a combination 6f circum
stances which the company was unable
to overcome otherwise
Pierce Call Judge J F Boyd held
an adjourned term of court in Pierce
Monday and made a most favorable im
pression his business like way of doing
business eliciting the commendation of
the entire legal fraternity Will Powers
of Norfolk is the now court reporter
Several cases were disposed of among
others being the case of the state against
the boy Thos Greeno who pleaded
guilty to horse stealing and was sen
tenced to the industrial school for young
offenders at Kearney until discharged
by due process of law
Madison Star Superintendent 0
W Oram received a complaint from
SonthEmerick Monday in which tho
parties making the same claim that
there are two families sending children
to school who have a disease supposed
to be either small pox Onban itch or
itch Three families are keeping their
children out of school on this account
and they at k the superintendent to in
vestigate the matter Mr Cram laid
the complaint before the county at
torney Tuesday and asked to be advised
in what manner to proceed
Joe Ranke was up before police court
this morning on the charge of drank and
disorderly conduct He was assessed a
fine and very fortunately had money to
pay and thou some Joe gets on these
tears occasionally and has been fre
quently relieved of his cash assets Oao
of tho last jobs of Bob Bathke before
severing his oitizenshipwith Norfolk is
said to have boon to touch Joe np for a
goodly sum and ho might have suffered
the Bame iuconvenionce last night had
not friends kept his money for him Ho
-was advised to keep sober and retain
his money
Thirteen years ago today tho weather
was of a very similar quality Tho sun
shown brightly and there was consider
able enow which was melting rapidly
and running off in rivalets About a
oclock in tho afternoon there win a
sadden uhaugo Tho wind swept down
from tho north and in a very short timo
a porsou could sco nothing for tho blind
ing whirling snow In an hour It was
so cold that hoavy wraps wero but slight
protection and tho only warm ploco In
tho avorago houso was up closo to tho
stovo It was tho momorablo blizzard
of January 12 1SS8 when lives wero
lost and stock frozen
Mombors of tho Norfolk Sons of Her
man lodgo and thoir families had a
morry time In Marquardts hall Inst
evening tho occasion being tho lustidla
Hon of officers for tho ensuing term
Fred Volpp of Wayno grand president
of tho order conducted tho cere monies
and wusassistcd by J H Lohman of
Blonmfiuld and Ernost Mulcher of Wis
lrvr both i f whom aro grand oillcurs
Tho following woro tho olllcors installed
Dan J Koonigstoln president Unas
Biorwlorf vico president August
Bruumiuud secretary Wm Kiosau
treasurer Dr F W Kicsau lodgo
physician Aftor tho coromonios danc
ing was ludulgod In until a Into hour
by those present Thoro was a mooting
of tho grand lodgo trustees horo yester
day also for tho purposo of chocking
over tho books of tho graud officors D
J Koonigstoln of this city and Carl
Hhodo of Columbus aro tho grand
Cnrl Alortonn Orcliuril
The death of Carl Morton which has
caused so much sympathy to go out
from tho people of Nebraska to his bo
reavod father recalls tho beautiful in
cidont recently rocordod by J Sterling
Morton in tho Conservative It was
outitled His Orchard
It was a bright balmy morning In
April more than a quarter of a contury
ago Tho sun wos nursing tho youug
grass into vorduro and the prairio was
just beginning to put off its winter coat
of somber colorings Tranquil skies
and morning mists wore redolent at
Arbor Lodge of tho coming resurrection
of tho foliage aud flowers that died the
autumn before All ubout tho cottage
home there was hope and peace and
everywhere the signs of womans
watohful love aud tidy care when sud
denly toned with affectionate solicitude
rang out
Carl Carl but no answer came
Down stairs up stairs at the barn
even in tho well everywhere tho
mothers voice called anxiously again
and again But the silence menacing
and frightening was unbroken by an
answer from the lost boy At lost
however ho was found behind a smoke
house busily digging in the ground
with a small spade though only five
years of age and he said Im too
busy to talk Im planting an orchard
and sure enough he hod set out a tiny
seedling apple tree u small cottouwood
and a little elm
The delighted mother clasped him in
her arms kissed him and said This
orchard must uot be destroyed
Aud so now
I hear the mnfiled tramp of years
Come stealing up tho slopes of Time
They bear a train of smiles and tears
Of burning hopes and dreams sub
The childs orchard is more than
thirty years of age The cottouwood is
a giant now and its vibrant foliage talks
summer after summer in the evening
breeze with human like voice and tells
its life story to tho graceful swaying
elm nearby while the gnarled and
scrubby little appletree shaped as to
its head like a despondent toadstool
stands in dual shade and bears small
sweet apples year after year in all
humility But that orohard must not
be destroyed It was established by
the youngest tree planter who ever
planted In this tree planters state and
for his sake and memory of tho sweet
soul who nursed and loved him it lives
and grows one cottonwood one apple
tree one elm
But Oh for the touoh of a vanished
And the sound of a voice that is still
The memories that live and bloom in
trees that whisper of the loved and lost
in summer leaves are as imperishable as
the seasons of tho year immortal as the
love of a mother
August Flower
It is a surprising fact says Prof
Houton that in my travels in all parts
of tho world for the last ton years I
have met more people having used
GreenB August Flower than any other
remedy for dyspepsia deranged liver
and stomach and for constipation I
find for tourists and salesmen or for
persons filling office positions where
headaches and general bad feelings from
irregular habits exist that Greens
August Flower is a grand remedy It
does not injure the system by frequent
use and is exoollent for sour stomaohs
and indigestion Sample bottles free
at A K Leonards Sold by dealers in
all civilized couutrieB
Farming In Colorado ami New Mexico
The Denver Rio Grande railroad
The Sceuio Line of tho World has
prepared an illustrated book upon tho
abovo Bubject which will bo sent froo to
fanners desiring tochango thoir location
This publication gives valuable informa
tion in rocard to tho agricultural horti
cultural aud live stock interests of this
section and should bo iu tho hands of
everyone who desires to become ac
quainted with the methods of farming
by irrigation Writo S K Hooper G
P T A Denver Colo
fjmrym Tf ffl fpq f0
Mr and Mrs P F Bull aio both on
tho sick list N
Burt Mapes was a passenger on tho
noon train for Lincoln
E M Ehrhardt was a city visitor
yostordny from Plalnvlow
Mrs Bnrtlutt of Plorco came down on
the euly train this morning
Deputy Rovonuo Colloctor Sooloy was
iu tho city today from Madison
Eiuil BnuiHih of Watertown Wis
Is vlHlting relatives and friends In tho
Mr and Mrs Julius Mans aro tho
parents of a girl baby bom this morn
Editor W E Powers of tho Plorco
Leader had business In Norfolk this
Col E H Tracy has returned from
ONeill where ho has been for about a
week on business
A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs
Gustavo Rodenz who live two miles
south of town yesterday
Editor F E Martin of tho Battlo
Creek Enterprise uiado one of his custo
mary visits to Norfolk today
Tho woodwork in tho postolllco has
boon treated to a coat of varnish that
greatly improves its appearance
Louis Ueokor who has been sufforing
from rheumatism for somo timo has
gone to Hot Springs S D hoping to
receive treatmont that will bouollt him
Mr and Mrs Oharlos Audorsou of
South Norfolk welcomed a daughtor to
their homo this morning Mr Ander
son is car inspector for tho F E M
Sol G Mayer departed Saturday for
Lincoln From thoro ho will go to Now
York with a brother to purchaso cloth
ing Ho expects to bo absent about a
Madison has received tho engino for
her electric light plant aud tho dynamos
are expected withiu a few days whon
tho county seat proposes to put on de
cidedly citified airs
The workmen on the Bishop block
took advantage of tho fine weathor yes
terday aud continued thoir work while
other people observed Sunday by rest
ing or going to church
Editor W M Wheeler of tho Wako
field Republican was in tho city yester
day botweens trains enrouto to Lincoln
where he has tho position of engrossing
and enrolling clork of the house of
Dwight Smith camo over from Sioux
City Saturday night and visited over
Sunday with his mother Mrs R F
Bruce Ho returned to Sioux City
today accompanied by his wife and
daughter who have been here the past
three weeks
Citizens of The Hoights to tho num
ber of 35 invited themselves to supper
with Mr and Mrs M O Walker Satur
day night taking provisions for the
moal with them After supper they
played cards aud passed a very enjoy
able evening
The World Herald of yesterday con
tained an excellent half tone likeness of
Editor John H Hulff of the Auzeiger
recently appointed fish commissioner to
succeed Mr May Friends of Mr
Hulff will have no difficulty in recogniz
ing his well known features
The weathor today and yesterday has
been about as springlike us could be de
sired in April and people who have not
been tempted to affect that popular
disease spring fever felt an ambition
to sieze a hoo or ppade and get to work
in the garden A few more such days
would start tho grass
The Nebraska State Poultry associa
tion will hold its annual meeting in
Lincoln January 14 to 18 A poultry
show will be held in connection and
one of the most successful meetings yet
hold is anticipated Norfolk fanciers
will undoubtedly be in attendance and
have exhibits of birds
Wm Spora who lives east of town
had the toes of one of his feet quite
badly crushed in the cog wheels of a
corn shelter ono day lost week aud the
second toe had to be amputated He
was oiling the machine when his foot
slipped into tho cogs Fortunately he
had on a heavy shoe and rubber and
whon his foot went in the wheel it broko
the castings of the wheels bo that he
escaped without sorious injury
There has been considerable excite
ment over in The Row for the past
few days which finally resulted iu the
arrest of the mistresses Mrs Bailey
Belle Clover and Loreen Davis who
were brought up before Judge Hayes
this morning and fined 25 and costs
apiece for conducting houses of ill repute
Lee Balloy was also arrested on the
charge of vagrancy and demanded a
jury trial The date set for his heariug
is next Wednesday
Mrs I A Perry wife of A O Perry
who was at ono time couueotod with the
Perry Leftwich show with head
quarters at Norfolk died Saturday
morning in a hotel at Gandy of con
sumption and heart failure Tho re
mains wero taken to North Platte and
prepared for shipment to Atkinson
whero iutermout will tako placo Be
sides her husband Mrs Perry leavos a
sou and daughter who are attending
school at Atkinson
Word has been received by Geo H
Spear to the effect that Omaha lodgo
No ill Benevolent Order of Elks acted
on the charter list of tho Norfolk Ultimo
Friday night and that District Deputy
W B Taylor of tho abovo lodgo will
institute tho lodgo hero on Saturday
night January -II The Omaha lodgo
team will do tho work It is oxpeotod
that about 100 out-of-town iiiumbetn
will be present to enjoy the occasion
Tho lodgo hero starts with n membership
or IlKl
Stanton Picket H N Way has de
cided to leave Stanton and with this
ond In viow Is disposing of his real es
tate iu tho county Monday lie sold tho
iuuthwoRt 10 of tlio Gobler quarter to J
J Lamtiili The Imliineo of tho place
was pioviously sold to ho luytsli boys
Mr Way now has only 210 acres loft
He will go to Omaha about March first
His laniilywill rtniain hero until the
close fnchnol iu Juno and not until
thou will his fine residence bo offered
for siilc
Word has been brought to Ponder
that last Monday No Knlfo the lnM
chief of the Omaha Indians had died at
the homo of his mm Muthew Tyndalo
on the reservation at tho ndvanced ago
of ono hundred mid thirteen years Ho
is believed to have been tlio oldest living
resident of Nebraska Ho wuh born
bofore Washington was clouted presi
dent and consequently hud lived in
three different centuries He had never
been sick at least withiu the memory
of any living relation or acquaintance
The officers of tho Norfolk boot sugar
factory desire that old growors should
have tho Hrht opportunity of contract
ing to raise beets under tho now agree
ment and thon foro no effort has boon
inado to secure contracts iu now territory
Tlmygwill finly wait until February 1
however on tho old growors and aftor
that such will have to tako their oliauces
with now contractors ub work will bo
done in now torritory Contracts aro
coming in fairly well aud tho prospects
aro for a greater aoreage than boforo for
W L P Wells who has boon about
town several days in a slightly domouted
couditlonbecamo very muchoff Satur
day and Sunday Ho raiBod someting
of a disturbance at tho tolophono ofllco
Ho had 18 cents with which ho was
doing a largo amount of buying among
other things buying a ticket to South
Sioux City Chief Widaman finally took
him iu ohargo and bought him a ticket
for Columbusto which city ho was es
corted by EdWagnor and turned over to
a deputy sheriff It Is said that ho is a
victim of the morphine hnbit
Tho boot sugar factory at Ames has
closed down after a throo months cam
paign It is claimed that this years
run was the largest in the history of tho
factory Speaking of the campaign a
correspondent says The managers
of the factory have a sorious proposition
to faoe with the farmers of this section
during the past two months During
Ootobor when the boets wero being har
vested tho precipitation in this section
was very heavy and iu many cases In
jured the beets to a noticoablo extout
The same thing happened a year ugo
and with two seasons bringing tho suiiio
results tho farmers began to grow sus
picious of the industry Tho managers
of tho factory began an investigation at
once aud found that during tho past
twouty flve years tho mouths of Sep
tember aud October had nover beon so
wot as daring tho past two years They
wero firm iu their belief that tho seasons
woro abnormal
The following from a recent issue of
the World Herald will bo of interest to
the frionds of tho lato Dr Maxfiold
Tho will of the lato Rev Dr J B
Maxfleld many years a presiding elder
who died September 11 1000 has been
declared valid by Judge Vinsonhaler
and has been admitted to probate aud
tho widow Mary M Maxfleld named
as administratrix in tlio document
she having been appointed executrix
Septomber 5 1804 Dr Muxfiold mado a
will bequeathing tho greater portiou
of his property to Mrs Maxfleld After
his death Gay McKenzie aud his
brothers aud sisters children of a sister
of Dr Maxfield brought a contest
They alleged that at the timo of execut
ing the will the doctor was of unsound
mind and not competent to bequeath
his property On the question of com
petency testimony waa taken all show
ing that at the time o making the will
aud up to the time of his death Dr
Maxfield was of sound mind aud that
his mental faculties were unusually
iiven Away Norfolk Auditorium
Tho Norfolk Auditorium was opened
January 15 1900 Tho cost of ground
and building was 14000 nt timo of
opening the house Siuco thon thoro
has boon expended for equipping and
furnishing tho buildlug 11150 making
tho total cost 151150
Tho houso is comfortably seated on
an inclined floor with opera chairs
Tho ground upon which it is built is
04x100 feet nnd tho building is brick
COxlOO feet built in a very substantial
manner heated by two hot air furnaces
and lighted by electricity Tlio stngo
is 30x00 feet and is well equipped with
sconory and stogo properties A ground
floor theater strictly modern and has a
soaUng enpueity of 000 Tho Auditor
ium building is located on Fourth street
one hnlf block from tho business center
of Norfolk
Tho house built as a public enter
prise and it hiu Ucn decided to give a
special enteiliiliiiiieiit May I 1101 for
which tickets will be issued nt one dnl
lar eneh Tickets will In issued in
series of Hit numbers and t hero will bo
IfiOHeilesiiuiltliigalofulof lfiK0 tickets
Kncli ticket entitles holder to admission
to special eiiferfiiliiiuoul and also en
titles purchaser to one eliiiueo for tho
Auditorium The drawing will hike
place id the Auditorium the night of
tho special entoiliiiiiineiil and will bo
conducted by a committee selected by
the ticket holders present I fit numbers
will be placed ill a kettle and I II blanks
and one winner will be placed in
another kettle Alter being thoroughly
inled dt awing will be iiiaile fioin each
kettle until tho number of the series
from which he winning number is to lie
drawn is fnunit
Immediately after mini her drawing
from 100 numbers will be made in llu
same manner lo find Hie ticket that gets
the Auditorium
Money as received for tickets mIiiiII
be sent to Hie Norfolk National Bank
and placed lo Auditorium account No
money shall be paid by them to owner
until abstract showing clear title and n
warranty deed has also been placed
with the Not folk National Hunk lo bo
held iu trust for the owner of the
winning ticket When the drawing
is held tho owner of the lucky number
will receive a deed lo the properly free
of all indebtedness iih shown by an
alwtrnct then furnished
Iuttnr I Int
List of letters remainiiiK uncalled for
at tho postolfico January 1 1 1001
J Beals David Dohorty Horace
Eugclin 10 iould Mrs HnttioGreen
Jonnlo Hamilton S 10 Hamlett John
Ohm William RulzlolV Bert Talbot
Lizzio Stewart pkg Ed M Sanford
W Hprngue registered letter Lillio
Sorunton llerrn Werter Kldnr John M
If not called for iu 10 days will bo
scut to the dead letter ollleo
Parties calling for any of the above
please say advertised
Dundy county people aro the pioneers
this season in an endeavor to create a
Nebraska gold excitement It is claimed
that a gold doposlt has boon discovered
near Beuklemau that shows a good as
say fortunately or uurortunatoiy
it has not boon claimed for any of theso
doposits that thoy rival tho Capo Nome
gold fioidB in vuluo
Not Ire
To Mario Alwlno Louise Vorgos non
resident defeudaut will take notico that
on tho 12th day of November 1808
Ferdinand Vorgos now deceased mod
his petition iu tho distriot court of Mad
ison county rsebraska ngaiust Herman
Gerooko Sarah E Gereuke and tho
CitizonB National bank of Norfolk Ne
braska tho object uud prayer of which
aro to foreclose a certain contract exe
cuted by tho defendant Horman Ge
rooko uud tho said Ferdiuund Verges
now deceased for the salo of the fol
lowing described promises situated in
said county from tho said Ferdinand
Verges now deceased o tho said de
fendant Herman Gerccke viz Com
mencing at a point fifty five rods cast
aud two rods north of tho southwest
corner of the northeast quaitor of the
southwest quarter of section twenty
two in township twenty four north of
range one west of tho sixth principal
meridian and measuring from thonco
north fifteen rods thonce west fifteon
rods thonco north throo rods thence
west nine rods thonco north twelve
rods thence east ono rod aud twenty
two linkri thonco north nine rods and
thirteen links thonco oast five rods and
twenty links thonco south twenty eight
degrees and eight minutes eust fourteen
rods uud two links thonco oast seven
teen rods and nine nnd one half links to
tho right of way of tho Fremont Elk-
horn Missouri Vulley railroad thonco
along said right of wuy south fifteen
degrees and fifty minutes oast twenty
eight rods uud two links thonco west
fifteen rods and ton links to tho placo of
boKiuuing containing four acres and
thirty fivu uud ouo half square rods
more or less which property is used as
a brick yard for tho manufacturing of
brick said contract being dated March
20th 18IW and providing that the said
defendant Herman Gerccke should pay
to plaintiff as purchaso prico therofor
the sum of 400000 us follows 1100
December ill st 189U 120 00 July 1st
1801 1120 December 111st 1804
8000 July 1st 1805 1080 December
list 1815 1000 July 1st 1801
104000 Docembor 31st 1890 with
interest nt tho rate of eight per cent
per annum from date payable semi
annually and iu default thereof said
contract should bo null and void and
plaintiff would bo entitled to tho pos
session of said property that default
has been mado iu tho payment of part
of said sums of money and thore is now
due upon said contract the sum of
280000 wltn interest trom tbls date at
the rate of eight per cent per annum for
which sum with interest plaintiff prays
for a decree that defendants bo re
quired to pay same or that said promises
may bo sold to satisfy tho amount
found duo
On the 19th day of Novomber 1000
by order of the court Anton Buchoz us
executor of the last will and testament
of Ferdinand Verges deceased was
made plaintiff in said action nnd on the
2lrd day of Novembor 1900 tho defend
ant Herman Gerecko filed a supple
mental potitiou under whioli by ordor
of tho court on tho 2ith day of November
1900 Minnie Mario Albertine Verges
Anna Emilio Verges Carl Johanu Her
mann Verges and Marie Alwino Louise
Verges heirs of tho said Ferdinand
Verges deceased wero made parties
defendants in said action
You aro required to nuswor 6aid peti
tions nnd answer and cross petitions filed
in said coso on or before tho 21st day of
Januury 1901
Dated this 8th day of December 1000
Aston Bicnoi7
Exoontor of tho last will and testament
of Ferdinand Verges deceased plain
Mapes Hazon attoruoys
If a Woman
wants to put out n Ire shft doesnt
heap on oil nnd wood She throws
on wnterknowlmfthal waterquenchei
fire When n woman wants lo ret
well from diseases peculiar to her
she should not add fuel to the Ire
nlrendv burnlnr her life awav 5li
thould not take worthless drugs and jj
potions composed o harmful J
Ics and opiates They do not check O
the disease thry do nol curcit they Jj
simply add fuel to tho fire 11
l JH
UrailllPltls Female O
Regulator Should ho J
taken by every woman il
or girl who has the t
sllglite 1 suspicion1 of JJ
nn oi tno mm- j
lilt tllH wllllll lit-
1 1 1 1 i n J
I lity will dimply JJ
be wiitillliK tiltln JJ
unlll tlii y Inkilt l
Tin IU liiIhImi In x
it ui i I f y I ii k ft
Ml Itll fft II Ill I ti i
till ullllll IJItH
ill the IimiIh cil tlio JJ
thocttiv It iluen nut tlrtu J
till tuna It IlndkiitiH It J
It HtnpH falling nf thiuonili
llltlltll I Il II 1 1 It II in 1111 1 1 oti J
iiihI iitTlmllnil ttultii Inn
HKUliit n lit y in painful J
lUiiiHtitiutliii iitulbj ilolni
nil tlilH iltlviH nwiiy tlir X
Inintll Ill nt l out iiclirM iiihI J
pnliiH vtlnili ilriilu himltli l
nail hiiittly liappititHH anil
Hinvil ItMlltiiT fliilll lliiuiy ii J
wninnnH life It Ih tin inn l
iiiniily iiIhim nil iitlirrs
wlili It Ivin y wiinmti hliuulil J
know nliiiut mill like 1
100 ix r linttlii O
in nny in hi morn
Srinl fur our frro O
llluslriitiil lunik O
lycguhlor Co
AthnUi Gu o
C m o p m
American Beauties
mil HiUjtAM
wmi I1 1
h Lit
Made in all the newest models and
leaders in strictly exclusive designs
They have a national reputation for
genuine corset worth Send for our
illustrated price list
Milkers Katamaioo Mick
Illinois Bentral H R
Tlio Illinois Central ilitdms li cull attnntlon
to tin iinnzcullcd Korvlco that in otToroil by its
lllllK tl till BOUtll fur tllO Mllhlll of lSSJ UO
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
FROM Portonally comlucU
ou uutiB mrouKii u
Joe AnRnlnft unil Hun
Frimclkco via New
OrlnmiB in coiinnctiim
EVERY with tlm
WEDNESDAY cc 0lvl liiciitfo
MDMiiJr on tho CnntrHlB fart
MORNING Now OrloaiiB
cinl connection iiIho mmln liy this train with
dally trains nut of Now Orloann for tho lacilic
oiHt Tho Umltflil from Chlruuo ovory oven
iim rniiriocU on Mondays mill Thursdays at
Now OrloaiiB aftor Docombor IS 1WJ with tho
nf tho rMintliorn Pacific rIvIiik bjnclaltlirouKh
nn Iro to Sun KrancUco
Donlilo daily Br
iro ih maintained out
of Ht LonU via tlio
Illinois ontrul ami
counoctliiK linos to
Kd unil Atlanta thru
hliMMilna rur to Jack-
mnvillo Florida bolnn carried ou tho
Inavlm St I on in avory ouuiIuk Tlila train as
woll ub tho Day KxiirobB loitviiiK St Ixiuis in
tho mnrniiiKi nro IkiiIi tolid trains to NiifliwllH
liuvlnij through coucht and nlooplnu curb run
uliiK through Martin Teuti and tho N 0 St
1 liy Counoctiou via thlb lino for nil princi
pal ionU iu tho Southoubt etich ub Charlobton
Vilininiton Alkin and Suwitiuuh uuil for all
IMiiutb iu Florida
Daily from Chicago to MomphU uud Now Or
iKilutfc in tho South mi tho liuot of tho llliuoia
ontrul nnd V A M V railroudb will lio run on
Iho llrbt uuil third Tuosdiiy of ouch mouth dur
itiK tho wiutoreodbim
Full iKirticulnni concorniiiK all of tho uUiva
can bo had of uKcutunf tho Illinois ontrul or
by addressing A II Hmieou Q 1 A Chicagu