The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 18, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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nlnloiurn Mwkr KMtinnt tif I5
imim fur 1 ltd I mill TrntmiM l Other
Hoard met pursuant to adjournment
at 8 oclock n m Jnmiary 10
Chocked troimirorH accounts till noon
On motion board adjourned till 1
Board mot pursuant to adjournment
Ohpokod treasurer ncconntn till
upper timo
On motion board ndjourned till
Hoard mot pursuant to adjournment
Thoro being n vacancy In tlio oflloo of
road overseer for dlntriot No 1 and dis
trict No 3 on motion W P P Winter
wh appointed for dlstriot No t nud I
Jj lluasoy for district No vi
On motion O M Boylos won appointed
constablo In and for Burnett product
On motion the following transfers of
funds woro made
Prom tho 1818 general fund to tlio
3819 general fund f3W702
Kxoesa fees of county clerk to the
381W geiioral fund XU2
Prom Judgemout fuud to tho 18111
general fund 81
Prom 1808 road fund to the 18111 road
fnnd 112772
Prom 1808 brldgo fund to tho 1819
Irldge fund f U07
Prom 1811 general fuud to tho IlKM
general fund 1380703
Prom 1801 general fund to tho 11KH
bridge fuud 43000
Prom 1800 genornl fuud to the 1800
jroad fund KHUM
Prom 1800 road fuud to tho 1 000 road
fnnd fl0ttU
Prom advertising fund to tho 1801
Keuoral fund J127o
On motion board resumed tho work
of checking treasurers uooounts
On motion board ndjourned to 8 a in
Jim 11
Hoard met pursuant to adjournment
O S Snydor having boon assessed
twioe for poll tax in 1890 on motion the
clerk was iuBtruutod to cancel ouo as
Board procoodel with tho work of
checking treasurers accounts
t On motion tho following estimato of
expenses was mado for tho year 1001
County instltuto fund iar 00
County superintendent salary 1 400 X
County road fond 7500 00
County bridge fund 10000 X
County printing 1 000 00
County olerkBulary as clerk of
board 500 00
County attorney salary 050 00
Commissioners pay aud mile
age S100 00
Care of paupers 2000 00
Bounty on wild nuimnls 800 00
Fuel postage and express 1800 00
Jailors fees 1 X
Books stationery and supplies 1 800 X
J suitor a salary and assistants
to oounty oftloials 2500 00
Election expenses 2100 00
District court aud jurors 7500 X
Assessors pay aud mileage ilOOO 00
Insane fund 850 00
Soldiers relief fuud 500 00
Poor farm expenses 1000 X
Aid to Agricultural society 700 tX
IPnruitnre and repairs on court
house and jail 1000 X
Interest on court house bonds
between Madison and Uniou
precinct 000 X
Sinking fund for Rama 400 00
Battle Greek village jail bond
and interest 150 00
On motion the board adjourned to 1
Board met pursuant to adjournment
Pee book of Ohr Sohavhmd clerk of
district court was audited and approved
showing feeB earned from July 2 to Jan
J to be 4M75 43
Pee book of Geo W Losey sheriff
was andited and approved Hhowiug
fees earned for the last six mouths of
1000 to be 420045
On motion bond of T P Altstadt
overseer road district No 25 wa up
On motion bond of A P Pilger
deputy treasurer was approved
On motion board continued checkiug
treasurers accounts
On motion board adjourned to Jau 22
1901 at 1 oclock
Piul Bauch
County Clerk
Death or Mra If cllertunu
Mrs August Helleraau died yester
day afteruoou nt her home on Posewnlk
avenue and Sixth street after a dist eas
iugilluesBof pneumouia in the J7th
year 01 ner age xne ruueral will be i
held Thursday aftoruoon at 1 80 from
the house aud nt St Paul Lutheran
church at 2 oclock Interment will
take place iu tho St Paul cemetery west
of the church
Mrs Hellermau whose maiden name
was Btrtha Zuelow was born in Porsow
Germany December 15 1848 la 1874
she was married to Mr Hellernuiu at
Parsow and in 1888 they came to America
locating inJNorfolk and have since made
tais city their homo
Pive sous and one daughter were boru
to Mr and Mrs Hellermau One son
died in Germanyand the four soub and
one daughter survive their mother all
making their home here except Otto
who Uvea at MarshQeld Wis but is
now at home
Messrs Carl and Otto Zuelow of this
place are brothers of Mrs Hellerman
aud Mrs H W Winter is a sister
While death has been expected for
several days the realization that it has
claimed its victim is received with none
tho less sorrow by tho relatives and
sympathizing friends
Mr llellenunn Is also slek with tho
same disoaw but it is said that ho is
showing slight improvement
Money Onlrr lliiHlnmft of Norfolk
5105 Total 42n 1 70 07
Year ending Doo 81 1800
2080 Domestic orders paid 410152 25
12 International orders paid 1751 40
Total 20000 71
Year ending Doo 81 1000
8 1 11 DomoHtlo orders paid 22887 12
25 International orders paid 1105 17
The following aro given by nn ex
change as some of the very funny
nmusements of the students of tho
West Point military academy aud of
other schools
Bracing Walking about iu position
of a soldier ohin drawn in chest forced
out aud palms of tho bauds turned out
Chowiug Chewing the end of a rope
or string for hours
Monkey Climbing a tentpole nud
crowing like a rooster or chirping like a
Sammy race Two cadets blindfolded
feeding each other from a bowl of
Qualifying Eating eight slices of
bread aud a bowl of molasses or con
suming eighty ilvo prunes nt one sit
Sweating Lying in a closed teut
wrapped in blaukots aud a mackintosh
until faint Cadets lose from five to
teu pounds iu thirty miuutes
Kagliug Sittiug down on the toes
and then risiug upon them and Bitting
down again repeat 100 times
The complete service of The Chicago-Portland
Special via Union Pacific
enables passengers to reach the princi
pal cities between the north and Pacific
coast and Missouri river not only iu the
shortest possible space of time but also
iu the most comfortable and enjoyable
manner The dining cars on this train
are stocked with the best the marker
affords All meals served a la cart
David City Nob April 1 1000
Genesee Pure Food Le Hoy N Y
Gentlemen I must say in regard to
Graiu O that thore is nothing better
or healthier We have used it for years
My brother was a great coffee drinker
Ho was taken sick and the doctor said
coffee was the cause of it My brother
has been well ever since we started to
use it Yours truly Lillik Sochok
o III re for IHOIInnil ItMIO
Tho business done by the Norfolk
jwHtollleo in the money order depart
meiit is nn Interesting exhibit of lliian
clnl transact Ions as shown by nno of tho
leading mediums of exchango over
which tho United State has supervision
Tho showing of tho express companies
and banks would about comploto tho
showing of money recolved and sent by
tho people of Norfolk Tho following is
a comparative statement of tho post
oflloo mouey order business for tho
years 1800 and 1000
01111119 1SHUKI
Year ending Deo 81 1800
4ifti domestic ordors iRsuod 420252 55
Pees on samo 800 42
08 Iuternation ordors issued 500 22
Pees on samo 8 00
Total 421001 70
Year ending Deo 81 1000
5151 Domestic ordors issued 42 1 487 27
Poos on Banie 857 20
44 International orders is
sued 8111 70
Pees on same 5 IK
428452 20
Whole number of orders issued
MUX 5105
Whole number of orders issued
1800 1421
laiiis for MUX 774
Wholo amount received for
orders issued 1 000 425 1 70 07
Wholo auicunt received for
orders issued 1800 21001 70
Gain for 1000 41 17 28
Wholo number of orders paid 1000 8471
Wholo number of orders paid I bill 8028
Until for IlKM 1 10
Whole amount paid out on
onlors 1000 428452 20
Wholo umonut paid out 011
orders 1899 20000 71
Galu for 1000 4 3 Hfi f5
Whole amount of fees received
11KX 4 808 10
Wholo amouut of fees received
Ualu for 1000
Total war tax fees collected
1000 4
Total war tax fees collected
wo 02
54 08
108 02
87 OB
Gain for 1000 4 15 00
Tho falling off in international busi
ness is due to the fact that a number of
offices noar Norfolk have been made in
ternational otlices since 1890 aud orders
formerly drawn or paid by Norfolk arc
now drawn or paid elsewhere
Ohas 1 Hainan was on the slek list
thi week
Chan Hlco of Norfolk was transacting
bnsiiioiiH here Friday
John Wado of Norfolk was vlBltlng
hero Friday with relatives
A new shoemaker started up In J 8
Hrulshors harness shop
Thos Hanson of Tildonwns down
hero on business Wednesday
Harry Barnes of Plain view wan spoud
ing Sunday with his folks here
Geo Berry shipicd ouo cnrload of
shoep Tucsdny and two carlonds Wed
Attorney W K Reed of Madison was
over hero Monday on professional busi
Representative P P Zimmerman
spent Saturday and Sundny with his
Littlo Agnes BarnB celebrated her
tonth birthday Monday with her littlo
Win Book of Norfolk was up hero tho
foro part of tho week visiting relatives
nud hunting
Fred Brochler wont to Grant comity
Wis Sunday to see his old homo and
visit relatives
Undo Mike Connelly P P Hughes
and Mrs Myron Hartford aro quite sick
at this writing
Bernhardt Stollo celebrated his 55th
birthday Wednesday with relatives
neighbors nnd friends
Mr nud Mrs F J Halo ami daughter
Miss Lizzie wont to Norfolk Wednes
day on a business visit
A M Lovolaco returnod Friday from
his Omaha trip where the implement
dealers hold a convention
Mr and Mrs Wm Maher aud child
ren wont to Tildon Sunday fur a couple
of days visit with relatives
John Scott of Arizona a brother of
the late H D Scott arrived hero Sun
day for an extouded visit with relatives
Our now Btoro keopor Prod Schult
went to Stnutou Wednesday aud re
turned on the evening train with his
Thos Taylor and Mrs W G Smith
weut to Norfolk Sunday to visit tho old
lady Mrs Philip Beck who has been
very sick
Pat Cat berry nud Herman Baring of
Waruerville attended the goneral
meetit g of the Farmers Mutual Pire
Iusurauco company of Madison county
last Thursdny
Tho newly elected officers of tho Luth
eran ohuroh were installed accordingly
totholr ritual last Sunday A week
from next Sunday there will be holy
communion services held
A sharp shooter clnb was organized
here this week Battle Creek is boom
ing straight along Ono man wants
to start a ranch again and his friend
said I presume a monkey wrench
Our leading grocery man W A
Puorst sold his business Tuesday to
Frod Sohultz of Stanton Mr Sobultz
took possession at once We learned
that Mr Fnerst iutendB to go to Wash
There is no doubt that Thomas Taylor
will make a good superintendent of the
county poor farm Tommy is well
liked in our oommnnity and wo have
assurance that he will have the Nkwk
Journal spread out iu the instituto as
soon as he takes possession of his duties
The mombers of the Battle Creek
Mutual Insurance company held their
annual meeting Monday January 14
11X11 at the school house of the Gorman
Lutheran church There was a large
uumber preseut iucludiug delegations
from Platte and Kuox county nud also
from Newman Grovo After the meet
iug was called to order by the president
Geo Heuermau the secretary M G
Doeriug read his annual report show
ing couditiou of company On Decem
ber 81 1900 there were 254 policy
holders with a total amouut of insur
ance of 4H8 148 The increase during
the year was 4824 08 The expenses
were unusually large The loses dur
ing tho year were 4001 whloh were
promptly paid by the company The
corrected expenses were 422815 all
told showing a total expense of 4824 15
leaviug only small balance in treasury
A number 01 important questions were
passed upon bringing foith a
lively debate from tho members
The old ollicers were all re elected
Geo Heuermau president M C
Doeriug secretary aud Henry
berg treasurer Although the loshes
thin year were exceptionally large an
assessment of two mills paid all of them
Editor J B Doujvau went to Denver
John A Wilson of Creston was shak
iug hands with old friends Tuesday
F H Palmer of Enieriok was in town
a couple of days the fore part of the
Mr and Mrs A W Gross are pre
paring to move to Milwaukee in the
near future
Old Mr Cole and family have returned
from Osmond aud again taken up their
residence iu Madison
Attorney Cornelius of Columbus had
busings iu town Saturday going from
here to Newman Grove
The county coinmistioners will
yrvM j1 jl iffara
ui VfaBwsarUtiMSBtr
- r r ---- ----
iu adjourned session next Tuesday to fin
ish checking tho treasurers books
Stove Jones and son have their large
loo house entirely fnll of hard clear Ico
aud will have the smaller filled soon
Tlio following marrlngo licenses havo
ljoon Issued Frod Sohlumbolm aged
50 and Mrs Hod wig Brandos aged 41
both of Norfolk issued Jaunnry 8
Miles E McDonnell nged 27 and
Maggio Foreman ngod 22 both of New
man Grovo Issuod Jan 8 Harry G
Hook agod 20 of Plaiuviow aud Nancy
Jane Parage ago 18 of Madison issued
Jnu 12 Josoph Liuder nged 21 nnd
MnlHl May Makoliu ago 21 both of
Madison issued Jan 11 and married by
Judge Bates
Arch Liuteoum spout Sunday in this
A social dance will bo given nt Beechs
hall this ovoning
Harry Hull of Norfolk wnB in town
Monday aud Tuosday
Miss Pearl Hopkins spent the Sabbath
with relatives iu Tildeu
Miss Gertrude Wado spent Suuday
afternoon in Battle Creek
Mrs Owen Dugau returned to her
home iu Ghadrou Sunday evening
Mr Ed Hammond of Norfolk was a
Meadow Grovo visitor last Monday
After a sovere attack of grip Arch
McDonald is again nble to be about
A ten pound boy is tho latest guest at
tho homo of Mr and Mrs Hoy Brown
Mr Wm McDonald is improving his
residence uy tne audition 01 a uow cis
Miss Cora Boyles ontortaiuod a few
of her friends at her homo last Saturday
Hon 15 K Valeutiuo of WeBt Point
sojourned in Meaaow Grove Monday
nud Tuesday
Mrs Loo Dodendorf came up fiom
Fremont Thursday evening and visited
till Saturday noon
Frank lloldeu of Tilden spout the
Sabbath in Moadow Grove the guest of
L O Johnson and family
Hownrd PerkiuH returned to Moadow
Grove Tuesday after spending a few
weeks at his home near Ewing
Mr Elmer Stillwell is building an ice
house just south of tho tracks to be
used in tho meat market business
Donald the baby son of Mr and Mrs
Wm McDonald has been quite sick for
tho past week but is better at this writ
The moving picture exhibition given
in Beechs hall lust Thursday evening
was well attended There seemed to be
general satisfaction
Little Charley Welty is quite sick
with some throat trouble Dr Kindred
performed an operation on his throat
Saturday and he is now resting easier
Rev G W Damon began a series of
revival meetings in the Blakely school
house south of town last Monday even
ing The large attendance present at
the meetings is evidence of the interest
taken in them
On Monday Wm Ervin purchased
from Prank McCallum the building
now used by him as a barber shop
After March 1 Miss Virietta Ervin and
Mrs Walt Evans will open a dresB mak
ing establishment iu the aforesaid
flaked Cockrokcliet
For the finest nud most numerous as-
sortmout of cockroaches water bugs
aud other vermin N Segal speaking in
the language of tho street takes the
whole bakery It might be more ac
curate to say that the cockroaches take
the bakery or at least they seem to have
acquired a long time loose upon the es
tablishment of Segal who runs a bakery
at 114 North Eleventh street
Segals place was olosed by order of
the board of health a few days ago and
was later allowed to re open on condi
tion that- the place would be thoroughly
cleaned aud renovated This morning
a second visit disclosed a state of things
positively revolting The flour bin was
alive with cockroaches and if the whole
product of the bin had been mado into
one immeuse loaf of bread a cross-section
of the loaf would have revealed
bugs of all sorts as thick as raisins and
ourrauts in a fruit cake
A lot of bread which had jnst been
baked was broken open aud cooked cock
roaches and litter of rats were fouud
The samo discovery was made in a gin
ger Buap whioh the iuspectiug ofllcer
chanced to break iu two
The luvkery was again ordered closed
and the loaf of bread and ginger snap
are uow being held as evidence against
Segal Omaha News 10
You Should Know About Farming Iu St
Corn is king but other grains are suc
cessfully raised aud you can buy laud
cheap along the Fremont Elkhorn
Missouri Valley railroad
Write for particulars to
J H Gaiile
Traveling Pass A tut
Dom a low
Or to
J R Hucav
Gen senm Auent
Omaha Neb
The years are passing and the crime
of 7a has not yet been avenged
When will justice bo done
Fresh catfish wall eyed pike pickerel
meet I and croppies t Glieswans
Railroad and Business Directory
Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley
Omnliii IluapiiKAr AHftnui
CIiIciiko ISxproas 1210p m
CIiIciiko Kxprona 7J0pm
Omnliii PnMoner 1240pm
Hlnek llllln rxprwMi 740pm
Vnllro 1anuiUKer l240p m
Verdlnre Accommodation PKWnm
Mack Illlli Kxprena 1220 pm
VonllsTo IwwonKcr 6U5nm
Verdlirre Accommodation 720 pm
Tlio Chlcafrp and Black Htllt Kxprena arrive
anil ctaparta from Junction daot Tim Omaha
and Vardisra train arrWn and depart from city
depot H O Matbau Agpnt
Union Pacific
Columbus Accommodation 880 p m
Omalia UonTorand Paclflo Coast 11 KM a m
Colnmbu Ace mmodatlon 10SOpm
Omaha MeuTerand PnciUc roaat D OOpm
Connncta at Norfolk with F B A M V Roinff
wait and north and with the O Ht P M A O
for point north and east
F W Junkman Agimt
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
Sioux City and Omaha Passenger HtfOam
Bioux lltyPanaonRer 1 -00 p m
Slonx City Passenger 1035 nm
Biocx City and Omnhd Passenger 730 pm
Connects at Norfolk with F R M V going
west and north and with tlio U P for points
south F W Jcnbman Agent
Duily oxcept Sunday
afl M Aw3k50jp
Fine Watch
lOror llmini Hroe Store
Spaneap Ovaltnan
Pnnlc or1 n
uuw anu uc9i
Repairing Null Done
Kontraetop and Builder
1 1 7 Fourth Street
Flour and Feed
411 Norfolk Arenna
Cheapest and Beit
Norfolk Avenue
Am Work Guaranteed
Cor Braasch avo nnd 4th St
The Norfolk Horseshoe
Time is Money
Missouri River to Salt Lake City
flissouri River to San Francisco
Missouri River to Portland
Buffet Smoking and Library Cars with Barber Shops and Pleasant
Reading Rooms Double Drawing Room Palace Sleepers Dinim Curs
Meals a la Carte Pintsoh Light
For full information call on or address
The Norfolk Gash Store
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Straw Hats and Shoes at cost
Fme Teas and Coffees a specialty Try our fam ms
Mellowrich coffee the finest brand in the market
We are headquarters for fresh fruits of all kinds
We sell the celebrated Pierce and Neligh Flours
Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs
That we are constantly growing in the art of mak
ing Fine Photos and our products will always be
found to embrace the most j
aud Newest style in Cards aud Finish We also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all kinds
of framing
Edisons Phonograph
Better than a Piano Organ or Mu ic Box for it sings and talks as well as nlav nH
dont cost as much
stories and Muss the old familiar hymns as well as tho popular sonE8 It is alMTiirJSi
Bee that Mr Edisons Bnatan i on ellry tSl2 CZ
or all dealers NATIONAL J mlh
Joguea or PHONQQRAFH CO 13 AveN yJ 4
KOirKstlrjy vrot
- J